Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. HlIDAY, MAY 14, 101.V
Says Thin People
Can Increase Weight
eoJ Alone Produoes Vat, Says Voted
Xspert low to Tnrn rood Into
Hsalthy risen.
That reason that iwinio rplp ar
ehrnnteeJIy thin and tmilsr norma!
welaht, mvi n noti mitlnriiv. (s n
carina of a chronli' of the ft
maklnr l"mnl In their fond. The
assimilative functions nf 1'irlr moniHili
and lntestlnr-s are not working properly,
only a small portion of the food nour
ishment of tlieir meals ever reaches
their blood lust enough perhnpa to keen
life within the hodv the rest pnesm out
as waste. The problem of Kainina we iRht
and flesh entirely therefore on
a natural stopping of this rlanuerous
waste of fats Hud the correct ion and
repair of the ninnn of assimilation.
Tor those who v.h to sraJn healthy
flesh and put on from ten to twenty
pounds of weight a (ingle argol tablet
taken at nienls for a few weeks will
almost Invariably produce the desired
effect. Saigol does nt of Itself build
flesh, but. swallowed with vour food. U
acts upon every mouthful you eat. first
separating all the fats, oils, sugars,
starches and other f lesh-maJdng mate
rials from the food waste and then pre
paring all the nourishing eleiacnta In a
form which the blood can readily accept
and distribute all over the body. Sargol
stops the leakage of fats, keeps all he
flesh-making materials within the body
allows onlv the worthless waste to leave
It. It further repairs the faulty organs
of assimilation, enabling them gradually
to properly perform their natural fune.
tlons so that the new found flesh "stavs
put." Sargol s not an experiment
Thousands have used It and proved 1t
Its action la natural and harmless and
1t Is seldom Indeed that it cannot pro
duce an Increase of from ten to twenty
pounds of natural healthy flesh on anv
person who 1s underweight. Sherman
MoConnell Prur Co. stores nn1 other
druggists everywhere sell It with a pos
itive guarantee of weight Increase or
money back as found In every package.
svs moot Mat n Now Peace.
ZUalrta ranaBurteas-Granden Co
rtds Want a Game The B. rreis
ouli like to secure a game for next
Sunday with some Independent team. For
a game call Weboter .
Urdoma to Open Saturday The Air-
dome, which ha been moved across th"
meet at -.Nth nn Farnain streets. Is
scheduled t i open Saturday evening. j
"Today-a Complat afovle Proa-raja'
elaaalfled section today, and eppeara la
Tha Baa EXCLUSIVELY, rind out what
the various moving picture theaters of tar. j
Ball la Bankrupt Tn federal court
Claude) N. Fall. resUurarit man at IMS
Exjdgo street, has asked to be ad.ljidged a
bankrupt. He schedules his liabilities at
$.t!S and his assets at M.H71. !
Mo Mummer Xt t? rn Baelneee II
rour office Is properl located, readily
found and easily accessible. For sjeh
offices apply to the superintendent of tha
Bee building, "tha building that la always
new." room 103.
Draws ninety Days Arthur Lewla,
colored, arrested on suspicion of connec
tion with the assault and robbery of Dan
Coffey, a fnlon Pacific conductor, at
Eleventh and Davenport streets a week
ago. was sentenced to ninety days In
Jail In police court Thursday.
Caught in tha Act John Marcuso.
living at the Roma hotel, was caught by
Officer Aughe removing a window pane
from McCHntock's commission house, 311
South Eleventh street, at 5: a. tn. A
robbery was effected at 817 South Thir
teenth street Tuesday night by the same
mettled and Marcuso Is suspected of this
tft Lad las PUmnnl
RIDS. HH mild gnM
Leflli Pertec. Ch
tlon" mourning
IS a Month
NO. 4 -Wn a P..
mnn-1 Rlnn. a prong
Tnoth mounting. 4k
lo!id ....$6 6 a week.
5 1 VC2e5fffcX
A WEEK 1 1 1 ft 3
14 Grntlaratn's Watch. II tlza fifiMV Quality
sol rillrd. 'hand ' ancravcO. seaorted dentans.
poll.tam finish, suaranwad Ji vnn, flood
with Eliir-r najtliam , Glli "f K
mnyfment , llla 0
Opta Daily TiU I P. A. Sitnr.sfi Till 9:30
rail or writ for raialos N'a. 0I. rhona
'i-nalsa 1444 aud talesman will tall.
IJlBR05&CaK..40" "bJSSii
Big Sale
C. S. Marskll
Lobby Bee Bid.
mi .-fit.
i . a. j.
Ueaeral Distributors
Omaha, IVeb.
Divorce Suits Take
Place of Criminal
SuitsAll is Well
Edna R, Hays, "another man's wife."
and Arthur E. Volkmeter, "another
womnn'a husband," prinelpajs In a lova
affair which wrecked two homes In
Omaha, have been forgiven an allowed
to ko free from criminal prosecution by
the other husband and wife. Two di
vorces, one of which has Just been
granted In district court, are to untlo
the tangle of affection and to leave the
pair In a position to marry.
Two criminal suits in which Volkmeler
and Mrs. Hays were charged with mis
conduct have been dismissed by County
Attorney Magney at the request of
David X. Hays and Mm. Gertrude Volu
meter, husband and wife, respectively,
of Mrs. Hays and Volkmeter. Hays, who
is a street car operator, was awarded a
decree of divorce from his wife by Dis
trict Judge Redlck on the ground of
misconduct. A stilt brought by Mrs.
Yolkmeier against her ht-'sband is pend
ing In court.
Volkmeler. who Is employed as a driver
by a local company, lived with his wife
and child at their home. 2667 Cuming
Etreet, prior to the time he became ac
quainted with Mrs. Hays.
Chicago Backs Up
on Reports of Big
Damage to Crops
-Continued denials .from ail over tha
winter wheat belt of the - south and
southwest forced, tha Chicago crowd to
back up on the Hessian fly'damage re
port i sent out Wednesday and as a r
suit wheat slumped 1 to lto cents per
bushel, the -decline reaching the Omaha
market. Sales were made at tl 49'4 to
fl.&S, with twenty-one care offered.
Not only were there denials of Hessian
fly damage, but there were reports from
Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri In which
It was asserted that the winter wheat
crop Is maturing rapidly and that tha
yield promise to be up to, if not better
than lost year.
There were twenty-eight cars of corn
on tha market, the price being off 4 cent,
stlllrg prices being at "0 cents to 724
Oats were stealy to unchanged at 4
cents to i14 cents per bushel. The re
ceipts f ere l'sht, there being but five
curloads offered.
President Harries Inform. Mayor
and Council Hit Firm Cannot
Accept New Terms.
President Harries of
Electric Ugnt and rower company
has advised the mayor and con
by letter that enforcement of the. new
petuaiing of the rate-tUIng nirthcl
has mused serious althouuh iM.mlra
Forty Shots Fired
in Battle of East
Omaha; None Dead
The battle of East Omaha was fought
about 4:80 o'clock Thursday morning.
Special Officer Buel. I-ahey and others
were rounding up the hoboes who use tha
box cars in the Kast Omaha yards as
dormitories. A shot discharged from one
of tha box cars started the fight. In all,
ssys the report, about forty ahota wera
fired. There were no casualties on tha
side of the officers and. so far as known,
none on the side of the hoboes.
Lobeck to Make an
Address at Old Home
Congressman C. O. lobec k is to deliver
an address at Geneseo, III.. June I, on
the occasion of the big home coming cele
bration of that place. The home coming
celebration for former (Jcnescu people
is to continue during the days of June
21 to 27. inclusive. It is Interesting that
three Nebraska congressmen Congress
man Boyd, Congreawman Kinkatd and
1 Congressman Lobeck, all came from this
; Immediate vicinity, having been raised
. within a dosen miles of on another.
It Will Keller Backache.
Apply Sloan's IJniment to your back,
pain gone almost Instantly. Don't rub.
It pentrates. 25c. All druggists. Advertisement.
Real Relief
from Buffering means true- hap
nines. The trouble due to indi
gestion and biliousness, is removed
quicldy, certainly and safely by
Tde health office reports that twenty
dr.;g victims have been cared for by tha
tv since the recent anti-dope campaign
was started. A woman, 45 years of age,
is being cared for at ?t. Joseph's hospital,
and Dr. Connell believes she will be per
manently cured in a few weeks. It is
stated she used drugs for many year.
XUharftSaUcfAny Udieit in UuWorid
iiU inntaH. la bom, 10c ZU,
Krat Thine for a. Btilnna Attack.
On account of my confinement In the
rrlnting office I have for vaars been a
bronlc aufferer from Indication and
' trouble. A few weeks ago I had an
enack that was so severe that I was not
ili.e to c to the case for two day.
H'uiling to get any relief from any other
treatment, I took three of Chamberlain s
Tablets and the nest day I felt Ilka a
ne w man." writes H. C. Ralley, Kdltor
Carolina Kami. Chapln. 8. C. Obtainable
crywber. Advertisement
reconsldsr e lesislntlon in question fur
reasons herein set forth
i i .in orninanre rmvines for tlie ner.
I which
si. Ill, si
rltlriani of bins rendered for electrt
ncrsv a method which the iminr.
reeponse to luipiitar demand - Inten ,l.-,l
io omniarny aooiiali ami tu s
therefor a schedule which w
simpler and more acceptable
3 The red ictlon In the i nnii snv a in
come hv reason of the tat.- limitations
rr Tided would be o rxccsuhe thnt the
esrnlnffs would not pro l.l, ;. per cent of
return upon even the asKe.ed vil li, of
the comnanv's rrorn-rtv. In proof of tt.'
I statement our book are open 1 r Your
i Inspection.
the Omaha i xn,.r , not po fr , nf know.
any surn careful cnnmnei ntl.m nf ttie
I'Dll . I. ... "
I provisions o me oidinanc n a matter
uncll pr ' much Imp
The drastic rut in rates inakrs accept-
electric rate and power ordinance , Vm .. VrnV.S"v.
would result In less than 5 per cent i"", J1'1"""1 !" ,'0."r honmahie body and.
! should that fall, to the courts!.
Nothing short of absolute necessity
eoul.1 drive us to a litigatory defense of
the property which Is now threatened hv
an ordinance that can and ousM and
'n'livjhtedi v will he made reaaonahli
Tlte Interests of the company snd the
i 'immunity are mutual to such an extent
I nnt we feel bound to do ivnrv reiswin
at'M liberal thing which would avert conflict.
9" I Independent Ice
Companies Cut On
Prevailing Price
iportancc normally dc-
returns on the assessed yaluatlon of
the. plant; that acceptance of th
terms of the ordinance Is Impossible
by the company and that resistance!
will be made through the courts un-1
less the city officials reconsider their
action. j
The ordinance becomes operatlva
May 19 unless action Is taken by the
city council. ,
Assistant City Attorney Lambert
states It is up to the compsny to sho.v
wherein the proposed rates are un
reasonable, and he adds that if tb
company shows a sincere desire to
.disclose their operations he believe
the city legal department would agree
to hearing; the company befofe taking
further action. Mr. Lambert sug
gests that it may be necessary to
make a physical valuation of the
Reduced Schedule. j
The ordinance to which the light com- I
pany now ob.iecta la thej result of ordin
ances offered by the mayor ajid Commis
sioner Butler. The new schedule places
the primary rate at S centa and the secon
dary at 6'i cents per kilowatt hour for
residence lighting and a reduced schedule
for other classifications.
Mayor Dahlman will consult with the
legal department before recommending
what steps the eilty should take in this
matter. Thl ordinance was one of the
campaign cards of the Square Seven and
tha mayor feels it Is incumbent upon htm
to make good his promise of reduced
electric light rates.
President Harries' Answer.
The communication received from
President Harries of the light company
OMAHA, May IS. 1915,-The Mayor and
City Council, Omaha. Neb., Gentlemen:
The Omaha Kleetrle TJght and Power
company, having Information a to the
passage of what is commonly known as
the Butler ordinance, approved Tuesday.
May t. requests your honorable body to
There are sllsht Indications of an Ice
war bo(.re the summer la far advsnred,
with a prospect that the small consum
ers will be benefited to some eatetd
The Ice companies that control the
plants where artificial Ice is manufac
tured and ihe most of toe immense crop
rf natural Ice cut from rarter tak and
the reservoirs to residential consumers selling Ire at the rate of Ml cents per own
lot pounds. However, by buying a honk
ot coupons good for 1,my pounds snd pay
tcK in adance there is a rebate ef
cents, bringing the net price do-vn !
I cents per 1W pounds.
Pin. the opening of the Ice selling
season has set In a number of indefend-
,int ice selling companies bae gone Inlo
the field, rutting the price to cents
per lOrl pounds, or to $! iir 1,fv pounds
!lf coupon books srs bought snd rsH for
In advance. The big . e companies have
not met the rut. nor have they intimated
That they inlend to do to retnln the
business that heretofoie they base had
without any competition.
The Independents secure helr artificial
t e from tha breweries, that have during
the last two years put In large Ice man
ufacturing plants and are In a pimtlon
to each turn out from 100 to W tons
more dally than is required for their
lo w is the Time tn Oat Ki of These
Urly Spots.
There's no longer the slightest need Of
feeling ashamed of your freckles, aa the
prescription othlne double strength 1
guaranteed to remove these homely spots.
Simply get an ounce of othlne double
strenrtJi from Sherman McConnell or
any drugglat and apply a little of It
night and morning and you should anti
see that even tha worst freckles have b
gun to disappear, while the lighter one
have vanished entirely. tt Is seldom
that more than an ounce la needed t
completely clear the skin and gain a
beautiful complexion.
He sure 1 ask for the double atrenglh
othlne as this Is sold under guarantee of
monev back if it falls to remove freckle.
"Tiz" For Aching,
Sore, Tired Feet
"TIZ" for tender, puffed-up,
burning, calloused feet
and corns.
wAJht Beys,
TO' tea
People who sre forced to stand on
their feet all day know what aore, ten
der, sweaty, burning feet mean. They
use "TIZ" and "TIZ" cures their feet
right up. It keeps feet In perfect con
dition. "TIZ" Is the only remedy in the
world that draws out all the poisonous
exudations which puff up the feet and
cause tender, sore, tired, aching feet It
lnatantly stops the pain in corns, cal
louses and bunions. It's simply glorious.
Ah! how comfortable your feet feel after
using "TIZ." You'll never limp or draw
up your face in pain. Your ahoea won't
tighten and hurt your feet.
Get a 25 cent box of "TIZ" now from
any druggist, department or general
store. Just think! a whole year's foot
comfort for only 26 centa.
$25, $30, $35 and up
Ask to aee No. 1501.
It's a m odium weight,
clear cut, pure wool,
non-fading Blue Serge.
Dressy, Serviceable and
The sort of fabric that
will anchor your trade to
Nicoll permanently.
There's nothing in
quite such good taste
nothing quite so service
ableas a Blue Serge
This serge represents
supreme value If you
see and feel it you'll
say-"go ahead."
Other fabric in
NICOLL The Tailor
.'WO Jer rents Sons .
200-211 So. 15th St.
If You Buy a Piano During Thlo Solo
You who have been reading our advertUements and have been WATTING waiting for a golden
opportunity to buy a piano need wait no longer. In this sale you will find makes that you all
know piaaos that need no praise from any dealer offered at prices so low that no other piano
house would even try to equal them.
Snch new aad used Piano and Player Bargains will never be offered agali. Don, let Ibis
opportunity pass. Take Advantage of Our Factory to Home Sale
800 Ererrtt
27 Irers Pond
tm Kimball.
K7I A. C Mueller
M7e Atotrrr A
Mrs Baas
M25 Emerson
ITM rUetnwar
1276 Hamilton
I960 HarsbaU WndU
ISM Sbniollr A Mueller Upright 815
....rprlgbt J145
....rptiirnt n
. ...I prlffht
MM ftfrsror few
Ho Knar
271 Marshall Wendell
100 Yolfrht
..Fprtffht R210
..rprlarht 175
.lrtht a0
MM ftotiffh Warren Flarer
w ouaTTaai runeia
WM SeAmoIler A Mariler Hsrer
11,000 Chlokortaf Grand
IU0 pitelnway Grand
fW0 A. B. CkevM Grand
l00 Wetor Grand
Special Terns!
We are also exclusive repre
sentatives for the Steinway,
Weber, Hardman, Steger Sl
Sons, Emerson, McPhail, Lindc
man A Sons, and Aeolian
Pianola Pianos.
30 Days' FREE TRIAL to
any Responsible Family
Free Stool free Scarf Free Life Insurance
1311-13 Farnam SI.
Make Teething Easy for Baby
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
f in one ef oar new lire-
k ouslne iaxloeiw with
X the wlndowa lowerwl f
aa much as you like
sItss jrou plenty of f
1 fresh air and your I
I olotne ere not oiled. 1
I At II. 0 per hour, one a
to four peMenfer. a
Tkavt On as Hue.
TeJephMM Doua. 00. .1
I Omaha Taxicab Sanies Co. )
8ie4 Ftraam BC
and all dru and drink habits ever,
come by the most modern and hu
mane treatment known te mankind.
Call or aMra tia for more detailed
Information or refereoeea to cured
Omaha Ileal Institute
i8oa b. iota an.
rhoae Boaa. TSSS.
i w
a"I I I sW m a a. sr a m r
zxt&ecH sv
Jfm is tfie man
wfio wrote
cfometimes called
baa come into his own as
the writer o America's
moat laipmntf toriea.
To ckaractenxe Kis style in a word,
one wouIJ say lijuiL" To cliar
acterize his favorite tnemes in a
word "idyllic" would anoBtanc
ously come to the lipa.
His following is most eztcnaiva, he
irj readied partly through the great
Cosmopolitan Magazine and Hearst's
As a writer of serials he Las been
moet succeaaful The Seven Darl
ings" and "When My Ship Comes
In" being freshest in the public mind.
From one of his short stories Otis
Skinner s play, "The Silent Voice,"
was dramatized.
Morris knows th great oatAooninvrooi
oi which he was retained by the U. S.
Goverament to nvaVe studios ta forestry.
He lores nature and has a mind taught to
respect the virtuca. Descended from that
Revolutionary patriot, of his own name,
the historical member of the Contiae-ntal
Congress, Gouvcrneur Morns is spirited
in the Soul of America end is her spokes-
through fiction Literature.
oeh a beautiful story as the "The God
cues' acts out to he, had to be handled by
one able to paint fine, dainty, nature like
mill matures that would earrv out the
very spirit and feeling of the proposed story. Innocence and poetry and
musie and countryland are so rampant that you are lifted out of your (
ordinary sphere and transplanted into a very fairy-land of delight ,
The story of Celestia's girlhood, her heavenly home, her entry into life, and
her amassment at human things and man-made conventions, is a masterly
narrative, told in Gouwrnenr Morris's famed liquid style and all has bean
transformed also into motion pictures under the auspices of
aVy f Al eeVsajW
ENARIOS are peeulun
A ae story, translated into a
weak scenario is ruinous to
a picture. A scenario is a
metnrc "s backbone ! And the
fact that Charles Goddard is the
scenario author of "The Goddess
is all that need be said on that score.
He wrote, you know, -The Mislead
ing Lady - "The Ghost Breaker." "The
Perils of Pauline and the far-famed
" Exploits of Elaine." All that has
been put into exquisite form by the
Vitsfrapk Organization, directed by
Rahja lace.
tja?byimm nm mfifmn v
Monday, May 17th