Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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The Bee Publishing Company. Proprietor.
Entered at Omtht post office aa second-class matter.
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he Kre
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'Address eommunlrstlons relettnr to Tiawa an1 edl
to rial matter to Omaha Bee, Sdttortel Department,
Mate of Nebraska. County of Douglss, ss. :
Dwlght Williams, circulation ntmwinr of Tha Pee
Publishing company, being duly eworn, save that the
' average circulation for the month of April, Ula, was
DWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager.
Subscribed tn my presence and aworn to befora
ma, this lat day of May, 1914.
ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Tublle.
BalMcvtbcra lea ring Uie city temporarily
tbould have Tbe Bee mailed to them. Ad
. drees U1 be changed as often as requested.
May 14
Thought for the Day
5ecfse! by Atborto Nowton.
When the appU reddtni
A'ewr pry
Lett u lou our Erie
Eve and I. "
Bromning: A Woman't LaH Word,
A neutral nation Is bound to be criticised by
' all the belligerents. That's inevitable.
At that, there la no more excuse (or anil
German riots tn London than (or antl-Brltisn
riots In Berlin.
Those who fear for the nation's honor la tho
present crisis should survey President Wilson's
lower Jaw and cheer up.
The international court peace plan at the
start Involves an infringement of Colonel Roose
velt's Justly celebrated device.
Observe that we always hear of these pre
monitions that come true, but never of the pru
tnonltlons that fall to materialize.
Unless San Francisco can enjoin the slides
of Culebra, the prospect, of annexing the fleet
to the show next summer goes glimmering.
If the Lincoln Highway is to be the route for
the cross-continent airship race, the landing
places, as well as the roadbed, may need atten
tion. "Birds of a feather flock together.'" TLa
knockers on Omaha always find mutual comfort
In one another's company, and when on starts,
the chorus follows.
Another advantage held out by Nebraska, Is
teat a man dying here without heirs may have
; heirs promptly manufactured for him if only the
j fortune be big enough.
So long as President Wilson has the last
word in foreign affairs the country will bear
with equanimity the baking powder explosion!
of Senator Gumshoe Bill 8tone.
i Even if the city hall pie factory worked
double shirts, it could not supply the demand.
As an appetUlng confection municipal pie com
j mands higher favor than the article mother used
. to bake..
The disclosure of crooked election methods
in the election commissioner's office In Kansai
City, Kan., illustrates how easily the best de
signed laws respond to the touch of dishonest
The dangerous situation in which bearers
of German names find themselves In maddened
England emphasises the folly of lighting the
fires of racial bate without providing fire es
capes for Innocent victims.
On the first of April the cold storage ware
houses of New Jersey held 16,3:1.115 pounds
of meat, or 0 per cent more than a year ago,
and seven times the quantity In storage two
years ago. Still there are those who contend
thst speculation hss nothing to do with the high
cost of meat.
Ttia Nebraaka state druxaleta -inj ih.i.
tng by electing If. D. Boyd on of Grand laland as pres
ident, P. r. Zlmmer of the earns city aa secretary and
C. r. Goodman of Omaha, treasurer. They also da
elded te hold their next moating again la Omaha
The Nebraaka Telephone company baa sent the fol
lowing aotice to eubecubers: "Certain parties are about towns attaching a email wooden tuba to
telephones, claiming by their use bettor results in
talking. We would respectfully call your attention
to the fact that such Inventions are frauds and their
use on transmitters positively forbidden by tho Amer
ican Telephone company."
The ( hold at lirownell Hall to raise money for
a building fund proved a grand suocesa and the enter
tainment netted I r 1.66.
L. B. Williams, the dry goods merchant, returned
from California, but will remain only long enough to
close up .hla business and will then remove perms
nenlly to that slate on account of his greatly improved
Rev. V. W. C. Huntington, lata of flochestsr. one
.of the moet eminent divines of the Methodist church,
is t. be in Omaha and occupy tho pulpit of the Seward
"thodiet Episcopal church Sunday.
i ani I
An International Court of Justice.
The court convention at Clevelsnd hsg ten
tatively put forth a suggestion that deserves
serious consideration. H Is for an international
court of Justice, to which msy be brought causes
that are now handled through other channels,
and which only too frequently lead to serious
friction between nations. Such a court could
easily be made an Instrument for the preserva
tion of peace between nations, following tho
Ideal of President Taft's proposals, when he
sought to negotlste treaties providing for tin
arbitration of international disputes. The de
sirability of such a tribunal lg admitted.
Judge Alton B. Parker's criticism of the
United States senate for having blocked the way
to the consummation of the Taft treaties Is well
put. Partisan or personal selfishness engen
dered opposition to President Taft's plans and
brought his efforts to naught. When revived
by Mr. Bryan it proved that the senate was too
busy trying to carry out a democratic caucus
(program for "reform" to give much time to the
serious consideration of so Important a topic as
the establishment of peace throughout the
world. It is not at all pleasant to view the
present situation In Europe end recall at tin
same time some of the objections raised against
the Taft treaties five years ago by senators of
the United States.
The weakness of an International court of
Justice will lie In the difficulty of enforcing Its
decrees. However, the strong likelihood that
after the present war more attention will be paid
to treaties between nations supports the hope
that harmony will be more easily established
and preserved. A permanent tribunal for the
settlement of International differences will be a
mighty engine for good.
One Disadvantage Apparent.
. One complication that Is likely t0 arise from
Interruption of friendly Intercourse with Ger
rosny is the possible disqualification of the
United States to act as mediator when the time
for readjustment of International relations on a
peace basis arrives. This contingency is, of
course, remote, and yet It is within the range
of possibility, and Is a factor In the importance
of the present Intercourse with Germany. It
might not be vital to the cause of peace to have
the United States eliminated as arbiter of the
negotiations, yet the advantage of having the
proceedings moderated by the presence of the
most powerful nation of the world not actually
engaged In the war is so distinct as to need no
If the United States should be disqualified,
the situation might bring to the fore one of the
South American republics, for the neutral Eu
ropean nations will suffer for the same reason
thst we do. It has been all along tacitly con
ceded 'that this country would be looked to as
the "great and good friend" of all the belliger
ents, a poeitlbn thst Is Jeopardized to some ex
tent by reason of present conditions.
Bring Back tho Backitamping.
Here lg a demand voiced by former Congress
man Murdoch, again on the Job with the
Wltchlta Eagle, which, we want to endorse and
emphasise. It Is a demand for restoration of the
backstamplng of Incoming mall, and Mr. Mur
doch ststes the case lucidly as follows:
Ths Postofrice department should put back the
back-stamp the time of receipt of a letter. The de
partment aneaked out of tha custom with the plea
that back-stamping rauaed delay. That la balderdaah.
The trouble was that back-atamplng let tha public
keep tab on the efficiency of tha postal service, and
led to a flood of complaint and proteat, which v. as
Irritating certainly, but beneficial to the public and
tha service. The receiver of a delayed letter without
a back-stamp can not tell whether the delay occurred
in the office of depoett. on tha train. In the local office
or in delivery. He Is In tha dark. But tha receiver
of a delayed letter ran check up the local service at
a glane. If the letter Is stamped In the office at the
hour of receipt. Tha country la demanding a return
to tha former practice. The Poatofflca department Is
resisting the demand. Tha country Is right about It.
end ought to have Ita way. And If It howle long
enough and loud enough, It will have.
With ' the automatic mechanical stamping
maohlne generally in use In all of our postof
fices of any slse, the backstamplng would take
no time worth mentioning, although it might en
tail a little extra labor. As a matter of fact,
however, there is much more reason to have th
receiving time noted on a letter than the send
ing time if one had to be dispensed with, but
there Is no food reason why we should not hare
letting Off Steam.
Every once la a while the pressure in the
boiler of the big locomotive becomes so strong
that the engineer finds it wise to let off steam
That is the condition produced la this country
by the Lusitanla incident, followed as it has
been by over-heated outbursts of excited people
denouncing the torpedoing of the vessel as an
outrage or defending it as a legitimate measure
of warfare. These ebullitions of voice and pen
are tn a way simply letting off steam that will
goon result In again equalising temperatures
and permit of cooler Judgment. It Is a mighty
good thing that i have free speech and free
press ss safety valves of the republic tn all such
critical times.
The melting pot of Great Britain continues
huBlneee, for which the war- is . responsible.
Legal notices published in newspapers as re
quired by law show a large number of Germans
born or naturalised tn Britain are abandoning
their surnames and substituting Anglicized
names. Joseph Schwelgert becomes Josepi
Palmer; Carl Ernest Zundell switched to Charlee
Ernest 8undeli; Trends Norman Maximilian
Pflstermelster changed to rrancis Norman Max
imilian Masters, and so on. Britishers object
to the practice because ancestral Identity Is hid
den under English names, a practice fortified
by centuries of English custom.
The remains of the doctrine of states' rights,
long ago embalmed and placed in a mortuary
chspel, are booked for early and final burial
Federal laws are the grave diggers. Uniformity
and efficiency, backed by tho fearsome reach of
the national government, are the forces behiad
the punch of federal laws which win popularity
at every turn. Even msnufacturers, hitherto
relying on state laws, now demand a federal
statute governing the working houre of women
and children, as the only means of securing uni
formity and effective regulation.
Is Nebraska Slowing Up?
Frederick SC. Davenport la Taa Ontlook
I AM not at all sure that the distinction would hold,
but If slowing up in the pars of prosrees is mora
or less of a voluntsry act, and slowing down Indi
cates fatigue, that Is tho preclea distinction 1 wish
to make between conditions In Nebraaka and clrcum
atanres In Kansss. Nebraska Is slowing up In tha on
ward march, but gives no evidence of wesrlnesa
Kansss exhibits some symptoms of at least temporary
political exhaustion
Nebraska hss been radical. For nearly sixty years
Nebrsska and Kansas have been subject to periodic
volcanic outbursts of fiery politics! energy. And Wall
street has more than once sat up nights In alarm.
Well, the physical and moral vigor of pioneers Is apt
to be radical. But there are other reasona In Ne
braska. The border alwsys feels the need of ready
money, and tha flat fever of ths territorial days
lasted well towarde tha close of the nineteenth cen
tury. But this was not peculiar to Nebraska. It Is a
nations! falling. The moet depreaslng chapter of
American history, from the colonial daye down to
1HM. la the financial chapter. Men like Hamilton and
Gallatin are oasea In a dreary desert of blundering
despair. The whole ifnlted States Is now on the way
to financial aelf-control, but It has been a alow pro
cess. TVm't blame Nebrsska too harshly. At the
creat of territorial settlement It ran Into the panic of
'87. Just as esstern Nebraska wss being widely set
tled there came the penlc of '73. And while western
Nebrsska wss rspidly filling up with fsrms.and
homes, on swept the panic of '98. On the whole, there
has been a good deal to disturb Nebrsska all the way
There Is nothing clearer In the development of Ne
braska then the growth of political moderation, than
the lessening of mere radicalism as the exasperation
of early obstacles has been slowly overcome and a
stable prosperity has been established In the common
wealth. But you forget populism, ssys my resder,
and tha unregenerate days of the esrly '00s of the
nineteenth century. Gentle reader, the other day I
looked up the populist platform of that period, and It
startled me. Tha astonishing thing is that so much
of their program has been carried out by tha nation
and by most of the states of the country.
In Nebraska It was a revolution. Great open-air
mass-meeting from one end of the state to the
other bails farewell to ancient political tlea. to the
music of tha homely song of "Good By, Old Party.
Good By." The wiser of ths demands of populism in
Nebrsska have slowly been met. snd as they have
been met tha stata has grown in balance and In self
control. First came the Australian secret ballot, and
tha voter thenceforward could register his choice with
none to molest or make him afraid. Next came the
climax of tha long struggle with railway domination
of the politics of ths state, the legislature cutting
the tether of the free pass which had for a genera
tion held "leading cltitens" in lessh of the railway
machine, and through a government commission and
supervision over rates popular sovereignty at last
sst regnant over the old railway regency. At the
same time the people wrung from their unwilling
representatives a law yielding Into their power the
nomination ss well ss the election of candldatea to
public office. In 1907 was tho year when freedom
woka and the people of Nebraska came into thlr
own. Their governor and leader was Oeorge I Shel
don. He is a fsrmer somewhere in Mississippi now.
He was not re-eieeted. As Nebraska looks back. It Is
difficult to see that any administration did mora for
the people of the stats than the Phsldon administra
tion. But ths cltlsenshlp of Nebraska waa unwary
and allowed Sheldon's foes to get him In the next
encounter. Democracy will take a rifle on Its shoulder
and go to the defense of tha Ideas which its fore
most men have established In tha law of tha land:
but democracy Is very careless about backing up the
personal fortunes and tha honor of Its cholceet lead
ersthat Is, while they are alive. It will bo all right
on ths monuments!
Of recent years progress haa been slower In Ne
braska than In Wisconsin or Kansss. In 111 came ths
Initiative and referendum, giving tha electorate oppor
tunity, apart from the legislature, to adopt and reject
laws. At tha same time a law was passed providing
for the commission form of government In cities. But
the population has grown more conservative and la
slowing up. Puch states aa Nebraaka and South Da
kota were more radical twenty years ago than they
are now,
Tha population of Nebraska at present Is probably
one-half of foreign birth or tho children of first
generation. This element Is highly conservative, and
has a considerable mixture of the later German
Immigration and ef Bohemians and Scandinavians.
Here is a altuation which makes Nebraska a difficult
state for ths advance of prohibition, an .Issue which
In a considerable number of ths native American
commonwealths of tha west haa already attained sig
nificant and startling proportions. Tt waa this rock
which bowled Mr, Bryan over In the leadership of the
democratic; party within the state In 1M0 when ha
faced tha convention with the county- option
proposal for tho oontrol of the liquor traffic.
Woman suffrage has long been an Issue In Ne
braska end Is now very close to winning. Last
November, In a total vote of JOO.Oro, It waa beaten by
only And some of the "wot" cities- for tha first
time furnished a majority for woman suffrsge. Thst
wss the work of tha advanced young Germans. Out
in the farming communities, where tha later migra
tion ef Germans, Bohemians end Scandinavians have
thalr homes, there was a strong voting opposition.
Ths advance of the people of Nebraska Is steadier
than It was, but eager and continuous. Owing to the
long-standing foud between Bryan and Hitchcock, be
tween radical and reactionary republicans, it la pretty
difficult for anything but mediocre ability to enter
Into elected publlo leadership for state officers, and
the material canter of public Idealism namely, ths
state capital building Is a moet disreputable shack.
But ths pulse of public opinion in Nebraska seemed to
me to be exceedingly firm and strong. As to political
parties, tha progressive vote fell to lG.ono t 1914 not
enough to affect ths governorship, which Is now demo
cratic but sufficient to defeat four republicans for state
Government tn Nebraska hss grown by a series of
separated impulses until there are now eighty-two
bureaus or commissions or divisions to admlnlatsr It.
And each of tho eighty-two groups goes to the legis
lature to lobby, and, through its friends, to secure aa
much money as It can spend. The desire for economy
on the part of ths Nebraaka farmer Is partly Just
constitutional, and partly through a wish for real
efficiency In government. But it la a healthy sign,
in Iowa and Nebraska there is a strong demand to
put a time-clock on the government smploysa. which
la enough to make tha cold shivers run down the back
of all tha patronags Jobbery In ths country. Nebraska
also, like moat ether states, la coming to see the need
of a far shorter ballot. If popular choice of officers
Is to continue to be anything but a shadow Instead
of a substance. Ballots In Nsbraska have grown to be
ninety-two Inches long, with eighty choices to bo
marked by tha voter from groups of candidates, to
say nothing about deciding on a lot of Initiative and
referendum proposals which demand expert Judgment.
Of course ths voter know none too much about the
legislaUva and constitutional proposals, and nothing
at all about many of tha candidatee. Nebraska Is
after the subetaaee rather than tbs form of democ
racy . and Is sharpening ths scythe to out through this
Nebraska end Kansas have long bean tha target ef
the ridicule and misgiving ef tho conservative and
moneyed easterner. I wonder at It. Tha farmers of
tha middle west have helped New Tork bankers ami
tha country out of financial perpiexttlea more than
once. At the outbreak of the present war we owed
Europe tKd.otio.ooe. And the possihis demand for it
gave Wall street great concern. But ths Increasing
exports of ths toll of ths termers of the middle weet
paid this vast sura off rapidly, so that wa were soon
ova eur alarm. Aad, furthermore and finally, if
there la any elttaen in the I'nited States who can be
counted upon to ahoulder a rifle and go to tho front
la defense of genuine property right. H Is the Ne
braska and Kansas farmer. Ha hss a property stake
In tha richest soli la ths world, lis la ths a reelect
natural conservative fores In tha American democracy.
And the politicians ef Wall street If there be any such
would be wise te understand It.
14. WIS.
in 11 11 naaaagmrr
they that ere
God. Bnt ye
In the Spirit,
Ood dwell in
theme for a
Mrs. Eddy had
St Taul.
It wss stated,
Defeeee ef Gerhard.
EN ROUTE, Msy li.-To the EVIItor of
The Bee: rermit me to criticise severely
your headline artist who took V upon
himself to write ths caption for Dr.
Gerhard's letter, "From a German Who
Olortre In It." That headline waa plainly
Intended to create prejudice and Is a
mlsf hlevous mlrerresentstlon of the con
tents of the letter, which was obviously
written as a defense against the furious
denunctatlcns arising from rro-Prltls'i
sources. It certslnly does not redound
to tho credit of The Pee to allow Its
headline writers such latitude.
If an unbiased history of the war is
ever written the attldude of the press as
manifested through its heaillne writers
will form an Impo-tant chapter. Groanly.
an1 In many cases mallcloualy misleading
headlines, have probably dono more to
create prejudice and to spread "psychic
contagion" then censored news, fake re
ports SJii 'editorials. You have an ex
ample of the vlclousness of such tactics
In the case of Io Frank If you would
Investigate through newspaper files
about the time of the murder, you would
find that Inflamed public opinion had its
first start right there. In the mob thirst
for revenge, eu'jh as precedes every lynch
ing, with newspaper headlines of eensa
tlonal cnaracter carrying the poison to
the unreasoning multitudes. Does the
selling of a few nire patters justify out
raging the truth?
Tour Plattsmouth contributor attacks
Georje Weilenfeld'e letter with the brll
llsnt conclusion that the writer must be
a Germsn and therefore not poesesed of
griod sense. Mr. Weldenfeld's letter wea
a model of logic and his reasoning In
controvertible, and an attack coming from
such a sourcs Is ludicrous. If you will
Inquire as to the sanity of A. W. At
wood. you will learn many Interesting
things. A. U MEYER.
The Lasltanfa Horror.
SHERIDAN, Wyo., May 12. -To the
Editor of The Bee: Thi United Statee
Is facing the most serious problem since
old Independence Bell rang out Its glad
tidings on July 4. 1773, since Fort Sumter
wss fired upon in April, 1861, nr.d the
battleship Maine waa sunk In Havana
harbor. All three of these Incidents led
to a war. But what of war? Where Is
the Justice In It? What argument as to
the right and wrong of a discussion is
there In gunpowderT The best definition
ever given of war was that given by
General William Tecumseh Sherman:
"War is hell!"
The destruction of the Lusitanla waa
an act horrible enough to shame every
fair minded Individual. It is an act that
will undoubtedly set all natione to think
ing seriously of the right and wrung of
war. They will realize that it Is not
right tn the name of God and Christianity,
of Justice, to march hundreds of thous
ands of Innocent, irresponsible, young
men to tha front and shoot them down
because the leaders of thoss nations are
In a political discussion. They will
realize that the aheddlng of human blood
does not settle the right or wrong of a
dispute. It Is ridiculous and awful to
kill these young men, aa' was tha old
time practice of duelling, which never
decided which party was In tha right or
There are tew people In the United
States that really know why this Euro
pean war started, and still less who can
reason how it can be stopped and settled
for. But,, whatever comes up. It is to be
hoped our people will b careful, thought
ful, conservative, hopeful and encour
aging to all that means for peace, for
everlasting peace between all the nations
of the earth. Let us stand by our noble
President Wilson and help him with all
that Is best In us. Ha Is our president
and wa must uphold him and support
blm, no matter what our political beliefs
may be. HORACE P. HOLM m, ii. V.
Te Pet a Preacher Rlg-at.
OMAHA. May IS. To the Editor of The
Eee: A sermon recently ' preached In
Omaha In opposition to Christlsn Sci
ence assumed such a bias as to call for a
few words of comment
It would seem that wa might all agree
upon certain axiomatic propositions as,
that one should not make solemn and re
iterated statements that ths textbook of
Christian 8clenca is such a mass of Jum
bled confusion hat no one can under
stand It, and then proceed for over two
hours to expound Its fundamental teach
ings and denounce them.
Further, the dispassionate listener Is
spt to be put on inquiry when It Is ad
mitted that ths church has failed In Its
duty to obey ths command to "heal ths
sick," admits that Christian Science is
endeavoring to meet that duty and then
denounces It as unscrlptural and. con
trary to the teachings of Jssus. It brings
ens neer enough to the shores of Galilee
to hear the Pharisees say. "This fellow
doth not cast out devils, but by Beelse
bub, the prince ef ths devils," and thua
history rspeats Itself. "Whereas I was
blind, now I see" haa been accepted for
centuries ss ths ftnal word of argument
and so long as Christian Science submits
to this test. It 111 becomes any other
church to denounce as blasphemous ths
works which they admit Jeaus com
manded and which they have failed to do.
It needs no prolixity of discourse to
prove the fundamental teachings of Chris
tlsn Science, nor should It be ths occa
sion of any surprise, or aa If a mystery
hsd been uncovered.
That Christian Science teaches that
God la Love, that God Is Spirit. Life,
Truth. Is indeed true. The mystery lies
In ths fsct that a minister of the Gospel,
of an orthodox church in an unusually
intelligent community should find fault
with the pioposlUon. It Is safe to say
that not a member ef tho infant class In
his Sunday school but what knows that
"God la Love" and probably not one of
them ever heard of "Science and Health."
There is nothing In Christian Science
that Is not in the Bible, and the text
book occupies tha same subordinate posi
tion to ths Bible thst ths p rear her does
when he delivers a sermon from a Bible
text. The text book being Impersonal,
never loses Its temper, which, on the
whole. Is a good thing.
Mrs. Eddy does Indeed define God aa All-In-All,
omnipresent, omniscient, omnipo
tent, all-loving, sternal. Principle, the
great I Am. Do the schools of theology
place a limit on God In any of the above
Moreover. It Is quite true that Chris
tlsn 6clence draws a very sharp line ef
demarcation between the real man. made
In tha linage and likeness of God, and
the carnal or mortal man. In common,
however, with the other teachings of
Christian Science there Is no originality
In this.
"The carnal snlnd Is samity against
Ood: far It la not subject to the law of
God, neither, Indeed, can be. 60, then.
Christian duty,"
taught, ' If you
sins, just forgVt
It does not so
he could not
Science. He fias
'A sinner is
assuring him
because there Is no sin. To put down
the clslm of sin, you must detect It, re
move the niaek, point out the Illusion,
and thus get
prove Its
Health, pac
After ou have
sin, do you tlll
like an Egyptian mummy?
It must be highly gratifying to an
audience of thinking people to he adjured
not to Investigate Christian Science for
thcmsvlves, as they were but illy fitted to
do it .and anyway
Surely there is no "commerclsltsm" in
going to lh3 public library and getting a
copy of "Science and Health" and find
ing out what
about the Book of Genesis, about prayer,
about ti e nesting as taught by Jeaus.
snd if they do this the words of the
I salmlst w ill again be verified, "Surely
the wrath of man shall praise thee."
In the flesh cannot rleass
are not In ths flesh, but
if so be that ths spirit of
you." What a wonderful
smnnr gems.
"Keep still, now." cautioned the but
cher, 'and we'll get rid ot some old
"How's thst?" Inquired his assistant.
Here comes a Isdy who Is market
ing with the aid of a t.ovsehold guide.'
Louisville Courier-Journal.
"So your son HI hss become a doctor?"
"Yes. but I ain't nllowln' him ter
practice yet. None o' the children 1s
sirk in' I sin't takin' no c hsncea on him
exnerimontln' with the csttle." Phila
delphia Ledger.
denunciatory sermon, if
written thst Instesd of
actuated by a "sense of
thst Christian Science
want to get rid of your
teach. The pastor said
understand christian
not yet understood It.
not reformed merely by
that he cannot be a sinner
tho victory over sin and so
unreality." (Science and
Tap oatfjoi icKMVToe" 1 mss
gotten the victory over
wish to keep it on hand
"I think that women ought to have
the ballot."
"Do thev reallv want It?"
"Thev must want It. Some of them
are working so ardently for suffrage
that they are payln absolutely no
attention to dress." Boston Transcript.
"There's nothing like a nice, eomfort
sble home," said the earnest cltlxen.
"Oh. I don't kn'iw." replied Mr.
Growcher; "as soon as you get a place
so thst It attracts attention for comfort
the agent la liable to look tt over and
raise the rent." Washington Star.
it was lots of trouble.
Mrs. Kddy really doea say
rnr Ann nrvi
r;-'.-. oi
For V
Smokers A V 1
fl What a wealth of smoke
cheer the word "Havana" con
jures up I
si V 1
J Yet too much rich,'Veighry"
Havana in your system dulls tho
fine edge of all cigar enjoyment
Keep that enjoyment keen by
smoking "modulated Havana
Tom Mooresl jjjjt
3 Light up one this evening. Take
it slowly. Linger over it and let its
mild, "modulated" Havana flavors
get in their good work.
" They always come back for Moore "
Tom Moore
Little Tom 5
rfne It LHtit 7sas Ht'tm fin littlt eaVnen ef Tom Moon
ea BaaseU Cigar Co., eig SolBtfcJUOmaha, Dlatribntog.
It's lots of fun to play Daddy-lonK-lt-ys
and walk with stilts. Wo
will jrivp
to the ten boys that bring us tha
most pictures of the stilts before 4
P. M., Saturday, May 22d.
This picture of the stilts will be In The
Bee every day this week.
Cut theru all out and ask your friends
to save the pictures in their paper for you
too. See how many pirturea you can get
snd bring theru to The Bee Office. Eatur
day. May 22d.
The stilts will be given Free to the boys
or girls that send us the most pictures be
fore 4 P. M., Saturday, May 124.