THK P.KE: OMAHA. THUKSUAY. MAY 13, 1Mb. BRIEF CITY NEWS ! Boot Frtai It Nn Beaenn TVs Sloetri jTaaa Burtfll-r.nniltn 1-b I J of Stole Artlelee The annual j police sal of unclaimed articles will bo ; hold In pollro court room on My :t. "tottt'M Complete Mono Te- rlaMtflod section todsy. and appears to TU Boo EXCLCSIVELT. rind out wool la various moving plctur thtotort offor. Open Bids for Bondo Jaa On .luno the city council wilt open bldo for tho tale of $lfin.m Auditorium bondo. 1100,000 erwer bonds and W.OfO parV bonds, in denomination of $U0 each. Wo lianu let trs n Baslaess IJ your office la properly located, readily found and easily, aoceaaiblo. For jcb rfflce apply to tho superintendent of tho Bo building, "tho building that ia always bow," room lot, Tlolata kuleo of tho Boat For leav ing thetr automobile along tho curba of tho otrceta longer than thirty minutes. Dr. H. A. Waggener. J. H. Welsh nnd n. W. Church wer arreotod by Officer Harry I'lmer and were diocharged with a warning at police court. Sm Bankruptey Court In federal court Carlton Bolen of ISoulh Omaha haa ssked to bo adjudged a bankrupt. He la a real eatato agent and In hla petition schedules Ms sesets at $10 In tho banli and tho equity In an automobile that la mortgaged tor J500. He allege that hla debt are t8TS. Betsy tot Bow Member Tho pro coeds of tho Charity ball of November , 1M4. given for tho benefit of tho Xogro Women's Christian association and held by Mrs. Rose La Cour, haa beeji properly turned over to the association and applied as part payment on the home. The association has re-Incorporated under tho Negro Woman' Christian association and Is now ready to receive now members. (Signed) Mrs. Martha Smith, president; Mrs. Florence Rig a, secretary. Seeking- XiOit Bolaureo The police received three letters asking them to find loot rolotlves and friends. Carl Babln. 413 Whlttler Ploco. Kansas City, asks the whereabouts of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kox, last heard from at 1414 North Thirty-fourth otteet, Omaha, in 1W, Ida M. Bretthaver. Blue Hill. Neb.. Is anxious to find Mrs. John Herlg. Elick Lee writes from Enterprise, Is-, to find Lilly Loo. Ust board from at 160. Iiard street. Ho ssys her child Is 111, not x- pected to llv and continually calls for her McKeen Company is Making Jitneys of Huge Proportions Too McKeen Motor Car company has gone Into tho busrness of building Jitney buses and has about completed two. Ono of th Jitneys 1 to nt0 rvlce be tween fct. Paul and Minneapolis, and the other to going t0 of th a,tern cities. Several others are in course of construction, having reached various mm ... a enmnletlon. Tho McKeen Jitney Is built along tho - lines aa the gasoline motor cars that have becom so popular on numer ous Interurban and regular raiiroooe. ikonirh much smaller. ph. 4itnv ht la to ao Into service between 8t Paul and Minneapolis will bo put onto tho Omaha- streets several days next week,' simply for exhibition purposes. ' Unlike othr lltnay. tb McKen car has pointed front tor which th driver m -. ha haa complete control of bis machine. Tho Jitneys aro entered from the sides, tho steps being close to tho ground. Tho seats run crosswise, iik ! between the two rows. Tho windows aro on tho porthole plan, swing ing up and fastening to tho roor. insiesa of dropping Into the sides of tho car. Tho cars will seats soro forty people. Their gppearanco Is Identical with tho McICeen snotor cars that tho Union Pacific is running on ft number of branch lines. The tires aro of hard rubber and similar to those ured on tho big auto freight trucks. Cadet Encampment to Be at Arlington It is probable that this year the Omaha High school cadet encampment will be held at Arllnrton. The cmsens oi r Hnrtnn have extended an Invitation In ultin- .tkl fcflva tO tUID lO the tOWB park. Committees have visited the grounds and aro pleased with them- Tho Northwestern has agreed to run a spe lls) trsln carrying tho boys to mi camp art elan one to brine them back. Arlington Is on the Northwestern' Black Hills main line, tmrty-inree raiieo ... f rimaha. The nark where the tamp will bo pitched if the boys go there. Is about a Quarter of mile from the depot and right at th edge of town. It contains about eighty acres, has plenty of opem sjaco for parade grounds and plenty of shade. In It there Is a large lake for boating and bathing. DEMONSTRATORS ON ! Smith Makes Record didho nmiTfl paatv Accumulating a Jag Opinion! Are Ch&ng-inf at to the Value of This More by the Fed eral Government. TRIED IN SEVERAL ( oaatlnat Inn ( an lie tared. Rlst Of Richardson county. "Cor- i Ptart a two weeks1 treatment of Dr. elusion are formed Immediately that ! K,n8 Nw U( rni" d for .u. -.-, aoma cn ana nver. k .n aruggist -v " j Advertisement. fooa. Mr. ftiet telle of hla axpeilence In watching the demonstrator at work In Gage county. Ho observe! him in the effective campaign he made there against snvit in the oets seed, the campaign against the gopher this aprins, which brought big results; watched him vaccin- At approxlmati lv 9 o'clock Wednesday coining Frank Pmltli a discharged In 'police rourt on a charge of drunkenness. .He departed aolrr, repentanl and In pos session of ts.U. ! At precisely 10 o clock he a as.iln I sled In so drunk he COUNTIES '.'at her defiant and in possession of I. 3 Attaches of the poller elation heliexe When we first heard of th tei- established a record for the bar- , . , . ir.iuiii usifii U I'lt' Ht r lit! Hi ill! iiuiiiir, phone w were sktptlral and did not ... , . ...... , r v having orqiiirerl a trlple-rlvlted .tag In believe the human voice could be fiftv.ihree minutes and t.t a ost of transmuted over th wire; ten years ago we would have thought a man craty if he had raid wou'd today be flying In machines heavier than air; and now that the farm demon strator has com there Is Instantly n , upheaval of objections," said L. Boy 1 "In again'."' said Desk Sergeant Hell. "Resher boots." mumbled Smith. "Too had they isn't .et drunk before tl ey leave the station house, lt d save us lots of trouble," said Officer Tom Ileldy. who Is great on this modern "ef ficiency" stuff. Big Touring Car ' Goes Into a Creek, With No One Hurt suburbanite comlne. In over the l'Odg strret .road marvelled at a big six-ry Un der l.oxier wlilrh lay in the creek brd rear MrArdle s. There were numerous couldn't stand, ir. mora of the occupants being In the hos pitals. The car belonged to C S Voor 1 ers. JT1 Marry street, and although It atrled its load of women and children to the cterk bed. no one was In'tired. The family was out for an airing Tues day evening and In tinning around the chauffeur backed to the edge of the em bankment, where his biakes re'used to work and the car went down. YEISER ASKS REHEARING OF CASE THROWN OUT OF COURT Attorney John '. Tciser haa asked the ewreme ccurt for a rehearing I" the case In which It refused to mandamus District Judge Troup to reinstate the ate calves, and do a hundred other things damage suit of Mrs Mildred Tarmcnter that a farm demonstrator is expected '.aalnaL the Omaha Gaa tomoanv without to do. Ho declares this convinced him I comBelltna- Mrs. Tarmenter to submit to of the value of the farm demonstrator movement, although ho was himself de cidedly skeptical to begin with. To Prtawla Movement. To promote tho farm demonstrator movement In tho slate Is the purpose of the agricultural development commission, composed of a few dotwn public-spirited men In the state, healed by Carson Hildreth of Lincoln,, fcimerly a banker at Franklin, Neb. On account of vari ous circumstances, tho commission has not yet raised aa much money as It needs to carry on tho campaign as It wishes to do. It has received tho pledge, however, of some substantial subscrip tions from some of the large business concerns and associations of the state w ho aro Interested, as Is all Nebraska, In ing th crop yield ec th state In creased. Farm demonstrator at now working in ft half dozen counties Other counties are anxious in Install ft farm demon trator. but have not yet met the neces sary requirements to entitle them to tho government appropriation for the pur pose. Tho demonstrator Is supported par. tlally by the county and partially by the federal government. s personal examination. The gas company asked that Mrs. Par n enter, who sued for damages for per appal Injuries, be compelled to submit to an examination hy a physician. Judge Troup granted the order as asked. Mr. Yclser In behalf of Mrs. Tarmenter ri fused to obey the order, whereupon Judge Troup threw the case out of court The supreme court sustained Judga Troup, but Mr. Yetser has asked for a tehearlng. Summer Gets a Start in Western Nebraska According to the reports to the rail roads, summer started in real summer style out through Wyoming, Couth Da kota and Western Nebraska. At the time when the morning reports were filed T o'clo k-numetous stations reported a temperature o! TO deurces above sero. with some over In the l'asin country of Wyoming recording .'los up to 0. While the rain was not heavy, the rail roads reported showers during the night at a number of points in western and central Nebraska, ilererally. however, the weather waa clear and warm. SCHOOLCHILDREN TO HAVE SPRING FESTIVAL IN PARK The children or lake and l.othrop schools will Join In their spring festival, which will be held May 1A in Kounttto park. Similar festivals will be held by children of Windsor, Saunders, Train, I xng. Mason and Monmouth Park schools during the next two weeks. DROP MOVEMENT TO BRING G. A. R. ENCAMPMENT HERE The Real Estate exchange has decided to make no further effort to bring the national encampment of tho Grand Army of tho Fepubl'c her next year, as was suggested at a previous mooting. W. II. Or ten rcnu a communication from tho Commercial club, In which the club de clared it would co-operate wtlh the ex change In the movement, but could guar antee no funds, so the exchange elected to drop tho matter. John f. Bieen ad dressed the noon meeting of the exchange on the benefits of consolidation of the cities. MISS KITTY HOPKINS DIES AFTER VERY BRIEF ILLNESS Miss Kitty Hopkins, sn emploe of the Benson & Thome Co., died Pundsy at her homo, n 10 Vinton street, after a very brier illno. Miss Hopkins hsd a host of ft lends ana sa universally liked by all her business associates. She had been with tho Benson Thorno organisation for several years and her sudden death Is rau'h regretted by her employers sad associates. Continued Rumors Send Wheat Price Up Still Farther CnnHnn.rf talk nf chlnchbuss. Hessian flies and dry weather In Oklahoma and Missouri had tho effect of boosting wheat 4 to J cents over tho prices of Wednesday. Th Omaha market was strong at i to l.S:iVi per bushel and the offerings light, there being but e:even carloads on sale. This was quickly bought up and most of it will go to the mills. Generally tho sales were made before tho top of th advano was reached. Twenty-three loads f cbra wer of fered. Price were l to of ft cent bet ter than Wednesday, sales being mads at 69 to 73 cents per bushel. OaU wer up H to ltt cents, the selling prico being 49 to CI cents. NUMEROUS THEFTS ARE REPORTED TO THE POLICE A wave of burglaries and petty thefts is sweeping over tho city, according to reports coming to th police. Her is the accumulation of tho last twenty-four hours. A suit case was stolen from an automo bile standing in front of the Brandels stores and belonging to N. Tague, Har lan. I a. J. B. Dewey, 8306 North Twenty-third street, was robbed of too pounds of white lead from his barn. He suspects a .iunk man and boy whom ho saw departing from the scene with a decrepit horao and a rickety wagon. Fifty feet t Harden hose disappeared from the front yard of John Grant, VKi Park avenue. From Mildred Best. Willi avenue, a gold watch was stolen. A Moyclo belonging to Oscar Grim. 6:2 South Sixteenth street, was stolen from In front of tho Burgess-Nash store. A burglar broke down tho door of A. J. Donohuo's carpenter shop, Sixth and Pacific streots. Tuesday night and stole a number of tools. A burglar pried a door off a Union Pacific tool house at Seventh and Pacific streets and stole a number of tools. A burglar Tuesday night attempted to enter the home at Jot North Eighteenth atreet, but Ervln Col saw him and hit him twlic with a club. He departed in haste, leaving g hat and one shoe, which were turned over to tho police. THE SUMMER FASHION BOOK of tha Celebrated PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS now rtatfjr for you. KPj CestBm 04T J$ cen, or each of the ttbo4 numbtt. We urgently recommend to you, before decidinf on your Summer ; ' D re wet, to procure a copy of The FASHION BOOK ' It costs only ten rents when purchased with one 15 cent pattern. You will agree with us that no other Fashion Book approaches it ia variety of design and artistic make up. JUNE PATTERNS . on Kilt no9 BuRGEss-NKsH Company: "KVIRYVCDYll tors hall I -filllf 7 iJk,:r . 1 m, ten E) IS YOUR STOMACH ONLY A SIEVE? A Stirring Cltearaway Every Trimmed Hat In Our Show Rooms, Including Creations That Were $10, $15. $20, $25 and to $40. Thursday 5.00 A final preparation for the incoming display of tmmmftf styles in millinery takes place Thursday, when we offer "your clioioe of any trimmed Hat in oir entire showrooms, re gardless of cost or former selling price, for $5.M Many of tho hats are flower trimmed, which are to be so much "the thing" this summer. "Early selections will be the best!" Second Floor. ' w BURGESS-KH "jcvrFYooDYfc Toner ' I . , VY:' Y Is It performing Its functions alone with the kidneys, liver and bowels, so that all aro In prfe-t harmony? Is It dome; tlilt.. or Is It allowing your food to remain partly undigested, sending poi sons through the Ixidy, rauHng distress after eating, Indigestion, headache, whir ring noises In tin' head, loss oi I leal) and sallow complexion loes tin- fact that your kidneys ere not working properly, cause you Intense rain In answering the more frequent calls of nature? Is your urine highly rolored? If so. you must do something Immediately Over In llollund the sturdy natives keep OOLDMEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules In the house at all times and take one before even' meal and one al oed time, at the first sign of an ache or psln. They have been doing It for more i then W0 years. So generally Is this inert Iclne known there, that It Is railed THU NATIONAL REMEDY OV HUU.ANU. It is nisde at tho ancient laboratories In Haarlem. Holland, by the Genuine Haarlem Oil Mfg. Co.. where It baa been manufactured since IKK Her Majesty, Wllhelmtna, Queen of the Netherlands, granted a charter to the company as suc cessors to U DK Kunlng Tilly, recognis ing it aa the original company, for sole hy all reliable druggists in 26o, 50c and 11.00 sealed packages. Honey hark If they don t help you. Hut he sure to get (K)l.T MKDAI,, Imported fresh every month, through the Amerlean Office ef the Genuine Haarlem Oil Mfg. Co.. 14 Water St., New York. Advertisement Oar "JItaeT" Ofter Tale 5e. Don't miss this. Cut out this slip, oacloso with 5o to Foley Co., Chicago. III., writing your name and address clearly, Tou will receive In return a trial package containing Foley's Honey aad Tar Compound, for coughs, colds gad croup: Foley Kidney Pills, for pains I sides and back, rheumatism, back ache, kidney and bladder atlmenta; and Fpley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome j4 thoroughly cleansing cathartic. Stout fttjple enjoy them, fold everywher Advertisement. When You Plan Your Vacation HB9S 3 HBBBSHBBBSO Drop in a I 1522 FarnamSt. and let me help you, offer sugges tion, glv you fre literature and tell you the lowest fare. The Great Western Is Tourist H e a d q uarters la Omaha and we'll ha Clad to help wheth er you use tb Great Western or not. 2000 Mon to Keep Equipment Serviceable ALL Chicago (J HEAT Western cars and locomo tives undergo a thorough inspection daily be iore being placed in service. Any locomotive or car found defective is Immediately repaired at one of our numerous car and machine shops located at OHweln, Stock ton, Chicago, Minneapolis, Clarion, Council Bluffs, Des Moines, Conception or 8t. Joseph. Over 2000 men are busy keeping the equipment we offer you to ride In inviting, sfe and comfortable, to keep the-freight cars proof against breakdown, leakage or weath er. The great care given our motive power msken delay from engine failures extremely rare last year the average mileage por serviceable locomotive waa J3.000 miles one and one-third times the distance around tha earth! ForamUh mnd dtptmdabU service s In Chicago GREAT Wftirn YOUR Telephone is Handy P, F. BOXORDKX, C P. A. M. K. SIMMONS, D. P. A. 4 tW 1SC22 Farnam Omaha, Neb. (tmphaitit tht "GKEAT") Those Douglas 200 The laeady-Meraee Guide D irectory as a To Your Daily Bleeds It is more than a directory, it is a column devoted to facilitating the question of shop ping of the housewife and business man of today. In this column are represented some of Omaha's better business houses which have given' us their assurance that they can be depended upon at a moment's notice by telephone to render quality and service that cannot be equalled. Why not read over this column tonight and familiarize yourself with the numerous advertisers that some time or another you may need in a hurry. -jejaj.jmjWB.jj J , ti Ji i mu i a.i V-t-r i