Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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    '11LK Lihb: OMAHA. 'iillUMAV, MAI lo, 1U15.
The Fee Publishing Company. Proprietor.
rr.n fiildino. tarnam and fevf.nternth.
Kntore d a Omihi postrflc aa twyind-cliiii matter.
R carrier Bt mall
per month, per year.
anil undav e M
rlty without Sunday....' Vi 4 00
FvanlTi and Jundav V S.W
Evening without Sunday 4.00
under Wa only I
Fond notlr f change of eddree or complaints of
Irregularity la delivery to Omaha ee. Circulation
Remit b draft. express or postal order. Only two
rent stamps rwelved In payment of small a
onunta Fernonal check, except on Omaha and etrn
exchange, not accepted.
Omaha Tha Bh Building
South Omaha 3d N street.
Council Bluffs 14 North Main Street.
Lincoln L'trtej Building.
Cht'efo U Hrsrat Rulldlng
Nrw fork Room 11. Fifth irmiia
Pt Tnils-MS New Hank of l'(mnr.
Washington 7 Fourteenth St., N. W.
Address communications relatlnr to M anil dl
loriel matur to Omaha Bee. Kdltorlai Department
ArniL rinctLATio.N,
State of Xer-rsska. County of Douglas, as.:
Pwtght Williams, circulation manager of The B
Publishing company, being duly morn, esya (net the
avrraga circulation for the month of April, l!li, waa
;. DW'IGHT WILLIAMS. Circulation MansfT
Uuhscrlhed In my presence and sworn to before
me this 1st day of May. talk.
UORERT HUNTER. Notary Public.
SubacTibera tearing in city temporarily
bonld have The Boa mailed to them. Ad
Areas frill b changed aa often aa req nested.
Mar S3
Thought for the Day
Sohetod by Minnit W. ( Crane) Rittr
"AH tc have willed or hoped or drtmmtd ot good
JCe4 iti nmhlante but itself; no Unity nor good
nor pover
West voir m ffOM forth, but each turvivu
jor the melodi it
HUn eternity affirm the conctption of
Browning: Abt. Vogkr,
No city wn aver built up by knocking and
But no money damages, large or small, can
restore the loit Uvea.
It would aeetu tbat Dr. Dernberg la In dan
ger of wearing hie welcome out.
Aa a rumor-factory Rome laga auperfluoua
la the rac with American grain and atock ex
changes. Confidence tn the American nary baa never
been mlcplaced. Official confirmation of a fact
la auperfluoua. ,
.it ia greatly to be feared Colonel Roosevelt
would not make a strong bid for a third cup of
coffee) In Germany Just now.
. Advertising the Lincoln Highway la all right,
but attention must also be given to the highway
Itself to keep Its condition matched up to the
Aa a training school for alngera Ak-Sar-Ben's
Den has 'em all going.. No other achool afford
the advantage of testing vocal timbre wuh
seasoned timber.
A steamboat at the port of Omaha cxclta
interest beyond' its novelty. It serves to show
that while the Missouri is far from the war tone,
navigation la imperilled by submarine snags.
"If I had millions to give away I would as
tablish a home for aged . and broken-down
preachers," . declares "Billy" Sunday. Well,
then, why not do it? A good atart can be made
with much less than a million.
The beat sign of efficiency about the Young
Men's Christian association is the fine Increase
shown in educational activities. Every encour
agement ahould be given young men earning
tbelr living, but still eager to learn.
Disclosure of the amounts pocketed by the
secretaries of the State Board of Pharmacy, who
absorb all the feea that are paid In, ia another
Indictment of the fee system as a whole. Let
public officers be paid what their services art
worth in fixed amount, and no grab game.
Eastern newspaper comment on the Lus'
tanla tragedy shows marked regard for the
philosophy of the shady frontier deacon, "Don't
do as I do, but do aa I tell you." With very
few exceptlona the editors scream in double
leaded columns, and close with the admonition,
"Keep cool."
1' The old dlatrU't court room received parting
farewell today from the lat of llioee he have been
It official inherltanta by moving Into the new quar.
j tera. The only creatures left In the old building rt-jw
j era those who are run Into the lty jail, still mala.
I taint d la the basonienL
H. E. Gunner of the Grand Vnlon Tea company has
ai-Cfpted a situation as city aaleaman of the Omaha
i Flour company.
t The funeral eervh-es of airs, allnnla Dreiel. wire of
j John Dread, were conducted at Bt. Phllomena'a
I cathedral. The pallbearers were C. H. Ooodrtrh. R,
I n. Uveaey, Charles Crelghton. II. F. Vmlth. Ed Crowed
and W. B. Lowe.
The Nebraeka druacl't In sesMon here antcrtalnel
j the Iowa druggists, mho have been holding their ta
soclatloa meeting at Council Muffs.
John E. Wtgmao. who haa been skk, continues to
! Improve and Uva doctor now give hop of ultimate
' recovery.
A B. Davenport of the milliard Is In Chicago at
tending the annual meeting of the hotel men's ao
nation. I J. B. Mouee. the tlvtl engineer, hss been setting
i etakra through a lot of vacant property south of
l I.cai en worth, known as tie Marsh estate. tetiU h. It
U aaid a ill be put on the margot aa town lots.
On an Even Keel.
Effort to ' rock the boat" so far h not
made much of an Impression on the craft, for It
.till is as "'teady as a church,'' as the sailormcn
ay. The suggested contents of the note Presi
dent Wilson will end to Cicrmany, In reference
to the Lunltania and other Incidents of recent
development, will well meet with the critical
analysis of sober minds. It makes no reresaloit
from the position of the United States, an
nounced many weeks ago, when Germany wgs
notified it would be held to strict accountability
for the loss of any American lives or the de
struction of American property as a result of its
submarine warfare, and this will now. he In
stated upon.
The excuse put forward by the Germans thst i
a "warning" had been Issued In advance of the
sailing of the Lunltania Is fairly met by the pres
ident, who points out that a declaration of in
tention to commit an unlawful act cannot be
held aa a Justification of such an act. The re
quirements of International law, of treaty con
ventions and of established agreements betweei
nations are that non-combatants roust be taken
In safety from vessels captured and held as
prises before such prizes csn be destroyed. This
principle the president restates with emphasis.
Criticism of the course of the United Btatea
coming from British sources can easily be borne,
for It la to Great Britain's Interest and advan
tage to have the United States embroiled with
Germany. The calm with which the president
Is now proceeding is born of the power of the
United States, which will support his decision
with a firm strength thst other nations will re
spect, no matter how much the critics may rail
at it.
Auditorium Management.
It will be only a few weeks before Omaha's
Auditorium will pass Into the possession and
control of the city, and it will devolve upon the
city commissioners to see thst it Is managed In
the way most productive of public good. With
an intsreat charge of less than 17,000, and no
taxes entered up against It, there Is no good
reason why this enterprise should not be run on
liberal lines, and at the same time be a profit
Item on the ledger.
The whole problem lies In devising new uses
for the structure. Any investment that Ilea
idle most of the time must entail a loss. The
rlty'a dividends must come from continuous use
by large groups of the population, and this ran
be accomplished only by popularizing the public
entertainments that are held there and encour
aging patronage by admission prices wlthla
reach of all whenever an admission price I
Another requirement is a reasonable
schedule of rental chargea to be adhered to with
out favoritism or discrimination, and a clear
definition of what constitutes a community en
terprise for which the use of the building is to
be free or at nominal cost. Only if these thing
are settled in advance, and settled right, will
the acquisition of the Auditorium by the city be
marked with success from the start.
Our Nary All Rig-ht
The timorous soul, who dwells far Inland,
and knows of salt water only as he reads about
It, may again coma from out bla retirement and
renew his appreciation of life. For we haro
Just been asaured, and by those who ought to
know, that the American navy is capable of up
holding its traditions and of vindicating the
honor of the United States In any emergency.
This information comes at a timely moment,
and ia la cheering contrast to the latest report
we had from experta concerning Unci Sam's
naval establishment. - On former occasions we
were told of the rickety and unaeaworthy con
dition, of the ancient craft tbat were supposed
to bear the Stars and Stripes through the waters
of the seven seas. They were rusty and full of
holes, and didn't dare fire their guns for fear
they would fall to pieces under the shock, and
if they did fire their guns tbey would exhaust
the available powder supply. It wouldn't make
much difference, anyhow, for they couldn't get
close enough to hostile craft to do It any dam
age. Oh, yes, of course; that was when con
gress wss In session, and the appropriation bill
was pendtng. It does make a difference at
what season of the year we talk about our navy.
Man for man, gun for gun, ship for ship, the
navy of the United States is aa good aa any that
floats, and in avery test to which it has ever
been put, has proved itself matter of all.
Accumulating TJielen Knowledge.
The amount of energy, mental and physical,
dally expended In doing things of no particular
account haa been variously estimated aa to vol
ume, but la generally conceded to absorb a con
siderable portion of human effort. The latest
exhibition Is by a student In a Pennsylvania
agricultural college, who baa set himself the task
of smoking sixty stogies a day for a specified
time. Hlg announced purpose is to determine
the burning qualities of the tobacco used in tbs
manufacture of tb stogies he consumes. His
undertaking seems scarcely possible of human
accompllbhrnent, but should he succeed In thn
stupendous feat, he will have contributed to th
growing weight of evidence that the fool killer
is no longer able to keep up with his work.
Tasta la tobacco varies with the Individual,
and the devotee of the atogy doesn't worry his
head about what it containa or how it burnt.
He wanta something that will smell and smudge,
aod be usually gets It. Users of tobacco in
other forms are profoundly Indifferent to the
stogy In any ot its manifestations, and will not
be Interested to any degree in experimentation
with that device for smokers, if this young
man pursues his venture to the ultimate con
clusion he will merely have added to the vent
amount of useless knowledge tbat baa been de
veloped by freak Investigators.
riv lawyers will draft the Initiative petition
to submit statewide prohibition to the votera of
Nebraska next year. The Idea must be that if
five lawyera can be made to agree on the proper
form and wording, the measure may b tight
enough to sail the aeas of litigation without
apringlng a leak.
The energy shown In boosting men for off We
will shine with greater luster If hitched to the
bandwagon of Oreater Omaha. The com nun
wen I should command a stronger boost than iu
dividual welfare.
Aimed at Omaha
Srward Tribune: The Omaha Roe Is making a
cantpaiRn for the mitlgratlon of the death sentence
that hs ifn Imposed upon Leo Frank by a Georgia
court and affirmed by the United States supreme
court. Thousands upon thousand of names en a
petition have gone forward to the Georgia govenur
praying clemency for the doomed man. What efftel
trtfa move will hsve remsins to be seen. Fiank stoutly
proclaims his Innocence snd msny pecple are firm
In their belief thst he Is honest In hi contentions.
Drand Island Independent: The proposition put be
for the voter of Orr.aha to vote ll.iO.eoi) In bond, for
the purchase, real etlate end all. of the Auditorium,
carried by a vote of almost three to one. The original
promoters were liberal In their proposition and tha
publlo unafraid to own snd maintain the large mii
niclpal show plsce.
Esamlner: Now that tha city campaign is over
and the quarreling Is terminated, let s quit knocking
and go to boosting Omaha. That is of more import
ance anyhow than who Is who in the metropolis.
Fremont Tribune. Considering the advantage of
tha "ln" over the "out" In Omaha the "Ins" wop
by a small margin. The good showing of tha other
waa due to the fact that they pressed the claims of
republicanisms, w hich brand of politics ts very popul"
Illair Democrat: Omaha Is planning on landing
the next national republican convention, and why pot?
It will be worth all it costs and while Omaha will
reap the direct benefit the whole stata will com In
for a lot of good advertising. Always thoughtful of
ny good for Nehraaka. F.rtgar Howard auggest tn
the Columbus Telesrem that the allied commercial
clubs of the state Join hand with the Omaha Com
mercial club In an effort to bring thla great conven
tion to this slate by not only lending their hand snd
heart, but their purs as well. We second the motion.
Minneapolis Journal: State Senator Qtttnby, from
Omaha, cannot seem to get over the effects of his
esperlenc.ea in the recent Nehraaka legislature. 'Ad
continues to make an annoying outcry about tha wsy
things ware run. II saya he fought In vain all la.i'.
winter against nineteen, "wooden Indians." He went
lute the senate Innocently supposing that facts, fig
ures and reason would govern tha deiiheratlona of
that body. He found the winter' program prear
ranged by a combination of nineteen senators who
were not thsr for their health. Qulnby might have
the logic and the protest and th consciousness of
rectitude, but they had the votes. Th nineteen
"wooden Indians" were made up of sixteen democrats
and three republicans. It waa an Impregnable wall.
The democratic party could not be held responsible,
because In th ether house th situation was reversed.
fo tha people cannot tell where to place responsibility
for th situation and, in th confusion of parties and
of houses, th voter does not know exactly what to
do. Hence Mr. Qulnhy calls for tho abolition of the
senate and th "clearing out of th Jungle which tho
gray wolves and hawks Inhabit." Would It not be a
simpler procedure to take each man on his record?
Th records of the legislators sr open books. It Is
wall known where they stand. If the people send the
"gray wolves' and the political traders to do their
business for them, what can they expect? In electing
legislators, why not elect men? Titer are enoujrn
of them.
Twice Told Tales
A Good Shot.
In a certain email Ohio town lives a skln-and-bonee
man named, for convenience and to avoid libel. Bill
fklnner. During; a larg avenlng downtown aomeor.o
drew a gun and fired at random into a crowd ot
merrymakers. Th bullet struck Bill Skinner in th
At one a deputation of citlsans started on a run
for th nearest and. Indeed, the only doctor. It was
long after midnight. They beat on th door and yelled,
and finally a second-story, window was raised and tha
doctor's head appeared- It looked In tha moonlight
like th head of a man himself returned from a big
Hey! Poet Come down," called on of th deputa
tion. "Bill thinner's been shot"
"Howsat? BUI Bklnner? Where wss h hit?"
"In th leg."
"Well, well," said Doe. closing his window, "somo
hootln"."-vnrbedy's Magasln.
aomethlaar Lacklae;.
Mr. Wllkerson. tho architect, had been Invited down
to th Clark to display th plans of Clark's new house
to some guests.
"Her Is th front levaUon,"' explained th archi
tect, as he laid th plans on the library table for th
Inspection of tha visitors, "with the outside window
and tha circular gallery; this Is th esst elevation,
showing the tower"
After various comments had been mad by ti
guest, llttl Arthur, aged 7, "who was enormously In
terested In th new house, cried:
"And where are th two mortgage father said he
was going to put on?" New York tTlmes.
Ab Bffeetiv Bearer row.
An American tourist had been boasting again In the
village Inn.
"Talking of scarecrows," he said, with a drawl,
"why my father one put on up and it frightened the
crows so much that not on entered the fields again
for a year."
II looked triumphantly around his audience. Burely
that had settled those country bumpkins.
But ha waa to meet his match.
"That's nothing." retorted one farmer. "A neighbor
o' mln one put a scarecrow Into hla potato paten
and It terrified th bird so much that one resoal of
a rrow who had atolen some potatoes cam next day
and put them back." Pearson's Weekly.
People and Events
A Jersey City woman, testifying In her suit for di
vorce, confessed that she tried to keep her husband
tn th straight and narrow path by playing penny
ante with him at horn. The heme fell down hor
ribly a a moral persuader and a a money getter.
A panhandler with "Kev." attached to his name
Is tn Jail In "t. Louis, charged with working charitable
people for a bogus organisation called the "Christian
Messengers." Police assert that tndtecrtmlnating
giving encourage all kinds of charity fraud In St.
Chicago boasts of a nonpartisan Judiciary. Friends
of tha Jurists do not I've up to It. At recent nomi
nating conventions th rude partisan of nonpar!)
saimhip enlivened the proceeding by rile of "liar"
and "come outside." Police prevented severs I fis'.lc
Chicago Is imltatini: Pscls. A man who was knocked
down and rolled ovet by an automobile, was subse
quently arrested for disorderly conduct. Gelling In
th way of autoniobilea Is more then disorderly con
duct. It suggest the reed of an examination of
the head
It ahould be undsi stood In ad vane that the
Philadelphia counctlmen who will accompany Liberty
BeU to th coast are not to be claased aa junketer.
Tha world Is taboo. Gladhanders along the route
ahould b careful how they phrase their greetings to
the honorable members.
Two shota fired at close range failed to penetrate
the skull of Tapeoton Tertslok. a truck farmer near
Camden. N. J. He essayed the role of peacemaker
la a fight. Th test of Tertalok skull was satisfac
tory a himself, but a piece of his ear was clipp 1
by en of th flattened bullets.
On ef th Lusllania passengers from Buffalo,
William H- H. Brown, had a dream premonition that
tha ship could be sunk, and told Mrs. Brown, "If
the !isitanta sinks." ha told her. "you caa picture ma
toased about by tha waves, but something tells me 1
shall b rescued If the ship goes down." When In
formed of the disaster Mi. Brown was aot alarmed.
"My husband's dreams alwas tome true." she said.
Th nam ef WlUism Brown is In th list ef saved.
OMAHA. May 12 -To the Kdttor of Th
Fee: Having read many article in the
varlou psper within the Inst few days,
all ef which give the Impression that w
are not tn the least prepared for war,
and that If It came this country would
be defeated Immediately and there would
be no more United States of America. I
v ish to mske the folloaing expression
of opinion, tind have been wondering why
every Impression I have gained from
vhat I have read was that we should be
careful snd not stand up tor our right
In this Lusitania catastrophe for fear
that our country would be crushed st
one. .
I believe that w are a hundred time
more able to protect ourselves .than wa
ere led to believe. We sr not in a po
sition where we would have to fight
Germany alone, and as a matter of fact
ther are anywhere from .V,00O to l.OOO.W
Americana who could tak to tha field
within a week's notice I ., regular
troops, state militia, retired and dis
charged soldier, some veterans. To
ttta the situation up many strategists
state there Is a deadlock on both battle
fronts. Take this expert opinion, then
place, ssy JOO.W to 1.000,000 American
r the Ueld. do you not believe there
would be a new German drive, and In
stead ot going forward would It not be
a backward drive, and to meet same
would not their lines become weskened
generslly to such an extent that Instead
of being a deadlock for another terrlhl
winter .would ther not be prospects, ssy
at th end of six weeks after the Ameri
cans got In the field, that th all I could
drtv the Teuton back and atart a maraa
toward Berlin thst would end the wsr
quickly? I uannot figur how our en
tering tha war would atop our supplying
munitions to the allies, for with th Ger
man ships all tied up In different ports
w should havs no reason to fear an
invasion, snd all possible munitions, In
cluding g'Jbmsrln parts ss well as ships
themselves, would be at th allies' dis
posal, Including many fine transports
SJch as the Prtnc Eltel, which eould b
uaed to replace th Fry, and other Ger
man ships interned In our ports could
be seised, as tho Germans put It. on se
eount of military necessity. Th Wood
men of th World have many fine drill
teams, fine young fellows, mounting Into
thousand of men. who could be whipped
Into a second army for horn defense, etc.
1 could add much to the above, as
doubtless you could if you wanted to
flgur things out seriously, but cannot
ses why everybody should gain th opin
ion that our entering th war would re
lease th German army and navy so It
eould swoop down on our poor wesk d.
ft useless country and annihilate us with
on crack of th whip.
A aether Voice.
OMAHA. Hay .To th Editor ef Th
Boe: Americans sr not' Indignsnt st
Germany because a British ship was
torpedoed off Queenstown. Tour cor
respondent, Dr. Gerhard, knew this, un
less he Is suffering from "kalserltl," an
ahnonnsl development evidently common
among a certain class of German-Americans.
I am an American citizen pf German
descent-end I have great lov for th
old country-the land of my forefathers.
But I am an American first, last and
all. the time, even though I might not
agree with some of my fellow cltlsen
on certain matters pertaining to this
war. But I am enough of an American
to stand with ths Stars and Stripes when
a crisis is at hand. Tha all differences
must be forgotten.
Americsns are Indignant because de
liberate murder was committed by Ger
msny, when hundreds ef Innocent lives
wr sacrificed In th d'e.truction of th
Lultanla. Any man with a spark of
manhood will sgree te this and will share
tha Indignation.
Fellow Americans, pay no attentin to
the outbursts of men like Gerhard. His
vUws are not the views of German
Americans as a whole. Should we be
called upon to fight the soldiers or sail
ors of Oermsny. we. Oermsn-Amerlcsns.
Ill he found shoulder to shoulder with
cur fellow-cltixens defending the land of
our adoption aialnst the aggressions of
Germsny or sny other foreign powery
They whet
your cigar
Editorial Snapshots
Washington Star: Estimates of the
normou cost of wsr have not Included
calculations of the Indemnities thst may
be required for the destruction of Amcr.
can ship. ,
Boston Transcript: Modern nomencla
ture Is plsylng havoc with the plcinr
eaqueness of war. What a sorry figure
Fighting Jo Hooker would have cut in
history charging up Hill No. 78
Philadelphia Ledger: England paid
H39,or for the Wtlhelmina's cargo, valued
when aelid at IIW.000. Bethlehem Steel
and du Pont Powder aren't in it with
the business 0f exporting csrgoe to be
captured by the Brltlh government.
Cleveland Tlain Dealer: On belligerent
Intends to appropriate two-thirds of sur
plus profits made by firms engaged in
th production of war good. Happy
thought. If all nations would sppropriato
all th profits made from war, war might
be abolished.
Brooklyn Essie: All Iowa will amil
over the arrest of former Senator "Lafe"
Teung as a spy by tha Austrlana, and
chuckle over his determination after get
ting safe to Iiondon to go to Berlin A
real lowan always chooses the line cf
greatest reststsnce.
Daltlmor American: British chemists
are following German ones In preparing
poisonous gaaes which cause violent and
blinding suffering to the victims. And
yet we flatter ourselves that at this stage
of the world's progress w have Intro
duced human warfar.
Ir.dianapoll News: It is clear from
th ptritnt utterances of Geort W.
Perkins that hs Is still busily angered In
making this country a better place for
his children to live In, but h seams to
forget all about the children of other
people who have got to live In It. too.
Washington Post: Th vigor snd op
timism with which Germany is waging
Us aid of th war are amasing. In view
ef tha eaortneua odds which it ia faring.
No en, however, predisposed to favor
th lllce, caa fairly refuse to glv oredtt
t th German government and people
fr their single-minded and efficient con
duct of th war. If th British govern
ment and people w ere a a single-minded
and as fully aroused, th gallant Belgian
and French armies would hve a better
ehanc to breath.
LJ asp
Atlantic City . . .
Itar Harbor. Me
ual. the iurte h mds a ml that anr
men who drws a gun on snother will
have to quli drinklna Ton's b urprl1
to s how and orderly th old plee
IS gettln' to be.' Washington Star.
Bllton Vht la the ressnn for Jinks
sudden peeudivpompout, dignified man-
ncr? . .
Tllton He recently nwrrled. snd ne s
trying to live tip to his wife opinion of
him Jug.
"He's honest, anyway."
"Yes: re admit thst h would net have
been ible to so to Kurope for hi ummr
vacation even (f ther had been no wsr '
Detroit Free Press
"Hid you ever pley esrds for money''"
"Ves; hnt l never gat It" Cleveland
lisin I'ealer.
5ie credit to the
Who is contented yesr hy yesr
With what Is fslr, snd has ne) r
Of judge's w rit or critic s Jeer.
Thst mn constructs a grand rare'.
N ho ih tils business 1 sincere.
And, having power to chet his peer.
Hold principle of Justice dear.
The rosea growing for the bier.
Which at the farthest Is too nar
t.t s send them now without S tesr
To all the upright In the here
Bo many who have long known thst
hair beauty was certsin to follow upon
systematic hair care have bean loath to
commence what they mistakenly think
too much trouble. Proper hair car
means only keeping the scalp snd hair
perfectly clean by use of soma prepara
tion made for shampooing, not for gen
eral cleansing. You can enjoy th best
that is known for sbout three cnts s
shsmpoo by getting; a packs g of Can
throx from your druggist. Dissolve a
teaspoon ful In a cup of hot water and
your shampoo Is ready. After Its us
the hair dries rapidly with uniform
color. Dandruff, excess oil and dirt
sr dissolved and entirely disappear.
Tour hair will be so fluffy that It will
look much heavier than It Is. Its luster
and softness will alo delight yeu. white
th stimulated scalp gain th health
which Insures hslr growth. Advertisement.
Church Do you find sny Improvement
In our home since you wer last here?
Gotham Yea; sot rid pt your phono
graph, hsven t you? Yonkers Statesman.
"Society I ao shallow." mused ths par
lor philosopher.
"It's h good thine ft is," retorted the
mere msn. "or half the people who are
wsdirg around In it would get drowned."
"Aw, shuckr!"
"Hew. now?"
"Thla fellow told me he wss going to
show mo the heautl of th town."
"Well, didn't he?"
"He mesnt parks and office bnlldlngs
I wns preps red to see some feminine love
liness.' Louisville Courier-Journal.
"Hs Orlms-n Gulch adopted prohibi
tion ?'
"No." replied Broncho Bob. "But It's
on th wsy. o's to bring it round grsd-
t.v.-.v.v.v.-.v.v.v 'SiV. .v. -. ' ' w .-. jawu-.V i if v.v.vw.v. v.".-v.yjk-.v.v.V.VAV.-.-.v.v.v.vv'
X. Ul ?v.
'Gin I smoke freely and
smoke moJeratehj at the
same time ? 1 asks a young
J Yes by settling down
to a 'modulated1 Havana
like the Tom Moore. . It
holds iust the right propor- rVI 'KJT
tion of Havana tobaccos to 1 XO ORE
a man's appetite
staling' it
jLittim Toi5f
Wl LtoU Tom em
jf eattftj Tern Mm
alwayt com
back for Moore'
aawtamasnCteweOawSts So, iftu a Oasgha, Mgtrtatos.
Tlrkets on sale daily beginning June 1st. - '
VIA ' '
New York City . ..... S51.85
Xorfolk, Va ...$48.85
Portland, Me 853.00
Quebec, Que i-$48.20
Toronto, Out $30.SO
X. V.
Tickets on sale via differential lines at somewhat lower rates. Final
return limit 60 days, liberal stopover privileges. Reduced rates to
many other summer resorts tn Canada, New England, New York
State. Northern Michigan and the Wisconsin Lake Country, as well
ea delightful cruises on the Great Lakes and combined rail and
diverse route toure to New York and Boston. For complete
information, toiaers, etc., can on or aaarcsa
V. E. IJOCK, City Passenger Agent, C. M. ft 8t. P. By.
1317 I amain M., Omaha, Neb.
Agents for all steamahip lines.
It's lots of fun to play Daddy-long-lfsrs
and walk with stilts. We
will ve
to the ten boys that bring us the
most pictures of the stilts before 4
P. M., Saturday, May 22d.
'hla picture of the stilts win he in The
Bee every day this week.
Cut them all out and ask your friends
to save the pictures In their paper for you
too. Sea bow many pictures you caa get
and bring them to. Tha Be Offica, Satur
day. May 12d.
Tbe suits will be given Free to the boys
or girls that aend us tba most picture .be
fore 4 P. M Saturday, May :d.