14 THE BEE: OMAHA, TIirifSDAV, MAY 13, 1015. OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Cattle Slow, Steady to Ten Lower Wooled Lambi Fifteen to Quar ter Up Hgiheit on Itecord. HOGS STROUO TO FIVE HIGHER SOITII OMAHA. -Mf 12. Receipt were: Cattle. Horn. Pheep. Otto-tal Monday 4.0 -2iJ Official Tofar 3.772 I.W KMimate Wedneaday.. .20 . Thw day' total. ...1it.i? day last wli..1.n Same 2 wwhi go....?1.401 Seme 2 Mkl ago U.W1 me 4 fh ago 14.S-4 Same day last yer... M 2f..4 lit.':' 27 ( 2VIM a, .!r. 16.771 1.1S 5H.30TI 29.4 ? Th following table snow th receipt ef ralMe hog and aneep at th boi'tb Omaha live stock market for th year to date, aa compared with laat year: ti- I mi 4 - In-?. Dm t'attie Hrsg ?lcep The. JWMll 31A.J01 .:i0 1.2:i l.fln i.iV4 2I0.3W9 SS7.767 J7t v.au following taM ahowa th? averag rrloe for hog at tha South, Omaha, tlva stock market for tha last few day, with comparisons: lisle. !!., II4. l n 1 .l'.2.jl!4H,lIO.lo. April 2 J 2Hrl pnl 7 7 April K 7 I I 501 7 til ! a H Z2 M I 37 7 C7I k "l a ti t (i 111 J 7 i 7 U f 01 ( 1 I H Aprl) ;l 7 ;T IT) 1 T fc April ; 1 I iaj i i aui ay ..lt I w ill t t.1 1M ui - iniiwrti f i ( 7 4 6 (I f It) 7 0 I l f7l "4 Miv 7 !l .UV Vr MaV .May ay May Mnv .MT I 74 I IK ass 7 lV 7 Hl 7 KV " I T 24'ij t 87 v vi i m Ait S t ( 14 t 7 8 H I 31 7 44 7 4:H i8 ao 1 M I W 7 7 59 7 1 1 21 Ml 1 Ml a 7 a M 7 7 1 7 44, S3 rf' I a kJ (141 Sunday. Renalpta and dlapceltlon of live at oca; at the I'nlon Stork Vanla. Ruth Omaha, lor twanty-lour hours ending at t p. ir. yeateraay: RECEIPTS CAK& Ca.Ula.Hof a.Sheep H r a. . M ft St. P a ahanh & Mi.iaourl Pacific... .' I nlon Paolfk- 41 C. A N. XV., eaat... 10 N. V.. weet.. 7 r . fx. p., m. o.. j H. a ., east.... C., K. A y., Weil.,, 87 CM K. 1. P., tut.. r R. I. P.. weat 1 llltnota Centra! i Cliltare Ot. Weat.. 7 Total reerlr-ta 4 I 7! 4 4 tl I 'i i 124 WSPOBIT5ON-HBAJ0. . Cattle lIKa. Rieep. lorrii f'o.'. a; J1H Pwlft Co Ctidahy Parkin OO. Jrmnur A tk-liwarlr. eV Co .i.r4 .Low .1.072 J.&7 1.0 1.4J4 ;i0 lei tut J. V. Mtiriy 14n-oln I'arklna; Co.... o Parkins Co...- M.rrril i ''idahy,. from nountry., hent'jn, VnBnt..& !., Hill &. Sun '...!. Lew la f. P. f'.o it Co A W II til . 24 . A F4 tin . 10 . 7R t S4 ii s t 10 ii t 61 1l Jj M i 1 J. M. nulla. ..... F. llui V T!nento( k Proa.. .... Jc iUei( :". 1 i n If;o. ; . . . . . Kothnhlll o. Kn. t'alf Co.. CI rlmle ll!i-lna IfHiftrian K'.ih Movers , i ,timrHrC 'I ntter Pro. , Joini Harvey line iv V ; )thr liuyera Ttala ,A& .T XMH, ( A'll A. Tfiere waa a very liberal run of (tUe tlila mortilna;. Ixit the recel;ta for tti tlir duya mii"uni to only )3,'.i;i2 t raii. In entailer than any reoent , hut lamer than ft year ao by over 4.i bend. M ha n arket tin fcwf ateere waa very -' , ao tttat It waa later than usual h fora a clearance wsa effened. Prlrea wro fer.erajiy a 111 tie )owr, and tite whole trie mtirht bent be deaenbed aa r.w to Jtc iwer. 1 he heal 1 Ik I it helfnra rwnmand4 about Ua ly I'rKt a. hlio lexa tl'iHirnhle lnle u r !otv the tentlwiit y weak. Mnrket-g and fclMi htvii ben rathnf lnv aj-ilfia all the werk, the country not Inc. inn wah tha mutl freedom. A a. re- ' I'" tied"! tooHy Has vary dull, and (.! (ri. e ilid not ahow muth rinuits. WioiHtiwiia un entile: Oootl to choline ; i.ut:'l kMwvek, S .5ft; fair to good ttiriifi-d bn vf f, : h yi; i oninitm to (tr i-tftif'tl beavea. 7.S. '7.7u; good to fhi.h- he I 'era, ,(-vs.W arnnl tu rhn.a l' a. t ., ,".4; lair to good oewa, v,i.- uniiiiiuii la fair rows, i t.'. ; i j T ; k:h in iluiit'o attHKetii end Ifeiit it,, 7,o- -xiio; fnir to cood and feedura, $; iH'.f i i; rntoti.t.n lo fair torn e'lit ..(-. !. i ( -i ;.tJ; Hvk hi-Kera. a-.7tu 'i 'oi k .oa. t'i.N'ftIS; aiot-h calve, ! ko ..-i; t,.i ralv-a. .( Itl.S; lot bulla, '?iii etc., i,ft'.y"i.7t; aun-k bulla, .. ;j t ii, l.trantatlve aalra: III'. fir STTfcKRS. rr. ia i it 1 j 1 ta 1 ? a 1 is ha 14.. I-. 14. . If J M fk t 13 a i 4fl t 41 ia i I 34 Ii... , .1J 1 .. I T .. . . " .. . . Kt ,.)( ,...ut li) .....I. it lot .......... .1' WM 1 1 a i,a m fm .n-i at.mi ;t i u it IH 1 .,. M 114 M.I CWYVS. ...114 ...ll'.i ...!WI ...l: oi ...lml ... M ... n ... 113 lnA i"a . . . ivi 4 W 4 4 I, 7 t II 1 JJ 7 15 7 ro t '. T 94 I K4 I i. ...... ii I a 1 4 VI It ...... ii U.li r.H.-v I l J , i sf 1 1 k 1 e i . . . I 41 .114t . i . uvi.i.s. i 4 :i 4 . . I i i. I :i 7 ; 7 4 I.. I . 1 . 111 I.. M. . ta t... I ... TS I fti 1 bl la itC i. AN I rKKUKlla. I'3 7 B 14 7 a 7 tt a 7 I ii la l ' ; t i er a v. i 1 a Hut.;H Another ntoderata run showed '. aoiue 1 rara. or . head, being re- aited. The tnrca data' total ta i,!t4 'a.l, a hlixrtaaa of l.3uU. aa ooitipaml v. mi a .-,a o. but l.i.J heatirr Inan ?- ' , wr a i-i. Trai'e ottened emtt(t. and chipping pur- iio. tre I.iiriy liieral at a nickel e,l ..n. c. Huih of th aiiipi ing aalra waa i , ,s Jr. fWi 34, tlie latter prioe twliig lie j-l p.-, i.l. l a'kira vptittd out bidding ateady, and it,a a.nnal feai.g ainni.K wliti ts lout wpt-a ought tt ue at l-aat Ik' liiither. i . tiiioa luurii waa dite until late til th oii-noun. tuai retuaed to ralae their f '..- until ilic r id o'ohx k. but In the end i t .lid taok on a little, and when tn i n k of the hoya Iteaan mov inB. It waa on a U.ndy to fco hlMiier haam. the moat . f the lr,it aelllim at a ehari huhvr ii"?. K.ten after a tracing ba.ia a ra liii ilfr.ied Iradnirf waa aloa. I. mu -f tue ki ler hi.ii iiocd at 7.2f.iy 7 - Willi a Kpnnkllng (loan to t.' J. anil m a rojntl-er of anlni intc hoaa rearhad . a no h I sbote tu rdiij 'a hiK.ivat i ;.re. 1 :-t'r aM.tatioa kali r Sk X) 7 II , , t "i T ro 4, 7 79 ' - 7SJ 4 :.. a 11, . . t I. r an t Si I- .V 7 M 1 1 T H t H .Tt fl -ttl Mflt f Another very light supply of , and laiiit- re-eived thia iiairn u Ts.t fr'-swa lotali! six cara, or I ' ti - 1 . iri-an a the three day' run i.e to ii.in-ig ih saute pa-rtod 'w 1 w-, . 1 r, 1 l.ed hhuanit up, and rnoi'ii a year ago n n'.nltd tu !4 rj I . i . ' tinted cut in dill fashion :.i ai.r.l tthsrflt' 1 litrhrr pri,a. and 1- vf -1 1- tjflcfira stajy figure 1 u-.it until fi iloui m tha ' - in ii- en i tl, t'i iKMls of 1 - - ct a t 'o a,M,j ldtni, a,,i,l at 1 t, hi "i- e ('! e on n-t t-td 'J ttis " tl tti i.i,i wm.icd aiiit nr nuoted aa 1Vft"V- (tetter than yecrdy. h n.ullty hem amich better thus Oiat of any of Tueadav'a offeringa. Shorn lambs did not fere ao well, how ever, and price nn plbln class of Hmk war no mnr than steady, two loads selling at 1, equaling: .veererday' fig ure on the lame sort of stuff. One car o ffi showed up, aoma wnnlod ona el1lng at 160. while tha rllpted end landed at 17.40. There have not been enough aged sheep here this week to make quotation. Quotattnna on aheep and lamba: Imha, light, IHI.&O-611.10; lamha heavy, llOirttf in St; lamba, ahom. M.4oi. Jf,; yearllnga, Itarrtt, Au: yearllnga, heavy, t7n 00; wethera. irood to choice, f.4.J5-i.76; wethera, fair to good, $MiXtf 3S; ewea, (rood to choice, I7.7:tj8.5; ewea, fair to No. Av. . K'4 . 7 . M) . 7 . Iff . 110 Pr. s .v II. IB 11 10 II 10 7 40 iVe 4i burka W7 Mei-a.n lamha J4.-, .Mesloan lamha 'IT". Mexloan lambs ll 1S4 fed ewea Chicago i.ivk dtikk mabkkt tji Flrae llaara Weak hee Ftraa. CHICAGO. May II CATTLR Receipt a. I.nr bend; market, firm: native beef ateers, K 9.25; one load of extra fancy. $.3; weatern afeera, ltfi.il K.; cowe and helfere, t.1 ;tffii.71; calvea. M WWfS.MI. Htal.-Hecelpts. 20.0ri0 head; market, weak at faille, edv.-mre- bulk fit aale.. r. 41(7. Hf.; light. r7 4ft-a7.TR: mixed. I7.3.V9 7 ); heavy. rj.or,7.b&;' rough, 7.0i4i;.?0; hlth. .Vi J.iv , MIliKP AND 7AMB.-n.prlrt. 12.0 neao; market rirm; sheep, r7.76ti.W iamla, e5.etdn.3. at. ' I.awle fT. ixirifl l.lve gtnrk Market. May 12. CATTLB Re celpta. 2.0 head market ateedy: native leef jteera. 7.6r(i.Oii; helfera, f.Ki eowa. Wf-i7.M); elo kcra end feedera, H"0 7ii.ai; aotitnem ateta, .T.tM.im; rowa and helfera, H.lKyuG.oii; native calvea, '.. .(!. Ili-MlD-necPlpta ino head: market lower; plaa and llahta. Ii.a','ti.70; mixed and but.:h, ta, t.oi 7.70; good heavy, 7.0 ,-7.. . . WHKKP AMI l,A M 118 RecHxHa. 1, head; market ateady; hlaheri clipped muttona. (H.tm97 l; lamba. 9.6(ji I0.7f; rllpped lamba. tx 7(i4 ; ' yearling. IX.oOitf W, spring lamba, ia.6('fil?.(. K a nana City l.lve Plark Market. K ANHAH CITY. May 12 CATTI.K-Receipts, i.i0 head; market ateady; prime fod aievre, h.ii1.; dreaaed beef steer, 7.7fhS.40; weatcrn aleer. - 7.2rsM; atm kera and feedera, i r5i,; bulls, .yWi 7 tot; calvea. 7.Of"S10.2S. I It MS RecelptH, H.ino head: market, higher: bulk. f.i1..; rteav'. K.Sottl if pa kera and butohera. l.'.ixa'i.W, light, 7.:iT7 47'n,; pla, 1 6fT7 3&. HHKKP AMI UAMIIB Rcelbtj ,V head: market , lilaher; lamba, $i.7tf1l.00; yearlinea, N nrwiD.ii; wethers, I7.0if.7t; ewea, J 75S.M) - , . glaaa City Llri "tack Market. filfirX CITY. la.. May ll.-CATTLK Racelpta. 1 MO brad; market steady to liic lower; native steers.. $1.(V ; btitch era, S& 4fJ 7."; cowa and helfera. tW:l J.rVt; atorkera and feedera, $7.aV(r7.i; calvea, rj-0iti9.j0; bulls, BtHga, etc., fi.ZiW t ."i0 jlOfid Recelpta. 4W head: market. Be higher: heavr. I7.a1.; mixed, 1. 25; light. V a' .B: bulk of sales. 17. ::7.iW HIIKKP AND l,AMBH Receipt a. 710 iiesd; market ateady; ewes. M.Wifli.M; lamba. .! kt. Jnaenfc Live tk Market. PT. JON F. PH. May, 11 CATTLK Ra eelpta, 1.400 head; market atrong: ateers, 17 ci.tin: cowa and helfera, liodK.); calvea. .0fi.M). IO,19KHelpts 4,010 head; market hlpher; top, 7.46; hulk r.K"''-.40. HH idKP AN1 I,AM-Herelptt. .".t bead: market steady; lambs, $io.2htflO.. Mr llaek In glaat. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal weatern markata todayt Cattle, ilora. 8hep. Chloago H.4) ,' . 13,'nlO Plonx Cltv I h1" 4 7i0 Kanaaa City . ' m Kt. 14ii1s 0 1. KtutU Oinoha i.wft .30 1.MM Totala , 6t0 21.W0 OHAHi (JKNKRAi. K4RKET. PITTTFR Ko. t, Mb. cartons, Jl; No. t, t-lb. tubs. Wo. C'HKKM-lmiKrted Bwlaa, IT?o; Amee- 1-an twins, Stkv; block Nwiaa, iiio; twine, U'.f-; dalelea, littc; trtpiitt". iio; oung America, IKoJ blua label brirk, ItlHiOj 11m-burs-r, Tit). Sc; New York white, lac; lim-t itiad l-'rench Keauefort, 40c. y iMi Trout, I4oj lama crapples, 14c; val-hut, lie; channel catilnri. 14o; hamng. to; e.-..!fth, 14' 'J tckerl. Ue; mlrrum Pvn. ? i-. r PUTATtlltD-hinMI, II fb nni., V ho!aale prl-ea of be out effective Anl .t era aa follows: t-ir.i-ie 4. Vi 1 Ulna, no. i, in'.y ; fto- 4, 17,r; No. 1, lic. Liotna. rvo. 1, Wtc; ISO. I iw'ic; No. t. lc. t'nucka. No. 1; U4c; No 2, l'c; . .i, nB. iiounna, ro. i, UL'r; No. 2, 14r; No. a, 13ie. Platea. No. 1 fv; No. 8. Pc; No. S, fc 'rol'liTKT-broilers. Sfc; spiios; chlk etia lio; hens. 14c; cocki, Vl rooatera. i,o'; ate, ""to; durka, 15c; gneao. hm; turkeys, lf jl-c: plscoo. Pr 4to ., Son: tiu.k. full feathvtvd, 10c; geeaa, full fwaihered, tc; aquaba. No. 1, 1.M; No. a, fcOo Fruit an vegetable prlcca urnlahad by Ci'MnFirl Fruit company: . . FHi:iT-t " rancy Cullfomla navels. Wo. - Pr l0,; 3(v'a. J "0 i.r box; 1. J lr ,M ; 1s"a. ! ir box; lTt.a. '. w. . ?SCi0 i,-r box- eitro fancy Meditei ranean t-weeta, .1, , i. .. . . . . . rta 3,,ta. a-a. e- ji i'"n. m,iiioii: Fsti-ft fancy Uolrten Howl, W0s, toos ii, ter box; fancy Mlvr Cord, aurta. iiOa, JiM prf box. Orattefruill Celebrated Cbaaa brand. 3fs, ler box, 4e, i.(k) per box; 64a, U-75 P'"'1 4. W par f.ox, Plneaapplee . e'.stra fancy Cuhan, Un 9a, ciat. l".ari!vnas: Me'iliurii also. IS to I,25 per hunch; Juuiho frtitl, Changninola and Port I.lmon, 4c per pound. Strawberries: Jiulatana pints, prlra on date of rflilpimint; pmaecllve pi toe for Monday l-W piul Casus, V per caee. V'KOKTARt.f.S California new cab bage, Ki to l-li. cratea, ic per lb. Cel ery, Jumbo. Iki per Uos.; hoad lettute, il per doa.; btaf Itttuoc. "n per doa. Artirhokna, II. k per dos. Kndive, SV per lb. Onions: tellow, 2c per lb .; Texas Uerimida, ahlte. 1.7a per crate; Texas Bermuda, white, yellow, '..iO per crata. Iinluii seta: yollnw and red. tiw r bualirl; while. II. "it P'T bushel. l'erPra, per banket. Tomatora, fancy, 4 . per orate: choice. 14 nor crate. Hplnerh. I t-ki per dox. Parsley par doa. Tur- nl!a. sue por itol. -outioa: voioraoo Kurala, 5c rer huahcl; Hed River Ohloa, Mo l r buahel; Mlnoeaota white. SOr per bushel; Florida, while stock, about ITS i. to barrel, Im per barrel; Texas Trt- uuipha, .J-iha. aacka, 60 par ID. -vluah- jooute. Trfic ter lb. MlfCKI,I.ANK14 Mielled nnpeorn. 4- per lb. CTaokerJaok. tU.SO per rase; fl.& per half case. Peanuts, raw, 7e per lh. ; Jumbo, so per iu. ; rttaati-a. 'o per lb.: salted. II iu r can. Asiraguaf iioin grjwn. I lb. buio hta. Site per doe. bunrhe Cneckcra. i (er caaej $l.7t r half cane, d.tmaa, JL7 pr box, 4 ta-ttaauts, Vi . per atk; p, r doa. Nuts: No. 1 falifi.rnia walnuts, JSo per lb. Hraxila. lift: ver lb. Mint walnut (latra. 1. pmr vox. r'ilberta. lo per IU. I 'riant, lJV ier St. Almonda, SWti P r lb. Cat fee Market. NF.'.V YORK. Mc, 12 COFFF.E The market for coffee f burv more than ktt yeaiert1a-'e tmproeNtrnt during today' trading a result or a attertng liiul tiuli ii a 'd trartr a-IlVn, wlilt n a a up- iMised to tte Inbirett bv ctntt hiued nerv- fviiatia ove- lmr?tetit'nwl toiitioa and re ports of eaaier fum oO. r of nw coffee fur shlpinttit to bias'l. The market owned at a d-lln of -ia points and ctitd at a nrt It sv of l'.-il points, bale l'l.a4 l.us. iuute: Mav. 6 k-'c: June. .'tH1-; .lulv. tl 10,': August. Oio. tli-ptemlH-r, .:-: iKitprT, ituo; rstt'euiiar, 11.40; 1 re'.irtor 1 4S-; jHitnirv, 7 11c; rrliruary, 7 l,c: Mart h. 'Ir; April, 7 ?. r-i-nt. tp-i-t: Kit, No. 1 , i'c: rtaiitos No. 4, Itk-(iff-r of nw crops oaiiio 4 were re p.jnd Ir the ttHil and frelvht market at B f,.ti 26c: and aid crop K10 at 1 Urt? 1 aiK uiu 'is to, 4 lower r-anloa un chansed. Rio exchange kiau. t ef fee Market. NEW YOFK. May 11-COTTOV-pot. qtiht; middling uptanda, Sito; salea, l.t) balfa. l-'uiurc opened harelr steady; Jul :io; Ovtober. lo.Ne; Deceralxr, M2.; January. 10 .'t,-. lotion future c,,,-4 tfadv; Mav, '.'2,' Jtilv. 4; October. I !Cc; LH-vviiihei . ISttV-: Jtariiarv. I -. I.I VKKI ttU 1! COTTON- pot. The tt.n.MI i.rkrt t!:Mt,i att'ady at R net det ll.ie of rv-trt . x,it t turn. ',., 1 iiiui, r ing, . ;:.i : iiii-i-tii,ar ; low nil' uhng. 4 C d. ."-ales. 4,iM balea GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Market Remaini Nenroui and That Grain Ooei Up Another Four to Fire Cent. FLY RZPOKTSi ARE NUMEROUS OMAHA, May K, IPI... Wheat market remnlna nervoua. Wheat continues to climb, advancing from 4 to i rents. There wss a aood cash demand for this cereal. Corn receipts totalled twenty-three tars, the market advancing V cent; While oats sold ViWHc higher. It la the belief of the wheat bill's that the edge has been ta:on off the 'bril liant proapecla for winter wneat, owing to ravagee by heastan fly antl chinch buga in northern Oklahoma, southern Kansas, northeaat Missouri, parts of central and weatern Illinois and weatern Indiana. . Ievelonmenla the iat' few days have confirmed early reports of the extensive presence of heaalan flv and clinch buga over an unusually large area, . r Some of the re port a are too sensational to believe, although a fe wof them came from well Informed people of the south west . Cbaranocg were: Wheat and flour otuel to 1,778.000 bushels; rotn. ,0W uusneis. Liverpool snot: Wheat corn, unchanged. Wtd higher; Primary wheat receipts were 740,000 bnehela snd ahlpmenta 7S7.0OO bushels, sgalnst receipts of MAnm bushels and shipments of 1.421,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 47H.O00 buahel and ahlpmenta 695.000 bushels, against receipts of 275.000 bunhels' and shipments of 422.0" bushels last year. Primary oats receipt a were 640 0ns buahela and shipments 7J.t,flno bushels, again receipts of 4iW buahela and shipments of 1,017.000 buahela Inst year. I carLot RKCKIPTH. neat. corn, iara. rhloagn' .Ul 12 . 127 Minneapolis ir.t Iniliilh 2S i maha 11 Kansas City V ' Ht. Iiuia : Winnipeg lia 2,t IU 31 These sulfa were reported: Wheat, No. S hard winter. 1 car tl.M'4, l'car l.f2'4, 1 cars 11.62, 1 V-car, II 60; No. I hsrd win ter, l car 11.52; No. 4 hard winter. 1 car ll.SO; No. 3 mixed, 1 car 11.41; sample, 1-S car 1.4. Barley: No. I, 1 car Xc, I car ac. Corn: No. S yellow, 4 cars 72c; Nn. I mixed, 1 cars (near white) 73c, I cars 7l1c:,No. 8 mixed, 3 cars (near whttoi 72c. 1 car tnear whlt) 7lo, 3 cars 71c, I cars 71c; No. 4 mixed, 4 cars W,ic, 1 car 70c: No. I mixed, 1 car 70c. 1 oar c; earn pie, 1 car 72c, 1 car 70c, 11 oars (hot) 04c. Oata: No. 3 white, 1 tar 51c; No. 4 white, 1 car JOc; No. I mixed. 1 car uOVxo; eample. 1 car Styo, 3 cars 4!ic, Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 Tur key, l.mtl.a3A; No. 3 Turkey. (1.U4I 1.5:i; No. 3 hard, l.MVn.o2t4; No. I hard. l.b0Valtn2: No. 4 hard. II, 4X1. 60; No. 3 iprlnn, 1.4fW11.ri2H; No. 3 durum, 11609 1.62; No. J liuium, 1. 47-1.61. Corn: No. I white. 72Jim"iV No. 3 white. 71Vt72c; No. 4 white. 7Pf71Wc; No. I white, TOfifil'Ac: No. 6 white, 70U,7t,4o: No. I yellow, ft T24c; No 1 yellow. TiHTSo; No. 4 yellow,- Tl'tr71tc; No. 5 yellow, 707lc; No. yellow. 70iryC0Sc: No. 2 mixed, i'i f(71ic; Noj 3 mixed, 71.?r71V4c; No. 4 mixed, WiWc: So. t mixed, 7010140; No, ( mixed, (AriOc: anmplo mixed, 472c. Oata: No. 3 white.' oUkfio'c: atamlard, SltiMlac; No. 3 white, MiV,1t"i1c; No. 4 -hits, MiyfirOlfro. Barley: Malting. R)it?70c; No. 1 feed, Wi65c. Rye: No. 3, Il.fl(l.l0; No. S. ll.dS'irt.OS CHICAGO OR4IW AND PKOTISIONI Feat area ef the Tradlaa; sxi Claaias Prices on Brl f Trade. CHICAGO, May 12. After many rapid changes of priors today, the wheat trade nppeared to be governed chiefly by be lief that alnrming reports of crop dam age In the Heaalan fly districts had been exaggerated. The market closed unset tled at o to under last night Corn finished. So to e. down; oata, off to Mio up, and provision with decline of 5c to JOc, At first the course of the wheat mar ket, a awlft succession of breaks and btiigea, seemed to reflect more or lesa the uncertainty of dealer regarding chances that the United Htatea would break off relations with Oermany. At tention soon centered, however, on the riueatlon of tha extent of Insect injury to th growing domertlo crop. Differ ences of opinion on thl subject were wide apart for a while, but gradually the general feeling became clearly less bullUh. Despite higher cables and big export clearance, th tendency toward g buying stampeda rilxsppenreo, and holders Indulged In , profit (thing on a large scale. Complaints of dry weather In North Dakota helped the built to rally th wheat market to some extent as the actalon-Ararcd an end. There were also late reports that foreigners were after cash wheat at thCeeaboard. Corn atiowod more continued heaviness than waa the. caae with wheat. Favor able weather, both in tlila country and In Argent la, led to conriderable selllnc. Oata were sustained by demand from cash hoiiaaa. The May .option especially waa In demand. . Provision larked support. 5tock yard Interests seemed lndlsiosed to unload, knowing an advance In pilt-cs for hogs. Future ranged aa follows: Artlt lo! Open. High. I Iow Cloae. lYea'y, Whcati i i May. 161 )! IM' 167 ' t I7'4 July. 1 .V 1 S3"4 1 1 a44 1 32'4 Cor.n . May. 7M1 7'i 74 7SS 7 July. 7l 78', 77S 7TV 7si Oata II May. MM 11:14) M' Ms July. 62-jl D.11 62 - 13 ' UVt Pork. I ( July. 1H1S Mars 110 1 10 18 2R Krt. 1 Vi I 18 lid l W 13 60 II 2V, , July. 0 : 75 ITS Hrpt. 10 10 10 U SMI 7H 10 17Vfc Rlha. f ! I I July. 10 10 4,2'i; 10 62', 10 r.'.'S 14) ii8 Sept.l 10 kTVt' 10 7'fci 10 l--fc 10 I'.'S 10 ao Cah Prices Wheat: No. J red. 11.64 fll.fekV,; No. I hsrd, I1.67MI I 6SS. Corn: o. 2 yellow. 7;m7sr: ether nominal. tutis: No. 3 white, WHK'MV,c; atandard, Stirt'ic. Rye, nominal. Barley, n';c. t ii ' ' " ' 1 ' 1 alfl 1 ,! 111 Oo man ean oporat tha (fasm77j efTiciently and quickiy. t owrf ul forca delivery puehea tha hay forward on th load. Tha asmvttf build neat, aluara euutxl ioada higher than with other toadera. The loada claaa hay frea from ma nura and other 'round refuse. Doe not knoc k heads off clover or grind alfalfa to bits, butcatchea all acat tering hay and paste over the) rubbish, iiaa aimpio action and doe not ret out of order easily. Ii the lightest draft loader wa know of. Substantially built to civo raal aervicc. makea light, kio, atraJght windrow. r j P, fl 1 1 7. ,7 xiSimi Jj (j aetf-adiuatlnc " ' to anyaurlaco Csndwldi f.f j. Co., Cox - ' "T V fyir' . A (; V ( lover, I' wr. 00. Pork, i7.sfl iJird. P . R'ba, r TM lu 2k. -!EW YORK flRWRPlAI, MIHKET Qaatatlons nf the Hay a Varlaai f nnnii4lllri, NKW YORK. May li FlOUR- .cfeair. WMKAT-Ppot, cav; No. I red. IMS snd No. 2 hsrd. ll.v;V c I. f.. track: No. I northern. Iiluth. 11.62, and No. 1 northern. Msnltobs. II. W. c. I Buf- I fslo riiturea, eaa : lsy, Il.tlO. I CtjKN htmt, ateady; .No. 2 yellow, 'no. prompt shipment ATs stKtt. stradv. MAY Bst-ely sternly. HOIf Oubc atate common to choice. 1"14 crop. lOnnc; l arlflt onaat bhjnc: pihlr roi, M, ta- 19H crop. "HlDKHV-tJiiiet; Bogota. I 3lc;j Central America. 2v. ...... I.KA1 ilFIt-FIrm; hemlock first a, TCc; accords. 'r:(1e -. . .- i . , ., PIJi VISION Pork, unsettled; msa, I.;M1.25: fsmllv, 121 W-iiCU.Ol; short clear, l.3otfi?1X0. Beef. ,iilet; mes, tiS KWinKi; family. Ii: V JO.iO. Lard. easy; mtrtdlo weat, pWi'W, TAl.lON Stealv; city. 6'c; 61 i'.o'-arterial iic. ' ' country, Tlmothv, l-i.nrwTg ,v til. l l r,r I neoinon; tririi"". p,t"";,i . . . tubs: creamery extras. W miw,. ",c; reamery, hirher scoring, X'fUc; tirais, VftTM-: seconds, 2MJ2HHC ' KtiOl Stcsdy: receipt!.. , cases; fresh gathered extras. 22itri2Hc: storage packed, exlra firsts. 2tMt'--C: first. siLMVic; regular packed, extra firsts. Zlty 2IHr; firsts, lft'ji 30r 'nearby hennery, whltea. fine to fnnrr,' 21 r.'to; - nearby hennt-ry whltea. S2ti!c CMF.KriK Firm; receipts. S.7I3 boxes; whole milk, . lro; earns, average fancy, lU'V<V'io, , POI'I.TIIY Live, weak: western -chicken, broiler, aoff-.Mc: fowls. I7il7r; tur keys,, 12i,14c; dressed: steady; westent froxen roasting chickens, 17j2lMtc; fowl, lt'yjlSc; turkeys, l."if21c. ' Kanaaa -City t;ral and PrvUlo. ' KANSAS CITY, May 12 WHF.AT No. f hard, U.ft4i!4.MVfc; No, f red. II.UWfl.54; May. $1.61; July, 11.'JVi: Meplcmbcr, W.pt'a. ' r . CORN No. 2 mixed. 74i.T5: No. I white, THftVic; No. 1 yellow, 7CVfc; No. 3, 74V!7lc; May. TS'.Xi'SVi July. lT8c; September,' TffitfTK-SiC .'' OAT8 No. 2 white,- TicfiiVic; No. t mixed, Gff'jfilc. BCTTl'.K 'reamery, rc'; fieatg: 2oc; aeconda, 2nc; parking, lRc. KfHia Firsts, 17c; seconds ,1c. POIXTRY Hens, He; roosters, 10c; turkeys, lfic. ) ' Minneapolis Grain- Mirket. MINNKAPOMR. Mav 13.-WHFAT Msv, $1.M: July. 11.40'i: No. 1 hard, $1.61: No. -1 nothem. l.i7'(4.o9Vi:,- No 2 northern, $t.e2'4'n1.,i. FI.n;n-Unchanged. PARl.KY-Wt74f. , RYh-tl ,ia-1.16. HRAN-I22..V). CORN No. 3 vellnw. 71Vifi7lc. t OATH No. 2 white, 61'q:)2Vo. FLAX-I1.17W.1 1.9!v4. g. I.wala Grain Market. BT.- LOCI, May .IS. WHKAT No.. ! red, $1.62: No. 3 hard. ll.MTjl.S8: Mav, $1.62'4: July. $1.J. CORN No. 2, Til'tc; No. ! white, TVtff 77c: May. 76c; July, 77 Sfi 77V4o. OATS No. i. 63'c; No. 3 white. MV,C. IJrerpool Grain Market. t,IVF.RPOOL,, May 12,-WHKAT-No.' S Manitoba, 13 HVid; No.. 2 hard winter, 13 ifcd. CORN Spot, American, mixed, new, s d; La Tlota. mixed. t l'-rd. Oil and noaln. 8AVANNAH. Oa May 12 TI'RPEN TINE Firm, 42c; sales, S25 bhls.; re ceipt. 203 bbla.; shipments, none; stock. a.M bhla. . RO.SIN-Flrm; v le. 1,271 bbl: rc- et 14 fire Red Facts How to Overcome the Tor ' ture Without Harm ful Drugs. j or A IssiAB ef naonls have nsed H . K. ft. and bsve orercoine the wont form of rhetima- tlsm. Thl disease of the blond I Uttl under. toed because ef It strange, symptom, earraly two people having It exactly alike. And yet, no natter what It form or how painful and distressing, ft. 8. 8. seem tet have almost a divine influence In driving It 1 out. releasing the nerves from pain and clear- I Ing the Joint and muscle ao they work with- out restraint. Vh best explanation for thl I happy result I tba fact that lo 8. 8. 8. are : ce.nata Ingredient which act aa an antidote, ' They are nature' providence to man, 1 J oat aa th meals, fata, salts aad sugar ot ear dally food provide u with nourishment, , o noe 8. 8, ri. give t the blood th exact medicinal requirement to clear the stream, drive out Impurities and reconatrurt tb body If destructive germ bar gained a foothold. Go to any drug atore today and . get a bottle of R. ft. 8. It will do you good. Bat be cure to refuse any and all auhatltute. And If your I g atubbnra ease, write to tha Medical Adviser. The Hwlft Hneclfle Cex. 100 Pwtft Bldg., Atlanta, Oa. Th la department la presided over by a physician proud of hi nam by virtue of bis distinguished family BSd g foremost doctor oa hi owa merit. tm7' Viiii. UUI Equipped with f exible aprocket ard chain power head. Never kink,atretch ea, nor wind, built atrongrly of ateeL. Lhjea not pinch out cuga. Goea over rock and other obataclea without dan Rerof break -dowtieordelaya. Bar car,, not apring' and atriko frames Only rake made having thia desirable feature. Iiaa flexible raking1 teeth. Write to day for our free catalog which fuily de scribe thia remarkable rake. Addresa 317 Ccuncil Cluffa, Iowa 4 4 I I a Hay celpta, 1.4JS bbla. : shipments. nope; ativk. 61.i7 bhla. Wuotations: A snd , H'"'; C snd I, H ; K, 1.1 Ui; ?Y tl 3.; o. H and I. $3. SB; K. t- W; ' M, H "; N, IS.4; Mil, tM; WW. t.0. aaaar Market. NKW TORN. Mav 12. PT'fSAR Raw, fltm: reritrifueal. 4 K7c-. mni., iv refined, firm. Sugar futures were firmed on hityina prompted by the strength In the spot market and the continued arfive Ktiropean rlmsnd for refined. Prices at midday werP 6jI4 points net higher. .... Dry .onda Marln-i, t '' -l rijfHii were atenl but nulet o- 'jl. Villi l.'ina r rro fl 'innrliiurt t'.,.l ' w;rd ' , ; . s i mini" t"-i r r f miv. rv nn J'T" "lld hoalcnr wee In stcadv demand. N orated yarns werr firm. GOVERNMENT BOAT TAKES LUMBER TO DECATUR A large cargo of lumber has been taken inboard 'h government snsgboat Mc- l'lieraon In Omaha. The lumber Is to be i wnere me government is to build to be used a coal, shed near th water aa a coaling atation f..r the snagboat a they ply up and down the river. A Decatur ha no railroad this aa considered the beet way of getting the necessary lumber to that place. The boat I to leave Omaha thl afternoon end arrive at Decatur about May 17 or IS, Apartment, flata, Mn-.ec and cottages can be rentedquickly and cheaply by a !)' "Tor ant" - C. H. MORRILL IS SPENDING .SHORT TIME IN OMAHA Hon. Charlc. If. Morrill, for many year president of the board of regent of, the atate university. Is spending the day In Omaha, having returned recently from a whiter at Daytona. Fla., end looks In the best of health. Mr. and Mr. Morrill are stopping- for the present with friends in TJncoln. and will put In their summer between the farm near Osceola and the northern lakes. May Sales Here Offers Superior 'Assortments and Quality at Equal Prices. Equal Qualities at Less. Garment Styles Strikingly New Most Pleasingly Priced Apparel that is distinctive, charmingly becoming, yet so rca sonahle in price that all who see them are pleasantly surprised i Modes in Summer Suits that critical dressers will certainly appreciate. Palm Beach Suits, cool, comfortable, becoming more popular than ever this season, a broad assortment of naty new styles for se lection, $9.85, $12.75, $15.00 to ....$25.00 New Silk Suits--n ex ceptionally beautiful lot in Silk Failles, fine Taf fetas and new Shan tung, $25, $29.75, $35.00 and $39.75 Two Tailored Suit Spe cialsNearly 200 hand some Suns, in Silks, Check Suitings, Poplins and other popuhnr fabrics, $25 $1 1 to $35 values, choice 1 leaD Tailored Suits, made to sell at $15, $18 and $1:0, Gabardines, Novelties, Serges, $p Qr fine check suitings, etc., choice. . 0lD New Summer Dress Skirts, in the most pop ular wash fabrics and colors, $1.95, $2.95 up to ..7.50 A Big -New SUck of Extra Size Apparel for Iirge Women Suits, $15.00 to $35.00. Coats, $10.00 to $25.00. Dresses, $10.00 to $25.00. Skirts, $3.95 to $12.50 $ 1. 25 Flotmcings, 59c : Beautiful 45-inch Organdie Flouncing,' the roost popular white goods of the season. .Those are actual valuea to $1.23. Your choice in' CQ Th.ur6daya sale at. yard Framed Pictures Thursday Less Than Mgr. 9 s Cost 5C0 Framed Pictures, $il values, in immense variety of popular subjects, 16x20 and q g 14x16 size, in oak, gilt or brown, oval and square frames, exceptional bargains. DC ; J Pretty Framed Plcturva that aell at 60c, Thursday at Put Up Your Pineapples Now A carload of extra fancy Cuban Pineapples for Tliuraday. This car ia practically alt targe aixcta tu finoel kind for preserve. 24 hi set, Thursday, doson ....ai.Ob Kau . i5o 30 stza. Thursday, etosen ....ai.40 Kach , UVt 3 else. Thursday, doseli . ...l.i0 K.at n 100 Tar mm, aay aai U.1S 1 lb, bast graaaiatod caa iiifir for 11-00 4-lb. sack beat high gtade Lua mvnd it' flour; not lung liner for biead, plea or Cake, sack ..11.86 1 ba-ia lenoa. ljtttnmy (Juoou, beat 'Kin All or ltlni.uni C soap tur a I lbs. bast whit or yellow corn- meal IT 4 lba. best liajid picked navy beauti for 36o 4 lba fancy Japan rice, 10c qual ity 8J The best domestic macaroni, vermi celli or paliettl. pkg TV, Advo Jell, for deeeerc the Jell tiiat whips: It's quality good a. Trv iu Package T Tall cans Alaska aitlnion 10 K. C. cirn flakes, pkg. , 0c (irait Nuta. i.kg loe Large bottle VNorceater sauce, piu tomato calniin or plekloa, aiu l- d kind-., bottle .. gv,0 ( ran oil or muatard snrtllnea SVo Fancy 'Quhii olivet., quart ....Sac 4 can fancy sweet aiigar corn, was. string, green or lima beans. for I cana golid pack tomato . .aae IT F.1V3 fry 'HA vTjDj'O rnst ga, in No More Dog Catchers for Omaha; Now They Arc btray Animal Utticcrs Mr. .; Albert Jackson and Mr. J. E. Klrtley stopped the Ford In front of the police station. On the back wa a rapacious cage. On the ld of the cage were two wire laesoa. , It wo the city's new Vehicle In which Fldii who haven't paid their txe are taken to the pound find held for ransom. Messrs. Jackson and Klrtley are Afro AmeiUans. c'ad In l.luo denim and with well pollahod stars gleaming upon their breasts, star lnerlbeu "Special Officer" and with a number and everything. "Well, well," cried the scribe, "you are certainly some classy dog ratc-bern now." . Rut the chatsrterlatl' grXn of Ethiopia did not appear. MeSsr. Jackson and Kirtly looked hauchtlly at the scribe. Then spake Mr. Klrtley: ,"W-II ain't no dog catcher." And Mr. Jackson continued: "We're stray anlmM officers." "Y-ir. atray animal, offlcr r." said Mr. Klrtley The scribe mentioned that he might put a piece in the paper about The awell new dog catir , that In, the swell new stray animal officers' vehicle. Ah. the power of the press!. Dignity waa thrown 'aside. The Ice thawed. Tha stray animal cfflcen saw that here was a man who could be received as an equal, a man to whom even stry animal officer mlitht unbend. Here wns oppor tunity knocKlriR at the door. Mr. Kirt ley rose to the occasion at onc He felt that aoinrtplniT riiiiKt be said. - . ' "Tho city ha gtwn us these Job." he remarked. "We have our duties to per form and we will perform, them lo the best of ouah abilities accordln' to ouah oath of office which we took. We will try to treat all parties equal and fair. I wouldn't take no dog front the. arm of no woman or no little child. I wouldn't do that. We " Mr. Jackson here mused an almost total 4 lv 15.00 values, fina tlon at WalBtg made to 14.00. at. IU mrtlH II aaaailJanaj,WM,a TTI IT I - . r -.'1 5 : . i l: :.. $1.95 choice An exceptionally beautiful new ular cloths." In Thursday regularly j q j Framed Pictvres 3vC I at 13.00; big Macl-aren'a Peanut Butter. ' lb. . 2a J lei alley HrenKtast Coeoa. lb..S6o (toiaen eianto f or tec, lb Mi Vh beat craamsiy Batter, car ton or bulk, lb SO The host atrit'ily fresh, l-gna, nothing finer at. any prica. dur.eu SO faiiov No. 1 Country Creamery rjutter. lb. ' SSe No. 1 Hairy Table Butter, lb...a 4ood Iiairy Hut ter, lb gse ranoy Full Cream. New Yora White. Wisconsin Creant or Young America Citeese. lo. . .BO imported Mats or itoquefort Cieeae, lb Oo Neufchatel Cheese, eat h ao Tha Vegetable Market for th People II lb, best No. I Cooking Po tatoes, 16 lha. to peck 1TH ( buuclie home-grown Oritona Oo t largo bunches fresh Louisiana Kaiiiahe So 3 larae bunches Aspurajrua loo 4 laia bunches Khuuarb fro 1iei.il Spinach, ptt k 10 Wax or tireen Peans. lb.. . . . 110 Fancy, largo Cuuutubcr. .10-1'4'fc New Cabbag. lb eljO l-aiit-y tWkiug Apples, 13 lbs. to peck, tor , 40e 3 tireen Popper ac 1-aiioy, rloe Tomatoes. lb....lgVo 1-reeh Pete or Carrots, bunch., 4o Fancy Florida Ciiaoe Fruit on aale for 6c o, TV. Fancy lltahland Navel Oranae. per duren 16o. 10c, lie. 30c Large, Juicy Lemons. don lfto. lOa. 15 eclipse of the voluble Mr. Klrtley by step ping In front of him and continued the diaeourae. Then it wa discovered that Mr. Klrtley wa onlr assistant dog catcb assistant stray "animal officer. The dignity of helm? chief stray animal officer belong" to Mr. Albert Jackson, a man of long experience (twelve yen rsln Omaha aa dog catrher and recently a stray ani mal officer, and four years prior to that In a sort of preparatory course a pound master In Council Bluffs), a man who, to quote hi understudy' admiring teatl mony, "don't mis one dog In twenty that he goes after." Mr. Jackson'salil in parts "My Jurisdiction extend over the Intlr city, which I did when I signed my bond nd when my atar of office wa give to me. However eence we have got this automobile the people respects us more nd It Is a thing to Inspire prlda 1ft tho heart of all cltiaen. The stray animal officer. In further Interview, had kind word to say of Com missioner Kugcl. who, they agreed, - "is some roan." Mayor Dahlmanwa alo commended. Tho stray animal officer declared their intention to co-operate with the city commissioner, the Humane so ciety and otlie.rvin every way possible according to their. Jurisdiction which they have acquired under . their bond and when signing for their star. CARPENTER LOSES TWO FINGERS ON LEFT HAND Fred Glasshoff. 4410 Jackson street, lost two finger of hi left hand In operating a Jointer at th Ornaha Sash and Door company plant at 4214 North Twenty fourth street. He was' operating the Jointer on a hurry-up Job and left the guard off. He was taken to the Swedish Mission hospital. See the Specials in Sum mer Furniture for Your Porch and lawn. You'll Save Largely. Beautiful New Summer Dresses in al most unlimited variety of artistically distinctive types. . Handsome Silk Dresses, Embroidered Voiles Iaces, Dimities and oth er beautiful ' summer farnira . oil nnlftTta artrl J Ltt'l V..-, tut vv.y.u . . vrjii, sizes, choice valuea at irom $7.DU, 4iu.uu, $12.50 to ..$25.00 NEW SILK COATS New. Palm Beacli Coats A bevy of artistic modes in the season's choicest colorings, $10, $12,50, $15 and ..$19 $10.CO and $12.00 Coats Thursday, $7.95 A If J choice lot of 100 beautiful coats in Coverts, and other popular' fabrics,1 plain colors, checks and fancies, the season's - $1 nobbiest styles, at ifD Two Specials in New Waists .; , Women Lonir BlUt Ktnionoa. In all colors, regular assortment for aelec- tfO JC . . . .ip6iJD sell to Waists made to sell to 16.00 ,at. JO flC choice ...... yas 7 50 c 'Embroideries, 19 c fine line of 27-in. Embroideries. patterns in the season's most pop Actual values to 60c yard. sate, choice, yard ...... 19c that sold regularly J - Q Q aesortraeut .......... j) 1 70 Special Introductory Sale A NEW DEVICE Cast Aluminum Roister, Kittle end Fry Pan, Combination Consisting of a preserving ket tle and a large size No. 8 fry pan, both cast aluminum, the kettle being so made that when, debired to visa as a roaster the fry pan fits to make the top piece. A cast aluminum roast er cost from 1 1.00 op; a pre serving kettle this site costs :.9h, and a fry pan this alia 2 h. This set special for lhura'lay1, Intro- nn durteiry ggie ..... ?JO