Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1915, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily' Bee
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.Witness Says Colonel, Feeling 1912
Issues Dead, Resolved to
Tear President to
New York Lawyer Asserts Other
Agreed with Him that it Was
Time for New Deal.
SYRACUSE, N. Y., May 12.
Charles W. Hutchinson, jr., a' New
York lawyer, declared on the witness
stand, in the trial of the Harnes
Roosevelt suit, that in July, 1914,
Theodore Roosevelt had told him
that he agreed that the Issues of
1912 were dead and that he would
"go after" President Wilson in bis j
Pittsburgh speech and "tear him to j
pieces." Mr. Hutchinson quoted Colo- j
nel Roosevelt, as saying, however,!
that after what happened in Chicago j
In 1912, the republican party was
not big enough for both him and
Mr. Barnes.
Wonld Uo After Wilson.
Mr. Hutchinson told of a talk with
Colonel Roosevelt in the Harvard club
in New York, July 15, 1914. The witness
"The conversation was in regard to the
gubernatorial nomination. I told Colonel
Roosevelt that the Issues which divided
the repulbican party in 1912 were dead.
He said that was right. He said ha
would go after President Wilson in his
Pittsburgh speech. He said ho was the
man to do it.
"He said that after what happened at
Chicago the republican party was not
big enough for himself and Mr. Barnes."
On cross-examination the 'witness said
bia purpose in seeing Colonel Roosevelt
was to get some information as to just
what h Intended to do.
Khonld Reunite.
' "Did you tell Colonel ' Roosevelt you
thought the progressive party was
through and might as well die."
"No, I told him I thought we should
set together that is, the two factions of
the republican party."
'What did he say about Wilson?"
"He said he would go after him in his
Pittsburgh speech and tear him to
j'ieces and that he was the only man
who could do it." . . , ,
Clearing House for
Crime Located, by
Gotham Officers
NEW YORK. May 13. The twelve
. .blanket Indictments- voted yesterday
against thirty-four men. charging them
with various crimes, from rioting-and
assault to first degree mruder, In con
nection with tho gurmcti workers' strike,
rounds the death knell Of the New -York
gangster and are the forerunner of other
wholesale arrests, according to I Istrlct
Attorney Perkins. At the 'district at
torney's office it was said today that de
tectives had found a "clearing house" for
crime, run by gangsters of this city and
that every gang leader operating In New
York had been eliminated.
Nine of the thirty-four Indicted men
were arraigned today on warrants charg-
Ing variously assault, attempted extor-
tl'on riot, injury to property and firat dc-
cice murder
With the exception of the
one charge of murder, bail was set at
from SLOW to S5.O00 in each case.
Teutons Lose 165 000
Since First of May
GKNEVA. May 12 (via Parls).-A dis
patch from Cracow t6 the Journal Do
Geneve says that the losses of the Aus
trians and Germans since May 1 amount
to 105,000 officers and men. Ixsbes of
the Russians In prisoners are placed at
The dispatch says the Russians are
holdlns firmly the principal strategic
positions and that both sides are rocelv-i
ing heavy reinforcements.
The Weather
Forecat till 7 p. m. Thursday:
For Omaha. Ooi'mil Bluff and Vicinity
Fair; slightly cooler.
Temperature at Omaha Ycnterday.
Hour. ieg.
Comparative Loral Record.
If 13. ;9M. 1911 19li
Highest yesterday w
Ixiwttst yeslenlay ! "-
Mean temp-rature i
l'r lDltRllon w '
Temperature and precipitation depar
ture Irom the normal :
Normal temperature
KTU fr the dy
Total exct-sn n'luf .March 1...,
NorrrisJ precipitation
IofiJteii. y for the cla". ... ....
Total rainfall sniio .March 1. v ini ,. Mart ! 1
. .Mi inchi-s
. .lh Inches
3.11 inches
I'N-flclency f r cjr. ocrtoj, IM4..1.19 inches
Kxiw for cur. pi rii il. l:li I.M's
Heports from Station at 7 P, M.
Mation and Mate Temp. Piaii- llaln-
of U. airier. .p.m. est. lall.
rheyenn. iloinly .. 0
I eniKrt, 'hu r kI
tMmver, part clooily
lea Moines, uart .looiy.. ht
Iioilae !. near W
Norin l laur. clear
Omaha. !'
IUild City, cl' ii.iy I'i
hhertdar. part cloudy
Hlo :iy 'lcr fci
alutine. utit iloudy .. M
Lj, A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
I If 6 a. in w
(Ti AyL f 6 a. m 61
VV fTTf TPO 7 s. n.
Jm!Tff ft h. m VI
if r a m 75
Jl JV Jl ios. hi ?j
n a. m
EMPEROR WILLIAM, surrounded by his personal staff
at Vaurier. Report has it the Kaiser is again at the front.
Tennis Champion
Killed' in Attack
on Dardanelles
NEW YORK. May ll-Anthony F.
Wilding, the New Zealand lawn tennis
champion, whn was killed in the allied
attack on the Dardanelles, played his
last matches in this city before he went
home .t-i Join the troops -sent by New
Zealand to aid the. mother country. Witt)
Norman K. Brooks, he made ' up the
Australiasian team which kaat year car
ried the Davis International cup back
from the I.'pltcd (Hates to .the antipodes.
Gliding Was born in New' Zealand in 1HSJ.
From the age of 14 years .he won a- sue
cesfllun of tournaments In ' the British
tales and at one time or another held
every Important championship.. By many
lie was rato'd us the greatest player the
game ever has produced, lie first ap
peared in the Davis cup matches in 19ft",
and In with Brookes successfully de
fended the trpiiy in Australiasia.
After Great Britain captured the cup
and it was won In turn by the United
States, Wilding und Brookes came to
this oou'itry last summer and met Mc
Laughlin and Williams, representing the
United .States' in the finals at tho West
Hide Tennis club, l,ong Island. On that
j occasion Wilding defeated Wllliania and
j Brookes lost to McLaughlin, Cut together
j the Australasians captured the doubles
j and tho troj 'ny.
j Wlldinp at the timo of his death waa a
second licuterant In th Royal marines.
Papillion Man - ;
in Canadian Army
-Reported Wounded
OTTAWA, Out., May 12.-Namea of sev
eral officers are contained in the casualty
list for the C'anadiHn contingent issued
tonight by tho mllltla department.
Captain George. W. Jameson,. Winnipeg,
formerly reported wounfled. In , now re
ported wounded and m'sslng. Lieutenant
Thomas Iownio Ixxkhart, Berlin, Ont.,
and Lieutenant Alfred C Basledo. pre
viously reported wounded, .no now re
ported killed in ac tion. -
Privates Kdwln John Davis, Cavington,
Vs., is given as killed, in action,- and G.
Campbell, Papillion. Neb., as wounded.
PAPILLION. Neb., May 12 -(Speclnl
Telegram.) George t'am'pbell, also known
as George Alden, left here about eighteen
months ago for Canada. He wrote friends
I here that he had enlisted In a Canadian
Highlander regiment. He Is about 2"
years old and served two years In the
United states army.
Body of Mrs. Charles
' Plamondon Found
CHICAGO. Mav 12. The body of Mrs.
Charlei A. Plamondon, for which
relatives Lave been searching since the
steamship Lusltariia was torpedoed, was
found today in one of the mrguca at
Queenslown, Ireland, according to a
cablegram ivreivrd today by Ir. John
B. Murphy, vhoae lfe is a n.tcr of
Mrs. Planiomloii, from lhe American con
sul at Quccn- town.
DEN1BON. la.. May K (Sprcial.l-The
annual ssion of the Ijes Moinea-West
ern Baptist association Ir now bring held
In this city, beginning Tuesday evening.
There Is represents! tons from churches
located In western loa, from Misaoiirl
Valley to Boone, and north to Fort
I odgc, and south to llerlan and Perry.
The leading Baptist wcrliers' of the
state will be present, seh as lr. Wll-
eox snd Prof. I-sphsm. President Earl of
the les Molnrs university. The. sessions
Isst until Thursday night, with a strong
a rf A t
f?,c 4 ! H I . s ' 1
il JJC:- - - Li4' i
s- 'vaiaiwiswiiisiwissiaii iiiissj m , .
lf'-TmmmmmmtmmmmmmKmmti s 1 1 i.m.. i ssiaaawu I
'V N
Gunmen Used by
Both Sides During .
Labor Disputes
WASHINGTON. May 12 Gunmen and
gunwomr n have been used by both strik
ers and employers in Industrial disturb
ances Police Commissioner Woods of
New York, told the .Industrial, relations
commission today. The commissioner re
latea. . Retails ..tit. anr investigatien of the
Confessions - of a New Yerk 'gang laadwr.
"Dopey sBemry." - which culminated yeaw
terday.ln the return of .Indictments by
tho New York "bounty Brand jury. "
."Tills investlatlon.' said CoifimlssiOmt
Woods, "has .shown. a large, employment
of gunmen, by strikers and a somewhat
less employment of gunmen by employers.
No only Runrnen, but In strikes Involv
ing wemen workers, gunwomort hava
been used." ,
Commissioner Woods did not believe the
present Industrial system was the cause
of the prowth of gunmen aa an Institu
tion. . Tho emnlovment of aunmen In
strlkts, he believed, merely .incidental to
the general life of crime led by- the
Kanefter. . .,..
Stephen S. Gregory- of Chicago, a
lawyer, decried general use of Injunctions
In labor disputes and boycotts, he thought.
were often Justified. He proposed exten
sion of the control of all Industrial or-'
ganlsatlons by tho federal government.
Prof.. HeViry 8. Seager - of 'Columbia
university aeciareu tnai . nc ;iair-minaea , who ptriLitd thl principal streets cry
person can deny thst the courts of the lng -Down wtu All(ltrU! p,,.,, wlth
lana ao act wun a-aecmen dios ioxrn
employers as against labor." He recom
mended a permanent Industrial commis
sion to harmonise conflicting inteteats of
capital and labor. ' "' '
Many Killed and
Hurt During Riot
-In Constantinople!
GENEVA. May, 12.-(Vla Psrls)-The
Journal De Geneve has received a dts
path from balonlkl saying - that many
persons have been killed or Injured in
the course of riots in Constantinople. .
Mobs numbering thoussnda the news
psper said, pillaged the shops." The sul
tan's guard has been called out
According to this inrormetmn tno h-era ; Bre p-tp bllt it (s not beved
Palsce hotel, the largest and most pre- ; lhev w, ,Uafy the demands of the
tentlous Lurupean hotel in the .city. , ((lDln,t whlol, ,nsl(( upon th(J ,.,ion
iwas sacked. The police were over-' cf B trrrUory etner Mcta, or .traleglc
wl.elmed. ',, . iullani
Food prices In Conutantlnople have
.,.rl ihpr u m-McsoreiM misery ! ,"0" M"r,J Uepreaaesl.
among I he lower elusnes. ,The hoapltsls j
are crowded with wounded soldiers.
Germans. Will Wear
flpppri TTn 1 frtTTH
VJ1UCJJ. U 1X11 Wi XiiO
THE HAGL K. May 11. (Via London.
The, German troops will be lothnd , in
grass green uniforms during the summer
nion'ha, according to private Information
received here from Ghent, where a Ir.rae
factory Is e!i to be working day and
night making the new clothing. - Field
gray will he the color worn again in
next winter's isnpuian. for which the
Germans are niaWHs rreat rrenarattons
acrordlng to the Mnr.cs of persons ar
riving In Holland.
The fieiman wer deuartinent. I. is as-'
serteil, hss ordcrel rouny kind" of new '
material. In, lud i.e Medical st res and '
entrenching tool. sMfflcnt ti Is't until !
the end of Le mhrr. The original belief :
of Berlin, it is averted, waa that tl e ;
rsmpati'n wou'nl h- ooncluded st the 1st- I
est In Ai.gurl of this year.
i "
Following is ljt of subacrillons to
lhe Belgian relu f fui.d re.orted st Un-
(Previously noon
Cltisens ef Cor
ported by L R.
iWfd ...
Neb., re-
Vessels Instructed to Proceed
Once from Such Waters to
Trieste or Po'a, Says
iKinfr of Italy Has Power to Act
Without Consulting Ministers
or Parliament.
GKNKVA. May 1J. (Via Tarls)
The Austrian government has is
sued an order that all Austrian ships
In Italian waters proceed at once to
Trlest or Pola.
Germans arriving' in Switierland
from Italy say it la no longer safe to
"freak. German on the streets of Mi
lan or Turin. They Bay that several
Germans have been handled roughly
I by crowds, wo are reported to have
j been nearly lynched at Brescia.
j lloraer Towns In Panic.
LONDON. May 12,-The Evening News
I has received s dispatch from Its eorre
j spondent at Lugano.' In Switierland, not
j far from the Italian frontier, who eay
that scenes of indescribable panic are
occurring on the bovdor. Several thoit
! sand Italians are waiting for trains to
I take them hack to Italy. In Udlne,
' northeastern Italy, the mayor of tho cltv
I Is providing temporary accommodations
j lor the Increased population.
j Jtallan steamers, tho correspondent
continues, are bringing from Zaba, In
Dalmatla, hundreds of Austro-ttsllans
wbo arc fearful of reprisals at the hands
of the Austrians.
Kitlaa Troops Protect t.ermans.
BASKL, ftwltserlsnd. May IS. The
8wis government Is sending more troops
today to points on the southern frontier,
especially to Ligano, because of anti
German demonstrations. It Is estimated
that 10,000 Germsns from Itsly are In and
near Lugano. Local agitators have
marched In procession In front of the Lu
gano hotels, particularly those occupied
by Germans, calling out to them Insulting
phrases, lhe Lugano police aparently
are finding difficulty In dealing with the
ROME, May 1L (Via Paris, Msy 12.)
Final decision as to whether Italy shall
declare war or maintain neutral rests
with King Victor Emmanuel. Tlisj ltal
Isn .constitution (Ives to the sovereign
alone,' authority to' "declare war, tnaksj
peace and conclude treaties."
. There, la' a diversity of opinion In the
capital, however, as to whether action
by, his majesty should be purely formal
or slbipiy in accordance with the decision
reachadiby ' his ministers. Those who
favor, making his constitutional preroga
tive' more than a matter of form, are
urging that as soon as Austria makes its
final decision .regarding territorial con
cessions, the cabinet shall ask the king
to take supreme command and rely upon
his Judgment.
Apparently, however, a majority 6T the
people believe the cabinet must assume
the responsibility one way or another,
with the certainty that Us derision will
be sustained almost unanimously by Par
liament and the country. The status of
Parliament Is to remain uncertain. It
may or may not be asked to express an
opinion as to the wisest course to pur
sue. .
Antl-Aaatrian It tots.
Troops were cslled out tonight to dls-
. perse a grest crowd of war enthusiasts
niniitti"- n.i
oheerlng for Premier
island ra and Minister of Foralan Af
talrs fon'nlno. Most of the persona In
the throng apparently felt the greatest
snlinoslty toward former Premier GlolltO,
who ia.regsrded as the leader of tho
peace party. An attempt was made to
storm his residence, but It was frustrated
by soldiers. The crowd Jeered as it
paased the German ecclesiastical college.
Demonstrations similar to that In the
capltsl are occurring in the larger towns
throughout the country. Clashes with
those who favor neutrality have been
prevented aeveral times by the Interven
tion of troops and the police.
Every precaution has Men taken by
the authorities of Homo to protect the
Auatrtan snd German . diplomats ac
credited both to the qulrinal and Vatican.
The final Austrian counter-proposals
Paris, Msy 12 ) Pope Benedict Is greatly
depressed by the trend of events In Italy
! and believes the Intervention of that
; country in the war is only a question of
days, according to apparently authentic
' ln'ormat'on rcclved here. The pontiff is
: rmtirtrtt In he arcatlv concerned rerarrl.
reported to be greatly concerned regard
Ing the possible effect 'war would have
j on thu relations letween the Qulrinal and
the Vatican
'. He has derided, it is said here, not only
i to -Invito the Germans. Austrians and
Bavarian ambassadors accredited to the
: Vatican to eae Home, but to withdraw
' the !ninil i from the courts of
;' countries which would be hostile to Italy,
. - 1 .
I , ,. ... . I
Omaha'a new million dol
lar court house would b: an
ornament to any city. For
architectual beauty, artistic
finish, and practical ar
rangement it if unsurpassed
as a public building of ita
class and will well repay
the inspection of visitors.
T H E- G AT E- C I T Y 0 f 'T H VV EST
Germans Capture Important Hill
East of Yprcs and Bombard Dunkirk
BKKLI.S. May 12 -(Via lndon.l-The
iernian army heai!c4tierters today gave
a report on the progress of hoMlllttcs,
whim read:
"Wr-rteni :!:i:,t. Aviators of the en
emy yesterday dropped bombs on Bruges,
nith'iut doing any thinmgc from a mili
tary point of view.
"Kust of Ypres we took an Important
hill. Dunklik was bombarded by our ar
tillery. K.Hst of Dixmude wo shot down
a British f.yina machine.
"Trenches taken by the French durltig
tho last few days between Caremy and
Neuvllle, i.orlh of Arras, are still In
their possession. Otherwise all the at
tempts of the enemy marls yesterdsy to
break through our lines were In vain.
His attacks were confined chiefly against
our positions to the east and southeast
of Yenvicllra, In the lunette hills, snd
st the vIIIhbc of A his In and I'areney,
as well as uk-aint populous to the
east snd southenst of Arrss.
"Other a('.nrcs brokn down with
heavy losses to the enemy. An attempt
by our opponents to takr Hartmans
Weilerkopf ugain resulted In fnllure. It
Is a fact that after vigorous prrparnllons
The Day 's War News
i aim riu; hi.i.i.i in tAfi- in r-
raa, across the border la northern
France, one of the nrlnelpsl bat
tles of the nar tho. far la now nn
rlrr xva. The Belalana, In the lit
tle section 'of their fnttierlsad
xvhleh thi- atlll bold, are pusblnu
fnrmard, apiiarently xxllb nme
rem, rer the border tae
French srr altaeUlna furiously In
an attempt to pierce the lierman
line. Between these Inn districts
the Hermans are on the offensive,
presalna aaalnat tlie British nrrny
sllh (rest force.
nrIA ADMIT fn.lher retreat
from t,allrla, nllhonah drsvlng
Aaatrlnn and lierman reports of a
eomplete ninl,
RFIHMITN KROXI A I.I. annrera Indi
ra te that the lose of life on the
Gnlllpoll peninsula has been se
vere. TIIK f Ol ROK lib' ITALY la atlll au-
derlded. Pope Benedict Is reported
to have almost arlvrn np hope that
Italy xrlir remnla at peace.
Small Craft Containing Bodies of
Three Women and Two Boys
Drifts Aahore.
tanla lifeboat bearing the bodlea of
threo women and two' boys, which
haa been adrift aince last Friday, la
reported ashore today near Balti
more, on the south Irlnh coast.
There were no American firat
Cabin passengers among the seven
teen dead brought into Queenstown
this morning.
The. bodies of nine men and eight
women who perished when the Lusltanla
sank, comprising those brought ashore
at Baltimore and other Irish coast points,
arrived here this morning aboard a tug.
The only body of a first class passenger
which wss promptly Identified was thst
of Percy Secombe of Peterborough, Ont..
son of the late Captain C. W. Recombe of
the Cunard line. Ills sister. Miss Elisa
beth Becombe, still Is missing.
Blow progress Is nolng msdo In the
work of Identification, aa few relatives
of passengers are now here and the au
thorities are relying only upon papers
and trinkets found on th ebodles. The
names James Harrison and A. P. Norrls
were found on papers In the pockets of
two of the men. while thst of K. Hick-
son was found on (he body of one
woman. Three of tho dead were mem
bers of the Lusltanla'a crew.
On the body of Mr. Harrison was found
a card of tho Young Men's Christian as
sociation of Bridgeport. Conn.
Boat Picked l i Off Kastnet.
LONDON. May 12.-2:40 o. m.)
Lloyris have a lifeboat of tho Luailaiila,
and two children, which was picked up
bottom up yesterday, seven miles off
FaatneL The boat was towned Into
Long Island bay and the bodies taken
by the coast guard to 8kuU.
Kastnet Is four miles from Cape Clear.
Seventy Inspectors
Visit German Ships
Interned at New York
NEW YOKK. May 12. -Customs Inspec
tors to the number of seventy went In
two boats late today to the North Ger
man Lloyd and Hamburg-American
Ftcamahlp company piers In Hoboken,
where many German steamer are tied
up. Including the glunt steamship Vater-
I land, ostensibly on their regular monthly
j trip of Inspection.
! Ordinarily the suiiad of Inspectors con
I slsta of about twelve men. The unusual
si 2ie of tno dttsll today gave rise to re
ports that the visit wss more than a
mere Insiiectlon and that the big vessels
would bo scan hed throughout. It was
rumored that the visit was msde upon
I telegraphic Instructions from Washington.
North Russian Port
Of Archangel Open
WASHINGTON, May 12.--The Russian
fort of Archangel is open, the Amoican
consulate at Petrograd announced today
ti. a cablegram to tlv Mate department.
Transportation of nn-noveriiinent toocls
to the interiir is officially restricted.
There has been no rhh'ilin In the csport
by srtlller. Krsnch Alpine chuspei;rs
penetrated Inio the blockhouse situated
on top of the hill, but they were Im
mediately thrown out again.
"Eastern tiirster: The battle st Phavtt,
In Cniirland. still Is racing without any
result huvlng been reached.
"On the Bsura a Russian battalion
which made an attempt to cmea the
river was annihilated.
Southeastern theater: Our pursuit be- '
tween-the Carpathian Mountains and the ;
Vistula river is still in full awing and I
further heavy damage haa been Inflicted
upon the enemy along this entire front.
For example, a battalion of the Fourth I
Foot Guards rrglment alone took !
leen officers. Including a colonel and 4.500
men prisoners, and at the same time rap
tured four cannon, one machine aun com
pany, with horses and one bagusge col
umn. ,
"Forces rf the Teutonic allies have
rrnasrO the Kan river, between anck
snd Dlnow. Further to the northwest
they hive reached the region of Rseszow
mtelso. "Troops fighting In the Carpal hlsns on
both sides of tho Hlry yesterday drox-e
tho enemy out of bis positions."
Allies' Armies Sweeping Northward
from Arras on Long Line Cap
ture German Positions.
LONDON. May 12. The progress
of the allies' offensive In Handera
and northern France baa given rise
to the. hope here that one of the
really momentous phases-of the war
is in process of solution which
would be regarded aa favorable from I
the British point of view, Berlin
recognizing the importance of the
new turn of events. German news
papers emphasise In large headlines
the beginning of the new Anglo
French offenaive.
German reinforcements rushed from
Lens and Pouai thus far apparently have
felled to check the dash of troops which,
sweeping northward from Arras hava
raptured German positions. The German
war office states that progress haa been
made against the British line east of
Ypres. but Hlr John French's laoonla
message asserts that , alt German efforts
to break through have failed. The Brit
ish field marshal gays nothing of ths part
British troops are taking la the offensive
In the dlreetton of Lille.
The aituatloa aa the huge eastara battle
field Is still obscure, but. it, Is evident
that the gains, s re not all at the expanse
of the Russians. The official report from
Petrograd and Berlin are as divergent,
however, 'thst military experts aro loath
to commit themselves.
French Official Report.
PARIS. May 11 The French war office
this afternoon issued the following state
ment on the progress of hostilities:
"In the sector to the north of Arras,
wo have maintained our gslns, excepting
In front of Loos, where a night counter
attack resulted in taking from ua a part
of the terrain we captured In the day
"On the west front yesterdsy saw ar
tillery engagements." '
Raaalana Cheek Teaton Advance.
PETnOGKAD, Msy 12. (Via London.)
While admitting that the Austro-Gcr-
maa movement from Cracow haa met
with a degree of success, Russian
military authorities asserted today that
there wss no possibility of a further ad
vance, with its consequent menses to
the security of -the Russian position In
the Carpathians.
In semi-official comment today upon
this situation, it waa said tha auocass of
the Austro-German forces was due to
their overpowering numbers. - They ad
vanced along a line ef about thirty
miles, stretching northward from Nowy
Sandeo and pushed on to points aa far
east aa Ptrysssow and Drsoaow, tho lat
ter being within less than thirty miles
of Prtemysl. It Is said here that the
tysslan forces hava now been re
grouped in auch a way as effectually to
oppose this movement.
In meeting the Austro-Oemiaa on
slaught, the Russian generals wera able
to bring up only about one-fifth of their
forces ranged along the WO-milo front
The Germans and Austrians, however,
are reported here to hsve concentrated
thirteen divisions along a sixteen-mile
front In the district of Krosno, Just
northeast of Dukla and they have con
tinually rushed In fresn reserves.
Notwithstanding their numerical in
feriority, tho Russians were able to re
tire In good order to more favorable
positions. They destroyed the roads aa
they went and brought off their guns,
ammunition and other stores.
Germans Plan Air
Raid Upon London
ItONDOK, May 12 American residents
of Berlin who had planned trips to Lon
don have been warned by high officials
agulnst going to England during tha
coming fortnight, as important Zeppelin
rslds are planned, according to a Rotter
dam dispatch to the Mall. German of
ficials are said to hsve explained that
recent Zeppelin raids were mere rocon
nalaance to test the strength of the Brit
l"h eerist defenses.
The "Seniors' Jubilee." a minstrel, will
be presented by the senior rlsss la th
Odd Fellows' hsll Frldsy evening, ss the
class plsy of the Benson,' High school,
which will hold Its annual commence
ment rxer'-lses on life evening of June
10 In the Methodist church. The class
aill be the largest in its history, twenty
five boys snd sjirls. Clans colors are
green and White.
President Formally Demands Strict
Accounting for Loss of Ameri
can Lives in So-Called
War Zone.
Note, While Friendly , in ; Tone, is
Thrased in Unmistakably Ed- '
phatio Language:'
Tnited States government, in a note
to Germany today, formally demand,
of thst Imperial government a strict
accounting for the loss of Aniarlcan
lives in the sinking of the I.ui itann
and violations of American rights in
the war tone. It also asVn guaran
tees that there will be no repetitln i
of auch events or practices.
With the plain Intimation In It
that the United Slates Is prepared tt
meet any eventualities that may arise
from a noncompliance, the communi
cation, phrased in iinmlstakalily em
phatic language, was prepared to bu
cabled to Berlin by nightfall.
Written by President Wilton and a-"
proved unanimously by the cshlnet, th
note was being carefully examined hV
Counsellor I arising and the law offlcet
of the government at the Ntat depart
ment today to mske sure thst its phrase
ology covered every point of law Involved.
Statement foe President.
The White House officially announced
tha fart that the president had finally
determined the course of action to he
pursued In the following statement lesueo
by Srcretsry Tumulty after a conference
with tha president:
"The course of the president hsa been
determined. It will be announced Just
as soon as It is proper to publish the
SAtA RAW In AM n. ...Iab t
This waa taken to mean that the
American government, observing the usual
diplomatic amenities, would await the re-
oelpt of the rommunicetlon in Berlin be
fore making It public. At first there was
soma suggestion that the communication
ha sent personally hy the president to
Emporor William, but I Mr. Wilson deter
mined that tt should,b addressed not to
an Individual, but to the German govern
ment and, through it to tho German
MQDle. ' ' .r
Protest la la ?fame of law.
A for reparation. me nnited states
naturally will seek financial reparation.
but its protest nOw is In the name of in
ternational law, and humanity to obtain
a guarantee that auch tragedies will not
be repeated and - the , Uvea of . noncom-
be tacts sacrificed.
Tha communication laya stress on the
Inhumanity of ths attacks without warn
ing on merchant vessels. It reviews In a
general way every rase in the war so no
In which the rights of American cltisens
have been transgressed the sinking of
tha steamer Falaba. with the loss ' of
Leon O. Thresher, aa American: the at
tack hy German airmen on the American
steamer Cushlng; the torpedoing of the
American steamer Outnight while flying
the American flsg and finally the destruc
tion of the Lusrtanla, with the loss of
more than I.ono noncombatants, more than
If of them Americans.
The note, while firm and pointed, does
not abandon tones of friendliness, giving
room for a disavowal by Germany of Its
sets or an abatement of Its practioes. '
This Is Intimated in the suggestion thst
the Germsn government and the German
pnopia oou.a oeruuniy not nave intended
to sacrifice - American lives tn tha pur-
suit of their maritime warfare.- "
AdTertleesaeats Hat. Reeosmtsetd.
Attention la called to the fact ' that -
while ! ad vertleements of . warning' ap
peared In tha newspapers, tha I'nlted i
States government - was never officially
Informed of it, hut Irrespective of that, -
th position Is tsken that the serving ef
notloe to do an unlawful art neither Jus
tifies It nor makes it lawful.
Tha note call for an explanation from
Germany of Ita paat and future course
and leaves open the steps tha United
States will take to compel an acqulese- .
ence tn Ita position.
Cabinet officers known- ss the advn-
(Continued on Paga Two. Column One.)
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And tbay had aa awful time.
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ment hunting, turn to the Want
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