THK UKK: OMAHA. WKDXKSDAV, MAY 12. -JflJ. "Brownatono" Tints Your Hair In a Minute All So-Ciillcd "Itestorer" That ClAim to "Gradually Ifestore" Color to Your Hair Are Sim , ply Slow Acting Dyes. Th stralghtest road and the short est cut to th certainty of an attrac tive and beautful appearance la the use ff v of "Brown a t o n e" rv H"'r..eta'n- YWsL will Instantly Jo3kyV c h a n k ray. , 1. ..I ,1 1 r,. hair to thii softest 1s and richest nolden m. or or you rXlL ? i brown, medlurt Tl Jr- Hark brown V k fcyX-r l.lackv Just as jum comD i llaVVf! "Brownatone- w b er your 1 Vyj "Brownatone" will 4lY.VVJ alwaya (rive youths tfc3fc" "r moat nleastna- re- suits and you need nave nan no prev ious experience. Impossible of detection, will not rub or wssh off, and needs retouching only aa the hair grows out. "Brownatone" hair stain la far su perior to "dye," and Is absolutely liarinleRs In every way. Sold hyaall up-to-date driiRirlsts, In two sizes, 2Kc and 11.00. If you are offered a substitute, . save annoyance by refusing; It and ordering "Browna tone" direct from the makers. Tnslnt on "brownatone." at your hair dreeser'a. A trial bottle and Interesting; booklet will be mailed for 10 cents. Address The Kenton Pharmacal Co. 629 E. Bike Kt., Covington. Ky. Sold and guaranteed In Omaha by Htn-rman & McConnell Drug Stores and other leading dealers. Advertisement A Family Resort ' of Caar appaW! to ha rrTf Faaturta Lak that and please ind old. Band conoarta' jwtce .. day for every one. The beet lake In the . country (or bathing and boating. Abundance of game fish.. Clear Lake la easily reached from your town. Modi-rate prices prevail both as re gards hotsl accommo dations, cottages for rent and ell living sup pllea Dances, bowling, ten nis and all forms of harmless amusements for the young. Go It links available Cerro Gordo Country Club. Learn mors of this resort. Write secretary of Commercial club for handsome lllua trated booklet of Clear Lake. The "Saratoga of the Went" wiwm Nebraska CANDIDATES NAMED FOR GRAND LODGE NomintVioni Made at Lincoln (or Officers to Guide Workmen During Next Year. EXAMINERS HAKE AN ERROR German Story of Fight Between British Ships Called Fabrication Nebraska Tell the paper hanger youjl ,"Buy-It-IW" What you pay him will provide more money for him to pay to the manufacturer who will use it to hire more people, who can then h aye wages to . spend for what you have to sell. This U the time of all Urns for the V. I. A. to make vast strldss. J - lot's all rat busy. Buy -It - Now rifl'v'eJTa? . i, -I IStvolscx! OROTTB BROS. CO. Oeaeral DUtrlbatora Oaaaka, Nob. (From a Staff Correspondent . MN-OOLN. May ll.-tSpeclal.)-Nomlna-tlons to the offices to be filled by election tomorrow in the grand lodge of the An cient Order of Vnlted Workmen were made thla afternoon. For grand master workman. A. M. Availing, present Incum bent, and Frank Anderson of Holdrege wero put up; for grand recorder, F. C. Whltteaey, present recorder, of Grand Island and F. L. Kvana. Ed I Dodder' of Omaha was renominated grand treas urer and Dr. Tackard of Kearney renomi nated, medical examiner. The finance commute Is composed of Boss Ham mond of Fremont, Phil Yager of Has tings and Mr. Buckmaxsh. In the evening the bis; reception pro gram was carried out. Governor More head and Mayor Bryan being the head liners. The trouble over the report of the atate inaurano examiners regarding the con dition of finances of the grand lodge and their expendlturea by the grand lodge offlcera was somewhat lessened this aft ernoon by a telegram by Examiner Jonea of Omaha to Grand Maater Walling stat ing that the examiners had discovered thai they made an error In the report and that there was no intention on their part to injure the standing of the lodge. Workmen Hanoi Pleases. The Ancient Order of United Workmen band of Union Pacific lodge of Omaha has been a popular organization around Lincoln since Its arrival here last night. After marching tq the lLndell hotel after its arrival It visited all the other hotels In town and gave a concert for the amusement of the guests. Today It has been playing during the. session of the grand loJge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and has added much to the enjoyment of the occasion. The session, which Is the sixteenth biennial, was call to order this morn ing at the city auditorium, which has been beautifully decorated for the occa sion. Grand Master Workman Walling called the session to order. Former Su preme Past Master J. O. Tate offered prayer. The 600 delegates present filled the lower part of the auditorium well and come representing about 41.000 mem bers in the state, which is a Jurisdiction by itself. Officers Make Reports. Reports of the grand lodge officers and appointment of committees took up most of the morning session while speeches by Grand Master Workman Walling and Past Maater Workman 8. R. Barton were received by the members and each was given an ovation when he arose to apeak. About 200 members were given the grand lodge ' degree. t A press committee consisting of K.' A. Huae and F. F. Miller of Norfolk and Mr. Beemer were appointed to look arter the publicity end of the session. How ever, the committee which Is considered to be the one on which the most interest will be centered is one composed of Mur-' dock of South Omaha,' Farrell of Lincoln and Holmes of Tobias. This committee has been appointed to Investigate the re port of the atate - Insurance examiners and report to the lodge. The question of a raise in rates is also on which Is receiving some attention. Some members are advocating about a 10 per cent ralae as sufficient to meet the needs of the order, but no one as yet appears to have any definite plan, though that will probably be outlined before the meeting has progressed very far. Omaha lodges are here in full force and came In by the carload, it being understood that four special cars brought In the delegates from the metropolitan city. Following are the grand lodge offi cers i Grand Past Master Workman A. B. Dillon. Norfolk. Grand Master Workman A. M. Wal- I ung, David cuy. Grand Foreman Willis E. Reed, Mad . lann. I Orand Overseer S. . K. Logan, Blue 1 Grand Recorder F. C. ' Whittlesey, Grand IslHnd. ! Ornnd Treasurer EM ward L. Dodder, Omaha. Gran Guide D. T. Sullivan, Central City. Grand Watchman, W. M. Brayton, Stuart. Grand Medical Examiner F. A. Pack ard, eKarney. Grand Trustees and Finance Com mi t- tr.o J. H Bennett. Omaha; Nicholas Iters, Lincoln; Joseph Oberfelder, Sid ney. ) Committee on Law Fi A. Polley Sew ard; H. A. Kearle, Omaha; Jacob Jaaka- iek. Blue Hill. . ! RANCHMAN KICKED TO DEATH BY HORSES LONDON, May lL-The British press bureau today Issued this announcement: "Tho following statement, dated Mer lin, May , has been officially circulated through the German wireless ataMona and received by the Marconi company: " "The main headquarters reported four weeks ago thHt a largo number f reports were current which originated In Norway to the effect that near Ber gen, on the Norwegian coast, during the nlgM from the Tth to the sth of Arrll. heavy sea fighting between Kngllsh and German ships had taken place. Ships coming from that direction also reported that they had seen squadrons of war ships. On the night In question gunfire by the aid of Illuminating rockets had been noticed. ' 'With regard to these reports some light now baa been thrown on the matter by the commander of the submarine A-E-l. which was destroyed In the Dar danelles. According to a letter which eamo Into onr possession regarding the North sea fight which la Bald to have taken place the British ship Superb is said to have been sunk and the cruiser Warrior is said to have been, sunk with out the Gorman navy having auffered any loss. On Friday of April t a num ber of crulaera arei aaid to have arrived In a badly damaged condition. The Lion was very badly damaged. Official re ports any notnlng of all this. " "Similar reports have come Jo hand from reliable neutral sources to the ef fect thut a number of badly damaged and slightly xlnnrnged ships bad reached KnKllsh porla for repairs. The manner in' which tbev had been dnmnged hits been left unexplained. ' 'An especially large number of dam aged ships rsn Into the Tyne. A dam aged cruiser was towed Into the Tyne. 4 ship of the Lion rlas. with a star board list and with ts aft funnel miss ing, was towed Into the Firth of Forth. " 'The alienee of tho admiralty on ail thla la easily to be understood. As tho German navy took no part In any fight ing on the night In question, and a tight with Prlllsh neutrals Is out of the ques tion, a battlo can only hnve taKen place between alilps or the British fleet, which did not recoKnlte each other In the dirk ne." , "The secretary of the British ad miralty states that there Is not a word of truth In this fabrication. It Is. how ever, Interesting as a mark of the anx iety of. Germany at the present moment mske an Impression on neutral states." HASTINGS. Neb., May H.-(PpeclaI Telegram.) A program for promoting tho interests of the Omaha-Lincoln-Denver highway, with especial view to popularis ing It for both transcontinental and state traffic, was formulated at the annual convention of the Omaha-Llncoln-Denver Gcod Roads association today. Reports from the numerous delegates from towns between Omaha and Denver indicated that traffic over the highway la rapidly increasing and the highway is being Im proved, i i U The executive board will hold meetings during the year to carry, out tiio pro gram, The selection, of place for v the t , i - Make Teething Easy for Baby use IBis. Waslow's Soothing Syrup A SPLENDID REGULATOR PURELY VEGETAEIE-N0T NARCOTIC NORTH PIJITTE; Neb., May 11. Spe lcl.) Frank McFadden, a well known - stern Nebraska ranchman, was killed near Paxton Saturday when he fetj from bis seat on a loaded wagon under the hoofs of his horses. McFadden was driving to his ranch from Paxton with a wagon loaded with corn. As he crossed a small bridge the seat on which he was sitting became loosened, pitching him forward. Cot oner W. R. Maloney found upon examining the body that death had resulted from the skull being crushed by the horses' hoofs. The deceased bad lived In this part of Nebraska slnoe pioneer days and owned many acres of valuable western Nebrsska land. Knights of Pythias Hold Grand Lodge (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May 11. (Special.) At tendance at the sessions of' the Grand lodge of the knights of Pythias and 4he Pythian Siaterehood is good. The knights met this morning In representative hall while the slstere occupied the senatorial chamber. A reception was held last niglit at Pythian hall and., addresses of welcome were delivered by Dr. F. L.. Wharton and Guy Green. Responses were made by Grand Chancellor Paul Jonea and Grand Chief Mrs. W. I. Allen of Schuyler. This morning Governor Morrhead and Mayor Charles Bryan welcomed the organisations in short speeches and re sponses were made by the head officers. At the conclusion the two lodges went into secret session for the transaction of business, which was of the usual opening session nature. There is not much of a scramble so far for the office of grand chancellor. The names of B. B. Anderson of Omaha and George W. Meredith of Ashland havo been mentioned In connection with the head office, but no especial buttonholing has been done yet. next annual meeting was left to the ex ecutive board. Officers elected are: President, C. H. Roper. Lincoln; hocre tory. R. A.Blake. Hastlnga; vice presi dents, C. W. Meeker of Imperial and A. Iverty of Ashland: treasurer, Pat Welah of McCook. Besides this meeting Hastings Is enter taining three or four conventions today, the othrra being the KaBtorn Sta, the bookmen and the department workers of the Seventh Day Advontlsts. Seward Will Have New County Jail; . Old Bonds Found SKWAltD. Neb., May II. (Special Tel egram.) The court house and Jail lends which havo bc n missing for nine years were brought to light this mornlnv At tie time the court house was b.illt an srreenient was entered Into with Mrs. Lewis Moffltt by which the trustees of the Moffltt estate, namely, Joil Tlshue, ,'ohn 7.lmmerer and II. T. Jones, were allcwcd to soil tho 0 acres of land which lla Moffltt had set apart, th pro teeda of which were to be used In the erection of tho court house at the death tf his widow. ' In the agreement w-llh the trustees and the widow $15,000 of the county bonds wtte to be reserved and the Interest on the ssme waa to be need for Mrs. Mof fltt's support. Mrs. Moffltt died the year after the bonds were Issued and the bonda were not seen or heard ot from that time and rc Intereat cottons were ever presented to the county treasurer's office for par ment., Kach truatee was given the pos session of tu.000 of the bonds and Mr. Jrnes' third waa In his poaaesslon. The valuable papers were found In the vault ot the First National bank with numer ous documents ot various nature The jail will now be built. 1 OMAHA-LINCOLN-DENVER , HIGHWAY IS GIVEN BOOST Two Men Break Jail at Nebraska City NEBRASKA CITT. Ntb., May 11,-tSpe-cial Telegram.) John Tuttlo. c' arged with carrying cbnccnlod wetymns, and William Murra, charged w'lth robbing a school house, made their escape from the county Jail last right by picking the locks while Sheriff Fischer and son were away looking after somo cor robbers. No trace has been found of them. The home of Mrs. llattle Solomon, Seventh street and Seventh avenue, was deatroyed by fire last night with con tents. No insurance. Tho fire caught from a lace curtain blow Ing o er a lighted lump. FIRST DISTRICT FEDERATION UNDER WAY AT BETHANY 'From a Starf Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., May 11. (Special Tel egram.) Tho twelfth annual convention of the First District Federation of Wom en's Clubs was organised this afternoon at Bethany, with the president, Mra. Charlea Humphrey of Falls. City, In charge. Chancellor Aylesworth of Cotner uni versity welcomed the members and Mra. D. E, Wherry of Falle City responded. The address tonight waa delivered by Prof. Frederick A. Stuff of the Uni versity of Nebraska on "The New Fic tion; la It Cultural?'' Adams County Grand Jury Begins Work HASTINGS. Neb., May ll.-wneclel Telegrsm.) The first Adams county grand jury in twenty years tndsy legan the Investigation of chargea In connection with the John O'Connor case. EASTERN STAR CONVENTION IS OPENED AT HASTINGS HASTINGS. Neh May 11. (Special Telegram ) With BOO in attendance, the Eastern Star convention was opened this afternoon, with an address of welcome, by Miss Haitel K. Alford of this cltv. The response w!s delivered by Mrs. Harriet Wlllets of McCook. This evening the exemplification of th ritual work and a reception were held. Following tho established custom of pro moting state offlcera, It Is expected that Mra. Harriet Wlllets of McCook. asso ciate grand matron, will be elected grand matron; No city as yet has made a move toward landing the lfllft convention, but Lincoln and Omaha are expecting to bo Iho main contenders for the honor. At the Wednesdsy evening meeting Grand Maater T. M. Davis of Beaver City will address the convention. The Installation of officers "and unfin ished business will conclude the meet ing Thurday afternoon. ' "Seeing Hastings" automobile trip has been planned for the visitors fo Wednes day afternoon by the Chamber of Commerce. Ilnatlnsra Levy Reduced. HASTINGS. Neb., May 11, (Special Telegram.) The city council last - night made a levy of SS mills for the coming year, a reduction of mllla, though al lowance waa made for purchasing the $10,000 rhautauqua pavilion. NEBRASKA SCHOOL NEWS DAVID CITT, Neb., May 11. -(Special.) David City High school will have a graduating class this year of fifty-four members, the largest class that has ever giaduated from the high school. Com mencement exercises will be held May 28 and the class play, entitled "She Stoops to Conquer," will be given In the opera he use on May 77. Miss Grace Ruing will take the leading part in the play. The baccalaureate sermon will be de livered by Rev. Davis on May tS. AVOCA, Neb., May 11. (Special.) Com mencement exercises of the Cook High school will be bald Friday evening. May There will be a class of seven girls. G. A. Gregory, normal training Inspector, will deliver the address, hla subject be. Ing "The Spirit that Wins." The flrat of Dr. B-ll's Itne-Tar-Honey will nefp you. It kills the cold germ. Only 'J. " All druggists.-Ader- lisement. Pure Food Expert ' Investigates Grape-Nuts Before Grape-Nuts was included in the Pure Food Directory of the New York Globe, the publishers sent their expert, Alfred AV. MeCaun, to get the facts about this famous cereal food what it is made of, how it is made, and whether or not too ' much had been claimed for ti. The makers have always held that Grape-Nuts is a body and brain-building : food; that it contains the vital mineral elements kicking in white flour, and foods made from white flour; that it digests more readily than any. other prepared cereal food, etc. . . . McCann came to Battlo Creek at the Globe's expense. Tie, investigated had the run of the-factorf up-stairs, down-stairs and all over tho place. In the N. Y. Globe of April 1, 1915, he said: 1 "Any man who can go to Battle Creek and come away v with the statement that he is not amazed is given to the habit of bearing false witness against. his neighbor. "I watched the delivery of the wheat to the Grape-Nuts bakery. It was selected wheat too. I watched the mills grind this wheat, and there was no patent flour stunt pulled off in grinding it either. The wheat went right through the rolls and came out as honest and as unrefined as when it went in. . I saw this wheat mixed with barley malt in a mixing room that is a model of cleanliness. j "Grape-Nuts is an honest, genuine, wholesome, good, fool proof breakfast food. Grape-Nuts is all Post ever claimed for it. Instead of over-estimating the truth he didn't tell ten per cent of it." There you have it! If you want to know more, write Alfred Y McCann, care N. Y. Globe, N. Y., or come to Battle Creek and see for yourself. There's no mystery about Grape-Nuts. . This wonderful food DOES build body, brai:i and nerve tiue. It DOES fur . nish the vital mineral phosphates usually lHckin?: in the daily dietary. It is easily digestible, economical, and comes ready to eat, fivsh und tlMicious. "There's a Reason"- for" Crap Ntttts Sold by Grocers Everywhere rl Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 414-416-418 South 16th Street The Store for Good. Low Priced Bedroom Furniture Thla quartered polden oak IrcK- er, A illustrate!, ia PQA prlrfd only aPiSV. Fire drawer, two roomy draw ers M the bottom and three mailer ones at the top the base In 40 inches wide and the bevel plate mirror abore Is 2 x30. It Is selected, quartered sawed oak throughout, rubbed and pollHhed finish, a big value for s&s&VS DRESSER $12.50 A solid golden oak Dresser, 40 inch base, four drawers, bevel plate mirror. lO Cfs ' well made for.. 4laOU DRESSER $20 Mission colonial style. -selected quarter sawed golden oak two lnrge and two small draw ers, rubbed and polished fin ish, a big value $20 The valitra men t toned nbove are trplral ot the genuine values He offer yon In bedroom furniture of all kinds, oak, mahogany, Circassian walnut, r-nnmcl prices to stilt all purses. The Linoleum Store A big and varied stock to select from experienced layers to put It In your home nricea (hat give greater valua because we buy In carload quantities. PRINTED LINOLEUM Ter square yard, 40, 45. 55. G."t Wo have both 6-foot and 12-foot widths. INLAID LINOLEUM A very good quality at the unusually low price of, square yard 05 A full line of other patterns and grades up to $1.75. Marquisette, yard, 18c Special for W ednesday, a 23c quality. Vudor Porch Shades ' Sold only by Orchard & Wllheliu. 4 ft.. ft., 8 ft.. 10 ft., 12 ft. by 6 ft. Inches and 7 ft. 8 Inches long. $2.50 to $8.50 No Whip Attachments. Porch Cushions, 95c Canvas covers stripes und tltin khaki. rsi Protect Your Food Supplies Keleot Herrlrk or a Gibson re frigerator and be using Ityou can arrange the terms ot payment to ault your convenience. ; THE HERKICK ' . The best known, best made dry air circulating refrigerator odor less spruca lining In an oak case. THE OIBSON- A fine low priced refrigerator, made of ash. .The Gibson "Mar . bollte" Is a one-piece stone lined refrigerator a wonderful value. ORCHARD Cl WILHELM CO. M WMk mAM No. I'm ffoinef Frisco: they've shortened their schedule to - Oklahoma The new Frisco time card effective Sunday, May 2nd, places Kansas City in considerably closer touch with Oklahoma, as will be noted by the following outline schedule: Leave Kansas City Arrive Tulsa Arrive Oklahoma City 9:15 p. m. 5:15 a. m. 8:45 a. m. The train equipment is as good as the running, time: electric lighted coaches and chair cars and drawing room sleepers. Fred Harvey meals. The roadbed has been thoroughly overhauled, and is in tiptop shape. Detailed information snd sleeping car reservationi mar be had by writing, telephoning or calling upon J. C Lovrien, Division Passenger Agent, 609 Waldhsiin Building, Kansas City Omaha real estate is going to take a jump this fall. Buy now.