THE IKK: O.M.MIA. WEDNESDAY. MAY 1J. V.Vo. ALLIES MAKING GAINSJN WEST rrencli Official Report Indicate En gagement of Some Magnitude -ii On in France and Belgium. GERJVS ADMIT SOME LOSSES FA1US. May 11 TTe Freufh er offc?j thl afternoon lmid th following stete ment on th progress of hostilities: "In Belgium near SK. Grorres the enemy ndearored t.y a nltM attack to recap, tar th positions taken y vi th day before yetterday. They were, however, repuieed. To th north of ArrM our proTe haa eontlnud. Monday evening Vo look posaeaalon flret of the cemetery a'id then of th tern part of the illage of Car ncy and aloo of the road from Carrnfjr to Mucheg. Oarrnry. where we took 2M more prisoner. Inrluding thre officer, and captured several machine guns, la now lnveatd by our troops on threy sides and la reduced to nrecsrious i-orr-munlcatlon with the German Ilnee. "Tlia forces brought ly the enemy from Lena and from roual In automobile were not successful at any place tn retting the advantage. Four atrong counter a'tacka broke down . under our f re during the afternoon of Monday at the same time suffering very heavy loaaei. Theao attatka took plara In front of Loos, at Notre rame De I.orette at.fau rhe and at NeuvHIa Salpt Vaaat. ' At thla laat mentioned place we gained territory,-at the ame time making about 100 prlaonera. The number of officers taken by tia up tu yosterday evening I more than TU'ly. . . "Monday night the enemy Buffered a rtouble cheek. The counter attack to the north of Neuvllle Kalnt Vaaat. preceded by a irlolept -bombardment were com pletely repoUed and we retained alt tha jrround gelnod by Sin, at the aama time InClctlng very heavy losses on our as - sallanta. On the remainder of the front, front' Loo to Arras, ther wa no counter attack yesterday1 ' . 'Tollowrng'th bombardment of Dun kirk, reported yesterdsy morning, during which three aheila fell without hurting anybody or Inflicting any damage, the Oermana threw eleven shells on tha town of Brriruea. five mile souUi-southeaet of Dunkirk. ' Twelve person were killed and eleven were' wounded. Our battertea at once opened fire and tbey put a atop to tha shelling ef the enemy, which wai not resumed during tha day. ' ' "On tha rest of the front there-has been nothing to report. , ' One of our aviator yesterday bom barded hangar for dIMglble balloons at Maiibcge and atartrd a fir. Art aviator of the enemy threw bombs on the railroad station at Doullen. twenty mile north of Amiens, but without doing' any dam age. Another aviator of the enemy, pur surd between the Argonna and the Men so by a French airman, wee compelled to coma down within the German lines, where his machine took fire. "On tha otlier hand, the German brought down yesterday a British aviator and British soldiers were successful In bringing down two' German airmen." Geranaa Official Report. BERLIN, May it (Via Lbndon.)-Th German general ' headquarters staff to day gave out tha following statement: "Tealerday morning an English ship was driven away from Westendd by our fire. ' "We mad . further progress east of Yprea and captured five roaehln gun. "Tlia French continued their attack southwest of the Iorette hllla and at the villages of Ablaya and Carency. AU i tl.clr, attack were repuieed. The rum trr of prisoner made by u here waa Increased to 800. "Between Carency and Neuvllle the' French tlll remain in notaeasloo cf the trenches taken by .them, The Cattl . continue. "An English' flying machln wa shot down at a point southwest of Lille.' 'Southwest of Berry-au-bae and :h th wood-souOi of Long yaia-aa-Uol our' tioyp yesterday took by storm a , Por tion of two line of renhes alius ted! lehlnd each 'other and trttciilng oyer a, width 'of "0 metres', 'we also', took a number of uawounded prlaoner and cap ' tured two mine thrower with much am munition. "Enemy infantry attack north of Fllrejr and In th forest of Lepretc failed With considerable losae to oift opponent rin th eastern th.aUr yesUrday the situation was unchanged. Tha Rueelana attempted to arrest the pursuit of our army under General Mackensen on th Brsesko-Brsoswa Una on -tha branch of Ft. etrodnlka-Bracsnaka and at Rapoaya, northeast of Ebeca and Hacrniyn on th th VUtula. Their ohlcct failed com pletely. At night th Russians were pushed In many places, especially at Ursosko and between Bntosko and Lut koxa after a deaperato attack by sev eral Russian divisions from Sanok In th direction of Besko had failed ui the mornlmf ith very heavy losses for enemy. Th pursuit continues. Omaha Children Onco on Lusitania 1 j Picture of three Omaha children, Big rid. Ing.-ld and Vernon flandwal), whot par ents are Mr. and Mr. P. C. Fandwatl. taken !oard the Lueltanla In 1!14 when th PanJwalla were enroute jo Sweden. The children are dreteed In the Swedish costume. In .which sttlr th fajiilly par ticipated In a concert In the saloon, each member, of the family being muelcally Inclined, t.rpcclal value la attached to this picture by the family as It Is on of the few thlnss left them after th tornado destroyed their home. Th picture ws rescued from 'a maa of dcor by little Slgrld. ACTION IN CASE OF SINKING SHIP . IS NOT SETTLED (Contlnijed from Fage One.) caue of humanity by tialng Its loflucn.'e to sectir nn ndhereni.-e to t io rules and principle of intcrnnt.onal law wherever thoy, havii been contravened. Although th general trend of comment wa .ono or surprise at the limitation which th president placed to the Inter pretation of his speech, those who hav followed his speeches closely pointed out that Mr. Wilson has frequently spoken Implicitly rather, t,han expllpltly. Speeh Broader Than On Incident. Whlla " Ms Philadelphia audlnnc was Impressed with the belief that the presi dent ws - referring specifically to th Lusitania tragedy, th president Indicated by hi remarks today that ha meant his speech to b broader than a single Inci dent and to cover the entire subject of foreign relation a well a th subject of do must Io solidarity with reference to th alien who hav become naturalised Iq America. ; At th usual hour tha cabinet began ar riving for tha first .conference with th president sine last Friday. Chairman Bton of the serial foreign relations commute discussed tha Lusi tania .disaster .with, tha president before th cabinet meeting began, and later said he had no expectation that ah extra ses sion of congreM would- be called. ?Im far peace -wlih lianor,'" said 8na tof Stone. "I-w.oot know what- Ui prhiddent- llans . id noAboutMh Ijusr tabl. It'Jhlg praMenv'and It is useless for: other to attempt to advise him," Senator-fiton durlared he favored pas sago of th go.yra invent ship purchase bill which, failed in tke last rongres. Buch a step, lie aatd, would provide American ship to carry American paseengera and goods. He added that he took it (or granted that the United States would find means to protect $ own ships. I, Kolletle Aualnat Var. - Senator I .a Follettc. another Whit houue caller today, oppoeed the sugges tion that diplomatic relations with Ger many be broken off. , . i "I want thel I'nltcd etste to take a flrpi. stand, but 1 am opposed to war," ha, mid. - , , The Phlladelnhla speech was, Interpreted by 'official Woahlpgton, nevertheless, a niranjiig that whatevr courM la pursued the United States probably would en deavor to serve the cause of humanity by appealing to Germany to end Its' sub marine war against unarmed merchant ships carrying nonconibatanta. ' In some quarters th suggestion waa mada that th president might forego th usual meana of diplomat!, correspondence end sddtefs a mM8ge In person to Em-, peror William. German's disavowal of any Intention to deatroy American lives wa looked upon by many officials as significant of German's desire to maintain friendly re lations with the United states ancV that it main purpose was to terrorize Great Britain and paralyse trans-Atlantic travel. , ToMlniony of t hlcf Officer Smith of th" Ah rrl'-Hii ctca:ir 'itilfllviht, Vvlilch i was torpedoed, but not sunk was received toi!ny by the State department. Seth Pmlth and Conaular Agent Bluefleld In a statement cabled within the last week stated that the Gulfllght wus flying a large American flag and was torpedoed without warning. Cabinet Hits Three Honrs. Tha cabinet wss In heeelon nearly three hours, the longest meeting held In sev eral months. None of the members would deny that the Lusitania Incident had been discussed, but ali refused abso lutely to comment. The demeanor gen erally of the cabinet members was grave and reserved. Secretary Bryan, pressed for a declara tion said: ' , "W must not dlscuvs what occurs at cabinet meetings." ' Secretary Daniels, sjKed whether the Atlantic fleet would pass through the Panama canal In July,' In accordance with previously announced plans, re plied: "I cannot discuss that or any other question now." ' Mr. Daniels wa asked whether th re view of th Atlantic fleet planned for next week dn New. Turk would be held. Yesterday In Philadelphia , he denied that.! plana for . th . rvlw would b changed. Today he .answered th ques tion by replying: "I cannot discus that." . At. the Whit Jlouee no Intimation wa forthcoming a vjo -whether tho presi dent had decided1 on a course, but there was. every Indication that ' the president to decided not to allow Intimation of hi plana to leak out until he la ready' to make an announcement. A dispatch from' Ambasador Gerard waa received today and sent to th pres ident, but Its content wera not revealed. The vldejvc given by Captain Tumor of th Lusitania before th coroner' Jury ha been reported to th Btat depart ment and will be used by officials In their study' of th cae. THIRTEEN MORE BODIES ARE FOUND Continued from Para One.) throes, there was no cooler group snoard than that composed of Mm. Marie Da page, Herbert 8. Stone, Llndon W. Batea, Jr., and Dr. J. T. Houghton. The last named was the only eiirvtvor of the party. This little band guldd women ano children, supplied life blt, bound up the woum'.e of other peaeengert and I then plunged hopelessly Into the sea. have given up their own life preservera. Another throng of anxious friend and relatives arrived her last night, but tha chane of identifying rrfor of th dead are remote. the great pit In the eeme try are filled with those burled a un known, while other bodies which come ashore will be beyond Identification. Lady Allan Htarta for London. ' Iady Allan, wife of Sir Montagu Al lan of Montreal, left on a special train today for London. Lady Allan' back wa Injured, but she wa well enough to travel under the cara of doctors and purses. Probably th moat unconcerned of the survivor I the t-month-old on of Mr. II. Booth. Th mother lost her ilfe, but the father had been found at a hotel in Ottawa. Th baby waa picked up from the water, but apparently Is suffering no 111 effects. A number of th aurviv ors recognised th Infant and remem bered that tha father had remained be hind In Canada. An aunt of th infant was in England and will take charge of him. a' pathetic case 1 that of Moll I Main man, aged is, and th 7-year-old twins, Elizabeth and Edwin Mrffnman. who lost their father, A. R. Malnman, their mother and two brother. Th family wa on the way to Chester .England, to take possession of an estate there which hsd been bequeathed to theio. Tha chil dren wera taken in charge by a lawyer. Hop for F.Bllentle. Epileptic under treatment originated by superintendent of tha atat homo re port most favorable results. Many chronic case free of aelsures for month. In formation and trial treatment free. Ad dress Doctor. Bom (92. Lander Wyo Tha Be Want Ada At Baat Business Booster. - " fcj.L th Germany Does Not ; Understand Ideal . of the President LONDON. My v U.-The words, "too proud -to fight,'' covers In .huge letter most of th placard displayed on the street of London today to advertise I he evening paper of th city. Tha text of President Wilson' speech at Philadelphia last night, printed hers today, reached Hyondon too lata for gen eral comment ' aa ct. 'The Kvenlntf standard, however, In an editorial remarks; "President Wll.on Is a high-uilnded man and we can understand what he meant by thla rather unpolllU- remark. Unfortunately O rmany doea not under stand this kind of righteouaness. . Jf America could only, aa th president says, convince Germany of It Injustice to mankind, how dignified and useful would h 1U panlilou a a neutral." Belgian Troops Cross Yser River HAVRE. May 11 I.4i p. m.V-Th fol lowing report, under data of May 10. wa tsaued today at th Belgian ar of fice: 'Severs! fieitlons of our troor euc nceded la crueslng the rlKhl bank of the Teer, north of D'.xtnude. ' "The enemy conl'm.ed an Intermittent cannoiyuie near Ruucafclle and on our fiorvt strelii.'n before DlxmuUe, snd niao oa the ouuklrls of Mordtciimon and lyrset Our batteries hsve eah time i;.j-ixad the German artillery." A Tobacco Judge ; will tell you every time that the real, sufe-nuff way to get the full, tasty satisfaction from tobacco is to chcio it. That liberates Nature's sweetest juices, stored up and aged in the tobacco leaf until mellow perfect. , And when you chew "PIPER" you're chewing tho highest type plug tobacco made rich, luscious, tongue-smacking Cotton Mills Are Chief Opponents of Child Labor Reform WASHINGTON, May , U.-Dr. A. H. McKelvey, southern secretary of tha Na tional Child Labor committee, told tha Industrial Relation committee today that cotton mill of tha couth were "tha chief opponent of child labor reform legisla tion." He declared certain cotton mills throughout th south were maintained as "show mills," with chool, churches, hospital and welfare organization. "Behind these mills,", ha said, "all th other mills hide. It la vry difficult to secure remedial measures. What amounts to feudalism prevail in these mill towns. Tha companies own the houses, street, schools and churches even in soma cases, tho grave yard." Dr. McKelway presented figure to how that many operatives, both children and adults, got an average of less than f2 a week. Negro children, he said, were not employed in th mills to any great extent. "It I a fact." said he. "that negro chil dren are getting a better opportunity for education than tha whit children of tho south." Employment of young boy as messen ger by telegraph and local messenger companies in some southern cities, he aid, wa under condition that wr "ter rific." . "The boy," 'h said, "are thrown in con tact with denizens of red light districts and other vicious elements." PIPE! H QlBMeEzI Caewisf Toco-Caan)fD Flavat i The feature ef "PIPER" that makes a man chew- it forever i its wonderful "Champagne Flavor" that delicious ustt found la so other tobacco. Once you know it you'll bocrt " PIPER for life. The finest selected leaves of well-ripened tobacco; hard pressed so as to give you a long-lasting .plug that's "PIPERl" t i i Beaton & Laier Co. 7-PIECE ALUMINUMSET ' All Large, Useful Pieces $7.75 6 wfJrlj ry' SaUVy aWM In Saa4 lowl "rlTtXfier. THE AVUnCA Co! An FREE lay; ad we'll send a full-alx xoc cut ci "mtItMii4 a band ots leather touch FSEE, anywhere la V. 8. Abo a folder about " PIPfR." Tha tobacco, poach ad malliBf will cost v 10c, which w will fladly apand bacau a trial will maks y a ataady uaaf of "PIPXS." Kxtra fine ware guaranteed for long service consists of large cov ered kettle percolator coffee pot- Urge baking dish large stew pan tea kettle double boiler and fry pan. THE NEW 1018 ORIOLE GO-CART8 ARK HERE They have tha new atyla springs, reclin ing backs, rub ber tired wheel are finely fln lahed. either brown or French gray. Priced at S00, gll.oo. ais.DO. IAST TZBM Or PATsCCsTT. THIS HANDSOME Fl'MED OAK MISSION TABLE $t5 Value for $0.75 i S9.75 $2 Built of select aolld oa.k throuch- out with good big drawer wide ahelf e xtra heavy t-onatructlon and bracketa under the top else I-ln by Xasy Terms of Faymant. WHITE ENAMEL B.TII RtM)M KTOOUS U-liw-h top 1 inches high fitted with rubber tli. At 11. 0 we have an extra heavy plank loo stool with heovy rubber feet t removable) haa U-ln. top and la lsS-ln. high. Beaton & Laier Co. 415 S. 16th St. THOMPSON, BELDEN & COMPANY - The May Sale of Silks . With Its Wonderful Values . Several reasons why these Charming silks are going so rapidly: FIRST Because they are very fashion able. SECOND They are less than half price now; we have drawn on several sources for these beautiful fabrics, and every one is meeting with enormous success. $2 Figured Taffeta, chiff.on QOn weight, 36 inches wide -OL $2.50 Figured Crepes, high QQ lustre, full 40 inches wide. . iOV $1.00 Silk and Wool Crepes, yard wide, every new AQr and popular color TC A -Yard A Yard A Yard Automobile Apparel Cool, Serviceable, Fresh Looking Palm Beach cloth is the supreme fa vorite. The genuine is made of mohair and worsted. It has the peculiar prop erty of losing the day's wrinkles when hung up at night, the next morning ap pearing a3 smooth and fresh as when first purchased. , In Skirts - .- $6.50 In Suits, $12.50 to $16.50 In Coats, $12.50 to $35.00 Panama Cloth, looks like Palm Beach, wears well, but is not quite so expensive. In Coats - - . - . $7.95 In Suits . - $10.50 The Store for Shirtwaists New Arrivals of Wash Silk Middies . - . . $2.95 Buy Your New Hand Bag on Wednesday A Special: Crepe seal leather bags, leather lined, fitted with coin purse and mirror; plain strap handle. A special value, Wednesday, your choice for - $1.50 Palm Beach Suitings, 65c a yard Just been1 placed in the Dress Goods Sec tion; ask to see it." The Genuine Palm Beach Suiting 65o JnJIL "er Of Spring Clearance Sale Our Popular-Priced Millinery Wednesday Basement For 75c. Your choice of 100 Hats worth $3.00, For 75c For $1.50 Your choice of 75 Hats worth $5.00, For $1.50 For $1.95 Your choice of 50 Hats worth $6.50, For $1.95 ; For $2.50 Your choice of 60 "Hats worth $8.50, For $2.50 On Sale in Basement Only.'- 1; Engravings Electrotypes Stereotypes Designers Retouchers Photographers All Under One Roof '.V V - If "!i?L" V il. ! M f 1 1 J TTTVI -Tsm M 1 1 1 Baaa- !, -1 li T s Ya I. a II I Honesty lailt oar business to one of the largest practices in Nebraska. We tell you on first consultation just what you neei and exactly what coat of same will be. rAHTLEBS ZXTBA.CTIOV T TITAXIXID AZX. Taft's Dental Rooms 1517 DOUGLAS STREET. I When Will Your Income Stop? A wis man doesn't live aa thouKh his income couldn't atop. He makes provlaions for sick ness, lack of work, accl lwnt and old aa. bv havlnn a KAVIN8 ACCOUNT here here every dol lar he deposits draws Interest at i. We are protected by tha De positor's Guarantee Fund. I SOUTH OMAHA SAVINGS BANK 24th and M Streets H. C BOHTWICK, PreldJit TBI' MAX BI CK. V. P". P. H. GETTY, Cashier. 1 I I 1 I "RIDING" in on of our new lim ousine taxlaaJMi with the window lowered as much as you like Jivea you plenty of reeh air 'and your clothe are not aoiled. At ti.Ot per hour, ona to four paaaenarera. That Ou Barvloa. Telephone .Doug. DO. Omaha Taxlcab Servics Co. 8104 Finan. St. OMAHA . turn w j. . w. srr x .-J i r- .... HIKilliri:- 0 AMUBMEXTI. AMI SEMENTS. THREE WKS. IS MINNEAPOLIS 300 TIMES IN NEW YORK TWO WEEKS IX KANSAS ClTV First, Last, and a I Only Time Here mm DOYD OKAHA'B - sfOBT roruLaB TaeaMT lCatiaea Today, l:M. Tonight, Oeor; at. Cuban's Patriotic Musloal Comply, Little Johnny Jones vrita oxo. txxitu a joxinrr. Taaaro tUUiN Thuxsday, SSe. Miahta, asc eoo. BTsat Week! TESB Or TKs) ITOkM COUsTTBT." Tn.aday. aC. W. A. tria-n. M. W. A. Drill TJO of SO. 113 IPP TIIEATE Host of Pininount Pictures TODAY AaTD THVBISAT, Lasky-uelasco rraaea "THE WOMAN" WtTX AH AX.X.-STAB OAST. THE OMAHA BEE"" THE HOME PAPER QRANDEI8 Tonight TXXATZm T:30 ft 9T.U. AUTHENTIC MOTION PItTlRES, The War of the Nalions lWnofit Rtxi Cross. A din. 25c ComUr lu. Cap. Bcott laAatarctle sr.-:? Li Mjorvelous Thrilling Btnions in coM, sUwr. reory, ropper, aod aa sorts of predoes Btonea snd swla tNre teea lost tn wreck at seal If coins- to be eared 1 What J Teal Tne wonderful to-rsntloa of tha WU lhuuaon brotben haa fstbomed th secrets of ft ana I Mo aoor worrylnc fretting and stewing about to deep. Ifa all been soiTed. sod tha Wtttasnaua Bob ssarta Pletnre will a bow you taw wonderful ecoe at tn bot tam of th nnsaa; wbo Uvea dowa there ; woat sort of crestuxea tbey are, te, ear., etc. Too sr. gotnf to marrel and ponder and won der at tba remarkable thing w are going to show yo. Tu will b amaaed. anUrbtetied ' and awed! Oct ready I Walt I Watckt Lis teat "The aristocrat of films, wo darful la to way of plctar I JaavaaL" All GAYETY xz bzo mniai. MS rUIl AT 1-4 1--? JO mitt M A08LTS 2Sc; CHILDREN 10c JJ 3 ASTAJrVSUI Tsgoimu. Daily Matin., t : la Wishy g;ij i Olhr AU: Bron- MISS JOAHSAWYEB r. oriia Moor. Jnm. Mu Wiihur Jordan. HAIiIaU CKKKNWO'D A SlUNtY OIIAX1. CfDinaui frWm: StlT IV Dm Srni. (,. .,., B.lurur a.4 buin i'jt. lshu l.. t.t. ;