Tllh. itt.F.: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, MAT 12. 1015. -j j FOU RENT Farnlkf4 llooeeo. CNF fully furnished -room house, otpv. hrlf Mock from Normul, with or with out llano. Will sell cheap for cash If taken at oner. Mrs. XI. Hamilton, Fre mont. Neb. Iloa.rkrritinu RiMmi, NO TiJIl :f,sThroe lirii' eteRm-healcil unfurnished rooms; modern conven iences; detached house; spacious lawn four dollars Adults. KARNAM. 2s:'2To nice housekeeping room: electricity, p." rnnge. FVUM . KKAL KSTATK R II Ll) run MI.N lloosrkcepln Apurlmrnti. NICE, strictly modern 3-room. unfur nished housekeeping apt. for rent, rea sonable, to refined couple; ens Move, hot end cold water, electric lights; Janitor service furnished; on car line r,ian Ave. Fnrnlshcri Housekeeping Hnov. DAVENPORT. 201 K TWO OR THREE nickly fi rmsheh front lmra liOnMJ, NEW FLAT Mingirt. OOOD (South Missouri land on railroad, In well settled loraity. SU per aero Email ir Inrse farms on easy ternif. Liti rture Inc. U. Merrlani, Ellis. Bon ton. Kansas City. Knnsaa. 3-room apartment. 2i22 Karnam. Nebraska. FOR PALK Peat larra bodjr Mh-grad medium-priced land In Nebraska; very little hioney required. C. Bradley, Wol bach, Neb. A FlR.fT-CI.ASS stock and grain farm. 4f aerea. two miles from llnldrege, Phelps county. Neb I-anrt la all level, bcavy Mark soil; f'l acres In cultivation, acres in winter wheat; 2i acres m hnr ly; 125 acres for corn; l'i a.-res pasture and hav land A eond S-rftnnt house: 2117 Sher- lurg barn and all other outbuildings that suggest a well-kept farm, and n com fortable home. t-wediKh and American ottlemcnt. Price for onlv a shoit time lr $ r acre, rcaaonablp terms. ror particular!" write or chII on A. ?ei- aon. Trammel Wk.. Holdrcgo, Neb. light HoaKkrrplac Rnoni. RTEAM heated rooms, with alcov;, kitch enette furnished. Ogden Hotel Co., Council Bluffe. Ia. Hall. BEST equipped lodge hall In Omaha, alao large modern dance hall, finest floor In city. Druid Hell .2414-16-18 Amci Ave., Web. 2Pm or Web. 7(B. Itonaea and tottngra. Alt, etsea. S3 per month up. SOT T"atov COUNTRY HOMK NEAH OMAHA. tll.000 buys a hlirhly Improved larm. tonalatlng of about 61 acres located on one of our boulevards out from the city, only a 40-Uiinuie'e ride. Oood water sys tem, email amount of fruit, some aitaira. tarn hay, nice large beautiful shade trees and all kinds of shmbberv and about 10 acres ot natural timber, making beautiful nark. Thia la an ideal propo sition for handling: thoroughbred stock of any kind. Llvtng spring In pasture. O. K. COMBS. 116 Rrsndele Theater Bldg. Omaha. f 111. MODERN B-room cottage. Zj per mo.; IT'W Fratt. Omaha Realty Co., Red 62. FOR RENT-$65.00 Dwelling, 414 So. 38th St. ; tiled vestibule, reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class con dition. Location A-l. Benj. S. Baker. Thones D482, II317, For Rent A strictly modern seven-room flat, $22.50. 16th and Corby Sts. Phone Douglas 4174. . 112.00 16."4 No. Wth St., 3-r. and bath. $15.00 822S So. 23d St.. 6-r. and bath. 122.60 2S72 Spalding: 8t 6-r. and bath. $27.iifl ZM2 Sherman Ave., 5-r., all mod. J23.00 42d and Farnam Bta., 6-r., mod. Wo have a larpe list of good houses. PAYNB INVESTMENT COMPANY. Douglas 1711 . Wure Block. o RENT reduced to $; a bargain; Ht. Ixiuls. 6-room flat, strictly modern. i;13 Park Ave. fiai S. 18TH St. $13.50. Webster 3-room H372. house, modern. PARK AVli, 8-S 8-room, Btrlctly mod ern home; large, beautiful, shady lawn; newly decorated, oak floors; t12.oQ. Loyal Hotel, room 4i4. EIX-UOOM. modern house, located 2710 Decatur St.; will be vacant May 1; m per montn. pnone H. 4Mi. Globe Van&Storage Mores, moves, pacKB, snips; j-norse van and 2 men, M.2S per hr. ; storage 12 per mo. fratisracuon guur. u. 4st A -iy, zju. FOR RENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartments and (lata that are for rent. This list can be seen free of charge at Dmaha van & storage Co., sue s. 16th St. JP T") J Riv. oo., moving. . I. KeeQ Peking 4b atorage. Gordon Van t N. 11th 8t TeL Storage. IX tat or Web. U.-J. Maggard's IBK, painiue., Uuugius lm. Van and Storage -o. jai ua lor Uoiataa for mow kiiiH)in0'. lias Webster HL BEE the Central Furniture Stores. FREB FOR :.-4. RENT 7-room Parker St. house, ali -noderru 7 ROOM a and line. H. 2(HS. bath; all modern; on car IToilHPR Crelsii Sons & Co., liee Bldg. UUL""-B In ail parts of the city. Stores ana Otrtcea. rnfc.w modern store, best location; In North Omaha, 2414 Ames Ave., Webster cija or vv eu. diw. stw modern storeroom, d03 North 16th street; low rent. Conrad Young, 322 nranauia Theater. Doug. 1571. iE.v, mouern. steamheated storeroom oiiu uawiT.eni, zt.-2 Leavenworth St. 'miou luuns, oi nranaeis theater. t-'u"8. lull. wuuttt.N store near come Hni Chicago; low rent ner MxternOi U. P. Stehblns. OFK1CES SAMPLK ROOMS. Deelial.le siiuce In Welster-Sunderland cin., fun ana Howard sts. GEORGE & fXl.dPA VY Phone Douglas 756. !X)2 City Nat Bank Bldg. WAX TED TO BUT Tale b'--ys everything 2d hand. Tyler 1411 o' 'ic lurnltur bought ana sold. C hJ. I2ul Karnam. Doug. (14a. WANTED Old louse lot. Address 421 Bee. and good-sued ItKAL ESTATE HHM HtMII LtUH FOR HALE California. Live oak colonies, none better. W T fmlth Co.. 913-14 City Nat. Bk. D.- 281. CALIFORNIA LAND. Ail counties; cataloguu tree. Writ C. oi'sier k.o., I'tieiun Hldg., Sun If'Tan ipj. r..fmuuEiieq jo years. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Unfavorable Report from Miouri and Kansas Send Wheat Up Five Cents. BUGS EAT THE WINTER WHEAT Uresion. HOMESTEADS In eastern Oregon: good volcanic ash soli: will raise wheat, rye. corn or alfalfa; your last .nan'-e to g-ei good government land. Oregon Home stead Bureau, SO.'. B. 17th St., Omaha. o M tarvllanfeoaa. TO SELL LAND aulckly and profitably, you must reach vose who are at the present time most Uiterestedl In farm lands. The Iowa farmer is today the best farm land prospect In the United Statea. The oes Aioines capital wun ;,m aany readers can put your proposition squarely before a larger number of these live pn-spects than any other Iowa news, paper. Our circulation is guaranteed the largest In lovve.. We will Insert a 30 word ad 10 days for only $2.50 (add 5c for each additional word), our regular prico is 10 per word, per dav. You save 60c on this offer. To sell your land tomorrow, send yvur ad today to .. THE DBS MOINES CAPITAL. 70S WALNUT ST. DES MOIN ES. I A. ABSTRACT Of TITLE Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office, 306 Bo. 17th St. Phone D. 64M. HEED ABSTRACT CO.. offlna In Nebraska. 20 oldest abstract Brandela Thea. Jt-ssen &Morrell 2014 State Ek. Bldg. D. J2S2. REAL KSTATE WANTED LIST your property with R. 11. Lander you. 20? Neville BIk. I. J60O LIST real estate and rentals with DON ELSON R. E. CO.. 301 Om. Natl Bank. OMAHA. May 11, .fli. I'mavorahle crop reports from both Missouri and Knnsna sent the wheat market from 4 to iS e nt shigher Tlir deterioration In Ciese two states n arket from to p hlg'ier. The reports from the winter wheat belt of inserts are expected to become numerous during the latter part of thia week. Spring wheat mnrkets were quite wrak. but thev regained more than half of the lose, with null-rs active buyeri of the May delivery. Iellvertes on May contracts were Z,000 bushels of wlvat. Jun.flOft rushels of corn and sai.000 bushels of cats.. Cash houses took most of the oats. The corn market reallv showed s good deal of resistance agninst surrounding conditions and It looka as though the movement from the country from now on would be comparatively moderate. Clearances were: Wheat and flour, equal to 792.0Of bualiels; corn. 3,i00 bush els; oats. !4.onO bushels Liverpool spot: Wheat, '! lower; corn, 'd hiKher to Id lower. Primary wheat re.-elPt were S2.l bushels and shipments 22,00" bushels, against receipts of (Rt.fxio, bushels and shipments of 4H4.O0O bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 4lVOi bushels and shipments bushels, sgalnst receipts of 2J.0iiii bushels and shipments of 5.1R.00O bushels lust year. Primary oats recelpli were 414.000 bush- f Is and ehlpmenta S14 000 bushels, against receipts or 4H2.() bushels and shipineals of M6X00 bushels last year. CAR.LOT RECT1PT8 Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 2?! 153 128 Duluth S3 Mlniticapolt I." tMnahn .' Kansas Cltv so I si L.uis : tnnipr :'. Sales reported were Wheat hard winter: 4 cars. $1.4V No. Inter: 1 car. turkev. i 4Si: l 47W. 1 car. SI. 47. No. 4 hard il car. $1 47: 1 ear. tint' . No. 3 durum (1 car. S1.4V Rye-No. 2 1 car, 11.10. corn :no. S white: il -rare. 71c. o. 2 vellow 1 car. ;1V. No .1 yellow: 4 cars. 71Wc. No. J mixed: 1 car, 71c No. S mixed: cars. Tavc. No. 4 mixed: 1 can V; 1 car. tRo. No. mixed. car, 70c; 1 car. 9c. No mixed: I car. 70: t cars, musty, c. Oats -No. & white; 4 eara. Mc; I car. .vc. No 4 white: 3 cars, W.c: J cars. 50c. Sample: S ars, 4Sc; 1 sr. 4fSe: S car. 4-e. On-aha Cash Prices W heat : No. 2 Tur key, ll.wy-ii 4. No. S Turkey, l.xt I 41.,; No. !! hard, $1 47H1 4; No. S hard, II 4ii,fil.7.; No. 4 hard, tl 44o7 47. No. t sprlnc. $l.ei'il.4; No. S duium. 11 y.9; No. 3 durum. tl.47Sffl.4a. Corn: No. t white. 71i71V-: No. A white, 70Klc: No. 4 white. 7O4T70Se; No. J white. ?., 7-So ; No. white, Mf70 ; No. 2 yellow. 7iyfi71Sc: No. t vellow. 71u;iSc; No. 4 yellow. 70ly.V71-: No. 6 vellow. 7nVS70-: No. 6 vellow. 707'Sc; No. 2 mixed. T01T 71c: No. S mixed. 70', If 70i,'; No. 4 mixed. fc'jiTw-: No. 8 mixed. Ssfi7uc; No. mixed. K'7i70c Oats No. i white. M(iMV: standard. j0,4tMe; No 8 white. V-u" c; No. 4 white, fcvtffcoy Parley: Malting. 7a07f,o- No. 1 feed. tirc. Rye: No. 2. tl (WMfl.lA: No. 3. tl.OKS-ffl.oa. , C HIC AUO C.nAIN AND PROVlION I OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET - largo S5 101 Die I little- over a turd as utm dava last year. vuotstl.'tis on siuei' and Units iJimb. Iigi.i. !';. !' tit'., lambs. Iienvv. w , .;iviiiiun value itu iiioci, uuv vivn iigni. 'i vcsrllngs. resvy, W7i (r 3 hard ? eara. winter: Off Weak Sheep Ten to Twenty Cents Higher. HOGS GENERALLY ABOUT STEADY J0; wet lie : aethers, l;m good to i hoi . good. S7..M1 i , Vv I l.i sboi n lam' . ... .S Mexican IsniUs ... . i2si Mexli an lambs ( 43 ci lis natie siring l.iml'S K I to 1 I'oice. i to .lonii, i.0"ti ;j, -. f..;..nt.f.'i., :."' s.b; ewes, fair to SOl'Tlt OMAHA. May 11, 191 Reielpta were;' Cattle. Hugs. Sheep. W spring lands 'lri'iai .Monday ...... 4.'"'t Estimate Tuesday S.' 1 , S.i l,7W I t 41 f uf M4 N this Isst Two dav Same dava Same da a 2 wks. Ssme data & wks. Same dava Same days'o rrs :v, i i lls 1st t 'clotadH fiu Idnbo shorn IM fed lai-.M'a... A v. .. ;i , . VI , . tj I1 Tr. 9 Ki 10 ;s hi 9 11 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Underlying Firmness Shown by Easy Recovery from Abrupt Declines. S 111 THE OPENING IS BUOYANT NEW YORK. May 1 1. -The ease with ! w hlch prices today recovered from their hrupt declines of the ptelous day was n Inmbs Unit s 78 ti n) II .1 ID 10 .1 1,1 V V, KTIM K MtHhCT REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Boulevard Park Homo Fsatsrri af Iks Trwdlag and 4 loalag Prteee on Board f Trade. CHICAOO, May 11. Alarming crop damage reporta today compelled traders in wheat to dlsregsrd fears about possl bh consequences of the sinking of the Lcsltanla. After an exciting advamv the n arket closed strong at nearly the top most level of the session. Ac to 'c nbove last night. Corn gained le lo 2c net: oats. lc to ISc. and provisions, 15c to 40c. Sentiment in wheat showed a rsolcal change almost as soon as trading began and It waa not long before the buying si emed to havw attained exploalve force. Aa selling had late been pressed to nearly (the limit. esieclally during the turmoil i that ensued after the Lusitanla tragedy, jthe market waa In no condition to with "stand a sudden rebound In values The week.. V.'Ai ls.OM : S wcek..l2ST9 I7,v ll.;: . ago .I.V7.U 22.719 l?.4, , ago. 10.941 IS.M4 .. ........ 1 ok .Aiiii'i i 7m so ;u 1 last year.. 7.W 17.279 K.92 The following tah:e at.ews the receipts j atlle Ptrnsi llntu I nsettled of ealt'.e, hogs snd rti.ep at the f-oi'tli : ttheep Firm. toSlfe ".7 um,ll,rrr,h 'lul' Vrtr'' CI I ICAfit 1, M,v 11. CATTLE Ret cliHs. to oat as .uinpared with last vcr. . v., ,ri,,t ..rnc native i..-i f V"?: -1.''4.- rc! steels. tii.Ni'V 2A: westein steers, f CM ill.i '.'.as ' : i.i. a:iimtt.: calves. Cattle Hogs Sheep The price 1.214 Hi t.0vS.t4S 211,47.' .... tXuAi tXi.USO WJli following table shows the average for hogs at the South Omaha live stock market for the last few dai. with comparisons: Date, '"liit iu.iM.vii2ri7i.iTtViivsT cepted as further proof nf the stock narket s underlying firmness. The hlef fft oi- In today's aiUanre which was most I l unouiu r, In the buoyant opemtis.'. was the nut of quiet reassursnc" contained In President Wilson's Philadelphia address Encouragement slso was felt in the cewatlon of the heavy foreign selling whlcl) contributed 10 the weskness or the preceding session. In fact from all aciounts. London and the continent were moderate hovers here. psi t from jts general Improvement the chief feature of the market was Its rnnv psrathe apathv. More than one. third of H tt-arli.,.. n Im Ik. I. ! I.rtlin t.rVt. ami In the"lat thlrtv minutes, itetween UOOS-lieceiptM. J, Peso: maiei iin-....,,, n, rxflVmp ,iiiness prevailed. nam srinr? ,n, ,,u,-,r. , , hiKhir. bulk of sales. ;.4itil7 . light. $7.10 April Jl 7 r:t a s0 It Ml 7 41 i . 731 7 Oi April 2ol I 1 14 I U 7 .l S 74, 121 April 261 7 14S 1 S 501 7 till 6 SI 224 t 91 il l..; mixed. t7 ..:i.i; beavv . ii.w9 -; rough. t7ti7.i;.; pigs. SS ?:;.. sili;EI AND LAM US-Receipts. I0 1 head, market firm; sheep. t7.7r-ti.s. , lambs. ..WoH.lf. Brand new. all inodern bungalow; five iresiilt wss that when a number of expe- largu rooms ajid bath; 3 rooms In oak, jr'onced observers agree as to reports of one a sun room; beam ceilings, book- prnously Incrrsslng havoc from Hessian and chinch hugs in mg sections April April April , April M Nay May Mav Max- slay Mav May May May Mac May 7 H' s r 2! 7 I S 19! 7 SA tl S 17 I 4tSl S 1SI ''"i SI.', li T 21 I I 7 il 14 7 S S7 7 lsM S 31, 7 14V,, S S I: 4.. .. 67, ! us i SI ox 7 us t 74! 9 12; 7 01 I 141 9S s vo 5 S.. . . 10 7 24; 11.1 7 ?4S Sunday. Receipts S 371 s.:s! 161 t 211 S 1! S i' 7 &V x .Hi 7 Hi t SI 9 .'M '. ,'.; , 14. S 01 t 301 7 4i S Ml S 84' I 7 Ml t ll 9 0l 8 I 8 1 19 n T 44 !U 171 14 1 491 I $ Pi I 10 7 M! 7 I s m 7 m 77 is, f 241 I 7 01 I 04 7 00 t 4 ti '.1 M 4 79 31 9 4t S Mi 9 23' 97 and disposition of live stock at the t'nlon Stock Yards, Mouth Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at S p. rr. esterday; RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H r a. t. I.oala Lire 9HoeV Market. ST. l.OriS. May 11. CATTl V Re ceipts, J. 1.00 hesd: market higher; native lee' stecis. t7.7W.0; vrarlings. iteen and heifers. $ th9 30: cows. I 0iVd'7 fn); fiockers snd feeders. SK.ft)'ci7.7fi; socthern iteers. $V2ti1itt.O0: cows snd heifer t4.0Olj' SOO. nstlve calvea, t tVt9.M. llOns-Recelpts. head; market steadv; pigs and lights. til.?f.tT7.7S; mixed srd butchers, 7 .Vt) ;.7.'''. ood heavy. Si A" !ii.70 SIMEP AND I.AMBft-Itscelpta. 3,.,nri bead; market higher; ewes. ! OOri 10 75; laivhs, JH.S0ti3.i"i: clipped yearlings, ! 10; yearlings. tI.Wtj0.J0. Kansas lit) l.tve Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. May 11. BATTLE - Re. tHits. 7.OHO hesd, insrket higher: irlme ment. REAL ESTATE LOANS WE ARE always In funds to make cood farm and cilv loans. PETERS TRUST CO., 1822 Farnum St. FARM IRAN'S. B PER CENT. TOLANP & TRt:MBULL, 448 Bee Pldg. tl'O TO tto.OUO made promptly. F. V. wean, wean Kin . imp anu rarnaoi i CITY and farm loans, 6, 6Vr. per cent. J. H. Dumont k Co.. 416 State Bank. WANXKD City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St. BEE) us flint for farm loans in Neb. United Ktntes Trust Co.. eastern Omiiha. 6fo CITY LOANS. C. Q. Carl Pert. 31O-0i 2 Brandels Theater Bldg. OMAHA homes. Eaat Nebraska tar rut. O'KEEr K REAL ESTATB CO., 1018 Omaha National. phone Dounlas 271 i. MONEY on hand for city and tarm loana H-.W. Binder. City National Bank Dldg. PEAIj ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE CHOICE acre In Lincoln, Neb., S0; clear. 6 blocks from car, for Omaha property or good Ford auto. 10S McCagtie utag., omana. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 2 Acres 3 Acres 4 Acres 5 Acres in Richland Acres cases, window seat; wen arrange.i ifly kitchen, with convenient pantry and Ice (the territory from Oklahoma to Ind.ana box room: bathroom tile and enamel, a stampede to the bull side became vlr with guaranteed fixtures; lighting tix-ittiallv Inevitable. tures can be selected by buyer; sislrs to Instead of the record-breaking wheat second floor, which In liirRe enough to 'crop which the lateat government flgurea finish 3 rooma; cement basement; fur-jhsd indicated, the outlook today was that nacc hent; hot and cold water; fine, large Ithe yield might become shsrply reduced, lot; paved street; close In isr; located (For example, seven oountlea In south In Boulevard Park addition. Price. S3,9i0, jvest Missouri that were reported to the about J7oo cash or vacant lot as psrt pay- i government a having a co1ltlon of 91 i per cent were said to be cut down to i .per cent, with a prospect that half ef the 'acreage would be abandoned. Corn developed strength with wheat arid owing to a falling off In receipts. Ex cellent weather for planting seemed to hsve no effect In checking the advance. Oats were helpej upward by improved c.ish demand. In other ccrrala , lading was decidedly active. Provisions followed the course taken I by grain. Packers were credited with I buying. Futures ranged as follows: C, M. Wabash . nf i Missouri I'nlon Pa DouKlaa K',3. Rasp Bros. 10 McCaKtie Bldg. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE Real Bargain S4,7fiO-On 3Mh Ave.. Just south of lrfav enworth; the house we will put up against any in construction; mimic room, large living room, colonnade opening Into dining room: big butlers psntry off kitchen, on first floor; three rooms fin ished in quarter-sawed onk, with quartet-pawed oak floors; four sood bedrooms upstair., with bath; one bin room Hn i shell In oak; dandy film basement, coal room, storage room, veg etable room: one finished room In bi--ment conld be used for a bedroom; sta tionary tubs, extra toilet; good lot Houae right up In first-class condition. It s a REAL GENUINE barguin. D. V.'Sholes Co. 915 City National Hank Llda. Doug. 49. St. P.. Pacific If lo ... N. W., east... N. W.. west.., St. P.. M. A O.. B. J., east... II. 4., west.,, It. 1. P.. east. R. 1. a P, west. Central .... 2 ,1 4H 4 4 Ih 4 19 1:1 beef sleei'i. S7.?Mii.!&: S, bill's, ti.;.' market .2..if7.M; ; light. A rt lelel Open, I High, I Low. I Cloi-e, lYea'y. Mieatl I I I Mav.l 1 S2SI 1 I 2S 1 R7i 1 ro July.l 1 2t I f 712S 1 2ii I 1 SISl i I I I.I... May.l 74' 7 MV; ! Illinois Total receipts 122 DISPOSITION II EAD, Cattle. H Morris A t o Swift & Co Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co I Srhwarti A Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co So. Omiihfl Pni kinff Co !1ni.ff.ll S A '...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Henton, Vansant A 1... Hill A Son HI2 WO S..4 MvS 29 9 KS. 1.11)1 1.2ii7 1.7.40 2.IS9 210 1..V.7 SHirep. 912 i.:; l.i.17 fen steers, s4ii9.O0; dressed S7.7itt H.2.V western steers, teckers and feeders. M.iifiS.: ;-i.7.0n; calves, tti.0ij I0.2fi I.OilS-Re-elpts. 10,400 hesd; higher; bulk. i7..Vfl7.40; heavy, i packers and butchers. S7.2;vrr7.40 ;.:ti7.4J'; plga. t.7:r 2 SHEEP AND MM HS lleeeipta, s.m bead: market higher; lambs. Sg.7MII.uo; yearllnas. S.'.7A(i.7; wethers. J7.o!ti ': twes, t ;. S Sloax lllr l.tve ick Market. SIOUX CITY. la.. May 11.-CATTI.E- l,Hecelts. l.fX head: market ateaily m 'tUo steers, S7.0Ol V.; hntchcra. Si. rir7.90; c.we and heifers, i.Xvfl7.4Y.-. calves, ...eit' 7. 0; bulls, stags, etc.. 2.'. I IOHS- Receipts, 4.900 head; market eiateady; heavy, Si JKri?.!; mixed, li.l.'t'ii 7 20: light. t7.lW7.17S; bulk oi aalca. ,.l l7.2r.. 'SHEEP AND LAMPS-Raeelpt. S0 I head. i HOUSE ISAROA1N. Nice house In the Hanscom Park dis trict; oak finish: hot water heat; might take a cheaper place as part pay. Wright A Lashury, D. 152. 1 July.l OHtS. I Mny.l July.l Pork. I July. Se;.t. I Lard. I I July.l Ribs. July.l ' I s'i; I i is o;s IS I 18 b'l 18 65 j 0 7.1 9 97SI 10 0) 10 17' j! 10 55 10 S 10 K 2S 10 90 I iti',1 '.vt. I I fc"' M ;.2 I ;js IS 02SI Is 2 I 18 1,0 IS b2',V MS 6I t 75 10 00 9 97 I 10 17S1 10 55 I 10 5 10 82SI 10 0 17 9i- IS li 9 7'j 9 "i 10 60 io ir, F. H. lewls J It. Root A Co I.. F. Husx Kellogg IWerthelmer A Degen. Sullivan Hros Rothschild Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.. (Christie Huffman IMevera jTanner Proa I.tchn Harvey 'Cline Dennis A Francis Other buyers Cash l.ioSe; No. REAL ESTATE WERT SIDE W. A.Redick's Second Addition THE LAST CLOSE-IN ADDI TION IS SELLING OUT Prices Wheat: No. 2 red St.tSil No. i hard. SlbPyS 1.B7S. Corn: vellow. 7',77Sc'. No. yellow, l7HSo; No. 4 white, nominal. ' " white. DMifi-ISc; at.mdaid. n3'ftMc. S17 Lard. t9.5. Rihs. t.S7' 10 .T7S. HUTTEK ljwer; cieamery, 2lli27o. FAiOS-Higher:. receipts, 2.i7 tases; at ntark. cases incftided, 17i17Sc; ordinary firsts. 1tS61i"kc:. firsts, ls'f lSc. POTATOES Lower; receipts, 32 cars; red, 3Wi:nc; white. 4m4t.c. POULTRY Alive steady; fowls Sunday we advertised 48 lots, between I.tavenworth and Jackson mid between 21st and :d. While every . one of these Is i very cl'olce lot for the money asked, some (are better tnan others and are going at , the same prices. The sooner you come, i the more room to choose your lot. I For inside lots the prices run from ti 2u0 to 11. BOO. There am sever:.! beuu- If you want some of the best level and itlful double corners which will go slightly . i in.... . i .. .i ' , i ... uiKiit-r. Call us at .any time you wish to go out. 15c. 16.X4S gently rolling rich land, close to a paved road and a good location, you should not overlook acres !n this new aldition. It Is all in alfalfa and original , prairie; only a abort distant from lienson and ad joining Keystone Park on the northwest. Some places have running water. Aa tlegant place for an investment, or a future home. Thia tract Is only 6 blocks from the Jitney line. Three acres will be sold on our usual easy terms. Price SJOO to $460 per-acre. Hastings & Heyden 1G14 HARNEY ST. REAL ESTATE: NORTH BIDE We will send the asking. Evenings call 2176. tUQDUM. BUY CANADA LANDS. The opportunity at present to i in,, ijargains are given t.y a c tiipuny operating; 4 local yards been compelled lo tako nvw $100 Cash makes the first payment on the 4-room house with two larj;e lota at 4.VW Frank lin St. Tills place is worth the pilco asked and will be worth more money in a few years. Fine yard for grardenint; and chlckejiH. 47kI1 .Parkjer St.,. Is a 4-room house with a large log. that can be bought on very easy leniu?. This will make a good home for you. Decatur 8t is a K-rooin house near ear line: large lot. Thia place can be In-night for what the lot is worth. It is a big bargain for someone. Better see this today. ...... Creigh, Sons & Co. Phone. I luUfnaH 2 . be obtain lumber They have j ,. UHLn celr half aectlons "" i"i'ioru dnu now under culti vation. Crop prospecta now excellent. I'm. hasera having, opportunity to buy these (arms lor the amount of the claim of the lumber company. Anyone inter ested, write the head office of The Lum ber Manufacturers Yards, Ltd., Reglna, long, HAVE YOU A AKM FOR SALE? VVnte a good deacripuoi. 0I yPui- land and aend it to the b.ou cay. la., Jour'au : low .. Powerful Want Ad aieuium. Twenty-fHe wor Ja every Friday cveuiti. SMuiUay morning aud evtii fcluiuy evtuiii, and Sunoay inornn'ii lor od inoatn, giving .ixuin ada on largest circulation of laper, lales. Il V Inw. leader, daily in four JtiZt kisatMts, MINNEStJTA MLAKTLH SECTION hine level Red Kivur V alley links from Campbell, on the Ureal Nurth ti a H. It. Hall In cultivation, balance in bay. Can'ali be plowA. ,o bulldint;. iiiio is a co, id coin, ttuck, and gentuai laiiuini; locality. I'nce 4 Itr acre. iMy ti i ms. CA.NE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha- bth alio 1-amnio. UlliiAi.N-240-A. Una la. fioii Miji ncafous, lw A Luuer cull.; 40 a. gid ni-aaj, tai A. timbered pasture; t.a practically all be cultivated; good earn land, larm la fenced; lrooin house, big n, aranaiv,. ma, iilne shed, wlndruiil, etc. i 12 bead good milk cows, 4 good horsea, rr-iieatK-a, wufcons, conip eto a t oi mac t In try, hogs, ititckeua and evtrythlng oa the farm goes at tt per acre; to.uuu eali, balance can stand tor 10 years at u per cent. Binwau ro... .es r i iiioaui l(iu , 5-Room Bungalow Bemis Park District 3510 Seward St., new, modern, complete; south front lot 4'ixi;S2; house is finished in ik of higheat grade; first--Ihks Plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures. Thii house la bu'lt with a large living room, plenty of windows, light and air. It 1s most attractive exteriorly ua well, la Waled only two blocks, from the Har ney car. on very high ground. Price. tuljO. Reaaonablc terms. You can't beat II lor the money anvwln'ro in the cilv. AliMSTliOXG-WALSH ( ()., Tyler 1J.HI. Slate Rank Rlilg. New 5-Room Bungalow Strictly modern, oak finish, beautifully decorated; large attic can be made Into two large rooms, with furnace beat al ready Installed; full basement, screens and window shades: south front lot, M xll'S. Located at .ilM Fowler Ave. l'rice, tVJjO. Easy terms. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 4270. you a plat with prices for Allan A. Tukey, Harney A. P. Tukey & Son Phone DouK .7)2 1SU7-8 W. O. W. Bldg. ST FARNAM FINE NEW BRICK. Living room, dining room, kitchen and sun room. Three bed rooms and sleeping; porch. Hardwood finish. Fine condition; 11S- No. UFth St. Rent L'S. COMPANY. Tyler r-Tf. , State Bank llldg. o. New York General Market. NEW YOFK, May 11. HUG Alt-Raw. firm; centrifugal. 4.M. . molasses, 3.K.c; refined, steady. Kuga- futures were higher early today, prompted by the u,.n,.. nt th street n'ai ket. Prices at midriav were to 7 points net higher. hi 'TTF.R- Unsettled: receipts, tubs: creamery, extras, Hi score), iivsc; ! creamery, (higher srorino.' jw'''' . 'firsts. 2xc029i'; seconds. 24i :t'tc. 1 l'jiiiK steadv: receipts 3;,9!S casea; fresh ratnereQ, exiras, 'i'i.. i"'""'r packed, extra firsts. 2lVi2.c; llrsts. ., W2lSc; regular packed, extra, firsts. 2W "lii" firsts. lO'MtfJOe: nearby hennery, whites, fine to fancy.- 2i123'c: nearby hennery, whites, 22:3c. CHEESE Firm; receipts, 3.ts boxes; whole milk. lc; same, aveiage tancy, Itjuii, 1ti4o. POULTRY Uve. unsettled; western cMekens, broilers, .waSc. Dressexl. oiileC western froxen roasting chickens, 17'e21Sc; fowls. 14's'fllSc; turkeys, l.'i321c. 99 IS 17 M In I ? ;n 19. 20 II 9 13 20 M M IT 1s3 with nine era te declines and recoveries. Final prices were at or near the best. Investment issues being most conspicuous In the rise. The sitiiHtinn glowing out of th l.url tania rtiHaMtrr was less of a depressing Influence, hut foreign conditions as a whole especially Italy's possible course which formed the baHs of many con tinuing n Him" whs p., i nlj a m icrnieni to more hulllali activities. Domestic news of a routine character Included an increasing demand for copper, a haidenlng tendency for time money, the auteesHtiil irsult of the Pennsylvania railroad bond offeringa and declaration of an Initial dividend on the first pre ferred stock nf Maxwell motor Extension In foreign exchange gave, rise to further minora of British and other credits In this insrket. The French gov ernment It Is understood Is about tn make heavy payments for war supplies rei entlv purchased here. Tot ni sale of storks amounted to aio.ono. Investment bonds moved In sympthy with shaves, all the lesrtlng Issues re gaining losses of the previous day. Total sales, par v alue, aggregated S2.sio.0rt0. Heaviness In gn ei ninent Issues was an unexplained feature of the bond list, registered 4s declining S. coupon la and registered Us, one point on call. Number of sales and leading quotation on stocks were aa follows: Illgn: V. Clee. St. Joseph Live NtoeW Market. ST JOSEPH. Mo.. May ll.-CATTLE-Receipts 2.1-im brad; market weak; steers. Si' AirX.oO: cow s and heifer. tl.50fitS.27i; calves, fi ooS. si. HOOK Hecotcts J.TjOO head; market higher: tops, l7.3.; bulk of aalrs, l,'2oJ t en-. SHEEP AND LAMP0-Receipts. ?.'.'X ! head; market nlplu r; Ismbs. 110 2,"fl 10.71. Live atork tn (tight. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western insrkets: South Omaha.. Chicago St. l-ouls Kansas City.... Sioux City Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. M.tK'O 2.0O1 2,I0 7.0 1.H01 t.'s.l 9,0 S.SII0 10,400 4,tsj0 1.7.v Alaska i Affiaiaamatil Copier .... Amrl,-.n pest hug.r.... Ail-erlr.n I'.n Ainrrlraa H. It An.rliin B. - It. nM... Am. Kug.r Refining Amerloin Trl. A T.I.... Anerlr.n Tnhsi'CO Sr,mMnS. Mining Alfhtsnn ll.lllmnr. Ohln Ilrneklyn Itnpld Trsnnt.. I .llfnrnla IVtnil.iiro .... Onsrll.n P.rlflr cenlml leather lii.'apeak. A Ohio (tilrxg.1 (I W (hi.-. so, M A Kl. P.... CM.SS" N. W Chlno Copper t'tlor.Oo Fuel A Iron.... I 'nlnraitii A Southern Pinrer A Pin tlrsniie..,. Iner ft. O. plit luatlllers' Mei-uriii.. Krl tlrnsml ICIertrl. Ilrtst Nnrthrn pf. tlreal No Or rtts , liiiHsenlisltn Kxploratlon . Illlnels t'rntrsl Imrrhornusd Mi-t. ptfl In.plnnlnn I opii.r burrti.llnnsl Msrve.t.r .. K.nui. i lly Miiulhern.... l.Hiih V.ller lulMrllle A NsstiMII..., Mrntran Pslrntrum Mlnml Cfippr MiMourl, h T II sna St SCO J.MO ll.1 Moo Sun !, 4") I3.H.1 4 km 4 nn l.sno Hk ni .nn lo.oeo .''i 300 7 nn I int - am !v n4 :.i5 :HS Mlk ;j 14 1HV s; 41V ais 4' as 43 1 S4 4S ins": 111 JO 1 ns 71 S is I5S MS 44 'm lit 41 MS ,7Va! I Manurt W. N.ilon.l Total receipts. Dry tiontla Market. is.sno 4i.fno tVfifl If lr Kallnnal 11, 11 A.X0 N.iinnsl I.ia4 N.vail. I Sj lr New Tnrk ,'inlr.l... N. Y.. N. If A H. . Ni rlnlk A Western.. Nnrltism rarirtr ... fa. II 1. 1 Mali railtle Tl. A T.I... S.tiOO 2 JO Totals 4,013 8.11 I.V1 ) CA ITI.E Receipts were moderate and the tr trkt vt-lth . i,rv arm A ria. I matin fur U.f As . ra. I VI'U' Vlllll,' Ms.. 11 DRY OOODS 1 Pennsylvajila suit the tmrto wus setKe .nil full loe : ( el i .m vruiili market, were aulet mid i PuMrnin I'slar. c ar. higher, with some galea poaalbly 17c-aliiy ateady today. Yarna were quint, higher. After , the jnora .urgent . order ;Tlm demand for men'a wear for - fall were filled and aome of the buyer drop- iuhnwed slight Improvement. ' Ribbons ped out the market eaaed off again. tlnvvere verv dull. Silk piece goods atre 111111 .aura suovvina lime 11 any advance, lou'rt vau.l..a .nl. I .... tn tL .1 wll h 1 10 1KV1 W.sno i mm l. to.i i inn a.koo 't'ro l. no "i.l l.ios i.i sun 4.imn . 1 frill lino . I.t.n i Mil I. mm 'I. too "400 l,w vno 1. 4H0 131, 's )U n;s is 'tis ::", . 'Sis 140S ' 'is' 2. biS II 'lS Ml, " tow " il. US i: ln IKS IS ''' ts 1WS 'its' . -'''a 11 IV i i 4S US iv.' s IS 4. 34 S 7 S 1'S 101 nS :? inos ;s. m nS ' "S, 11S1 91 u. 44S J 2H a lS IIS S.iS 1111. ins XI f'a 107 7"i s S7t, 110 lis 7 -S V4', II II IK. MS 14 , "'. in: I i.i. in:i m;s For Sale Oood home, 10 rooma. reception 1ia.ti, bath, hot water heat, Catheilral district, all modern. In fine repair. Phone Owner, Walnut P60. REAL ESTATE 8 L' III' It BAN UgaiUt. Dundee Home . $4,250 This . Is a well constructed house, lo cated on high, slchtly, south front lot, eOxlii feet, at .7014 l.ARD STREET; hav ing an exceptionally uirge living room, points net with beumed ti 1 1 fire pl tcc. fin- i,ie; June leucu ill timnc i ad is c " oaiv, aim' inr uinmg room; ' convenient klti lieu and tenter hall entrance on first fiyor. one very large bed room with two clothes closets, also small bed room, with up to date bath room on aeiond floor. Full cement base ment. Furnace heat. Small building in rear which could be con verted Into a garage. The interior of this place must l' been to be appi ..dated. "JIl'ST BE-SOl. D AT ONCE, ou ner on ircmiars will be glad to show. Do not fail to investi(;alo thin If y6u want a convenient boipo toi a runt!) l'auuly. Ht I.oala Uraln Market. ST. LOUI8. Mav It. WH EAT No. 2 red fl fio'i'iil.Wi; No. 2 hard, Sl.tll a; May. H.M: July, 127Hi. . CORN No. 2, 7nc; No. 2 while. ittHc; May, Tfi'c; July. 7S(ri7Hc OATS No. 2, 63',ie; No. t white. Doc. Liverpool Uraln Market. LIVERPOOL. May 11.-WH EAT-pot No. t 18s 10d; No. 2 hard winter, l:ia 91 COKX Spot, American mixed, new, ks fi.1; La Plata, 8a Pfrt. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. May 11 OOFFEE Tho market for futurea waa steadier today, owing to a more optimistic eeltna as t i international conditions snd feeling that speculative long accounts sliould be pretty near liquidated on the recrnt de cline. Tho opening was u to 7 points net higher and prices Improved further dur ing the day on covering and a little Wall Mreet demand. The close was S to 11 . . . , . ii, A I l . . . nigcer. ntlira, si.ii hikii. ei.,. one, ti.iH", juiy. use; iuhnm i.ih. September, 7.1:!.". October. 7 lb.-. Novein bet, ;.l!lc; December, 7.23i-: January, 7.24c; February, 1.32c; May, 7 :; April, 7. Km Hpol, iilet; Rio No. 7. 7c; Santos No. t, 10'm . Coat and fielKht offers were re ported eaaier, with new crop Santos 4s limited as low as l. Inc. Mllreis prices were un banged at Rio and 50 rels lower at Snntos. Rio exchange on lindon was unchanged. Tt.e l est yearlings aol.l up to tV), with good hea.y cattle at tk.46 Cws and 1 lifers were also strong am! active, desirable kinds being 10c higher. Stockera and feeders were none loo ac tive, but attll prices were about steady. Pome very chilce weighty vvhlto faces brought 5. AC. Quotations on attic: Oood to choice cornfed beeves, S4.flofitl.Sli; fair lo good cornfed beeves, ! Tujis flO; common to fair rorntod tieeves. 7.'.,ntl7.70; good to choice heifers, 7.t.kS.G'i; good to choke cow a, t;.S 'Jf7.4i)-, lair to good cows. I-i-iV'"" t.80; common to fair cows. tj.T.'ti 7.76: good to choice stocker. and leedeis, t7.tVn4n.iii; fair to good Blockers and feeders, t'OHlfs 7.60; rommr.n lo fslr Blockers and feel ers, tti 0(i7.(i0: stnek heifers. o.7rU7.2... stock cows, f5.B04i4.7n; stoek cuives, fiiid (r S.on; veal calves. fs.OO ilfl.t7; fnt bulls, sians etc., fi.0Ot)H.7a; stock bulls, fj.00 4J7.M. Rcpreeciitallve tiales: BEEF 6TTEERS. London Stock Market. LONDON, May 11. American aeenrliteV moved irregularly. Canadian Paclilc, Union Pacific and Untied States Pteel were anpported In the afternoon, while the nthera were nerlacted and easy. The closing va uncertain. Prlee of Cotton Aalvaaca. NEW YORK. May 11.- A more optimis tic view of Internalionnl conditions was i-efl.cted In the cotton market touVay Prbes advanced II.W a bale. t'opper. . Kb. I. .. 10 ... a.... a.... an.... 22.... 17.... I ... 11 ... II.... 7... .... 4.... II. ... II.... 4 ... 11.... 1... I ... I.... 1.... fr. No, t on .it. to to im ii 7 7S II 7 Hi 31 t '. M I 00 1 8TEEBH AND 7 Ii I 7 0 14 hi t 7 io M T 4i 10 .... 7 M . llElf ERS I SO 1 I Ik 1 I 74 7 W BULLS. I On 4... ;o i 4 3.. 1 Ml ALV EH. As. . Ill . M .1140 .lirte .1044 . Ml T!4 IHI Tin 714 . S04 . Ill . 44S . 442 . Is) tson .144" A. no U'4 MIX ..'. 1J46 1 40.1 11141 HEIFERS. 710 Snl .1074 . an. . 711 AO 60 ill Pr I u I w :o I M 40 I ID t o a to I As I 10 I II 7 21 7 o 7 lo Kuaar Market. NEW YORK. Mav 11. 8UOAR Raw, firm; centrifugal, 4.77c; molasses, 4,uuc; refined, steady. WINTER WHEAT NOW ABOUT KNEE HIGH ..1417 . ,ino .. kto I 17 7 16 7 ii D r EEDERS. It two 11 11 il 7 hit 7 Ik 7 71 George & Company Tel. D. i.' City Nat. iik Bldg. Mlnneai c 4c. Minn ky OR !wj ACRES, goi d heavy sjli, m ww-i tiled farl oi iu.lj, niin.; i.uu load-,, niiooii and huribra; girlie si., lo t.'J per acre. 1. 1 nm, fl pep u:r . a ih.- -aianie il per acre a until iaua la paiu in ( ifr lent InteieJ. iC HU AB PHI is ifKM cash (glance S20 a month. 4 rooms with stair v ay to large floored til lie, with ample ipace for 2 more room, and hat hi foil lesi inent. city water, electric llgh'.a. ee- t,ai,t fixtures, cement walks. Price, fl.STO. Located 44l.i !-iaioii,g .-t and N. IHh St. Keya at 2.24 N. llili Ave, C. (j. CAWLI.KKCJ, 312 Prandei. Theater llldg KEA L ESTATE MI SC'ELLA N 10OU8 II. lilf. Mav, .20c. ; December, May. SI-; December, Sacrifice, $500 If told Una week; .'il Crown Point Ave., new room, 2-story, oirbtly modern hotne. Inclosed sleeping porch; front torch siTeeneil. faces .Miller Park; una block from 24th St. car line, coi ii'r lot; best rhade tibes and fruit. Come out and investigate. , lts a Snap Neat 5-rtioin minimi ho:,,. , fine, ,ii corner li t iiooni loi i Ii-hi-isi, lirautiful lawn, sliade and fruit; p.ivlnjf ,ald; val uabUi location; not lai im.i; cut to (j, ,.io for rpilck naie; about J20) cash, 125 month. Let ua (liovir too tins barvi. in, day or even, tig. M-Kttrick Ileal IJslale Co. DoiiK. 1ISC. Tyier 2HO-J. CLOSK IN I loo CAM4-f22.i An oii-lrdule all ' iHe. all be Kill'l these Iciiiis. Thin St huolri PA VXE IN VEST 1 KM I lonelss 1, S 1 h roum.. modern ex-'ipt IichI; pa.ed street, with taslng pail loi uteo near ;.7th Ave. and turning fcM. Price only VJ.iO. Can gi' e tiriiiH C. (J. CAIiMSKIM., . til lli(n,UI, TI...U, It'll.. ' MONTH, inoie.u ..-room .-otto a g mil p.ii y on Is dine to car and COMPANY. Wuie fllo. Hi Mil) .OT- IIEAi'. f ! i c 4 . . Ml.lly loiv ih ami Aiin-., on cur lit.e. oil liiiiiriiveii.eni.i in. . Oct .inr prices. WrlgM Ac I in.iiiiy. Iioiiu. 1..-'. TWo fine loi. .iix l ;t ea. h. lu ai ,7lal and Center Sis Prm. t :'n eu Ii , f7 eoali, fl ti.'l- week llollula ll-ii., S.iiud: middling, Jl.tter figure hrlng the to 4.HH1. r-a I S.IKW oaies I olton Market. NEW YORK.Msv Futures opened steady; July, 94jc; October, if.hOr lon2c; Janusry. P'.tii. Futures closed etrong; July. "Jilc; October. 10.04c ; January. In2ii. The cr.tton market closed strong at .1 net gain of ill lo : points for the day. .IV K :i n ,. Msv II. i I lo.v- rpin, leasOr, good j.24il ; inbidllni Metal Market. , NEW YORK, May 1 1 -M ET A !-The metal exchange nuules bad iiuiot. fi llip 4 22; spelter I East -t. IaiuIsi. apot, of fered at fU.2a. At London: Lead, il 17s titl'ai."! 1'. Sielter. .-. Coit,er- Firm; iei trolytli , fl'j.Oo; cast Inc. Hk.'lsh 1H.7S Tin: Wulet; five-ton lot., ftnOctit'.'si: twenty-'lve-ton lots, ottered at WiO. Iron. Quiet and un l bsnted. At London: Sno; ioiper, flnt; antimony, 7Vn lil. 1 ISO I 00 1 124 10 2k t :io I Si 3 171 10 ks I :to it oo fci'Ol i 1,1.- 1 711 I 71 Ik IH'B 7 OS 20 lOi 7 .1 10 4i4 7 40 HOriS-Sujiplles were tho smallest for a Tuesday for seveial weeks, only 12H cars, or J.ffo head beinr received. Total fr,r the two days of 1H.0" bead Is l." smaller than a week ago, and over l.Oiv) short ot Isst yeai. Shippers Sad only moderate orders to day, snd 'bought such hogs as they I wanted at figures thst were no more than steady, sod In some Instance:, liardlv 'that. Bulk of their hogs cost around f7.2.Vif7 the latter being the hlvr-eat paid. Packers' early bids were as much as a dime lower1 111 spots, but nothing sold st this time, and before invtlilug begsn to move offers had been raised until they weie anywny i.teady with yesterday's average. At tiie best lime pipes were fully aa zood aa Monday's best time, and most anyth ng good brought f7 2f, but towards the close values caned off a 1 1 1 II. I,. .. ..I 1,1. . . I. u..t . . i'. mill. than steady. The average niurket showed I verv little Imp'ovemt nt. Piitr end of the sales landed at 17. 2T.. with a good s, rinkllng at 17 fi7.22,.,j and a fslr. snowing as high as !,': Hulk ot all the sales wir rpioted at fT.JtrilT 20, the George V. Covert, assistant superin tendent of tranaportatlon. with the Bur lington, la back from a three week trip that covered about every mile of tha system writ of the Missouri river. Aa to the crops In the central west Mr. Covert has thia to ay: v "1 have never seen anything like It in Nebraaka and Kanaas. Wheat la far eilvsnied and there are no bad spots. Everything now Indicates a bumper crop In the two states, even greater than last year, as the acreage la greater. "All through southern Nebraska and rortliern Kansas the first cutting of si ft! fa Is on. and the yield promises to be heavy and the forage of an excellent quality. "Oenerally the winter wheat ' la about knee high, and in some fields Inside of ten days the heads will begin to appear. Farmers are well along with the corn and planting ought to be about finished this week." OLD PEOPLE'S HOME TO HAVE A NEW BUILDING iS::: 2 . it 42.. :0 il' 7 H 1 1. 7 20 7 2" 7 ti', 1 2ZS No. 11 .. II... i. . It... 7.V .. .1 . As . .-11 . :n . .'14 . .;it bh 1MI so r ". 26 7 t. 7 J7i, 7 TiS 7 in 7 M AS 4"3 IlM 1-J0 ja .30d I SHEEP-Only a 'showed up today. lence of moderate supplies and ad pining Unices at all points Ibe (oca I market oi. tinned on Hit upgrade. V e big end of llbe offerings moving at figures that were loooted as uiiywbeie Irom a dime to as much as 20c higher. Top lambs moved up to $10.75, being only Im below th ' hlgti very moderate run and under the lnthi- The Old People's Home la to be housed In a new building to be erected on a tract nf land nt Fontenelle boulavard and Bed ford avenue, donated more than a year ago by Mr. and Mrs Oeorge A. Joslyn. At a meeting of the board of trustees of the Old People's Home today It waa de cided to begin work at once on one wing of the home, which la to he a two ctorv brick hulldlng. John McDonald will be the an hltect. Mrs. Eilwutd Johnson, president of the board, estimated that about tTj.OuO of a desired fund of had been raised. When more money la subscribed another wing will lie added. ,.-.... ii.. ...l., ,poi iwo si'ini ago. l nere wa noiiinis .?r ?T "' W stra good here, and aome pretty rom- lvAIRIF. HAY hoi ' uplsnd n..neinion urf ,rlo,d up. A tan-car bunch her.. fl2.sVo12.W. No. 1, fllii.yl2 0n No. of cllrip.d tamD, brought tK. 1 . and an 1 ew'!!". " ".,,'"''"':-' V " other losd sold at V. midland, nono here I 111 j'i i..'i; No I. The only aged sheep on aale eor.sleied '0i .0ll.i; No t S.!0 !.; ISp. I t.0 of a wrt of a bundi of ewea that brought l,im. noi'-e lowian-i '"'" w. o. ,.40. and aa nothing at all good showed IV.TlsfllMU; CIO. 9 .iili-i.i-' , -u. .f.lAil g no ALFA I. FA Choice la iiotsbWi at 1 12-Oil UlXUr. No 1, tl2 0o; i;. 'i0. No 2, ss4) lO.i.u. Dtaiiiiralfil piles mm ft Dried Fruit. NEW YORK. Ma 11 - EVAPORATED APl'I.ES IJ'llel DRIED Fill ITH-Primts, dull snd i- innl. Arirto.s find neacnes. dull Rata ns. loitief anil .twiirlv u'P there i n way of makiiin eom- farlsons. Tha trade whs druggy ay through, aa sellers i tot tbe full strength of the s clearance whs not nisde Hell slnng In the forenoon. Today s ncelpts snio ,nlei fcven iars, or l.i 11 hi-.i 1. nr.) foi tbe two rlsys Is !i3 bead tim aiiisllrst for sin I wo .lux all tiie la i in c niurket, and iniiil pr ll.v HANSCOM PARK CLUB WANTS JITNEYS REGULATED W. II. llstteroth, - halrman of tho pub lie welfare commit:: o.' the Hanacom I ark Improvement clu'i. hss addressed unothrr letter to the ity council, urg ing that an ordinance he passed for the legulattou of the Jitney business. This was referred to f'oinmissioiirr Kugel of Ibe police depsi tiuent, to whom a former letter was referred over seven weeks sgd. Mr. Kugel explained that an or dinance la being prepaied Itav Cno NsiiMiii trpubllO Ima gtlMi.i. KKk l.lsnil '. Hi ek Inland Co. pM SI. 1. A P. 24 pti .. hvulhrn ParUIr Suullt.rrt l:allay Tnni. Copper ... T.ii.s t'nnipany ..,,. tiilue Tarlhc I'nlon Parlhn pt4 t'nllsd Ktslea HtMl t:. H. Riwi pfd i.... 1'iaa i opper Walxah pld Western I'nlon Wmtlnshnns. Rkretrle .. Mnnl.n. I'oir.r Total wire for th. day .I'M So.Ji.0 1.70 4i.0 '"son 4.401 I.i0 SOS 12 WW siWI M.OnO N(MI rr.noo 100 kno II. WH too Hi MS s ''" kl ' IJ'I IS 117 l'JN IS MV. Mil kk IS s 22 H 141 2..'i 1S :.IV, iw ms us Ml 10 0, 1.1 IS ' 17 14 41 S ahar... in I.J' '2' 11. :H S s 4 171. -I , I:. ..;. IS .is nil's I4ik IS US', 41 rHew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Mav II MERCANTILE FAIi.R2-';iH.14 per cent. T l: KLIN o e.xchanuk Heady; alxty-dav bills. S4.74l7u: for cables. S4.7!si: for demand. S4 79 J SILVER Par. Sc: Max can dollara. HONDK Oovernn ent, weak; railroad. strong. Tlill-i 1OAN8 Mteady; alxly and ninety days, 2" 1 'n 3 per cent, six months, JUtfoV lier lent. call MiimriY jiign. 114 per cent: low. I3, per cent: ruling rate. 1 per cent: laat b an. 2 per cent; closing bid. 1"4 tier cent: offered at i per cent. Closing quotation on bonda today wert) as follows: U. B. rf. Si. ri ... mMo. Pan. ct. Ce..., 40 17, H. rt. 9.. .oupos tl N. T. C. a. IH,.... 714. U. S. I., r.slat-rad..l01u,N. Y. City 4Ss....leVh P. 8. Is, I'oupos 1V1N. T. Bt.U U. H. 4a. reg W N. Y.'. N. H. A H. P. m.i u. ooupoa llult ... 4a nni, P. nam. 3a. toupon. .101 Ho. TwMIe 4a. Ks, Am. ...... 1' to m 4 A. T. Ik T. ev. 4s.lo Hi. h. L. est. s... n4 Armour CUi. 4S. I2V.PSC. T. 4k T. k..... t?i, Alohlaou g.a. 4s.... Mtstna. coa. 4. tl HhI. ft Ohio 4a ttu, do nt, 4 Its lrnkkj Chea. ft Ohio 4la.. 17 Reading en. 4s C. H ft y ). 4a.. tssss-. L ft tl. r. r. 4. S4 c at 4V a P g 4Hs. fHo. pao. ev. 4s ii do ct. ka lOSSi do rf. 4s 11 C ft a. r.f. 4,a 14 do cr. U imw 1). ft It. O. r.l. ka . 41 Ks. Ksiltr.r U. tov,, ..ri. rn. sn-rnvnioa J-acnie s. ilsn. KlKtrlo Is 104 do cr, 4a , tit. No. 1st S.... rt sit, H. Rubber III. I'.n. nl. 4s.... MP a. sis.1 is... K. C. Ho. r.t. Is... 1 W.basli 1st fa... L ft N unl. 4a.... MWsit. r.loa 4Ua. M. K A T. 1st 4S.V74 West. Klc. c. Ii Bid. . MS . ani. .ire:. .1011, .10O .. 12 101 Loral Beearltlea. (Juol.tluns furnlslMd by llania. Brlnker ft Co.. Ilk tiniaha N.tlonal Bank kulldlng. Omaha: Bio. k Bid. Ask si. 1 it y .tlon.l bank, omana Pssr. ft 1 . , put 11 F.lrninnt Crcaiuary, 7 psr ocot ptd...l00 lrs.t W'nlsrn ku.r pfd 1001 llrdraulic Pres. Urlrk ooaimoa S Molina Plow ptd W. Mnunl.ln Htat.a T.I 102 llmali. ft Co. Blulf. Ht. Ity. aid Otnah. ft Co Tlluffa Jty ft B. ptd prisr. Mill pfil., 4 pr eent 1 11 ion stoek Vds., Omaha t'lsllk. Orsia I ominon Hwllt ft C11. pM Tri I lly It), ft U . pfd Bono. AiK.iilln. Govern. 4p. 1910 ...... Alma. Neb., Wal.rwurka U tt.'l Brunlns. Neb , WaUrw.irka lt;4 Ilk J. I. I'm thresh I us Mr h. Is. lt.'l . l oluinbua. Nab . KIk. ka. 1.'4 tl llumles Itrslly IV. ! l2J. I .iniii 1 11. ,sb 4 '4.. l30 ins Mnnirsl Tramway I pr cant aot.. lit limsli. K.-ir 4Sa U.4 inp, Oman. Walar 4'. 1S4I In), llmaha ft 10 Hlutta et. 11' m, lt:'l ', .;. , H. It V--, 1 Ssnft ft 1 1. Is. 1144 14 ' Hnbbr.r ft Snns. Is, 191 in I I t'a Hist, uf t iah 4ia l,u m i nlvsralty Plar, Nsh I'a, 1417 it t Wlihlia Inloa Ktork Vila, bs, lkj4 .... tt bo Bank leartncs ' OMAHA. May 11. -Rank cleariiiKs for fimaha today were S,1,737,W.i.5l and for . is . til . Si . SI .104 . W . SI', . 1110 1 101 Dli joi 74', 4 1" tl Ii ion 110 S.1 Inn l'H 4l, 10'i the corresponding 20u..'i6. day last year BUSINESS MEN'S CHAUTAUQUA IS TO BE HELD IN OMAHA to aim it toe mini ! i .us is i ,,rr. in : l illK I'liir. being 4, r short of last wi ek. b.i 01 smaller than ! i'Ks ,mi and n Business men of the state have de rided upon Omaha as Ih place fo,- hold In V their business Chautauqua this sum- he first week in August ,s the time mid Carter Ibo Is the place sa le, ted. ) You Can't Cut Out ABOUPAYI.Pirr orTHOKOrGUPlN, will clean them off permanently, and you work the hore same time. Does not blister or remove the hair. J2.00 per bottle, delivered. Will tell you more if you write. Boole 4 K free. ABSORBING, JA, the antiieptie liniment for mankind, reiliurt Varicose Veini, Ruptured Muarlt .f I ii'kjitnt,. Ealarcl r:lards (Collie. VWna. C'yui. A, 'in r. . . kly. r.K. SI id sad S2.04) s bout, sl dniicui cr de'.uctti. Miatifactuied only by -i m vniisie on tnd 7uus tl ssia