.MAY 111 Jo. ft - M t 'I i M M M lt t trT M . O .1 JiM wwrrw' r m i Why not make a practice ot reading the bwappers column aauy ana see u you aont una u mieie&uu& icau-: 3 ing and at the same time surprising to know how many excellent exchanges can be made without the cashrj V . lIHIIITIlTTimi1-II ' ,wiiniu -wir.-as www ; wr -j r i i i m f3 m f M m e m Jiril M,t M l m,m m ii h m f iIkJ t l-l-i-tL2 THK KKF,: nMAlM.' v. H I! 5 ii WANT ADS Aul ad received at liny time, but to Insure proper classification must be pre sented before 12 o'clock noon for evening Dillon and 7 30 p. m. for morning jnd Sunday editions Want ads received after such hour will be under tb heeding, "Too Lai to Claaelfy." CAST? R ATES mn consecutive tlmr. 1 cent a word Mfh Inssrtlon. Three times within on wKlt. I Ccntl a word rach lnHion. On time, 2 rent a word. CHAROE RATKS. F.fn ronwrutlv ttmaa, cnl a Una ch tmrtton. . . Thr tim within on week, 10 cent a lln rh lnTtlop. On ttm. II crrilB tin. fount nix nvrnut word" to a lln. Minimum chart. 3) cnU. An i1vrtimnt IniwrtM run until discontinued muat bo topped cy written order. ll cUlma for error mut he mU within fifteen rtv - to lt lnr tion of the advertl-mcnt Tou ran place your want ad In Tba Be by telephone. TFI.EPHOVR TTI.ER MOO. Unclaimed Answers to the "Sharpen.' Column." . Hundred of other imwm hv n rl)ed for and delivered durin th lMt ek. H I reaonhle to iippoe tht all of the people helow hav made th e!red iwapi, fherefore do not oaI! for the halanee of their anwer. Be want ad aura ret raatilta. ' - - f c. 8.r. t v. r r. sc. sc. 4l 44 Ml M4 r.5 ! m 472 f.42 M9 74H J72 4f4 474 m d 7M i 40 47H hhl Mrt T.-.7 ' 41 4T M7 W2 ; 412 n SM w w 2 4I MO f4 K4 j; 41 fVWt f7S M.S 7o m . 4i u r.7 k I 420 WO W4 04 7, K" f.5 T1 24 1T 4 M M 72 M' ' 412 M1 i' . y m am) ?io Mi M 1 424 r.n mo roi v. 441 Hit 7 M1 Wl . 44T MS 1 TOt M2 MS r.Xl r.'4 711 Ml 4 4W 11.(4 2 714 t7 S47 4V (W :S 721 MH !'4 4 bV m 7"7 8.2 m .1 (40 83 717 f0 ! . ... ... ... ... ... HEATHS An FU.-NKKAI. NOTICES. HOPKINS Mia Catfierlne Cecilia, aged i'f. May , of perltonllla. Funeral from family residence. 8110 Vin ton treet. Wedneariay, K.16 a. m., to Ht. Peter church at a. in. Interment at Holy Sepulchre cemetery. , HOWARD Etta, died Bunduy, May . at the reaidence, 2106 Vinton attract. Funeral Wedneadnv, 2f p. tn., from Croebv'a chapel. Twenty-fourth and Hew ard street s. Rev. Webater in charge. In terment West I.awn cemetery. , , RICK Robert Grant, Infant aon of Mr. and Mra. W. I .eater lllce, Monday May 10. t IK20 Grand Ave. f uneral private. BIRTH AND UMAT1II. Rlrtha Alflo and Carmela Raaao, 113 eViiith Third, girl; Candelo and Ivucta I 'a vara, 1218 Bouth Seventh, girt; .MUhela and Anna Veotuto, 1211 Chicago, - girl; (Frank and Mary Tomm, 14oi South Kleventh. girl; Alvln and Iorothy Wag- worth, SZW North Taenty-eeventn.jDoy. Death Catherine Hulkln, it, 2110 Vinton; Mary Alllaon, bi, 409 North Twenty-fifth; Joseph Utoneoek, 12, hoa Pltal. MAHRIAQK Lit KSISK. The following couples hav secured ll'-cnee tn wed: Name and itealdence. Age, J. Huaaell alter, Chicago ovwr 91 Lillian Stoeffhaa. Chicago over 18 Merton N. Helligao. IJncoln 28 Anna Jacobaen, Omaha , 21 Kalvatorl rarlil, Omaha 24 4:ariuella Cuva, Oniaii 17 Pebaalano Noclta, Omaha , 21 Kranceaca Baaso, Omaha 1 ,1anle 1 ( "ana van, Omaha IS ITieaale Willi. Omaha 20 William J. Mnran, South Omaha ...... IS Marie K. Grosa, Omaha 20 Vl'-tor Hatteaen. Lincoln S5 Klratlne Mtkkeleen. Ncrll, la 25 Bl'ILDINQ PRRMITH. National Refining company, tlO North Nineteenth, filling atation. $600; Maney Milling company, Twenty-eeventh Avenue and Arbor, addition to elevator, Ifh.OOO; Anna Muucka. 14l Pine, frame dwrlllnii, l,.Vw: C. W. Calklna. J1!9 Bouth Thirty eighth avenue; frame dwelling, H.bt; C. W. I'alklna, X21 Ptiilel-in avenue, frame dwelling. i,'J; C. W. Cnlklna. 30 14 pop. pleton avenue, fraun . dwnlllti. .5i; Andrew Jensen, illtl North Twenty fourth, brick store, 1 1,00). todiv'8 compt.ktf: movik pho(kamh fcclualvtiljr In Tha Dm, LANTERN allCra fur movlea. Bend your copy to us. Wa can reproduce photo ar will ptepar your copy. Wa will color as directed. Be Photo Dei.t., 103 Be Rid. KLITP. NO. 2. 1318 Farnam. The Return ni Richard Neal. 3-r. Ksa. diam. featuring F. X Bi.slimaii. The lxve Whip, Vita, com., feat. L. Walker. KAKNA IT l-e IHUULAS" Farnam Theater special t Mutual nine- terilect a a week. Thursday and Sunday our special day Hll-P THF.ATLII. l.TK AND HARNEY . Home ef Paramount Picture a. 11 hiAL Their Hour, l-reel G. Heal. Mutter of Parentage, powers. HMpl-er t-'inipaon a Daughti r. Joker com I'AMi. ii nuTTtii urn tn. Btuud cf the Children, I-reel Blaon, At His Own Terms. Big U. Taking Her Measures. Nestor comedy. PARLOR. 14 DOUU1.AS. I . . J The ldy of the Bnoea. T. Eaaanay dra. I A Baiberoua Affair, Mlna cqniedy. PRINCES 131711mA'OLA8T Tentli II, spier of the Hurk I .ox Mystery ihMdle Lvons). He Fell In the Park. l-aleat annulled W eekly, War Vlewa, etc Merlkw ALAMO. :4TH AND FORT HTS fie Final Episode of the Perils cf Paul. ne 4'omplete Pathe program, alii am iiii a, mi'sTurii. WeekW. The old Chemist. Ms. Diama. Just Ktda. Pr. fonieiiy. CLIFTON. Military Ave. BurdnlU. Adventure of Floren. 2-r. Than dra. I'aualil In tiie Act, Keystone comedy, Iu I nto fXhers. Prln. drama. DIAMOND. 2110 LAKE bT. Amntali-d Weekly." Father'a Mom-v, ( t'ir otnedy. New Kxplolm Nil. 3 of Ktalne. FRANKLIN. "jiTIi"" AND FlTlNKLIN The Becond Commandment. 3-r Kal. dra. Getting a Start in Ule. r-hj W. comedy. FROLIC, :4Yufc?riLaGi;E7 tov o' the Parent, I'owera S-r. featuie. Tha butler's liuated. blrrling comedy. - TODATS COMrLKTE MOVIK rKOfiRAMS EicJnMrely tn The I lee. North. (rand, "Theater Reautlful," lRlnney. The Hoiiee of Rntlpj', f-r. Irnmn. The liar Mont Kelr, J-rep). Drama. A Rr Affair. Keyntone (Vmdv. inrroDKfiMK, 2oth ci minu. Minerva MIelon. MaJ. 2-rel feature. HI Blter Kiddle, Thn. comedy. A t.u.'ky Trnefor, Rellenre drama. IVY. ISTH RfRF.7TTK. Thread of Fte, I-r. Re. Room for Rent, Vict. com. Rlack Hox No J. 2..r. Special. Fooling Father, Joker comedy. LOYAU iTCA'iJiVKUlZ And Ther Called Him llro, 2-r. RIon. Law of th fnen. Rower. Father wa Neutral. Ij.-Ko. comdr IX)THROP. 24T11 AND lJoTHHOP. The Cipher Key. IPreel l.uhln drma. ' HI New Joh (t hplln). F.aany comedy. FauaUk. wa pa v k n io r fT Kvery Inch a Hero, l-Ko, comedy. Their HoKo Hero. Fllr. Oire of the Iieaort. 2-ree Ulaon rlt'BI'HRAN. 24TH AND AMKH. Mr. C'arlnon of ArUone, 2-r. Tvuhln dra. Tliey Ixved Htm Ho, Vltafrraph comedy. Infomar of the Hill. Kaaanay W. dra. ontb. ARH?R, 32D ARBOR The 'rirat Commandment, J-r. Kal. dra. Page-Hriiwh Torn. Hcllif comedy. APOI.LO. 28.4' UFA VKNWORTrf. A Ufe In the Ralance, Kalrm drama. The 0nplrcy nt the i 'bateau. 3-reel K. dra. Monnahtnea, Mlna comedy. OM MHIA, 1714 h). HiTH. The Olrl on tha Treatle, Kalxm draimt. Ham Amon; the Rn'luklna, Kal. comedy. The Cloalna; of the Circuit, -r. Vita. dra. COMFORT. 24111 A VINTON Th Highbinder, -reel M atretic. The Wiahlnc Htone, American. Klhel' New Irea, Komlc. FAVORITE, 1710 VINTON. Th Writing on the Wall, 2-r. Kal. dra. When Dumhlelah Haw the Joke, Vlt. oom. The Knd of the Play, Bio. com. dra. OEM, 12&H BO. 13T11. Ixive That L(. Tower. Father was Netitral, I,. Ko Comedy. LYRIC, 1617 VINTON. Maater Roguea of Europe. S-reel Big U. HI Noh the Duke, Neator comedy. ORPHKI'M, POCTH OMAHA. Ouaale Day of Reat, 2-reel. Keyetone. Another good Keystone and a 2-reel drama. PASTIME, ' :,1D MCAVKN WORTH. The Pour round Note, 3-r. Imp. All In the Bame Boat, Neater Comedy. 7 Reel ti( Picture 7. VKNEZIA. 1.11 (JO. UTH fT. Fonr reel of Mutual picture. Wast. MOVROK. FARNAM. Irfirna Donne. I-reel Rlnrranh drama. The Fable of the Buav Man and the Idle Woman. Fee, com. The Jungle HtocKaoo. Beataoa. RK.VBON. The Hidden Clly, 2-refl. Ford-Cunard. The law of Love, Vlctbr drama. Farea Pleaan, Joker comedy. t'ouaell Hlnrf KLITE NO. . 637 BROADWAY. A Ilrat-ftll m No. 9ft Rated at 10,xiO,OUO. 2-reel (Tlllle Leslie), l.ubln drama. NlCHOIJvB. . 647 BROADWAY Hearst-Hellg No. IV Mr. J nrr Tkea a Night Off, Vita com. An Opal Ring, 2-reel F.aaa.nay drama. ROPER. IW7 BROADWAY, Orlm Meaacnger, t-r. Big U. Art I at and tha Vantrrful One. Victor. Two Heart and a Bhlp. Neator Comedy. oats ta-Mia. TII AND N. BBsgra A Rare for a Crossing. Kalem drama. The Terrible One, Lubln drarna MAGIC, 24T11 AND O. Nabbed, t-r. Blaon. Counting Out the Count, Sterling Com. Vaadevllle. BOTITH OMAHA. ORPr.ECM. FNOCTf ATtDWM AND THE GOOD COMEDY. r- - ANNOUNCEMENTS Invtlgata Y.M.C.A. out'g park, summer. 0 M AHA PILLOW CO.. 1907 Cuming. Douglaa 14(17. Renovates feathera and mattresses of all kinds, make feather mattresaes and down covera. TOUPEES FOR MEN Hair goods dept. J. I Brandela 4V Bona, Omaha. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR 1CK 'PHONE WEBSTER W1& Oeneral Oflc. ISth and Manderaon Bia. LUCKY weddlng'rlnga at' Brodegaard'a w E rent, repair, sell needles and part for all sewing machines. NE BRASKA CYCLE CO., "Mlokel-a," 16th and Harney. Douglas 1M. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. KNOXWEF.D kills the Dandelions. AMVSKMENTS WANTED to rent or let concession. One tweuty-paaeenger launch, one up-to-date merry-go-round, also other park concessions. Writ or call Harry Haur, Fremont, Neb. AUTOMOBILES t-PAbHENGKR car, exoellent condition, one-third th original price. Western Auto Top Co., 20th and Harney, i'hona Ikiugla 3668. ihl3 Pullman.. . 1475 1K13 Maxwell ...8476 ISUCole 76 I'll Oakland ....376 A. A. AH I.MAN. 'AM Fainaiu Bt. UtK)I value In a 113 Cadillac touring; Dclco cleitrlc starting and lighting; In fine condition. Call loiifla lisiH. NEW Furd auto delivery budtea of all styles, open or closed, always on hand. Our price will aav you money, (tee Johnson-Dan forth Co., 16JS-31-S3 No. lhth. 1U0 REWARD for any magneto we can't repair. Culls rapd. Bayadorfer. 210 N.18. o C. EL8A0EKK, expert radiator aad Ua repaira Ty. 70(. Sdul Luvuoenh. AUTO Clearing House, t2u 1 a loam, buy ead aell usad cars. Phone loulaa Ui. Overton for teeky radiator. 60c, tlealera Want an autu. C J. Canan McCasu bldg. Industrial Oaruge Co.. Hh Harney Sla. NE1:KAHK A Hulck tiervtce Station, 1D14 I'ainain St. t'liune Douglaa il Melereycles. HA RLEY- DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Barsalua In uaed machlnea. Victor Rooa, 'Th Motorvyvl Man." I.ul IaaveuwortU. RU81NESS C1IANCT.8 Fm SALE One of the beat pool In Southern. Neb., Bed cigar and torcro land In town. Good reason fur selling. A traln. Box 211. Red Cloud Neb THEATERS buy, la or aeu your I bo ater, machine and supplies liirouga T neater t-icUkng .., Itiai Faiaaia lx.ulaa ly7. FOR HALi: Oeneral atock ot merchan, dlae, 114 i0 in Long Island, Kan. Ad- ares y 0111, lie Ft ill BALE Bakery In m4 little town. Write Y 614. Ii. likui tUY and mrat market. 83,4 a). Right loaailo) aal a .nr. gulag bcelneaa. H--t uteniiia fur a gtooei In Oiuaba Address M-xv. Bee. WHY rent? Will seJl lVe.rre farms la nsa turn vtiiiar, niina-, erect Duuamga. supply cows and hogs on first payment of U aad 11 per acre and Inlereat at I par ni racii year msrsstitr W. Q Taropletun. WU be Bldg., Omaha, Bl'8IKKS OIANCEH FOR HAt.W-WMI nll one-half or all of a thrce-chlr harher ehop, dolne a cont biialnra. heap If taken by the jnth. Icavlna; town. Adilrca Humer T. O Iell, Enrel-lor PprinKa, Mo. TO fiKT In or out of bualneaa call- on OANOEPTAD. 4"4 Bee Bid;. Dou. S477. IONS, ahuw inm "'r" H.m 1 ITT W1L.I el my half Interest In a clranlnir and dyeing huwlnr-aa whtrh I making g'od money. Reeaon, moving to my farm. A real opportunity to buy good going bualneaa downtown. Addr" A 39, Bee. t7N7rKHsToNSal KrugJ'ark for-aauT Realaurant. oft drink, cigar, randy and hox ball alley. Inquire at park afternoon. RFIAT, eatate Bualnea place fupplled or handled; all at tea. F. V. Knleat. C.maha. AVANTFl--.'A-room hotl: for clear Im proved farm worth $i;.0). Will take or Blve difference. Box fi. Omnha. $.triO TafWN-TOWV clr tore. fine lo cation, cheap rent, rntabllehed buslneea. C. J. Canan. CIO McCague lfldg. .( FI'OT CASH for a money making picture jihow that will tand invcatlga tlon. (J. Canan. 5)0 MoCwgue Bldg FOR BALE The only aoennd-nand atore and general repair ehop In good, thriving town, centrally located and well eatabllaned. Addreea Y-fW. Ree. Room I Mar lleim for dale. 11 ROOMS, well furnished: alway rented; for quick aale. ro. Call at 2222 Farnam. CLAIMS PAID. WILL, cash county claim. Douglaa 7860. EDtTCATlOftAl, Boyles College Day School. Night School, oom Die te buelneaa courao, complete ahorthand or atenotyp couree, complete teligTaphy rnuri. otvll aervlc hranche and Knic llh. Student admitted at any ttat, Write, phone or rail for tola catalugua, KUIliKN .-OLl4K.UlG. II B. BOYL.E.H. Prealdent Tel. D. IMS. Boyle Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. FOR BALK At reduction, one echoler- ehlr at Omaha a beat bualnea college. Addrea R. VVeatover, David City, Neb. FOR aale the following cboiarahtp Ul a flrat el Omaha Bualnea College: . On unlimited combination buclaeaa and shorthand course. una unlimited bualneaa eaurs. One vnllmlted atanographto courta. On three months' buaineaa or a tan graph la eour. Will be sold at a d;scnugt at tha offlc of th Omaha lie. FOR SALE I'nraltarr, lloaaehold t.oodl. Eta. DESKS bo"Kht and sold. J. C. Reed. FURNITURE BAROAINB. Refrigerators, kitchen cablneta. china eablneta, dreaeera. tnblea, chairs, ate. lbfJ n . am, wenaier iwi. Nat'l Bale & Auction Co.. 1627 W. O. W. Llva Block Caaasata.!) Mercaawta. MARTIN BRoa. X.. Bxonanae Bldg. Ilorawa aiaid Veklelea. HIP ttva stock te South Omaha. Bar tnllaag and ahrlnkaga. Your conalgw menta racctva prompt and caxatut auao- Uon. JERSEY cow for sale; 84th and Howard; oorner. Harney 1967. l-"(0 BUYM good big team of work horses). 34th and county line. South Omaha. Maalral lastrasaaata. , FIRST-CI.AH8 cornet. Webster Bffll. felightly used high grade piano.' 1. X0L Paaltry, Karara aad kaaBlloa. SIERBXJTYPgi matrleaa make tha beat and cbaapeat lining lor poultry houaaa. Thay ara 17x23 Inches, strongar and mora durable than tarred felt and practically ureproot. io a nunarea at Tiia if ortloa. Mixed grain. Iu0 Iba., IL7&. Wagner 801 N.1. Small wheat. 100 lb. 87 26. Wagner, 801 N. la, Typewriter. RENT an Oliver Typewriter I mo. for Ii, Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1906 Farnam. TYPKWHI'tKUri aold. r.nted. repaired. Central Typewriter Kxc. 1K0S Farnam. All inakr typewriter rented, sold", term. nutt 1 ypewriter, inu Farnam. u. euJl M lace I la atoit. flVV1 a... , f Y,,,.rr v. n - KA 1, . u"if 1 1 . Ilia.. w v light fixtures, lumber, tools, plumbing supplies, shovels, picks. oiu penny tn slut wolKhing machine, 84; one total add ing rash register, fine condition,' 10; one riding gadtila and bridle. o; I kitchen cabluets, 8-' each; t carpenter work benches, 81 each. J. C. ISUI. EXECUTOH, 703 8. list Ave. Phone Harney 24J. FOR BALK-Uaby buggy, brown wicker; Hey wood biiKgy, In good condition. Ad- are, O aw. He. NATIONAL Cash Register, three-drawer, late machine, used one year. Dayton Computing Counter Scale. Might con sider trade. Address Y 608, Bee. OMAHA China rthop. White china for decorating K-r sale at tk4 liratulels Blda. FOR BALE Nw and aecouck-hand carom and .-ckt billiard table and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixture ef all kind; easy paymenta. The Brunew1ca Baike-Coltander Co., u7-4us 8. lath Be M-hand machinery. 11. Oroaa, 21 and Paul. WE bought 66 Dea Moines bar fixtures, front bara. back bara, mirrors. Nat rash registers, cigar and wall caaea, eto. For aale like we bought them CHEAP. Omaha Fixture and apply Co., 4i4 bo. 12th Kt BUTTERMILK. In wagonloads at .he Fairmont Creamery. FOR SALE House to be moved. 140 N. i'in nt.; inQuire nit. FOR HALE Indian pottery and relica. sx tm 10 ct. NEW and aeoond-hand motora, tlynainoa. niasiiwtoa, etc., ann met'iianiru repaira. Le broil Electric Works, 318-JU 8. 12th. o FURS STOKED Absolute Guarantee Against MOTHS, FIHiU, BURGLARS. REFERENCES: ANY BANK. U. E. SUUKE11T, Call for Goods. 401 R lMh XL Telephone Douglaa 147 and W Will HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical mm Offloe. BOOKKEEPER, tt Stenographer and Bookkeeper. M Watt Kef. ;.. 840-4J Brandela Theater. LEAVE your name with ua. If quicker. BL'BIN ESS MEN'S REFEitENCK Asa'N., 1 kui-au wuiuen oi in una Ulag. TENCMiltAPHER AND CASHIHR...8 STENOGRAPHER M THE CAM) AGENCY. (X) RKB BIJH1. BTENO. and clerk. 88 to 810. Steno and lookktiecr, uul-of-town, 840. bteno., exiierk ni-ed, t'). CO-OPERATIVE RFJFERFNCE CO. IQlu-lti Clly National Dank. NO PI LINO FEE. BEKT COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. ROGERS REF. CO.. 62-S State Bank. Heaaekeessrr as4 DesHeettce. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework: n washing. Mrs. M. B. Newman, 3 Howard Bt. WANTED Girl for general housework. short dietam-e Into country; wagea, II. Har ld. WANTED An experienced maid for gon ers I housework. Tel. Harney 7151. MIDDLE-AGED woman or good steady girl for general housework. Mra W. I. Hubbard, Telephone Walnut C3, Springfield, Neb GIRL for general housework: no t-liil-din. l'bune Harney CM 9 2S4 Harney. 1IFI.P WAXTKI) FKMALK llnaaeliernrni nnd IXBttieatiea. COMPETF.NT girl to lt with house work; ro waahlng. Mr. R. W. Breck cnrldge, 8iU Jackeon St V AN TKI Kxporleni ed a?oond girl. UJ t. Slith Ht. Mra. J. Klein. COMPETF.NT maid for general house work. Prefer one living near who can go home night. 2.118 Plnkney Pt DMHWASURB wanted at tho Neumayer, Count II Bluff. WANTED A neat while girl for gen eral hnuaework. Mrs. Wm. Baumer, Wei. 112. WANTED Olrl for general housework. Mra. A. W. Friend, 8304 Davenport. lf2W3. WANTED White maid for general houaework, family of three. No aaah log or Ironing, Muat 'go home nlghta. Apartment No. 4, Hamilton Ap'ta. WANTED Olrl or woman for houae work; a good home and 8-1 per week. Apply J. H.. 602 N. 32d ft OIRL to aaalat with housework. 1lth -St. Web. 1B0B. I N. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; no waahlng. Mr. M. B. Newman, SF-30 Howard St. COMPETENT girl for general liouaework, no waahlng, good wage. J316 Burt St. COMPETENT girl for general house work. Mr. Oeorge Ramussen, 4028 I.afayett Walnut 3278. COMPETENT white girl for general housework; one who will be kind to children; need not. do laundry work; good wages. Mr. J. K. Morrlaon. Har. Jf74x WANTED Olrl for general houaework. who can go homo nights. 63S5 N. 26th Ave. NEAT white girl wnnted for general housework; small family. 219 N. 88th Ave. Tel Hamev 2423. OIRL for general houaework. 8i8 Pop pieton Ave. Phone Harney f,!. WANTED A girl for general houaework; salary 17 per week: Utundreas kept. 358 Caas Bt. v "WANTED A first claaa laundress, white ir coiorea; goon iignt laundry; best wages; 114 S. 33d St. WANTED Neat, reliable colored girl to aaalat with housework and baby. Muat have references. Oood horn to right Party. Harney 2384. -i?!61 competent girl for general St amau laniuy, 133 Ho. 8Sth "ra. j. .vi. vf rr. VITKL;Whlt lrl who understands H?h ii'., for in "m"" Partment. Hiih a8rr."' Ca" APt- Oenoa. JSth Ave. and Cass. Phone Harnev ariia . "-f-D touna; white srli-l to assist wnn nouaework. no washing. WI. SS8. WANTED-An experienced girl for gen- ....unrm w, a ln lamiiy. lied n,o KXPHlUENf'RD girl for general house. work. References required. 4160 Caas Ht. W A NTE D-Olrl for general housework. c f'aiw55 9JJ p1ht person. Harney 1M. 115 No. 86th Ht. N K AT aooeariiiK artrl 77 K,,unu,n.i. . rir".1 !m"?'tVBO? wes; good home! Call Harney 4f9. lt a. aaa Bt. A CAPABLE; girl for general housework; two In family. Call &12 Dodge Ht. Mlacellanouu. LADIES Drop us a card and learn how nvutn ova.uiiriu nreiruuma rr Reynolda : Bon. 47 &tlf St.. Detroit, 8TPC.K.'il1'. . Apply Orkln Bros., nlted Utes National Bank building. WANTED Hevcral ladles to prepare for nmor postorTice clerk ex ......iIun. npienain salaries. I eoh- umu luvnmmtni examinations Trial examination ree. "Write Oxment. J7L, lfOUNO women coming 10 OnuUia aa atrangera are Invited to visit the Young Women Christian aasocUtlon building at will b directed to suitable boarding placas or otherwUe aaalsted. Look for our travaler-g guide ai Cntoa UMom HELP WX5VTED MALE ft' I a V I SBM I sra,raa)A SALESMAN 1Cl OOK KEEPER & CASHiER.'.'.'.'.'.'.i.'l.n SFKEKlKit Out of town) (ii STENOOltAPHER 7i THK CANQ ACJENCY, S00 BEE BL1XJ. BOOKKEEPER and teno.. 160. ( Salea man, machinery. Saloaman. groceries; Bookkeeper, out-of-town, 115. CO-OPERATIVE? REFERENCE CO. 1015-16 City National Bank. CKXU) POSITIONS OPEN , . KEF. US AT ONCE. BLSINKSS MEN' REFERENCE ASSN. 131-3 Woodman of World Bldg. STENOGRAPHER. r&. Wstts Ref. Co.. WO-42 Brandels Theater. HIGH-GRADB commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE & BOND ASSN. 762 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Ajgewla, SaJeameai staid ollcltors. WANTED Salesman having the ambition to work hard for six hours dally; abil ity to work at lilgh pressure and to aell one of the beat and cleanest propositions on the market Permanent position for the right man. Tel. Dousj. 3660 for Inter view. ' EXCELLENT proposition for two good men ln Nebraska. Call or write. Mutual Benefit, Health and Accident Association 4:3-26 City Nat'! tnlt Bldg. Factory shnd 1 radea. Drug store anapa; jobs. Knelst Bee Bldg. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition lu, on account of big trade. Wagea for t and 10 cent work. Electric, massage ' taught. Hydraulic chairs. Catalog free. 1124 Douglaa St., Omaha. Moler Barber College Largest barber college west of Chicago. Special aummer ratea now In effect Catalogue mailed free. 110 S. . llth St, Omaha. YOi; MUST THINK We glv you expert autj training, rarn a real (alary, big money for our trained men. Come rlKht now end get our freo course In Elc. I.ig. ar. Htart'g systems: freo catalogue. Amer. Am.) 1. -one. juiJ r arnam St.. Omaha. It lac I la aeaas. FREE Positively greatest new original money making Ideas. Send addressed stamped envelope. International, 6616 Calumet Ave., Chicago. WAN ! ED Name of men, 11 or over, wishing government Joba. trio month. No pull neceaSAry. Addieaa Y 460. Bee. GET WISE A thorough, practical automobile edu cation at minimum cost Ask fur cata logue "C" and explanation of our get results method. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 1413-17 ttodge Street. Omaba, Neb. WANTED 1.000 men to eat ha-n and egga, 16c. Coffee John. 14th and Capitol. RAILWAY mall clerka wanted. 816 month; pull unneceasary. Write Immedi ately for full partciular. Franklin luatl tute. Dept. r:t D . Rochester. N. Y. MALE pianist for concert tour, to ac company noted singer, also concerto numbers. Address Musical, General De livery. Kearney, Neb. SITUATIONS WANTED WOMAN want Douaia eS.13. day work. TeWphon FLOORS waxed; killed Web. 4.04. dandelion dug and TRUSTWORTHY young maa of ability desires position aa cashier or clerical work; la college graduate an4 gooa pen man: will consater out-of-town lob; very anxloue to go to work and wants perma nent work. Phone Douguv iiei. or ad- drwea I.-J. J. He. HOI Sr. K EE PER deal re position la a refined home; referemwa. Address U iJi. Bee. 81TI ATIONS WANT tD EXPERIENCED young man wants to work around hotel. Work of any kind. Want to go to work. WW work for private famllr. Honeat and sober. Ad dress E X, Bee. THE Servant Olrl I-aoblero Solved. Tb Ree will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get th dealred reaulta Thla appllea to reaidenta of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluff Bring ad t The Bea office or telephone Tyler lunO. MIDDLE-AGED lady dealrt a a position as a housekeeper In a small private family, or a child nurse, or companion to Invalid. Highest city references. Phone Red 21M. or address L 410, Ree. WAITER Experienced. 8 years In hotels and restaurants, .wishes position any where. Address Tony Thomas, 1721 Donge 6t. WASHING, Ironing, la curtains. ster 4283. Web- THOROUGHLY experienced cigar girl ran furnish first class rcfercnces.-Ad-dress F 41. Bee. FIRST CLASH manicurist would like po sition In good hotel or desirable barber shop. Phone Douglas 469. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA 4k COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Parson having lost ome article would wall to call up the offlc of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to aacertala whether they left It to the itreet rare. Many artlclea each day are turned la and th company a anxious to restore tl em to he right.al owner. Call Doi.g. 4a. LOST One small oongalow net curtain. Suitable reward. H. S763. NURSERY SKEDS AND 1'LANTS. ARTISTIC tree trimming; acientiflo sur gery and treatment of diseases of trees. Call Douglas 802 and our Mr. John son will make a personal examination free. I. M. Johnson Co., Chatham hotel. PET 8TOC1C PEDIOREED Boaton Terrier pupa. Mra. W. F. Garrlty, 1010 Capitol Ave. D. 8.133. FOR SALE-Beantlful two-year-old Bt. Bernard dog. Mrs. John Westover. vai Rose St., Lincoln, Neb. PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha a tranger are Invited te vlalt the Young W omen a Chiiatlan aasooiAUoa building at 17th St. and Bt Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places r otherwise assisted. Look for our trav eler' aid at th Union station. INFORMATION WANTED-A to ad- dress of J. N. Brtggs, formerly of Oak land and Chadron, Neb. Believed to be running .store In N. W. JNebr. To his ad vantage to be located at once. Address Y-613, Bee. WANTED To hear from refined young man desirous of snaring room In pri vate home In Weat Farnam district. Must Offer good credentlala. Address E 40C. Bee. THE Salvation Army industrial bome o- llclt your 010 ciotning, furniture, maga Cine. We collect We dlatrtbute. Phone Douglaa 41M and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new borne, lUft-uil-1114 Dodge Bt WEDDING STATIONERY. WE show only the correct and prevail ing style ln Invitations, visiting cards, stationery, etc IRV1N A. MEDLAR CO.. Printers, 416 S. 14th St. Tel. Doug. 1263. MEDICAL Piles, FistulaCured pr. E. R. Tarry cures pile, fistula and ptber rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no. money paid until cured. Writ for book on rec tal diseases with testimonials. DR. B. K. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. A KMANO Really helps get rid of that pain in tne dhck, toucn or rheumatism, nervousness, tired, sluaraish faellna and brings back that loat appetite, purifies the blood and builds up the entire sys. tern. Just send a -postcard to the Shella- oarger Co.. Mfg. Phar.. weat UQerty. la. Piles and Fistula Cured without BURGICAL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from BUSI NESS. PAT when CURED. A written GUARANTEE given ln every case treated. Patlenta muat come to the of fice. 408-1-10 Omaha National bank. 17th and Farnam Sts. DIt. WILLIAM CREIGUTON MAXWELL, Twenty-eight yeara In Omaha. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College. New York City, N. Y. PiintiiVA Cured m a few days without W Bee Blda . Omaha, Established 1894. e SWAPPERS' COLUMN AUTOMOBll.E-.Vpessenger. M0 model. cyl. Chalmers: good condition through out What have you. Address 8. C. 797, Bee. AUTO A good -4-cyl., 40-b. p. Rambler auto ror repair work on house, you to furnish all material, also cement block work for the porch. 8. C. 1. Bee. AUTO A 4-pass. auto body, top, wind- siileld and other Dart for anything: re quiring less room or stimethlng that man or beast can eat. Can be seen at any time. 8. C. W0. Bee BOAT Gaa launch boat, A-l factory made. -inch cy press. V4 -sawed oak decks, coning and Inside panels, fine brass trimmings. 18 ft. long. 4-h. p. make and break engine, canopy top, cork cushions, anchor, fire extinguisher an.! brass lamps, fully equipped. For run about automobile or email touring car. S. C. 8r. Bee. AUTOMOBILES F01 other automobile bargaias aee the "AuuuuobU ' ciasaiil catlun. CASINGS Automobile casing wanted. 3!x4 Inchea. also Inner tube. Will glv you a good wap In other personal prop, erty. S. C. 9M. Bee. CEMENT Wanted to swap for some ce ment or foundation work down at the Carter Lake club grounds. Want aum second-hand lumber, 2x4 and 2x6. 8. C. 9X3. Bee. F.vjUi TY in a large J-room house for a lot In north part of city, equity ln smaller house or a Ford. Address 8. C, 93. Bee. CHICKS Will exchaiui wlnter-laytug strain of prise Buff Orpington ehlcks and hens. Including new Incubator and brooder for good driving outfit Addreaa S. C m. Be. CIXXTC What have you to map for a nice, arttstlo parlor or mantle clock, personal property T 8. C. 24. Bee DIAMOND Perfect blue-white Vcarat diamond rim. for good aecond-hand au tomobile. Addreaa, 8. C. tfi, Flee. FORD 6-paa., 1914 model, in good condi tion. What have you. Addreas 8. C. 517, Be. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality mul expert service that will please the most critical: ACCOfJITANTi. E. A. DWORAK. ' C. P. A... Address 433 Ramare Illdg. Phone Dnuglna 74i. AMATEl'R FINISHING. FILMB developed free If purchased from Photo craft Fhop, 41s Bee Hidg lept. i. ARCHITECT!. Everett B. Dodda. 12 Paxton Rlk. P. 21. A I CTIOMERR8. DowdOTTjctlon Co.. 1115-18 W. O. W. R. 83B, BME PRINTING. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO., 302 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BRASS FOUNDRIES. Faxton-Mltohell Co., 27th and Martha Fts. cahm:stebs and io.itractors. BTEVENRON, 823 B, 2Cd. DotiglaS W30. CHDiA PAINTING. Ruth Letchford. decorating, firing. K. 4S45. CIVIL E.IEERS. M. J. I.ACY, M8 BE12 BLDO . DOUO. 4716. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic D. 1S7L Try Mackle's first. 1816 Harney. Doug. 6448. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'e; college, 20th Farnam. MISS STURDY. 418 CASH. RJstf 7320. Dressmaking, designing, remodeling by day 82.60; late style, perfect lines. R. 856. DETECTIVES. INVESTIGATIONS carrlel out In any part of United States, Canada or Mexico. 6u Paxton Blk. Doug. 1373. Walnut 1620. JAMES ALLAN, 812 Neville Block. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyier 1138. DENTISTS. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes. 724 City Nat Bank. Tafe Cental Rooms, 1617 Douglas. - : D. 2136, Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on 110 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & Mo- Connell Drug co.t omana, Neb. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEJI, ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, ail size and styles; hemstitching, pi cot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. 200 Douglaa Block. D. 1936. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down: cloaks, suit and dresses sacrtfined. KM N. lth Bt. FLORISTS. ( BATH'S, florists. 1801 Farnam Bt. X. 8000. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 1268. Member nonst Teiegrapn - Dei. ass n. HESS eV 6WOBOPA, 1416 Farnam St. A. DONAGHUE. 1622 Harney. Dcug. 1001. FEATHERS MADE OVER. Fancy stlckups, Dora Elsele, 1136 OltyNat Panamas cleaned. D. Elsele, 1138 City Nat LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. IjTtRTTTN ; Thorn a. Douglas J-JlXUVtlM 2419 Cuming Bt 2511. COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES. MTO. of lodge regalia and costumes. Theo. L4eben & Bon, 1614 Howard. D. 4115. OFFICES. OFFICES When maklnr vour new plans see us for office space. The best loca tion ana earnest round. - THE BBE BUILDING. "The Building That Is Always New." . Office, Room lot. SWAPPER'S COLUMN HAVE two-hole gaa burner. What have you 7 Address, B. C. 966, Bee. HAVE Mollne auto and other valuable property to trade for merry-go-round. Address S. .C. Bee. HORSE, wagon and buggy, will trade for Ford. - Must be late model. Web ster 1033. INCURA TOR and brooder, beat make, worth 335; will trade for l-A Eastman kodak, or what have you?' Addreaa B. C. 912. Bee. KODAK A 132 Eastman camera, 4x6. best of lens, for auto, 34x4 casings' and In ner ' tubes, or other personal property. 8. C. 985. Bee. LOZIER 1914, 6-cyl., 3-paa., electric light and starter., what nave you. 8. c 7S6. Bee. MOTOR - UOAT-Muskegon Boat Co. make, 8-h. p. engine. 16 feet long. 4 feet 8 Inches aide, 8-passenger, canopy top, mahogany deck, cushion seats, tar polan cover, all same as new. Must be seen to be appreciated. Also boat house and complete furnishings- Will trade for automobile. Address H. 0. 9W, Bee. MOTION PICTURE MACHINE With gas making outfit and six rolls of film for chickens, . motorcycle, or anything of etjual value. Addres S. C. 9C3. Bee. 1912. T-PAKSENOER. 4-cyllnder Chal mers seir-ttsrter. first class shape. What hav, you? Addreas S. C. 81,' Bee. PLAYER PIANO First-class condition, used" only 10 months. Kimball, retail price 7a0. WW exchange for Ford, lot or driving outfit, or what have you? Ad dress B. C. 979. Bee. PAINTING Want to swap for painting and caper hangtn with material; so thing to this offer. 8. C. 98. Bee. PICTURE SHOW Will swsp a money making picture show ln city for other property. Be quick. B. C. 97. Bee. PLAYER PIANO High grade player piano with 36 rolls music; will trade for automobile. nr. what have you'.' Ad dress B C. 974. Bee. PIANO Will give piano for the keeping of two boy. . Address S. C. 97 He. PIANO Wellington piano slightly used; will trade for diamond or what have you? Address 3. C. 975. Bee. POPCORN A new artistic, new self vending, sanitary popcorn machine; the latest out; inexpensive to operate; which coat from the factory direct liit); utiught for the California expo.; fell down on concession; this is a money maker with out personal attention. What hav you to offer? S, C. No.. 9S0, Bee. SIGNS, abowcarda. Clark A Sod. D. 13TH WISCONSIN Peerleas refrigerator, al most new, 100-pound capacity, whit enamel., would exchange. Addres S. C. 971. Bee. VIOLIN Will trade good violin for Un derwood, or other tI-e writer. Address 8. O. 99L Bee. RECENTLY came Into posaeaaion of beautiful Whit Steamer auto. Elgin passenger car good as new. What have you? Address. 8. C. 94. Bee. WANTED To exchange new tl.OuO atock of grocerioa and quoenaware for a meat market of equal value ln a country town. Adurres 8. C. 970, Bee. Rent room quica with a Bee Want Ad. MASSEISES. MISS STAPT.E: mass., elec. bath. D. 713. Open eve., 9 p. m.; Sunday. 10 to 2. MASSAGE, 1721 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. Tl ATI I2:nd mass., alcohol rub. Laura JiHlio,. I, .au F.pnm. room i. Douglaa '751. Open evenings and Sunday. BATHS. 214 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Doug. Clara Lee, bath and ma swage. Douglas 87M. Ii AnMlQ and mass., alcohol rub. Laura t'AJ-110 Wilson. 12 Farnam. room 2. Douglas R7M Open evening and Sunday. B.Brugman, mnss.,203 Karbaclc Blk. R. 2737 M. HALLERON. Baths. 221 Nerllla Blk. VISIT Miss Venlta. new massage parlors"; alcohol rubs and scalp treatments, V0 S. 17th St. Misj X, mudlavla mass. R. 224,' Neville Blk. MISS JACOBS. Mass.. R 224, Neville Blk. MOTION PICTURES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine ana rum oargaina. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Petoraon, 003 Brandela Bldg. D. 21(4. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 615 Bee Bldg. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH W MAN US, 417 N. 40th. H. B7!. PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AMERICAN Machine Co.. lift 8. 'llth St. PATENTS. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7U7. K. A. Frurges, 636 Brsndela Theater Bldg. f "1 PRINTING. WATER8-BARNHART Ptg-. Co.. quality ATinung. iei. Loug. nw. 024 B. istn Bt. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. S754. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. PLUMES RENOVATED. PLUMES HATS made over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Kruger, 429 Paxton. D. 83M. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. CI A Opened, repaired, comb. rSVl1 fLrt changed. F. E. Daven-JJ- " -KJ port, 1406 Dodge. D. 1821. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN PROS., shoe rapalr. 211 8. 14. SIGNS AND SHOW-CARDS. FT. M. CLARK Sc SON, 113 8. 16TTI ST. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 S. 10. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcase, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 4M-16-1S S. 12th. Doug. OTii. TOWEL SUPPLIES. -OMAHA Towel Supply, 307 8. llth. D. S. TAILORS. CHA3. C. LANDBRYOU. 108 N. 16th Bt. TRUNKS' AND SUITCASES. FRKLINO at BTEINLE, 106 Farnam Bt WALL PAPER CLEANING. WALL-PAPER cleaning, 1 per room; work guaranteed. Phone Red 8068. -.. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETBS, 201-1 ' S. 13th St. Wines, liquors, cigars Plate dinners, 11 to 3, 10c. Globe liquor house, 424 N. 16th; California wine, 31.2a per gal. Writo for price Hut. HENRY ' POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, lath and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent luncn. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor House. 622 N. loth. Douglas 1W. FOR RENT Apartnaeiata aad Fleta. 8T. GEORGE 6-room apartment redeco rated throughout 118 N. 31st Ave., se lect West Farnam district Phone Web ater 1874. 7-ROOM modern apartment Sixteenth and Chicago; low rent. O. P. Btebblns. TWO six-room, modern, steamheated flats. Can be rented separately or to gether; tao, summer, 8 winter. Conrad Young, 822 brandels Theater. Doug. 1571. FIDELITY FBEEAVs Phone Douglas zss ror complete list of, , all vacant bouses and apartments, also or storage, moving, packing, snipping. VERY CHOICE APTS. Lovely I. 4 and 6-room apts.: close in snd In good location. Call Doug. 6J0. CALIFORNIA, clean. 140. 202110 rooms, modern. 4 ROOMS, new Fld-Les. COtb and Cap itol Ave. Light and cool, 836. PETERS TRUST CO. D. 898 o CENTRA I, No equal n price or quality; T-room house; 4-room flat 220 N. 23d. HVB-ROOM steam-heated apartment, The Mason, 31st and Mason: very desir able; rent only 3T7.60. Conrad Young, 323 Brsndela Theater. Imug. jml. NEW, modern 6. 6 and 7-ruoin cottages. Apply at 2124 Miami St . To S." STTlT ST., 6-r. modern flat. 130. 612 S. 27th St . i"-r. modern flat, I.V. C. G. CARLBERU. 312 brandeis Theater Bldg. FOUR ROOMS AND BATH. CLOSE IN. 827.50. 121 8. 30th: new brick; attractively fin ished in hardwood; receding bed ln Uving room ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 1-V1C. ' State Bank Bldg. Feralahed A partmewta. SPLENDID NEW FURNISHED APARTMENT 1 For Rent in the New "Traverton"- Fireproof 24TH AND LAN DON COURT. Catering to people of refined tastes. Apartment completely equipped for housekeeping; up-to-date and comforta ble. Traver Bros., Phone ro'ig. Uj.1. 70C Omaha Nat'l. Bk. "standard flats THE GOOD APARTMENTS AT REASONABLE PRICE. rooms. Chicago plan; full modern; fine flnlsu. extra light and ventilation; cooler than any separate huuae; free hot water, janitor. G.kkI loiatlon; cloi-e In. (JUALITY EQUAL OF ANY. Prices worth examination of careful people. T J HOOK. 1101 N. ISth Ht. Hoar as4 Kooana. Desirable rms. with board 61 S. 19th St. Farslakst hoouia A COMFORTABLE cn.l peasant room In Weit Farnam district Call Harney 3621. &H ST. MARYS Ave.-Pleasaiit rouma. Walking dMitnnce. TEAM bt alert iwmi, q wk. HoUI. Council Bluffa. Ogdaa 10 IiOUOI.Aia ST.. room 8160 up. Si 8. SSTH St.. nice cool room; private home; for gentlemen. vCV in