Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1915, Page 4, Image 6

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    Hits lir,fj: U.U.UIA. Ilf.MLM. M.U 11,
Withdraw Statement He W Orer
charfed 2.50 for Corn at the
Omaha Stock Yards.
Supposed Derelict Ship Succeeds
Famous Wooden Horse of Troy
fTrwn Ftaff Corrfnoni1'iit.)
WASHINGTON , May 10 -f Ppo lal -Csrl
Vrooman. assistant secretary of
agriculture. In letter to A. F. Htryker.
secretary of the South Omaha Mv,
Htnek exchange, has shown himself a
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
DARIMSEM-RK, April ir..-Vla Oa
sts ntlnoplc. History . har duplicated It
seif on the plslne of Troy, fr by a ruse
aa Ingenious aa the wnden horse which
gavo the crafty Oree.s entrance Into
the City of Troy, the British succeeded
tn getting their llmt landing parly ashore
for the land operation against the
On the day preceedlng the landing, the
Turkish patrols noticed a huge collier.
Its deck piled high with ensl. drifting
In apparent helplessness towards tho
(toed loser, aa well n good all-around j(noals lining the shores, nest tha plains
It will be recalled Hint Several wpfki
a to Mr. Vrooman. In an sd.!r.-ss be
fore an alumni association at the fnl
veralty club of thla city, made a state
ment that farniera were being greatly
overrharged by stwk yardl companies
for grain -furnished for live stock
penned In aald yards, lie cite! an In
stance wherein he had t-een personally
overcharged for corn fed to car or
hogs whlrh he had conalgned to the
South Omaha market.
Thla statement brought forti em
phatic dlaclalmert from the president of
tha South Omaha, Stock Tarda company,
as vail as from the secretary of the
f-outh Omaha Live "tick exchange.
Vpoa being Interviewo-l. Mr. Vrooman.
who baa good sporting blood n hl
atn, aaid that If he dad made a mls
Mtstemant aa to facta In relatlin.s to a
-ar of hogs he had sent to F-outh Omaha
with reference to an exorbitant charge
for com he would mako punuo apoiogy. rh.. ,nrm., ambassador to reat
Tha following letter, addressed U: Mr. rrUaln, la honorary president. Issue.! to-
mryker, secretary or me wum """" osy an open letter announcing the result
or Troy. Finally the Met boat strurg
bottom and In the twilight, which waa
falling, the crew a as ren to take to
their boats and row hastily towards the
sea where other ships were evidently
Feeling certain that the ftrande.l vessel
would be safe for the night no attempt
waa mad by the Turks to board It, but
when the patrols approached again In
the morning they were met by a sharp
fire from J..VTO rirltlsh troops, ctrongly
entrenched and supported by a battery
of field artillery. These troops ha.l landed
during the night from tho apparent
derelict, where they lis J been concealed
below the decks.
Then the mist off rhore rose and dis
closed a long line of transports from
which troops were pouring Into small
boats, which under the cover of the
landing force, rcache.i the bea.'li with
comparatively few casualties. The Turks
summoned reinforcements with feverish
hsste and for a time the smalt landing
detachment was In deadly peril t.f ex
tinction, but their position wss too
strong to be taken by ussault ard when
the Turkish batteries got Into action,
enough troops nad been safely landed to
consider the position won.
New Organization Aiki Larger Arm;
and Nary for Better Coait
NEW . TORK. May lO.-The National
Security league, an organisation' 'jrmed
to conduct campaign for army and
ravjr preparedness, of which Joseph II,
I.lva Stock exchange, was mailed jn May
t, and Is explanatory:
WASHINGTON. May 7. 191.-Mr. A. F.
Wryker.aocretary Bouth Omaha
Stock Exchange, Bouth Omaba. Neb.: My
bookkeeper has been unable to find tha
JYaslcr-Johneon statement of tha sala of
my carload of hogs in November. lPlt,
and L therefore, desire to withdraw the
statement that I was charged $2.50 per
bushel for corn at tha Omaha stock yards.
It la to be hoped that this will clarify
tha situation and call attention to tha
real lasua Involved, instead of the side
Issue, which, unfortunately, has received
nearly all of tha newspaper publicity.
This statement about charges for corn
was made merely to Illustrate a general
economic condition, which undoubtedly
xlsts. Had I meant to deal directly with
tha broblem of tha cost of feed In the
stock yards I would not have failed to
go Into tha question of what becomes of
that part of tha feed bought by live etock
hlppera which is not consumed by their
live stock.
Not F.sseatial.
Tho statement about the price eharjred
for corn was In no way essential to tha
argument I wss making, and Its with
drawal In no way affects the validity of
that argument. I used It purely aa an
Illustration, and could easily give a mul
titude of other Illustrations of the same
point, namely, that our methods of mar
keting farm produce of all kinds In this
country haw. not yet been perfected, ami
are cumbersome, costly and undoubtedly
subject to abuse. .
Tha fault does not He altogether5 with
the middleman or tht large corporations.
The farmar has much to learn In tha
matter, of standardising his product; or,
lir other words, of so handling his eropa
that tl'cy will be marketable at tha high
est current prlcra. This in many cases
he will find himself unable to do,, except
by uniting with his fellows and grap.
pllng with these problems co-operitlvely.
The middlemen and large corporations.
being better organised than the farmar
i.aturally have the advantage In their
dealings with him, and as a rule am not
slew to profit to the utmost from this
This many-sided problem must be gone
it'to and a solution found which will
garante a square deal and permit a
fair profit, and no mora than w fair
profit, to every legltlmats Interest In
volved. Very sincerely yours,
of invest Iks tlons by its committees and
at pealing for public support for a pro-
rram for better national defenses.
Tha league finds. It Is stated, that
there are barely 30.000 mobile troops In
continental I'nlted Bis tee, that they are
so widely scattered as t make . their
rapid mobilisation lmpo!ble, that this
free Is short of officers, ammunition and
equipment and "has no organised f wrn.
Tha National Guard Is found to be be-
lew its paper strength In men, equip
ment and efficiency. Coast defenses, the
letter continues, are Inadequate, and for
tifications are Insufficiently manned and
without adequate organised re servos
Investigation discloses, it Is asserted,
that tha navy la neither adequate . nor
prepared for war, that it la Inadequately
rr.anned. Is short of ammunition an I has
no organised reserve of trained men: that
tha submarine flotilla exists chiefly on
paper: that fast scout cruisers, tattle
cruisers, aeroplanes, mine layers, supply
ships and transports are lacking, and
that target practice has been neglected
or altogether omitted.
Boats Full of Women
Still Fast to Ship
When It Went Down
LONDON, May 10. Survivors of tha
Lusltanla, who arrived In London today,
all had thrilling experiences. James
Brooks of New York said:
"On the decks of the doomed vessel
absolute cslmness prevslled. There wss
nothing resembling a panic. I did not
notice anw concerted effort to distribute
life belts and I waa unable to obtain one.
I (stepped Into one of the lifeboats, but
tho list waa so great that the davits
pinched tha gear, rendering It Impossible
for us to get away 'before tha ahlp went
down. Bo I dived Into tha water.
"I turned around to watch the great
ship keel over. Tha monator took a sud
den plunge and I saw a crowd still on Its
decks and boats filled with helpless
women and children glued to its side,
Many never rose to tha surface, but the
sea rapidly grew black with the figures
jof struggling men and women and chll-
Brmks, with four other men, managed
to get Into a collapsible boat. They saved
thirty people. .
Test of Proposed Proa-ram.
Because of this sttrged condition of
affairs an appeal is made for support of
the following program:
"Legislation correcting present wasteful
methods of military appticationa and dis
bursements; the adoption of 'a definite
military policy: a stronger, better bal
anced navy: an effective, mobile army;
a larger and - better equipped National
Guard; tha creation, of an 'organised re
serve for each branch of our military
Tha letter la signed by Mr. Choate,
Alton- B. ", Parker, honorary vlco 'presi
dent:, 8. Btanwood Menken,' president,
and Heijry I Htlmeon, ' former secretary
ti war, chairman 'Of tha navy commit
tee. It Is addressed to present and for
mer members of the cabinet, members of
congress, governors of the ststea. col
leges and. universities, their 'clubs and
alumni associations; all women's clubs,
chambers of commerce, bosrds of trad;,
tr.ercantlla associations, "and all Amer
can rltlsena. . " '
Mob Wrecks German
Brewery in Victoria,
Troops Called Out
VICTORIA, B. C, Ma y!0.-Vi toria la
under martial law today as a result of
renewed attacks upon Ucrraan establish
ments by moba bent upon revenging tha
sinking yot the Lusltania.
After a mob of several men
end boya had smashed windows laat night
tn tha rhoenlx brewery, the New Kng
Sand hotel, Kllburger' Jewelry alore,
Mermann's cleaning establishment and
Celger'a plumbing shop, tha mayor read
tho riot act at a downtown street corner
and sua soldiers begs a policing tha city.
A detachment of t roups la expected to
day from Vancouver to reinforce the
local Garrison, aa further trouble Is
feared. Tha Phoenix brewery was
Overnight Relief
for Constipation
When tho bowels become clogged
with a mass of poisonous stomach
waste, sick headache with all Its
attendant misery, belching of sour
stomach gases, blost and general
discomfort are aura to follow.
A mild, pleasant laxatlve-tonlo
that will carry off the congested
mass without upsetting the stomach
or griping tha bowels, Is the combi
nation of slmpkt laxative herbs with
pepsin sold In drug stores under
the. name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin. A dosa taken just before
retiring will afford grateful relief
next morning without unpleasant
nss or discomfort.
Dr. CahWel's Byrup Pepsin Is
the Ideal family remedy, especially
for tha .women and children and old
iolks. .A free trial bottle can be ob
tained by writing to Dr. W. B.
Caldwell. M Washington ft, Mon-
nrouo, ins.
11 ' V !t!L. II I II nl iff 9 ' .saw. S V jT I I .
iii ; 1 - y tin r 7 i BtAi ; - - y e ii'sn
re giilAf -I r u
A Ml ok ForTr
I 1 X C S Jl I la MM WMMSWf III ,lfW S.
W m W ssxasw' s B -w sW V asxr sis sal Ls .JsV
li x . ' -s 7 i m i ttt-xx
now it's KRUMBLES the new
breakfast food the first Wheat
breakfast food with a real wake - up - and-hustle-down-to-breakfast
The whole of the Wheat cooked, "krumbled" and
delicately toasted. All the body-building food value of
the wheat, the protein, the phosphates and mineral salts
so necessary for growing children -plus a flavor that is
always new. ,
For thousands of years, wheat has been hiding this
KRUMBLES flavor. ,
Look for this Signature
. i
I C eecto," in the Kellogg
lUWAXTITE package,
whichr keeps thu fresh, good
flavor inand all other flavors
Sinking of Big Liner
Source of Joyful
Pride to Germans
AMSTEIIDAM. May lO.-The Cologne
Volksseltung says:
"The sinking of tha Lusltania is a sue
ciss of our submarines which must ba
placed beside tho greatest achievements
o' this war. The. sinking of tha giant
nngliKh steamer is a success of moral
significance, which la still greater than
material success.
"With Joyful pride we contemplate
this latest deed of our navy. It will not
be the last.
'The English wish to abandon tho Ger
man people to death by starvation. We
are ' more humane - We simply sank an
English ship with passengers, ho. at
their own risk and responsibility, entered
the sone of operations.
LONDON, May 10. -The Central news
has received a dispatch from Ha corre
spondent at Uenoa. who saye a telegram
received there from Munich declares that
tha Herman submarine IMS waa repon-
wrecked, tha mob doing Its work before
soldiers reached tbi scene.' id 'far as
known Bo one was Injured.
Eight hundred troops patrolled tha
ilreeta all night. -A guards waa plared
aiound the government house to pretrnl
any disorderly scenes, there. Mrs Bar-1
i.ard, wife of tha lieutenant governor, la ;
the daughter of Mr. Locweii, a German j
founder of tha Phoenix brewery, whlcnj
was partially demolished last night '
A detachment of troopa has bee or- !
dcied here from Vancouver. '
The mob last night waa made uu
t holly of civilians, tba boldest Of wbiAti )
mtistd to be boys. " At " most places
only windows were smashed.
slbla for the sinking of the Losltaa.
it,. .?.. n-j..
lt laws! ii
is World's 7cr.f:r
I" HtC leP4
If Yom Are
fa Saving
Buy Omaha-made products for your office, store or house.
They are not the most economical solely because they cost
less, but because they are of superior quality.
Times Suggests
A Severance of ;
Ties of Diplomacy
LONDON, May 10,-The question asked
In almost every Kngltsh newapaper edi
torially la: "What will America dor'
The Times says: "W, shall aay noth
ing which may seem to Intensify the
heavy and perplexing respontMiily
resting upon rrestdent Wilson and hia
colleagues. No attempt at direct action,
should aucb a course b considered, could
i.sve any very material effect on the
Proceeding to point out tba various
reasons why the lotted hiaUs ts little
able to hold Germany to a "strict ac
countability." the Tinwe says: Ws do
not press the point, but we venture t
suggest that there may come a stag :
In the relations between the states. when
the maintenance of dllomatio inter
emirs, imply conUutiation of un
aarranlati. crimes.
' Tftrt tiny Infant ntaiee) life's par
pavttv. wider and brighter. And what- ;
ever there la to enhance Ita arrival and
i to aaa. and comfort the expectant mother J
should be given attention. Among tha j
' real helpful things la an external ab-
domlnal application known as "Mother'a .
r Tie ad." There is scarcely a community ,
) but what baa -Us enthusiast lo admirer of '
thla splendid embrocation. It Is so well !
thought of by women who know that most '
drug store throughout th. United, Btetes
i carry "Mother'a Irrtend" aa one of their t
aiapl. and reilab remediea. It la applied ,
t. th. abdominal mueclea to relieve th.
.strata on ligaments and tandooa. j
Thoe. who hav. used tt refer to th.
' eaaa and comfort axDcrtenead Airinm I Hm '
' period Of expectancy; they particularly
. refer to tha absence of nausea, often so
prersleot ' as a result ' of th. natural
expansion. In a little book are described
nor. fully th. many reasons why
"Mothers rrlend" baa beaa a friend
Indeed te wontea with timely hints. aua
geatiuos and b'lps for rly refereere. It
sbould be la elk boosea. "UkIim'i t'rlead'' .
Bisy be tied ef almost aay druaitlst, but if
yon fsll to Med it write us d'revt ana alaa
, writs Vt book te Krs.lfleld heguialur L, j
j sts a anisr situg aussiaj vo
You have an oppor
tunity to secure more
satisfactory service
from Omaha-made
goods, because they
are made in Omaha.
Errors are more
quickly rectified,
conditions of manu
facture made more
satisfactory to you,
your needs easily
ForAIl Purposes
Horse Blankets
Fly Nets
These Are the Things Made
by the
This concern gives employment
to over 300 Omaha people and
when you buy from them you
buy from the largest importers
of burlap in America.
' You should be proud of this
company and patronize it by
til means.
But the basis of all this
advertising is that Omaha
manufacturers seek a com
parison of their goods with
the kind you have been
buying. "We want you to
ascertain for yourself the
truth of our statement that
Omaha industry produces
goods equal if not superior
in merit to any mada in the
United States.
t 1 tJ. m.
V .Mi- V