Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1915, Page 13, Image 15

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ii. i:i .1 i
Aparlmrnta nnri I- lats.
TWO six-room. m.ln, steamhcated
f ata. '.tii Lo rented wpnrnjeiy or to
j.Mhrr; W nmiwr, $V. wintT " I'oii'n 1
iotini'.SJJ llrsndcl Theater. IVcijj r.71
Phone Pousln 2M for cnm leta" iist of
nli varant honse and apartment, alee
for Storage moving, m king, -hipping.
CENTRAL anna! a prW or "quality:
7-room houae: 4-ronm flat 30 N. X.d
NEARLY new fist, six rooma and recen-
lion hull, nil modern. ;:122 Cass; one
I Inrk to Hnrtifv car. Tel. Walnut 22.
MNE-HooM sit-ani-heatcd apartment.
Tho Mason. Slut nnrt Mason; wrr drslr
aldo; rent only $T7..A Cnnrsd Younf. 322
Hrand'ls Theater, Pong. Vol.
Pflrnlahrrt tfartmti. " "
For Kent in the
Xcw "Travcrton," Fireproof
Catering tn people of refined tasJte.
Apartment completely equipped for house
keeping; up'to-date mil comfortable.
Traver lros.,
Phono Uotiglss lira. 70S Omaha Nat. Rk.
fi rooms. Chicago plan; 'nil modern; fine
finish: extra light and ventilation; cooler
than any separate house; free hot water,
janitor. Oood location; close In.
Prlet'8 worth examination of careful
T. J HOOK. 1W1 N. ISth St.
H'RMSllBI) Art., close In, one-half
month's rent free If taken by 16th.
Phone Doug. (792 or Toug. 44fi.
Hoard and HiMim Waatrl.
YOUNcl man. IS years old. dostrea place
tn Jewish family for room and board
at about $4 a week; walking distance pre
ferred; excellent references furnished.
Aaron AronowiU, earn Bee Publishing
Co., City.
62fi SO. ISTH Three rooms with board,
$4.50 and up.
licelrable rms. with hoard. 18 H. 19th tit.
Famished Aoomf
A COMFORTARLE and pieaaant room
in West Farnam diatrlot. Call Harney
is ST. MARY'S , Ave. ileaaant rounu.
Walking distance.
STEAM heated rwoms. $S week. Ogdea
Hotel, Council Bluffs.
ln IOl'OLAS ST., rooma $2 50 up.
602 S. 28TH St.. nice cool room; private
home; for gentlemen. ,
Kumlnhrd tlouaea.
ONE fully furnished 9-room house, one
half block from Normal, with or with
out tiiano. Will sell cheap for cash If
taken at once. Mrs. M. Hamilton. Fre
mont, Neb.
Seven rooms, atrictly modern, nicely
furnished, Leas? to October 1; $3T per
month. Phone l. 7. or Walnut inns
Housekeeping: Rooms.
NO 24TH 4758 Three large steam-heated
unfurnished rooms; modern conven
iences; detached house; spacious lawn1
four dollars. Adults. .
FARNAM, 2S'3 Two nice housekeeping
rooms; electricity, pas range.
Furnished Housekeeping" Rooms.
2 tr. 8-room apartment. 2222 Farnam.
Light Hoasekeeplas Rooms.
6TEAM heated rooms, with alcove, kitch
enette furnished. Ogden Hotel Co.,
Council Bluffs, la.
BEST equipped lodge hall tn Omaha,
also large modern dance hall, finest
floor in city. Druid Hall ,2414-io-jA mas
Ave.. Web. 2900 or Web. 782.
lloneea and Cottages.
ALL slses. S3 per month up. S67 Paxtoo,
.MODERN rooming house, 3G01 Capitol
Ave. Tel. Harney (8564.
MODERN S-room cottage, 26 per mo.;
. 2o96 Pratt. Omaha Realty Co., Red 6S2.
Seven-room modern house. 108 S. Both St.
FOR RENT $65.00
Dwelling, 414 So. 38th St ; tiled
vestibule, reception hall, front
and back parlors, dining room
and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2
bath rooms, hot water heat,
garage. All in first class con
dition. Location A-l. Benj.
S. Baker. Phones D482, H317,
FOR RENT 21 a Locust, modern 7-room
house, hot water heat, newly decorated
throughout, paved streets, shade trees,
fcSi. Webster 25S6.
For Rent A strictly modern
seven-room flat, $22.50. 16th
and Corby Sts. Phone Douglas
tXH Cass, large rooms, fine yard, prao-
tically new, modern, $30,
254 St. Mary's Ave., rooms,
2716 Howard, 6 rooms.
M)2 Hamilton, rooms. (12.S0.
RING WALT, Brandels Theater Bldg.
PARK. AVE., S2S 8-room.' strictly mod
ern home; large, beautiful, ahady lawn;
newly decorated, oak floors; $42.50. Loyal
Hotel, room 424.
SIX-ROOM, modern bouse, located at
arriO Decatur St.: will be vacant May 1;
123, per month. Phone H. 6432.
Globe Van&Storage
Stores, moves, packs, ships; S-horse van
and 2 men, 1.26 per nr.; storage )2 per
mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4338 & Ty. 230.
W have a complete Hat of all houses,
apartments and flats that are for rent
Tnls list ran be seen free of oharxa at
Omaha Van Storage Co.. So H. 14th Bt
J. C. Reed
Bzp. es.. moving,
packing storage.
12OT Farnam. D. sua
Gordon Van Co.
Ci N. Uth St
TeL D. K4 or Web. 10.
Van and Storaua
Co. Call us (or
timatas fur mav.
log. pacnuig, shipping. ITU Webster tit
l.oufilas 14.
fcl-'E the Central Furniture Storea FfiKU
WEST FARNAM. i23 N. SiLh Ave., mod
ern; with I bath rooms, tftO.
FOR RENT 7-roora house, all nodern.
1 ROOMS and bath; all modern; on car
line. H. SWi.
IIoUSOsl c"Uh Sons 4k Co.. Bee Bldg.
GARAOE for rent In Bemla Park. Wal
nut 237i.
8 teres aad Otilces.
NEW modern store, best location: la
North Omaha, 2414 Ames Ave., Webster
21 ji or Web. 3)49.
NEW modern storeroom, 603 North 16th
street; lew rent. Conrad Young 322
Brandels Theater; Doug. 1671.
N:w, modern, steamheated storeroom
and hasenent. 2V2 Leavenworth 8t
Conrad Youn. JJ2 brandels theater!
Doug. 1S71.
Tela b'?ys everything Jd hand. Tylc-r 14H,
f"r K.'i. lumiture bought and aold. 4.
C Ked. Karnam. Doug. U.
WANTED Cld Ikiubw and good-sixed
lol. Addross 41 Hie.
Wearne Park Lots
Are Selling FaS
no vor KNOW WHY
Hl-XWrsi- Tlu very roasoiial)lo jmix-liast' price in
cludes bonutiful and ennanont improvements.
HKCAl'SK Woarne Park is located in one of the
city's most beautiful soot ions.
MKCAL'SE "Woarne Park is on street ear line. .
lU-X'AUSE Wra rne Park is irveh closer to the
Omaha business district than many well settled
residence sections now within the city limits.
"Wearne Park is One Mile nearer the
Omaha business district than Miller Park.
We are cleaning up "Wearne Park lots now
Clean-up sale will continue even afternoon
Till lots are all sold.
There is nothing in Omaha that will compare
to "Wearne Park when you consider prices,
terms, improvements, location, surroundings
and transportation facilities.
Don't miss this opportunity.
TERMS $r.(X) TO $10.00 CASH AND
$5.00 TO $10.00 PER MONTH.
And we will send our automobile
to take you out to see tbe lots this
afternoon or this morning.
CAR take a Benson car, get off
at 60th and Military Are., where
our man will meet you. Etery
afternoon and evening.
H?.? Colnles, none better. W. T.
Smith Co.. 913-14 City Nat. Bk. D. 2S1.
m r2".ntl"8; catalogue freo. Write C.
M. Wooster Co.. Phelan Rldg.. San Fran
Cisco. Established 80 years.
Write a good description of your land
and send it to the Siouk City, la., Jour'aS
Iowas klost Powerful Want Ad
Medium." Twenty-five worJs every Friday
'S Saturday morning and eveTJ
oV vg m.r"i
BAROAIN 140-A. farm W m. from Mlrv
neapulU; 140 A. under cult.; 40 A. good
meadow: 60 A. timbered pasture; can
firactlcaily all be cultivated; good oorn
and; farm la fenced; 10-room house, barn,
granary, macblua shed, windmill, etc.; u
head good milk cows, 4 good horses, har
nesaes, wagons, complete set of machin
ery, hogs, chickens and everything on the
farm goes at 145 per acre; So.000 cash,
balance can stand for 10 years at S per
cent. Schwab Bros., VC8 Plymouth Bldg.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
40, 80 OR 160 ACRtS, good heavy soil. In
well settled part of Todd county, Minn.;
good roads, schools and churches; price
Sift to tJO per acre; terms, 81 per acre
cash, balance Si per acre a year until
land Is paid for, 6 per cent Interest.
GOOD South Missouri land on railroad,
In wall settled locality. SIS per acre.
Small or large farms on aasy terms.
Literature, free. D. Men-lam, Kills, Ben
ton. Kansas City, Kanaas. .
FOR PALE Best large body high-grade
medium-priced land In Nebraska; very
little money required. C. Bradley, Wol
bach. Neb. e
$11,000 buys a highly Improved farm,
consisting of about 61 ii acres located on
one of our boulevards out from the city,
only a 40-tulnute's. ride. Good water sya
tent, small amount of fruit, some alfalfa,
tame hay, nice large beautiful shade
treea ana all kinds of shrubbery and
about 10 acres of natural timber, making
a beautiful park. This la an Ideal propo
sition for handling thoroughbred stock of
any kind. Living spring in pasture.
115 Brandels Theater Bldg. 'dmaha. D. 391.
M leellMe.
Quickly and profitably, you must reach
those who are at the present tune most
interested! In farm lands.
The Iowa farmer la todav the best farm
land prospect In tbe United States. The
iea Mouies capital with Z4u.vuu aaiiy
readers can put your proposition squarely
before a larger number of these live
Droeuects than any other Iowa news-
fapcr. Our circulation Is guaranteed the
argest tn Iowa. We will Insert a 30 word
ad 10 days for only S2.o0 (add 6c for each
additional word). Our regular price la lo
per word per day. You save boc on this
offer. To sell your land tomorrow, send
your ad today to
WANT the best Klnkald or other Ne
braska land that l-'.fO to S2.600 cash
will buy. Give legal Nos. and full de
scription for attention. R. W. Myler,
R. K. ,1. Fotsom. Ia.
jr --Tltle Guarantee and k Abstract
l PfrCo., a modern abstract office,
VVAX 805 Bo. 17th Bt. Phone D. 6487.
RKKO ABSTRACT CO. oldest abstract
offlos In Nebraska. V0 Brandels Thea.
Jtssen & Morrell
Ail-1 State
Ek. Bldg. D. 2292.
UST your property with H. it. Lander
you, g'z iMevme iBIK. u. anuu
LIST real estate and rentals with DON
EL8ON R. E. CO.. 301 On. Nat l Hank.
' - -' ' J
WK ARE always In funds to make good
farm and city loans.
1."J Farnam Pt.
TOLA NO & TRUMBULL. 448 Bee Bldg.
IliO TO 1 10,000 maae promptly. F. l.
Wead, Wead Bid., loth and Karnam Bta
CITY and farm loans, ft, tt. vr cent.
J. H. Lumont dt Co.. 418 biate bank.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnam Hmith A Co.. 1320 Karnam St
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
SEE us first for farm loans in eaatarn
Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha.
fn CITY LOANS. C. O. Curl berg.
0 S10-3il Brandels Theater Bldg.
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farm.
01t Omaha National. phanS Lou las 7711
MONEY on hand for city and farm luana
ti. W. Hinder. City National Bank Bldg. I
Railroad Acreage.
covered witn the best varieties of fruit
and in bearing, situated 10 blocks inside
the city limits and near the car. Phone
Owner. Walnut ;JC
E. P. Wright
Telephone Doug. 2926 Office
Telephone Web. 682 Evenings
After 7 O'clock.
Six rooms, sleeping rooms and hath on
second floor, full cement basement, all
modern, on car line, rlose to school; 3. .00
down, balance monthly payments. Lo
cated on Fort St.
31 ;.' Brandeia Theater Bldg.
190" Wlrst St., R-room Iioumb. modern ex
cept electric light. laundry and base
ment. Cement driveway. Want an offer.
Coal Office. 30tU and Lake. Webster IfiSl.
Bemis Park District
1412 N. 35th Bt. This Is an 8-room mod
ern house, not now but In good condition,
located on largo east front lot on paved
street. &8.120 feet in size, with many
fine shade trees and shrubbery on lot;
also garage. Price, 13,700; cash S1.00J,
balance on building loan plan. This is
convenient to school and car line.
George & Company
Thone D. 750. 902 City Nat l Bank Bldg.
For Sale
Good home. 10 rooms, reception hall,
bath, hot water heat. Cathedral district,
all modern. In fine repair. Phone Owner.
Walnut 1080.
Your Cottage or
for this brand new, strictly modern -toom
bungalow, living room across front
of house. Dining room has winaow seal,
Piute rail and panel, with bookcases r
tween living room and dining room. Sun
room finished in oak, has 4 windows and
a clothes press, could boused for a bed
room. Large kitchen with pantry and Ice
box room. Two large bedrooms with
clothes presses, bath with linen closet on
second .floor. Living room, dining room
and sun room finished In oak, with oak
floors throughout the house, bedrooms
finished In pine with birch doors. Hinh
grade plumbing fixtures and artistic liaht
ing fixtures, complete set of window
shade and screens, full cemented base
ment, with laundry facilities and floor
drain guaranteed furnace. Dandy corm-r
lot 60x'U3, with streets paved. Close to
Windsor school and West Side Park car
lira. Price reduced to $3,750, about I&OO
cash and bnjauce monthly, or would con
sider vacant lot or smaller house.
Rasp Bros.
10fi McCague Bid. Phone Douglas Um3.
Th. . I .. . 1 ' ..... I
' 1 tm .u, MIIU UUlll
lots only 6-room, 2-tory bungalow, al
most nW all inn ftM. w . . . . . .
------ - I ....... . 1. , U I um.,
half block to good car line. Can buy
"in 1 up 10 o 101, an witn line oeir-
tliif I'hnlc. ,nnu ,,rl.upyf r t
terms. 2,575 up. We will show you on
requeat. Call i to 10 or 12 to 1.
.iunut,o c. niLUAHl.iu.N CO.,
Paxton block.
Five rooma and bath on first floor.
Maid's room on second. Large living
room, built-in, buffet, etc. Hot
water heat. 115 S'. :tth Pt.
E. H. BENNER, Douglas 7406.
1 HAVE a contract of sale for M,t, cov
ering Omaha residence property, pay
able SJ6 per month, at t;ood rate of In
terest. Am offering contract for cash
at fine discount and will deod the prop
erty unencumbered to secure same. Ad
dress E 3t3. rare Hee.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK" Vl.w Hiptiiuit..
change quutea lead quiet at $4.17fo4,b2:
spelter, nealet-ted. nn oiioiati. n a. i
don: Iead, a ion fid; spelter,' f2.
i oir. 1'irm; electrolytic. 819.00- cast-
IlltfS. tU ,'lfl. Tin! Lilllet anrl nn...ln.l. ......
ton lota $40Kmi41 a. Iron: Steady; No.
1 northern, 15.00; No. J ft!4 ftO'rU 7ft
Ni. 1 southern. 814 iMrti 14 M- v.. 9 in
14.K. - ' r
At Ixndon: Spot copper, 7 10a; fu
tures, lnl. PfM.t tin, lti 1; futures
Evaporated Apidra aad Dried Fralts
A PHLES tjuiet; taney, Vinc, choice
73;fiM-; prime, 71;(7V4c. '
DRIED FRUITS Prunes, dull; Califor
nia, 4H(10Vc: Oregona. 8','oC'. Aprl-i-ois.
quiet; choice. SVc; extra cholca
lCnlO'.c; fancy, lliju . Peahus, inac
tive; choice. 44,rSc; extra choie, 6H$uc;
fancy. ''tic. Ralslna. steady; loose
muscatels, "'.f7,c; choice to fancy
seeded, 7iT',c: aoedlcss. aVtf'tc; London
9)uiiar Market.
eaav; centrifugal. 4 70r- molasses, J. Mo
Refined, steady; cut loaf, t Mk ; crushed
.S0i ; ruoiild .A. 6 4jc; cubes. 6.iV; XXXX
powdeied. I.S-; powderi-d. a loe;, fine
tiranulaled. 6c; diamond A. so; Von fee
lionera "X." o.!'; No. I, ;,.7"h-. Futures
early were 4 to 3 points lower under
scattered liq'udatioii.
Cattle Active and Ten Cents or More
Hio-her Sheep Ten to Twent7
Centi Higher.
SOUTH OMAll.V. May in. litis.
Receipts were- Cattle. Horn. Sheep.
"iimaie aioixiav
Same day nnt week . .
S.tnie dB- 2 week aao KM
Same dav 3 weeks ao
fame day 4 weeks aao .J74
iame day last veai.. J.t4
4 ..
4 914
11 TV7
The following tahle stows the K-celrtS
or cattle, hogs and sheep at the J-orth
Omaha live stock market for the year
to date, as compared with last vrr:
191.V 1914 Inc. tec.
S.1.07H ;I7.WS M.41
u' l.y.,".t tl9ii..Wi 210.094
s,cep S2,Si2 i;,S4 J4.997
The following tatne shows tha average
price for hogs at the South Omaha live
to. k market for the last few days, with
fate. ) 1915. 1914. 19I3. ' 191? 19II . 11910.
lt 7 Fl 0I l 7 4li 781 ' I 04
April SKI 1 24 W,
iPr S: I n !( SI Mi J OS
vrr ai 7 ' s n; il 7 s I u u t 01
A ir -ja 7 a 17' a i 1 .-. t iai
April ,i ? 4(H., a ml v- - .u a 1. ; a at
-y i .l 7 s i.T .1 Ii 7 ii s si 1
:'"T li 9 T Mi A 741 S 01'
May S..
May 4..
Kay R..
Mav ..
1 21 I I S .90 4l S UI 3 t 7 01
1 M4 S 241 r T Ml 6 1, OKI 7 04
T 2f.' 8 17 S IT.I j ft t t) 7 (0
( fVi 31. a ill 7 44 ft as 1 9 r,
S f7 4
-May 7
I H Jt.i S Ml 7 191 "
111 7 4Xi I I U I S
J ay .., 7 2.'V,' S 87 S 10) 7 .t ft 7fi 97
May 9. . I 2S S 301 7 Hj ft 771 ISi
lal 7 U I H 341 7 :' ft 7l WI 6
Receipts and disposition of live stock
at the Union Ptock Yarls, South Omaha,
for twenty-four hours ending at i p. ir.
Cattle.Hogs Sheep H r s
... 8
r . M. St. P..
Missouri Pacific
Union Pacific 29 n
C. A N. W., east... 22 1
C. N. W.. iirst., M ;)
C Pt P.. M. - O.. 17 K
C, H. AV Q , east.... 4 I
U., R. & O., west ... &2 9 11
C R. I. P.. eaat. .1
Illinois Central 10 2
Chicago Gt. West... ..
Total receipts. ..208 10R 17
Cattle. H..ts. Ph
.Morris flt CO l.tWT
Swift & Co 1.227 1.27G
Cudahy Packing Co.... 7 1,279
Armour At Co 8Vi 2.019
Sch wart t & Co 1.062
J. W. Murphy 94
Lincoln Packing Co.... 47
Kohra Packing Co 168
Cudahy from country
Benton, Vanaant & Lush 120 ....
F. B. Lewis 152
J. R. Root & Co 11
J. H. Bulla K4
L. F. Hues ill ....
RosenPtock Bros 132 ....
MrCieary & Kellogg 21 ....
Wcrtheimer Degep..! 19 ....
H. F. Hamilton 2i
Sullivan Bros 24
Rothschild TS
Mo. Kansas Calf Co.. I"
C hrlstle 103
la-gin 4
Huffman . . 7" ....
Roth .14
Meters 1.1 ....
Tanner Bros 40 ....
John Harvey 131
Kline I.Vi ....
D. A F 177
Other buyers 4t ....
Totals 5.328 7,ft33 5.032
CATTLE Receipts were very moderste
this morning, whlio the demand was very
good, and tne trade opened In very fair
aoason In the morning. Tha movement
waa active and the tola end of the otter-
lnga enanged hands at an eariy hour In
tne morning. While receipts as notea
wero moderate, they were aa a matter
of fact l.Ooo head larger than a year ago.
put smaller than any recent Monday.
Tho prices paid on the general run of
cattle were fully 10a, and in many cases
iic. manor tnan last week s dull ciosu,
This would apply to beef steers and other
Killing cattle, it was also equally true
01 aiocaers ana leeciors, wnicn ware
very much sought after,
Quotations on Cattle: Good to choice
yearlings, S8.00ijS.ftu; good to choice heavy
tornfod beeves, $7.75t8.uo; fair to good
cornfed beoevs, S7.bo4j .V5; common to
fair cornled beeves. s7.0O(n7.: good to
choice hellers, 7.0iK(r.ui) good to choice
cows, h suti7.4o: lair to moon cows, n.iixw
S.80; common to fair rowa, 83.7T4i3.76; good
10 cnoica Blockers ana leeasrs, 9i.wu.w,
fair to good Blockers and feeders, 14.000
7.60; common to fair Blockers and feed-
era. .oui7.0; stoK helteis, ft.V765j7.2o,
stocK cows. fto.ouwYh; stocK calves,
(U.i: veal calves, S8.0OM 10.25; fat bulls,
stags etc., S6.uu4i6.7ft; stock bulls, fta.00
v. rcaciiiatives aa
ho. Av. I'r. N. Ar. ft
1 1224 1 0 41 lu 7 &
II DID 1 40 It. 12)1 00
U sks 7 (1) 4 lout uo
13 tlHI 7 U II ll I 00
;i sit 7 to 1 livt 1 oo
I t.n 7 u n n t 0.
10 U3 7 .0 4V 1H72 8 111
ii 7 7b ii Kit H
17 UK 71 1 147 I M
U 10.14 7 M ' 42 U4 I 30
12 171 7 00 11 M 7 7S
1 471 7 26 21 ?W 111
II Ht 7 14 IIS 7 WI
21 464 7 SO 7 714 8 00
21 fti 1W 24 M 111
DOS 4 Oo ( SM HI
lit mi 4 u I Mt IN
11...... 477 4 60 It fel 7 14
TM i 76 4 ! T 10
44 : 4 40 1 I0 7 M
14 364 7 00 13 14 1 411
2t W7 7 la
1 140 14 1 474 7 46
16 641 7o 24 Ml 7 6j
41 4 7 U0 li 444 7 46
8 6"4 7 ft 44 1014 I 74)
7 44 7 to 7 to 7 U
1C Wl 7 3S
HOGS A pretty fair run showed up
this morninu. the suoDly footing uu to
some 111 cars, or 7..V0O head. This Is apout
700 head larger than a week ago, and
lightly heavier than for tha same day
last year.
Trade opened out In fair shape, and
under the Influence of slightly stronger
advices from other points snippers bought
a fair drove at prices that were any
where from steady to a nickel higher
than Saturday. Bulk ot their purchases
was made at $7.2()7.86, and one load
reached 17. 37 V,, the highest price paid
since the middle of last week.
Packers made their early bids on about
a steady basis, and trade was rather
draggy, aa sellers were asking higher
money, but when the first sales were
made It was at prices that were on about
the same basis as the shippers, that Is,
strong to a nickel higher. As u general
thing, however, bids never got that good,
and when the bulk ot the hogs sold
prices were right around steady. Even
on this basis buyers didn't clean every
thing up, and towards the close bids
weakened olf until they were a nickel
lower than the early trade, or a shade
lower than Saturday's average. After
everything was aald and don. tho cost
of today a otferlnga wasn't very much
better than Saturday.
hulk of today's sales was made a $7 30
HI Zk with the top up to $7.3, v. it far
aa tha bulk Is concerned, these quotations
are Just the same as at the close of last
week, ajid tops are only trc better than
Saturday's high figures.
Ma. av. Sk. Tr. Ms. Ar. Hh. PT
21 112 . . 7 20 67 241 I3U 1171.
47 x.14 :oo 7 ti Ki :uo t t
71 244 U0 7 rs 101 It4 0 7 2U
tl 40 7 7b - 171 ... 1 14
46 147 120 7 16 7$ Sit ... 7 2't
72 112 Ml 8 JiS
SHEEP supplies waie as large as any
day last week with the exception of Tues
day, but at that were only fair, and
under the influence of better prices at
Chicago bulk of the offerings sold at
figures that were generally quoted as
l'fc2oc higher than the close of last week.
Bulk of the wooled lambs moved at $10. IS
'4)10.60, with two loada of good Mexicans
up to $10.). the day's too, and 10c higher
than last week's best price. Four loads
of good clipped lambs that were hare
sold to arrive at V-'.w. and some others
brought Ss.75.
The only car of aged sheep to show up
was a load of wooled ewes that landed
at $VIS,
ic higher than the best flgurea
ever paid on this market up to thla time.
Owing to the scarcity of old sheep last
week, there waa little to compare thla
morning's trade with, but It was con
ceded thst the ewes showed as much ad
vance as the lambs.
Today'a receipts amounted to about
seventeen cars, or head. This la
larger than a aeek ago, but only a Utle
a.KC as fur the tor.
. if sponninu Mnnnav
(Jtiolstl'ins on rher)
llht. l i V i if. I
of Ism yenr.
anil lniiils; l.amh.
, I" ; lai irs. shorn,
Heht, r00'.jt:: yea
'00. wethers. r,1
j 1 et lie?, i.iir it.
I cood to clv!!. ;.t;
iSoud. 7.T. IV
1 No.
t" '.'.I h '.": ent iliiu-'.
runs l eavy f 7.
t. i t-rK'e i.S,fl4.Tn;
'I. v.l"ij. ewea.
Vi4.'.t; re, fair to
9 KS
t; oo
in HO
l "O
9 ()
I.'3 fed eae
:'.' culls
44 fed Ixmhs
til Mexican lmt .
:h Mexican lambs .
-S sprtna la ml' . . .
"7v fi-.1 s'lnrn Inmhs
I sprtna lanil'n :
TTx fed s'mrn Inmhs x
I :'4T fe.1 shorn lambs
Hob lrr t attle airona Mier p
C1I1CAOO, ti.v 10. CATT1.K Ite
;cett'ts. 13.iXti herfi. market strops; native
tf steers. fii.sO'tf 9. :V; western steers. Ji.iV
! t ta : rows and heifers. $;l.2"t.70; calves.
4..o(i9 00.
I IK K)S-Receipts. :0.00fl head; market
;slow at 5c advance: hulk, ST.: '.' i limit.
;$T.-kVf;.T0; mixed. ST aiT.i!.".; heavy. i'.9iif
i -V: ron:h, 'MiT.IO; plas. S;.t.viiii.0.
! SUKKI rt) I.A.M IIS-Itecelpts. Ii.i0
i head; market strong; sheep. 7. T"ii.M:
lamtis, tXTUiilo lo.
St. I.onla l.lre ttiu-k M-rkrt.
j ST. LOUIS. May 10.-C.7n.K-Hn-
npij. - rvM noan mars i matter: native
beef steer. ;. " yearling steer and
hetfrr. 4a ifc t !1 .In no.v S; Oik., ? :.IV trt..L.
er. and fMvleis. $.oom.2S; southern steers.
SVi.aSoiS.i'; cows im.l belters, $4 OCcrti.OO; na
I tlve calves. 4.t nH..V.
H04JS R. eelots, 7.M0 head; market
hlBli-r; piu and llrhta. $..2i(7 7R; mixed
snd hutchen . $. i"0i7.ii; good heavy, $r. i
PHEFP AND l.MJ:8- Receipts. 1,'.00
head; mirVet higher, ewes. ftUVfi 8 ,
lamb, $0 mO'lO TV clipped lambs, $8 TYt.
J!; yearllnr. Is.T'O'l1..' rllpped year
lings. $7.0iti7 . IU.
Kansaa ( Ity l.lir oek Market.
Recelpta, 7.VK) hiad; market sirona. 1 .c
hlnher- pnn-e fed steers, $.1M1.0: dressed
heef steers, $7.7Mt 10; western steers. $7 t i
fi82".; utocker n"d feeders. $.fiOft8.25,
bulls. .VS07.rt; calves, $(i.iiivfi 10.00.
HOClS-Hecotf ts. 11.000 hea.l: market
hlsher; hulls of sales. ST.avti'i.Tc heavy.
, 2B-(..:ij"4: packers and hutenrra, rr.2
7.8S: light. rT?i4.37H- plen. $a.7.V7..
SHEEP AND I.AMHS-Reoelits 1.
$T 2b-(7..T-'4: ps( kers and hutchrra, r.2i'J
head; market 10j)3fic higher; lamb. S 75
4il.75: yearllns. $7. 2f j . 2d ; wethers, $7.0u
HjS.iO; ewes. $."&. 25.
lenx City l.lre Stork Market.
Receipts. M head; market steady to PK
higher; native steer. $7.2;ti.10; butchers,
n.4li',i7..VJ; cow and heifers. $40177.00;
cannera $7.7Mi 25; Hooker.! and feeders,
$G.Vvq7.dls- calves, Sti.tMVS.'ft; bull, slags,
etc., S5.0(wfj.:i0.
IIOG8 Reeelpts, 4 000 head; market
higher: heavy, $7.ani7.); mixed, $7.:v;
light. $7 1iVt7 4. bulk of sales. 87. 3011 7.:.
St. Joseph LIt Stock Market.
ceipts, l.tuo head. Market higher:, steer.
$7.(ti8.60; cows and heifers, S4.50hfi.jO;
calve, SS.0iK6.6O,
HO18 Receipt. 8.500 head. Market
higher; top, $7.30: packers, strong; bulk
Of sale. S7.2XVi;,30.
PHEKP AM) LAMPS-Recelpl. R.200
head. Market steady; lambs. $10.0mfllo.t,v
Qaotattana of the Day on Various
NEW YORK, Mv 10 FLOI R-K.asv;
spring patents, $7.4o7.M7 winter patents,
$7.10117.40; winter straights, S6.St4fl.lki;
Kanias stralhtt, $7.3(mi.40.
W1IEA No. 2 red, Sl.fiOl,, and
No. 2 hard. $181. c. , f. track: No. 1
northern, Duluth. $Ui74. and No. 1 north
ern, .Manitoba. $1.61, c. I. I. Iturfalo,
Futui-cs. weak; May, $154,
CORN Spot, harciy steauy; No. it jrvl
low, ac, prompt shipment.
OAT8 Spot, weak; standard. ftofpWSc;
No. 8 white, ft8'4ijOc ; fancy clipped white,
HAY-Steadv: No. 1. $1.22'-: No. 1.
$1.17; No. 3. H.OtVil.lO; shipping, Mc1.00.
IIOPB Quiet: state common to choice,
1814 crop, ltii8c; Pacific coast, 1914 crop,
loJrlSc; 1013 oroj., 8ii:0c.
HIDES Steauy; Bogota. 31c; Central
America, tc.
LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts. 32c;
seconds. Qc.
PROVISIONS Pork, rarely steady;
mess, $l.0orul.D0; family, $21.otoi 22.00; short
clear, $l!.0iy(j"'.00. Beef steady; mess,
SlB.b04jid.00: fumlly, $ltl.5(kri20.&u. Iird.
easy, middle west. SI.OU'i'U.o.
TALLOW steady; city. c; country,
ft'it'c; special, tivkc.
BUTTER Unsettled; -receipts. ,39
tubs; creamery, extras, (91 score). HVc;
creamery, (higher scoring), 630V4c;
firsts, tg2Uc; aeconds, W&J&'o.
EOG8 riteady; receipts, 21.102 oases;
fresh gathered, extras, 22Vflic; storage
packed, extra firsts. 21Hii22c; firsts, UW
t2lVac; regular packed, extra, firsts, 21 'cP
21c; firsts. WVaWaOp;, nearby hennery,
whites, fine to fancy, it3'ja23K'C; nearby
hennery, whites. aXe.
CHEEflE Steady; receipts, S.BT9 boxes;
whole milk, ltB4c; same, average fancy,
16 VU lc.
POULTRY Uve, unsettled; western
chickens, broilers. XirOc. Dressed
quiet:, western' frozen roasting chickens,
lTiB-T-ic; fowls, 14'V2)i8c; turkeys, 1;&21c.
Coffee Market.
market for coffee futures shared In the
nt rvous and unsettled feeling which pre
vailed In practically all other markets
here today and, after opening at a de
cline of 6 to 8 points, active months sold
18 to 22 points net lower under scattering
liquidation. Reports of lower cost and
freight offers continued to decline, but
there waa a little trade buying on the
bteak and last prices were a point or
two up from the lowest The close was
10 to IS points net lower. Sales were
29.000 hags. May. ft. 80c; June. ft.4c: July,
Kc; August, 7.01c; September, 7.03c; Oc
tober, 7.06c; November, 7.0e; lecember,
7 12c; January. 7.18c; February, 7 21c;
March, 7.30r; April, 7.32c. epot, quiet;
IUo No. 7. 7c; Pantos No. 4, 10'4c. Cost
snd freight offers were lower, witn new
crop Pantos quoted at 8.3.SC to 10c for 4s.
snd old crop at 9.80c to 10c. Mllrels prices
tsere unchanged at Klo and M rels lower
st Psntos. Rio exchange wss l-16d
Kansas (Ity (.rata aad Provisions.
V A Kid A I! OITV Oa . tn 11.111. . r.
No. hard, S1.46HW.S0; No. 2 red, $1 4f.."o
1.46; May. $1.48; July, 1.IST49MS; Pt-p.
temher. $1.13.
CORN-No. 2 mixed. 7.'kf78'4e; No. S
white Tic Vn ,!!, ,w TAiJ1,ri
74c; May, T7'472c; July. 74Sc; Septem-
ier. V44j'4'4c.
OATb No. 2 white. biVtflMc: No. 2
mixed. 47ij.4e.
BUTTKlt Creamery, 27c; firsts. 26c;
seconds, 23c; parking, 1!V
iXiU Firsts. 17c; seconds, Iftc.
POULTRY Hens, 14c; roosters. 10c;
turkeys, l"c.
Minneapolis Clrala Market.
MIVNKAPtll.19 Mav 10 UTIIr IT
M.v II '. Julv 81 44 I k..
.bi; No. 1 northern, $l.50i l.fti', No!
3 northern. $l.fiStr I 6?'4.
VI .ni'HOnfet ' fmncv tfi IV.-
first clears, ftCii.": second clears, $4 80. '
MAULEY 6, tfl.iC-.
RYE-SI 121 11$.
CORN No. S yellow, 701,WO4c.
OATS No. S white, ftO'itioOc.
( atton Market.
NEW YORK. Mav 10. COTTON-Snot.
quiet: middling uplands, 9. 70c; sales, 2.000
Cotton opened firm: May. S.25c: Julv.
9ftSc; October. 10.00c; December, 10.22c;
January. 10?ic.
January, 10.20c. The cotton rrarket
closed steady at a net decline of nly 8 to
l points.
firm: good middling, &.2d; middling.
5.d: low middling. 4 82d; sales. 7.OJ0
Liverpool Grata Market.
unrDonrir. 1A wtiriq. - .
n pn, wM. 1. . J a iol
No. Manitoba. Us lid; No, 3. no stork;
No. hard winter, 13s 10d; No. 2 red
western winter, no stock.
CORN Bpot Amertcen mixed, new. 8a
iHd; IaPlata mixed. 8s l'td.
Fl-OUH-Wlnter patents. iOs.
Hol'S In London (Pacific cosst). i.i 3s
to 4 15s.
more thsn h)! a. 1
at. Louis (rala Market.
T. 1A1 IS. May lO.-WHEAT-No. -red.
$1 41 47: No. 2 hard, tl.Slfel.k2U'
Mav, 81.4k; Julv, $1 2iH 1
CORN No. 2. 7T.VJC; No. 2 white, 76c
Msy. 7c: May. 73Sc: July, 7V'.
rTS-No. ! ftn'c: No. J white. JSc.
Market is Wild with Unsettled War
Conditions and Wneat Goes
Down Four Cents.
OMAHA. .May 10. l'T.
I'nsetlled ar condition and political
iiimoi t s se.t r lm mn.Ket totlav.
Ileal dioppeti 4 itiiii lower, while coin
was next, oicpi ina .,,c lower and oat
Ulc h.tllK '! to M' lower.
rhtiMirtinu count tic ill from this lime
r i a ird protect llieh- urain on tne oti sn
owned by Inem. 'I'hcte have leeii no
cam cUatitiiiH of shlnnicitts as yet.
One ot the most Important oear helps
of the sea.nn and an Inrld.-ni that
saainst the pr;i e ol all hr-atlslurts lor
tho moment on thla side of the Atlantic
Is Or lorpxoolng of the LitsltHttla ny
erinany I hits Influent shows that ves
sels flying the KoKltsh flag or the fla't
it any ot its allied nations will met
with ne trouhle In crossing tne ocean
and i'asslng through the war xene.
I. Bine ( of oats thst were sold
some time ngo to go ahrond are now
held here, Md it rests with the furelRiiers
tshelner they will r able to get tills
grain out of the t'ntted statea or nut.
(him ne Cash Prices Wheat : No ;Tut
key. $1 44ol.46; No. s Turkey, Sl.tTOyli 1.14:
No. i hard. S1.42t4rl 43: No. S haul, tl.41
Ml Wt'4; No. 4 hard. 1.3vj't.42; No. S
spring. St.4isjl.42:. No. 2 durum. $1.4M 43;
.No 4 rturun., 41.411142, Corn: No. 2
whltn, .ti'.M.M'c; No. 8 while. O-WitiTtK';
No. 4 while. tVfltiitjo; No. 8 while, (.Hta.
tfl'c; No. white. ic: No. 3 yellow,
.O'tfl Oc; No. 8 yellow, !ifi TOc; No. 4
veliow, tittiAitMUe; No. 8 yellow, tHV"c;
No. yellow, wl'e; ,No. 2 mixed, vtS-t
70c; No. ,1 iiilxeo, tssmiiir: No. 4 mixed,
iSWo; No. ft mixed, t'i8v,v ; No. ft
mixed, 8-oc; sample, m,xed. WHii6c.
Oats No. J white, ort'ftlr; standard,
uo'jtioOV: No. $ whit, ftmtrtwu,,.; n. 4
white, 4lwMe, Barley: Mailing. 73lr
78c; No. I feed, Mi1J. Rye: No. t, $1.(1
tf 1 00; No. .1. SI.K7fll.0S.
At Liverpool spot wheat was H1md
lower; corn, unchanged to Hd lower.
Primary wheat receipta were nNft.oia) bu.
and shipments Ml. One hii.. against re
ceipts of Si'ioiyi bu. and shipments of
1.8I4.00A bu. last year.
Primary corn recelnts were 721000 bu.
and shipments 889.000 bu., against re
ceipta of 470.KIO hu. and shipments of 4J0.
000 bu. last yer.
Prlman- oats receipts were 839.000 hu.
and shipments 622,0O bu.. against re
ceipts of 3,ooo hu. and shlpmenU of K4,
0(i0 bu. last year.
Wheat. Corn. Oal.
Chicago 117 71 oft
Minneapolis S2
Duluth 43
Oinalia S M yi
Kansas City Ids 70 M
Pt. Liuis 66 , 13 37
Winnipeg 124
The following cash sales were reported:
Wheat No. 3 hard winter: 8 oars, fl.43.
No. S hard winter: 1 car, $1.43. No. 4
spring: 1 car, $1.40. No. 2 mixed: 1 car,
SI 4SV Rye No. S: I-ft car, $1.08. Corn
No. 2 yellow: 4 car. 7W4jC. No. S yellow;
6 care, 70c. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 70c. No.
3 mixed: 1 oar (near white), Too; 6 cars,
(KV: t cars. 69ic; 1 car. 8c. No. 4
mixed: 2 cars, Wc; 1 car, ftsttc .No. ft
mixed: J cars, oite. No. mixed: 1 car,
9c. Sample: I car (dry), c; 1 oar (hot),
0)c. Oats Standard: 1 car, No. S
white: ear. SOVto; 1 oar, 60c. No. 4
white: 0 3-ft cars, fttk.
Featarea af the Tradlag; aad (losing
Prices on Board of Trade.
CI1ICAOO, May 10-False rumors that
harm had come to President Wilson put
sudden additional strain today on the
wheal market while value were tending
downward owing to continued uncer
tainty aa to whether the Lusltnnla
tragedy would Involve aerlous disturb
anees of diplomatic and trade relations.
The market closed unsettled, but with
the greater part of the losses overcome
st TiHic under Saturday night's level.
Corn finished ,c off to V.t"c up, oat
IS4.0 down to u,c advance and provisions
showing &t20c decline.
At the worst the break In the price
of wheal amounted to B'aC aa comnarcd
with tha top point of the session. The
market, however, had scored an early
advance and therefore did not undergo
in toe suoaequent rail any greater net
change thiin has often been taken as a
matter of course of late owing to war
developments. Reports that Italy had
sent to Austria an ultimatum which
would expire tonight at midnight had
much to do with the heavy selling wit
nessed and so likawlsa did talk of tha
United Plates breaking off relations
with Germany.
Export sales of 800.000 bushels of wheat
here and at the seaboard helped ma
terially In the last hour to restore to
holders something of an approach to
confidence. A decrease of the visible sup
ply to a small total ot about 13,000 bush
els less man at the corresponding time
a year ago, tended further to diminish
the desire to sell, although due notice
was taken of enlarged primary receipts.
Corn received good support, and at no
time manifested heaviness equal to that
In wheat. On the temporary decline
that did take place, shorts covered
freely. Rt.celpts were light and Argon
tine reports bullish. Oat followed other
grain, but failed to rallv as well n . ..... r.
Stocks appeared heavy and the weather
waa on tne side or the bears.
Bvmpathy with the decline of cereals
carried down previsions, but packers
buying was turning the market upward
again at tha last. Higher prices for
hog a seemed for awhllo lo have been
completely lost sight of.
Futures ranged aa follows:
Artlciel Open. High. I Low. Close.. Bafy.
Wheat I I
May.l 1 ft.?.
July.) 12
Cor.n I I
May.l 74
July.) 76741
Oats i
May.l .SH14
July. I .'-.,
Pork. I
July. I 18 08
Sept 18 40
Lard: I
July. 8 77U,
Sept. 10 00
1 68 1 4!i 1 KM 1 83H
1 2714 1 1 J 1 26H
1J 7SH 744 7444
77(4 764 78 76 V
6IV4 CI ftis ft4
! t0 tMV
18 10 17 78 17 96 18 00
18 624 18 16 IS St IS 42V4
8.1 80 S 7V4 9
10 10 9 76 9 86 10 02J
10 10 10 S2U, 10 SO 10 6ft
10 80 10 624 10 7ft 10 86
10 KO
Cash Prices Wheat: No S red.
l.ftJU; No. 2 hard, $1.60Q1 6&- Corn: No
2 yellow, 75'4(&76Sc; others nominal. Osta:
No. S white, MVftfOte; standard. fcJfuMVx
Rye: Nominal. Barley: "aTio. Tim
othy. SVOO'u'6.00. Clover: $ft.40iff 10 20.
Pork: $174). Lard: if0. Ribs: $!).7HJ
BUTTER Lower; creamery. HCOTHc
BOOii Steady; receipts. 27.471 cases: at
mark, eaara included. 17frl8Hc; ordinary
nrsis, inrour; firsts, 1S(11'1SC.
POTATOrJiS Higher; receipts Zt cars;
Michigan and Wisconsin red, 3Mi40c;
Michigan and Wisconsin white. 43gp4Hc.
POULTRY Alive, steady; fowls, 16440,
Ner York Money Market.
PAPER 3Vf'H per cent
H T E H I. I N o KXCHANQB Bteady ;
alxty-day bills. $4 7736; cables, S4.8026; for
demand. S4.7:7S
SILVER Ha r. 60'4c; Mexican dollars,
BONDS tlovernment, weak; railroad,
TlftlE IC4.N-Firm; sixty days.
per cent; ninety days. 3f3U per" cent; six
months, 3411' per cent.
CALL MONEY Firm' high, 24 per
cent; low, 2 per cent; ruling rate, $ per
cent; last loan, 21; per cent; closing bid,
2 per cent; offered at 2 per cent.
Closing quotations on bonds today war
ss follows:
V. H. rst. u, rag.... 74,N. T. fit? 4lts. 1H11N
1 H. ra(. ts. roupos M N. Y. b(At 4S 104
V. a . niilre4..10lN v.. N. H. g. jj.
t'. H. 3s, coupoo I0114 ev. 4s llOUj
I'. . 4. rliisrs4. l"HN,hn Psoifle 4a.. li
I", g. 4s. coupon lluHNorthsrn faolflo Js.. 44
Psnama fc. riupoa. 101 O. H L raf 4s St
Americas fmslUr Ha.IMSPa. T. A T. fts 7U
Am. T. a T. st. 4Sds 'fao.lYoi en. ia
Aroiour g Co. 4Ss... tmRaaSIng (aa. 4s tju
Aiehiwa tn. 4 .... vtsift. Louis 4Y 8 F.
Fall. Ohio 4s StW tf 4s 44
hss a Ohio 4t Usgouihsra Pa ev. 4s tl
4T.. B. a J. It. 4... NWroulhsra r. fl. 4.. 171,
C. M a Bt. r. boo. gouthora Hajwsr 6 in
44s 4rBlta Par.) (la (a nu
nolo, a P: rat. 4Vs Hl olos I'acltie c 4. sou
1) R. Q. ft fts... 44 V. . Rubber fc....Ioa
Brie son. 4 64,1). 8. gtMl ..... .101
iosrl glartrt fts. . .104 Wabash Ut 6a . IsoC
tit. Nwllnto HI 4tl M . t'nloa 4Ui ..
III. cm. rat 4s....t4naw EIac ev. 4., v.
K. r. ho. raft..... kt H p. . i, S4W
1. H aa. 4s.... V4 C. II. g gi. r.'Vi
M , K 4V T. lrt 4s It 4s ..." V1H
Mo. I's rr. it 44 Pa. tos. 4',s".!'.!!"!'j8
Hank C'learluga.
OMAHA. Mav 10 n.nU u...
Omaiia todav were l:lllliiii r..r
July. I
Sent. I 1
Another Readjustment of Values
Brought About in Wall
NWW YORK. Msy 10 -Another read
justment of values, growlnir out of tha
klnklns of the Lusitaiila occurred in the
Mock market today. Prices In general
fell 4 to IS mints, ef far Inn the irut.r
jpart of the giilns made by the rise of
, the two r receding months.
Liquidation, voluntary on the part of
nervou oerst(irs, and enforced hy others,
whose niargin had suffered Increased
impairment, contributed to the receding
movement which wss niaterlnllv assisted
by an emboldened rhort Interest snd
heavy selling for l,ondon and the conti
nent. Lowest prices were registered at mid
day, when the United Slates Steel cor
poration issued its tonnage slatement for
April, showing s decrease In unfilled
orders. Although the decrease waa slight,
it proved dlrxtppnlntiiig In the sense that
an Increase had been expected. Coin
cident with this statement the financial
district became flooded with alarming
rumor hearing upon condition at Wash
ington and abroad.
When It became apparent that these re
ports were without foundation the heavv
elllng shared and prices gradually made
a 2 to .Vnolnt recovery. Oreater steadi
ness marked the later dealing, hut the
undertone denoted feverlehness and ex
treme caution to the end. The closing
was heavy.
Sales oT stocks sggiegsted 122r
shares. United State Steel. Amalgamate'!
Copper. Readlnir and Westlnghnuse mak
ing up almost 33 per cent of the total.
Strength of the tnveatment situation
was reflected In the sate of the greater
part of the $W,,0i)0,0i nt tew Pennsylvania
hnnda Offered bv a syndicate and the In
quiry for the 2..n0.0i)0 Araentine five
year notea taken by our hankera. Standard
bonds and short time notea were heavy
at the outlet, however, but regained aom
of their losses later. Total of bonds,
per value, were $.V610.onO.
A new low record for Italian exchange
was the feature of the market for foreign
remittances and domrsxlt: time loans,
were nominally hUther with closer
scrutiny ol mixed collateral. Confidence
waa seen In business conditions through
out the west snd soul'nwest.
Various United States bonds Were U
to S per rent, lower oil calls).
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
) ales la
Hu.Krefs. High. Low. Ctnas.
AllkkS DOI8 14 .H't 41
Amal(SSislet Copper .... Ml 4t 4?H 4
Aaxrlrsa Beet Hugar .... St 44 n SSi
Anisrlmn (An . 101 set, 34 31 u,
Amsrirsn g. 4Y. R 41 t4V 1V "
Amsrltaa ft. H i'4 m
Am. HuMr Hahnlni 42 107ia ini 104
An-.rlr.n T. a T aJ ll 114
Aa.erlran To6ro 1 ts tJ git,
Asaeonds Mining !tn vft 20(4 344
Atrhtaon Kl 100 IT '.
IHItlmnr Chin S4 7:S t1 7S
Brooklra Kapld Transit.. 71 4; u I4t(
("allfnrnla IXralaunt .... II Ittft it 16
Canadian Psririo its 1ST lu, 1M
Cntral latathsr 47 M4 U 4444
Chaaunesks A Ohio 37 44 41 41i
Chlwito Ut. Wasters 4 U 11 11
(TllcAio. M St. P.... 14 411ft S4
Chlrago g North wsatsra. i 137 ?7 1:6
Chins Dnspor 1M 4:' 4H4 47i
Colo. Pool trna 14 US t,
Colorado Pout here ... 27
Penrsr A Rio Grands ,., 4
Pas rar A It. O. p(4 ;,
Iilailllrra' k'acarltles .... :i 114ft II HV
Erla it JM4 tn, tn,
rjenaral risctrlr 14 in (4 I4 141
Ureal Nnrtahn p(4 44 417 1l4i 1IHS
Ot. Norther Or rtfi ... 7 .UVi ! W
Ciusssshatm Ruplorstloa. 4 87 MH 41
llllimla ( 'antral liwi, lout, imi
Inter.-Met. pfd ' ?n.', STS S44 47'i
Inaplrstlnn Cospar 8S7 I4 4 27 1
IntarnAtlnnal llsrvsaler.. 14 4114 40 m
Ksnaaa fit a goulhara ... 41 ! IM, '.'4
lhltl Valley M 144 JJ4 lain
Ixiui..llla a Naabviils lil
Mcilrsa Patrolauia fj i ;t 4s 1
Miami Opnar S4 4't tl n
M , K. a T It 1J If 1JH
Mlasotirl raelfie 40 la 2 itfc
National Btaonlt 4 W. 117 I IIS
Nsltonal M( 34 64 43 (4
Kaasda Coppae 44 lS 114 t
Hem York ( antral 41 X tin. 44
N. T.. N. It. H Ill 6.1s 0 tJS
Norfolk A Wastsra 4 10:14 101 im
Nortahrn Paclilo l! 100'4 J0!H letu
raclrio Mali 4 14S )-, 14'i
r'aolllo Tal. 4 Tal. 4 ;;i 1, am an,
ParinaylTanla 42 1 07 14, lOr.aa ioi,
Pallaua Psisee Cat .... 1 U..T4 imi, i.,:',
lUjr e. Coppsr -161 ".'j 504 jp
Haadlng 48 14.14 W 14l,
Rapabllo Iran A Btsal... 44 Wt 14 S4
Hoek laland Co. ,
Rode laland Cn. pfd I 14 4a k 1
Hi. L a B. F. 24 pfd. ... ts
4outhora Piffle 267 tn'ft 8"i IMS
Ouotheni Railway ...... 21 11 Km no-
Tosnssaee deppsr 94 81 ' n 4)
Ts enstpanr ., 14 124 I;:, u:.
Unloa Pact ilc in 124 iu KM',
t'sles Pacific pfd V 4 41 to. n
Uallad Btaxas St a I x nl 4IH 4 .OV
t nllad Klataa ftlaal pfd.. 1T1 1o44j 144 10.
Plan Cepnar IS4 tt 694 4IK
Wabaaa p(4 3 IS 1 lv
Weaiora fnloa ' 11 a Mi, ,
Weatlnshoua glsctrla ... st am, ra,
Maetraal posrsr 41 ! 44 V 44'
s.7bTSocrtOB'- M N-
CHEE&EJmported Swiss. 32c; Amer
ican fewtaa. He; block ciwlss, Sic; twins,
lhtc; daisies. l'Hc; triplets. i7fco; Young
America, 18.:; blue label brick, ltVtc; llm
burger. 2-lb, 20c; New York white. ISc:
imported French Roquefort. 40c.
v 1C1I,;SH.Trout crapples, 14c;
halibut, 18c; channel catfish, 14c; herring
7c; codfish, 14cj mackerel, 1&0; salmon lc.
SWEET POTATOKdKansss. $i TS bbl .
Wholesale prices of beef cut effective
April M are aa follows:
HEEF CUTK-Klha. No. 1. Ue; No 2,
I74ac; No. 8. Vr. Lolne, No. 1. soc; Ko.
2. 20Vc; No. S, l4c. Chucka, No. L ll'4c; ,
No. i 104c; No, 3. 10V4c. Rounds, No L
14!,c; No. $, 14c; No. S, U4c. Plates. No.
1, V4c; No. $. c: No. S, So
POULTRY BroDers. 30c; spring chick
ens, loo; hens, 140 ; cocks. 80 roosters.
8e; stags, 8V4c; ducks, ISc; geese, 10s:
turkeys, IS'SOno; pigeons, per doa., t0c:
ducka, full feathered. 10c; geese, full
feathered, Sc; squabs, No. 1, fLSO; No. 2.
Fruit and vegetable prices furnished by
Oilllnskl Fruit company:
FRUim-Oranges: Fanoy California
navala, 80s, $2. 2ft per box; 88a, ios 2.60
per box; X2a, $3 per lox; 160s, nrr
bos; libs, 2U0B, tlba. 260s. aVSs, Jifca r,r
box; extra fancy Mediterraneaa tiwaeis
2e, 2KSa, 4a, S3.2& per box. Lemons
Extra fancy Golden Wowl, 300s, jm gg
per box; fancy Silver Cord, SoOs 3R0s
S4.S0 per box. Grapefruit: Celebrated
Chase brand, 98a, $3.2& per box; das $2.60
Kr box; 64a, $2.76 per box; 64s, 13 pr
x. Plneaapples . Hxtra fancy Cuban
Ms, $0s. na, S3.2S oer crab. Bananas :
Medium sise, $2 to $124 per bunch; Jumbo
fruit, Changuinola and Port Llmon, 4c
per pound. Strawberries: Louisiana pints
price on data of shipment; prospective)
price for Monday (24) pint cases, U per
VEGETABLES California new cab
bage, so to 100-lb. crates. Sc pair lb Cel.
ery. Jumbo. 80c per dos.: head i.ti.,
$1 per dot-: leaf lettuce, 40c per dox'
Artichokes, I1.S0 per dor. Endive, 3&c per
lb. Onions: Yellow, io per lb.; Texas
iKirriiuu, wiiite, ei.e per crate; Texas'
Bermuda, white, yellow. S1.60 nee ru-
Onion sets: yellow and red, $150 per
bushel; white. $1.76 per bushel. 1errJ.
eOc. per basket. Tomatoes, fancy 4 50
rer crate; choice, $4 Der crate. Hp'inarh
80c per doa Parsley, 60c per dox. Tur-
ni4. ovo per aoa. roiatoee: Colorado
Rurals. 76o per bushel; Red River Ohlos
SOc per bushel; Minnesota whtte. 00c ner
bushel; Morida, white stock, about 17S
lb, to barrel, $6 per barrel; Texas Tri
umphs, ion-lbs. sacks, 6c per lb. Mush
rooms, 60c per lb.
Loadoa 8) took Market. '
LONDON. Mav 10. The A
tlon of the stock market was quiet ex
cept tn Canadian Pacific and Amalga
mated Issues, which advanced over par
Ity and closed firm a shade under the
H1I.VFR Bar. 3d per ounce
MONEY mtylH per rent.
DISCOUNT RATES Shnr4 hill. 4.v
per cent; three montha, S per cent.
Dry Caooda Market.
Cotton goods markets were quiet and
somewhat unsettled today. Yarns were
quiet and raw silk firm and unchanged
auuuo aru in inoueraie aeniand
Aparlments, flats, houses and cottages
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bea "For Rent" Ad.
t 4 848
&ie Odd Lot Review
SarWoneO-artatw fcahkr. Ike. atodi Sack.,
taviuliwas Ik taaU amuit Vlewpoiac
'kaxAiy . a tarnr
T4 m o a pw 4vm7 w v o a g
i?72i ww01"1""5 d,y y'