Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 7

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    "' B . 1 M T miii- m mtlMl .iiMi,,. ,n,, ,
ECHOES OF THE ANTE-ROOM 0MAHA delegate to w7c. e,i i
Douglas County Delegation to A. 0.
U. W. Convention at Lincoln
Has Speoial Train.
SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1915.
Victor JUeorse for May.
Many Oood srnmfcere.
Kveaelve Agsnta for
Chljkerlnf rianoa.
, . . Q.
- 1 1
The Douglas county delegation of th
A. O. V. W. -vM l"av Monday ev-nUi
t 8:30 o'clock ovor the Burlington on a
special train to Lincoln to attnnd the
alxtee.nth btonnln.1 WMnn of the grand
lodRo of Nebrarka which convenes on
-May 11. 12 and 11
Over ICO delegate will represent Doup
lns county and will go on the special ac
companied by th No. 17 A. O. U. W.
military band.
The Omaha delegates are going with
the Intention of rupturing- the rent con
vention for Omaha, which will meet In
Invitations have been sent to towns
tributary to Omaha, and who delegates
will come by way of Omaha to attend
the session, to accompany th Douglas
county delegation on the special.
Thomas E. Gerin, accompanied by Mrs.
Gerin, will leave Sunday for San Fran
mlsco. Air. Uerin goes as the supreme
representative from the state of Ne
braska, to the national coventlon of the
Maccabees, which convenes there May IS.
Mr. Gerin will be accompanied by the
lows, delegation from here to Kansas
City, Mo., where they will meet the bal
ance of tlie delegates from the east and
south. They have chartered a speolnl
train of the finest cars on the Santa Fu
They will be entertained by the Mac
cabees at many different points, stopping
over for a day at Grand Canyon, San
Diego and Ix Angelas. At th latter
place they will be highly entertained with
a big banquet In the evening. They will
arrive In Ban Francisco Punday, May 16,
at 6 p. m.
Woodmen of tb World.
KoeciuBiko camp. No. Woodmen of
the World, held a social at Its hall, 911
North Twenty-seventh, South Omaha, on
)Hst . Wednesday evening. It was largely
attended by members and their friends.
Robin Hood camp No. 30, and Florence
camp. No. 605 of Florence, will be en
tertained by Mlnne Lusa grove. Woodmen
circle, on .Monday evening. May 17, at
Ancient Order of United Workmen hall,
Florence. A special program has been
prepared. (''
Columbus camp. No. 65, la' arranging
for a large class Initiation In June. J. J.
Namestek Is chairman of the soliciting
committee, which assures Its success.
Benson camp. No. 2SS, Benson, Neb.,
Is holding week meetings preparatory to
attending the encampment with Its crack,
drill team at Lake Okobojl In July.
Omaba-Keyinour, No. 16, held an Inter
sting session at Its regular meeting on
Monday evening, May IL
Druid camp, No. 28. will Interest Itself
In an increased membership for the next
sixty days. Its beautiful hall and club
room ought to attract te Its membership
all the live and progressive citizens of
North Omaha. Its dedication ceremonies
and fair was a great, success. .
Rretherhood of America , Yeoaaea.
Last Wednesday evening1 Omaha home
stead 140 of the . Brotherhood of Ameri
can. Teomen held on of the most unique
meeting's in the history of the homestead.
In-spite of tha weather, a very large
croVd turned out to enjoy the surprise
on, 'Captain Charles Raokley. For tw
weeks past tha members bad been plan
ning on giving? Captain JUckley a sur
prise which would in some way snow
their, appreciation for his efforts in or
ganizing in tha homestead the ladles'
drill team, of which the homestead Is so
proud. It was decided to present him
with' a past foreman's medal. After the
acting; foreman presented the medal. Cap
tain Kackley tried to toll the members
how mueh he- appreciated it, but he was
so taken by surprise at tha whole affair
that his actions spoke louder than his
words. Lady Kowena announced that
the entertainment committee had decided
that on Wednesday evening, May' 12, a
' benefit dance and card party would be
given, the proceeds of which would be
given to Mr- S. Q. Swanson. who Is in
a very critical condition. All Yeomen and
their friends are Invited to be present at
this dance.
Woodmen Circle.
Alpha grove. No. 2, will meet In regu
lar session Wednesday night. The oard
party on that date has been poetpened.
AH members of Alpha grove are expected
to attend the unveiling- of Sovereign
Charleo Evana monument In West Lawn
cemetery May 30. Alpha camp No. L
Woodmen of the World, will conduct the
Knights and Ladles of Security.
Loyal council. No. 2348, will devote the
evening to entertainment tomorrow, the
degree staff giving a dance. As the sea
son advances and becomes warmer, the
danco feature will soon be eliminated
from the entertainment features, so all
dancers are urged to attend tomorrow
Tribe of lien Itor.
Wednesday evening Omaha court No.
114, Tribe of Ben Ilur, will give a house
warming at their new meeting hall,
Druid hall. Twenty-fourth and Ames ave
nue. After a short business meeting, re
freshments will be served, followed by a
social dance and card playing.
Mecca court No. 13, Tribe of Ben Hur,
will hold open meeting and dance at
their hall. Nineteenth and Farnam,
Thursday evening.
Fraternal Vnlon,
The Mondamin lodge No. Ill of the
Fraternal Aid union will meet next Tues
day eveninr, after which they will enjoy
one of their annual card parties. Mr. T.
Fleronate won the attendance prize last
Tuesday evening. Tbey also announce a
"coon" wedding dance May' 26.
John Grant, who has been at Immanuel
hospital for several weeks, will go to the
Battle Mountain sanitarium. South Da
kota, Sunday, accompanied by bis daugh
ter. Mrs. Louis Moser.
Congressman Lobeck arranged by wire
for .the admission of Mr. Grant to the
sanitarium, whloh Is a government in
Pity Commissioner Ryder has arranged
his office so that U niay turn the af
fairs over to Comniis-lpner-elect Dre.el
an Monday morning.
"There are no sore spoU on me," re
marked Mr. Ryder, when certain events
of recent political history were men
tioned. Ilu decllnod to dtscuae his future
plans. .
Redick's Old Picnic
Grounds Are Now to
Be Put on Market
The noted Redick's Grove, as such, will
soon be no more. The last of this tract
Is now platted and Is being put on the
market by A, F. Tukey ft Son. This Is
known as Redick's Second addition. It
contains forty-six lots, between Thirty
first and Thirty-third streets and be
tween Jackson and Leavenworth.
Into rest has always centered around
this old spot on account of the great
maplo grove. In which the big picnics
were hold In the pioneer days of Omaha's
history. The tract now thrown on the
market Is still a part of this famous old
grove and con talus a great many huge
trees. Judge W. A. Redlck says one of
the first picnics he can remember in this
grove was given by Mrs. John McCor
mlck in 1868. Over 200 were present. Two
good springs bubbled up In the grove In
those days, so there was plenty goon
waUr for the picnickers. Where the
present boulevard is. a small creek ran
through the grove at that time. Judge
Redick's father dammed this and made
a fine swimming hole for the boys. The
winding roads through the grove in pio
neer days made It the fashionable drive
of the citjr.
Redick's Grove originally comprised lflo
acres of the farm hotnesteaded by a man
named Weatherwax. ' In 1861. going to
war. he sold 100 acres to John L Redlck.
This 100 acres extended from Farnam to
Leavenworth and from Twenty-seventh
to Thirty-third street, except for a jog
on the east. A large part of the ground
Is now oovered with residences, stores,
churches, the Nicholas Bonn hospital.
Temple Israel, and so on.
John I, Redlck first laid out Redick's
First addition, which was afterwards re
platted into Redlck' subdivision. Red
ick's Grove addition and other smaller
additions were afterwards platted.
W. A. Redick's Seoc-nd addlUon Is the
last of this famous tract available for
If anyone believes .he Bas a higher
smokestack than that of the Smith Brick
company at Thlrty-flrst and I.ake streets,
he must Issue the challenge by flying a
nag from the top of the chimney. This
company in rebulldinar if. -j..,,
ftv, TT1 , V ir'I
solid brick chimney ISO eet high. A.
iiug .rvo in top of the chim
ney, and the owners believe they have
the highest chimney In the .city.
A party of fifty students of the engin
eering department of the University of
Nebraska visited machine plants of the
city under the supervision of Prof. Raber
and Prof. RIddervold. They were enter
tained at luncheon at the Commercial
club and will viit vi. t ....
station at Florence during the afternoon.
Auions; me piacea visited were the elec
tric light Clant. Union Ty.ifi -v.
- T U VH,
smelter and Hotel Fontenelle plant
Tickets for aha two concerts bv Ron-.'.
band Sunday at the Auditorium have
been going like hot cakes, and it now
looks as though two capacity houses will
greet the famous bandmaster who h-
raises his baton. The Commercial club
nas oeen sponsor for tha aala f iim
tickets, and other organisations have
helped the mall carriers boost the sale.
The annual field and sport day at
Brownell Hall will be held Wednesday.
May 19, this year under the direction of
Miss Dorothy Rlngwalt the physical
director at the school. The annual tennis
tournament at the school is now being
hold and It is probable that some of the
final matches will be staged on the field
day. MUs Rlngwalt is planning quite an
extensive program of event for the big
Mary Vestuto. ated t v. -. ....
awarded a verdict of I3.S09 damages for
injuries consisting of a broken arm, col
larbone end Jawbone, received when she
was run over by a moving van owned
by the Gordon Warehouse and Storage
company. The suit was tried in Dis
trict Judge Troup's court.
A gala of $4,000,000 was made in bank
clearings In Omaha this week over the
corresponding week a year ago. The
clearings this year were ft'l.OST.JUi .71 and
i fot the corresponding week last year H7.-
Do I on Salter with Colds t
Take Dr. Kings New Discovery, the
best ceugh, oold. throat and lung medi
cine made. The first dote helps. 6 All
druggists Adverilsem-
This Store It Being
Talked About
ORE than any other
V Vs til vt
Two women going up In the
elevator the other day were
overheard talking. "Did you
ever In all your life see such a
wonderful change In any etore
In so short a time?"
"I certainly never did,"
answered the friend. "I do
about all my buying here now,
because f ran do so much bet
ter and I like their goods."
We hear remarks like these
every day. It goes to show
that the public very quickly
catches on.
Dainty Embr'dery
Flouncings at 50c
QUTTK the dcraantl for
graduation and summer
dresses, organdy, voile and ba
tiste. In beautful selection of new
designs, 27 and 36 Inches wide.
Flouncings, tc
Embroidery flouncing, corset
cover embroideries and fine swlsa
edges, 6 to 18 Inches wide.
15c Kmbrolrterles, Rc
lodges and Insertions to match
from 3 to 5 Inches wide, fine
matched sets, German and French
val. laces, real linen laces, odgea,
point Tarls, etc.
Lace at 25c
611k chantllly, shadow, oriental
laces embroidery nets, flouncings,
etc., 18 to 17 Inches wide.
Xurgeas-slash Co. If ala rioor.
Millinery at One-Half Price
" I. , I , I I IM
Your Unrestricted Choice Monday of Any Trimmed Hat In Our
Stock at Exactly One-Half the Original Price.
THEBE is not a single reservn
' tion. The entire vtock is in
cluded. Beautiful new creations of individ
ual and distinctive style character.
Paradise Hats
Ostrich Hats
White Hats
Dress Hats
Black Hats
Etc., Etc.
We advise early selection. Here's an Idea further:
Trimmed Hats, formerly $5.0O,' Monday sale price. . . .$3.50
Trimmed Hats, formerly $7fiO, Monday sale price. . . . $;1.75
Trimmed Hats, formerly $10,00, Monday sale price. ,.$5.0O
Trimmed Hats, formerly $12.00, Monday gale price. .. $11.25
Trimmed Hats, formerly $15.00, Monday sale price ... $7.50
Trimmed Hats, formerly $17.50, Monday sale price. ..$8.75
Trimmed Hats, formerly $20.00, Monday sale price. .$10.00
Trimmed Hats, formerly $25.00, Monday sale price. .$12.50
and so on. '
BartMS-aa Oe. Bsoond Floor.
We take pleasure in announcing a series of
every day from two to three o'clock in the PiaQo Section,
Fourth Floor, beginning tomorrow with a recital on the
the most marvelous player piano in the world. . Through
this wonderful new player-piano you are enabled to hear
reproduced the playing of the world's greatest artista with
all the individual expression, delicate shading and intensity
of tone, as though the artist himself were present.
, Every change of tempo and every variation of loudness
and softness is recorded precisely according to the artist's
own rendition.
These recitals will be strictly Informal without any pre-arranged pro
gram, thus affording those attending the opportunity to hear any spe
cial selections they may prefer.
Yon are cordially invited to hear this remarkable in
strument with the assurance that no obligation is implied
by the demonstration.
Whether You AreGoing Away
Now or Later in the Summer
EltE'S an opportunity to save from 20 to 3.'iVa Pr cent
on your investment in traveling equipment.
Our line of .
Traveling Bags and Suit Cases at
$3.75, $5.50, $8.75. $12.00 to $27.50
SELECTED for this sale are of the highest
standard of quality and workmanship
and the price range Is considerably under the
usual quotations.
Hartman Trunks, $11.00 to $20.00
THE new construction kind, 3-ply bass
wood, some fiber covered, verv noDular
colors, assortment of sizes. The values are w
very special.
Bnrgess-Vash Oo. Tourta rioor.
We'll Take Your Old Sewing Machine as
First Payment on a Brand New
"Standard Rotary"
YOUR old sewing machine has served its time faithfully,
come get a brand new one in exchange for it and let the
modern device make your sewing a delightful comfort.
Six Special Bargains Monday
for Early Buyers
1 drophead Blnger (used) was $50 for $21. OO
1 drophead White (slightly used) was 4St"$29T75
2 drophead Improved Howe were $26 for..$Tt.75
1 drophead Standard (sample) was $40 for $2I.75
1 drophead Arrow (new) $18 value for $10.05
' TERMS$2 Down, $1 a Week
SurrtiatJ-YMh Co. Third rioor.
" - HsSafsjsBsX
Films Developed
FREE when an
order is left, for
Novelty and Utility COATS in the Most
Recent Fashionable Types
$16.50 to $55.00
THH well-gowned woman likes to select from such a variety
ns this, of the correct modes in coats for Spring wear.
The dressy si'k coats The coat for motoring
The travel coats The street coat in cloth
"We specially emphaaize the Cloth Coats received this week
for their interesting style toueuo?, superior workmanship and
splendid value, at $16.50, $19.60 and $25.00. .
Summer Suits in Silk, $25.00,
$35.00 and $45.00
These new suits of taffeta
and silk foillo are at all times
dressy, yet practical enough to
be economically serviceable.
There are many short Eton
effects and other models have
both length and flare.
Halt SaotiAa aoae floor.
Pleats, box and inverted, are
in evidence. Novel fastenings
reveal the designer's creative
ability. The colors are various
black, navy, -sand, putty,
greeu shades. Many individual
models from $-0 up.
aT "IU ".. Mi i m
Here?s a Remarkable Display of New Spring and
Summer SILKS . at About j Under the Usual Price
TIIQUSANDiS of yards of tho newest and most favored weaves in a big underprice
lavement here Monday. You'll find the selection a moat pleasing one and the values
really remarkable.
TrHty Hummer Drrss Hilks. 40c
In the very newest designs and lata colorings,
including foulards, plain ' and striped mescalines,
etc., very special values.
Plain Chiffon Taffetas, flOc
In such shades as blue, green, brown, tan, pink
and light blue; also white and black, 17 ins. wide.
Imported Pongee 811k, 50c
The real Japanese silk, every yard made by
hand and guaranteed to wear and wash perfectly,
full 33 Inches wide. - .
- , ltlack Chiffon Taffetas, 08c
S6 Ins. wide, beautiful rich luster, now so pop
ular for skirts, dresses and suits, an extreme value.
42-inrh Silk Poplins, $1.10
In a large selection of pretty new shades, with
self tone satin stripes.
Silk Faille Kiiltlng at $1.40
The most t-anted Rllk for dresses and suits In
almost every popular shade, favored for this sea
son, 36 inches wide.
Bnrtrass-Vash OO. -Mala Floor.
These "Mina Taylor" Coverall Aprons
are Remarkable Values at 79c Each
tUustratloa mads la our Apron Cotton
shows tb. practicability of this apron.
ry HE "Mina Taylor" coverall apron embraces tureu speviaj ivuiuies
X offered by no other apron
1 Cut full across the hips and will not come open when a woman sits
down-a button In lower back part of apron insures its staying closed.
3 Tie string Fives adjustable fit st waist.
3 Arms rut Just long enough and Just right enough so that the under
' arm Is always protected from view.
Mada exactly like picture of fin quality Amoskeag chambray in
blue, pink and lavender and trimmed with assorted checked chambray
to match. Three st-ea amall 1 to 38, medium 40 to 43, large 44 to
46. The price TOc.
BotgMS-Vash Co.' S.aoaa rioor
Beautiful Imported
English Cretonnes
Greatly Underpriced
THERE is possibly noth
ing more desirable for
upholstery or summer drap
ery purposes than cretonne. ,
The offering for Monday in-'
eludes several thousand
yards of imported English
and domestic cretonnes, also
prints' and English chlnts, 3$
Inches wide In scores of very de
sirable colorings and designs,
both dark and light effects.
IJere's an idea of the way they
are priced:
35c to 45c cretonnes. 27c
45c to 50c cretonnes 37c
60c to 65c cretonnes 45c
80c to 85c cretonnes 65c
35c Bordered Scrims, 19c
Beautiful selection of bordered
scrims, very desirable for curtains
for bungalows, bedrooms, dining
rooms, etc., blue, pink and green,
fancy borders were to 8 Be for
10c yard.
25c Marquisette,- 17c
86-inch marquisette of extra,
heavy quality, the usual 2Se
quality at 17c yard.
. orgass.Xash Co Third lloe.
It's Doubtful if You've Shared in Better CURTAIN
Values Than These Monday The $2.00 Kind at $1.25
THERE are several hundred pairs in the lot for selection plain white, also dotted
Swiss curtains. Rome with ruffled borders, others with tucks and plain centers. They
are 36 to 40 irrches wide and yards long.
day at $1.25 the pair.
Usual $1.50 and $1.65 Valaet at $U0
PRETTY selection of loom laoe curtains,
made of a good quality Egyptian yarn in
white or ecru, 36 inches wide, 2V yards
long. The usual $1.50 and $1.65 quality at
$t.()0 the pair.
Embracing values to $2.00; very special Mon-
ders, the Usual $1.25 Kind at 75c
"YylHTE muslin curtains with pretty as
. sorted colored borders, some with
lace und insertions, others with lace edges;
the ufual'$l.w."i kind at 75e the pair.
o-Tsss-sTash Co. TWra rioor.
Demonstration of the FILTROLA Coffee Percolator
THE 'Filtrola" is the only coffee maker permitting the use of pulverized coffee, which
means great economy. From tests made, 4 parts of pulverized coffee will produce as
much color and strength with better flavor than six parts of fine ground coffee. The
price, $o.W.
50-lb. Japanned
flour boxes,
$1.25 values,
at 7Bc
Fancy Japan
ned bread box
es, at .... J5c
5-lb. Japanned
sugar boxes,
at -. 2Sc
Cedolene o I 1
mops and han
dle for . . .SIR'
Household Necessities Underpriced
Nickle plated
towel bars, 10
to 18-1 neb sires
for lOo
washing ma-
Kiy slip on
mops, I dry
mop, 1 oil mop
and a bottle of
oil, 1.76 value,
at t.l
Climax wall
paper cleaner.
8 cans itso
Ready mixed
bouse and floor
paints, gallon,
st $1.50
Kalkomo calci
mine, any col
or, pkg. . . 85c
Sloan's galvan
ised water
coolers, 2-qt.
site 3tfc
Good grass
shears, ISo
kind .,...10o
Rubber closet
plungers . .aUc
chines, the beat
vacuum wash
er made, gal
vanized body,
Stag handle
paring knives,
26e value ,13c
Patent egg or
hot potato lift
ers, at . . . .loo
10 pin wooden
hat and coat
racks, at . . .60
Regina pneu
matic carpet
sweepers, $7.00
.$10- 'value
I CM .
arfMS-sTaali Ot-lunimt.
"eye nnrBoixtOTOius
Free Lessons
in china painting,
join the class