Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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    3 X
Appeal from Europe to Break Down
Traditions and Bring1 About
Preventive of War. ,
U'orrespnnrt'-i f of thr Associated I'r.
GENEVA, April 22. The World
Union of Women recently foundod
here by Mrs. Clara (iuthrle Cocke of
New Orleans, daughter of the late
Judge E. J. Merrick, chief Justice of
Louisiana. Is receiving support and
members from all parts of the world.
The Union, ' ef tabllr.hed upon thi
common basis of womanly compas
sion, which we shall endeavor to
manifest Justly In rational thought
and act," has insned the following
address to American women:
Ton havs been a tower of strength
to the perncJteil and desolated WrUnia
of the frightful rataslro;he whl'h . has
overtaken Europe. !n arest wave of
sympathy you ihvp equipped ships of
mercy with focd and clothing an! you
have given nobly, while all tlio world
ha rrfsrrtod you wit It admiration.
"But there exists now a vaster iucs
tinn a more Important need. wh!-h the
women of Kuroi-e call upon you to hi-lp
them solve. It Is tho eonstrurtlon of the
means to present the ponelhtl'.ty of a re
currence of the cruel event through
which we -are forced to llvo.
Hampered hy Tradlllan.
"This problem U unfortunately a much
more complicated and difficult one when
seen at clou range, from the. very enter
of tha storm, than when viewed from
'across the ocean. We are hampered here
hi Kurop 4v wlrt d.vM-rnce of men
tality of age-old traditions and by the
existing chaos from which you In Amer
ica do not aufler.
"We listen with admiration to the
splendid, precipe, and definite prograjns
Which your peaca psrtles havo been ahls
lo draw, up. but- we acknowledge aadly
that under the circumstances surround
ing ua on the European continent 'they
would be impossible for us to adopt.
"And yst peace must be prepared and
, tha women of Kurope must undertake
thla preparation here. Hut they must do
It In their own way and In accord with
the many different mentalities of tint
many respective nations. It Is one thing
to desire peace and another to gel It.
"Our program may therefore seem to
you very simple, almost rudimentary,
possibly lacking In decision and In bold
nes. But It you will think of It, It Is
In reality a very courageous thing which
we have undertaken; to declare, war
agalnct wkr among peoples who are
undes the spell of the glories of militar
ism: to spread the doctrine of fraternal
love and indulgence where human hate
Is rampant; to work for Internationalism
emnnff those whose souls are aflame
with national patriotism! ; to teach the
value of Individual effort when Individ
ual, rtjjht has never been at so great a
discount. Is It-not a great, brave task
ami one lor Which united'- womanhood, is
. peculiarly fitted . . .
"There are many things which we be
liev In. we could not Incorporate
In our program because we musf first
unite upon a basis of humanity and pot
of human opinions. . ' 1
."We are therefore . starting out In a
ruined world, content te begin humbly
preparing the ground and sowing the
seeds of peace, to try and counteract the
evil which' makes war possible, and to
suppress the frightful bitterness which
a tha Inevitable aftermath of war does
more thsn aught else to irdpede mutual
progress. ' , ' ' ''
We are content- te bogia . humbly at
the very bottom. bo'uso we believe that
It Is the only beginning possible to us;
but we expect, step by step, to arrive to.
get1)r at a, wise understanding of the
deep and ' mysterious causes of war and
a comprehension of what Is necessary to
establish end maintain peace. .
"We expect lo co-operate In a realisa
tion which shall grant Individual rights
and national rights and shall make of the
I'alaca of Feaca (now closed and mockod
In all the beauty of tie Inspiration), a
temple of Justice, where national, differ
ence shall be arbitrated, by an Interna,
tlonal tribunal, to -who dodatoqa all
mankind shall bow.' We. believe that
united womanhod holds the key and the
power, that we must learn togethtr hew
te Ubem, .
Liaklagt Wssms Tearether.
This world union which we ask yen
to enter, then, is the linking together of
all women and thlr eruanisst)ons In
every country on the simple basis of hu
manity. Ils practical benefit - to the
women In each country would be the ad
vanoement of solidarity and fraternity
among women ef all classes, and tha op
portunity whlrh It offers to-the Individ
uaJ. (no matter hew humble), to feel
herself a sk ful unit with an Immi-dlate
field for her activity and her deslra to
work In the cause of peace.
-'The women -of each country. will be
troe to employ . their branch of the
World union la a precis a : campaign
aa la compatible. wILh renditions existing
In their own land. - Thus programs of
quite dlveree natures can ba forwarded
by the World union aa long as these pro
S rams conform In general with the lines
uponjwhb-h it bss been otganlzed. There
is no subject which concerns women
ASItrh cannot lo benefited by such a
U h Ion. It la the. link between all opin
ions. all nationalities and. all women.
"We need you .'arid your support and
we leel aure. that ydw. our more favored
sJsUrs. Mvtnr In happier condition, will
"no more refuse ua your- aid than you
hava refused the pleas for help which a
mlerable world haa cried out to ou.
''Join ua In forming thla World union,
bawd upon womanly 'compaaalon. that
together we may U-ara how to manifest
It Jufctly In rational thought and act."
IOWA CITY. la.. May s.-(8per!al Tele
gram.) Misa Ku'h ravts. agrd J9 years,
of Jefferson, la . freshman in the Liberal
Arts Collage. CiiKertlty of Iowa, waa
drowned at 1:30 this morning In the Iowa
river, just b low Prey's point The fa
tality resulted from tho upsetting of a
csnos talow the City park bridge. Her
onipaolin. Desu Harmon, kenlor medic,
wtut Mtvfcd. The fatality waa a drajiwtlc
uoa. Intensified by the setting of gaiety
whKh surrounded It. Dancmg rties at
tliu City park. Country club and Idle
wild pavilions had Just Vrokrn up and
liic tu,k u l.ix.d with students rs-tuif.i(jF-
iioiu . ,
v-irtdy Bea ts re Want Ada.
Recent Omaha Visitor Has Narrow I
While no Nebraska pople
known to have been on the 111
-faUi j
rr to
laisltania. one recent visitor
Omaha had a narrow escape. The
name of .Madame Antolne De Fag.-,
who was here a month ago In the lo-.
teregt of the Belgian relief fund for
hospital work conducted by her hus
band, appears on the passenger list,
but ad vires from New York are to
the effect ibat she did not sail, not
being in vary good health and being
tersuaded to remain over while
New York doctor went In her place
to execute her mission. When
Madame De Fage was In Omaha thi
vas entertained "by Mrs. L. F. CY
foot, and gave a graphic narrative of
war conditions In Belgium to
specially Invited . audience at tlw
home of Dr. A. F. Jonaa. ' She Is a
Bel?ln. petite and sprightly, and im
pressed all who met her with .her
earnestneHg and Intelligent devotloi
to the work.
Body of Charles
Frohman is Found
QCKKNRTOWN. Msy -The body of
Charles' F'rohmnn. the theatrical man
ager of New York, has besn recovered
and 'brought to Queenslown. where It Is
now being emblemed .
List of First Cabin Survivors
NEW YORK, May l.-Ths following
list of Lusitania survivors has been com
piled from cable dispatches received In
New York and from the Hat sent by the
American consul at Queenatown to the
Btale department and sent eut from
Abramowlts, 8., Boston.
Adama, Mrs. Henry, Roaton.
Adama. W Idlnnt .McMillan.
Allan. Lady. Montreal.
Alice, H. JV, New ioia.
Ava'a. Julian 1
Hsker. James. England., J vim J. iuaaenger Hat gives
Jiallnnttne, Margaret.
Bernard. C. P.. Naw York.
Bernard, Oliver, Boston.
Birmingham, II. Edgar (not on passen
ger Hat).
Cohan. James, Toronto.
bottomley, Frederick (not on passenger
Bn'rlng, Charles W.. New York.
Doulton, jr., II , Londew.
Ihjh. fiicholita.
Brandell. Mlsa Josephine, New York.
Bretherton. Mrs.
Brooks. J. H., New Tork.
Burgess, Hiry O.. New York. .
Burnstde. Mr. New York.
Dnswell, T., New York.
Bvinton, A, J , Liiuon. - '
Uyrne, Mlohael O.. New York.
Cairns, M. (not on passenger list).
Cannon. Owen (not on passenger list).
Chambers, Ouy.
Charles. J. H., Toronto.
.Chaiies, Mlsa Doris. Turonte.'",
' Clrk. I Toronto
Clarke, IRetr. Cowlay, London'.
(ill la, Patrick (paasenger list glvea
Uoraca Clift .
Coiehrook. H. O., Toronto. 1
Collla, Edwin M
. Connor, Miss Dorothy. New York.
; Cowper. r.rnest, Toronto.
Croslev, Cyrus.
Croslay, Mrs, Cyrus.
Crosa. A H.
,Paly. II. M., 11. M. (not given on passenger
iievid, Emily (paasena-r list gives Mlsa
Annie Pevi).'8on, Wodwsrd Walter.
llodd. Miss Dorothy.
Iherty, Miss, and Infant
Duckworth, Kllsabslb.
Duguid, Cor.rge. '
Pyar, Robert. I
t Ills John.
. f;vans, T J. M (not on passenger list).
Kwart. Itobart J.
Fercseswlch, John (not on passenger
Kernandy, Edward (not on passenger
K'h Mr . snd two chlMren,
Fisher. Howsrd, New York.
Fle'man John.
Part1 .K
Qauntlett, PYed J., New Tork.
, itHHueit. F, J.. New York.
Oblberdot. Herbert,
tirab. O. II. (not on passenger list).
Owver, Mrs. IL 1
Owyer. - Bev. II. L.
Hammond O II., New York.
Hard. Miss B,
Hardwick, C. C., Nsw York.
Harnwlok. C C.. New York.
Harrlman, Cornelius (not en passenger
Karrta Tk C. ,
Henderson. Huntley. -
Henderson, Violet,
' Henklne, Francis.
Herrls. John (not en passenger list).
H'l' Mrs C I- !,
'Hodges, Dean W Philadelphia.
Holland. Mlsa.
Holland, Mrs. Nina.
Home, Thomaa. Toronto.
Hooks. Klsla (not on rsssanger list).
Hooke, J. (passenger list gives Oeorgs
Hotciiklss, Charles (not en paaaengsr
Hourhton, J. II. (not en passenger list).
Houghton. Dr. J. T., Nsw York.
Ilousnell. Tdgar.
Jeffry. A. M (not on passenger list).
lfrrv. Chmrtea T.. Chlcatfo.
Jenslns, Bertrsm (not on paaaengsr list)
Jenkins, Krancis U., Cblcago.
dollvet. Miss Kits, Chicago.
Jones. A K.. first officer.
J ud son. Fred S.
Kav. Robert.
Kave Miss Ketherlns.
Kempaon. M. Toronto.
Kes-u-r. tora. -n- oik.
Kessler. tleorgo A.. Toronto.
Knox. r. M.. l"blladejphta.
Lane. O. U.
Anti-Vermin Fund
is Started in Berlin
(Correspondence ef the Associated Press.)
BERLIN. April X-An anu-vsrmln
tund la the latest and most unusual prod,
uct of the war.' It has been started by
ths central committee m cn.rg. o g,.
to ths soldiers, whk-h has sppea'.ed t
every German In tha empire to contribute
at least ona mark. The biggest banks In
rerlln. with branches In every large city,
have beea made the depositaries and
s gents.
The unique fund la tbe outcome of al
most pitiful appeals from the soldltrs In
ths east, inrreeeing ta number every day.
Worae than hunger, thirst er elcknesa,
they say, is the terrible scourge that haa
attacked them and against which they
sre powerless. Suppllss of ma tar la la for
combatting ths pest have been exhausted
sad at present there ere no funds on hand
for the purchase of more.
Tbe appeal that haa gone out la haaded:
"Glv Quickly! The Appeal la Urgent: " cards his clerical attire and gels tnt
II la believed to be the largest campaign . hla golfing garb throws aside memories
of its kind In history. Not only are the I of theological argumenU and concan
oldiers suffering terribly, but when In- j trete on the hope of emulating the
velPWd back home are apt te spread the strvkes of a Braid or a Vardon. A ho.
The Bee Want Ads a bast Businaaa
Escape from Lusitania Fate
Lassetter, Mra. H. B., London.
Lasseter, Y., London,
f.aurlat, Charles i'... Ir.i Poston.
Learoyd, Mra, and maid, Sydney, Aus
tralia. Urv, James, Nw York.
Lehman, Isaae, Liverpool.
Levin. Thomas D. (nut on
Ixtvlnson, Joseph (not on
. lewn, F. Ouy, New York.
Lewis (third officer), J. F.
Liht. Herbert.
Llnea, Stanley L. B.
Linea, Mra. Stanley L. B.
Llnnson, J, jr.
Llvermore, Vernsr.
Lebh, Mrs. Pophm. New York.
Ixckhart R. M..' Toronto.
Loney, Mra, New York.
Ioney Miss, New York.
.und. Mrs. C. H.
lurdon. Mrs. Andrew snd Infant.
MeConnell, John W., Memphis, Ttnn.
McMurray, L., Toronto.
Mack worth. Lady, Cardiff.
Manley, A. (not on passangeir list.)
Marderud, Uno (not on paesanger list).
Marlchal. Joseph, wife and two dauah-
Martin. Miss R. -
Mathews, A. T.t Montreal.
Merellne, Mrs. (not on psssanger list)
Meyers. W. Q. K. (oaasanser list alvea
II. H. Meyers.)
Mayoock, M'ss Msy.
Mesh. Mrs. Thomaa (not en Daaaanane
Moore,- Daniel. .
Moore, John. M.
Morris. Rsv. H. C. 8.
Mosley, a. V, Nsw Tork.
Murdock. Miss Jsasle (not on naaaanaae
list). ...
Neeth, h. (not on passenger list.)
North. Miss Olive.
O Donnell, Patrick.
Orr-Lewls, F., Toronto.
OStevan Thomas.
Padley. Mrs. P.. Liverpool.
Pai.pdopuu.o, M. M., Greece.
Pappadopoulo, Mrs. M. N., Greece,
Parker, Jamea (passenger list gives W.
Partridge. lrsnu. New York.
raynter, Mrs. Irene, Liverpool.
Payntsr Charles E, Liverpool.
Pearl, Ardray.
Pearl, Major F, Warren, New York.
Pearl. Mra. F. Warren and two chil
dren, New York.
Pearl. Ktuart Dur.can P.. New York,
perry, Frederick J.. Buffalo, N. Y.
I'll 11.1 lis, Thomas (pueaeiuer gives
William Phillips).
Phillips. Wallace B., New York.
iPerpont Wllliem J.. IJvsrpooL
Pope, Mlsa Theodttta. Farmlngton,
Posen, Ed, Farmlngton, Conn.
lUdcllff, N. A., New York.
Bankln, Robert, New York.
Reiddy. O. (pasaengcr Hat gives J. R.
Rhys-Evans, A. L., Cardllff, Waiea.
Rogers, Percy W, Toronto.
Rowan, Frederick (list give A. Bowen),
fVott, J. (probably George 8eott)
Phsrp, Samuel.
Blmpson, Rev. H. W.
BlldalU T.. New Tork.
bildweil, Thomaa (probably M. T. 81ld
ell of New York).
Bra'th, J. Preston.
firolth. Mlae Jassie Taft, Bracevllla, O.
fteela, George,
Havana, George. '
Btockton, Robert (probably A. Stock
ten). (turdy. C. F., Montreal.
Sullivan. Mrs. Y.
Sweeney, John M.
1 Taylor, Rhhard Lionel, Montreal.
Thomas, D. A, Cardiff, Walea.
Thompson, Mrs. K lihss. Indians.
Thompson. Mrs. Bliss, Indiana.
Tlerney. Michael (probably James Tler-ne-
of Prtshurgh).
Tlmmlsa, R. J., New York.
Tootal. F. E. O., London. '
To uver, Csptaiu U. T nf Lualtania.
Turton, O. H., Melbourne, Australia. ,
Vasaar. W. A. P.. London.
Walker, Annie (probably Mary Walker).
Ward. Charlee.
Ward, Mra. Charles.
Ward. Oeorga.
Ward, Mra. Oeorse.
Webb. M,ss Minnie. '
Williams. Edith.
Winter, Mlsa T. .
Witherbee, Mra. A. F., New Tork.
Wolfenden. Mra. John.
Wright. Uohert O,
Y-.nir. ' 'n, Vontesl '
Yung. Phillip. New York.
Dress Has Much to
Do with Making Man,
Says a Professor
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
LONDON. May J.-'The aUcceee which
aUeBdod wvtrilMVl of placlB
workmen at Llvamo.,1 i kh.wi i-
! terefling from
psychological stand-
point." writes a college profosaor to one
of the London newspapers. He explains-
"I have frequently been told by re
cruits In the army that, although they
may have felt some sort of entbua'asm
when drilling In civilian costume. It haa
been of a lukrwarm character .compart d
with the inleualty of spirit which svemed
to develop after they had donned their
uniforms- snd bean suppl'rd with rifles
"In thla emotional elation through
change ef clothing Is lllustrsted a very
common rule of life, which haa been felt
by most of us In ths court of everyday
xlstenc. The bishop or parson who dls-
pit at nurse lives up to tn glorious tra
ditions of her uniform. A change mto
vanlng drsaa la a much more potent ap
petiser ttuaa a sherry and bitters "
I J "S. I
I V ".:-
if : x -
Captain Picked Up
Three Hours After
Ship Went Down
( lifjSIWXV. May .-
-Captain Turner of
at hl post on the
inn .uriuiitijt riM7-l
bridge until hla ehlp went down and was
reecued three hours aft-rwnrd W'-srlng
k llfchielt. according to IX A. Tliomaa, the
Cardiff, Wales, coal magnate.
-"Our course waa ehnyid for nhore Jm-
; meillBt,'ly after the torpedo etrurk." he
i raid. "Tlx r Is a difference of opinion a
j to whether the etcamcr wan atrui k by
I more thn one torpedo, but I heard only
Cunard Manager
Calls It Murder!::
UVKKfUOU M.iy 7 -Alfred Booth,
manager-director of the Cunard Sleam
nhif) rompnny., made the following atate
ment today:
"1 dealre to send my heartfelt sympa
thy, wherein all tho Cunard directors
land mansgera join, to relatives and
! friends of the American paaacngers mur-
dered by the German aubmarlnca.
"I am certain tho whole civilized world
la aa one In grief for tho aorrow and
suffering cauel snd In loathing fur this
treacherous attack on Innocent llvu. mn I
many of whom were women and chil
dren." Wheat Breaks Five
; Cents Per Bushel
CHICAGO, May . A break of more
than 5c a bushel in the wheat market
today was attributed chiefly to trade dis
turbances due to the sinking of the Lusi
tania. July wheat, which closed last
night at $1.31, sold down today to below
II. 2S. It was said a large . number of
British freight steamers about to sail
from the United States had bacn stopped
The extreme fall In wheat was nearly
6 cents before the collapse ended. July
touched $1.1514, a total descent of STe
cents. In the end the market was rally
ing, with July final quotations I1.26H. a
jloes of i eents net
Florence Carman Is
Acquitted by Jury
M IN KOLA, U I., May 8. A verdict of
acquittal was returned after. a short de
liberation late today by the jury trying
Mrs. Florence C. Carman on the charge
of murdering Mrs. Louise Bailey at Free
port on the night of June, 30 last.
u -. i -
and Laces
Only the Best Qualities, and
Those at Right Prices.
Organdies, Batistes, Swiss,
Nainsooks and . Cambrics
all widths. Also Insertions,
Fancy Bandings and All
overs. LACES Embroidered net
top flouncings, Chantilly
flouncings, narrow laces,
Valenciennes, Novelties,
Cluny and Torchons.
SILK NETS and Chiffons
in all colors.
Wash Goods
. Values
ing stripes, jitney dots and
neat floral designs,
at 25 a yard
maintain a leading place
for dependable quality; in
patterns for summer
dresses; an extensive vari
ety of styles, 25 a yard
SILKS Plain colors, dots
and fancy figures, 27 inches
wide - 25 a yard
HAMS In checks, stripes
and. fancy plaids, good
styles and colors, 12H
15S 25S and up to 50?
a yard.
peat stripes and checks, all
colors, 27 inches wide
15 and 25t a yard
Newspaper Man Aboard Lusitania
Watches Approach of the Torpedoes
QUKBNPTOWN, May . A eharp l.x.h
out for submarlnea waa Kept aboard the
Lusitania aa It approached the Irl!i
coaat. according to Krncat Cowper, a
Toronto newapsper who w miionK
the survivor landed hero. He declared
that after tho ehlp was torpedied there
waa no panic among the crew, hut that
they wi.t about the work of petttnit pas
sengers Into the boats In a prompt and
efficient manner. "
"As we peered the const of Ireland. '
said Mr. Cowper, ' we all joined in the
lorkoi-t, f.r a possible attack bv n gio
i marine w as the aole topic of cVinverca-
tlon. I was chattln? with a friend at the
rail about 2 o'clock when auddenly 1
iht a glimpae of the conning tower
of a submarine about a thousand yards
Hastings & ITeyden sre having plans
drswn for a building to be located on
Taxton Court between Twenty-fifth ave
nue and Twenty-sixth street and Douglas
snd Farnam streets, which will conslut
of six five-room terrsces and will be
modern In every wsy. It IS to have three
rooms on the first floor, two steeplne
rooms and bath on the second floor.
The cost of the building will be between
$18,000 ami $?,000.
A whole Pullman load of Omaha em
ploying printers msy join the special
train through here on the way to the
annual convention, of the National Ty
pothetae and Ben Franklin clubs at Los
Angeles In September. At a recent meet
ing of local members, the matter was
talked over favorably, ssys E. L. Potter,
but It Is still too early to mako definite
plans for a special car for the Omaha
Ben Franklins.
Mr. and Mrs. Rome Miller arrived
home last night from Los Angeles and
the Pacific coaat, where they hsve -been
sojourning for the last two months.
Mrs. H. Clarence Myers, accompanied
by her small daughters, the Misses
Marlon and Bernlce, left Friday for Lin
coln and Concordia, Kan., for a several
weeks' visit.
Miss Luclla Allen has returned from
Ohio and taken an apartment at tho
Silks! Wonderful New Silks
' - . . .
in the May Clearaway Monday
..." ..V ' '
AU new, all fine, and of first importance in .
Spring fashions beautiful designs and exqui
. site color effects.
$2.50 Silk and Wool 40-inch Figured
Canton Crepe - - - - - 98c a Yard
A rare opportunity. Colors, gray, new -green,
sand, brown, rose, gold.
$2.00 Figured Chiffon Taffeta; '
36 inches wide - - - - 98c a Yard
In the new shades of navy, wisteria, reseda
green, Copenhagen, brown and black, in pretty
figured effects. The Pompadour or printed
figure is the very Jatest color combination.
$1.0p Silk and Wool Crepe:
40 inches wide - - - - 49c a Yard
An exquisitely soft and beautiful fabric, in
all the new shades of tan, new blue, gray, rose,
pink, wisteria, all taken from our regular
extra fine quality of sheeting; our
regular 85c sheets, for MONDAY ONLY,
at - - - - G9 Each
diatant. I Immediately called my friends'
attention to it. Immediately ws both
bhw the track of a torpedo, followed al
most Inatanily by an explosion. Portions
of splintered hull were sent Tying Into
Ihe nir, and then another torpedo struck.
The ship began to list to storbosrd.
The crew at once proceeded to get the
pacsenuers into boat In an orderly,
prompt and efficient manner. Miss Helen
smith appealed to me to save her. I
plaerd her In n !oat and saw her safely
away. 1 got Into one of the last boats
to leave.
"Ponie of the boats -ould not be
launched, as the vessel was sinking.
Thore was a large number of women and
childron in the second cabin. Forty of
tho children were less than a year old."
Thorwalii. She was sceompsnled by her
sister. Mrs. Henry Ulrkmter, who will
remain here several weeks.
Mrs. W. H. Taylor returned Tuesday
from a seven weeks' visit in New York
City and Philadelphia, her form home.
Mra. Iuuac Colts leavea today for Hart
ford, Pa., where sho will be the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Baum. From there
Mrs. Colea plans to go to Charlottesville,
Vs., to visit Mr. Coles' family.
Y. W. C. A. Notea.
The Hospitality circle of the Young
Women's Christian association will have
charge, of the vesper service Sunday
atternoon. Miss Jesslo Tow-ne will give
a reading, Mies Madge Weet a viol.n
solo, and Mlsa Hazel Silver will sintf.
Misa Glen bleeper will preside and the
members of the club will be hostesses at
the social hour, which always follows
the other service. Refreshments are
served and a general "get-acquainted"
time Is had.
Mitts Grace Poole Is to give a concert
for the benefit of the Geneva fund of the
Home Economics club of the Young Wo
men's Christian association on Thursday
evening. May 13, In the auditorivm of the
building. The club Is anxious to send a
delegate to the summer conference at
Lake Geneva and are using thla means
to raise money. The tickets are IB cents
for members of the association and 25
cents for nonmembers and 10 cents for
Children. Miss Mooro, Instructor In the
household arts department. Is In charge
of tha concert
On Friday night the Fellowship club
Is to stage two plays, "The Patriot Girl"
and "Hlartvtlle," Mrs. E. M. Roy Sun
derland hsa been coaching the plays and
they promise to be very good. Tickets
are 2 &and 15 cents. ,
The senior nurses of the Methodist
hospital are to be the guests of the ex
tension committee at an afternoon tea
on Wednesday.
Miss Lilly atrons. Mrs. W. P. Harford
end Mrs. C. II. Johannes are attending
the national convention, Mrs. Harford
being elected president
Miss George and Miss Brenlzer are
spending the week-end at their homes.
These Attractive
Graduation Dresses
Fashioned of White Voiles.
Nets, Organdies and Novelties
$1350 to $3950
The graduation gown to be a complete suc
cess must combine youthfulness with the
dignity of young womanhood.- It must be
selected with careful consideration because
the school miss knows how important the
dress is on commencement night.
The Ready to Put On Dress
Offers These Advantages
you know before hand how the com
pleted dress will appear.
you have no fitting worries.
you save time and money. ,
Private Display Rooms and courteous attend
ants at your command, i
We invite an inspection Monday.
Real Estate Men
To Stop Off Here
In a little more than a month the east
sm real estate delegations will begin
coming through Omaha on the wsy to
Psn Francisco and Los Angeles. wheTe
they will attend the exposition and the
convention of the National Association,
of Real Estate exchanges, respectively.
Word has been received that the- dele
gation of Indiana real ertate men Is to
arrive in Omaha on June 14, and Is to
spend most of the day here. The local
Real Estate exchange Is making arrange
ments to entertain them. Omaha la about
the only real stop if Importance tie
Indiana delegation Is to make.
Many other delegations from ass.ern
state and cities are to stop several hours
or a day at a time In Omaha, on Invita
tion of the Omaha Real Estate exchange,
end are to be entertained here. Between
thirty and forty Omaha realty men arc
to go to Los Angeles to attend the con
ventlon there.
Building Painting
Campaign Urged
"Clean up and paint up your prop
erty," was the advice given real estate
men by John L. McCague, to tha Real
Estate exchange, at the meeting Wednes
day. ,
Mr. McCague was called upon to say
something for the good of Omaha. He
pointed out that Omaha is a great and
growing city and that a campaign this
spring for cleaning up and painting every
building that needs a coat of paint would
do much toward beautifying the city.
"Paint not only your own buildings." he
said, "but urge your clients to have
theirs painted."
A. P. Tukey A Son report tho following
sales made In the last fifteen days:
26 Charles street to Jacob Hahn. six
room house. Consideration not given.
Lot on north side of Burt at Twenty
fifth atreet to August Larson, $1,000.
The southwest corner of Twenty-etxth
snd Cass streets to . Emit HoLmjtrom.
(3.26a ,
44 feet on Thirteentn street iv.'.ween
Harney and Howard to Peter Melcblor.
Thla property adjolna Mr. Mclchlor's ma
chine shop on the north.
6117 Webster street to Walter A. Chand
ler. $4,000.
M26 California to Fred L. Levlne, $6,000.
Two Iota on the northeast comer of
Forty-fifth avenua and the boulevard lit
Clalrmont addition to Anderson & Carl
eon, $2,600. Anderson A Carlson expect to
Improve this property with first-class
homes this summer.
The Store for
(Original) -
presents Monday a new of
fering of Spring Blouses of
Pussy Willow, Georgette and
Crepe de Chine
$5, $5.95, $6.50
Both, plain fabrics and the
new popular stripes.
For Spring
and Summer
The most comprehensive
collection we have .ever
shown, surpassing any dis
play ever attempted in
Omaha, both in complete
ness of assortments and
wonderful range of new
It is needless to dwell
upon the beauty of the com.
binations or the skillful de
signs of Sorosis Shoes. Suf
fice to say that every known
style is represented in thi3
splendid stock.
$3.50 to $9.00 a pair