PART TWO EDITORIAL 'AGES OXE TO TWELVE unday Bee TART TWO SOCIETY PAGE? OtfE TO TWELVE VOL. XL1V-NO. 47. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORXIXd. MAY , 11)15. single coit five cents. c ,tes t P h o t o s fro to o ' 'rv f;::A "CTS urere concentrated tor tne advance on Constant mopie . I tti e wi.f -A fena TVftK Ioyal ScoU marrhinp na r Alexandria Cypt. wKere they Vvere concentrated for (he advance on Constant inopje . 4 ! h!,v:. in nf iiH fcrs.: Y ii.-i! X. . . ' 1 7i , 1 Only; photo fakeJi tjr permission I si nee the war bean. N7a; h l ii - . ii . i ii in i i i t-V(T ; ' ,.T, . ,.j;' n- , In France farming and fighting go on si&e'by:si&ey ; lvSi. ErpJosioti of hell startles ihe iowe and rigliena the sheep a. I f J ' .: I y . v. -vv ; .. . v i , ... . a. iw Apedjtionary force of Irencli troojs headed for the JJa.Tda.neUe a . bein6 xe viewed irlaax Hauntiltoju . .... T ... - V TTX Mil . ' I "I sv ISh new men. Close up view of an Austrian tren M in Galicia v 5 J A fj J , , ,. i...iair ... IIlI Com milder of ihc Trench . forces Jn Asiatic Turkey e7 11 A, ' (Jun drill ty Trench force in EyPfc V--;,-, :ZJr:.Z: :Xi, ' ;jti' i(4 f " III III V u I I f 5 d