Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 12-A, Image 12

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    1:A : ; TI1H OMAHA SUNDAY r.KKt MAY K VMo. '
Calling Cards and Invitations
Two Big Specials From Linen Store Main Floor
M wl 30 TMTtli, I So
Monday f place on sale a lot of
lowfin. complins; of All Pure Linen
Hurk Towels hemstitched etvla,
also Fxtra IIuhTi Double nr.
Thrfn.1. rill Hlearned Tur- jf
2.8S Spreads,
Th! lot rnmtsts of frlneed
emla. srallnned cut comers
SO Linen Calling Cards Any type. Printed while you shop. OQj,
Special Monday
Wedding Invitations Special, 100 for $3.00 d UB
rrtstery lull Floor.
plain hemmed, all in the cro
1 MB 1 TV-
chet kind pretty
rmterne to select
from. Hpeclal, ach .
Many Offerings for Monday Which Promise Unusual Interest
This sale of Muslinwear is the prominent feature this week and we feel sure the variety and values of this sale will make a
favorable impression on thousands of Omaha people. The Sample Suit Sale and the sale of Laces and Embroideries are of
special note; also splendid values in the Silk Department. The Lace Store is in the vanguard again Monday.
II New
A Suit Sale for Monday
Height of the Mode Height of Value
175 Fine
Sample Suits
Choice for
A pun-liaso of 90 line snmplo suits, combined
with 85 of our own tmit liiat are
worth to $50.00 each, will go on
salt' Monday, at
Every Good Material
Every Good Color
Every Good Style
of tin- hcnaon will he found. Many of the
units liavo no duplicates. They come in
misses' and women's sizes.
300 Fine Suits
Worth to $35.00
Also, choke of every Fanhlonseal ault in atock at the
name price. There are 75 sample suits and about 225
Faahtonseals, making one of the biggest and moat in
teresting offerings of the season. Spe
cially priced . y . . .
Summer Wash
Classy warm weather
frocks that are bright
and crisp. They coma
in nets, lacos, voiles,
linens, etc. The priced
hto $6.08, $10,
$12.50 and....
New Summer Taffeta Frocks
Eastern fashion has decreed that the smart
thingssior the coming summer season will be
soft, light weight taffeta. "We have a large
variety of models that havojust been placed
on sale, and they brim with smartness.
The colors are tho pretty blues,
grays, tans, plaids and black. .
The prices ore $19.00, $25.00 and $35.00.
Georgette Crepe Blouses
So Popular for Summer Wear
$3?s to $8? .
Launder beautifully; so dressy and .sheer that is why
it is preferable to lingerie. Dozens of new models have just
arrived from New York
New Models , . n
Filet Lace Trimmed Models
Hand Embroidered Models
The colors are white, flesh and navy.
"We have jtn entire sec
tion devoted to their selling.
New Net Blouses $5.98 to $12.98
New Striped Talleur Radium and Crepe de Chine Blouses
for $3.98 to $6.98
'Charming Midsummer Hats
of Marked Individuality
. Does one ask, "Large or small hats!" There is no law
governing this fashion, and one may choose at will.
Large sailor or shepherdess models may be hadiu leg
horn, horse-hair, lizere or maline. "While the tiny turban
has lost none of its early popularity and is quite as smart
as the very large hat, some very clever sport hats are now
being shown in Bangkok, Milan, Panama and Corduroy that
; are quite apart from tho ordinary.
The Brightness of May
Is Suggested In This Muslinwear
The assortments of dainty muslin undergarments shown
in this department are very comprehensive and exceeds
our previous efforts in variety and in values.
i 69c
Choice of a lot of pretty, dainty garments, made
in all the new and practical ideas. '
A Lot of 3.000 garments including Gowns, Skirts,
Envelope Chemise. Corset Covers, Combinations, Etc.
Soft lingerie cloths with dainty laces, embroideries
and ribbons.
Wonderful values in
the most practical of
pretty lingerie. A lot
of 2,000 garments to
select from. Every
style- and size needed.
The daintiness of thin
assortment and the
beauty of the garment
will be more than you
have expected. Gowni,
Fklrt. Combination,
Corset Covers, Knvelope
Chemise, etc.
- $2.50 and $2.98
Gowns and Skirts A specially selected assortment of
the prettiest and daintiest of sheer and filmy lingerie
to be found in this lot.
New Attractive Silks
36-inch Extra Heavy Natural Jap Silks For waists and underwear. m s-k
Will tub like a pocket handkerchief. . Worth 79c. Special Monday, QYiC
a yard
The New Fleur de Jennesse 42 inches
wide. A most beautiful new silk for
gowna and suits in the new stripes,
checks and dot effects. 1 7Q
Worth $2.50, a yard J I V
45-inch Cheney Bros. Shower-Proof
Foulards The well-known, practical
mid-summer dress fabric. Splendid range
of pretty colors and designs. op
Reg. $2 values, special, a yd.P A .OO
32 and 36-tnch New Striped Shirting an d Waist Silks Extra heavy
weight, in two and three-color combinations
$1.25. Special Monday, a yard.
Worth 1.00 and
47-Inch II a b u t a, i Good I 26-Inch Imported Phantunst
welcrht. will tub. Recular I l'ure raw Bilk, eood
60c quality, on sale tCp I weight. Kerultr E0o Q
I Hind v a ivi .... .. w
Monday, a yard.
86-ln. Imported Hhauntunu '
Kefr. nutting and tfress
weight Re. 79cquaU ' l.
ity. Special, a yard...."v
Special Demonstration Monday
"':1S1 .! " F lhi New and Wonderful 1915 Model .
of ' the'FREE" Sewing Machines
THIS "Free" Sewing Machine model is
a marvel of simplicity and efficiency.
Convenient, reliable and durable every
"woman should know the satisfaction
I, fit lining n "l(Vnn t
Our Two Big Offers
We will buy your old sewing machine
at a liberal price. Our prices are mot
reasonable on this new and wonderful
1915 model of the "Free" Sewing Machine.
Hold On Kay I'nvmenU If Deelred
Bwln ataofclme Bept-ronpaiaa Mooat.
Several Thousand Yards of Laces and
Embroideries in Two Big Lots
- at 25c and 50c
Lot.l Lacet
U-ln. Allovets Cream)
white and Kcni....
16-ln. Allovere Cream
White and Ecru
IB-lit. Fiona embroid
ered Allovera
10 ' to 18-ln. Khadow
PlounrlnKH Creaml
and White 811k Hhad-
ow Kloum-lnaa
lX-ln. Uouutlful CamlauUl
Iu-ea - - l
Si-in. .Wean Blonde....
18-ln. Batlate and NaIn-
aooit hiounoinica
18-ln. Datlste and Naln-
aook Comet Covers...
18-la Crepe Klounclnita.
27-ln. Crepe FlouncinM.
ii-in. Voile Sklrtlnas..
18-ln. Dainty Allowrt.,
Lot 2 Laces
17-ln. Oriental Flouno
lnss v
3S-in. 811k ami Cotton
Allnvera Cream.
Whtte. Black and
Kcru ........
86-in. Fancy Colored
Kinbroldured Net ....
42-ln. lliark (embroid
ered Chantllly NU..
42-ln. Fancv Black and
White Nets
72-tu. Waah Blondea....
to $1.00
4S-in. Voile and Crepe.
Flounclnea 1
27-in. RufHed and Hem
stitched BKIrtinsrn ....
27-ln. Nelwuex Flouuo
inca 27-ln. Organdy Flouno-Iiikb
to ai.oo
Have You a Piano
In Your Home?
A HOME without music is a desolate
abiding place. Jompare it with one
in which the strains of a piano are heard
and where vocal and instrumental music
abound, and you will become more firm
ly convinced, that
1 You are not getting all the comforts
of home unless you have a piano.,
Our selling terms are so reasonable and pay
ments so easily met, that it would be bard to
find a home that cannot afford one.
XMaso Department Tilrd CToor.
Our. Domestics
40-Inch Beautiful 8ed Voile and Rice Cloths Beautiful tleeua
filet, etc. In a charming UiHilay of the latest printings and
i olor'roinhlnatlone; full piece; values to 10c 1C.
hpeilal Monday at. a yard
Ueautlful'Prlnted Pllaae Crepe J Princess lcs Cloth Plain
-All ih. r.ur flnral tnd fOMi
bud deMiirna, no ft flnili; sen
ulne pelible weave. Kular
price i:Vc; sale Air
'price, yard "
white and neat floral and roue
bud colur combinations. An
ideal, sheer, cllnay, summer
wulKht fabric. Won- 12ir
day, a yard !
8-lnch Keyptlan Tlsnue
OlIMcliam lHUtltl. cllnp.
summery weave (Uekfol
In a choice aaa't of neat
rliei-ks. utrltMMt aa well C
as black aud while
84-lnch Best Grade Drosn
Percale tx84. cloth, in all
the wanted neat Uaht ad
'dark (rounds, neat dots and
fiaures. HK. im 71.
value, a yard
enulne A. F. C. Kreas Olna
liaina All the new aeannn's
Kliaiea. lenstbs to ! yard.
.Worth IJHc, a Qlr
yard c
7iesa Batlate Claremont
MI1U' beat icrade. neat floral.
tray and rosebud dealana.
Worth IS Wc, Ol.
yard .'I
S2-lncl tlenulne Romper Cloth" Amokea Manufacturing
I'o.'s best a rude ullliiK. In all the most desirable shades;
nrut atrlpex. chek and fancy effecta. For buys' waists,
children's dresaea, roinpurs, etc. ' Heitular price 12ip
lie; sale price, a yard "
)arge Sized Cedar Bags All
moth-proof. Each . . . . . -25
San-Silk Special Monday,
spool for 34-
P. F. C. Crochet Cotton Dall
for It
Extra Good Elastic Hair Nets
Ilea;. 6c vals., Mon., 4 for Ji
Wooden Coat Hangers Spe
cial. 3 for 5
Knst-Proof Drens Clasps Se-
rial, card 1
Dreselug Pins, Mon., paper 1
Wire Hair Pins 3 large pack
ages for t
lree Forms
Full "Acme" Forma Black
Jersey covered. Every one in
perfect proportion, can be ad
Justed to any site; also may
be put away In a small box
when through using. AH sUes.
The best collapsible form made;
always sold tor 5. Specially
priced Monday, 2 75
Msty Jane
Ankle Pumps '
For Young Women
xUl patent leather or dull
calf, hand-turned soles,
broad toes, flat, silk bows,
low heels; all sizes and
widths. Specially, pritvd, a
Hair Goods
l Second Floor
Beautiful Fluffy Hair
Exceptional Shades
First Quality,Triple Stem,
French Convent Hair
Switches 22-in.
long; epecial, at.
All Around The Head
Transformations Finest
first quality
Itch. 24"fns;
A Remarkable Switch,
long, triple stem
of refined quality
hair, only
The very latest in halrdress
ing. Manicuring. Shampooing,
Scientific Massaging, Hair
Dyeing and Bleaching. Special
attention to Children's Hair
Free Demonstration and
Free Lessons
Dennison's Paper Work
Miss Moore, who is in charge of this work,
will show to how many uses paper can be put by
nimble fingers things that can bo made by any
one with a little practice. Here are some of them:
Kinds of Flowers and
Favors. . ,
Luncheon and Tea iov-eltles.
for Dainty
rose pies.
edibles, such
poppy cuim, carnations
custards and many others.
Table Decorations, such as Electric Lamps and Shades, Ice
Cuhi, Center Piece, Individual Candle Favors,
Trays, Vat and so on.
A large space on the third floor has been given over to
this work and the ladies and young ladies of Omaha are
Invited to come and be initiated into the secrets.
All Ready for Summer! Special Sale of Summer Household Necessities!
Genuine Fiber Rocking Chairs
Full wrapped under
stock; high back,
heavy roll arms and
back. Choice of green
li' or orown co'or.
Yory comfort
able. A big $5
value, (to
Monday forV
Third Floor.
I 'in ""f Zi'i'siiiTi I T"ii"si'iJa TTTTi.
Soaps and
SO-Muls Team "f
Uorsa l-lli. pk.. . c
Ral-F1ush -to
slss can...
Aniiuoum Bot
Jsnsnvse Creps Tot
let P4sr 10o IO.
kind. 4 rolU.... I!'c
OTsdar Oil Floor
Follsli 603
Lhiuld Vsnssr
2bo Slss but.
nnl1n Liquid
Killer 25c
sins for .
.tolinson's Floor
A sx 1-IU csu.
Wrishl's Silver
i.Yesm Jsr, . . .
May Sale of Wall Paper
Our stock of new spring wall paper is
most complete never, before have we
shown such a large assortment of med
ium and high grade goods. For Monday's sell
ing we quote several interesting lots
Wall Burlap SS inches aide. Red, green,
brown, blue and Un. Hegular 40c ny
grade. Special, square yard C C
Plain Domes Oatmeal Papers Brown,
green, red, blue and tau. SO Inches wide. Ail
perfect goods, worth lse. Sold with Q
borders only. Monday, rol a C
New Gold Papers Liquid gold kind, with bor
ders to match very suitable for living rooms,
library and reception halls. Worth ) 1
:5c, Monday, roll lazC
Parlor. Dining Room, Store and Hall Papers
With 9 and lS-lnch borders to match. A big
selection to choose from, in Q, r
Iwirtnuu iu iuuuw iiuw, ii
two big lots Monday, roll..
Line of
Printed and in- .
laid blue tile,
wood effect?,
eonve n t i o n a 1
and inlaid pat
terns. Printed linoleum,
IS feet wide, sq.
yard ... 70
feet wide, square
ysrd 55
Inlaid Linoleum 6
ft. wide; square yd.
Sl.OO. S1.2S.
81.35. $1.50.
May Sale Cretonnes & Cretonne Pillows
500 Fine Cretonne Covered PillowsSizes 22x22 and 10x20
inches. All complete, ready to use; made of finest grade of
English and French cretonnes that would cost as high
as $2.50 a yard off the bolt. Special Monday, each . . .
Crafters" Cloth, Figured Repp,
Taffeta, Damask, Linen Cre
tonneMany others ia rich,
soft colorings dosens of pat
terns to select from. Values to
75c. Specially priced
for Monday, a yard.. OUC
One Iminenss Ixt of Imported
and Pomestlc Cretonnes. Taf
fetas. Art Tickings. Calls
full piece Values to
ic. Bp'l Monday, yd.
Drapery DepU Third rioe
1! lilt .
25c mtMmmm h