10-A TITi; OMATIA SUNDAY I'.EK: MA i I, Till: OMAHA SUNDAY I'.EK: MAY 1915. SCRIPPS-BOOTHCAR IS HERE New Type of Car of Actual Hi eh Grade and Light Weight at an Unusually low Price. TRADE LESSON TO OTHER CARS The -8crlpps-Booth car I the latent ifforlng of the W. I Huffman Automo bile company, who have Just received thrlr drat shipment of thin unusual car. Thin car tx-ars the unmistakable slims of Rood breeding and la truly a combi nation of luxury, elegance, powor and dependability nothing of the cheap car c-lasa about It at all, and If the lint price as double the amount ajiked it ould not appear out of place. The ear U designed by a CtilcaKoao, no other than the famous "BUI' Stout of the Chicago Auto club, formerly a tech i.lcal contributor to the Motor Afe and the Chicago Tribune. Wherever the car has been Introduced It haa found lnstnntan.ous favor with the moat critical and really high grade das of trade and many handsome com. pllmonls have been paid by roon famous In the automobile world. Rajph UePaima made a trip to the Kcrlppa-nooth plant the other day and aftr looking oyer the factory went out In one of the cara and waa especially Impressed with the ability of the light weight vehicle to bold the road in rough V'-nta at the high speeds which were attained. ONE OF THE BUSIEST HUSTLERS ALONQ AUTO ROW. ' : ' Vv'V : ' ' ' ''''' ''''''ils "STl'DEIJAKER" K. R. WILfiON. 90,359 Ford Cars Are Built in Two Months In the laat two months the Ford Motor company haa produced the enormous total of 90. X cars, this Including 4&.W ears In March and 46,510 cam In April. This not only Insures the completion of the production of 300.000 Pord earn, between Augubt, 1914, and August, 1015, barring the totally unforeseen, and thn rebating of all Kord purchasers within that period, but r means that the rosj will un doubtedly bo reached before tbe promised time. August L Then will begin the task rf rebating about 116,000,000 to Ford pur chasers in accordance with the terms of the profit-sharing announcement. Kaon of the 300,000 or more Ford purchasers will be mailed, of course, an Individual check, probably of I.VX The pontage alone 9 thla huge mall mean at leant $1,000. WINS PRIZE WHEN HE SELLS MOST CARS Having won every contest in which he wa qualified to compete as a salesman, Paul O. Hoffman of the Los Angeles branch of the Studebaker corporation. Baa novr won the moat coveted piixa in the gift of this automobile manufac turer 1100 in gold and a beautiful loving cup for his branch. lie wrote the best essay on "How to Bell a Studcbaker Car." Mr. Hoffman Is well qualified to dis cuss this question, aa he is one of the best salesmen in the Studebaker organ isation. One of his feats waa selling a car a day for twenty-six days out of thirty during the month of August. He recently won a trip to the Studebaker factory at Detroit by selling more earn than any other Jnsmon In a specified month. AJAX TIRES MAKE HIGH AVERAGES EVERYWHERE Every section of the country from New England to Florida and from the Atlantic coat to the far west la represented In the list of prise winners In the second annual tire mlloajre contest of the AJaz Orleb Rubber company, Ino,, of Trenton, N. J., the results of which have Just been announced. Motor! Ms the country over have shown their keen Interest In this truly national contest for Ajax tire users with the result that this year the trading mile ages obtained are far greater than ever refore, and the average la also considerable greater than that of last year. I secretary Daniels Drives (smadlrr. Among 'the prominent motorists who have recently taken delivery of Chandler Sixes Is found the name of Secretary of the Navy Daniels. Mr. Daniels Is an en thtslastlo motorist, tatting particular de light In driving hla own car. . Apartments, flats, houses and cottage can be rentedqulckly and cheaply by a Be "For Rent" Omaha Automobile Club-Its Own News by Its Secretary The Omsha Automobile club is deeply Interested In good ronds and this Interest Is the fundamental basis of the organiza tion. Ever since man has been upon this old earth he haa been vitally Interested in good roads. Hasn't the rise or thn fall of nations more than onoe depended on 1 1 .1 - .ttr.ntn.... f h.lp nnftl. tlon? Caesar knew well tne Importanoe of the good roads movement, and the Amilnn Wv and other still sWl.uKliy preserved Roman roads are indisputable evidences of this logic ' The automobile Is responsible for the wonderful road development of the pres ent, and the resultant Increase in1 busi ness. The automobile demands good roarls. This demand haa given hlrth to automobile clubs ali over the world, gusr- nians which foster and further benefits In the Interest of auto owners. The auto mobile Is no longer a luxury; It Is a busi ness asset of the hlgnest Importance. Imagine the business of todav relying on Old Dobbin. The farmer used to swear at the auto mobile. Now he drives his own slx-cylln- der. Mr. Omaha Auto Owner, when you drive over a bad street the Omaha Auto mobile club wants you to rerticmber that we have been Instrumental In getting thousands of dollars' worth of repairs done to Omaha streets, and if you are so vitally interested in good roads and pieasnnt driving we can do a wnoie lot. more with your added co-operation In the club. There are at least i."00 auto owner In Omaha who can afford to Join the Omaha Automobile club In Ua efforta for mutual benefit among auto owners. The automubllo cluba of Ohio are so strong that they recently defeated in their state legislature a vicious law which provided for a license registration fee of from S5 to $2fi, according to horse power. That defeat ' saved . every auto owner In Ohio more than Is asked for membership In their clubs. Don't swear at the bad roads. Join the Omaha Automobile club and help get good roads. Anyone can swear at a bad rot (I. Co-operation will bring ua better roads. Our membership card serves a ball upon arrest for infractions of the law, the officer Immediately releasing you with your promise to appear In court. This benefit saves you hours of worry and inconvenience. This Is a distinct feature. The auto clubs of Paterson, N. J.; South Mend, Ind., and many other cities have written us for information on this 'point with a view to Incorporat ing It in their privileges. The membership card Includes member ship In the Amercan Automobile associa tion and tho Nebraska State Automobile association, and these cards admit you to privileges in any local club through out the country, a convenience mighty handy for tne tourist, either ty ran or auto. Following la a list or new members re ceived In the last month: Hartv O. Steol, Edward Peterson, Henry Nlckol son. Dr. H. A. McDermott. K. A. Hlnirtns, Albert Cahn, B. B. Doyle. Wl R. Wood, Oeorge Hrandcla, A. Hoape, Ralph Sun derland, W. A. riel, U D. Uphem, W. F. Megeath. Dr. W. J. Bradbury. Edward O. Hamilton, 3. M. Qillan, Ralph Rusaell, it. j. McCarthy, is, c twnn.tr, uarry Tukey and Dr. D. H. Uruenlng, The Automobile club has paid In the last month half a doaen rewards of tS each to Omaha policemen for arrest and conviction of persons throwing liroken glaxs on the public street, thereby sav ing bail punctures anu costly reiuiir bills to auto owners. The splendid club room of the Omaha Automobile club, directly acroas from the grill on the ground floo' of the Mot -I Fontenelle, Is equipped with touring maps, tour slips for runs out of Omsha, a complete set of six automobile blue books covering the entire country, promi nent wtor msgaxlnes. auto club maga zines from scores of cities. Illustrated lit erature on touring In the scenic west nd receives road reports from all directions. KISSEL KAR SALESMEN SELDOM LOSE A PROSPECT "There hns r.ever leen a year In the career of tho Kissel Motor Car company that KIsselKarr have riot compared favor ably with any product of similar price,-' says Frank J. fViwarda. "But in spite of past Kissel successes, these 1915 KissellKsrs the '-four find 42- i six are by a wide mnrging the most I conspicuous Kissel values of all time. Both cars, though selling at much lower prices than models of previous years, are so near perfection In both appearance and mechanical excellence that we sel dom lose a prospect who goes Into the car situation with care." Over Rnnulna; CIntfti. In a Btudebaker automobile the elec ttial (ranking c.pcraluii. is performed ly a, quiet roller chain and sprocket, with overrunning clutch that Is stationary except while starting the motor. FORTY ENTER BIG AUTO RACE Nearly All Famous Driven of Coun try to Compete in Indianapolis 500-Mile Event. MOST CARS ARE AMERICAN MADE INDIANAPOL.IS. May 8,-Two n?dl tlcnal mail entries have been received for the next Indianapolis 500-mlle race, dwelling the total count for that event to forty. They are a third Duesenberg, entered by F. S. Duesenberg of Minneapolis. Minn., no driver named, and a ham- laugh special, entered by Charles Sham- be missed, as Dario Rests, winner of the (more than able to fill his shoea. last Vanderbllt and Grand Priie races The compute lineup of cars and drtv- at San Frioicieco, la counted on as being ' f ra la aa follows: No. Car. Ration. ...America Wt. Cyl. 1 Maxwell...., I Maxwell America . a Maxwell America 4 Mercedes Germany b Mm Oram Knglanct Sunbeam England 7 Du Chesneau.. S Duesenberg. 9Iui'senberg. 10 Cornelian... 11 Dclage 12 ritutz 13 Stuta 14 Stuti.. 15 Peugeot 1 Peuueot 17 Peugeot It liergdoll..... 1 Kergdoll 1!9 Mercer l!l Mercer '2 Mercer. .2,100 .2,100 .2,100 "2,240 .2.240 10 i Zs Mercer laugh of Lafayette, Ind. Shambaughj 23 Uugatti will drive, himself. U Bergdoll An "unknown" car was entered at the p 'nj.7.7.' eleventh hour by an Indianapolis man, 1 27 R R. P.'.'..'. but Is not officially listed. Inasmuch as Jj fflK p uwiit-i urDii turn i,iii7 t. n iii(i:iu uu til he found out whether his car would be finished in time. Rene Thomas, who cabled his entry to the speedway management early In the spring, Is not coming after all. Thomas, after falling originally to Interest the Delage factory in loaning him a car tried to raise the necessary capital to buy the machine, but fell down on that also. It la not thought, however, that he will 30 Hunbeam 31 Hunbeam 32 Clno-Purcell.. 33 Burnian 34 Harroun 35 Mul ford C'lno , 37 Klelnart 3S Mais 39 Duesenberg.., 40 Shambaugh... America America ..1.10 America ..l.UjO America ..l.(. Fmnce ...2,340 .....America . .2,iV America ..2.2.'l ....America . .2,i'n Prance ...2,ti0 France .. .1.700 France ...1,900 America ..2,2r0 America ..2.2i) ....America ..2,1 .... America ..2,H .....America ..2.100 .....Germany ..l.Sou America ,.2,2iO. America ..2.2MO America ..L,9orj America ..1.9O0 .....America ..l.lnxi America ..2,H England ..2,2"i Kngland . .2.3"j ....America ..2.X0 America ..2,2fiO America ..2,200 America .. America . .2,4iO America .. America ,,2.4W America ..l,9n0 .....America .. B. r. 8. P.Dlsp. Driver. Nation. S.Rxtt.g 238 Carlson America 3 Sx6.8 2f! Rlckcnbacher .America 3.8x1. 8 2W 3 7x6. S 274 I Palma America , 3.7x.J 270.9 Coatalen Knxland 3.7x.S 270.9 Clinssngne Franco S. 3x5.5 in.". Brown America 4 s6 2W Alley America 4 x 2 O'Donnell America 2.9x4 Ii2 Chevrolet America 4 xii 2W J. Ie Palma America 3.SX6.6 2Sti 3.8x.5 IMS 3.Kx.6 ? 3.7xfi 9 274 Rosta England 3.1x.l li 3.1x6.1 1W1 4 x6.9 2si9 K. Bergdoll America 4 x.9 LN9 tl. Bergdoll America J.Sxti.8 2!'8 Pullen America 3.8x4.8 29 Ruckstell America 3.8x6 3 LNX Nlkrent America 3.9x6.9 30 tUdfleld America 4 x5.9 299 Haupt Amerlca- 4.3x5.3 2'8 3.8x6.1 270 Huvhes . America 3.8x6.1 270 Kcene America 3,(rieaa 270 Whalon U.America 4 x 2!9 3.2xf..9 27S Grant America 3.2x5.9 278 l.imberg America 4.4x5 2W Cox America 3 x7.1 2; Purman America 3.8x 8 W Orr - Amerlci 8.7x7 2H9 Mulford America 4.4x5 20 McNay America 6 xC 9 Klein America 4.4x5 .Alals America 4 x6 299 Shambaugh America N. B. I!o re and stroke are approximate, piston 'displacement exact. Wmii,s.Ip, M.awua.iwummiH a 6-a,- -tWtA.(--.N- -- - f The Light Six ilAMIjfll lMgliaasjlWSJWirwll.llliiJ 0 7-Pienger Phaeton , 3-Psenger Roadster $1,000,000 a Week Now Being Paid for Hudsons We are selling HUDSONS to, users, nowadays just twice as fasj as tvo build them." 'Tho winter eurplus 'is., fust lisnpenrinj?. Tlion there is bound to be, as hist year, weeks of waiting for thin favorite ear. Not Hudson's Fault Itst summer we were at one time 4,000 cars oversold. But thlg type of car waa new then, and nobody dreamed that such welcome awaited It. We ahlpped 1,000 cara by ex press then to help out waiting buyers. Since then we have ' trebled our output. All last winter we built more than we sold, to be ready for spring demand. Kven yet we have cars to deliver. So any disappoint ments will not be HUDSON'S fault. No Klrst Choice car of any type has ever prompt ly met tbe spring demand. 13,000 Salesmen There are thin year 18,000 owners of this latest HUDSON type. They are experienced motorists, meetly. And tbey are saylnK, in . every city and hamlet, "At last, my ideal car." They are the sellers of HUDSONS. Tbey are telling what this lightness means to them. They report on tire bills cut in two. of fuel coht lessened by half. They tell how this car, tinder every con dition, has proved ittclf utterly faultless. 59" And they are saying to friends who are tired . of mistakes, "Buy only the HUDSON Light Six." The New Class Car If you want a Light Slf today's popular tn your first choice will be this HUDSON. It is the original of thla type. It Is a four year evolution, refined to the limit. It is designed by Howard E. Coffin, who created this type, and who stands at the top in designing, it is built by HUDSON standards, It has proved itself to 13,000, on millions of miles of road. You who want the best who refuse to take risks who know that one error may cost you hundreds of dollars will want tbe HUDSON In the Ught Six type. . Won't you find this out before this over demand compels us to start our usual wait ing list? 7-raAMMiRtor rhartou or 3-PaMngtr Hoad ster, 13.V t. o. b Detroit. HUDSON MOTOR CAR CO,, Detroit, Mich. HUDSON owners get the ideal HUDSON service, which keeps the car in trim. Let us explain It to you. Feral ClariBtla Couactl Bluffs. XtaaJap Ftmtfut Ktsriaa aissMolta , Mtliwt Kd Oak kidney bhsuaaaoafc. . . at. VU.... AbU Ara&s-toa Battl Crk. . kutilca JlwooS rlla kltr Brualaa IOWA , John K. foicraan. , 1.ImI Wfg. t'o William Hor. W. A. Chauncey. ' Ths Farrtifut Autnmoblla Ca Hoolb luiplainriit Co. (Tiaa. F. I'utnam. . Kulyers ii Kay ton. , luy Autoinobil Co. .OhMiles Aiunson. .J. It- HUkler. , J'tx A Saul MBBBASKA .Maishrk Hi o. .Kil K.rhtvukamp. , 1. !, Ht. . V. 1). Anilmwi Auto Co. , l'eivr Fowrrs rowara Oartft. . I. 11. S hall. . 1 A. Jlnliniiann. , lliks TjiulKii. Central City. . Craialitoa. .. rails City . . . . (luot , Orana Ialaa4. X,laoola Msw Caatla Bswinaa OrCVS OsaUala ftM City. . . Viata Catr. . riattsmoata. . . et. roi aohnylw Boott's Blaff . . BvaJdtaa wanton Ttcnnia! V anion , Walton Ctiiir Boata Oaaaa. , r. r. ltuii. '. t'. huiulos. Krnton Xros. 1.. llarrU at Son. Mr. IX A. ltrntlss. l.onl Auto Co. .Kunun (irova Auto Co. jty iniuirnsworui. , Wlirry Bros. 1'laitn Cfnisr Auto Co., Iae, 1. T. llvrbar. V. K Illy. .lous;las Orntvlussi'hen. . A. T. 'rawt'ord. . V. J. trilara. .Mr. W. ri 1 Jiutnsrriluisr. Ths VVtfher Auto Co. . W. K. r.i Ii. . Al-x K fVancVc. , Opo- 8irou!c. llolmna aV Adklns f 41 UU X. r.O.B. TOLEDO. Why Our Price Is So Much Less We are the largest automobile manufacturer in the world producing Sixes. This means we save at every point where other manufacturers cannot. . That is why we can offer a Six having' a longer wheelbase the most up-to-date 45 horsepower en bloc motor larger tires comfortable seven passenger seating Capacity high tension magneto ignition the finest bright French finish, long grain hand buffed leather upholstery for less money than any other manufacturer in the business. Get your Overland Six now. We can make immediate-deliveries. Overland-Omaha Company, Pl8tributers Telephone Douglas 2643. J. R. JAMISON, President 2043-45 Farnam Street. 'Made in V. A. S." x ;i"! The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio Other models $795 to $1600. All prices f. o. b. Toledo. km