Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Russian Aeroplanes Make Fint Di
rect Attack of the Waf Upon
Capital of Turkey, m
Fih Commissioner It Ready to Stock
Number of Stream, with This
Game Fish.
Miss FJlfn Brackin Specifies Its
Disposition Before Seventy
Five Thousand Estate.
PARIS, May 7. The first attack
of the war on Constantinople it re
ported In an official dispatch from
Athens. It in said three Russian
avtatora flew oer the city, dropping
several bombs, whlcb are believed to I
have caused extensive damage.
The message says, also, that the
Russlnan Black Sea fleet bombarded
the Turkish forts on the left bank of
the Bospborni on Wednesday. Sev
eral Russian shells fell within ten
miles of Constantinople.
H'Hi ftet rire te Maldoe.
London, May 7.) The artillery ex
changes between the warships of the
allies and the shore positions of the
Turks continue. Some vessels are
firing from the gulf of Saros, making
use of Inflammatory shells. The
town of Maldos was set on fire yes
terday. - Plaeelaas Captara Tarkl.fc Hospital.
TIFI-I0. Trerim-auaasls,. Wednesday,
ilejr I. (Via, Fetrograd and Ixinrlon. Hay
7 It baa been established In Tlflls that
Turkish force which recently, under the
command of Thall Pry, occupied Oilman,
numbered 11.000 men. This shows that
their numerical strength was greater than
that of the Russians and even tn th
final battle th Turks outnumbered their
antagonists. The trophies taken by th
Russians were a complete hospital outfit
and enormous quantities of stores. It I
nut yet known how many prisoners were
The TurkUh commander and the main
bars of Ms staff all had narrow escapes
from capture.
Reports received by Armenians residing
In Tiflls relate tba murder of a member
of a number of the TurkUh Parliament
from Van, an Armenian named Wraman.
A celebrated political worker named
Ishgsn. together with flur companion,
lost his Ufa with Wramaa. The six
man. at the time thay were killed, ware
on their way to Bhattuk to lead In the
defense of that place against the Kurds.
Jahkan also a as a resident of Van.
Tliia Armenian city la Astatic Turkey
waa bombarded by 900 Turkish regular!
troops, who bad with them three pieties
of artillery. Armenians, numbering MO,
ssseraMed In the village if ,8arasunla to
oppose the murderous banda of Kurda
threatening that place, but the Kbrda
ware aided by - TurkUh regulars and
after a lone; ttruggl the detachment of
Armenians ware all wiped out with the
exception of eight men; Who ultimately
found ahelter la the monastery of tH.
Rofaareee Are Jteteralaa;.
An agent of the Armenian aid com
mittee after s horseback trip from
Alashktrt to Pavsat haa reported that
thla region Is fully occupied by Russians
and that 1,000 out of S&.000 refugees have
returned to their homee, The agent re
ports that many Villages have been de
stroyed and that without exception every
villa? has bean more Or less damaged.
The aid committee In buying back cattle
and buffalo looted by the Kurds. The
agent reports that he baa been suceeasful
In bringing about a general return of
Christiana to the district east Of Lake
Vrumleh- lie says that tbu Armenian
women have been sold Into slae-ry by the
Kurds, but that thla number Is generally
believed to be much greater. It la re
ported that a total of 5.000 Cbrletioni
have been killed. Soma esUmatea, how
ever, place the total as high as W.00U. ,
I From a Staff CVrrespnn'lxnt )
l.lN'COL,N. Ma.V 7 .iKnelal k.Ht
Osme W arden Rutenberk m-elved n com- I Mfl'!
munlcetlon from F1h Cffnmlefrtoner W. I
J. O'flrlen this morning aaktng him to i
mei-t the fish car tomorrow morning an. I
look after the distribution of fleli west j
of Lincoln as It patera throush the --Ity. j
Twenty cans of pjke will be left at Crete '
and Wllber. twelve Iran Vrltl h. unl tn i
folumbue by a special messenger and on
Monday aeveral tana will be placed In
Csrter lake In Omaha.
The first of the wek a large consign
ment will go to Crystal lake near Dakota
City, A can will hold from l.fiOO to 1W
fish, according to their lie. Xha prop
gat'on of fish this season has been very
satisfactory, according to Mr. O'nrlen.
snd the hatching has been very stirree
fiilly accomplished.
Omaha Conple to Wed.
License to marry wss Issued at the
court house yesterday to Oenrge W.
Clsrk, siced 3S. Omaha, and Pannl E.
Jones, aged 80, Omaha.
Rerse Will nt Metis.
Secretary Royse of the State Banking
board, who has bought an Interest In the
ftate Bank of Table Hock and will b
come its president, will not resign his
place as secretary of the banking board,
hut made the Investment as a niece lo
faell bark on when he finlnbes his duties
as secretary of the board. Ha
to place his son In the bank as soon ss
he graduates fromehlrh school .this
spring, cashier C. J. Wood, who hss
been with the bank for thirty-four years,
will not remain, desiring to got away
from the banking business.
(Continued from Psge One.)
(Continued from Page One.)
without warning and sack almost im
mediately." A atateineot Issued by the Cunard line
'The whole concern ef the Cuaard eons
pany Is for the safety of the paasengers
and crew. The material toea does aot
eount aa t la covered by Insurance. -, ,
"The Lusltania wa torpedoed without
warning and sank almost Immediately. , It
la known that a large number of the
large boats of the ship are afloat Every
effort la being made to obtain the fulleat
Information, which will be published Im
mediately ea receipt '
Cork newspapers report, according to a
Liverpool dispatch received by Cunard
line officials late today, that J00 paaaen
gert have been landed at Clonakilty
A 14 Seat lew.
QUEEN bTOWN. May T Iranmdialely
the news of the torpedoing ef the Luatt
aaia was received here, the admiral la
eommand of the naval station dispatched
to the scan all aaaUtanoe available. The
tugs Warrior. Stormoouk and Julia, to
aether with five trawlere and the local
lifeboat In tew ef a tug, were hurried te
According te a report received here, the
first wireless 8. O. 8. call was sent by
the LustUnla at I IS. This reed; "Want
aewlataaee; listing badly.
The Lusltania was aeen from the sig
nal atatlon at Klnaale to be la difficul
ties at I 1J p. m. At tJ3 p. mi she hsd
completely disappeared.
This Indlcatea that the liner was
afloat twenty-ene minutes after what
-'evidently was the beginning of Us
NKW YORK. May T.-Tbe Cunard line
Jnaue public thla aJtarnooai the following
cable gram, received from Liverpool,
transmitting a dlapalrh from Old Head;
"Motor f'.ahlng boata. tewing two boats,
grobfcble number of passengers about
fifty. Tug rtormcork making Klnaale.
Home paaoengers aboard. Slany veaaela
are now apparently making Queen,
to n""
The weattwir la favorable te the work
of reecuing the Luaitanla's Pasengers,
accurd'ng to information eoniaiaed In a
latStgram reserved by the Cunard hue
tr'im Queenstuwn. The meeage stated:
"Weather here beautifully fins. Wind
southeast liabf
'i the l.J jie Keen sere aboard. TS0 were
la the first caUin. In the second snd
1 in the steersge. .
follow In going to .Liverpool was made
known In a dispatch from Glasgow last
night which r netted that the British
steamer Cherbury had been torpedoed In
the Atlantic ocen off the Irish coast.
This wss on April 9. Two other vessels
were sent to the bottom more recently,
the Centurion and the Candidate. Just
where these ships were attacked haa not
been made known, but their destinations
lead to the belief that one or more Oer
man aunmarsioiea have been oneratlnr
in the lines of transatlantic travel. It
may be that they were waiting for the
Lusltania, t and In the meanwhile at
tacked such other vessels as came within
their range-
. Advertteae Rtalceled.
Charlie T, Bo wring, head of the firm
ef Bowrlng Bros., and president ef the
St. George s society, was one of the pas
sengers who sailed ea the Lusltania. He
commented on the advertisement appear
ing In the morning papers, characterising
ii a a amy performance and below the
dignity t a dlpkMSiatlc" representative of
a foreign government -
Atexender Campbell, general manager
ior 4oca iwar, sons. London, who
also sailed, referred to the advertisement
as tommyrot" ,
Othet paesengere on the Lusltania In
cluded Blbert Hubbard, publisher of the
Philistine; D. A. Thomas, the wealthy
Welth eoal operator., and his daughter.
Lady Mackworth, the English sufftaa-
ette. All these persons took oocaaion to
say inai.tnay saw nothing te
about la the advertisement
Mia I'.llcn A. Brnckln, rotldcnt of
Omaha for flfty-nlnc years, who died
3, valued a silk "ilt made by her
mother, the Ute Mra. J. II. Itrackin. ami
photoarnplis of her fnther snd mother
more than all the remnlnder of her $7V
000 eiriatn, according to provisions of
her will, which ban been filed for pro
bate. These three articles are mentioned
first In her wlil. "I give my silk quilt
to Mrs. Jamea J. Rrown." It recites, "snd
I tle mv framed llkrners of my mother i
to Mra Anna llucatls. my slater, and I
In the event of her death to my niece, j
Stella Huestls. ' The picture of mv ,
father I give to my niece Ftella and j
also the picture of my dead slater Flora." '
t'nder the will, which was written Au
gust S, inno, snd a codicil added January
" liOK Vl. Hlello Iftlestla and her
rnthers, Roliett snd Chsrles B. Hues
tls, sre the principal hlra. An additional
$5,000 ta bequeathed to Charlea B. Hues
tls for his collegiate and professional
' Forest liawn cemetery, where, accord
ing to her directions, Mies Rrarkln was
burled, by tha side of the body of her
father, the Iste J. H. Brackin, who
founded the cemetery. Is given a be'iueat
of the revenue from which la to
be used for maintenance of the graves
Omnhs unlversltv, described In the will
as commonly called, "Bcllevue college."
la given $.),N, and the rreabytcrlan
Theoliigh-al semlnsry S5.000. Poverol
other minor henunsts ara made. Alfred
C Kennedy and Howard Kennedy are
nemeel executors. A niece. Mlsa Eugenia
Huestta. Is spedflclly barred from par
ticlpatlng in the estate.
Twenty-One Killed
by Storms in South
NKW OULKANH, I.a , May T The
death toll of the windstorms which de
vastated Atadla parish In soiilliweatern
Ixiitlalana. and Coahoma county In north
wealern ilip.-livlppt yesterday, today
stood at twenty-one. All but one were
negroea. Fifteen were killed at Eiran
and Mernientau. in Acadia partfn. and
sis, near ClsrkadaJe and Jonestown. Mlas.
lorty-flve more persons are known to
I have been Inj.ired In Acadia pariah, some
of them aerlonaly. Uar'y estimates
placed the property loaf there at J.V'O.snn.
The atorm which vlaitcd Mlaalulppl wss
accompariled by heavy rain and railway
track in several sections of the state
were Inundated.
.EIRMINOHAM. Ala.. May T.-A wind
storm reused damage estimated at more
than SlOO.noO In Birmingham early today.
Several buelners buildings In the heart
of the city were badly damaged and a
number of homea In residential sections
were blown down. No desths have been
PTRACrSE, K. T.. May T.-Kxamlna-tion
today of the testimony In the F.ooee-velt-Barneg
libel suit trial shows that
Samuel Tfeasberg waa among the holders
of preferred stock of the Albany Eve
ring Journal and not Nathaniel Elaberg,
as wss reported lsst Wednesday. The
confusion of the names developed In the
reporting of testlnmny by the correspondents.
Bee Want Ads produce results.
Health Commissioner Connell has
started to wage his annual fight against
outhouses not connected to sewers. He
reniTts there are now 100 cases of de
linquents who bsve not connected- fc
sewers, sfter having been given reason
able extenalons of time. Arrests will !
made If these persona do not comply
within the next two weeks. In many
cafes notices are being served by the in
spec tors. . The doctor msintalne thee
vaults are a menace to the health 'of
eltr. .
Porter Charlton
Writes His Own
Defense in Italian
ROME, May . (Vie Paris. May 7.) "I
shall remember the time I have spent
here as the happiest in my life," waa the
assertion made by Porter Charlton, In
reply to a question as to whether ho
was being well treated at the asylum
where he Is In custody awsitlng trial on
the charge of murdering his wle. He has
prepared a long statement In hla own de
fense, written In Us Han.
Charlton's examination by alienists has
been virtually completed. rr. Valtorta,
retained by the defense, has come to the
conclusion that because of nervous ex
citement Charlton waa entirely Irrespon
sible when ho killed his wife. Dr. Fsl
clola. appointed by tha court, haa decided
on the contrary that he waa only partly
Irresponsible. In view of this difference
foplnion, a third expert probably Prof.
Maggtotto, director of the asylum la
which Charlton la confined, will be ap
pointed I
HASTINGS, Neb.. May T.-pclal Tel
egram.) The new directory ef Hastings,
published today, gives Hastings a popula
tion or U.F40, a gain of 8,000 in three
Department Orders.
"WABHTKTITOX Msy T.(Bpeclal Tele
gram. V-'Nebreska pensions granted:
Claries V, (iravea, T'nlveralty Dace, X
Poatrriaetar appointed: Mlaa) Ova M.
Tuttle, vice H. Ohriatenaen. resigned.
v anhtngtou. Washington county, Ne-
XI t. MIHM. ..I w r -I J . !
reaigued, Fhiillp, Goshen county, Wyom
Wyoming postofflce established Reclui
Campbell county, Mrs. Addle Reed, post-
msater, bonxup, Campbell county, Mrs.
Martha Koukun, postmaster. Mra Lisle
B. Keller reappointed postmaster Cas
cade. Cherry county, Nebraska.
Ruial free delivery routes will be ee)tab
Halted on June IS as follows: Nebraska
Bristow, Boyd county, route No. 1, length
twenty-five miles, families, eighty-tour.
Iowa Turtn. Mona county, route No. I.
length twenty-four miles, families, eighty.
The fWted States National bank of
Omaha has been approved as a reserve
swent for the FlrM National bank of
O'NelL the Htock Yards National bank
of Kansas City. Mo., for the First Na
tional bank of Grand laland. Neb.
The poatoffice at Caldwell. Koottsbluff
county, Nenrsaka, dlaeontlnued, mall to
Mitchell and tha poatoffice at Augusta,
Moines county, lows, mall to Burlington.
The New Palm Beach
The Palm beach label on every
garment insures you of a wool and
mohair fabric. A variety of styles,
, $12.50, $15.00 and $16.50.
r.lonoy-Savlnc Darcalno at
oafon'o For Saturday and Monday:
Each day, each hour, more and more people are rea
lUing that they can aave money and get higher quality
merchandise by "Following The Beaton Path."
ble Zonv
!5o Rlverls Talc JQ
loc veraform Bath Crystals.
t 19t
l5o Kolyaoa' Tooth Paste. . 1.1
80o Pocionfg Powder. .. :2fl
0c J. A. P, Rico Powder. .10
SOo Pompelan Massage Cream,
75o Pompelan Massage Creau.,
15c. Da Mars Talc
He Ssnltol Tooth Paste or ,
Powtler :.' jo
$1.00 Wlno of Cardul ...57J;
l5o Atlen'i Foot Esse. . . .
lie Pound Porter'a 81Uer Pol
ish, at
2So Buoklen'g Arnica Salve. 14
16o Bwlnton's Tale Powder. 5
11.00 Bingo Nerve Tablets 5is
vv naijuea vaarcoai laDieU.
. 5e?
The Finest Grape Juice (a
tha World.
IjO qU. Redwing. Grape Juice.
at 33
!6o ptg. Redwing Grape Juire,
. 17r
fl.OO Mothers" Friend
e a a ai , . ... i iuniiimi vegetable com
60e litjuld Veneer 39$
11.60 .Anna Adams' Skin and
Wrinkle Cream .! 05
BOc D. & R. cold Cream tubes
for 2?
"BOc Canthrox 8c
36o Castorta 10
$1.00 Mes-Ca, tha great gtomaoh
remedy r,r-
$1.00 Traio 7j
$1.00 Frultola fo
60e Kay Hair Health 20c
60c Kodal Dyspepsia tablets.
t 2(
50c Pills' Podolax 27a
60c Beaton's Ktt. Phoa. aoda
2Sc Mustard Cerate .
2Bc Mentholatum 4
J5e 'Mennen's Shaving Cream
$3.76 Horllck-a Matted Milk,
at 2 74
60c, Pyrtip of Figs 27c
15c Ring Handle rumlco Stone.
t . ; sr.
$1.00 Rhololds for nheumat'lui
ae 50c
15th and Farnam Sts.
The Vogue of Separate
Always an important part of
every wardrobe, especially so this
season when they are so fashion
able. Many new wash skirts for
$3.50, $4.95 and $5.95.
Fashionable Spring Coats
For street, motor and dress wear, imported
mixtures, silk poplins, taffetas, golf ine, ga
bardine, and all other late fabrics.
A coat offering unusual because of the very
fashionable styles at moderate pricings.
$10.50, $12.50, $14.50, $16.75, $19.50.' '
A perfect eelling and fitting service
is al way at your command.
The Smartest, Newest Styles in
Midsummer Millinery
Five hundred new and up-to-date trimmed
hats for June, July and August wear, at
$6.75, $8.75 and $10.00.
HatS Of White kid and whitft fyrns.wrfli'nAri hatiato
organdie, French crepe, hats of linen, hemp and hair:
transnarent hats TflnwPir fmif ocfnVVi
v-w wsa, vwawa&, gwuiu uaxva
Paradise trimmed). -
Colored hats with upper or lower facings of glace
kid or hatter's plush.
Country and Seaside Hats of Rancrlrnk folf milan'
leghorn, Egyptian crepe and Dresden silk. Tailored
1 i. J 1 1 i I ,
nais io maicn street costumes.
Presenting a Display of
Unusual' Dresses
French Crepes, linenii, imported
" voile, dimities, nets, ' organdies',
and the season 's reigning f avor
' te "tussy MtilQVf" taffetas.
350 new styles, suitable for street,
afternoon, motoring and country
cWb wear,- - i;
$7.50 to $65.00
" ". . y -
With an ample selection
at each price.
Choose now while most of the
choice dresses are here.
Another Interesting Sale of
Human Hair Goods
A hundred different effects) can be
obtained with the aid of one of our ex
tra long 'switches. ' BUVONS AND
SEE RESULTS. 4 The cost is trivial,
24-inch Switches of fine hair L6(f
28-inch Switches of fine hair - $2.80'
24-inch Switches of natural wavy
hair . -r , '- - r - - . .$2.80
28-inch Switches of natural wavy - -
All-around Transf ormatioha lot '
; fine hair - . "... qoc
All-around Transformations of nattral wavy hair
24-inch All-around hair rolls ,
The Store for Shirtwaists
v (Original)
Dainty crepe de chine blouses - - $4.50, $5.50, $5.95
& Co .
I.i.r (.asBlslet Make Ye I a-
tsr. I
?oy, In llvlm If your stomach and j
M,r ant worn. Bth- your liver itt
Dr. Klnf s w Lite 1'llle All 0ugi(..
i r;
Without a Rival for Drunk
enness and Drug Using
The rtUAase cured by a thorouch and m i.nnr
rourse of treatment, which removes the craiog or necessity for
liquor or drugs. Impart new streith to eyery organ and bolMa
"P the general health. The only Keeley Institute in tbe state of
Nfbrsska ....
UurewpoautaM f oofldBLlaL Cor. Kith ad Cava fttaj. Omaha, N,b.
There big. slippery, slimy
monsters tbat roam U over the
depUie of tbe sea the kind that
fceant jon exloaally In yoor
errsms! They b.T. monstroas Jaws,
with danger written ell orer tbem,
sa4 six row of uth I What a Said
for tbe dentlstl Wben tbcj iea
tbelr moutbs It looks like tbe
Graad Csnroa! Would you Ilka te
se una of tttfae fillowi derour tba
carcaas ef a boras la eae galpf
Four DUplaxs
dally. 8. 8:80,
T:0 and 9;SX
For tht First, List and Only Time
Weold ye like te see eee ef those
ooeaa rsanlbala betUlng arlth a
mini De yos wsnt te be oatbrvllad.
eotbneed snd enchanted? Wsltf
W'stcbt Tbey are eomlagt Yea
owe It te yeureall te aaa tbeail
Tbe moot aaastng sad taterMt.
leg picture ever predared." Test's
hst iorotby DIs bad io aay of
tbem. And Dorothy la aa eutueat
crluc vbe writes what abe Utlaka."
Adults, 25c: Children, 10c
The Musical Treat of the Gcason
..DAHD.. b5
SPECIAL Ur- Herfcert L c,ark8 Comdist.
rni nievc SMi$t flrlginii Boot, Soprano.
5ULUI5 1 5 (Utt Mcnel Clack, Violiniste
Two Ooaeerte AfUraoes aavd SresUs Beered Ooaeert Boaday ifunui
eate ea Bale ea aad AXfw May eva. "TO
HIWTM BBATB. Tee aad, BLoo. GrnxskAsT ASXT8BI0W Oa
OMtHai atorr
rorOLla T1U4UI
Kat. Today, S:SO Teai-b
XaaS y.rf ormatno. of
Basra, erry perfermaaee, Oeo. Pse've
rraaeee Kepplaav aeaere aad daneea.
ir.aa Week i Oee. t. Ooba.a'e cuttle
Jobasy Jon.e." Tnaeday. Comoext
ictah. koiae Sditb ruklaeck
eopraao. betwaea aota. ,
Kate. Boa.. Wed Thoxa.. Bat., t5e
Taaero Matinee every Tbatwdan
Vierhta. Bee aad Mo,
'omxt'i rtnr nmv
Tomorrow aad Weak:
JSSSiT SobwrlBi Moving Plctnrw
La4iy at S f ; and I P, K
RAMDEIS Tfldaj TSc ".'X
rxXATn aad Baaday Btcj-.!
Tbe Beaaoa Big-gees margaia.
3 aCBaioal Vaambers, IB Modes Oeees.
A UAO Bbow tor
Men. B Tuee, Kay io.H. ktai. xaJTy
Aasbeatle kaotloa VlotaTee.
9 sals reea, wit Xaietwe.
A WMawaM.lB.i4t
Bcun f aran ai. eA4ra.
Far fcaatartae CaW aad
BwulhijnrFMM Hasr
aad f i a) Dn.rxi.i4.
Hon if
UH Meredltli aad Owen Moore
"Holp Wantod"
A tin.rl II...J ...
x.'www wauuevllle