lt 'JUL Lhfc,: Mi.ll., SAJi JOlAV, M.. .ii-. PRESIDENT OF THE JimiOB BRANCH OF AUXILIARY. JUNIOR BRANCH OF THE AUXILIARY SATURDAY 'If U' in atyU JjGr&S Have It. If Hove It, it' in ttyU By MELLIFICIA. Friday, May 7, 1915. OMAHA has fallen In line with the Jitney plrnie. The firtt one to be given hre was held Monday afternoon, when Miss Catherine Squires proved the Initiative hostess. Miss Squires surprised her classmates at Brownell Hall witr iirrititioDB to a Jitney picnic. Our moat pretentious Jitney bus was en gaged for the occasion and called for the guests In turn. The-party wrs taken through the city and then to Elmwood park for supper.. Mrs. Waite Squires, with Miss Prltchard of the Hall, chaperoned the guests.' The bus used Is the only one of its kind In the city and hat be. n Christened the "Jitney Picnic Bus." The party Included: Misses Helena Chase, Elizabeth William, Dorothy Judson, Josephine William, Betty Fairfield, Wynn Fairfield, Elizabeth Ilingwait, Eithei Smith, Winnlfred 8mlth, Mary Morsraan, Virginia Piiley, Esther McVann, Emily Burke, Catherine Denny and Catherine Squires. v ' . At Seymour Lake Club. Mora than 100 ladles en.tnyfd th, l.rMff and kensington party S'Vn at Srmoiir Ike Country club. Th.irsdsy afternoon. TTie scne was a pretty one. as th rooms waa-a a bower of whlt and purple Ultra, and roarlnar fires wr sending warmth and cheer from the two big flreiilarra. Te waa nerved at 4 o'clock. Hand painted china waa aa prizs and wwe won by Mra. Charles t. Vollmer, lira. Robert Parka. Mrs. E. J. Bursa and Mra. A. A. Wrlsht. The reception otnmltte wm composed of Meadamea Mesdamea K M. Lord. George Krsnflls, J. Dean Htnger, . si. 1 Klna, A. J. Randall, Koy Dennla. . J. K. Bednar, James C'orr, E. T. Xatea, Ueorse Mlrkel, Wedding Announcement MUs Lena Pojar, daughter of Mr. and Mra Josnph Tojar of Podge, Nb., was tnarrWI ijuletly Tuesday at the Tabor church to Mr. Eon 11 Frank Slndelar of Howe la. Neb. Mr. Slndelar Is the on of Mr. and Mra. Frank K. 81 n del a r. pion eers of Colfax county and present county county commissioner. The, young couple ere rtaJting with Mr. Blndelafa brother, near Brown ell Hall. Mr. and Mra. 8ln dalar will reside In Howella, Neb. Motor to Ezeeliior Sprinp. Mr. and Mra. W. T. Burns. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stewart, 2d., and Mr. Willard Butler will leave tomorrow morning In Mr. Burn's car for a motor trip to Ba celsior Spring. Mr. and Mrs. Burns plan to remain two weeks, but tha rest of th party will re turn the first of th week. Formal Opening of Club. Tha formal opening of Seymour Tjaka Country club will b held Friday even ing. May JS; this being the regular dinner-dance night. Th date will give . the club membera an .opportunity ta et tertain frlenda from th other country clubs, that have their i-penlng on May . 1 To Organize Drama League. A local branch of the National lram league wilt b organised Saturday after noon at 4 o'clock In the Central High a hool auditorium. " Over 250 Omaha men and women have already signified their Intention of Joining th teague, whll-fa organization Is being sponsored by MIh Kat McHugh, formerly principal of th ,hlgh school, and a group of local aocloty women. Hews of the Wayfarers. Registering at the Hetel McAlpIn, New York City, from Omaha during the Inst week bava been Mr. and Mrs. l. IV. Chandler. C. J. Lord and E. T. How. Mis. A. rt McConnrfl, who las been th guest of Captain and Mra. Ilasslter in Han Francisco, la now In Santa Bar bara, where nhu will meet her daughter, Mies Irene, in a week and spend tbo sum mer on the ooAt. With the Vhitors. Miss Harriett Dobbin of Broken Bow Is visiting friends In the city, Mra F. Blath of Pan Francisco, formerly of Omsha, has arrival, to b th guest of Mra. A. Hon and Mra. D. Wells, at til Park avenue. Alberto RarhmA, first violinist With tha New Tork Symphony orchestra. Is spending the day with Mr. and Mra. Mas Burkenroad. Mr. and Mrs. Burkenroad's aon. flllvlo, who signed with the Metro politan Grand Opera company is at fall, Is expected horn today to visit 1 his parents. Plan Subscription Dinner. The members of th Wednesday Bridge club are planning a subscription dinner, to b given at tha Country club opening night. Tha club Includes: entertained a a Frenrh' luncheon tday at her horn In the Clarinda apartr.enta. A large boat of tulips was used as the table rcnterpler and cover war placed for eight guests. Engagement Announced. ' Mr. an1 Mr. Joseph Freldm announce the engagement of their daughter, Hess, to Mr. Issoora Wlnrout. No date ha been set fcr the wedding. A trWptlon will be rlven In honor" of Miss Freldea Sunday afternoon from 1 until o'clock at the home .f her sister, Mra Kamuel Cohen, at 2870 Corby' strvfet. Comut Club Party. - The member of the Comut elub were entertained Thursday 'afternoon at tha home of Mra. B. F. Marti. The rooms were a bloom with American Beauty ruses and red carnations. A color scheme of red and white wss used In th dining room, carried out with red-ehaled can dle and a targe mound of red carna tions. The prise for the canl game was awarded to Mrs. Charles Lanatrom. Mrs. W. K. Swisher was the guest of honor. Th club will meet again In two weeks at th home of Mrs. Oeora Morris. The members are: Meadnmc Arthur Hoover, , K. O. Ferris, C O. Jennings, Charles Klerson. Charles Ianatrom, T. J. Larmon, Mssdsmes Teslle Thompson, J. F. Ilmlck. K. F. Marti. Oeorge Morris, J. W. Hord. To Honor Bouse Oueit. Mrs. Richard sj. Bmlrt, gave a Kensing ton Thursday afternoon at her home In honor of her mother, Mrs. Beo of Canada, who' has been spending the winter and r; - V ' -Y. V i ' '. : '- , . , ur3w .? . - GeoTgva Trimble early spring with- her. "Pink and 'white lores, pink snapdragons and snowballs were used In the decorations throughout the rooms, snd tha guests present were: Mesdnmea See Jariiea Ainscow, It. M. Powney, W. J. r'awcett, Howard, Mesdames W. II. Mnberley, Webster Mills. Charges Mullen, H. K. Porter. C. K. Koblnson. Elks Horn Tells of Death of W. R.. Vaughn The National Elk's Horn has an arti cle In.memorlnm of the lata Walter R. Vaughan, formerly mayor of Council Bluffs, and later a .newspaper worker In Omaha, who died In Be Ixui. . This of ficial publication of th Elks Is, by th way, owned and edited by the aon, Nor man Maynard Vaughan, and the obituary gives th Information that th other sur viving son, Kiwsrd Vaughan, la In bunl nee In -DalW. Ton.,-while-three daugh ters, Mra. Carl Reed, resides In Monti cello, 'III., and Mra. Honnett and Mlaa Oma Vaughan, at BL Louis. . The annual meeting or the Junior branch. Woman's auxiliary of the Epis copal churches, will open- Saturday morn ing at S;30 o'clork with a communion servk-a at All Paints' church. Bishop Arthur T Williams, celebrant. The busi ness meeting will he called at 10:30 at Wattle Memorial hall and will be fol lowed by luncheon. Th afternoon program, beginning at 2 o'clock, will consist of stereoptlcon lec ture by the Rev. Oeorge Pt. Oeorge Tyner of Tork on "Ilulldlng th City," the junior mission study book for the year and also slides of the Woman'a auxiliary study book, which pictures were to be shown at their meeting last week. The Rev. T. J. Mackay. rector of All Faints', will speak. If his health permits. Miss Oeorge Trimble Is president of the Junior branch and is assisted In the ar rangements for this meeting by Miss I-Tllsabeth Bprague and Miss Charlotte Tompkins. rfBBntttBBBBl KBZSbs aaSsaaVBaSBaBBl (SATURDAY ONLY Everything in the. Store PRICE Finest Line of Millinery in Omaha All Copies of French . Pattern O'CONNOR &EMBLEN Second Floor, Paiton Elk. i j A Very Unusual Sale of Suits Is our leading attraction for Saturday 2 SALE LOTS of STYLISH SPRING SUITS Every Suit In those lots offers a marked reduction from the original price. Every lato style is repre sented in both fancy and tailored effects belted jackets, patch pockets, pleated or flared skirts. The ma terials are serge, poplin, gabardine and silk poplin, and the colors include the season's best shades. $12i "Worth to $25.00 ?2P Worth to $37.50 Two Clever Models in SILK DRESSES $9.95 One model la a crepe de chino' dress with dainty bodice and Bleated eklrt. If has a yoke ef fect and long sleeves, white silk poplin collar and cuffs. The othen dress Is etlaponlln trimmed with self buttons and band of self material at bottom of eklrt. All colors and alsea. Special Values in New SPRING. CO ATS $8.75 New style, belted or flare ef fects. Ideal coats for street or utility wear. Materials are serges, gabardines, checks and tweeds and colors are black navy, Belgian, tan and black and white checks. Choice of Any Silk or La co "Waist Worth to $6.00 $3.98 Sale of Separate Skirts $4.75 $6.95 Worth to silk Worth to $7.5!) wool $11.00 Now. Lingerie Waists, Organdies, Lawns, Voiles, worth reg nlarly $1.50 98c New Palm Beach Suits Very smart for summer wear. We offer a big variety of mod els JUBt received In tailored and fancy styles, ranging In price from. $10 to $1815 New Linen Dresses Very stylish for street or home. Just received this week. Tail ored styles with pockets and belts. Copen, rose, tan and white and tC75 fn CI tt prices are PJ vJ P X J sb. is Real ISstate Bcsad tbm late news aboart read on tha next to the last Be informed lnrU-. gate sand 701 wiu be able to tares roar maswy more Intelli gently saad tnor profitably. 0 Misses Tjoutae IXnnlna, ' Mrliora Tavls. I apfene Peter, Mildred Butler. Mesdames . Jack Webster. Harold rrttchett. Mlssea , Fllxabeth Tlruee. Kllsabeth levle, Oladys Peteia. Kstheiine Tliununel Mesdamea Ben WkmI, Halph Peters. Ia and Out of the Bee Hive. Mr. and Mra. Harry Tuwnaend are at Hillside." their new Seymour home. Mr. Milton Darllna has returned from New Tork City. Mr. Stockton Heth left last evening for Chleaao, whiye he will meet Miss Heth Tail and prnd the coming- week end. On the Calendar. The Twinkle club will entertain at tli Roma this evenlnsv- The Columbus club will alve a dancing party this eventns at the Semour bake Country club. Tha second of a series of subscription dancins paKlea will be liven at the club house by the tnemlxtra and their fi lends on Friday evening. May H. This (tarty will be under the supervision of 'the ehll dreu'a playgrounds committee. Pre-Quad Club. The memhers of the Pre-Quad Whist cluo were entertained Thuraday after noon at the home of Mrs. B. IlUkox After tha aarac luncheon was served. Tha arises for tha hlrh r cores werejiwardd to Mesdamea J. B. Chiitea, Hodman Brown and V. W. Qreenland. The club 111 meet In two weeks at the home of Mrs. W. M. Bevttt. Thoae present were: Mesdamea Ruoman HrowC. J. J. Mullen. A. M. Martell. J. M. GurtiHt'om, W. U. Ivilt. H. L. W codfurd. Mei-damea J. H. Chiiles. B. W. Greenland, T. K. Faulkner, Arthur Kuhn. H. Aamussen. O. Jilckna. Tor Bride-Elrct. Miss IJtlian M'iaeberg will entertain at tl.e Uanaant tomorrow at the Fontenelte in honor of llia Coldis Alpirn. who will t married May 25. Fix guests will be eotertalned. ' For Mrs. Crain. Cosnplimentary to lira, rhartea Cralu t eprlngfkld. O., Mra. Howard Bcidrlge $$ AIMeS W0NDERF OL MAT SALE It is related of the Duke of Wellington that he exclaimed as he looked at the headgear oi the members of the first reform parliament? never saw so many shocking bad hats in my fife." Rather remarkableisn't it, that aman of the temperament' of the IRON DUKE should bother about thVhats the folks wear. This French pay great attention to headgear and footgear and are they not wise? a becoming hait and trimly shod feet helps a whole lot. Isn't it the truth? Saturday at 8:30 a. m. Sale Starts ifefi exquisitely trimmed, real values $5, $6, S7.50, $10, $12; yes some worth judged in the : J V r Slrf n. usual way $15 AT ONE PRICE . . . . . . .......... . ilClHU This sale will cause great excitement. Hundreds have viewed them in our windows. Out-of-town customers have begged us for reser vations. ALL WILL BE SERVED ALIKE. ' First Come! First Served! Cf Now hearken: Leghorns, Milan Hemps, Lisere Braids, Para dise trimmed; plume trimmed, ostrich-pompon, flowers, velvet ribbons, wings, hats trimmed with feelers, stick-ups, all the season's latest. LARGE-MEDIUM-SMALL Last Day of the Towel and Bedspread Sales HeatVonre ngain the list of names. Tbey are suggestive. , " MorniUfC Glory,. 98 instead of $1.25. .Easy Rest, SI. 15 instead of $1.50 Kestful, $1,120 instead of $1.75. Ooronado, $1.95 instead of $2.50. Kitz A, $2.98 instead of $3.50. Lion City, $2.98 instead of $..50. Marseilles, $3.75 instead of $4.50. Marseilles, $575 instead of $7.50. "Imported $6.50 instead 'of $8.50. Imported, $7.50 instead of $10.00. Imported,. $11.50 instead. of $15.00. 20 Off on All Embroidered Spreads. , TURKISH BATH; TOWELS 7J, fy instead -of 1 0e. , . 12ii. instead, of . 1 5t . '. ; 15e instead of 20e . . 19 .iiiastend of - . . . ' 29 instead oraoc.' " - a0. instead of &ic. 19 ior 25c Linen Hueks. 25t.for.30c Liueh Hueks: , 1 . 29 for 35c Fiiivm llucks. .J9 for 50c Unen Hueks. 59 for 75" Lineii Hueks. ' . 79o for $1,00 Linen Hitch. . . ;IIuck Towels these are. . Cotton Huck Towels : 5 for 7Vfce quality. 7ty for lOe (juality. 10t for 15e quality. 15 for 20e quality. Trouble in China The Yellow Men aro making fuees at eaeh other, but that has .nothing whatever to do with the eae under eonsicleraticn, wluch is: On Saturday we will present a wonderful-assortment of out glass ihe diamond cut many new floral designs ta bowls,' nappies, baskets, pitchers, decantora,. etc. Alao a apecial lei, of fine Cut Nappies at 70 each. ; , - ... Wash Goods, West Aisle, First Floor. Imported Novelties for summer coating, a line we Would fain eloso out. Sold up to $5.00, Saturday $1.50 yard. . jVn amazing gathering of Printed Voiles, flowers, figures and strips, in the lot many blaek and white, 25 yard. ! Ski i t lengths for $1.00 contain 3 yards, were $1.00 a yard. An attractive little woman has been demonstrating the beauty and utility of our Utility House Drcssos. ttto'ek is extensive, prices Semper Idem. Always the' 6ame $1.25, $1 .50 up to $2.50. Apron Sale Saturday on the Square, First Floor. Hest we know of at 50t each. Hundreds of patterns, light or dark. One of the most important of all the day's sales will be the amazing price cut ting in-the Ready-to-Wear Section. 3 Big Lots of Women's Suits Well Tailored NO. 1 Contains attractive Suits. Skirts perhaps a teenty bit narrow; they sold up to $35.02. Saturday will be priced at less than jacket alone should bring, $9.75. LOT 2 A choice collection of popular models. Hlue Serges and the popular black . and white checks included, most of them . leader at $23, Saturday $10.75 each. LOT S "Toppy M is the word applied to these, the very best things of the year. Coverts. Gabardines, Silk Poplins and Moires, $24.75 instead of $40.00 which, many were. , People blow their horns about Blouse business. We have sold some blouses our own selves. Biggest business we ever did, and as. a result, broken assortments, odd sizes, etc. Saturday w.e expect to say Ta! Tal to all of these, at $1.98. Now some sold as high as $7.50. Did you ever in your whole life see any thing more dressy or nobby than those Silky Sweaters? You thought they were silk. Some one who was not on familiar terms with "Truth" advertised them as silk. They are not that's emphatic, isn't it f Who cares after all. No need to fabri cate; they are just as good for a' that. $10 and $15. Ask our saleswomen, they know what's o'clock, and will tell you what they are made from. Extraordinary Sale in the Base ment Salesroom Silk stripes, Egyptian tissues, 40-inch voiles, Jap crepes ; fabrics similar to those we ourselves have sold up to 25c, all at one price, 12V yard, English Plisse in printed figures and 6tripes, Saturday 14V instead of 18c . Children's Section Hats ready to put on, sold up to $5.00, for $2.50. Small Coats for small people, perhaps 20, two to six years. Prices formerly up to $10.00, Saturday $2.98 each. SUITS FOB JUNIORS A $10.00 bill will buy a Homespun Suit, Colored Serge Suit, White Serge Suit, fashionable fabrics, at a much under value price. PERSPtRERS Somebody suggested that as a polite word for Sweaters. We are old fashioned enough to be satisfied with the old name. Grey and Cardinal, whatever the controversy about the name, none about the price, $1.98. 'Sold up to $4.50. Underwear Main Floor The new Milanaise fabric. Silk under wear that is DURABLE, and such an air of luxury and refinement as to make these garments irresistible. Really moderate in price, too, considering everything.' Vests, $1.50. Bloomers, $2.50. Suits, $3.50. We all take our hats off to Germany as a maker of stockings. You may remember a black with lavender top which we have sold lo these many moons at 50t pair. These came in late and so to sell them quickly priced for Saturday at 39 pair. Are Ton a Protectionist Mr. Man? Rain coats at $5.00 furnish protection at a moderate prico. All wool Tweed Balma caans at $10.00 each. Pa Rourke will tell you that onr $1.00 Shirt is a wonder. Neat, well made, excellent material and they fit Saturday for the Fans, 79o each. No one turned away shirtless while these last.