T1IK l'.KK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1H15. 13 BRIEF CITY NEWS STava Mr1 VMM IV Mow Prs KlatMt Tmam Barpm -OraJidsn Os Ttir oM Karl rvocraia' rlaastnd section today, and appears Is Te Bo BTXCLCFIVELT. Find out west Uk various moving picture theaters offer. uuufi Sal aText Wooli Thara wilt bo a rummage) sale on th oorner of Twentieth and Ohio streets rn Tuesday and Wednesday, Mat 11 and IX Putttag Vs inliff A aura sign of the approach ol summer la found In the Installation of awnings over windows of many downtown buildings. Those for the federal building are now being put up. sTatoa ' tsbal LufM Kivtartain The newly organised union Card ib league will give an entertainment' and dance Saturday evening In Hall No. s, Labor Temple, Nineteenth and Famam. Jltaey Mtm riaed Harry Mo Oowan of Albright, driver of tlte largest jitney bua In the city, waa fined 11 and coata in police court for obstructing traffic In the vicinity of the Burlington atatlon. JTo gumma fcat Vp ta BuaUesa If j-eur office la properly located, readily found and eaally aocesalble. For auch offices apply to th superintendent of the Be building, "th building that la alwaya new," room 10S. Xn. acerrlam'a Taper rnbllahed The May number of tha Medina Coum-il, pub lished In Philadelphia, gives apace to a paper by Dr. It. A. Merrlam of Omaha, which was originally read before the local medical society here. Taomee Caught is Act Bennle Thomas, colored, was caught by Officer Carney crawling through the transom of A. Nagle's butcher shop at 1144 North Sixteenth street, with the result that he was bound over to the district court with bonds fixed at $1,000, XoUar Moving to JHavs B. 8. Koller, formerly assistant general man ager of the Burlington here, but now general manager of the Colorado & South ern, with headquarters at Denver, is in th city packing up his household goods, preparatory to moving. lie will reside In Denver. Omaha Olrl la Sanest Magsrtns The Sunset magaxlne for May contains an . Interesting contribution entitled "Lovely 'Woman at the Exposition," from the pen of Frances A. Qroff, who will be remem bered la Omaha as tha daughter of Lewis A. Qroff, whose family moved some years ago to Los Angeles. Police Start Move To Round Up Men Who Have No Work Advices to ths Omaha police from the weat indicating the approach of an army of "unemployed" caused Chief Dunn yes terday to order his captains to clean up Omaha. Ths captains put the order Into effect by making a general roundup of the streets sad by midnight about ninety unwashed. Unkempt men of all ages and each without visible means of support was locked up In the city jail. Detectives Williams, Kennelty, Dunn, Sullivan, Lahey, Barta, and Holden and Officer Peterson sent In a batch of nearly forty negroes who were unable to tell where their next meal was coming from. This morning all will be arraigned be fore Police Magistrate Brltt and allowed to tell their stories. "1 guess our only salvation Is to keep them moving," said Chief Dunn. . "I understand there was an exodus of something like 60.000 from California alon during the last seven days. "Omaha la mighty unfortunate In not having a workhouse er some means of offering these men a chance to work out their board and lodging, or punishment, as th case may be." "W don't want to punish these men just because thsy air out of jobs," said Commissioner Kngel. "Many of them the majority perhaps are deserving. There are some, however, who ' don't want work under . any conditions, and these, of course, ought not be handled with kid glovea. They will all b given a reasonable chance to find work and then told to move on. It is not justice to th taxpayers and citizens of Omaha that these men should live off th com munity simply because they are unfor tunate, because If we give them an inch it won't be long before they'll - be de manding a mile." More than seventy-five were given) thirty days with suspended sentence on their promises to leave town at once. From OmtZhas Busy Suburbs rlaaleJ4. Kula rtxtes visited friends in Kremoot lset Sunday. Mrs. linn slilstesd of Peru ia visiting at the home of 8. C. llaney. Mis Cltr-lsa Kesark of Murdock visited her parents here last Sunday. Mr. end Mrs. James Huff of Omaha were visiting here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rlshling of Omaha are visiting relatives h?re. Mr. and Mrs. I. j Dunn of Omaha rlstted Mrs. Hoy Whitney last (Sunday. The Epworth league gsre a social at the home of J. M. Klwell Monday even ing. George KUIngwood Joy will give a series of lectures hero next week, commencing next Sunday. Mrs. Lester Anson of Brunswtrk. Neh ?"'" visiting? relatives In this vlcln Ity this week C. A. Bessrk w called to Stratlon, ISeb., bv the serious Illness of his mother last Thursday. The family of Frsnk Coyne were lot out of quarantine last Wednesday. They were quarantined for smalloox. Ford Botes of the State university vis Ited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bates, last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Faean has been attending the district conference of the Metho dist church at Omaha this week. Mrs. Vlnnle Cockerlll of Louisville vis ited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Armstrong, the fore pert of the week. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Oldcnrog. who hve been in en Omaha hospital for the last month, were able to come home last Sun day. L. A. Bates was named as one of the committee of lin to make arrngments for the celebration of the semi-centennial of the admission of Nebraska Into the tinion. , Avoca. Mrs. Ralph Oraham was visiting Omaha friends this week. Mrs. Fred Neumelster was visiting rela tives at Cook this week. Mrs W. H. Betta Is apendlng the week with Fagle relatives. Misses Elsie and Luella Opp were Ne braska City visitors Wednesday. Mrs W. Xj. Glllln of Council Bluffs is here on a visit with her Parents. V. W Si rant) was attending a meeting of the bankers at Lincoln this week. . Mesdamea Oottleib and Simon Beh meler were Weeping Water visitors Fri day. Mrs. Clara Witt suffered a severe at tack of appendlticia this week, but Is some better. Wallace Munn, sr., has returned from a several weeks' visit with his daughter at Panama Cltv. Fla. Miss Minnie llagemeiater has returned from a several weeks' visit with relatives near Nebraska City. Mrs. J. M. Palmer and children of Ne hawka were visiting relatives east of town the first of the week. Mesdames William Knahe. Dick Bohl man. Fred Paap and I"r. Bchall of Berlin, were visiting ht-re Wednewiay. their wmv from Tebnr, la . t Punning. Neb., where they will make their home. vThey were former residents here. Miss Floy Canadsy. who eaches in the grades here, has accepted s position for text year In th schools at Murd k. Oarenoe I -en, son of Mr. ad Mrs. Fred Ijiu, has become ahlT of the Fanners state bank at Sutherland, Nel. Mre. I 1. Swltser went to Outdo Rock. Neli., Saturday to visit her daughter, Ml eope. w ho Is teaching music in the puhllo schools there. Mr. and Mrs. R O. Cromwell have re turned to RolclKh. N. O, where Mr. Crom well has a position on the faculty of the agricultural experiment station. Jweek at the mouth of the Papplo: Karl lranstad. John I'helps. Murray Taylor. j Honnld lAiiehletne, Clarence Zurker and Wallace Mitchell. I John Readina. s retired army band 'ma.lr. who has been living on Twenty Isevrnth street (n HclUvue, moved with his wife and family to California Wednes day.. . At the Christian Endeavor meeting Sunday night llutb. Stokea and KHa i'ur cell. delegates to the district t InlMinn Endeavor conention at Scrlhner, rve their reports. Valley. Johnson went to lincoln Weeplaa- Water. Mrs. James Stoner Is suffering with a dislocated ankle received in a tail. Mrs. S. A. inilherson celebrated her ninety-second birthday on Saturday, May 8. Mrs. W. P. Wright went to Lincoln Sunday evening to visit her sister, Mrs. Ed Cole. The Chrysalis library has been moved from the Meier building to the Ratnour building. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Phradcr and little daughter visited relatives at Nebraska City Sunday. Mrs. Will Preston returned Tuesday evening from Nebraska City, where she had been visiting. Mrs. T. L. Wiles went to Plattamouth Tuesday to visit at the home of her brother, Ben Horning. Miss Irene Jones and brother visited Sunday at the home of their aister, Mv William Baler, near Avoca. Rev. W. M. Elledge was at Tfnlon Tues day attending the executive session of the Cass Sunday School association. Miss Nannie Wiles waa hero from Cot ner university the first of this week visiting st the. home of her parents, J. C. Morgan and eon, Ralph, visited In town a few daya tma week while on Mrs Nets Thursday. Ir. and Mre. Garrison motored to Omaha Friday. Mrs. Frank Whltmnre Is confined to her home with rheumatism. Mrs. Annie Robinson and Ruth Hub bard spent Saturday in Omaha. Miss Mabel Johnson came up from Lin coln for a visit with her parents Tues day. Miss Wauneta Cook went to Unroln Saturday to spend the week-end at hor home. Mrs. Henry Wallstroem has been very ill with tonailitts, but is Improving slowly. Mrs. C. B. Nichols entertained the Birthday club at her home Tuesday aft ernoon. Miss Anna Morrow came out from Omaha to spend Sunday with her sister, Miss Lillian Morrow. Mips Pearl Hanna went to South Omaha Saturday, to be tho week-end guest of Miss Helen McKee, The ninth class of the Valley High school gave a moonlight picnic, at King Lake Friday evening for the senior class. The regular monthly meeting of the Mothers' club will be held Friday with Mrs. F. F. De Vorc. Mrs. Kennedy is to be leader. Vernon and Oeorge Wlckland will en tertain tho members of the senior class and High school teachers at their home In Byarsville Friday evening. Mrs. J. J. Miller, who has been very ll for several weeks with a nervous break down, went to Omaha to the Nicholas Senn hospital for treatment Tuesday. The regular monthly Valley meeting of the Ladles' Aid aoclcty was held at the home of Mrs. R. Erwav. Mrs. Roy Eg bert assisted Mrs. Brway in serving lunch. Misses Irene Brown, Oertrude Ingram, Lillian Morrow. Pearl Hanna. Wauneta Cook, Orpha Oa'nes, May Nichols, Mrs. Nichols, Kthel Kennedy. Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Monahnn, Teresa Fltsgorald, J. K. Nichols, Lawrence and C H. Coy were the Valley people who went to Omaha to hear Maude Adams in "Quality Street." Bellerae. Wilbur Shafcr is building sn addition to his home. Mra. Ed Meyers returned Monday from Alnaworth, Neb. The session of the Presbyterian church beld lta monthly meeting Sunday afttr nopn. vVilliam Snare of Ehlckley visited his father Albert Snare, from Tuesday to Thursday. The Modern Woodmen of America will give their fortnightly dance at tho court house Saturday night The Presbyterian Indies' Aid society had an all-day sowing bee at tha home of Mra. P. W. Evens. Mrs. Sarah Denett and Mra. Ed Pat terson apent the week end with Mra. Charles Patrick of Bellevue. ' Ouy Reed was elected janitor of the public schools at the meeting of the school board last week to succeed Oeorge Schats. A. R. Relghtmeyer of Palmyra. Neb., who apent the winter in Denver ,'vlalted Wednesday and Thursday with hla daughter, Mra. P. W. Evana. The Hesperian Uterary society of th Union High achool had a party at the home of Karl Branstadt on the Fort Crook boulevard, last week. The following six young men are plan ning a camping trip at the . end of this Ished his house here ready They are now at Fred Peril's, have a new bouee built. for plaster wh III Water was eb.awka. Mrs. O.irder of Weeping in town Thursday. W. H. Schema ker was In Omaha on business Wednesday. Mrs. Palmer and children the first of the week In Avoca. Mr. and Mrs. Klrkpatrlck were In Ne braska City on business. . Monday. Mrs. Thonms and Mrs. Stander of Louisville were In town Thursday. J. J. Long Is here for a visit with the family of his son, J. J. Ihhir. Mrs. Nelson of Weeping Water called on friends here the first of the week. Mrs Grace Ktaton of Weeping Water waa here Wednesday, visiting; Mends. Ben Hobeck la slowly recovering from a paralytic stroke he suffered a few daya ago. Mesdames Ambler and Contryman of Weeping Water were here en business Thursday t Mrs. Jackson of IVs Molne. ia visiting at the hm of her brother, Charles Duckworth, this week. Harry Duckworth of Charlton, la., la her with hla brother. Charles, who is very low with tuberculosis. Herbert Opp has returned from UnoJn and has decided to make this hla home, having leased his father's busjness. Miss Crlt Ine Steffens of l.orton has oome to Nehawka to assist her brother, John, In the dry goods and grocery store he has purchased. Mr. and Mra. Pain, who have been vie iting at the home of their son-in-law. Max BJiafer, left Mondey for Snake River, Ida., to make It their permanent hontn. b.ialhcss visitor in Arllsisrtoa). L. F. Gllfry went to Omaha Monday. Carl Carlberg was a visitor Monday at Blair. John leaker was Omaha Tuesday. Mrs. 11. W. Marshall was in Omaha Saturday morning. B. M. Marshall left for an extended visit at Lincoln last Saturday morning. The amallpox epidemic la about over with. No one haa the disease now save In a niild form. Mrs! O. E. Ludwtg left for Sidney Saturday, where she will visit her hue band for about two weeka. Mr. and Mra. Herbert Payne, the latter part of last week, visited at the home of their aon, Fred, at Fremont. Mtsa Euphemia Wolf returned home Tuesday morning from Oinnha, for a abort visit with relatives here. Charles Anderson, Stephen Krajtcek, John Toft and O. E. Galnee were among the passengers to Omaha Monday. Mrs. R. L. Pence, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. E. Webb, for the last two weeks, returned to her home Miss Caroline Stein, who has been em ployed in Marshall Bros.' nursery offlve for the last six months, left Monday morning for Fremont, where she ho- accepted a position In the normal school. Elkhorn. Mr. and Mra. J. V. Wyatt and little daughter visited in Omaha over Monday night. The Misses Emma and Mlns Nolte en tertained the Ladles' kenslngtnn Thurs day. Lunch whs served. Mra C. W. Hlekey and children of Bennington came Sunday to visit at the WltUe home. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Rlgby and . son came from Omaha Bunday to visit Mrs. Rigby's mother, Mrs. Calvert, for tho day. Mr. and Mre. J. M. ' Brunner went to Fremont Thursday evening. They ex pent to spend a month there visiting and resting. Guy Horn of Paptlllon waa here Wed nesday conferring with the town board in regard to a new town well, aa the present well ia not giving entire satisfao ti lion. Henry Meyers and fore of men nrntilHBlen. flu" Buna la In Omaha serving on the district court Jury. Mr. and Mrs. H. I. trlN-rt attended lh" funeral of a relative lu Iowa this ek. A surprise psrtv was tendered Mis Otrtrurfe Bruhn on Wednesday evening. i-ie occasion being her birthday. Miss Isabrlle Uadnian, violinist, ami Miss Fern tlreenslatr, pianist, arreted by Mint Nora Fred, all of Omaha, nave a most enjoyable re. its! on Saturday exenlng at the Odd Fellows' hall. In spite of the rsln a god-slsed crowd enjoyed the tlrxt ball game of the sea son on Sunday afternoon. The home tertm carried off the honors, their opponents bring the Falrvlew Originals from near Florence. lr. Julius tJngenfelder and family, for mer residents of this village, now living at Grand Island, will soon move back to their old home at St. loiit, wt.ere the doctor will resume the practice of bis profession. Paptlllon. Mis Jessie Boyre of Omaha ws the guest of Mrs 1. D. Clarke Sund-v. Mlsa Cordelia Gramllch entei """.led the ninth grade last Filday evening at lier home smith of town. Mr. and Mrs. J. I Eastmsn and family of Orr.ahn were guo.M of Mr. and Mre. John Welsh Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I. l. Clarke he moved from their cottrte to the A. "V. Clarke home for the summer. In district court Thursday divorces Were granted u (Union J. Mi ("arty from Jennie McCarthy and Penrl L. Bee from V llliuiu lice. The Endeavor buelneM meeting and social was held Friday evening at the home of Mlsa Eva Kennedy, who has Just closed a very successful term as president. Miss Veda Spearman was elected president for the nest six months. A number of young people from Ollmore were guests for the social. MeOoanell to Nyraease. Second Baseman Amby MoConnell. hero of the Sox-Cubs Chicago aerlea In l!'l. Inst week signed a contract to play with the Syracuse club this year. Bee Want Ada produce results. Dinner Delightful! Your exclamation suroly if you havo hut exorcised your own host taste in scloctiriR the plntv to po. The dining rooms of tho now hotel furnish a delight found hero nlono. Add the best cooking, the lx'st service and tlu fairest prices and you know why tho house is successful why the best people are found here in growing num- bcrH and why they come again. Snnday Night Dinner do Lnxe and concert from six to nine at one fifty tho person. Usual Tin Dansant Saturday afternoon from four to six. Soupcra Dansanta every Mon day and Thursday night from ten thirty on. Make tnblo arrangements with M. Charles Mayard. I I lit i ,V- I l 'EE ii 4 "Tho Fontcnello You Well." Will Porre Hotel Fonrkelie USE For Results Bee Want Ado. HIGH SCHOOL DEBATERS IN LAST CONTEST OF YEAR Ths last debate of the year for Central High school wlU he held at ths high school auditorium this evening, when local orators will discuss with Sioux City debaters "The Literacy Teat for Immi grants." There will be two debates, one st Sioux City and one at home. Omaha will take the affirmative of the question at home, being represented by Arild Olses and Earls Ticknor. In Sioux City Sol Rosenblatt and Scott will support the tegatrtre. The following additional program will be given In Omaha: Cavalry Bong ,.. Splndler "Iullaby" (Humoreske) Dvorak High School a Iris' Glee club. Piano Solo-Xa, File use Roff Frank M. Hunter. Judges: J. K. Marshall, principal Coun cil Bluffs High school; John Speedie, superintendent schools, Benson; W. K. Nlcholl, acting president Bellevue col lege. MRS. MARY MACKENZIE DIES; LIVED THIRTY YEARS HERE Mrs. Mary MacKsnxle, 2 years old, who had lived In Omaha thirty-one years, died Wedneaday night at her home. 1511 North Thirty-third street, after a short iUneas. Mra. Mac Ken lie waa born on a British ship bound for the East Indies. She ia survived by her husband, J. A. Mac Kenxie, a son, Ia W. MacKenzle of Omaha, and four daughters, Mlaaea Jes sie and Maude MacKencle, Mis. Daniel Durran of Omaha and Mrs. D. H, Golden of Montreal, Canada. James Austin of South Omaha la a brother and Mrs. J. II. Wlebe of Lincoln and Mrs. Caroline Johnson of Council Bluffs are glatera of the dead woman. Yon Save Time and Money by Trading at the Sliernan & McConnoll Drug Stores" The above ctxhllne phrase la actually true, as may be attested bj thousands of satisfied customers who have been patrons of our store many of them for 20 years. One hundred and twenty-five thousand items bought direct from manufacturers or Importers fa most instance is part of the "reason why." The other parts are prompt and efficient service and a price always as low generally considerably lower than can be obtained elsewhere. Last, but not least always f reeh and genuine goods. IMPERIAL GRANUM rood for the sTuxslns- Mother Increases the quan tity and quality of her milk and gives strength to bear the strain of nurs ing. Tor the Baby. Imperial Oranum is the food that gives hard, firm flesh, good bone and r 1 o h. red blood BSo. Bo, ta.78. Ivory Soap Regularly 5c, special today only, 8 for. .... aw7C Mule Team Boraz l-lb. pkg.. regularly 15c, y special today only C Italian Castile Soap l-lb. bar. Regularly 10c, p special today only. 3C Sulphur and Cream Tartar Regularly 25c, special 1 A today only AxC Any 35c Stationery Either Letter Paper or Corres pondence Cards, special iq today only AaC StiUman's Freckle Cream 50c sl2e, at all Rexall Stores. special Saturday only 3xC Edwards' Olive Tablets Regularly 25c, special iy Saturday only 1 C 3-Qt. "Money Back" Foun tain Syringe Regularly 1.60, spe- no rial today only. ....... aVOC Lotus Hair Color liaise. At all stores, Q special today only. .... OaC Sempre Giovine 60c slae. Regularly 60c at all Owl Stores, special OQr today only : . . abaC Bitter Apple Hair Tonic 60c size. At all Retail nn stores, special Saturday, sm a C Elcaya Cream 60o slse, at all Rexall' 8tores, special Saturday OO only OOC IRON DANDELION KILLER ' Sulphate of Iron la the best for this purpose. It's just dis solved in wter. Per ( pound DC Special price in larger quantities. Chamois and Wool Puff Dainty lace-edged Face Cha mois, regularly 16c, and genu ine Wool Puff, regular lOe, spe cial Saturday only, pa both for IDC FOR SATURDAY'S SELLING HARTMAN'S OFFER YOU THESE BIG BARGAINS ON LIBERAL EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS THE GREATEST ROCKER BARGAIN OF THE SEASON 75c Cash--7Sc a Month IN THIS SPECIAL ROCKEK WE OFFER A VERY EX CEPTIONAL BARGAIN. H is niacle of an excellent grade o rell Koosoned wood, finished golden in American quarter bh wed imitation oak Has neatly tufted broad back and wide roomy seat. The upholstering used-is high grade Imperial! leather. Steel spring construc tion underneath ecat. Note the graceful lines in which this rocker is built. This is a genuine bargain and on sale for Saturday only. We advise that you come early, as the quantity will not last long. I' l&IM 3 '' 'JaW ' list VrJt-(t'?4 t F-ZStr "vb J F0R jS X U K SATURDAY JJ UV J ONLY ONEV TO A CUSTOMER 3 il See This Great Davenport Bed Bargain A SPLENDID VALUE in an artistically shaped automatic I Ded DaTenport. BeauUf ully up holstered in high grade Im perial leather, and tufted back and seat, over full steel spring construction. The frame is of genuine solid oak brilliantly polished in golden. Has swelled front and bent arms. A very useful as well a -m mi r r ornamental piece f XH a v w r as VO I MTM EM ist ELK AY'S HAT DYE Now is the time to dye straw bats: 6 colors. Jet black, cardi nal red. brown, sage green, nat ural, navy blue; per nr bottle aOC Packer's Tar Soap J5c size, at all Rexall Stores," special 14c HIGHWAYMAN ROBS . CREIGHTON STUDENT It was sa Inconsiderate highway robW nho stoppl Dr. WalUr Epanton. Crigh ton medical student, living- at bit North Twentieth street, last night. Epanton was escorting a young woman to her home, and was at Twentieth street, near Cass, when the robber Jumped out from behind a corner of a building. Epanton lost til In hills, soma change and his ksys SPECIAL CIGAR SALE SATURDAY Ask the man at the counter. Bathasweet 26c size at all Rexall Stores, v special Saturday A only 14C Squibb, 8 Talcum Powder 25c she, at all Rexall Stores, special, Saturday f only lHC Rexall Playing Cards Regular package, spe- 1 r cial Saturday only. .. , IOC OINTMENT AND SOAP POSLAM OINTMENT is the standard, ever-dependable, quick acting - remedy for ALL, SKIN TROUBLES. Amazingly effective in causing the disappearance of PIMPLES, RASHES, BLEMISHES and healing ECZEMA, ACNE and eruptlonal disorders. When It la applied Itching STOPS; relief is Immediate. PpSLAM SOAP, for toUet and bath, Is not only delightfully su perior to cleanse the skin, BUT DOUBLED IN VIRTUE THROUGH ITS ANTISEPTIC MEDICATION WITH POSLAM. 8oothee; never irritates. Safe for baby. So grat ifying that a month's trial makes friends for life. U N I of furniture tun imjt ii e. In (M ' A MOsTTX. '-f I C. - "ea b-i f &ag- f A u n v i. - - ilwllilii1r lit i , l nnyii' $1.75 Cash-$1.50 a Month Welch's or Liggett 's Grape Juice. 1-Quart Bottle, Saturday, 34c. SHERr.M s ra'eonnELL mm co.v Corner 16th and Dodge Streets OWL DRUG CO., 16th and Harney Streets LOYAL PHARMACY, 207-209 N. 16th St. HARVARD PHARMACY 24th & Far. Sts. M ig Refrigerator Bargain LJ" WHITE ENAMEu KKVU1UEKATUK. Maae or well seasoned wood, with double wall construc tion, and lined with- specially treated mineral wool. Has large provision compartment and roomy ice chamber. And fitted g gr with ONE removable shelf. A f) tlx uaranteed Ice saver.... ( With two removsbls shelves, f7.SS.) vinWonderful Value in a Combination Gas Range A combination coal and gas rank now f i fe red at a price wtthln rearh of ail. This rang Is full site lu every rssuert, having a 10-lnch romhlnstloh oven for gas or coal. oven thermometer on door, sour holes ioi aiis and four holes for coal. Very simply npersted snd S'uaranteed in every respect. Only 48.50 l f It: V I. . 1 7 Complete Wash Day Set at a Bargain Price In addition to the many wonder ful bargains offered for tomorrow we will give away, absolutely free of charge, a handsomely decorated gold band semi-porcelain 42-plece Dinner Set, .with every purchase of ISO. 00 or over. Cash or credit. i. .3 bkttw: rtT -jtn - if" 1M CAB V Si.of a nam Hartman's Special 18 Fiece PURE ALUM INUM KITCHEN OUTFIT Contains everything necessary to handla a larg family wush lag. Just exactly as Illustrated. Would cost Jonble the prl- If bought bv the niece. Offered for Haturdsy's selllnK while a sinull Quan tity lasts. at this un- heaia oi prtc IIU.I M " 6.90 MM 15iTT. iL.i IMS 1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS ST. This set consists of I places. Mostly large six. Includ ing a 2-q t. percolat ing coffee pot. com bination broiler ami a -ut. Berlin ket tle, aa Illustrated. Kvsry Dlere abso lutely guaranteed. A great bargain, eve dally rt s riieedfor CJ BQ hat urda v'sa Oawf sals, only . .