Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1915, EDITORIAL, Image 11

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    The Omaha Daily
Fullest and timeliest sport
news and gossip in The Dee
day by day. Special Sport
Section every Sunday.
VOL. XLIV-O. 278.
Oa Trains and at
oW wi Ituli, 5o
Aged Indian Woman Gratified that
Logan Fontenelle Wat Remem
bered in Naming Edifice.
Almost blind, unable to see tbe
magnificent Fontenelle hotel in
which she dined with her people last
night, Mrs. William Tyndall, daugh
ter of Logan Fontenelle, former
chief of the Omaha Indians, tottered
to her aged feet last night and spok
to the fifty Indians and twenty-five
whites of Decatur who held a ban
quet in honor of the great chief
Fontenelle. The aged daughter of
the martyr chief, whose name the ho
tel bears, spoke in her native Omahu
Without lifting the lits from hr sinlit
Ues eyes, she thanked tbe people who
had built ,thci hotel and who had been so
thoughtful and considerate as to name
It In honor" of her dead father, whom
they had never seen.
Ulad Children tnn Enjoy.
"I am almost blind," aba laid, acrord
ini; to t tip Interpreter, "and 1 cannot see
this great iiilldlng whic h the whit peo
ple have built in honor of my father,
lint I am happy that my rhlUHvu . and
grondi'nlldreri are here, and the knowl
age that they are seeing this treat
structure and enjoying it la as good 'to
me as though I saw it myself. I am
thankful to the people for thinking of
iny rather when numing this hotel, it
is especially pleasing to think that those
who never knew, him, who never saw
him and .ho in rto way came in con
tact with him should still honor him in
this way." Sj
M pet let h Birthday of 4 btrf.
A littlo group or bunlness men of De
catur gave the banquet. . John K. t'lliott,
i;. A. Hanson, Axel Johnson and a nuni
ler of others headed the enterprise. Mr.
HUlott first began making the arrange
nxnts for this banquet with the late W.
Tt. Burbank shortly before Manager Uur
tank died. Yesterday the Indians, prin
cipally direct descendants and reUtlvea
of Logan Fontenelle, were brought to
Omaha in the automobiles of a number
of the Decatur business men for the oc
casion. It waa the celebration of the
ninetieth birthiuy of Chief Logan Fonte
r.elle, who was killed near Bellevue while
defending a party of women and children
from an attack of Sioux warriors.
White Horse Gives Advice.
Another speaker who talked in the
Omaha tongue was Chief W hite Horse, a
descendant of the ancient chief Black-'
bird. White Horse has passed the four,
score mark in yearn. He has discarded
the blanket, however, and In bla talk
told Jils people to live, the ways of the
white mbn, to strive to learn the wa.-a
of the white man and adapt themselves
to them. He advised them to hold their
lands and not let them slip carelessly
from their grasp, but to make their liv
ings by working the lands. .
E. A. Hanson of Decatur was toast
master. T. R. Sloan, attorney, new prac
ticing In Washington, D. C, reviewed the
history of the Omaha tribe, and praised
them as a highly intelligent people. He
spoke of them a being a highly moral
tribe of Indians and a tribe with whom
the whites had no trouble even though
the' overland trail passed through their
territory in the early days. Mary Mit
chell. T. R. Ashley, Mrs. Harriet Mac
Murphy and Mrs. Thomaa MeCauley were
other speakers.
Two Comrades Me4. .
Thomas MeCauley la a full-blood In
dian. He is a veteran of the civil war.
having fought In Company D of the First
Nebraska cavalry. Jonathan Edwards of
Omaha among other visitors strolled Into
the hotel during the evening to hear the
Indians. He learned that McOauley was
present. He 1 got the old brave out In
the lobby and there the "two renewed
acquaintances, for they had been com
rades through the civil war and had not
seen es another since forty-nine years
ago, when they were discharged from the
srmy. There was no more banquet for
them. They sat in the lobby and talked
nf long marches and battles, related
stories of army life, and mutually re
called many a funny Incident with a'
hearty slap of one another's shoulders.
Mrs. Tyndall was the only direct1 de
scendant of Logan Fontenelle in the first
degree present at the banquet Her
three daughters and a son were present,
however. They are Theresa Milton,
Amelia Lovejoy, Madeline Sherman and
Christopher Tyndall. Besides these and
their own smaller children, there were
many relatives of the Fontenelle fam'ly,
such as descendants of the brothers and
sisters of I,ogan Fontenelle.
Over half the Indian women' at the
banquet wore a dark tattoo mark on"
their forehead. This, among the Oma
bss, Is a badge of royalty, signifying
that the bearer is a direct descendant of
a chief.
Klmtlnr Partv tleilf Centnrv Airn.
"While the banquet was being held, Don
ald B. AJlan. son of J. T. Allan, who
ran the old Herndon house in Omaha In
the early days, showed to Manager Bur
bank the register of the hotel for 1B,
which revealed that on March 28 of that
year, about fifty years ago, a party of
Indiana Joined In a spread at the htg
hotel of that time. Included in the lift
Co'onel It. W. Furnas, Indian ant:
H. Fontenelle. relative of Logan Knn
tenelle; V. BMcolm. Mrs. Wade and crrHO.
H. Chase. Alexander Payer. Loula Ramo
Ke. M'chel Siniiea, Joseph Laflesche.
Little Chief. Standing Hnw-k, Noyes. No
Knife. Young Crane. Little HI1L Little
Peeorah. Whirling Wind. White, Breast
and Youna Propnet John MacMurphy of
Tecatur was also a member of the party.
Women workers protect
girls near war camps
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
I5NDON. April 10.-The National ITnion
of Women Workers has Issued an appeal
for .more volunteers to look after the wel
fare of girls rn the neighborhood of sol
diers', camps.
The work was started about three
months ago and has met with oordlal
support both civil and military. The
anion new baa 1.M0 volunteer patrols en
gaged. Everybody Reads Bee Want Ada.
Indians Celebrate
. ! fix;- J y . 'rxi lhN
IT : n
? i
Daughter of Logan Fontenelle.
Miss Pima's Recital.
Mlta Kutli Flynn, one of Omaha'a
younger pianists was heard in an en
joyable recital last evening at the First
Christian church. Miss Flynn baa musical
talent, and has spent much time In con
scientious study. She haa a great deal
of velocity, and sings her melody with a
clear round tone, and Hays with con
siderable spirit and marked musical
The program showed care In its selec
tion and arrangement. A concerto in G
minor by Ignax Moscheles, came first, the
orchestral parts plsyed by Mr. Landsberg
on the second piano. This la an essen
tially planiatlc composition, with an ex
hilarating allegro moderate, sa beauti
fully tender adagio which moves easily
and Interestingly into the allegro agitato
with which it closes. The players brought
its many beauties into clear relief, in a
most satisfactory Interpretation. The
variations brillants "Eeossatsses" by
Chopin and the two Max: Do we 11 numbers
gave Miss Flynn opportunity for sonic
excellent tonal work and musical effects;
"The March Wind," Mendelssohn, "Spin
ning Song" and "Aeolus" by Oernshetra
especially called into play fluency, with
which she is ao ' ably equipped. The
"Japanese Study" by Poldint was one
of the most attractive numbers, having
a strong national flovor from the first
to the very last note.
The program closed with an arrange
ment by Roff of the "Vaise-Jullette" by
Gounod, in which the beautiful familiar
melody is so elaborated by difficult and
showy ornaments as to tax the endurance
of the most technically efficient and
which were presented clearly and bril
liantly. MUa Flynn was the recipient
of many beautiful bouquets of flowers,
and responded at the close to an Insistent
encore with Nevin's "Rosary."
Mr. Frank Mwh assisted with a violin
solo In which he was accompanied by
Iiss Grace Slabaugh. This was a bril
liant Paganlnl number, "Danse des
Bordereau," which was followed by a
most effective encore. Mr. Mart! also
was presented with flowers.
There was a large and resiwnalve audi
ence present, who were cordial la their
appreciation and applause.
H. M. R.
Builders Unable to
Make Enough Ships
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
CHRItiTIAXIA. April 10 Norwegian
shipbuilders can scarcely keep pace with
the demand for vessels. The shipowners
find the war so advantageous to their
trade that. In need of more vessels, they
are turning to obsolete craft. They are
taking old whalers and other vessels that
had been marked for the grave, fitting
them with gasoline engines and screws
and pressing them Into service. The lo
cal ahtpyarda were sever ao busy as now.
In tonnage per capita, Norway's mer
cantile marine is tbe largest to the world.
It has (7 tons for each 1,000 Inhabitants,
as against 20 In Great Britain. The
wrecks of Norwegian ships during the
laat year do not greatly exceed normal,
although a third of them were caused by
mines and torpedoem
When the war ends Norwegian ship
owners expect to put out a new lot of
Atlantic and Pacific freighters and com
pete serioulsy for the trade then to be
Bee Want Ada produce results.
; ; Musior
Ninetieth Anniversary
1 su-.'j
Prom Ift to night. Front Row Madeline Iove)or, Fred Ixtvejnv, Ikv Sher
man, Thomas Carson Walker. Back Row Amelia Iive1oy. E'llaabelh Ixve
nu, ..inrj .'""". ium wia
Cow with Corn Cob in Throat Oivei
Veterinarian! and Yards a
Great Big Scare.
A row, a cob of corn, a veterinarian
worked tip over the foot and mouth dla-
ease and momentary paralysis or the
Union Stock yards, while a government
"vet" went to untangle tb hutttor. This
1m the atorvi
Recently the yard" went Into an up
roar because of a so-culled suspicious
cae In Sarpy county. The first veterin
arian was not certain and he sent for the
government veterinarian. The govern
ment man climbed into the pasture and
pried open the mouth of the. ailing cow.
He reached his arm down Into her throat
and withdrew It with a corn cob. Then
be kicked the "foot and mouth" patient
and telephoned the yards that there was
nothing doing In the foot and mouth dis
ease. 'But It was better to be safe than
sorry." quoted "vet" number one, and
everybody agreed.
Wooita and Cnhow Happy.
"Billy" Woods and "BdHv" Cihnv. two
local commission men and long-time sup
porters of -Mayor Jim, are happy over
the fact that the "cowboy" will be major
again. ' Woods' and'Cahow aire old per
sonal friends of JDahlman.
Federal Rearwlat loos game.
In view of the deduction in the strin
gency of the Quarantine ruins lmuiwit
y the Live Stock Sanitary board of
neorasxa the reaeral Bureau of Animal
Industry haa announced that the federal
regulations have not been changed and
patmna of the market have been ad
vised to familiarise themselves with cot
ernment regulations anew.
Tom Llaehan Dying;.
Tom Llnehan, for years known as the
blind poet of Omaha and South Omaha, is
dying at the county nosplta.1 from ex
posure and neglect. The South Omaha
police rescued the man yeaterday and
brought him to the South Omaha police
station, where bis condlUon was so des
perate that ha was sent to the county
hospital. r
Car Illla Truck.
Grocery sundries in an auto truck
owned by Lincoln ft Relseman, South
Omaha grocers, were scattered about the
corner of Twenty-fourth and N streets
yesterday noon when a westbound street
car crashed Into the truck. The ear was
In charge of Conductor J. H. Musgrave
and Motorman J. W. Thomas. No one
was Injured.
Manr Attend Rerltal.
Many South Omaha friends of Miss
Ruth Flynn Vtended the piano recital
given by Miss Flynn last night at the
First Christian church In Omaha. Miss
Flynn is a pianist of great promise and
those who attended the recital were very
pronounced In their praise. She haa spent
a number of years studying musle
Look and Profit.
The man that buys Hart, Bhaffner &
Marx clothes will never feel outclassed
In any company. The new spring models
are handsome, the fabrics are beautiful
and being priced In the Flynn way makea
uncotr.parable values.
For the school boy and Juvenile class
we have a larga and better slectlon than
we ever had to show before.' Suits, romp
ers, waists, underwear, dresses coats
hats. etc. Bring the children here. You
will be pleased and you'll save money.
We are offering somo wonderful values
In odd length of wash fabrics and aum
mr r-as goods. Also in summer un
derwear for ladles and children. A chance
to show Is always appreciated.
Marie City Uoaalp.
Bcarr Drug Co., prescription druggtats.
located 7 doors north of Poo toff lee,
Patton's high school base ball team will
leave on an early afternoon train today
for Plattsmouth.
Office space for rent in Bee office. u
r ,.r"'t- Trrnis reasonable. Well known
location. Tel. Bouth Zl. uuwn
Pretty Alice Joyce here in a iM-autlful
h mP offering entitled "The Face of
t . - .un i.cit tews
.Review. Bease theater.
The Natural Seven club will give a
danoe tomorrow evening at the Eagle
hall. Twenty-third and N atreeU.
Rov. H. W. Pink herd will preach Sun
day evening- at the Bethel Baptist churoh.
South Omaha. His subject will be "What
la Man?''
The Loyal Order of Moose will give Its
usual Saturday evening danca at the
Moose hall. Twenty-fifth, and M streets,
next Saturday evening.
Want ads for The Be may be left at
The lien's branch office. Slid N fct. Rates.
Ic a word for one time, l'-c a word eaosj
day for three days and 1c a word eanh
ilay for a week. Prompt and courteous)
The entertainment committee of the
local Red Men lodge will give us regular
Saturday evening daucn at the Ked Men
hail. Twenty -fourth and O streets.
Lurge crowds attended tbe World's
t'liiud Road shows during their ono nufrit
stay in the city at the lot at Twenty,
fourth snd O streets The cln us U-aes
today for Council Bluffs.
of Birth of Fontenelle
pr, mrs. maneiine Bherman
and Ixirno
Beginning Here
Monday, May 10th
Miss Burns from the Chicago
Art Department of the Dennlson
Manufacturing Company w ll give
full Instructions In the making of
everything from Denniaon's crepe
papers, particularly featuring
the fascinating art of making
crepe rope baskets and rope weav
ing, table decorations, Jack Hor
ner pies, electric and candle
shades, mats, doilies, in fact ev
erything; that can be produced
from this useful material. Bring
your party requirements to MIsb
Burns and she will show you
how to make your dinners and
luncheons a unique success.
stum .
JOHN A. SWAKSON, President
Spring Clothes of the Hour
Are Here at $15 $20 $25 Instead of $20 to $35
. ' ' ' '
Our wonderful all-new showing of thousands of men's and
youtig men's suits stands head and shoulders above all others.' Not only
the newest and the most of the newest in style, but such tsuperb values stand unapproached in any
other Btore in America. The time and energy we devote to this IniHinens enables us to offer posi
tively 25 to 33V3 per cent greater values. There's a reason for the phenomenal Buoceas of this store.
See the Clever Models
Youjig Men's exclusive styles. nunlnea suits with
smart style touches and rotihcrvatlve models. AH
Mlzea. 'Uegnlara," "lonjra," "extra Ionics," "ptmntaV'
"aliort atoiita.'f "long stout" and "short" men'a
clothes and all the many variations of these from 8'J
to SO nlze. We'll fit you perfectly and In manner
tmknown to you before.
hl? tt)&-'r
?VHV . t f , W&ft&'fc X A clean sweep of all our bUh class Three Dollar Soft or Stiff Hats. lj? if 117
f'K-Jbk ' f tj!r-j;!l Kve"ry model the newest spring style from America's best makers. All W T
dj,-'t'i ," li4l4 'A shades and combinations. Out they go Saturday at J
A , t'tW&$tiAh T .'K ' W-V ie$
Try It Today
You cannot cook a more
nutritious dish or better
tasting one than
combined with cheese or
fish or a cheap cut of meat.
Serve it ss a main
'dish two or three
times a week.
doing It6
to, UsaahSi
7m Lmrrttt
Nmrwit Fmrtwry In AmmHmm
19 Pounds for $1.00
Rest Granulated .Sugar. Ruy now
before the advance.
.1 pnundn sneclal coffee .
Nlnicle pound 35o
Kancv blend coffee, ltn. fl.uo
Tlie heat Iftc coffee In the-cttv,
4 pounds for 91.00
Teas, any kind, per lb. 40c to 80e
huaar anlj with f 1.00 other goods.
I"! mr iinn Tot fri
rhoae Dona;. 8446. 40 . atk gt.
l.a lLJ IJh
bl -it bit fmin
a. . cs-D m
7 C X I
5 SSS"" I
M S1.W1YZW -V V V ii.MM.inrT,
iC .aBAaaT ILI 1 a S IB BTT I -sal
fWxm& -
ivv H Apartments, flats, houses and cottngos can be rented quick-
lin sJ-J ' in s-miir (.'-""I'.' -
Premier Achievement in Fine Clothes
You men who have an intimate knowledge of $00 ' to $70 made-to-measure suits
should aeo what eomplete satisfaction we offtT, ready-for-service,
The cream of foreign looms, the finest hand-tailoring ami fit that speaks
for itself as the height of - SO Slfi
perfect clothes making, at ,vOvr. VJJ PrU
Men's Shirts and Underwear
Never before have we xhowu such
pleasing patterns and color com
binations. Our makers have out
done themselves. See these clever
new madras, silk stripe and fine silk shirts.
Manhattans, Bates Street, Yorke no end of
fttri.?r:.$i.50 to $6.00
$1.00 bhlrts, Saturday at 70.
Choice of Any $3
A clean sweep of all our hlsh dims Three Dollar Soft or Stiff Hats.
Kve"ry model the newest spring style from America's best makers. All
shades and combinations. Out they go Saturday at
Saturday Night Special Men's 2&c rib re Silk Hose; all
or while they last.
extwa rawer lamb .t,v aTnawBEKmiEs, per boa 71, e
II1ICTLT ruEflti CXJOHTBT t(HM, par rtosen "... 17. e
11 BAKU DIAMOND "C" SOAP for olo
was eo iaii tvvj. cbcam cheesb. per lbi ' tfto
Wisconsin mil Cream Cheese, in fonr pound lots or orer, lb laWe
We will place on Sal Saturday, 6O0 doasa page. ry Blnlng, rsgnlar be
Dir.. on Bale Katnrriav a nbva .. -
On sale Batnruay, 10 oases long bars,
Mixed Toilet Hnnri". all klmls, 4 iwi'l
J hars for ..6o
Srse cans Sweet Potatoes .... So
l:tiglish Wnlnnia. soft s' 15
Good Prime, per ltv ......... ,7le
1M cane HaKel Wata. Willi hsenn
ffr 6e
lie cans Railed Hetuia lih Unm
for . . . 7e
Pure trhom. lie turn for... 7-o
1 gal cans Horghimt, r('iiar 7.V
cans for SSc
no POiC SHOULDES HO AST, 3 to ft-lb. aT rag, par lb,
TO POB.K SSOtartt BUTTS, per lb.
FYesh T.lver, lhf Be
Pull l'ork, in 0
Hack Macon, hf slrlo lSe
No. 1 Hkinneri Hams, from to I
lb. aveiage, ter lb 13S0
f&w" "ls"'ina;. yiyw'U'
Tibs DXurrxmT nnmna bxitsobt ajtd rtomEaca.
Mall Orders Bhlpped at Above Price a. Tel. Dooglas 1S30.
S yeHra old. full quart, $1.23 value, only afass'W'
8-year-old (Iubrc nhelnier Whiskey for OS
Oreen Ulver Whiskey, full iiuart OS
15rerjbller. S ye;ira old. full iiuart. Whiskey : 08
Mail tlnlerm Killed -We (Jlte Slioier MileaRe.
Ask About l''ree CoiiNin for IUnaart.
MffwrM m m zfTum i k k . .. .. . . .... ..... j m
WM. L. HOLZMAN, Treasurer.
Thousands of New Weaves (
IMfferent plaid original (Hen Vrquharts, checks,
Miipes, overplalds and faury mixtures. Illues,
prnyn, browns, black; and white a multitude of
lileaxinKi liarmonloua colorings. A new standard of
excellence in inen'a ami young men's spring suits
and a pott live saving j e (JQA tOC
of fff.OU to 910.0O, at..410) 4aCU 4sCO
sure of a wide selection and leading makes.
Vaxsar I'nlon Sulta, Superior, Flaxalllineu
mesh, H. V. D. Athletics. All sizes.
I nlim Sulta, 50 to S5.00.
Khirta or Drawers, "5 o SI. 00.
Special Men's
Soft or Stiff Hat in the House
Any $2.00 lUlmjwaaji Hat in the house at SI. 00
Ikjx of 6 pairs at 7 ft4.
rag.' So hard' water CastUe Boap'aWo
Artvrt Pickle. In linttlc. 10c and ISO
elr.e for ....Be
Pmcet Pickles, In hulk, quart . ...16o
Chow rimw. in htilk, quart 16e
Cutaup. 15c n ml 2"c bottles. for..lOo
l'xtra rancy lurge K v A p o r a t e d
IVaHicji. rgular 20c lb.: Saturdnr.
per lb 10a
T'eaj), ier can So
Thiee r.c b"ce Matches for loo
"Sow urleana Moln.'ee. 20c cane 10a
littnihiii ger and l'ork Sausage, home
made, per Ih 100
M.itltng Heef. lb THe
Choice Cut Tot linnet, lh 1210
'fJJ'fVf.' 1 i't'r 'Li
nt $0, $35, $40.
Your comfort is toe
Important to risk It
In a small stork.
Huy here where you're
colors. 7 to S o'clock