THE BEE: 0MA1L. FRIDAY, MAY 1915. UCAL ESTATE farm a- m 11 i.a.mi, von .4i.n SI Is swart. GOOD South Missouri Und on railroad. in well iPlUeU lot nitty, per sere. Small or large frm on easy terms. Liternture free. D. Mcrrtom, Ellis, Ncn ton. Kansas City. Knnnii. lorra. HAVE YOU A KAKM FOR SALE 7 Write a good dcvcrlpttoti of yrur land and send It to the Sioux City, la., Journal, lowa'a Mont Powerful Want Ad Medium. Twenty-five wonleeTery Friday evening, Saturday morning and eveiy baturday evening and Sunday morning for ona month, giving sixteen ada on twelve diffeient days tor Ui or GO words. 14: or 75 worda ei. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper. O,O0u readera dally In tour great state. aLHsaeeastaw ? A ROAIN 240-A. farm M tn. from Min neapolis; 110 A. under cult.; ) A. good tneaaow: GO A. Umbered pasture, can practically aJl be cultivated; good eorn land; farm la fenced; 10-room house, barn, granary, machine hed, windmill, etc; 11 neaa good mil a cows, good horses, har nesties, wagon, complete et of machin ery, hog. chickens and everything on the farm goes at $45 per acre; fc,0u0 ch. balance can stand for 10 years at 6 per cent. Schwab Bros., lud Plymouth Bid., Minneapolis. Minn. io OR 10 ACIUif, Rood heavy aoll. in well settled part of Todd county. Minn ; pood roads, schools and churches; price S15 to J0 per acre; terms, $1 Ir acre rash, balance $1 per acre a year until land Is paid for, 6 per cent Interest- 6CHWAH BROS., GRAIN AND PRODDGE MARKET .its,: Wrj-a: General Decline in Market, with Wheat One and a Half to Two and a Half Lower. CORN AND OATS OFT A HALT Mebraakau COUNTRY HOME NEAR OMATIA. $11,000 buys a highly improved farm, consisting of about blVi acres located on one of our boulevards out from the city, only a 40-mlnute'a ride. Good water sys tem, small amount of fruit, some alfalia, tamo hay. nice large beautiful shade trees and all kind- of shrubbery and about 10 acres of natural timber, making a beautiful park. This la an Ideal propo sition for handling thoroughbred stock or any kind. Living spring fn pasture. C. R. COMBS. (IS Brandelg Theater Bldg. Omaha. WELL, Improved Johnson county, 40 acres rr saie. . v iwvw, . - : NOTICE. DAIRYMEN 60 acres all In alfalfa; close to Dodge Pt. road, about 4 miles from Omaha postofflc. Rent for season $3(). Address (Jrorge O. Clark. 1 Petirl 6t. Council Bluffs. la. Tel. 174. Hew York, NEW YORK FARMS POR SALE THE GARDEN OF THE WORLD WITH FRAGRANCE OF ORCHARDS, PROO RE?S AND PER F ET V A L HAR VEST AWAIT YOUR COMING. 140-acie farm with i5 cows, team, farm machinery. Price fli) per acre WE WARN OtT FROM ERROR. WE POINT YOU TO SURE SUCCESS, ilj-acre far in. 5 cows, house worth l,00u, ham hennery, orchard. Price $0. ALL V OMlW AND MOST MEN HAVE A TASTE TOR BARGAIN HUNTING. M-niM-e farm. 10 cows. team, hens, 100 bearing apple trees, 2 miles from village of 4 railroads. Price 11,800. 600 cash down buy any of these. Possession any time W rite for photos. Railroad fare one way to purchaser. E. MUNdON. W 8. Pullna St.. pvTacuse. N. Y. OMAHA. May 6, 131 There mas a general decline In the market today. Th bigKest drop was in wheat, which naa ouoted I4S2Vwe lower. This weakness la probably caused by the alow cash de mand and the general good crop reports throughout the country. -orn was oit VKi'lc, while oats wore quoted lower. A banner wheat crop for 19IS Is prom ltd. There were many reports received on tho condition of the growing plant, and as one they are favorable. Tnta con dition continued as an Influence In forc ing holders In the Interior to releaee their hold on wheat In their hands, as the re ceipts at primary points were 9lS,00 bu., compared with ,(MQ bu. a year ago. Cash transactions In corn were UO.trt) bu. and In oats 196.000 bu. The seaboard reported 300,000 bu. of corn and a cargo of oats. Clearances were: Wheat and flour, equal to S60.000 bushels; corn, US.000 bushels; oats, 140,000 bushels. Liverpool spot market: Wheat, un changed: corn, unchanged. Primary wheat receipts were l.flOO.ono bushels and shipments 410,000 bushels, against receipts of 14.000 bushels and shipments of l.OLS.OOO bushels Hurt year. Primary com receipts were MT.onO bushels and shipments 433.000 bushels, sgainst receipts of KOO.OOO bushels and shipments of 4K2.000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 46,000 bushels and shipments X7S,000 bushels, against receipts of 4tf,000 bushels and shipments of Kl4,0na bushels last year. OARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Cow. Oats. amounts wore disposed of to go Into slot-' here. rmvtlon were unsettled bv a decline In the bog market. Lard was freely sold by scattered longs, but shorts and fwn mission houses seised the chance to buy pork and ribs. Futures ranged as follows: Arttde Open. I High. I l.ow. 1 Close. '. Yes' y. Wheat! Ill May. 1 I 1 1W) 1 M'1 1 tm 1 Si July. 1 1 34s 1 1 MS I 34 Corn I J I May. WS 7R- TWV TRVal July. WW T!S TPS' 78'' 7S Oats III May. t4 , MS M M July. MS: S4S US! MS MS Pork I I I I July. IS 30 I SIS, 1R 174 1 Sl Is Sept. 1 ' IS 72SI M j 1H 72S Is 70 Lard I I ( I July. 10.10 to ,10 I K 30 lor419KS 10 i 10 ! W 46 I 10 47SI 10 TH '"July. 10 7s 10 77h 10 7S 10 7S 10 75 Sept. 11 ODSi 11 02SI 10 K 11 OiSi 11 07S Chicago Minneapolis ... Duluth Omaha Kansas City. . . t. Louis Winnipeg These sal en .1W ...1K3 ... 4 ... M ... 96 ... 34 ...ui reported 178 118 today : Miscellaneous. ONLY 3X buys a 640-acro school land lease In Keith county; over 200 acres of which can be put In cultivation. This Is a bargain. Terms. 1M cash, balance note for 1175 due In one year, . Writ owner. L. C. CrandaU. 1644 Locust St., Lincoln, Nob. ' . TO SELL LAND quickly and profitably, you must reach those who are at the present time most interestedl In farm lands. The Iowa farmer is today the best farm land prospect In the United State The Des Moines Capital with 40.0o0 dally readers can put your proposition squarely before a larger number of these live prospects than any other Iowa newspaper.- Our circulation Is guaranteed the largest In Iowa. We will Insert a 30 word ad 10 days for only 12.60 (add 6c for each additional word). Our ragular price Is lo per word per day. Y'ou save 50c on this offer. To sell vour land tomorrow, send WD-aMOiNM CAPITAL. ' 7M WALN UT 6T. DES MOINES, IA. REAL ESTATE IOAKS noo -Wand, TO 110.000 maaa promptly, r. D. wead Bid.. iBtn ana r amani tnu. rrrv nA farm loans. 6. 6i J. H. Uumont Sc Co.. 41 State per ceau e Bank. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co.. 1820 Farnam 8t MONEY on hand for city and larm loana H W. Binder. City Natloual bank Bldg. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. BEE us first for farm loans In eastarn Neb. .United 'States Trust Co.. Omaha. 6 CITY LOANS. C. G. Car I berg, 210-31! Braudela Theater Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farm. CKEKFE REAL ESTATE CO 101( Omaha National, i-hon Douglas J715. Wheat: No. 2 hard winter: 1 car. Il.MS car, IL&3. No. S hard winter: 1 car, ll.M, 1 car, .b2K; 1 car. S1.&2S: 1 car, $1.64, No. 4 hard winter: X car. $1.52. No. S spring: 1 car, $1.61. No. 2 durum, mled: 1 car. $1.63. Corn: No. t white: 2 cars, 72H. No. $ white. 2 cars. 7!c. No. 2 yel low: 1 car. 72(4o. No. 8 yellow: I cars, 72e: 4 cars. 72c. No. 4 yellow: 1 car. 71 Sc. No. 2 mixed: i car. Tic. No. 3 mixed: 1 car (near white), 72c; II cars, 71Sc Sample: 1 car, 7c; 1 car, 6c Oats: -Standard: I car. 62c. No. J white: 2 cars. 61Vc. No. 4 white: 8 cars, 61o. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 tur key. H.M-trl.MS. nominal; No. S turkey. tl.63S'flfl.&4: No. I hard, $1.52S4yl.63S: No. i hard. $1.511.63; No. 4 hard, 11.60-62; No. 8 spring. $1.60l.o8; No. 3 durum, $1.6361.641 No. S durum, $1.62fil.M. Corn: No. 2 white, TiSHc; No. 3 white. (l4Ji 72c: No. 4 white. 71 SOT Vic; No. 6 white. 71fir7H4c: No. white, 70Mfnc: no. z yel low, 72V4(!i.73Vtc: No. 3 yellow, 72i872Hc; No. 4 yellow. 7107mc; No. 5 yellow. 71 amMc'. No. yelloa, 70Va71c; No. 2 mixed. 7144W2c; No. 3 mixed. flVidmVfe; No. 4 mixed. .TOtrgTlc; No. 6 mixed, osftP'Oc; No. mixed. 700700. Oats: No. 3 white. f.24f2Sc; standard. M2c; No. 3 svhite. 6Uifl6H4c: No. 4 white. 6itilc. Barley: Malting, 7B7ac; No. 1 resd, swnvsc. itye: No. 2. $1.0S1.084; No. 3, $1.071.07V. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Faa tares of the Tradlag; mA Closing; Prtera on Board of Trmds. CHICAGO. May 6. Wheat averaged lower today, owing chiefly to the con tinued generally excellent outlook for the domestic crop. The close was unsettled, Ho to lo andnr last night Corn finished 4V4o to StiSc down, oats, off Htf-Se to Sci. and provisions ranging from aOo. decline to a rise of 10c Regardless of the. fact that wheat val ues at the outset showed an appearance of strength, it was not long before the bears were In a majority, no reason for an advance was known early, except that the Liverpool market had not developed the weakness expected her In view or the reported great crop promise In the United States. The effect of the firm' nesa of British quotstions. however, was only temporary,, shorts and longs pressing the aelttng mova most or the tame rtintll before the close. Assertions that a large export business at the seaboard had been done In spring and Manitoba wheat led to a sudden rally In the last fifteen minutes. Fur ther rain In the domestio crop belt tended though to prevent a complete recovery, and so, toov did large primary receipts. On the other hand, soma fear of rust and Insect damage southwest counted late against the bears. Corn weakened with wheat atd as a result of speculative selling due to the slowness of cash demand here. Ohio and Indiana were said to be underselling Chicago. " Good rains and the absence ABSTRACT OKf TITLE Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office, S06 So. 17th St. Phone D. &47. RKED AliSTRAOT CO.. oldest abstract efflos In Nebraska, 10 Brandela Thea. Jessen & Morrell 201-3 Stat Ek. Bldg. D. t&t. KEAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATF SOUTH SIDE LIST your property with R. H. Lander you. 202 Neville Blk. D. 8600. LIST real estate and rentals wit!', DON ELSON R. E. CO.. 801 Ora. Nsfl Bank. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Improved fruit farm. also fine tract of raw land, also resi dence In Grand Junction. Colo. Trade one or all. C. R. Lough, owner. Grand Junction. Colo. WILL trade $2,700 equity in well located house for mortgage, vacant lot or what have you .' Address 8 401, Bee. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Good Home Field Club District $4,769 buy a good 3-story. 6-room mod ern, square house, with sleeping porch, having oak j finish first floor, bull! on!y 8 years. Iocs tad on high, sightly lot with many beautiful ehade trees, on 3fith St., IS blocks south of car line. Cemont garage on premises. Reasnnable terms. Must be sold at once. Don't fail to see this property if you desire a home In this district. Immediately possession. George & Company 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone D. 7M. Chicago Cash ITIcee Wheat. No. 2 red, $1.Sfri.: No. ; hard. $l.Sfrt.s0S. Corn: No. 2 yellow, 77S4j;c; ethers nom inal. Oats: No. 3 while, 64S4?fc; stand ard, BAn.iKr. Kve: No. 2. II aS. Rarlev, 73tfr79c Seed: Timothy, $n.oriV7X: clover, $s.6.1H:.T Provisions: Pork. $17.; lard, $10 06: ribs $10 2.Vft10.S2H- H UTTER Steady; creamery, ItT.'3c. BG'aS Steady : receipts. 23.786 cases; at mark, cases Included. 170'IHSc: ordinary firsts. liS17Hc; firsts. IMflASe. poultry Alive, rlgner: fowls, issc. POTATOES Higher; receipts. 23 csrs; Michigan and Wisconsin, red, IVfAWc; Mlchlfftn and Wisconsin, white, 36j7H2c. OMAHA tiE.VEBAL MARKET. BUTTER No. t'i-Vb cartons, 81c; No. 2. vib. tubs. 2!r. CHEESE -Imported Swiss. 82c; Amer ican Swiss. 26c: block pales, c; twins, ItiSc: daisies. 17Sc: triplets. l7Sc: Young America, lc; blue label brick, ItiSc; llm- burger. 3-1 b, ic; New York whits, lc; imported French Roquefort, 40c. FISH Trout. 14c; large crappies, 14c; halibut, 13c; channel catfish. 14c; herring, 7c: codfish, 14c; mackerel, 16c; salmon Uc SWEET POTATOES Kansas, $2 76 bbl.. Wholesale prices of beef cuts effective April 2 are as follows: BEEF CUTS-Rlbs, No. 1, I7e; No. 2, ITSc: No. 3. lHSc. loins. No. 1, 30Se; No. 2, l4c; No. 3, lVc. chucks. No. I, 10c; No. 2, WSc; No. -3, 10c. rounds. No. 1. IJttic; No. 3, 184c: No. I. 13H. plates. No. 1, Sc; No. 2. Sc; No. 3, POULTRY Broilers. 20r; spring chirk- ens. 16c-, hens. 14c; cocks, !sc; roosters, $Sc; stags. "Sc; ducks, lie; geese, lta; ducks, full feathered. 10c; gease, full feathered. 8c; squabs. No. 1, 11.60; No. 3, BUG Fruit and vegetable price furnished by miiinaki Fruit comDsny: FRUITS Oranges: Fancy California navels. , iMs, $2.60 per bos; 12t, Sun klst, $175 per box- 1.t. Sunklst, $S per box; extra fnncy MedltoiTanean Sweets, all sixes, $3.26 per box; fancy Tlo Too Mediterranean Nweeis. . per hox. 1emons: Extra fancy Golden Bowl, sous, 3ft. 34.50 per box; fancy Silver Cord. u0s. . $ PT box. Grapefruit: Cele. rratea 1 1 , yt ou. $2.76 per nox; mi, j per dox. Apples; Kxtra fancy White Winter Poarmalnea $160 per box. Pineapples: Extra fancy Cuban, 24a, 0a, is. $i60 per crate. Bananas, $2 to $2.26 per bunch. Limes, $1.73 Der basket. VEGETABLE? California new cab bage 66 to 100-lb. crates. 8c per lb. Cel erv: Jumbo. 80c per doten. Head let tuce. $1 per dosen, leaf lettuce, 40c per doxen. Artichokes. $L'iO per doxen. En dive, 36c per lb. Onions, yellow, Jo per lb.: Texas Bermuda, white. 11.76 ner crate; Texas Bermuda, yellow, 81.60 per crate. Onion sets: Vllow and red, $1.60 per bushel; white. $176 per bushel. Pep pers, 60c per basket. Tomatoes, fancy, $4.60 per crate; choice, $4 per crate. Spinach, 60c per dosen. Parsley, 60c per dosen. Turnips, ooc per doxen. Straw berries: Louisiana, pints, prospective price, $2.75 to $3 per case. Potatoes: Colo rado Rurala, 76c per bushel; Red River Ohios, 90c per bushel; Minnesota whites, S0o per bushel Mushrooms. 60c per lb. MISCELLANEOUS Shelled popcorn, 4o per lb. Crackerjack, $360 per case; $1.76 per half case. Peanuts: Raw, 7o per lb.; roasted, sack lots, So per lb. salted, $1.60 per can. Asparagus: Home grown, half-lb. bunches, 60c per dosen bunches. Checkers, 33.60 per case. Cocoa nuts, $3.60 sack. dox. 0o. Nuts: No. 1 Cali fornia walnuts. 18c per lb. Braslls, 12So per lb.; 60, t-os. figs, $2 per box. Sugar walnutdates, l.u per box. ruperts, iso per lb. Pecans, liSo per lb. Almonds, 30C per lb. New York General Market. NITW YORK. May $. SUGAR Futures, quiet and steady. At midday prlcea were un"hnni;ed. Haw sugar, unsettled; ren trlfugal, 4 7ora4 77r; molasses, 3.9:4.000. Refined steady. BUTTER Steady; receipts, i.ijO tuba; creamery extras. 3 scoring, 81c; cream ery, higher scoring. llSffajc; firsts. 3 aosc; seconds, 37S2Sc. EGGS Steady; receipts. SO. 301 rases; fresh gathered extras, 2&tf2SSrf storaire packed, extra firsts. IlSc; firsts, Soslc; regular packed, extras firsts, 30V421C; firsts. 194i2uc. Nearby hennery whites, fine to fancy, WtpiMp; nearby hennery browns. lS(ui2Sc. CHBKSE-Euslor; receipts. 762 boxes; state whole milk free specials. 1iVi l$Sc; stats whole milk, average fancy, lswlPic P)i;LTR Firm; western 'lilckens, broilers. XWiSc; fowls. 17S-: tCys. Ucf 12c. Dressed, steady; western frozen roasting chickens. lT'nQlSc; fresh fowls. Iced, 14t(17V.c; fresh turkeys. Iced, IfctflTc. OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Heary Cattle Strong to Ten Centa Higher Others Steady Sheep Fifteen to ftusrter TJp. HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS OFF SOUTH OMAHA. May . 1M Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 6.00 I Ml-. Official TiHwday .31S 10.S1. i.iui Official Wednesday... 6,Mi 10. W l Eetlmata Thursday... . 12.0U 70 Four days this week.. 31, 877 40.W 1.4:i Same days last week. .;. 2.4( ame 3 weeks eo....i;t st.w Same 3 weeks ao....lV3 5.rt 37.43 Same 4 weeks ago. . . .16.916 41.178 Same days last year..l4.13 32.074 .! The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the earth Omaha live stock market for ths year to date, as compared with. last year: 115. 1!14. ' inc. Dae. Cattla SR4.KT7 304. MO S0.507 Hogs I.1KI.1W B71S0 2ia432 Sheep 834.190 8tfl,27 1.07 The following tabta shows the averago price for hogs at the South Omaha live stock market for the last few dajs, with comparisons: NEW YORK STOCK MARKET outride nn more than Mfioc lomer on lambs, and as receipts of aged sheep have been (to limited, values have re mained In shout the same no' Chen as at the close rf last week. Today's receipts of 7H hes.l leaves the week's total about liMli smaller than s eek ago. nd less than hslf ss Urge s for the correspond ing period Isst year. Supplle- for the four dsve are the -mallest since Christ mas week. 1914. when less than 1.0 showed up during the pie period, and with that exception the lightest since the last week of June, last year. Quotations on sheen and Ismhs: I.amM. f . . i fmk ihnr'n tZmh v Vearl Ints N"':"' VORK. May .-The foreltn sit 3 i..: lambs, shorn. I on-as ,v. yrMnts. ,. .. . ,in-..- in SJ1, J2fVSI iooS tocrolce" tV-Ts! " lc.,.,y's ilock market hut tr.dln. ws. thafSr foiUd. ft'oAji and trrerulsr geod to choice. $7.7f$ .60. ewes, fair to ; ;.,'""";,': . n ,Ln.Mir. " ",""7. i Foreign Situation Less of Depress ing Factor on the Ex change. TRADING IS UNDER RESTRAINT good. I7.afvfr7.7i. Representative sales: No. fed shorn lambs Mexican lambs CHICAGO 1,1V B "TOCK .lower than at yesterday's close, but en- pr icrsl Improvement ws shown In the Unnl prt idallns. the morenient N-Ing concurrent 10 an " semi-official sdvsnces wnic.ii tun- Av . Tt. SI I rested some red m lion of the strain he- ... . ik.-.. I' a.i , , ....iiiiip i ' n i mi.irn in nii'nii,.. T. R. FINISHES TESTIMONY Attorneys for Opposing Side Do Not Cross-Examine Rooserelt on Stand. DEFENSE IS NEARLY THROUGH SYRACUSE. N. Y.. May .-The care of the defense n Wllllsm Rsrnes' suit for llbe! against Theodore Roosevelt Is nearly completed, attorneys ssld torts j. They added that only a few more wit nesses remained to be called when court rpened today. Counsel began arguments upon the admissibility of evidence con- In the main the day s operations were ' professional, the Irsdlng elenti nt veering Cattle teaa Heaa Weak stieea frem t!ie long to the sliort aocounl and pi, ;pacK again witn sucti isptdiiy as to mass CHICAGO. May S-;ATTbE-Rece.vits. i f' EE '". ntl J ? ..Uye fator 3(t head, market stesdv; native beef "', J?,)lnL2l ,1 .,d steers. S.M, ; western Mcers, If'.W , '7 ? iH t.Oi,; cows and heifers. U.outfS W. 1 ralves. n'7'?l'1ni '"T! hYm "Vhi HOGS-Receipts. 21.000 heart, market wr Paltles. Itethlehem Steel partly we.k,.VfriV lower; bulk. $T.7.M; light. ",", "-cent leadership rising sl 7ti770; mixed $7.15T.: hravv. $M n"," 10 points and retaining the greater Date. HIS. iM4. litis. Illl. ilfll. 11910. Iiwa. T &S $ 4f , I T 641 5 Ml tO) j 3S I 22 S S4 T 4 S 80 Oil -'SI " T 44; 7 ri Piil 211 April April 331 April ?) April 36 A PHI in 7 MS April ?7j T JOSl 8 87 April 28 April 2 April Si) May i.. May 2.. May $.. Mar 4.. May S.. May .. T 2 T S6T4 ? 4UH 7 MV 7 21 7 34 S 7 2S 7 1S tl M 7 01 7 06 S tt 7 CT i .! t 04) 1 $ 3 $ l 7 43i I l , 401 $ S2I 7 41) S 731 I S M S 6J 7 61 I 741 t l$j f I bOl 7 lf S SSI t as X7 I T CI I . H t 891 S 8U it 1 Ml S V S 11 7 6l 6 74! 1 7 01 7 01 S 13 8 X 7 fO ' I 141 W 8 17 S 31 ) 7 !r $ 81; $ i 8 1 S : 7 KM 6 74 t Oil I s Sat 7 41 s , t mi 7 m S 241 1 7 521 8 2! $ 001 7 04 4 s ti s ayj : 37 8 5 I $ si I i 7 oo 7 44 6 sat 37 M Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock t the Union Stock Tarda South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. ir. RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle.Hogs.Shaap.H'r'1. C M. A St. P 4 4.. Wabash 4 6 Missouri Pacific ... 1 2 Union Parttlo 86 41 $ C. A N. W east... St.. C. N. W.. west... 37 2 C, St. P., M. ft O.. 21 C. B. A Q., east... 2 C, H. at Q west... 83 40 C, R. I. ft P.. east. 4 1 C. R. I. ft P.. west. 1 I Illinois Central .... 4 I Chicago G. W 1 3 Total receipts 179 1 -la. -1. .. . ..i tt pari or us gain. silEKf AMI r.AMnS-Recelits. H0ftt Tressed steel Car. the locomotive is head; market firm; sheep, $7vij4.60. nd some of the smelters iind l-t-mha tHKitiioao troleums scored sdvgnces of 2 to 4 lambs. t.2Mi to!; Ipolots. hut Westlnghouse failed to hold at liala Live itek Market. recent prominence, the company's pro- c .rtr-.c r- 4 T-rt trn..i. I posed financing acting as a deterrent to .-,.n l-g"i rrlln Teerl . d I ' n"rt '' Canadian Pacific rt"- I' '?'.: 7".r"??i T"-. A?4 nd other shares In th International list neirers. w.ww; "'"""I were effered In moHer.1 amounts for )UIS. May .-CATTI,K-rteclpu. K,.Tsctlvlr ' id. Market steadv; native beef 'n Jid S it,. i I r.t,. $,-Siffi .- yearling steen. and L-VL'.e iSi-. i the iS?.. $S.Vw.3t; rows, K0OT.; stock- ;mL,J?;r '"-Ji. ' I feeders. SS.itttr7.T4; southern Tr,"itd,Jn mr."J." ' a tt '4I 111- MA-a-a. skn Ual .rv. rtVl-rf' 1 " ,t' ", ' X' M 1111" III. rWHIS.)! Ill" fmrn.?fveXrVe ' ,r,"ts bo,1ht ,,h,l' ot th i ... ITT" oT "'' h '"1 ' recovery. There were HOr,S--Recelp. 0,w head. Market rumo tn,t the Amalgamated Copper steady: pigs and lights. 88D6ftl. .76. mixed Pompn. , to dissolve, with resultant and butchers, $T.OW7.76; good heavy, $7.66 07.70. SHEKP AND r.AMP-Recelpt'.. I.OOO head. Market steady: lambs. tS.OiwTUt.76; ewes, 8.60itf.W cllpiied lambs. $t,7MM0; rearlings, $S.60.5O- clipped yearlings. i7.0Ofl7.76. Kansas ( Mr Lire StooV Market. KANSA.". CITY. May 8 C ATTl.K Re. celpts. 1,6X liesd. Market strong:, prime fed steers, ts.2Mit.0A; dressed beet steero, 34S4it 00: western steers, i;0ir.; sto.-kers end feeders. t60iS.OO; bulls, $S.W 1 tflC": calves, $tvO0io . benefits to It shareholders, ss well as to Anaconda, which now controls the opera tions of the Amalgamated company. News bearing upon the general finan cial situation Included the virtual com pletion of negotiations for a tO.OOC.'O. loan lo Argentina, half to be taken by Rrltlsh hankers; pronounced strength In foreign exchange, which was attributed to further selling of our stocks for the foreigners, and Improvement In railroad ami labor conditions. Total sales ot stocks amounted to 000 shares. The bond market was easier with gome HOGS Receipts. 6.0;) head. Market recurrent selling of low-priced Issues. To- steady; bulk of sales, $7.0ff7.4n; heavy, tsl sales, par value, aggregated $1,766,000. i miea oonas were unanangea on $7301i7.40; packers and butchers, 46: tght. rr.aror7.4.v pigs, iT.tmu-i.z SHEKP AND I.A MRS Receipts, 7.46: Ugh amr7.43; pigs, $7.0fB1.2S. $ 3,000 DISPOSITION HEAD, Morris ft Co Swift ft Co Cudahv Packing Co. Armour ft Co rtohwarts A Co J. W. Murphy Morrell So. Omaha Packing Co. T. R. Lewis J. R. Root ft Co J. H. Hulls L. F. Husi Kellogg Wertlielmer ft Degen.. H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Rothschild ft Krchs.... Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co.... Christie Hlgglns Huffman Meyers Tanner Rros .Tohn Harvey Kline Other buyers "Ihead. Market steady; lambs. $s (01710 40; vjarllpg, $7MHI.tft; wethers, 7.d.0, ewes. $ti.608.2t. Moo- rty Mr Rock Market. Cattla Hon Sheen I WOl'X CITY. May . CATTI-.K Re V l"5l i celpts, 1,200 head: market 10c higher; na- ' Isi" 1M7 i'fr'iltlvo teer. $7.80irt.00; butchers, tti.00J18.flO; Kansas City r.raln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. May S. WH EAT Cssh. No. 8 hard. I1.MST1-66V4: No. 3 red. $l.64Sli'1.66-. May. $1.62Si July. $126; Sep tember. $1 ?.! 1.17. CORN-No. 2 mixed. 75c; No. 2 white. 76c; No 2 yellow. 76c: No. $, 76G7i.Sc; Ktmv Hl-f .lulv TtiVfiTIWVif.; Serrtemher. ...T iVvlw.THNl 'i. . OATS-No. 3 white. 63V41K4c; No the thing for a rooming house, as It la 1 TplS B, r..mrTV arr- firsts 3&c nniv nn kinv h, tvZ. vi.(a. . . . ! KI. TTfc. K t. resmery, T'.c, urns, ac, LOW 449 4 I 3D 1 27 67 74 $7 16 1 61 71 39 10 7 IX 6:1 63 20 lit !.W7 l.h0 1,1103 2.1!! .3,847 11.25 1.I1K Totals CATTLE There was a fair run of beef cattle for a Thursday and the total for the four days amounts to 21,377 head, being a very largo run for thla season of the year, although not so large as 'sst week's excessive receipts. There was a very good demand for beef steers, and It was a noticeably fact that heavy weights of good quality wcrt In bolter request than has been the rulo of late. They were active seller al prices tbat were generally 10c higher. Light beeves were fully atsady at the strong prices prevailing yeaurday Me dium and common cattle were mo") or less negleoted. Most everything cnnngml hands In good season In the morning. Cows and hslfera of good Quality wars strong snd active. Heavy cows have been a little slow sale all the weei;.. There was no material chatisa in the faedijr situation, prices continuing steady wun yeaieraay. Quotations on rattle: Oood to choice yearlings, S.'jUii8.46; good to cholse heavy cofnfed beeves, 7.7M(t.OO; fair to good corn fed beeves, $7.5K(f7.76; common to fair cornfed beeves, 17.OtHi7.60; good to choice heifers, 6.'..'4i8.00; good to choice cows, M.OOurT.40; fair to good cows, $6.75Jti.tiO; common to fair cows, $3.76&6.76; good to choice Blockers and feeders. f.MKgi.tO; fair to good stockers and feeder. $7.0o 7.60; common to fair stock era and feed ers, $ti.OtKi7.00; btock heifers, 36.757.26; stock cows, $5. 60(,75; stock calves. $(.a.Q $.2b; veal calves, 37.K 10.00; fst bulls, stags, etc., H.OUqAM; stock bulls, $6.S0 J.00. Representatives sales: BKKF STEERS. Av. 1'r. Ho. At. Pr o2 " V 14 USA 7 71 14 T .10 3.1 149 T okj canners, $4.00i(i6 ft; calves, KSOtj 7.40; bulls, f ivnji rwiceiipi, n.fv neaa; nurxni pc lower: heavy. r.!6itf7.26: mixed. $7.13S Wl.K: light. $7.07U(f7.12S: bulk of sales. S7.12SKr7-30. SHEKP AND IaASTBS Receipts, none. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. May 8 3ATTLE Re ceipts. 1.900 hesd; market strong; steers, $7.flOtf.6fl: cows and heifers. $4.KXtr$.S0; calves, S6 00f8.26. nous Rece nt, t.300 .lead, sh i ters. lower; pscksrs slow; top. 37.35: bu'g of sales. $7.26r7.36. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts. 1.S00 market higher; lambs, $10. OOrj 10. ti. r- toffee Market. NEW YORK, May 8,-COFFEE-Th market for futures opened at sn advance of 3 points to a decline of 4 points, near months being lower under scattering liquidation, while titer was some trade buying of later deliveries. Ths demand, however, was limited and the market eased off during the afternoon under re ports that the first offers of new crop coffee to be received from Santos this season wr about S" under crop values. The close was 613 point net lower. Sales, 44,6 0 bags; Mav, C.lftc; June, 'J1c: July, 7.32c; August. 7.34c; September, 7.36c; Oc tober, 7.40c; November, 744c: De cember, 7.46c; January. 7.63c; February, 7.6So; March. 7.tSc; April, 7.47c. Spot, nutet; Rio, No. 7. 7c; Santo, No 4., lOc. Die coat snd freight mark! wa re ported somewhat .unsettled, with Rio grades a shads lower. Hov crop Santos Bourbons were reported to be offered here at lOe for 4a. Mllreis prices were 7S rels higher at Rln and unchsnged at Santos. Rio ex change on London was l-32d lower. 25 Ns. I ft 14..... a to. 1170 7 46 474 7 M 1171 T 14 IA71 7 ilOt 7 70 7.. tl.. 14.. 14.. ?l 7 ...1!T ...130 tOS SHO I is M III call. Number of sales and leading quotation on stocks ware as follows AlasVa KiM . A rib I km rested Copser .... Ansrtrsn Heel Sugar.... Aniertrsn As srtras S. R Amsrleui 8. a R. .., Am Sussr Ssftalns Amsilrsn Tsl. 0 Tel As-erlnsn ,Totiece Ans'-en'ta Mlotsg Atchtisn Bsltlmars Ma Hreehtrn kspltf TniBSlt.. iallfornla rstrolevm .... rim.lltii Ptrtrte cintrsl iMthir CI.essfisskr Ohio (Iitosao i. W tftles. Hlrk. I" CIm. 4 MW 44.10 !, I).ns 74i 7 74S 4TS 4.M4 47 V S Mr. Rower, for Colonel Roosevelt. urge: thst the colonel be allowed to answer tlie o,uestlcn put to him yestsv day as to Information he possessed shout an arrangement between Mr. Rarnes "ami a man nsmed McCabs, at one time leader of the democratic party In Albany." Mr. Rower ssld: "I expert Colonel Roosevelt will testify here that Mr. Rarnes bargained with one McCabe. I expect the defendant wfli tes tify that Mr. Psrne found places It gambling bouses for men to work." Justice Andrew ruled against this tin ef questioning, saying that any Informa tion the defendant had received whloh was confined to county and city affairs Id Albany was Immaterial. Colonel Roosevelt then resumed the stand: "I don't care to have anything further to say to Colonel Roosevelt." remarked Mr. Ivtng, with a smile. So contrary to expectation, th colonel was not cross examined upon hi testimony of yester day. Pom questions war asked by Mr. Rowers to establish a basis for further evidence. The colonel testified that h resided In the slat and voted at the September, 114, primaries, and ba named the candidate for the United States sen atorial and gubernatorial nominations ef the republican and democratic parties. 'Shall I nam the candidate In tha progwiMlve primaries?" asked the, colonel. 'Oh, yea, th progressive taxrty to wtm historical, at any rata," said Mr. iTltuk and ths courtroom smiled audibly- Tb colon! was than oscusod. K loss K 1014 l.iio tnt'i io toss . SCO m ill l S 234 ii mo its 4.000 J01S 100 11 74 71 74 7m S M0 17 1'4 17 .. 10 14 144 1.SW 3V M l.teo 4 M II 4. W0 M 44 II M T.104 4 1,40 WW 1.M0 II ,o r 4S U'4 Ml 19 I TH III l'Mrrs M. ft St. P.... ( I l. o N. W rblne Cpr .'. Colorado Kual 0 Iroa... Onlorado 4 genthern. . . . Daavar ft Itle Oranas... Iitatlllara' awcurltlaa ... grla Oenaral rieetrls meat Nnrlhra sfd Orsat No. Ora ctra Outranhaint giploratloa. tllln.Ma reatral Intarhnrottfh Mat. pf... Isastratloa Caspar tnlarnatinnal llarvaatar . Kanaa City Oautharn... Labish Vallay Lima hi 14S 141 Iiularllla Naahvtlla... lo 1 11 10 OLSON APPOINTED NEW JUDGE IN NINTH DISTRICT II. an a I. Ml N I. Ml II I. M0 MS lm 11 . at Itoo II Vans w 17 7 MS '4 14 14 lis it ci ai 14V 14 ni 174 8TEKR3 AND HE1FEH. only one block from the Vinton St. car barn. Iiasy terms PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Douglas 1781. Ware Block seconds. 23c: narking. 17 Sc. EGOS Firsts. 17c; second. 15c. POt.IVTRY Hens. 14c; roosters, turkeys. 16c. i 10c; REAL EHATE INVESTMENTS Minneapolis Cirala Market. UTNVKAPT1LIS. Mav I.- WHEAT - I HAVE a contract of sale for 32.M0, cov- May, $1.6S: July. $1.R1T4: No. 1 hard. ermg umana raaiaence property, pay-itl.2S; No. 1 northern. II iS'l KS, No. tn, at good rate of in- 2 northern. $1.63Ttr.1.6!ns. Fontenelle Park ihii I it .r E11 '-VJL.j Ml-- r t -t. : - : r- - ; : , is a ii. n.iiii.i i i , -i -ni able $X per mon tarest. Am offering contrsct for cssh st fin discount and will ded the prop erty unencumbered to secure same. Ad- ! dress E 813. can Bee. REAL ESTATE MISCEIXAXEOUB ; uatnearai District i FIX)lR Unchanged. BARI.KY wS'74c. RYE-$1.12til.l. RRAN-622.W. CORN-No. 3 yellow. 7JS'72c. OATS No. 3 white. R.'iJ- 3Sc SEED Flax. fj 1.1i. $100 Down ildo cash will start you on owning your own home on a good street. In a good locality, and near a fine park I offer you the choice of either 4415 Spalding St. and 4016 N. 44th St. These houses hove full cellars, cement floors. -lty water, elwtilc lights and elegant fixtures; 4 large rooms on 1st floor, 3 unfinished bed ham tiers and unfinished bath room up stairs: the lots are large and nicely leveled with permanent sidewalks. Prion l I !.&., -IliiO down and the balance, $20 r.-r month. I also offer T7 N. 43d St. fur it.ti: $10 cash and too per month. Tills house Is not quite as large as the uthw. but it 1 a dandy. C. O. CA11LBERG, . 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. Liverpool l.ratn Market. r tvwnPOOI.. Mar i. WTIPAT Knot. $i,600 3S19 California St., a beautiful I oca- steady; No. 2 hard winter. 13s lOd; No. 2 tlon. good 6-room. all modern Ireo western winter, 13s 10Sd; No. 2 Maul-ho,-"'.1M,lf,t solo- Invewtlgato toha 14s Id: No. 3 Manitoba, lis lid. It yi, ILK. CORN-Spot, steady; American filled. new, s S'-jd; American mixed, old. nomi nal; I.s Plata, mixed. lSd. -1124 So 30th Ave., a beautiful 10- A . room house, hot water heat, quar- laa" 4'rala Market. ter-aawed oak finish, beautiful ouk I ST. LOI'!". May 6 WHEAT-No. 2 floors. Must be sold. Eook at the (red. $l.Wrl.67S: No. t bard Sl.Wil fl; outside and see how attractive I Ms v. 1.541. July. ll.27S'0l.27'4. I rviRM Nrt 2. 7Bi4r: No white . . mv4c: May. 76c; July. 7Sii!ff7V.-. OAT No. 2, io; No. I white, .TSc. Clifton Hill Sn.ap WILL SACRIFICE EQUITT Our client will acrlfloe hi equity In this new S-room cottatre for $400. balance of H.uiO to be paid l"l W per month. Well north K.'-oO. but will cost you $:.U. M:st be auld this week. Modern except leal. full cement basement, cement u a Ikn ; lot FjOxI'JO; -S blocks lo car. THE VO JK1, RF.AI.TY AGENCY. l!tc, U". "i. W. Hl.iK. iKiuglas !. CHKAP at 13. HO: good an modern homo, large yard, fruit; 1.'J Evan t-t. Hanscom Park Country Home i 30 acrea about IS miles west of Fair off t D. V. Sholes Co. 016 City Nat. Hank Bldg. Ioug 4. acres, lust off the DodKe road: moat 1 beautiful country home In Douglas 1 NKW YORK, May S COTTOV-Spot. county; 10-room house, hot wuterloulet; middling uplands. 10.0-; salen, l.Vw neat, beakles Improvements for tbsles. helper. All kinds of fruit. Price. 1 The market closed steady, last pties liS.OOu. Would consider part In (showing net gains of from 1 to 15 points, good city property. May. 1.64c; July, T4c; October, 10 12c; Pecemter, 10.52c; January. 10 Vx ; May. lOific Cotton futures opened steady; Mav, S2Sc; July, t.SOc; October, f:; Decem ber. 101V; January, 10.17c; Msivh. 10.40c. LIVERPOOL.. May S- COTTON Snot, qu'rt; prices weak; good middling. 1. d; middling. 6 24d: low mlddl ng. 4 d; soles, t.taxt bales. New Four-Room Bungalow Near Car Line and City Park Faces cast on 2 lots, bungalow flnieh. has city water, electric lighta and side walk. Prlr4 (2.201) for quick aaln. about $J0u cash, balano easy monthly pay ments. Owner leaving city. Shuler & Cary 1 k 7 0 to 7 44 1 IT T 40 7 T I M 7 44 14 M t Vl 11 til 7 74 II..., 1UI I Si .. 7M 7 HEIFERS. SO 7t 1.1 1 M IN I 4 44 54 14 7 4 : M I 74 4 Ill 7 IA us i I m I oo 4 44 7 4 I ALVKS. 14 M3 7 W 1 171 t an I 111 42 1 U I toO 1 , i jio u I tso to to STOCK Kits AM' FEEuKKh. I 1 I'.'O SO 401 7 M 1 441 7 00 1 4.14 7 40 14 i 7 it mi 7 . . ; I I- 7 IS 7 72 7 4 17 400 7 40 II tM IN IUU .l KiinnllAM were lha k. ll .f any day this week, about lit csrs. or 12.'40 bead, being received, Th four day' ! total Is 40.&I9. showing a decrease of 2..00 ncad as compared with last week, but mora than k.OUu head larger than last i year. 1 Trade opened out In sood season, shlp I bars havms aood oaders and atartlna out i arly to fill them, i The small sdvani es in shipping hogs on the last two days has widened the rang out fully a nickel, and outsld buyer took a bearish tand. buying freely al figures that were any aay a nickel lower than Wednesday. Th bulk of their purchsacs was made at $7.2mi7.:io. with a top of $7.36. The packer market was lust a reretl tion of th last two days, as they started out tlildmg a flat dim lower, that I, around $7 10. There was not much r-hang in the situation until well along toward noon, when jackera besan raising thlr offer slowly. Before values had climbed to a nickel lower basis some hogs were sold and when bids reached $7 16. several big atrlnga were cashed. After a trading basis was established. It did not lake Ion to make a prettv fair clearance, at figures that wers generally 6c lower than Wednesday. The average market was fully Sc lower. Early ahlnper hogs showed about a $ decline and some of the hogs sold to out siders later war Quoted as much fy'tt 10c off. while packers shomed a flat nl'-kel bresk. The big end of the killers moved at $7.16. with a prlnkling up to $7.20. and a few of the first sales down to 17.10. while the bulk of all the sales was quoted at ST.lMiCS. Tops sold st $7.SS, a nickel below vesterdav'a best price , -eavittl es r Evaporated Apples mm Dried Fruits NEW YORK, May 6. EVAPORATED APPLES-Dull. . , DRIED ERV1TS Prunes, steady. Apri cots quiet. Peaches, dull and nominal. Raisin neglected. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. May 8. MERCANTILE PAPER UViWS rr cent. STERMNU EXCHANGE Firm; SO-day hills 4.7H7S: for cables, $4 7S; for 1 mnd. $4.735. ' " HlLVEK Bar, 50c; Mexican dollar, SSVic BONDS Oovcrnment. ateady; railroad, es sv MONEY Time loan. eay: 09 d Vt day 2S3!4 ner cent; 1x month. 3St 3S per cont. Call money, firm; high. .V per cent; low, 2 per cent: ruling rat. 2 per cent, last loan. 2S pr cent; closlnn bid. 3 per cent: offered at 2S per cent. Closing quotations on bond tody wer is follows: it g. ear. la. rag.... M Mo. Pac. t. la ... I! aeiksapsa ........ tt N. T. C. . SSa.... I u TI ..... -lO!- T. Clt" 4Sa VH ia oousos 10lt4'N. T. Mala 4Sa.. ..lots If. 4a rag luaiiN. T.. n. o ' 4a eaases l'0 I VSnoaia a rouaoa . . I'd Na. Paoltlo 4a... Km. Ssialtars a... .144 to la AT T. 4S.ln"-0. 8. l rf 4a. :, r. 4Sa.. JJr, T. T. 6a Atfhlans n. 4a.... OS'PanB. is. 4a .... Hal. Ohle as " Oo "n 4..... , rtm. mi . klUReadlna mo 4a. ai". 1, e. r. r. ir. i Meiiras Pelralaual Mianl Osrsar Mlaaaurl, K. T. .. Mtarnuii raelflr .... National Btarult National sA Nerada Coipar Na- York (antral.... N. Y., N. M. ft H... ft Waalara... Norths Paelflc .... parttlo Mall Pannaplvaala pullmaa Palars Oar. . Iter Osaohdata Cnaoar IIV tttt Vk na4ini U.los 47S 14 147 ' TlepublTo Irrm glsel..., I4.C00 t M gU ' iRcx'k lilao Ca. k i Itoek lataM rvi. pf ise S ri. ij. a. w. m gra.4 i.ios i ' 4S hnutnarn raririr Pnathern Rallaar isnaaaaaa r Taiaa Cnsipaay I alas raeltlo Union Pantile vta.. tlnltad HIM as HtMl t . H. Mtaal pro fiah Ootiper abaah pt4 Waatern t'alon .... Walnhoasa ie(rl9 (Prom a Staff Crrrrespondartl.) LINCOLN. May S-PpjclaI Telegrarn.) A. R. Olon of Winner was today ap pointed judge of tho Ninth Judicial dis trict, tho last legislature rrorldlng for em additional Judge by taking Cuming nd Stanton counties from tb Eithth district and adding them to tb Ninth. Judge A. A. Welch of Wayne to the r res ent Judge. Judg OUon Is a native of Sweden and cam to thla country nearly forty-six years ago, or tn last, settling with Ms parents In Dodge county, afterwards moving to hi present location. H 1 43 yearg of g. He was a mumber of the state senate In 1601, and was one of the nine member who held out against th D. E. Thomp son combination on tho United Stat enatorshlp fight. It Mil a republican at Uiai time, but says that on account of his action he wa practically driven out of the party,, and for th laat -.. i;o ?s Sis H year has affiliated with th democratic 'too i4S i4S loa party. 3.109 I OS 107i 104 , SOO SD ' 1IU 1144 t ' iM ,MH isflt j?.. I CASH REGISTER THIEF IS PAROLED CONVICT trrom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May . (Special.) It h Danleison. too 1MH IMS 1.70 uia iiis lls 4.S00 n 14 14S 1,4.10 ao ws io 73 74 71 3UI4 II H US s v rr us . t.MI . Jo. to .0 io aio liu aa-r. !." lTi i7v 17s developed that Henry J. 700 n M 134 ... M.0O4 114 4"0 IIUj ...lot, too- ITS t.. IM 11 ... Il.sfto tin ... II. KM II ... 10. 00 S4 4.a) too 111 114 ins ia4i i us 44 M 10;s to:s S TH Total aalaa for tka dar. I14.I0 alMras. IS 55 tv 4 S caught while robbing a cssh reglstet In an Omaha Store, ! none other than Charles Oleson. a paroled convict who ws paroled to visit his sister in Kloux City and was nvr afterward heard from. H wa a second-tertner at the time of his parole. ROYSE BECOMES PRESIDENT Notes from Beatrle. BP) A TRICE. Neb.. My . fepeelal.)- OF TABLE ROCK BANK ith Beatrice commercial club has let i , Tuesday, Juno 1. as th date for th com- TABLE ROCK, Neh May t.-E. ftoya of Lincoln, who I retary of the Htata Ranking Board of Nebraska and hag oc cupied that office for th lt fourteen' year, he purchased th Interest of Mrs. Jennie I. MlJler and son, Oordon D. Miller, in the State Bank of Table Rock, and becomes president of the Institution, when he Is through his official duties st Lincoln. Oordon D. Miller remains with the bank as vice president for a time, at least, snd W. A. LttonK son of Judge c. B. Letton of th supreme court of Nebraska, will he ssslstsnt cashier. Mr. tS J 1-ftton comes from the federal reserve J; J bosrd at Kan City. lif ' At an adlourged elpn of th vllUg 101 , board held Mondy evening, (aloon .ill . 4JS were granted to J. A. Harmon 0' M'ft g p g 'ta..ioiu8o. far. rr. i i?H i and F. L. fencl. The Table Rock drouth 4" - V"? !eaed Monday morning. Lkensss for a , . .v. . ft S. ret. a.... on ; , . . . laintr easms-s win uc aT pltmentary luncheon to b given to O. 9. Dalbey, O. W. Btelnmyr and T. C Conly, who rprented Oxd oouaitr 1 tho rcnt legislature. The luncheon t tandered by the club to show tu appre ciation of the loyal support given Qegw county and Beatrloe by tho delagat'oo. Rev. Mr. Raltael of tho Trinity Lu theran church has bn selected to glvw th baccalaureate sermon' to th grad uating claaa of tb Beatrice High school on May St. Charle F. Hubka ef Virginia and Ml Mildred GHadyg Vokash of Burehard were married st the court hous Wednesday by Judg Walden. A fin program has bean arranged for the May day exercises to b given Friday afternoon at th Athletic park by th 'city school. Th May pole dance and n a. n n ret 4s.. I Itaiiaar ia Br la can. 4a...'..... "'I'nlon Pacific ta Hi. c;ao. Klaftrtc 4a... .104 ao cv Ot. No. 1st 4V,a.... H V. Riitibar'i aa 1 . s. See na !'- lWb.h 1M la 113 ni'a'Waat t'nlan 4'4a. . 41 71 Waal. Klec. cr. ia 104 III. Can. rat 4a. K. C Ho. ret. 4a. 1. N. urn. 4a.. M K. A T. 1st 4a Bid. iioia i pool und billiard hall were rranted to L. A, Cone at the R. K. Rowan room and to J. L. Fulton at the building formerly o- u)led by William Ellis. Asked. a: ll US lfl l.oral BeMirHle. Quetailona turnutiad tir Puma. Sriakar A Co.. 4.4 iim.h. N'.t. Bank B10a.. Osahl: HTCX'KS -tr Sr!ra fil 44 'lie National Haak. Omaha.... . faar fa. pit 40 avirroant rraaniarv 7a pfO 100 Mydraullo Praaa Brlra com moo Ooodtaar Tlra roanm 10a -40 Uallna Haw ptd M'i Mountain giatas Tal Ml Omaha O Blntla t Rr f'4 rimaba Ce niiitfa Rr. ft Drd(. pM II. t'nlan flork Y0 . Omaha 4 10IIm Orals eomsion K-lfi ii. atd '' Tii ciu Br. Lt rM.. 0 BON PS Alma Nek . Water arV la. It'W. 44 Hrualns. Nan. Waiereorka IS. IM4 j . laa Ikraaa Mrk. In. tl....IK I'Nilumbua. Kab.. Kle.-. aa. 14J4 I) Puadaa Real' "!. l Ihanhutr Sh.. Wataraka I: I5M Montreal Tram war a ,1,. el Moairaal 4a till aa Or.aha eeva- 4 a. 114 M'S fli n Omaha linp. 4'aa, 1117 .... Omaha Waier 4ia. 1441 103 Omaha ft I 'a. Bind" Hv Is. I'.l 4, piUa-Waahmirn Plaur Mill it. 1121.. IJ4, Kwltl Co la 1444 at of I'tah 4Sa I"1 I at l'laa. maa. a. li 'i Wirklia t ntoo ritk Tda. 4a. 144 . M mi Mates from Aabsrn. At'BCRN. Neb.. May iKpeclnl.) Mayor W. P. Freeman entered upon th duties of the office Tuesday night. Thre nw councllmen also began their duties, helng Cyrus Milan, Arthur Allen gnd Henry Morganstern. The mayor nomi nated fdr chief of police Henry A. Allen nd as patrolmen Vern R. Taylor sad F. w ill. Itcihrs. Joseph Colh;- as appointed 741, I street romtnissiutier, C. A. Snider, water ' 1 commissioner snd Robert M. Armstrong ilil'lty attorney. All the anpolntmcnts were i" Icinf'rmed. ' The paying of what Is known as Count Houas svrnue Is being pushed. This la a : street between th main part of town .and tho court house and is six blocks ' in length. It Is to be oomrlcted by th i middle of June. i John lUwiliy of Nemshtt died at his J llal i 1 00 ' I 4 0 . IW !. If noon, and in th afternoon will occur tho athletic, events. Wllllsm Doeke wgs seriously Injured t De Witt In a runaway. He was thrown into a barbed wire fenoe, with the revolt that he ws badly cut in a dosen places about th body. l-'alrfcarr News Slates. FAIRBURT. Neb., May S.-(8pclal.)- 'n the criminal case of th state agslnst Walter Hlckey and William Johnson the Jury found th defendants guilty o p tit larceny and Judg Pemberton .'" them each thirty day In the county A number of change have been nf In the sslgnnient C. II. Iird rtii Tienver F.kprasi snd Rocky Mountain Limited runs. Falrbury to rhlllipaburg. Kn. change hve been nf nt of nrier. oaing. turning to work on the I' home Monday. He wa at) vrari of age 'lnd 1 survived by several children. His ,Hlfe died t-n vear ago. He ws born In l4 j ICngland, but came to this country when - a boy. He was up to hi death a farmer. l.ondua Murk Market. I D. 4 as. iCe-X Ktat Bank Bldg. look: hnat: S rooms, up to the minute; nrw; Ud and Chicago, only S4.70U: trrma tlory and half, modern, S rooms, 3Dth ami Franklin. C.WJ. terms. Will consider good lot an cither of these Dandy lot, 2 block . w. of Crelghton university, ll.uivo for u"lck sale. large lot. J'th and Fowler: sewer auid water, take tauO, quark, terms Have others. Webster DT o Metal Market. NEW YORK. May .-MKTALK-Th Metal exchange quntos: Lead 'tuiet: 14 li tt Hi Hrelter. unchanged. At Ixindvn: Lead. CV) 9m Sd; M l'hj firm: electrolTtlc, Ht.fiO; casting, tU.6047'176 Iron quiet and unchanged Tin. dull. SitT .4l.o. At Ixmdnn: Cupper, spot, 7 Ss: futures 7 Ins Tin. spot. sTIM 10s; futures. llK. Antimony. LVb ti H Dry 4ocds Market. NEW YORK. May S DRY (lOODS Cotton goodM were stesdv snd quiet to day. War orders are keeping some of tl large wooien mills busy. Dreas goods arm In leiter call. Japan raw silks wrre firm. Yarns were steady. s S. Pr. ft. m m ... 7 ii 4 I tx ... T 14 7 14 M7 ... T IT S t.l ... 7 ITUj Aa a. .731 1 7 ..;o is t rs . 714 10 7 ..111 ... 7 VI ..'IAK ... ID .904 ... 7 14 rni Notes of Parld till, LONDON. May 6.-Amcrlcan aecurltles '' un, .ao., may .-i.'ieciai-were moderately active, with most of District court Is In station her, with lh. hlialnaus In 1'nlon Pai'lfl -. HOUthem T Jllrii, Cnrrnrin r.n the Kneh Xerrfev IHtrrr:?. iiVd ifAV.rr' ; r John r. Mod.ln t ... v.. It. Inoon .nd the market closed easy. It was I First Bank of I lyase was tried and na ui ... I II. t4l 10 T 7 44 ra ... T ta 8HEKP The lightest run of the week bowed up this murnlug, when only thiee cars of Ismba snd no asrad sheep of any description were received. Aftr a good deal of preliminary dickering for so small a showing, they were caahed at prices tbat were anyway 1& 2ur higher, and I some traders thought ss much as Mtlbe anove yaaieroay e values 10 cars or wooled Mexicans brought Slut, as against llO.livgno for ths bulk of yesterday s offerings, and a car of clipped lambs brought IS.oO. There was really hardly enough slix-k her to make a market. For the week to date prices are at the reported that another t.'.Ai.OUO In gold la 'being shipped rrom rsris e rew ior. j HILVF.R-Har. 2JI-ld per o'jnrt Muncr-i'tviq lr eni. rLS Ol'NT RATF-S-Short bills. Pr cent, three months. T: per cent. Bank Clearlaga. finally aettled. This was a mandamuj to comp -l tho bank to allow an examina tion of the bank by the stockholders, and was brought by stockholder con trolling a large per cent of the minority of strck. The esse was settled by th nrealilent of the hank. ftors:a Pnliarui. OMAHA. My -Pank clearing for !.,,. .,.,,.,,...,. ,, Omaha today were and for p.- - the corresiiondlng day last year MM. J43.1t. . Stala Stops I alverslty Itssie, A MRS, la . Mav 4 IRiwial Telegram.) Th first game of th Ames-Ksnsa uni versity series toils y. was called becaua. of r.ln. Ing therefor t.'-l -i shsre The Mssf.tilc r.d alected th following officers Tuesdsy sal lit far th ensuing ye.r: W'urshipful master, R, W. Re..ker; S'nlor warden, John H. Owen; Junior warden, R. D. Fuller; Irueleee. W. H. Taylor, John Harper and R. V. Backer. iscvBatAiv onatiajr 57. WAR LOAN STOT OAUASLI SCrOSI 1SS4. Htnre th closing of the subscrip tions for thla Loan on March 3 1 ' . the price haa advanced In Kerlln T "k to S To hid. At IJ1S.&0 per 1000 Rorid pable 011 subscription. I can sllll offer so n Bonds. These Bonds readv fur delivery about July 1st. interim certificates Issued by prime New York Rankin house. At the present lea- rate for Marks this Loan NETS A I4CI I'T Tt. A. WUNNENDERO S Ootiea Bxohanre Bldg Xsw wrk City. I4 YOU KJlOW luAT FREE Any InTettor astata aiarseat .i tor m enta rrAN'-TAf, PHt-a. : Ln r ji s4U4--- tB 4 frttrtarait n mU4 stTdsl mf (UKjCt tXl(l hsMUatv W 4)&salri4 I fa)4M m kMt.kM m twsxt-n lMFT..-tlfthf i