j TTTE F.EF.: OMAITA, may - 1!!3. WANT ADS Went ad received at any tlr-ie, but to Insure, proper claarication mut be pre sented l-efnr li o'clock noon for evening edition n1 7 ."0 p. m. for morning and Sunday edition Want aV received after ouch liourn will he under the heading, jToo Late to Claaalfy." - OUROBJUTES. Fn rrmeecutive tlmea, 1 cent a word , ch Insertion. Thw time within ene vmI, cents ft word h Insert Ion. One ttmj, 3 cents a word. - v CASH RATES. Seven rnnsecuttvw time. cemtg a Una fech Insertion. Three tlmra within cms week. 10 cent a line each Insertion. one tlm. i; cents a Una. cvnnt nix sverace worn to a Una. Minimum vjharge, 2 cents. An advertisement Inserted to be run tintll discontinued muit be stopped by I written order. ( All claim for errors pniat be marie ! within fifteen davs arte- ihe laat laser tlon of the advertisement Ton ru place your want ad In Th fioa i ry telephone. TELETHONR TTLKR 1X. - Unclaimed Answers to the Swappers Column." Hundreds of ether answer hava been failed for and delivered during tha last wk. It ia reasonable te suppose that rjf of tha people below have mada the tfclred awapa. therefore do not call for the balance of their answer. Bee want ad aura act reaulta. " ( H C. HI", PC. t! f B.C. 4 eMV Ml M4 75 Wl U ' 471 M M . 7fi aTS 4"4 471 W1 M 7M I era ,475 Ml iin 7",7 , 4ia 47a V.7 7M : S0O 41? 47! fl WJ VA 4is ro :;4 , m t:.". . Ktt 41 pw ' "." inn -W (419 ' 578 t7 WO ' 4X1 610 , f.4 W4 "1 4?V " f.1 B71 S?1 S17 4.n ws m rt :r7 w s:j son am mi k!4 4.14 f .'7 - flO . 'l . Mi KI i44a '!.? an .' 7)" k ku 447 . tZ -lia 701 2 W3 44 fi'4 711 Ml I4 1) b?A fi-.i 714 e(7 !47 ' ,ia ajH . Til at. Ml , ' - ! 7:7 e"i' Kl 4l . t41 RTW ' . 717 m M.1 ... ... j ... I.7 I ' 92 CARD 4F TIIAK. ' We define to thank the many nelrh bora and frtenda who o kindly aaaleted tig after thn death of cxir huaband and father. We eapeclajly are uraleful fof the many-iteautiriil floral trlbutea. MRS. J. W. KANKFT AND FAMIUT.- DKATII AD tl KHAL NOTICRS. JACORKN-.cnJ May S, 1913. ad years. Krown at reel, Betiann. Funeral Sunday. May , at 1 .10 p. m. f from the Methndivt church, llenson. In terment at Koreat Lawn ceinclery, C RRtKlV- Fd w ard F." aired 7S, Way I. Vnnenil from his late realdmire,'. 74 North Thlrtv-thlrd. Saturdajf, : a. Vn., to Saint Cccella'a chun h ttlt, m. , In terment Holy Hepulchra cemetery. JIYAN Ellaabcth. aired Tl years, W . month and X daya. died May 6. 1K16. at family roejpnie, 2001 North Nina teen Ui tntet A Funvral notice later. I TiYAN-ElUaboth, aired veara. 10 months and I day, died May , l'JlS. Funeral from family residence, 2TC1 North Nineteenth wtrect, fiaturday morn ing; at 7 (Vclook to St. John church. Twenty-fifth and California atreets, at 7:30 o'tJock. Intermeat Dawson, Jtet. DIRTHII AND DHAT1I9. Births Huarh F. and Harlo VfTera. 1U North Fifteenth, boy; K. H and Dorothy boy; Joaeph and Alvtela Krejol, IM 8ouUi fifteenth, ffirhvX'harlna and Alma Ualla fTher,' 8m: Martha, Klrl; Charlea B. and Clara A. Baker. 21U6 North Twenty-eighth, Klrl: B. and arsh Ooodblruler, 24U Amtl , avenue, girl, i ' leatba Laura Baach, 2ft, hoapltal, rlarali M-Iherr1n, 74, 4y07 North Twenty, ninth; Airred llanii, 17, hoapltal; Jo. siti W, Ortme. , 2121 Burdatta. MAHRIACI9 MCKKSBa.. Pcrmtu to wed have been Issued to tha follon-lnK: Name and Realdence. Afa. ,'lariiice IL Rockwell, Omaha 83 Hertha W, Morton. Carroll, la. i$ John It BurchenflMd, numfiiea, la-.TT 20 Cl&ra Apiiaraen, Dumfries, la....'. Jfi Charlea Forney, Clarlnda, la, J... .21 Ctlnla Frney. Clartnda. Ia U nmi.ni.in permits. Byron Reed company, 233 Fouth Twenty-third, frame tiwellin-, l,SuO; John Kvfil, 1012 North Heventeenth, addition, t W; I. J. Peterson, IMA Ontario, frame 4lslllrirr. ti.U; P. U Kdlln. ! Ames atenue, frame store, l,2m; A. W. Hon tier, 1718 HahU-r, frame dwelllnf, TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIB riUXJHAMS r " Kxclulely In Tha liee. ' laANTERN slides tor movies, fiend yo-o4 copy to ua Wo canprtduca photos ar will piepar your copy. W will color as dlracted. Bea Pboto Oept. 101 Baa Bid. Daws 1a. JCUTK NO. 2, v U1 FARMAM. Jh r'aco of , Fear. (Cren Wilbur.) dr. , The conspiracy at the c'naleau. -r. dr. J lam Anion toe lUdkslus. Kalcm com. i'AKNAM, . laro lXLKiLAS. yarnam Theater Special Mutual tnas- terplecea a week, . Thursday and tpunday jpuf special daya Hll-F TUKATKK. UTU AND UAJUS JT tloma of Paramouot lie t urea fAiUa Jilk.A-ia.lt. Feature prucram daily. Keyaiooe Cu4urlte. . Si f. MIU. J'AlCLOlt 14W DOUOLAB. - Cvuritaaa Veachl's Jewel, t-r. !:. dr. V Fortune Hunter. Vltegraph tomedy. V J I'he KbUnr 'Ilea. lilomrapli drama. lUNCl-vi, iai7-D iMJl'ULAil. Uter v aa Neutral tlwiila lutclilv) coin. tne -1rl of the Auto, J-reol diauta. frte Hiank Pane. Heart Interest drama. 2awtla. ALAMO. ' MTH AND FORT. Tha Cure." Joker comedy. Tne Five-Pound Note.'V 2-reel Imp. "lunuuue vt the iiaefcwooda," Vlot I.IUUHKA, ii NORTH 24TH, J'atiy s Faithful Fldo. Keysloite com. The Ureara Maloatlo cumedy. Hiorty Tuma Actor. Iwau tlraina. " lLJil:7. MIU AVE. A BLnuOTTE Aniuruwtt Xjtua liatcliet Railuvace dr. (v, truly. A Uh of Potaon. Keyatona comedy. iiXm7nd. wTuLak.II Var of the Wild, t-reet. Blsuo. love cf Mary Weat. big U. rhe Wlntied. Joker cotnoJy. i F KAN K 1J N , MTlTASI KRANKLiN. 1 be WrluuaT on m all," t-r. Kal. lira. "A Ll'a In (he HaUiio,.- Kal. drama. "1 kift 'ii'lod Trio," Muu eoniody. . FJU'LIC, - i4TH AND Bl'llAGLlil 3fuiul Weekly. 'i t, Final vt roc k man, 2-r. Than. feaJL ' A Corner In RaMra. Roy conmd y. OivANl TiiejosM- Wutiiiil,,riiNNi. Kdettrd Oonnflly In tha Mutual master Mm a, 'l be Iieill," In five prta. 1 f I rW ltOi E. irif" AND CUMINU 'J n trtl ot the leJ, J-r. Dout. (est ) ntui l ick H- ii MkKII6 dranuv !'-! n.m 'iMiant. trvio C'jnHMlv. 1 Y. , 1 f r I L A S D b r RDKTTti NllMf. 1'rH, tf 1'lre Hi.uae. Nt. coal. 'I o itr-,'t-ei;i an (.a tn. J-reI Lat-inmU. 'i no U'iuium Comkl Joi.tr uuiuvdy. TODAY'S rrtMTlKTR MOV1K riUXJRAMS Fxclnalvely In Tba Cea. i wnrth. mYAij. ?4owaldweij Saved hy a Dream.. J-reel Victor. Animated Weekly. ' Hl Nob, the Duke. Nertor comedy. Cot h ro F. , iirii and ijthrop. The tlttle Strew Wife. -r. Ess. Ararat. Ham at tha garbage, Kalem romede. PA LACK. mrXVKNr'f)RT story the Silk flat Tol I. Imp drnma. Me Cured Hi flout "Joker" comedy. Where the FoTeet Ends, 2-reel Re. SUBURBAN, MTU AND AMKS. ' Mr. Jarr Takes a' Night Off." Vita. Com. An Opal Ring," 2-reel F.s. drama. "A Foothill Problem, " Rio. drama. Soata. ARIVin, l!m ft ARBOR. Hi New Job. 2-r. E. com. (Chaplin.) The Iepiity Piity, Rio. drama. Tha Pitnilly HI Ma, fM I eon drama. AJ-OI.I-O. WH t yK A V E N WORTH 8T! Hearat -Kella No. . .-, ".laa'a Rrother, i-iwl Vltaaraph drama.. Jarr' a Maa-netle Frlenl. Vita. com. OI'ifuiA, 17J0 HOLTH TENTH. a The Slren'a Relam, 2-r. Kalcm drama. They I -overt Him So. Vita, eomedv. COM KXRT. : 24TH VINTON. Molly of the Mountain, 2-r. Rroncho. The Wlnnlna lnd. Reliance Jl Brotier RMI, Thanhmiaer. KAVOK1TK. 1710 VINTON STRKKT. .Janet of the Chonia, ,J-r. Vita omnedy. Inaomar of the Hllla, Ea. w. drama. When Oratltiide la Iva, Kdlaon drama' OEM, XSA HOC Til 13Tl7. It. Ko. comedy Almont a Bcandal. l:lack Bo No. I. 2-reel Hpeclal (uraaa. Pi; TS I.YIIIO, Ml 7 VINTON KTRKKT. I'lack Ro, No. 2. (J.r. apoclal). Tiny Hand. Power. ' ' Her Friend tha Milkman. Neetor comedy. o r in k i ; m." 7m-Tii ma!Ta! Ouaale a Day fit Reat. 2-reel. Keyatone. Another good Keystone and a 2-reel nrama. PASTl.Vli;, T enty-thlid A Leavenworth. Ulack Hox. No. . Murtin Uw, Financier. I.aem. drama. Two Hof.rta and a Hhlp. Nealor comody. VENEZIA. v UU SO. UTH T. Four reals ef M stual picture. v West. MONROE, iV FAP.VAM. 1 h. White Mak. 2-r. Lubln drama. Ilia Phantom Mweetheert. Vita. 0. dr. Karl William and Anlla SlewArC eaaoa. ' B KM BON, (KV MAIN BT. Rlllle Ritchie In "Hearts and Flames," -. 1 Ko. nnm. HI lAat Trick. Lnem. love and Ifandcutfa, 'Powera drama.' loaaell Blatfa- v FIITK NO. 2, M5 RROADWAT. I nfalthful to His Trust. 2-r. Kalem dr. Maxio put One Over. Lubin comedy. A le Hlew He Hlaw, Mlna comedy. NICHOLAS. 547 BROADWAY. The Irn-ile. 2-reel Vltagraph drama. He Waa ia Traveling Man, kalem com. ROPKR, M7 BROADWAlT tlrlm Messenger. I-r. Rig U. Artist and the vengeful One, Victor. Two Hearts and a Hhlp. Nestor ComedV. oat b BE9SE. 24TH AND N. The Return of Richard Neat. I-r. Eea, dr. Feminine wit. Mina comedy. MAUIC. attlf AND O. Black Hog No. . t-renl SiieoIaL At lit Own Terms. Rla- U. The Oolden Spider. Victor. Vaadeeille. ORPHEtlM. J4TII AND M. The Undercurrent. arel drama. The Open Door Drama. Checkmate dr. a gooa comedy. v , . ANNOUNCEMENTS Lakeside Ice Co FOR ICR ' 'PHONIC WKBSTKR 591. General Office, 13th and Mandervnn Bta. Investigate Y.M C.A. out's; park, summer. MA HA FlLiXW CO.. 1B07 CunTlnT Douglas tf7. Renovates feather and mattraaaea of m II kitiAa. m. w.. feather mattreaa and down cover. TOUPEKS FOR MEN Hair goods dapt J. L. Rrandels A Sons. Omaha. LUCKY wed.llng'rliiKs at'"llrodaaarda WL rent repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing nachlnes. NEc UHAHKA CTrLB CO . "Mlek.l'a IRtrr and Harney. Douglae M82. Wedding annuunoeinents. Doug. pig. Co. DRttKriMAKINO, tailoring, alteration. Work guaranteed. 240 Caaa. Red 72J6. KNOXWEKl kills the landoliona. AUTOMOBILES vHPECLALj built Hupniobll Roadster, Ideal car .for city salesman or solicitor. Price lam. Phone Douglaa 721. NkJW Ford auto delivery bodies of all styles, open or closed, always on hand. Our prices will save vou money, tWve Johnnon-Danforth H., 1KM14J No. lih. U0 RKWARb for any magneto we can't C RLRAdrtKBL eajMrt radiatar a ad Urna repairs. Tv.Tul. ttH lvaeaMi TUfp Clearing House, 22u Farnam. buy sq sen uaea eara. Phone Iuuglaa UiX Overton'a for leaky radiator, too, dealera Want an auto. C. J. fcanaa McCague bldgT Indu.trial Oarage Co.. th A Harney Bta Met ereye lea. IIARLBY-DAV1DSON MOTORCTCLF.S. Bargains In used machlnea Victor Rooa, The Motorcycle Man." 171 Laavenworto. BUSINESS CIIANCKS , M.Out tttrtcUy Inside downtown picture show on one of tha principal business si reels of Omaha; fully equipped and doing the business: continuous shows from noou to midnight; all modern ru (juirrment. If Jntereaied coma and i'nd a weea at Uie ticket office lor fact. Will vonaiUer part exchange for one of the partner. v rite (or d tan, a pra'uci liuilnesa man ran appreciate this oppor tunity. C. J. Cauan. UU MoCalcua lilda.. Oinaluv , YOU. 8AI B-NIc clean stock variety goods. Well located and well Sclented: yood business, well established. Address Mr. Lillian Lindsay. Pelersburf, Neb. I HAVE a position aa sales and adver tising manager In a manufacturing concern that ought to Interest you it you can Invest from rvUO to 26.009 and ran make good aa a oily salesman. This I an old firm Just Incorporated and tbilr pnxlucts are in great demand. Bvery opportunity givea to carefully Investl at. C. M. EATON. v D. 14 ' 11W W. O". Wi Rldg. HTKATKR-buy, lease or aeii your the ater, machine aud auiipilcs tbrougk Theater Fxcbanto Co.. la Farnam at Ixuslaa Isifl, PARTNK.R WANTKJ'. New automobile product Unlimited de mand. Iuir riltai finaiuial returaa and immense profit. Opvitiug fa lories in large cltlf evcrywliere Imperial Mfg. Co Ji N. Main. Couiiclj Bluff. I - THKATKROnly one Nu break a town am); alaga, aoeaery, opera chain, piano, ma chine, etc.; fine condition, long leaea. Have other lute rents. Cash only. Inveetl gala Address L i4. li.-e (ihutuy ai.d meat market. tie. rtgkt loiatiua and a live, going bcatneaa. Beat opening for a grocwr In Oinaha. Addrea M -:", Bee. WHY rentT WUI aell leu-acre fHrao In Red River Valley. Mlna., erect buiidinga. supply i and liogs on first aymenl of touu and tl per acre and Interest at par reot each year thereafter W. O. Tempieton.- baa bee Bldg.. Omaha, TO OKT In or out of hualneee caU on OANGESTAD. 41 Boo Bldg. Doug. Mn. WANT partner to buy nslf latereet In a mine and take rbarge: want pan W to lnveallgale before buyiug. For par U il ia r write W. O. Logan. Ft Fred cteole, vs yo. . fclGNe. tnii care 'lf a w.n itt WILL ell my half inter! in a "tiling and dveing buaineee which la iintking Viii tl i i 1 1. . I i . . . . i , n ninvlnw t ....... hmuiih ... uu iuki going iiiMiif gut tor general no.'swori. nea busiucas duautwvkn. Address A Alee. I lsh or Daniab. la famUy. lUd 2a. llSIXKKS CHANCES RPIAL eftate Ruaine rlacee supplied or bandied; all state. F. V. Krite.t. emu ha. Kenning lleaaes far Kale. 11 ROOMS, well furnished: lwya rented, for quj"k asle. pro. Call at IX. Fsream. CLA4M9 PAID. WILL cah county claims. Douglaa 7860. EDUCATIONAL Bodies College Day Rchool. Night School, oompleta buelneaa courae, complete shorthand or stenotype courae. com plot a telegraphy course, civil . service branches and Kaa- nan. tuunants admitted at any tit: a Write, phone or call for imIR ctab)gua. P.OTLKH COLLKOE. H. B. BOTLKS. President. Tel. D. iffifi, Roylee Rldg.. Omaria. Neb. FOR rale the following acboiarahine Jt . a first cLiss Omaha Ruatnens College: On unlimited mmbinatloa buslaeea and shorthand eourae. One unlimited business ceuraa. - One onMmlted stenographus course. One three inonttur bus to or steno graphlc course. Will b enid at a discount at tba offlo of the Omaha bee FOIf BALK At reduction, one scholar ship at Omaha'a best bualness college. A dd rem It Weal over. David City, Neb. FOR SALE Farnltare, llnaaehold llo4i. Kte. FURNITURB RAROA1N8. ncfrlgaratora, kitchen camnela. china rablnets, dreaeers, tables, chairs, etc. ISS N. 24th. Webster DESKS tea! ol1- J- . Vm Farnam 8t. D. 14. Nat'l Sale A Auction Co., 1A27 W. O. V. Llee gteekt CinnUalx Merehaata. MARTIN BP.QH. A CO.. Bucnaro Bidg. Ilsrsea and Vealolee. HIP ttva stock to Bouta Omaha, Rave mileage and ahrlnkaga. Tour consign, menu recurva prompt and careful aiusv. tlon. RKAL HAIKIAIN-Fii'e young, honeat big work horse, well matched;' span browns, mnre and Ntwlcling, 2.0 lbs.; fpaa 2,000-lb. bays; also 4-year-old black horse. I.iICO: two set of farm hru.. and two farm waoas. 2227 Dodge Ht.. corner 24th rt. l;v.O BUYS good big team of work horsea " ann county line. Mouth Omaha. Maaleal laitrsmeau. FlHST-CT.Asa cornet Webster 8281. Blightly used high grade piano. D. 2017! PosHry. Baas aaa eapniiee. ' STEREOTYPIC matrices maJfa tha best and cheaneat lining fn imuiipv i..... They are 172 Inches, stinger and more auraoie man larrea felt and practically fireproof. 7bo a hundred at TheBee offlca,. WHITK HOLLAND ,TUR-rTY egga fo hatching; 26o each. A. 11. Baker. R. F. D 2, Benson, Neb. Telephone Bensen I ' I " 11 I , Mlsed grain. IJO lb.. tl.TZ. Wagnart01N.ll 1 r te writer) . "J? Ol'var Typewriter I mo. for M. Oliver Typewriter Agency, lans Farnam. TVl'KWRIThJRii oid, rentod. repaired. , Central Typewriter Exe. 1W Farnam. All make typewriter rented, suld, term. Ruttg Typewriter, W6 Farnam. D. 03i. Mlaeellaaeoas. .l! " bur homes. 60 electric light fixtures, lumber, tools, plumbing supplies, shovel, picks, one Denny In lot weighing machine, M; one total add ing cash reg later, fine condition,' ; one riding saddle and bridle, as- i iriich.n cahuiete. 2 each; 2 carpenter work uencnes, si cacn. J. C isit. tcvxvTi'rrcn 7"3 . Rlat Ave. Phone ilvnurlA FOR SALE Haby buggy, brown wicker; llcywood buggy, iv good condlt44ln. Ad dres O 3nS, Bee. OMAHA Ciilna Shop. White china for decorating for sale at 4 Rrandels Bid g. FOR KALrO New and aecond-band carols and pjoket billiard tables and bowling alleys and acceaauriaa: ke fitr r . fi Kln"! y P'"". Tha Brunswlckd tm-..oiwnarr o.. an-40 H. IStn Ht H-hsnd machinery. H, Oro.s, n and Paul WK bought 66 Dea Molnea baf futures, front bars, back bars, nimn cash registers, olgar and Wall cams, eto. Jor sale like wo bought them CHEAP, th8t ' n1'' 5uPPly CO., 414 Bo. -. FURS STORED Absolute Ouarantee Against MOTHS FlhH BURGLARS RKFERfcNCES: ANY BANtt. 0. E. SUUKELIT, , Call for Oooda im a mv a. Talaplioo Doaudas 147 and We WUI HELP WANTED FEHLHJ8 Clerical aad Of flea. 8TENO., some bookkeeping, lie. j 7 fist nu oiera, aw. Clerk, good at figures, 135. Cashier, to start, HO. riteno, experienced, ltd. i , DeoionMrator. H to H.' ' . COOPKKATIVH REFFRENCB-TJO. 1UI-1 CITY NATIONAL. STKNOOItAPHKR One who can oper ate either Smith Premier or Oliver; sal ary. 12.6m per week- can use a good stenographer (Commer cial college student), .. Leave your name with u. It's quicker. BUHINEHS MEN B REFERENCE ASSN. iii!-ti wooiimcn or wusid Bldg. Nil FIIJNll PKft. Rxpeienoed stenographer yo Stenographer and bookkeeper!!.' week Cashier, typist and bookkeeper US insifJMW Hr-p- c3., State Bwnk. Bookkeeper and ateno., out of town". tuO. Watt Ref. Co.. MO Brandels Theater. WANTED Pxpertenced stenographer, one who can operate either Oliver or Smith Premier machine: -employment year around to right party. Addrera.' J 3ai, Bee. No FII.INO FKiC. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS, RotiKRS REF. CO.. Mtt-I htate Bank. Ulrls. PHYSICIAN wanta offW-o girl; expert. ence luineceaeary; i per Weeg. Address A eixt. Bee. lleueekeeaera aad Doateallea, WANTED A girl to assist with house- wora. ii. n. Pdh St. Webster ia. GOOD girt foe general housework; no wBsning; rciereni-es required. J3i Ixard St. Walnut t. v - -fV EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; reierences required. Apply 4130 Ce St. WANTEl-Ovod girl for light house work; three in family; good home far girl that Is looking fur same; no cooking, phone Harney i-'S or Harney NYANTraA competent girl for general houaework; no waahingx References; 17 Harney IT: 4. JTJV4 iHxJue Sty YOUNG foreign girl fnr nous work. Wal. . WANTEli-A girl fur housework; houae. cleaning dona H. tot g. lsus Park Ava WANTtrv-A capahlo hpuseTnaldrMrs. K. C. itarton. 4o Harvey St. DISHWASHER wanted at the Neumayer. Coumtl hlofta EXPERIENCED girt for general houaei work: referenoea reauired. Aoolv i ri Ca at GI1CL for general housework, lie eV list St. Phone Harney IM4. WANTED A whlU girt to do general houaework; nauat know how to cook; two in family; no Washing. 32 So. 57th St. t. 237. WANTED Experienced girl for general houaework. no washing. Mr. M. ii. Newman, 35 JO Howard m. " WANT El A girt for gsnarai houaework; no washing or Ironing. Mrs, E. It Porter, 4i N. Uah St. H-iM. WANTKD For general housework, ftat, reuani gin; rooaing, plain; small li lly. far nam Wal. 1. Uxril fciri fur general houaew-ui-fc; no washing. 2t11 Jscgon. WANTKl-A umulrnt girl wile LeiVr o e for xenrral hcuncwor).: small faintly; no children- good pay. '.MJ3 i'e" jt. I ucles M. II KLV VA XT rn H CM LE lleaaekeewera nil llnneatlca. WANTF.D A f.1r! of woman to aiat with houaework forenoon. H. t'.'.t f'titlng REALLY corrpetcnt girl for genera! houaemork: small family; good permanent pla-y inift p. .11 yt ft. H. 7i- liX PKIII KSt'Kli nurao girl for -yer-old child; refcrcni e re.pilre.1: wig. a 1.2 per month. 701 H. 7ih ft. Hnrnev hi. A tlllll, for general homework and cure of two email children; no waahltig. Call Harney XuR, A OOOD glr for general hoimework ; no washing or cool'lng: nb-e, pleasant horn.; for right lar1y. Addreae, M 21, caro Reft . WANTED An experienced mnld for gen- eri noiiaewora. Tel. larney 7ifi. T .. mM II...... .. WAITREHH wanted at once; Montreal Cafe, l. H. 14th rL M leeellaueoaa. TOTJNO women coming Omaha a atranger are invited to visit the Young women's Cbrlsilsn aaaoelatlon building at Bt. Mary's Are. and 17th St. where they will be directed to suitable boarding rlacea or othft-wlae aaainted. look tvt our reveler's gu'de a.: Onion atloa tl8.no WfKK. expense advanced. Women to travel aadappolnt agents fir oon centmted forjd flavor in fibee. RF.Ll ABLK MFO. CO., 374 C'omo hldg., Chicago HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and tlfflce. BOOKKF;KTER, OUT OF TOWN. 80MJ5 - INVK.HT.MKNT RKQItREH, 12fi. BOTKKKEI'En, OCT OF TOWN. Iu". HAl.FXM AN, ORtM'KRlKH. .0-I100. SOLICITOR, CITY AVORK, CO-OPF.RATIVK KKFKRKNCB CO. ' inis-lrt CITY NATIONAL. IF YOU are a homier and can get the thing for you: we have new sales open ings every day. MIDWKKT BONDING! CO.. J13 Ree Hldg. ' NO FIUNO FKK. Stepo.. good future. S week." Rogers' Reference Co.. t,X-i State Rank. BALiKJSMAN, aperlaliy. ronimlnlwi. Haleamaaf, gasoline engine, JlOO A exp. Wattg .Itef. Co., 840-42 Rrandela Theater. YOl.'NO man, sood penman, not afraid of hard work, wanted by wholesale firm. Salary 17 ner aeek. Olve reference i. dreaa snd telephone number. Address P HI. lie. 1 ASSISTANT manager, wholesale house: must be experienced bookkeeper and ateno., ' able to later asfunie manage ment Salary denenda on ability of man. Unuaual opportunity for mani of brain and "pep." State salary, experience, age. rrmrrnr, eic. AnureaN, K WJ. Hee.- HIOH-ORADFl commercial position. WEST. REFERENCE ft ROND A'BSN: - Wl Omaha Nat. Rank Bldg. ' A areata. Baleamvn fond Solicitors. WANTED-alesngn having the ambition to work, hard for six hour dally; abll- j . " " " i i inweura n i 10 ecu dne of the beat' and cleanest propositions on inn maraeu r ermanent position lor the right man. Tel. Doug. S0 for Inter view. ' k CANDY, cigar ad liquor aaleaman; ela-' gant aide line: pocket sample: no in vestment; big mone- maker: state lino and territory; give references. Address Y-503, Bee, . THREE aalesmnn going to coast In au tomobile. Wish to consider advertls'nir or salesmen proposition. Address L-39S, Bea WANTEI Bright married Tnen who want to Increase their Income n KiiBt1 learn to sell rood; steady Work; salary ranges from t'O to lino - Almii nirv 2th and Invenworth. ' CITY SALESMAN wanted 479 Brandels Ring., 10 to 2. EXCELLENT proposition for two good men In Nhialra rnll , O 1 ..... - Benefit., Health and Accident Association ta a City Nat'l ank Bldg. Factors' aaA iMAea. BTRONO young man wanted, handy with tool to devote about one week of each month to outside work requiring the. In stallation and filing of certain kinds of devl-jes located la various parts of the city.- Must have own tools. Must be sober and have satiafactorv tamn.. This work will yield from 118 WM. State telephone number if possible. Address, u 404, Bee. Drug store soaps; joba Knelst Bee Bldg. Tri-City , Berber Collega Tuition tlL. on account hie trade. Wages for s and 10 cent work. Eiectrlo tnanaage taught Hydraullo chairs. Catalog free. U24 Douglaa Bt. Omaha. Wl ANTED A live engineer and machln, ' t H t 1 n l.li. f . rv. f irjlK k . .. , I - - - - -" ... f. rupiuM VnrfttitM m n A inAlnr.j lu.ll... . A i repairing and steanv fitting. A good place ) en. ......,......, K' . , . . . r. apply. Give age and references. Address Molr Barber College Largest bkrber college west of Chicago. Special summer rates now In effect Catalogue mailed free. . 110 S. 14th Bt. Omaha. ' 'OU MUST VHiNK-W'a give you expert i auto training, tarn a real salary, big money for our trained men. Coma right now and get our freo course In Klec. Ltr A Start g systems : freo catalogue. Amer. Auto Colleae, axj Farnam St, Omaha. tleecllaaeoaa. GET WISE", A thorough, practical automobile edu cation at snlnlinuna oost Ask for cata logue "C and explanation of our aet reault method. - . NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 1411-17 Dodga Street. Omaha, Neb. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted. 17s month; pull unnecessary. Write aasraedl ately for full partciulars. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 21 P.. Rocheter. N. Y. WANTED Names of men, IS or. over, wishing government Jobs. t6 month. No pull necessary. Address Y 460. Bea EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for man to manage branch office In Nehr..w Our buainess Justifies good pay to steady men. xaareas -erieci pparg Co. Des Moines, Ia. WANTED Competent house and yard man. airs, r.rnesi re. Mart, tie Third St., Council Bluffs. Telephone 274. PHYSICIAN licensed. Nebraska; dentist licensed. Iowa. - German doctors, Coun- WANTEli l.ofrt men to eat ham and eggs. 16c. Coffee John. 14th and Capitol. . situations Wanted EXPERIENCED youag man wants steaoy work with private family; honeat and eober; willing to work at anything. Ann Oralncri. fv'-i Duuglaa St. WOMAN wanu day woTk! Telephone loula 4tU. v ll'OHS waard: dandelion dug and ktUed Web. Vs4. TEACyj-.R would like place this summer aa companion or govern, out of city preferred; good reforencee. Addrea Olia lienuie. uliuby. Ia. FlIli'T class bousrkeeper. in country or outskirts of Omaha. Douglas 6J71. Hl-lNb.SA meii; young lady, aged 21, desires position; am capable bookkeeper, stenographer and office -clerk; also some selling ability; ea.-ned I proiiwttons last Job; good references; will consider any thing above in. Anewerg confidential. Ad die E Swi. care Bee. TRUSTWORTHY young man of ability desire poeltiua a cashleror clrtc work; ia college graduate and good pen man; will cons.der out-of-tuwa Job; very anxious to go to work and wants perma nent aork. Phona Douglaa M61, or ad dreee L-J;'i, flee. A MAN experienced In general office work and shipping, wanta poaktloa; ant married, sober and industrious; ran fur nish A-l relereii.a Call Webster UCA, or write to e North 2dth 81. THK aervaat Olrt r-roblero ekiived. Tb Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted ad FHER until you get the onelred reeulta Thi applies to resltients of Omaka, aouth Omaha and Counctl Bluffa Bring ad te Tit lee office or talerbone T ler tuue. 1-ACK curtula and fancy clothe rare-ful1vwaliedNebater4AJ- AsslTl.VO In houseaork; cvioied. Ad drcaa 11 X. Bee. j UJST AND ' FOt'ND OMAHA t'lii'NCIL rti.X fi llTREk.T t'lii'NCIL Hl.l'Fr'al RAILWAY iflMI'AXr Peraona ba-.-Ing lost 'me article watild j to eell to call un thn office of the Omaha sV Council iiluffs .itrei t Rallnay com pany te asr-ertala Whether they lert It la ha street cars. Many articles eci day are turned In nd the compnny Is anxious to reatora U-em to the nghtf.l owyxr. 'all Ooi g. 4. MiHT (irte amall hungnlow net curtaia. Kultable reward. II. 1TAJ. l.tST A gold brooch, wreath des gn, set lth p.arl. Call H. .V34. Ileward. MEDICAti Piles and Fistula Cured without SCROrr.AT, OPERATION or PAIN. NO DKTKXTION from BUSI NESS. PAY when Cl'RKD. A aritten fl "A RANTER given 'In every cae treated. Patlenta nmat come to the of fice, 4"t--i0 frniaha National hank, 17th and Farnam Rts. I)K. .WILLIAM CKE10HT0X MAWEIjL, Twenty-eight years In Omaha. Graduate of Bellevne Hospital Medical College, New York City. N. Y, A"RMANO-Reiil!y helps ret rid of that pain In the back, touch of rheumatism, nervousness, tired, sluggish feeling and bring back that tost appetite, purifies the blood and builds up the entire sys tem. Jut send a postcard to the Hholla barger Co., Mfg. PhHr Weat liberty, Ia. Piles, , Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarrv cure rllos. fistula and other rectal dlseaaes without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paia until cured. Write ror dook on rec tal diseases with testimonials. DR. B. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. , NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. ARTISTIC tree trlmmlngr sclentlflo sue-' gery, and treatment of dteeascs of irees. 1 au 1'ougiaa wo and our Mr. John son wUF make pcrsonsl examination iree. 1. ai. nonnaon Co., Chatham hotel. M. P. BYItD NUESE11Y CO Bargain prices at our oIJ location. 17th svirugji. a, g 'mip". v. yty anq wm, Ti VT A K a.V m aw a. 1 . . . " 1 ' "' ' "" "" ' '" ORNAMENTAL trees, frfult hedge, planta, roses, concord grape, 0c dosen Home ales -ground, 1st A Riggs, Benson. Omaha gales ground. 24th. and Cuming, Benson-Omaha Nursery. Benson 134." BEAUTIFY your home with the finest of nursery stock ever grown. See for your. Bales ground. Ills Dodge 8t - rKnSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha as trangera ar Invited to vlalt the Youag Women's Christian asaoel .tlon building at 17th St and St Mary's Ave., where they Will he rilractert tn mlliSU kn.li.. 7' ar nt h.rwla. a a. I . f A T aaI. a. . , . , . . . ' . UWw. eiere aia at ine union station. THK Salvatma Army industrial home so liclts your olC olothlng. furnltura, majra tines. Wo collect We distribute. Pbona - -; w-. wm van. vau and Inspect our' nsw home, lllO-luj-Uli WEDDING STATIONERY. WE show only the correct and prevail ing styles in invitations, visiting cards, stationery, etc. i ' 1RVIN A. MEDLAR CO.. Printers. 416 a Hth St (Tel. 'Doug. 1263. , ' ' ' LTTh WTRB - I BLSINESS MEN , ' OF OMAHA Aaaaaataata. . M .. A. DWOKAK, C. P. A., Addraaa 49 Ramge Bldg.. Phona Douglaa 740a, iaitliu Klalakla. FILMS Aoveloped free If purohased from .Photo Craft Shop, 411 BeaPBldg?DeptD ArckltMta. ttvaratt 8. Doddsrtll Pggtoa Blk. D, HM. AHI10B..M. Dowd Auction Co.. llUtM W. O. W. R. J2KS. Ulan Prlntlnar H.2!l.N.Hi.iiL,V,!2.PRINT Omaha Braaa Foaadelaav a Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Bta. CaraenMM . . J c . . STEVENSON. 2 S. d. Douglaa Map idh t-aiaxiaar. . Ruth Letchford, decorans;, firing. R, 4041. Ctrl. a,-.--. U. 3. LACY. 6111 BEP BLDO. POUQ. tig. Daaemar A .aw. CHAMBERS' Academv.' eiaasie r irr. Try Mackle s first- 1818 Hamey.' Doug. 6447 llwaiiaalciaa. ' ' . Tarry Diessnmifg college. 20th A Farnam. MI3S STURDY. 341(1 CAB.. RED Deteetlvea. INVEeTiQATIONS eeretad out I. ... part of L' oued state. Canada or Msxlooa. riiiwi in, lKug. ia evaiaut 16)0. Deatist. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea. 724 Caty Nat-Bank. Taft Dental Rooma. 1517 Douglas. D. SIM. Dr. llradbary. No pain. 21 W. O. W. Bldg. Druara. DRUGS at cut price; freight paid on HO order: eatal, i,..,. . . w Conncll Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. " . Bverythlnsj for W a.a. ACCORDION, side, knife. autS burst. bo wmwia, ."'.i.u ouiioiia. ail eisea ana styles; hemstitching, ploot edging. Ideal . . mii.ia, U. fSJO. NEW YORK sample store. Must' vacate. wuu'iiui ufiuiiiH uuwn. cioivKB, suits and dreaae sacrificed- 3ut N. liith 8t Deteetlvea. I JAMES ALLAN. 112 Neville Block. Kvt- aence aecurea in an cae. Tyler ltie. - Flortata. BATH'S, florlat. 1804 Farnam St p. HOOP. L. HENDERSON, 1S1 Farnaro, D. 1268. Memoerwr loriwt Telegraph Del. Aaa n. HESS A 8 WO BOD A. 1416 Farnam St A. DONAUHUE. 12 Harney. Doug. 10UL Featkera Made Over. Fancy attckupa. Dora Eiaele. 1L14 City Na. Llgailns Ku)lm Win. DITRK1K Thomas. Dougla S13. JJtHtrviiA Mit ctimlng St. Mask, 4'Aatuuiea aaa SaudiTa l.,illia, MFQ. ot lodge regalia and coatumea. Theo. Lleben A So. 1614 Howard. U. 4UA Molina rlefarea. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion ploture much iii and f'lm bargaina OFFICES W hen making your new plans, - . . H' W - K... I.... IBM i lur uuirg a'.i... wwa awat- tkn and eaeleat found. TtlK BfEi ou:i.uinu, "Tha Building That 1 Always Nt." Office. Room 1. O.teututtaie phyetelaaa. Ir Peterson. 403 Hranileis Bldg.. O. Z144. JOSEPHINE AR.MS'fHONG. 6ls Re. Bldg Mnaaeaee. MISS STAPLED, mass., elec. bath. D. ils. lpen eve.. p. in.; sundaya. few to z. MASSAOf. 17?1 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. BATHjf 214 Baird Bldg.. 17th and iMAid. Clara Ie. bath and maoaage. Doug. k7iL Brpifand maae.. alcwbol rub, Laura a.A1 Wilaon. 1U2 r'a rnm. room t. Doug. 87M. Open .veiling, and Sunday. MASSA.OE eJo lice Bldg. tkiuglaa UT1. M Brugman. maa . Karhach Blk. R 1777 Ml X. mudlavU nuui R. 24.Nevill Blk. Palatlaa aaa r.rUs. HI'OH M'MANf. 417 N. 40th.' H. gltg aa.araa. AMERICAN Machine Co.. U 8. tltb St LIVE WIRE m.SINERS MEN OF OMAHA Pateata. D. O. Rernell. Pat 'i n Rlk. Tel. Red 7117. H A. Sturges. lwWraiidelB Theater Bldg. WATEHslpA RNHART Pig. Co., nnallty . J . rw. . . . M n a , . I- C . a . Iriniina. I ei. uirn. i o o. imn ov. CENTRAL PR 1 N'TTNO CO DQ1TO. I7M. DOt'GLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. e44. Flames Hrnot4. PLUMES HATS made over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Kr'irer. 43 Paxton. D. IMM Safe a4 Tteao Ihmbi Ksaena. SAFES Ooened. repaired, coma, changed. F. K. daven port. la uoage. P. lail. Ade Repalrlaa. FRIEIjMAN BHOS ;shoe reoelr. til B. 14. Slgaa and ghavrearaa. E. M CLARK SON. HI K. 1TM ST. Steel '.elllags. CARTER theet Metal Company. 110 8.10. Store anal Oflle Ftatavea. . DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, ahelv ing, etc.' We buy, sell. Omaha Flxlurg nnd Supply Co.. 414-lR-i S. 12th. D. f;4. Tevwei Saayllea. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 . 11th. D. MS. Ta tiers. .' v CHA8. C. LANPERYOT7. Wg N. lfith St Traaka nasi Sattcaaeo FREL1NQ A STEINLE. 1M Farnam St Wall laper loaning. ' EXPERT wall paper Cenntng; work Wlaea and tlejanra. IICTES, itoi-J S. 12lh St Wines, i, cigar. Plate dlnndrs, 11 tf , lOe. ALEX J liquor, clg Globe liquor bouae. 424 N. Kth; California wine. !. per gal, write for price list J1EN-RY POLLOCK 1JQUOR HOUSE, ; IMh and Capitol Ave Ten-eknt lunch. BUY your family llquora at Klein's Liquor HouVe. fj N. ;ta. Dougja 1st SWArPEU'S OOLl'MN AUTOMOBILES Foj other automobile bargains oea tba "AuiomoDUa'i vlsasUt eatloa. . AUTOMOBILE o-paaaenger, 1910 model, 4 cyl. Chalmers: good condition through out. What have you. Address 8. C. 797, A NEW 6Sx8 Clrkut camera. elRatnaan' and centur-v grand No. 4 atudtn raiment with ttollameyer lens. 'Complete studio outfit w.elh liiO. will sell for 1300. cash or irane. vvnai nave you: j.. K. Heaton. Cirtls, Neh BUSINESS CHANCE Well established, growing business: cleaning. dyeing. pressing; fine location; actual cleaning Is sent out; business easy to handle; will swap for 12,300 modern borne. Address & O. 970, Bee. CHILD'S CRIP and sanitary couch. What have you, or make offer. Addraaa S. C. Kftl. Bee. CHICKS Win exchange winter-laying; irain 01 vrvmrn null in-pmgTon CHICKS and hens. Including new Incubator and brooder for good driving outfit Addreaa 8. C. Bee. . - DIAMOND Perfect blue-white Voerat diamond rlnn. for good second-hand au tomouUe. Address, 8. C. S77, le. DOG Fine white Spits, male, montha old. What have you for hlmT Addreaa 8. C. KUBe. FURNITURE baa stove. oak - bed, kitchen range, .good condition.' for chickens, or what have you? Addresa o. v . r), ree. FORD t-paa, 1W4 model. In good condl. tlon. What hava von. aridraa A r 817, Bee. i ' ' HAVE bicycle, good aa new; what have IOZIER 1914, 6-cyl.. 2-paa.. electrio llghU and starter. What hava you, 8. C. 7M. Bea. 100 OF meal tickets on good restaurant; noiaer nas no use ror them and win give somebody a, deal on same. Offer what you have. Address 8. C. 3. Bee MOTION PICTURE MACHINE With gaa mixing ouini ana six rolls of film for chicken. motnre.vele nt anvlKln. .f . - - , ... .'D a, v. equi vaioe. Aonreg . u. wri, nee. ONE new player piano and several reo- ' nwil m tl mA anlv faM maak kCafa ....it. vuv "-via j waa mttith kii m atja-v CtiURT, TJt'il I l-aA. n. . uut - aseaxj-a u uuii ,eww nviO T H RUtomohJte, or what X can iu. AddrM O. r Ail Ylaai ... islt T-PASSENOBR, 4-cy Under oilil ...v.. aou-a.ai Mill Claal lap. What hav yon? Address 8. C- 814. Bee. P1AMO rme upright pisno. Want oiu Addresa, B. C. 9t:, Bee. PIA'NO-Hlgh grade Bwlck Piano, oost dress, 8. C !S. Bee., PIANO Fine upright plane. W ant dia. moriq. jtQqre.a, . '.j. viit i Bee. 'IA NO Lyon Healy upright piano, Vlinallv n.ar f . K. ... .. neat driving outfit or Ford auto. Address 8. C. 958. Bee. v PLAYER PIANO High grade player Piano with X rolls muala: will trader automobile, or. what, have you? Ad- drees S. C. 974. Bee. . , . PIANO Will give piano for the keeping or two noys. Aaareas B. c. v.n Hee. PIANO Wellington piano slightly, used; will trade for diamond or what have you 7 Address 8. O. 91h, Bee. SIGNS, shewcards. Clark A Son. D. 117 A ffrOO PLAYER. PIANO with latest music. ivi- Ruig yr wiim "araiuui ,AWUI. Address S. -. W0, Bee. TYPEWRITER Smith Prwmterr perfect alignment: new ribbon; newplatnum rolled; worth 40 or more for service. Want diamond ring, chickens or offer. What have youT 8. C. K7. Bee. - , VACUUM S WEE PER S Have several klnda: would exebanaafor kodak Art- dress 8. C. SW. Bee. - ' ' WANT a neat driving outfit or runabout ana harness in exchange for typewriter. Address 8. C. K8, Bee. WISCONSIN Peerless refrigerator, al most new. 100-pound capacity, white enamM. woiid exchange. Address 8. C. vtz, pea., WOULD like to trade a larae Solar h.rH coal stove fcr an Incubator. Call Red 7894. 1100.00 WORTH ladles' hand tax and combs, barrettes, etc. What have yon? This Is new stuff and guaranteed. R. W. K. brand. J. R. Heaton, Curtis, Neb. FOR UK XT Apartateata aad Flats. BT. OEOROE-4-room apartment redeco rated throughout. lit N. list Ave! aaa. leer Weat Farnam district Phona Web ster 1474. TW(5 alx-rooin, modern, steamheated rials, l an ne rente i wparately or to gether; 130 summer, 15 winter. Conrad Young. SL'J Brandels Theater. Doug. 1571. FIDELITY FKEET, Phone Douglaa 3SI for complete list of all vacant house snd eparunenta. alj for atorag. moving, cocking, shipping. CENTRA I. Ni aqua! a price br quality: 1-roora house; 4-roum flat 220 N. 2id. 5 ST. CLAIRE. 2 and S-rooni apartments: east porch; 2th and Hsrney. Harney 47. ' 4 ROOMS, new Flo-Ia-s. Slk aud Cap Itol Ave. Light and cool, . PISTE HS TRUST CO. D. 80. . -. , FLATS. . 207 S. flth. S rovms. on first floor. S. W. 24ttv and California, second story. O-KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 101 Omaha National Phone Douglas 27 IS. 4 IIOOM" AND BATH. CLOSE IN. I27.W. 121 8. 30th. New. brick. Attractively finished In hard wood. Receding bed In living room. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY. Tyirr l.Jb. State Bank Bldg. Faral.ked Aaartaaeata. -SPLFVDID NF.W FURNMHtTO APARTMENT For Rent In the ' New "Traverton,' Fireproof ' MTH AND LANDON COCRT.. Catering 'to people ot refined tastes. Apartment completely equipped for house keeping; up-to-date and Comfortable. . Travgr Bros., Phone -Douglas 113. lot Omaha Nat Bk. t FOR RENT' Beard and Rm Wanted. TOUNO man, 1 years old. deslrea Plaa in Jewish family for room and board at about 4 a week; walking distance pre ferred; exoellent referencea furnished. Aaron Aro oos'lts, care Bee Publishing Co.. City. - . Faralshed steoaas - 11J7 PARK AVE., nice cool, summer roorri; prl vale family, STEAM heated room, ft week. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffa t ROOMS, modern, very delrable.'Phone Harney 4147 after p. m. FURNISHHD or. unfnrnlphed; 2 room. gas, wster. chenp rent White or col ored. 15 North Kth. . FURNISHED HOUSE FUR RENT. Seven rooms, gttlctlv - mrK.ern, nlct'ly furnished. lnse to Oct. 1st. $" t"r month. Phone ,'oUEla." 7M or Walnut lfcig. f lliW KU'lll.AS ST.. rooms la. 60 up- noarri and Hooma. BEAUTIFUL suite of room, east expos ure; very larae closets, large porch snd yard: In a West Farnam home with splendid board. Telephone Harney ROOM and honfl In rrlvate family for young lady. H. 3311. -v I.labt Hoaaekeeplait Roosna. STEAM heated rooms, with alcovo. kitch enette furnished. Og'len Hetel, Co.. Council Bluffs. Ia. . MASON 2S12 3 Isrge rooms on the first floor, everything furnished for .light housekeeping. H.imey 72. ' lloneekeeplng Rooms. DAVENPORT. 201-2 or I nicely fur ntshed front housekeeping room. Italia. BEST equipped lodge hall In Omaha. also large modern dance ball, finest floor In city. Druid rfnll ,2114-16-li Ames Ave., Web. W or Wb. 782. - lloasea and Cottage. 7o4 N. StiTH ST.. Vr. mod. Will put In good nnndition and give one month free rent for good tenant. 4T03 BEDFORD Ave.. rooms. In fine condition: electric llcht. two lots for garden and chickens; l't Mocks n car; baraaln fit 17. C, C. Clifton, 913 City Nat'l Rank Hldg. Douglas 2819. o 6E YEN-ROOM, modern house. Inqulrs Z4ti catHweii. rvn' v-iT-lvrv. Dwellibg, 414 feo?88th St. ; tilea vestibule, Reception hall, front ftiid tack parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed room?, 2 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in firs class con dition. Location A-. Benj. S. Baker. Phones D482, H317, For RentA strictly modem , seven-room flat, $22.50. 16th and Corby Sts. Phone Douglas 4174. - . - ALL elsea. M per month up. SOT Pastoo, MODERN rooming houae, 3801 Capltef Ava Tel. Hat-nag. (154. it BOOMS, modem, oak finish. 4O1-406 Park a a ... c IA tit e . a a fiw-rw, . ivuiiih, luuuttril, goon shade. 2012 Elm Bt, 123. Harney 15l0. MODERN (-room cottage, 12i per no,: Red 6B2. m Pratt, Omaha Realty Co. SIX-ROOM, modern house,: located at 471A c. . wait I. tj . a'W . . t. . i a, wui a-o Tat.aii.-mB, 4, pi per month. Phone II. 4432. . Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, cacka. ahlns: S-horse van and mn, 11.26 per br.; storage 13 per mo. Satisfaction guar. t. 4.138 A Ty. 23U, FOR RENT X121 Locust modern 7-rootn house, hot water heat newly decorated throughout paved streets, shade treea, 125. Webster 2M6. - - DANDY (-room modern cottage, on car, 118. 18T N. 83J. Turklngton, Bee Bldg. FOB RENT - We Have a complete Hat of all h oases apartments and flats that are for reat Thla list can be seen fr of eharga at Omaha Van A Storage Co., 804 S. lth 8t i.. moving. a j atAM. Farnam. D. gua. Gordon Van Co. 3 K N. 11th St Tel. D. IM or Web. usa. Vaa and Slorags Co. r'all it. fne .a. " QO tlmatas for mov ing. Backing, shipping. 1713 Wekattr St Luuglae 14W. a tlmatas for nov. 6EB the Central Furnltura Storea FREa RENTAL LIST. "s WET FARNAM, 323 N. 88th Ave., modT era; with 1 bath- rooms. 180. . FOR RENT 7-room . house, all Aodern. 2434 Parker St T ROOM a and bath; all pwxlern; on oar , iine. H. 2049. ' HonsOH Crelgh Sons A Co.. Bee Bldg. u"UBtB In all parts of tha city. - v WEST' FARNAM SPECIAL. ' 10 South Sftth Bt, I rooms, beautifully decorated, first-class condition through out; garage equipped for either gag or electric car: price, 142.60. PAYNE A SLATER CO.. 414 Omaha. Nat. Rank Bldg: : ONE BIvOCK N. 24TH LINE. Fast front, 4 rooms and ball, two-story -Square. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1014 Omaha National. Phona Douglaa 2715. tores aaa Offleee. i STORES FOR RENT. " ' 118 002112 fbemhut Ave., 20x 80 ft .u0 1 Sherman Ave., 1Ex50 ft. base ment. loO0O-7O7 S. vlSth St.. x80 ftN full basement, steam ,rfoa.t, i76.(-214 S. 20th str new storeroom In Hurley Hotel Bide. iai.U-lll Howard St., 20x0 ft, full basement, steam heat. OKOROE & COMPANY, ' I Phone D. 7Mi '2 City National Bank Bldg. NEW modern store, he location; In North Omaha. 2414 Ames Ave., Webster 213S orWeb. Ii4. . . NEW, modern, steamheated storeroom and basement, 2ti.'2 Leavenworth Bt Conrad Young, Z21 ' Brandels theater. Doug. 1871. STORE and flat, 1S11 Leavenworth. Call Douglas a26; eveniug, Harney IMC. Warahaaaee. V " WAREHOUSE WITH R. it. TRACKAGE. Two Btorles and basement, SfixAS ft , with shipping platform, electriq elevator, heat In office, water and electrio lights. Will rent all or part Inquire of , J. H. DUMONT A CO, 414 State Bank Bldg. Phone Douglaa 4M. WANTED TO BUT . Yale b"y everything id hand. Tyler 14j OKF'ChV furniture bought and sold. & Reed. 13PI Farnam. Doug. 4148. WANTED TO BOIIROW OOINO in bualneas. would Ilk to bor woutd row a-w tor i day; will pay K-0 Inter ea diamond aa security. Address WOULD like to borrow i4) from private nartv for K din: will na ? to reponible party. Will give my dia mond for security. Address F-44A k.a l UKAIa ESTATE , ramai a wahi h uwu for alm . T aiueraia. -Live Oak Colonies, none better W t Smith To. f3-14 qtyNihrT'esit; n rA I. ICV1R VI a' f a vrv' ..A.-eoun,l,,,; catalogue free. Write P M Wooater Co . Phelan Bids'.. Ian FV.nl claco. Ketahltshed 80 year ralamAa. : FOR BALE -Farm. )0 and go . . , , , PU. Cvta. Wrii. ei f 1 X i if