k t f THK Bffi: OMAUA, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1915. By MELLIFICIA, Thursday, May 6, 1915. WHT la Oitiah out of the career iti that ti sweeping over society throughout tha country? Daughters of the richest and most exclusive families in elsewhere circle are literally falling over each other In their mad endeavors to pre-empt places for themselves In the business world. Rome are matriculating In training school for nurses, others passing library examinations and entering schools for social economy to fit them selves for settlement work. ' Many are opening exclusive little shops f their own handicraft. This growing tendency of young women of social standing to enter actlre life has reached startling proportions In the last twelve months in many cities, but for some reason conditions are not so In Omaha. Is it because we have riot the vim? Perish the thought of Indolence! Possibly we are slightly lacking, in Initiative! - Or maybe Omaha maids are more matrimonially inclined, rather than to careers outside of the home. DAHLMAN SLATED FOR MAYOR AGAIN Four Commissioners P'edge Them fives to Keep Present Mayor at the Head. Symposia Club Dancing Party. FreUle Park clubhouse was the area of 'one of the .prettiest danclns pertle of tha season Wednesday evening when the Srmpoals club entertained. Tha ball room had ar. attractive decoration of pink and white, the club colors, Fynpoala penoanta and pink lyres, the emblem of the rlub. blng; used profusely. Pllver leaves combined wllh pink hlonanma were J no a psrt of the decoration scheme. A pertly feature of the affair was tha1 attire of the club members, who were all srowned In white with pink flrdles rausht at the bark with huge butterfly bows of pin niiislnn. Forty couples were trsinf. Tiia mem bers are: Mljeea CSertriHle flteln. Knur Hrwlkey. little H'xrn, i Sylvia Kalakofsky, Mil KvaAI4rn. Fa rah Hrodk.-y, Mirtam IHvli, Hvlvla tvy. Ikolllo Lrwla. Pauline Preslflr, Jeanette Fhamea, Mollie Bteln, Hulh Orop. miiabcth Hart.' ln lilpeer, MatUe S-ed. Nora Pred. Hannah Kulakofaky, Sophia Welnteln, Florence Shame. Celebrate Golden Wedding. Nr. and Mrs. Henry Ehrsnpfort will ' entertain this evening; at their home pn Houth Eleventh street In honor of their s-olden wedding anniversary. Quantities or spring flowers will be used through outthe rooms. Mr. and Mrs. EhrenpfuTt were m rrtod In Waehlngton, D. C. fifty years ago and have made Omaha their heme for the last thirty years. P. E. 0. Sisterhood Party. ' Mrs. Joseph R. Weeth entertained tha members of B. K. chapter of the P. Ev O. Sisterhood at a musical this after noon. The rooms were beautifully deco rated with aprlng blosaoms. In the'dln tn mom yellow-shaded candles snd yel low tulips were used on the tsble. About Yj guests were present. ' Change Place for Musicale: The sdvsnce saie for the entertainment scheduled to be given under the dlrec tlon of Mrs. Millie Ryan at Kt Berch inan's academy Tuesday evffnlng has been so large that the sisters have de cided to hold the entertainment at C'relghton auditorium, Instead of at tha convent. ' ' L M. E. Club Party. ' Mrs. W. A. Roberts entertaiaed the members, of the U M. R. Ksoalngton club Wednesdsy afternoon, Spring, flow era were fused throughout the rooms ,Th club will meet again tn two weeks at the home of Mrs..W. B. Hussum. Thoao present were: Mesdsmes V. J.. Hmyllie. ' K. V. 4mklth, (iaorg McAllister, J. W. Kennebeck, W. A. Koberia. Meadanes W. H. liuasuir, J. K. I'tiean, T. J. i)ltr, . W. A. Hoberta, ' A. W. Alias, J. A. Puller, Alios Mary Roberta. Luncheon at Hotel Rome. . The , Deborah Fi atikMn - ciub enter tained at luncheon today In the Olive room of -tha Hotel Rome, Spring flow, ere and ferns were used aa the table oeo terplece and 'covers were placed f or Mesdames . i Howe. K. U. I'orler. Laurie J. (Julnby. John liosan, .Frank Kennedy, Miss Kennedy. I1edams (', 1'. I'orey, H. I.. Thftaterin, N J. lUkcr. Oetsrhinsnn, Penn i'OUrea, J. t bowe. , fcfbols, Amitie Card Club Party. I The members of the A ml t la Card ctub entertsincd tm-lr husbaJids Tueaday even ing at liic ,lione of tr. and Mrs. C. J. Kmeraon. Toe evening waa spent at ard. Five tsblaa wete plaoed for the game. Those present included: Mraer. and WeHjm- ball The next meeting will be in two weeks at the home of Mrs. Augudt Fries. A birthday psrty was given Wedna dsy afternoon in honor of Mrs. Hairy Mowery. The rooms were decorated with black and yellow and quantities of yellow tulips. The prises for the card game were awarded to Mrs. N. U West, Council Bluffs, and Mrs. P. T. Hmlth. About twenty-five guests were enter tained. Workhouses and . Work Farms Help in Other Cities Satisfaction on the part of other clliea who have workhouses snd work farms for acrommodstlon. of prisoners is indi cated In replies from city and county offi cial io i wnom l.'halrmen Best of the county bosrd addressed Inquiries follow ing passsge.by the last legislature of a law making m work farm possible for ixnuglas county. Walter O'Mara. cler of the city board or jersey city. N: J., writes that pris oners are employed tn a city nrlaon thers; thst the sheriff Is jailer and that lis Is allowed IS cents per day for feeding eacn prisoner. Oscar Uemrlok. county clerk st IVorla. III., writes thst Peoria has had a house of correction for years and that it la thoroughly aatlsfsctory. The cost of car ing for esch prisoner Is about cents Per day, he says. As a result of the system there. Hemrlrk ssserts, , "many tourists keep awsy from the city." At Atlsnts. Qs.. thers ara 700 uon. vlcts working, The Work done by them last year wss tlmti m-rt uuim Itn profit of ill per cent ovar penses. V. J. MlHW W. II. llouMr. H. K. Shaw. U Mitchell, U. C. Knn, W. U. llowsrd. t. V. Knee, Ul.h Ursdilotk, U iliwni lmliei l Surprise Party. , r'ricaua of Mis. C. 11. Krlle tendered her a surprtue iarty Wednesday sfier noon, when thoae preaent were: Meadamea Paul llrlgeelmlrr, N, Jnhnnon, J. Johnson, Swanaon, Huso Krlckaon ef Oakland. Neb : Rna Hamel .Mexlamrs K ante l,umllefg. Holieit Jnlinson, iiit Hatnel. 1 t'liarUa HolBteln, '. F. Krelle. William Krelle, Mlenea ' Oakland, Neb.; Mabel Johnaon of On the Calendar. " ' A benefit brtdse and kenalnglen party waa given this afternoon at the Heymdur tkeCoviniry club. News of the Wayfarer. , Mr. and Mr. W..' Uly. are stop ping at the Urni ta Kseelslor Bprtngs. I Personal Mention. Mr. L C Howe has returned froth Kt crlslor Springs much Improved in, health. Pleasures Past. rua Ks.ciia)ve Card club, met Wednes dsy afternoon at tha ho ids of Mrs, Henry Lrhiuean. The high aevree wr metis by Mrs. K. Muht and Mra. J, Battertoa. WOMEN JO ARRANGE FOR RABSI WISE'S LECTURE ' Mrs. Jl. C. fluninay. county suffrage chairman In charge of tha Rabbl Stephen Wise lecture to be given li Omaha June 10. is seeking ctpresslnne on a toplo for the rabbi s talk. According to Rabbl Wise himself, his -Wsr Agslnst War, er la War Cureless' a by far the best thltujr thst lis does, but there Is a atrong senUmsnt In favor of hearing his talk on "C'lvio RellBlon' ; ifivery dollsr secured by Refjtl Wise for lectures under suffrage auaplccs Is turned ever to one of his special char ittea. acuordlsg to the eastern msnsgers Pf the rabbi's lecture tour. Rabbl Wise Is head of the Free Synagogue In New York City snd addressed the Pellmpsest ctub Isst sr. Loral suffrage women will meet at the home of Mra F. D. Weed Friday after noon to. make arrangements for the 10 ture. RAIN OVER THE CORN BELT SENDS ALL PRICES DOWN With the wheat It was a westher mar ket, and reports of rstn everywhere sold prices off tWiq-SVi cents per bushel decline had an effect on both sets, the former going off VU cent snd the latter U a cent. Omaha prices rsnged from tl.tegi.&IVt for whest, cents for corn and JjfrCS cents for osts. Receipts for the, dsy wars: Whest, ti ears; corn, 41 csrs, and oaU. 11 cars. The corn and OTHERS WANT OLD PLACES It Is given out at the city hall that Commissioners Hummel, Kugel, Wlthnell and Butler have committed themselves positively to Voto fcr Mayor Diblman for another term aa msyor. Formal action will be taken Monday, when the new council meets for organization. The four commissioners mentioned expreshd themselves In Interviews and also In an executive meeting of tha mayor and council. This lnfok nation is regarded as setting at rest various rumors that a commissioner other than Mr. Dahlman waa botna; considered for mayor. t "I don't want the office of msyor. I sm more Interested In my work tn the park and boulevard department, I really don't believe anybody else on the city commission wants the place," declared Commissioner Hummel. In speech last Monday In Alamo, hall Mr. Hummel said he would be for Dahlman for mayor If elected. Are for Dahlmaa. Commlsnloncre Kugel, Wlthnell and Butler are equally outspoken la thslr support of the present msyor. "I would be sn Insrate If I did not vots for the mayor this time," was the declaration of Commlasloner Butler. "I think the mayor waa re-elected to fill the office he now hue, rather than soma other place on the commission," stated Commissioner Kugel. "During the conference It ws suggeetet thst Commissioner Butler take the de partment of public. Improvements, but be said he would prefer his present depart ment of finance and publlo accounts. . The five re-elected members of the council s a reed to retain their present de partmenu, and It la understood thst Jar-4 dine will be assigned to the department of publlo Improvements, provided that his unofficial lead over' Commissioner McGovern is sustained by the official canvass. Drexel Is slated for the clean ing and maintenance, made vacant by the displacement of Commissioner Ryder. Conrerula Otbrr Chances. The commissioners hsve not considered seriously prospective chsaess in ths va rious departments but several ere being suggested. It is no secret thst some connnlHaioners wish a new city prosecu tor and Rdwsrd Hlnion is being urged for that place, with R. J. Madden an applies ntv The recommendstion will be sent In by the mayor, who is not resdy to commit himself on this mstter. V 8. Ritchie. who hss been mentioned In connection with the office of corpora tion counsel, said ha Is not seeking any public office. Assistant City Attorney LAmbert. who hss been handling the cor poral Ion counsel work since the resigna tion -of B. H. lisker, is In-line for the position snd Indications are that Mr. lAinbert will be succeeded as assistant rtty attorney by South Omaha man when consolidation is consummated. The bringing of Houth Omaha' into the of ficial family Is expected to increase the work In' the less I depsrtment materially. Commissioner-elect Jardlne visited the city hall and chatted with his prospective aesoclsles. . Fifty Applicants ? for RusndiselAs Job Superintendent Oraff of ths public schools has received nearly fifty appli cations for the position of principal of the High School of Commerce. Principal Rusmlscl s successor will bs snnounced by ths Board of Education on June S, when all teachers for the est School Kill be selected. MAYOR DOES NOT FAVOR A CHARTER CONVENTION Mayor Dahlman announces he Is op posed to ths railing of a city charter con- Kventlon this vesr. He exnialns thst In view of ths charter amendments passed by the legislature he sees no occasion at this time for a home rule charter. fPLKASES T EVERYBODY 1 :i313sCZXIZ3 We , Develop Your Films Free When You H Order Prints I .- . ; m -l.V!illll,iM"n , - i ; Great t tmMLjt-iaj-ijri . irrv..'i- i y-i-sa sieii'ss h'hi.i isi.ji. t.aaii ji:,.J,xiiLjikssuttiiLBsaaiJjisisM Sale of MEN'S Clothing Saturday y400 Women's, Misses' and Juniors' Suits A Special Purchase Just Received Values to $25.00, at u n 17 I Jay Sale j- YU r Sims ft) Y 5atu.:say Afj J. LX TiAKZ ti 5 Vy 30c Per Lb. 2-Lb. Red Scaled Cans Trp Todag Si. COFFEE PAXTOfTS IK CAH- kse k issaii. with sH tks strsecrk mU aeossa rha it kaj w4m am roasted. IEALKD so ymm wUI know the eeAre is sot oijr wast n ask tor bat is alwsys the seats' as well as (reek. Ash Vour G toe or for It 11 ( )) Wtrth up ; to $25 Silk Saka, Poplin Suits, Covert Cloth, Shepherd Check. Ffcie Serge Suita, etc. Not a' suit in the lot worth lees than $10.00, from that up to $25.00. , ' Sizes 13, 15, 17 For juniors v Sizes 14 to 18 for misses ' Sizes 36 to 44 for women .. . .... i trery suit u a correct style for spring 1915. Dozens of prrity styles in all the new colors, a well is staple shades. frcaicr pan or xnese suns, tne coats are all sine lined. Fine workmanship and fine materials. ff'MM The CHOICE' FRIDAY, FOR $6.98 Timely Corset offejrings In the BaaemeiBl Friday. ' Front Laced Corsets Medium bust, long hips, with good beary web garters attached, odd sixes. Regular a A A $2.00 and $3.00 coraeta. for i 1 sU U W. B. Corsets For medium and slender flares, made of batiste. A good comfortable model, guaranteed rust proof. Special Friday. 75c Net Coraeta An excellent model for summer. BJsea It to 30. Same yalue as it sold elsewhere for 75c. Spe cial, during May Sale. . 49c About a Do sen Sample Corsets that are ' slightly soiled, maoe or couiu ana orocne. worm from $3.60 to $5.00.. Special, to close out..;.... $1.00 . Sanitary Aprons bood size and excellent quality. s Worth :6c Specially priced, at......... , 13C ft (No Mall Orders Filled)' - ' Underwear , V Women's Fine Cotton Unkra Suit Low neck, sleeveless; umbrella knee style; full taped. Regular 26c quality. : a Special Friday, each...'......,..... ltC Women's Foil Cotton ' Vests etralght or shaped. Pants ) to match.' in tight or um brella knee. Worth to 36c. Specially e priced, a garment IDC Step-Into Union Suits for Girls ami Boys All sizes. Regular price 29c ; sale e price, each ... laC Tbouaanda of Sample Laee pieces "Worth to 5c. Special Friday, each... 1C HOSIERY Women's Pill Reamloss lfoaierj olsa, heels and teas; wide tieaiiped tops. A pa,ir Men's Full Sesmless Hoes Black eaa color, pair -Deubla t7:....:...8c Money-Saving Shoe Sale t In the Basement Shoe Store. ' 760 Pair of Women's Fine Dress Oxfords and Pumps Patent leather, with gray or blaek brocade backs, black satin, dull leather, etc., In the new Colonial or strap styles; new concave or Frenc'a Cuban heels. All sites. M At Worth to $4.00. Specially priced, a pair.. sPle7 Odds and Ends of Men's Ox fordsTan and black. About 150 pair In the lot. f a A Special, a pair P 1.4U Tennis Oxfords for Men and Boys Good 'quality rubber soles and canvas tops, m t Special, a pair... 4 ifC Children's Play Shoes Fine soft tan leather, in lace or button styles. Nature shaped lasts. All sizes to 61 Or Worth to $2.00. Special Friday, a pair. . . s?l.a5 Odds and Ends of Women's Oxfords aad Pumpa Mostly small slses. Splendid j t qpallty., A pair. ...... XOC Children's Barefoot Baadale v Mads of genuine ' plgakla. , Specially priced. on a pair .,v...... aJjC NOTIONS In the Basement Friday Waahafcle Draaa v t r Bhlslds All slses. Pr. . 1UC Wash T rimming-All ' faat colors. Yard Ocean Pearl Buttons . esieolal, a dosen "etety Pine keelal . .Friday, doaen Oeod Darnlnsr Cotton Oqle prtoe, apool. Coats' Crochet Cot ton Spool Oeod Geld E?ed Needle A aper 8otssors and Shears Geod euallty; sil sisee. t r- Pair ..IwC M. A K. and Dorcas . Kelttlo Cotton Ball..C Rust-Proof Dress i Claaps All slses. Card. .lC( Hst klastle Blaek l n and whits. 12 yards... "C S-Tard Belts of Tape Bolt lc .2c lc lc 3c lc Sc I? Silk Remnants ' Extraordinary sale of mlU ends and im porters' samples of high-class silks silks of erery conceivable weave, texture and color are represented in this immensa purchase, at a fraction of the original cost. Thousands of Importers' samples, rang lng up to 1 "4-yard lengths, worth to $1.50 a piece, will be assembled la five great lots, consisting of 36 and 40-Inch Messallnes. Est ina, Crepe de Chine. Crepe de Meteor, Char meuBo, Poplins, Taffetas, Chiffons, etc- etc Lot 1 10c Each Remnant Lot 2 15c 'Each Remnant ' Lot 3 19c Each Remnant Lot 4 25c Each Remnant . Lot 5 39c Each Remnant Men's New Suits A sale that thorough ly demonstrates the high power ability of this Greet ' Economy Basement. Net simply small prices, but small prices combined with eacelleaoo of quality. Men's Suits in the newest checks, stripes snd mixtures all very desirable colors. Every suit guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction. Come and see these wonderful money-savers, Friday $5 and $8.50 Men' Furnish-ings--Basement i Specials WW Men's Negligee and Golf Shirts Samples worth to 85c Spe- r eUl Friday, ea... DUC 30 Dozen Men's Sampls Union Suits Mssh and cotton ribbed; short and long sleeves. Worth to $1.25. Spe-' rn clsil priced, ea.. DUC A Special Lot of Men's Beibriggaa Shirts and Drawer Values tp 60c, Sale price, a gar- nr ment, 35o and... AsDC Two Extra Values for Boyt Friday and Saturday In the Basement Boys' Vclour Fabric am m . Suits, reg. $4 val.eC.yi) Norfolk style suits, 'with . two pair of pants, both pair fully i lined, seams all taped; splendid variety of neat patterns in gray, brown and blue. velour fabric in your . boy's suit spells the byit possible wear. Ages to 17 yeara. Special, at $2.M. Boys' Wash Suits Oliver Twist. Middy, Balkan. Russian and Sailor styles, short or long sleeves. They come In a large variety of colore, agea 3 to t years. Some are slightly soiled. Regular $1 to $1.50 val- in uea. choice Friday for. . . . tUC E X T R A I BIG VALUES IN DOMESTirs If.xtr a Genuine "Fruit of the Loom" and Lonsdae Bleached Mus. Scinch Cress Percale light and dark grounds, sxclustve designs in stripes, figures, dots and checks perfect color com binations. Regular' 10c value, a yard 6c Oenain ITtUlty Dress Zephyrs Beautiful as sortment of new. neat aprtag styles checks, plaids. stripes, etc. Worth 10c. Spe cial Friday, yd.. 7ic lln 36 Inches wide. Each bolt bearing the genuine label. 10 yards to each customer. Sneolal Pridav t , No phone or mall orders fllled. 6c Genutae American and Simpson's Dress Prints r All the wanted blue and white, indigo, blsck and white, gray and shirting styles. Full pieces. Reg ular lo value. Special Friday, off the A 1 bolt yard . .4 jC Genuine Amoskeag Apron Gtngh ana white checks effects. Full pi bolt, a yard.... Mill Remnants of Beauti ful 40-Inch Printed Voiles, 8ee4 Cloths, Rice Cloths, tissue Filet, t. In" all the wanted season's print ings tencths to It yards. Values to 25c. Spe- o 1 clal Friday, a yard. . ($2 C la all the wanted blue small, medium and Jargs sise; also broken special raaay. off the s i 5jc Genuine Pepperell. Bleached Sheeting None setter made; soft finish, free from dressing. 9-4 width. Special Friday at less than mill . )a cost, yard sUC 36-Inch l ab leached M u a 1 1 a Extra good quality, soft fia- a i Ish. Friday. yd...42C SMnch Beautiful Soft Fin ish Underwear Cambrto . Excellent quality, for household use. Reg- n i ular 10c val., yard.. oC 4 i ' - ''V EXT NOW IN PROGRESS HAYDEW'o GREAT ILLINERY CLEARANCE n D - H