TIU; BKK: . i OMAHA, Kl.MPAY, MAY MM BRIEF CITY NEWS eve meet Prist Ct Now fl.aeon Press ! Bleotrt rut Burgs-Orani1ii Co j "To4ars Complete Moris rr6rrn ' I elaaalfled section tdy, rfnd atiiwar I The Be EXCL.C8IVJXT. fmd out what ma various moving picture theMer oner, j Attend laaeola. Coart rnlte1 State ! j Marshal William P. Warner is at I Jo- ; coin, lth Deputy Mcl'allUnl. attending! he session of tVderal court there, with j Judge T. C Mungrr of Lincoln presiding. Bala Imp Howell Away Vnltert ! Stte Mstrlrt Attorney F. K. Howell, who motor-1 to C1ilcaoon government business, ha been delayed there by rain. av! now ' lot empeoted homo un tlty8Mnly. JTo liantf X.t Up la Business II your office Is properly located. reaUIlt found and easily accessible. For auch offloee apply to the annerlntendenltif the the bullng that la always WOMAN WOULD . HOLGIVEUP Though Sick and Suffering; At Latt Found Help in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound. Alchmond. Pa. - "When I started taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable tompounalwas In a dreadfully rundown state of health, had internal troi bleu, and waa so ex tremely nervous and prostrated that if I i had riven in to mv ' :r . - w niiAi v.V i . t T A- Tlbbets were each fined to ajul wen in pea. I As it waa I had ! hardly strength at ; times to be on mv feet and . I did do was by a treat j Kong-sr eport4 Better rJeral ! TTort 1 could not Bleep at night and Judge V. H. Munger, wha has been con- .iinea 10 ills' liome witn Illness ior many ! tiionths, a reported to', be In rnvursg ! ing condition, except that ' hi nervous Bee building. new," ropnv 108. ttnea for fpseding- -Harry Taylor rcats in police, cmtrt for exceeding the spped limit In an automobile. K. Kableh, charned with operating an auto without iv lirense. wm fined $1 and costs. ef course felt very bad in the morning. ana bad a steady headache.x "After tnlcincr thn ev(n,l Hnl T . ticed that the headache was not so bad, jr,lem nt,nu bothersome. I rested better, and my nerves were stronger. I continued its use until it made, new woman of me, and now I can hardly realize that I am able to do so much as I do. Whenever I know any woman in need of a good medicine I .highly praise Lydia E. Pink ham's Veg Clark, 8146 N. Tulip St, Richmond, Pa. Women Hare Been Telling Women for forty years how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has restored their health when suffering with female ills. This amounts for the enormous demand for it from coast to coast, vjf you are troubled with any ailment peculiar to women why don't you try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound T ' It will pay you to do so. Lydia. ,& Pink ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Maes. Miliar to Leave Loyal A surprise w-ns sprung on local hotel clerks st their meeting at the Carleton hotel AVednesday night when Charles V. Miller, assistant manager of Hctel I-jyat announced that he bad .resigned anfl would leave Omaha. Vor tsactly seven years he had (been connected with tho Loyal. His fellow etablet Compound." Mrs. FRANK W clerks gave him a big eend-off and fare well at their meeting. V Rrsiin Ivcriliinn Attorneys Argue ' Big Grain Suit is Already Abjudicated Arguments of attorneys made before J District Judge Estelle in tho absence or the jury, occupied the second day of the suit brought by the Saunders-Westrand t-Or&ln company to recover $13,000, alleged transferred from Its assets by tho late Sherman Saunders and William C. Sun derland to Laihson Bros. & Co. In gam bling transactions. Attorney for the defense argued that because the Saundortf-Wcetrandr company had been defeated in probate court In an attempt to establish a claim for the same amount against the estates ot the two men, the controversy should be consldV ered as finally determined-' and Lamson Bros. Co. should not be held responsi ble for the loss of the money. Argument continued through the morn trig and afternoon sessions. fTrsf in Quality Ftnt In Ktndf 7 - , Fint in Purity Firtt in Economy and for these reasons Calumet ' Haking ' Powder is first in tho hearts of the millions of housewives who use it and knbw it. KZCCIVED HIGHEST AW AIDS ' WotU' fm fi Iiswaiia. CkkaM. inimH, I I tmtu Ess isMss. tumm, W'rta, r Jcrr HADE CYJf ills BAKING POWiyJ First 4merica-Made .Weather Balloon ( to iBQent Up in Omaha ' A seven-fottt rubber balloon will be sent up many miles above Omaha on the first clear" day, according ' to announce ment by B. J. Sherry, weailier observer In cliarge of aerial work by the govern ment party at the otservatljn farm ner Elk City and Bonnlngton. The first flight wilt be done as a eat-it the ballorrns, which are the first made In America, since- the wtr cut off the usual supply from, Russia. . The average height reached by the ob servation balloons ls-Clfteen mtlea. They carry no , passengers, but have Instru ments attached, which record Informa tion about conditions of 'veather, air and wind. far above the ciouds. .-, ' The balloon will be released from Fort Omaha, the hydrogen ttas plant there be ing usel to Inflate the big rubber bags. RAIN AND SNOW OYER ENTIRE WEST Farmers Have Fear for the Fruit and the Growing Small Grain Crops. , HEAVP FROST WAS PREDICTED ' vWhat the pFeKcnt cold spell, a: sorted to be most severe during any May in many years. Is going to do to the fmlt and the growing crops Is a thing that Is agitating tne farmer!1, according to Advices to the ratlrond men around the local headquarter. Vhlle It is not so very cold in the immediate vicinity of Omaha, the rallronds report freezing weather out through the state and in Sputh Da kota, Wyoming and Colorado. Warmer' weather is predicted for today. x According to thle mnrnlmt weat'ier re port of , tho Burlington, covering the southern, central "and northern portions of -the state. In iftny localities winter weather Is the rule. With the exception ot the extreme northweat coiner of Ne braska there la snow r rain over the entire state, the precipitation that Kited half Inches. Burlington oreratora reported snow th.it ranged from fliirrle to two inch's dur ing the nlfc'tit and still snowing at CI nti'l Island ,St. Paul. Aurora, Ixup City, "ly ai;nis, , Broken Bow. Sutton, 'Kriison, Lurwell In the north 'knd central por tions of the staff, and all the way fiom Hasting to Denver on the main l(iu Ralna All Maht. At point not reporting snow there was rain tha had continued during the nlp'nt and was still falling. The coldest plnt was Brf'Burwell, where a tcmiierature of degrees above lero wa recorded Klscwhere on the system, went of Uiand tkland and lrastlnga, nortti.. Into Suuth Dakota and Wyoming and down Into Kansas, the readings were J to 40 de grees above, with the. wind blowing from Along the Northwestern It was ralnimr over all of the Nebraska Hner, with enow starting atJIarrlson, thls'btate. afd eon tlnulng across to Lander, Wyo.Tho tem peratures were from 30 to 40 degrees above, with a warmer f pot lu the vtiln lty of Crawford, where a mall area allowed temperature of fVom 40 to 4S above. . ' The Union Pacific had a utvady ra!n all Al'.nc its main line from Oinalia y Julcs- t'Uig. west of the last rarnd pliwo and as far out as Rawlins there was.snaw to a dith of from one to four Inches, w'th temperatures above freerlng. On the Ne braska branches north and south ot the main line there was rain everywhere that still continued to fall at a late hour yes terday morning. , ' - Commercial Club to Boost Annexation The Commercial club plana to tv an active part In the campaign preceding the annotation election, which has been set for June 1. At that time Omaha, South Omaha and I'undee will vote on the proposition of consolidating these cities Into one municipality to be known as Greater Omaha. Florence Is not In cluded In the proclamation the governor Issued for the election. The Commercial 'lub took an active pint In .the fight to get the bill through the legislature, hav ing a committee bn the ground at the state house practically all the time, it does not Intend to weaken In Its Interest until It actually find the consolidation effected. , in Wednesday conllnumg' yesterday and ranging from one-half o one and oit- A CM Is Dangerous, Break It New. Bell's Fine-Tar-Honey Is, fine for coughs and Colds. Soothes the lungs, loosena the mucous, only 25c. All druggists Ad vertisement . "f , turpf p.Ani nnnQ iiniut. uniiisunuu .Of Convenient Kitchen Gablnst; . On Special Sals V. Vila APIIVRII rusiiMiifti A trie UcfilnAL rupiiUKt STORE, ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY, MAY THE LjIGHTH V A tilg special purchase of moJlern , kitchen cabinets,- bought dlivct from one of the largest maker of this ' ' houaehold necosHlty at la heavy dis count, enables us to put the entire ship ment on 8PECIAI, PALK for (this ONIC VAX ONLV at a prtcer which will --mean a sMVing to you of at least one half. Every paliinet in this big pur chase we will absolutely- guarantee to be perfect. Tbey arc installed wit', veiy coiivrienc. they are all cicely ' made and beautifully finished. Coiae to this tie "'tie Saturday cxpectina; to find extraordfnary kitchen cabinet Val ues and yuu will not l dlsappolntel. . As iisuel you make your wn term. ' ilake Teething Easy for Bbj ' USE Kr. Window's Soothing Spp' A SPLENDID REGULATOR PURELY VtCETABLlNOT KARCOTIC McGrqw Tells of . Affairs on Coast Mr. and C. F. McGrew are fust back from a two months' visit on the Pacific eoasL 'This was my first trip to southern California for twenty-seven years," sai Mr. McQrew, and naturally-1 found many' change. Xos Angeles, then a town of 25,000 or 10,000 people, now extends l'xty mile from in mountain to San Pedro harbor arid claim a popu lation of 000.000. Ban Diegp. then a semi Mexican village of 8,000 or 10,000-people. ' now ha a population of 90,000 and a 1 seaport trade of which they are very proud. "Through the kindness of our friends, Mr. and Mr. I,. M. Carpenter of Iowa, we motored more than 1,500 mile, over as fine toads a can be found In any part of tho world . Ve met many old Ne braska friends. &mtut them the Bid well and the Morsmans in their flower surrounded . home at HollywooJ, and spent a delightful da at the honw of Mr. and Mrs R. M. Welsh on the Up kndt. In their Umoiiand onnge groves. "The exposition at wui Phgo is 'most beautifully located, out ia not receiving tne attendance tltat ia warrrnted. Sonw writer aptly described the Kan Diego x posltion 'as a gem' and the San Fntn dsoo one 'a a collection of gems.' "Business conditions In California are not of the best, but with their usual optlmlHtl spirit, they look for early re vival. W often heard of Omaha as being located in one ot the bright snots every one seemed to have a good word for our substantial city." As for himself, Mr. McGrew declares be would prefer to lirve In a country that produced wheat, breakfast bacon and porterhouse steak rather ' than where fruit and flower are thechlef produc tion, although to spend a few of the win ter menth among the delightful ur rounding of southern California should bo teemd a a great privilege. TravellBar Man's Kxperlenvf. "In the summer ot '1S&8 I had a very severe attack ef cholera morbus. Two physician worked over m from 4 a. m. to p. m- without giving me any relief and then told me they did not expect me to live; that I had beat telegraph for my family. Instead of doing ao, I gave the j hotel porter to cent and told him to buy -n a bottle or chamberlains colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and take no substitute. I took a double done tccordlng to the direction and went U sleep after the second dose. At I o'clock the next morning t aa called by my order and took a train for my next stop ping point, a well man oft feeling rather ahaky from the severity of the attack." writes H. W. Ireland, Louisville. Ky. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement TOBACCO DEALERS MUST PAY PENALTY FOR DELAY Many deulers . In tobacco are being forced to pay penalties of M per cent to the goventment because they did not se cure their specinl licenses on time. The law went Into erfect November 1. shortly after its passage, as an emergency war revenue nu asurc. VCven the small dealer, subject to atax of only $3.30 for the eight months' period, ending wlfh the fiscal yew June 30, hare to rav a penalty of II. SO If they dirt not secure their special tax stamp on time. Jury Believes Man's . ' Story that Officer Reeded Some Credit ifenry Daulson, who explained .to t jury that a policeman arrested him on a charge jo f breaking- and entering' In orler to get credit for himself, was acquitted In Judge English's district court Police Officer William J. Turner, chief witness for the state, testified be waa atandlng at Sixteenth and Harney streets early in the morning -when he heard a noise in Helmer Nielsen' saloon, 113 fctouth Sixteenth street. He ran pver and caught Daulson robbing the caV register, he asserted. Daulson declared he wa passing the aloon on the way to work when, the of ficer met him. Turner placed a revolver against 14 stofnach, forced him through a broken glass door Into the saloon, he said, and then called the patrol wagon. Evrdence was produced showing that Daulson hid served two term in the penitentiary on similar charges, but the Jury acoepted hi story. Could Join Kaiser's Navy With This Name . , ( The kaiser' navy is not the only one having sailors named Wllhelm and Johannes. Wllhelm Herman Johannes Jahn ha Just enlisted In Uncle Barn's navyfhere, and .has been - sent to the training station at Great Lake, 111., as an apprentice seaman. He Is the son of a German fanner, near Basllle Mills, Knox county. Nebraska, but was born In the United States himself. . Although reoently turned down because of a bad cold, when he applied for enlistment, he was persistent In wanting to serve hie country, and applied again after curing his cold. ' , Any Mop Will Do-, f '-MM' 1 1 lW 4r to ponsn r':f' hardwood Boors if a little 3-in-une Mas first been boured on it. Removes heel marks. scratches, signs of wear. Re news, protects, preserves. No dust. A Dictionary of 100 other uses svith every bottle. V Toree-in-Ona Oil Co. m"34? N.Bdwy, XVt. Keep the Children Bright and Happy Happy youngsters ,must be healthy. Tbedlgestlve organs of children get ootf oi-der as read ily hs do those of their elders, snd the result in equally distress ing. "When the bowel are clog ged with an accumulation of re fuse from the stomach thsr child naturally become cross and fret-" ' fnl from the discomfort, and I often punished for temper when medical attention 1 really what Is deeded. The next time your child i cross and unhappy, without ap parent reason, try giving It a mild laxative. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is a mild, pleasant tasting combination of aim Die laxative herbs wfth pepsin, and Is esne- daily recommended for children because lot Its freedom from all I Tiate or narcotic drugs and its tnritle action. It Is sold in drug ' stores everywhere. A free trial 'bottle can b obtained bv writing to Dr. W. H. Caldwell, 462 Wash ington St.. Montlcello. III. 7 . nu linn id n iiiriimsania ! MADE to ORDER $2S, $30, $35 and op ASK the salesman to show you the excellent . line of Scotch and Wors "ted suitings that we are - offer ing this week at ' ' " $25.00 ; x - ' ' ' , . . ' These smart and service . able fairies should easily , sell for $30 'to J33. We tailor them in the satisfac , tor y Nicoll way at a nom inal price and thus anchor your trade to us perman ently in the future. - VWi assembled an -pecially attractive group of Spring fabric, character istic of the Nicoll standard. - 2SHOOLI TheTkilor r'W Jerrems'Sona . 209.211 So. 15th St. .. C0C0ANUT OIL MAKES A SPLENDID SHAMPOO If you want to kev your hair. In good condition, the lass od you use the better. Most sosps and prepared shampoo contain too much alkali, .This dries the scalii. make the hair brittle, and Is very harmful.' Juat plain nwlsl fied cocoanut oil ( which la pure and entirely greaaeless), la much better than soap or anything eiae you Can use for shampooing, as this caa't possibly injure the hair. " (-'Imply moisten your hair with water and ruli It in. One or two tcasuoonful will make an abundance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanse the hair and scalp thoroughly; The lather rinses out easily, and removes every particle of duat. dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leave it fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy, to manage. Tou can get mJlsified coooanut oil at most aay drug store. It I very t heao. and a few ounce la enough tflHt everyone in the family for monllia. Advertisement. , i Onr A klfclll. May Saie of MOHnut SATURDAY J.LfiRANOCJS 5 SONS 1C0 efficiency that'i E what von want when yo ri r - P place an order for engraved h plates. We pat snap j in Oar If or a", we nave wvm- men that we can rely upon. Store Hours 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturdays till 9 p. m. - URGES3- Wash Gompawy rYlrlay, May 7, .I91.y k "ev e r yd cox's, stor e' STOHK XKWH VOli KKIDAY. IIione) D. 1BT. Womon's House Dresses That Woro $1,00 .to SL50 in tho Basomorit Friday, at Each 59c TIIFiSK tlrtssc aro from orio of the largest house tiress factories in the 001111117. ) j - There are many pretty simple styles, refinoil and neat, well made, just the sort of dresses to. wear mornings at home, to wear on the porch or for outings. - ' In sizes and styles for everyone from a4 1(V year old miss up to a size. 44. No mail, phono or 0. 0. D. ortlersXareepted. -None on approval. Great Clearaway 1 flu Were $1, Very ' of Shirt Waists at AC Special Friday Nearly one thousand waists in more than a score of different materials and in u range of good colors, will be offered Fridav at tho ridiculously low price of1f)f ' "V' Burgess-Hash Co. Basement. Splendid Selection of White Goods Usually to 25c in May Sale at lljc HKRH'S an unu.sunlj alue Friday in the: Basement. In cluding white poplins, flaxons, corded crepes, 45 inch French lawns and other novelties in white goods. The usual "5c values', very social TYiday at HVo yard. ' urr.iraBh Co. asmn , Women's 10c Cotton Vests for 6c v i ii j WOMEN'8 cotton vests, made low necit and sI9t)(b, j taped, regular 10c and 2ic kind, at OC WOMEN'S 25c VESTS AT 15c. Low neck and sleeveless rests, also women's jiants, with ps cuff or lare knees, 26c kind T IOC - CHILDREN'S KNITTED WAISTS, 8c. 1 , , Boys' and girls' white knitted waists, full taped and buttoned, garter fasteners. , org ess.Wash Co Basement. Untrimmed Hats in the Basement Friday,ThatWere$1.98, Choice 10c DO NOT let the. price give? you the impression that tho hats are not desirable, for they aro the soason's best styles and include finely sewn hemps in black and all wan ted colors. ,s - You'll find a large variety for selection, Friday at 10. ' FLOWERS FOR TRIMMINO AT 5c. Here too, you will find spleirdid selection just the kinds thet aro wanted most and , - ' WE WILL TRIM YOUR HAT FREE. nrgs-Vash Co. Basemeat. v , i . . : - Remarkable SHQB Values in the Basement For Friday . Women's $2.50 OXFORDS, $1.95 lire 11 B TV ta;Tj ukiui uq tvilii 4iuub Wll raiuyn, cloth quartern, a $2.50 value, CI QC Frtday . . D 1 VD nrnnn'. fi nYwnpncj wos i A. new button oxfotd, patent colt vamp, blac cloth top,' usually sold at $3.00, (rr jf Frlday 40 WOMEN'S $3.50 PUMPS, $2.65. Two new styles of colonial pumps,, pat ent and gunmetal. $3.50 d0 values, Friday. . . . . PC iDO WOMEN'S PUMPS, AT $2.25.. Kid two-strap pumps, hand turned soles, medium low heels, dressy and comfortable, for Mary Jane pumps, dull and patent leather, Misses. . . Women's f i sjt ri m. $2.25 S1.75 1.05 WOMEN'S $3.50 TO S5.0D OXFORDS, $1.45. EXTQAtr-Women's button and lace oxfords from the recond floor; gunmetal, tan, white, not a pair worth less than $3.(0 and up to $6.00; Friday $1.45 WOMEN'S $3.00 TO $3.50 OXFORDS, 35c. Only a limited number of pairs left ot the small sires of or women's pumps and oxfords, $2.50, $3 and $3.50 value, for uwC CHILD'S, $1.50 TO $2.50 PUMPS, 65c. Odd pairs of child's and misses' pumps, oxfords and Jtlgh ftZ shoes. In one big lot, $t.60 to $2.50 values; Friday . x ..... OO C BOYS' $2.50 SCOUT SHOES, $1.95.' Boys' scout shoes with elk and solid leather soles, the 0 Ot $2.50 kind f6r S1.05: the $3.00 kind tor BargMS-Wasb Co. Basement. Drug and Toilet Specials for Friday sSANN 1 HPS Sant f 1 u a h. regular 26o alee, .can, 17c Borax chips, large package. "special vat 19c Haakln's coco anut oil soap, 7 caeXJc 25c and 85c Big assortment kinds, were choice ....... Bnrrees-iraeh, Williams' shaving soap, cake 3c Sal Jlepatlca, 25c elite. ..1 He H o r 1 1 c k ' malted milk. $1 slxe. . .tt7c Hospital cot ton, 1-pound package, 19 Aut 'om oblle sponges, -large alie 4o Java Rice) PtJwder, 50o else .....82c OOMRS, 12c. of combs of all 26c and 35c; 12 Ce Basement. Economy Basement i r Striped Poplin, 9c Mercerised cluster striped pop lin, good range, plain colors, on sale at, yard .c Flaxons at WVaC4' Fancy- printed - flaxons, every wanted npvr style and color for. summer wear at, yard .12 He Dress Prints, 3Vo standard dress prints, light and dark colors, 10 to 20-yard lengths, thousands of yards on aalo at, yard ... .c - Zephyrs at 5c - MUL remnants of red seal tephyrs, fancy checks and , tripes for children's wear at, yard &c Muslin at i1 Yard - wide bleached, muslin and nainsook remnants. that re desirable at. yard , ,4H Curtain Swiss at 4c White curtain swiss in mi l ' remnants on sale , as long as ' J.oOO yards will last at, yd. 4c " Remnants at lc Short lengths various k taxis ' eotlon goods on sale from 8:30 -till 9 A. M. at, yard . , .'. . .1 From 9 Till 11 A. M. Short mill lengths of apron checked' ginghams, best grade, at, yard : M,.,2)io ' ' From 130 Till 6 P. M. S-inch fancy ginghams -and yard wide dress percales, light and dark styje assortment, 10c to 12 Vic ' values, on sale at. .yard ........ ,5c . svg-aiali t'o-asejneBt, ,, Men's Palm Beach Outing Shirts, 50c GOOD quality palm beach outing shirts, collar at tached, 2 pockets flap and but tons, full length, first Cf quality, sale price. ... OUC Men's Percale Shirts, 48c. Men's percale shirts, coat style, cuffs y attached, neck band. Eighty-four square-count good patterns; new fresh stock, this quality and style shirt, usually sell at $1.00 AQ Friday, ...HOC Men's Silk Hose at 23c. Men'a silk hose, all color and black, some with hair line strlpeu and clocks, seconds of ' the usual 75o quality, no ' Friday, ....... . M. . . mw C ' Any Man's Hat at 25c. Any man's bat, soft or atlff In ,pur economy Base- ng ment, Frtday OC B orgs ss-aT ash On, Baeiun. Six Big "SPECIALS" in HOME NEEDS For. Friday That Will Surely Appeal to Most.Every Housewife $1.75 Casserole for $1.00 Fall slxe casserole, nickel plated, steel frame with brown and white earthen ware Inset. 92.50 l'ercolators, ' SLOW. -cup aluminum percolators, electric welded spout, orig inally $2.50. ,Frl- ,dy. each.. -81.00 23c Hjtg or teain Whip, lBc. Very special, genuine- Brooklyn egg whip, regular price 25c, only one to" a customer, Friday, tf each 15 91.00 Baking Diah, 41c. , Aluminum baking dish, with -white enameled leset, reg ular price $1, sale price . Frtday, at each,. ... .... .49 Bargeas-BJaah Co BasemsBt. BURQESS-NASIl COMPANY 1.15 Berlin Sauce Pan, 50c "Wear Ever" aluminum Ber lin 3-qt. sauce pan, $1.15 val ue, each. .59tt 3.0O Willow llampera, 91.05 Square willow clothes ham." pars, with wood bottoms, usual ly $3, sale price, each ..31.05