- I 6 Tklrl UtAj-. OMAHA, lilLKMUl, WlAl (i, I'M.-). THE OMAHA DAILY DEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSBWATKR. VICTOR ROSEWATER. KDITOIl. Tan Pee Publishing Cotnpnr. Proprietor. By mall pr year. M ' 4 n .4Hn rtn .. .SAo,. .,.. 4.00 ..Jur 1 00 per month. .v. fce. Pr.B BITILD1NQ. FARNAM AND gEVr.NTaTENTH. rritara at Omaha port office s seend-class matter. IERMS Or BL'BSCnTmON. VwHr and imdsr... Tlly without funny.... Tenng nn1 "iindax- Tannine without Sunday.. Sunday Ps only eid notire of rher.ge of addrrse or roroplalnte of lrr(rulartlr la delivery to Omaha Be. Circulation lirpenmeni. REMITTANCE. Jtssrdl r-y draft, express or postal srder. Only t wn rnt stamps received In payment of small ee wwiirta. IVrannal checks, except on Omaha, and eastern xohsnge. not seoepted. OTWTLB. Omnha-The Bee Building. South Omaha "it N wwt. Council Bluffs U Worth Main street. Lincoln L,lte Building. Chicago am Hrarst Building Jew tork Room linn, vu; Fifth awiiie. , Pt Txnite-MS New Bank of Commerce. Washington-TO Fourteenth Bt., N. W. CORRESPONDKNCB. 'Address eomiriunlrarJona relatlnr to news and sdU toriel anatter to Omaha, Baa, Editorial Department AT JUL. C1RCILATIOX, 53,406 Flats of Nebraska, Counlr of Douglas. a.: Pwlgrit Wllllsms. circulation manager of Tha Ba rnWIhlnf company, being duly aworn, says that tha average clroulaUon tor tha month ot April, 1916, was DWTOHT WTLUAMS. Circulation xrenajgrr. . Subvert bed in my presence and. aworn to befora ta, Una lat day of May. IftlA. ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public eobcribre leaving tne city temporarily aboold have The Bee mailed to them. Ad drees will be changed aa often M reqoosied. Kay Thought for the Day SmlteUJ by Mary Elgin . What er hand finddh, do with might Atk $ for help, aland or fall, ' Each 04 of us, in lift's grvtf fight, As himself and God vert all. AUc4 Corn. Now, nil together -for Greater Omaha! Is Omaha In favor of Sunday base ball? It Is. Mar day seems to bar been a moving day for Russians. Well, there Is on Bryan Vbo has proved himself a winner. Not ao bad for, "political orphan." after 11 T Sympathy Is a powerful vote-puller. It vauld aeem that these "nonpartisan" elec tions are more of a lottery than any other kind. With the heat ot the battle over, we mar now hope for eomo light on the light rate que.tlo. Wonder If It Is "Brother Charley" who is in training to make the race for United States sen ator in vindication of the Bryan name. What those German sympathisers at Harvard should do is to reel off a few yards of still more virulent doggerel on the other fellow. ' - ' Khaald the victory of the Auitro-Gertaaa armies In the Carpathians turn out to be aa ec tenslve as reported, no other explanation Is needed of Italy's deferred plunge. ; ' stMstaasstatjistaBtataTaitataatiTatMtMBi Had contiolidation been effected first, and in time for residents of the annexed territory to vote, the outcome of our city election might have been different. But which way? ' Perhape the gentleman to whom the remarks were addressed did not understand the languace used by General Harries. He may have to do something to make his meaning clearer. Ohio has in training four suable aspirants for tha republican nomination for president. With such an abundance of material on hand, lb announcement of Associate Justice Hughes will not fill the Buckeye state with gloom. In the proceedings ot the Federal Reserve board it -will be noted that the complaints of New Jersey, Texan and Oklahoma bankers were adjusted satisfactorily. It is Nebraska's misfor tune to be without a friend at court. "Laugh and grow fat," aa interpreted by the late John Bunny, signally failed to carry the sur plus overflow from the belt to the purse. Thj movie Jollier's estate Is well within four figures, a sum wholly Insufficient to prolong gaiety among the heirs. The irrepressible Dr. Cook breaks Into print once more with plans for climbing Mount Ever est, the cloud-piercing pillar of the Himalayas. Kven though be reaches no grester altitude than on Mount McKinley, the doctor's imagination way be depended on to plant the flag on the summit and defy contradiction. Tha aperlal axruralon of Omaha bualneaa men under Invitation of tha L'nlon Pacific, t. oft In a gor. teoci apodal car. Those In the party, who a .a chaperoned byk.Meara. Morae and Hhelby of the t'nlon Pacific are: li. C. Adaiua. Ouy C. Barton. M. H. Bllaa. W. J. Broatch. John C. Conln. John A. Cretshton. C. II. Ie. J. li. Itonnolly. lather Drake W J Kootner. C, A. rrted. Ben Uallasher. i. K liayden' Cieorse A. Uoasland, P. . liar. M. A. Kuril, a. W J4nlncer. Ku lid 3tartln, Fred Mets. W. V. Morae' F- M. Moraman, W. U Parrotta. O. N. Ratneey' Thomas J eera. J. u. Roee. C. B. Ruatln. J. c' RpraUen. lcj'.ara Kitchen, C. a Btebblns, R. C. Rul aall of Tbo Boa. and W. j. Jackman. Tha fourth and laat came between tha Omaha and Indianapolis club, tied at 7 to T la six ianlngi. sUpiMd to tvUb a train. Mrs. If. A. lU.kell left for Bl RapMa. afltlv. te vlnit her mother. Mrs. Pula-Ahl, aetir at the German U eater, baa ooe te Newark, N. J., to be ebeect a few rnoatha Creijjl.ton roiite lecture hall wka blllvd for a popuier eip.j.iiiun of the uao of actenoa In manufac ture., agdf ulmre and rnJUIne. tlluet rated by tha tew apiaiatua and loMrunwnte recenrly acquired for lia acle.nif department. A call for a serial pleating of tha Canadian. A-meric.n aoctety la eial by w. J. Owea, sccrataxy. I?o Chsngr in Reserve Bank District. The derlnion of the Federal Reserve boarJ Is. as was expected, adverse to the requen of the Nebraska banks for a re-arrangement of the re serve district that would permit them to report to Chicago Instead of to Kansas City. It was foreordained that the Federal board would re fuse, because to do otherwise would reflect upon the Justice of the decision of the organization committee that gave two reserve banks to Mis souri, and ignored the claims of the banking renters of Nebranks, Colorado and other states. The district, it must be remembered, was la'.d out with a special view to furnishing the terrl torisl foundstlon for a reserve bank at Kansaj City, and to change it now as desired by the Ne braska and Wyoming banks would take away whatever Justification there may be for a re serve bank at Kansas City. Our national banks may, therefore, as well reconcile themselves to the f set that the rnserve subdivisions will re main substantially as originally laid out, not withstanding their violent conflict with the natural trend of buslnese, and make the most of It until a new management of reserve hanks sys tem comes Into control free to readjust to meet actual commercial requirements. A Start for the Semi-centennial. , Proceeding along line suggested by The Bee, a good start has been made toward the fitting celebration of the Nebraska semi-centennial an niversary. Tbia has been done by Initiative ot the State Historical society in naming a com mitten of representative cltlsens from all parte of the state to take charge of plans and prelim inary work a step made necessary by the fall tire of the legislature to provide official machin ery for this purpose. In this celebration Nebraska will have the center of the stage. Nevada was admitted to the union ahead of Nebraska, but not another state followed until Colorado nine yearl later. Our people take a natural pride in what ha been accomplished in these fifty years In the notable men and remarkable women who did the pioneering in the deep laid foundations upon which the commonwealth has been erected. The attainment of fifty years 6t statehood on March 1, 1917, will give us a not-to-be-neglected oppor tunity to review the wonderful progress made, and the magnificent achievements scored. In the upbuilding of Nebraska. It will give oppor tunity to impress, not only our own people, but the country at large, with the magnitude of onr resources already developed and their future possibilities. ' Another Underwood Tariff Failure. Not only hss the Underwood tariff law fal len short of Its aim as a revenue producer, but it has slso apparently failed to give the email measure of protection it contemplated to Indus trie the democratic administration pretended to be eager to foster. One of the blunders ot the law is now pending before the court of Hp peals, where Importers are trying to collect the rebate provided for fn the law, amounting to S per cent on cargoes carried on American bot toms. The secretary of the treasury has ruled this cannot be paid, because of Its belpg In vio lation of certain existing treaties. This clause waa originally Inserted In the law with a view to encouraging American ship ping by inducing Importers to favor vessels un der American registry. The democratic com mittee report on the 5 per cent provision de fined it as "a discrimination In favor of Amer ican shipping, designed to build np our mer chant marine and keep at home millions of dol lars now being paid to foreign vessels to carry cur products to foreign markets." The. lav; was so clumsily worded, however, that Jt tailed on its first test. During the debate in congress the republicans repeatedly warned the democrats that the phrsseology of the law waa defective, but It was breath wasted. The democrats hni a vague idea that they knew what waa wanted, and they guessed at the method of securing it. The importance of the question did not impress them with the necessity of being careful, and the law has landed In court with an adverse decision of the secretary 6f the treasury, upheld by the attorney general, to overcome. About the only good that Is likely to come from the effort to enact this Important piece cf legislation .will be further , proof ot the ineffec tiveness of democratic methods. Paying the Porter. It is comforting to know that President Lin coln of the Pullman company is concerned over the wages that are paid employes of the com pany, and that be has been much annoyed by reason of the low rate at which porters are car ried on the payroll. Merely being the president of the company, Mr. Lincoln ia not expected to have a great deal to say about the methods of conducting Us business, and hardly anything to do with the pay roll. Still, it Is good to know that when he travels in one of the traveling hotels his company maintains he expects to have his shoes shined. and to give the porter a tip la the morning. That places blm right on a parity with a lot of other mortals, who Indulge in tho same expectations whenever they fold them selves up In a Pullman berth. The "shine" may not always be realised, but the tip In the morn ing la inevitable. The Bee pointed out some days ago that the public is not so very much concerned over the small coin handed the porter on leaving the trala aa it la in some other features of the Pull man management. If the comfort and conveni ence ef the passengers were looked after with a little less ot luxury snd a little more of com mon sense; If plush and plated decorations could be transmuted Into fresh air and leg room, for example, much ies of grumbling would be heard after a night on a "sleeper." "Westward the tide of travel takes its way!" the Brooklyn Eagle exclaims in a cordial en dorsement of the "See America First" movement. Even though the change ot front is compulsory, it is none the leas gratifying. Any means which breaks the eastern provincial shell snd induces ,tbe natives to follow the sun beyond their nar row bounds makes for better health and larger vision where most needed. The hurry call for more extensive planting and cultivation of plum trees will not touch a responsive chord in the hearts ot Nebraska's "fslthful." What the latter needa to check emaciation ia an effective means of shaking the plum trees already loaded with fruit. The Political Caldron A Tea. If mora men had voted, or If tha women had voted, or If It had been a warmer day, If tne yellow journal had not overdone the job. If the ant la had had more money for their campaign fund. If tha moon'a phase had been different. If tt had only been three daya earlier or three days later, tf things had been 1lfferent-Jut different in any old way what a difference there might have been! One ronaolation of election day waa that It brotifht forth tha omnipotent, omnlpreeent and omniscient Senlna whnae preamble Is alwaya. "I told you so." or ' It happened this way." Juat what art of a day the day after election would be without him, la too terri ble to contemplate. Uke a brook of poetry, ha rocs on forever and adda to the cheer of the community. He looks backward and forward with equal facility end his political hypotheace are fearfully and won derfully made. "It s Juat this way," he begin, bringing the palms of his handa In JuxtopoalUon, "the Square Seven had mora candidates than the Big Blx. There Is safety In numbere, that l wny Hummel had 'safety first' on his campaign cards. Asaln. It may have been all rlfht for tha antls to aend out el! pa with a Bible quo tation, but while they were praying they did not keep their powder dry. I knew that Hummel would get a large vnta because ha placed baae ball diamonds and atands In the parka and installed play apparatus for tha kids. I also maintain that Chairman button went to the had when he refused to recognise the coatlees brigade when he waa district .court Judge. The coat- leas brigade have a large vote. I also understand that some of tha administration employee got out and worked for the Square Sevan, which helped some." M fa alienee golden In a political campaign? Tha re turns would Indicate that the race Is not always to the man who haa a glib tongue. Drexal, for Instance, tha man ot silence on tho antt ticket, led tha Blj Bin, while Ztmman, the most asgresolve speaker ef the antia. was laat of hie ticket Hummel, Kugel and "Wlthnell, who led the administration ticket, do not pretend to be public talkers. Wlthnell la known for his silence, and yet he seems to have a stronger fol lowing than aome great orators. Well, it la all' over anyway, and Chairman Flynn advisee everyone to forgive and forget; to get to gether once more end work for a Greater Omaha.' Prospective annexation Is now the sunject before the house. Omaha must now face tha task of making tha adopted territory feel "at home." There seems to be plenty work ahead for the officials If consolida tion goes through. New municipal problems must be faced and larger Ideas must be worked out. "The race la not alwaya to the swift." The two winners of the "Big flx." though carrying a big handi cap, outpaced their associates on the home stretch. Mill, it Is not strange that a shoe man showed good footing. It Is his specialty, The administration people are vary bitter against Election Commissioner Moorhead who. they claim, took advantage of fine spun technicalities In a manner which worked sgalast the "Dquare flevea." The mayor says his ticket lost nearly 1.00 votes by reason of tjia election commissioner's arbitrary methods. Tha mayor says he Is going to tell the governor about It, too. The mayor has appointed himself te be tne election com missioner's political nemesis. Next Monday Omaha wtlt enter upon Its second term under the commission plan of government. On that day the city council will meet to reorganise and start all over again. In all probability Drexel and Jnrdine will be assigned to the departments held by Ryder and McOovern, providing that tha official re turns sustain the unofficial returns. It Is expected that Jardine will be commissioner of street cleaning and maintenance and Drexel head of the publlo improve ments department or vice versa. There Is some spec ulation as to what affect the mayor's vote will have in tho matter ef deciding who shall be mayor for the next three years, but the opinion prevails that "Jim" will succeed himself. There are some anxious ones trying to sea the mayor made aa ordinary commis sioner. In addition to the honor of tha office, there la an additional salary of $500 a year In this position. And there are such privileges as pitching- tha first ball at the opening ball game, issuing pardons to city Jail greMuatea, snd addressing conventions. Twice Told Tales A Hard .Preposition. There waa a brlaadler general In the civil war who was so earnest In his religious efforts that In a short time he had converted every man in the brigade except one hardened teamster. Going to his commander one day tills man said.' eolemnly; "General I am lonesome. Every man In tha ramp haa been converted except me. I suppose It's the riarht thing, but I don't see how I can manage It." "Why, my good fellow." said tho gAieral. "I aea no difficulty In tha wsy of It, If you will just surrender your own will and ask for guidance." "That's Jest It. general." aald the teamster. "If I am converted,- who In blazes Is goln' .o drive them mules?" Philadelphia ledger. I UniMre ' narelt'a Roatraj. Irving contributed to tho gayety of tha supper a story about Lawrence Barrett. One nlsht F.arcett snd hla old friend, Edwin Booth, met at their club la New Tork. Barrett,' after brief greetings, bustled towards the door with every appearance ef remember ing a pressing engagement. . "Halloa! What are you off tor' Booth aaked. "To a reheareal," aatd Barrett. , "What's the play?" Barrett aatd It waa Romeo and Juliet. "And what part do you take?" Booth asked, la sud den acoess of Interest. "There la only one part for me In the play," Bar ret aald, drawing himself up In lofty Indignation. "Oh, ah. yes." said Booth. "I know the Nurse." Tha angered tragedian strode forth In haughty si lence, and did not apeak to Booth fur two daya Strand Magaxlne. ' People and Events Owing to the Improved health of Long lalendors tha Coffin Maker's union has decided that business conditions are not propitious for a strike. A Denver street car couductor who threw a su preme court Judge off hla car is still on tha job. The Judge apologised for depositing a plugged Jitney. A Massachusetts Historical aoclety la tha proud poaaessor of a n't of wool from "Mary's IJttle Iamb.'' It waa found In Boston, where wool shearing Is a specialty. British soldiers want tona of rock candy to chew. They prefer tt to totjauco. chocolate or Jam. Ameri can makers of rock candy should note this deman I and be careful to omit the rye. Te emphasise the overthrow of the Harrison dy nasty In Chicago, art lovers propose to rear an ex clusive club which calls for an entrance fee of SlO.OuO. At laat accounts tha charter members' (1st had room for a few more plutea. Back In Newark, K. J., a woman who worked for fifty years In the shipping depart man t of a rubber company, was presented with a puree filled with goli and aome Uuqueta. and tha fire department whistle was bloa in her honor. Rubbering around for half a century m rtted the reward. Five men who occupied an automobile which ran doan and klHed a woman in Washington, D. C, have been Indicted for murder In the second degree. -The authorities It.sist It ia for a Jury to decide how far and under what conditions prastaoe in a deatb-caualng automobile involves a person In responsibility for the tragedy. A romance of millions forfeited te wed ended n Boston's divorce court the other day. Mrs. Marie Tudor Garland, a noted society widow who was left the Income of l.ou,oe on condition of remaining a widow, threw tha money to tha winds of Cupid's com mand and married Kraocla C. Oreen, her financial ad viser. That was three years ago. Now aha is a widow by tha diverse route. s nJ3P Valee of Ity riannlac. BIOUX CTTT, la.. May S.-To the Editor "i ine tee: oeorso p. Ford hss an article in the March Issue of the can Clty-'Clty planning and Real Es tate. e points out that city plannlng years ago would have eaved New Tork the rr.000.n09 it Is now enendln fr tha extension of Seventh avenue. City plan'' nine; years aa;o would, hava avoided the spending of 5,x.0n0 for three little breathing spots In the New York I'mer East Bide. City planning would have avoided the great land condemnation coats for a waterfront Improvement that so many cities are ' now paying. "It would see to It," says Ford, "that every improvement should be designed with a view, not only to present need. but. as far as is possible to foresee, to the best Interest of the city and the property owner when its population Is double or treble what It Is now. "City planning conserves snd stabilizes real estate values. Perhaps Its first duty Is to undertake to prevent, so far aa possible, tha demoralizing shifting of real estate values from which so many cities are suffering Just now." Something is certainly wrong If values fail. If everything were rlsht It need not be said that tho only change would be for the better. It seeme unreasonable to presume that values In and near a beauty spot will deteriorate unless the beauty apot Itself becomes disrespectable. "To carry out such a program, how ever." says Vr. Ford, "the" city needs the co-operation of those who" know real estate and real estate ' values. It Is so largely a matter of getting the greatest use and value out of property that It ia obvious that tha city should have tha advantage of the best real eatate experience. Tha real estate man owes It to his clients to help In every way he can." 'C10CIL MONTAGUE. German View of Freedom of Speech. OMAHA, May 8. To the Editor of The Bee: In your editorial you critic) ?e Prof. Kuna Meyer for denouncing and you applaud President Lowell for u it- hold Ing Harvard's student's doggerel verses libeling a friendly nation, which verses were warded n prize by the Institution named. I believe vou will admit on second thought that your com ment was Hl-consldered. Illogical snd entirely unwarranted 'n Ita concluslona. unless Intended to voice partisan senti ment. Freedom of thought and con science and freedom of BDeech must rule at our universities so far as academls dis cussions and teaching Is concerned, but academic comity and national courtesy draw the line at improDrietiea which are more nearly Indecencies than "lack of reverenoe. Whatever excuses Presi dent Lowell may offer, tne prize Jurors of Harvard, In asinine stupidity, were sec ond only to tha poet ?), whoso verses I quote ss follows: rtrvrr Mtr irwat ' No doubt ye are the people. Wisdom's flam. fiprings from your cannon yes, from yours alone. God needs your dripping lance to prop ms tnrone. No doubt ye are the people. Far from ahame Your captains who deface the Sculptured, stone Which by the labor and the blood and none Of pious millions calls upon His name. 'No doubt ye are the folk. 'Tie to prove Your wardenshlp of virtue and of lore. Ye sacrifice the truth in aeeklna srora Upon your altar to the Prince of Love. Tet still cry we . who atlll In darkness pioa: 'Tie the Antichrist ye serve and not your God." Entirely devoid of literary' value and fuil of mlsrepresentatione they were ob viously composed to vent spleen and to created prejudice. Whatever inspiring genius of American Institutions may surround "Harvard uni versity. President Lowell skates on very thin Ice when he compares tha endowed universities of thia country wiith German universities, as to freedom of speech and discussion, but when he expressed tho Hope that he may see the day when freedom of spVech and discussion be in troduced Into German universities." he either, talks buncombe or else pleads guilty to the grossest ignorance. Presi dent Lowell should know that nowhere! else in the world Is academls liberty held aa sacred as In German -universities. Ab solutely free research In every line of human thought Is the highest principle of the Gorman scientist. Nowhere Is there more violence done to freedom ot discussion than In the en dowed universities of the United Btatea Tha multl-rrlUlonalre who hopes to Im mortalize himself by an endowment, usu ally dictates tha academic policy aa to certain economic problems which may effect bis financial Interests. I mention of the many cases of record, only the sudden dismissal from Stanford uni versity of Prof. Julius Goebel, bo-' cause he had tho temerity to write a book, 'The Contest for Germanism In tha United States." Mrs. Leland Stanford, Who had endowed the Institution, com manded, and the regents obeyed. That is why Nebraska respectfully declined to acoept the professors' pension gift of fered by Andrew Carnegie. It Harvard thinks It haa reason to be proud' of these verses, well and good. No German uni versity would have the bad taste to of flcally endorse the act of ona of Its , students In grinding out doggrel rhyme against our president.' even though he does persist in conditioning our neutrality upon our continued exportation of arms.' PR. HERMAN GERHARD. " Heldetberg. 101 Editorial Snapshots Cleveland Plain Dealer: The most ex pensive piece ef land on earth would ap pear tu be the two aquare miles at Neuve Chapelle. which cost 30.O cas ualties. Including ,0n0 dead. Philadelphia Ledger: With tha Pahs ma caaal lalng money, it will not be well to 'grow too enthusiastic over the proa peots of that government-owned and government-built railroad ia Alaska. Beaton Transcript: Secretary McAdoe's estimate ot ISO.ooo.000 of Income tax revenue Is somewhat discounted by tho reflection that aa an estimator this prophet haa been weighed, before and found wanting. Washington Post: Willie Sidls, the mathematical 'prodigy of Harvard, says a pretty woman means nothing to him. Tho trouble with that boy ia that his tirns has been loo much occupied with tha wrong kind of figures. Brooklyn Eagle: What a pity tha colo nel did not think of tiiat Young Men's Chrletl.u association comparison in time to convince E. li. Harrlman that his ts6.o had been l.nt to the LerdT Bom ritriolla letter writing might have been avoided. SMILING REMARKS. ' Your new novel is in some waje a bit out ot data." "How, for example?" "VVell. you make the heroine sweep the room with a glance, when today every body la using vacuum cleaners." Boston Transcript. "He played a prominent part In the Kuicpean war." "Looks more like a clerk than a sol dier." "He waa there in clerical capacity. He commanded a battery of counting machlnea." Iiulsville Courier Journal. "So the telephone operator In the hoe pltsl Is going to marry tha surgeon?" "So 1 hear " "Affinity of tastes, I suppoee. She cuts people off and he cuts n up." Balti more American. Mrs. Mylea You know she keeps an army of servants. Mrs. Styles Don't exaggerate so. I guess not an army of aervants. Jlrs. Mylea "Well, thry fight like an army, sit right. ." Yonkers (Statesman. Ls A rvmrn r- il KABARET EJ-HtASTTKKERS wHCTrtn'eyiVettrtH? I AlrtfwOOAK, PtACC imwvTjniMcJrtH "Have you any nice, fresh egss today?" she aked. 'Permit me to state." remarked the grocer, who was also a college graduate, "that all nice eggs are fresh and that all fresh eggs are nice. Of course. I have them today. If I had them yester day you would not be interested. And The Original CAUTION void Subs1ltutl6gI aasaa.sssjaBBaBBBBgeajBBSxe' I..iai,r 0Gfsp5rpi jxj j rrrjjsw s HefAVri :mt, ,().. Take a1 package horns yyfgDSttw tomorrow will take care of Itself. Po you care for any nics eggs?" Philadel phia Ledger. "I understand," said Unele Rill Bot tletop. "that the Turks are total al stalnera" "Yea." "Well, mnvhe they are. Rut I can't see how any total abstainer could think up some of the designs they put fn TurMsli rugs." Washington Star. Mercury What's the row about Vul can's falling down like thst? Hebe Oh, he objected to Jupiter's hang ing his mother up, and the old man made a kick about it. Baltimore American. . Farmer I'll give you $5 a month anil your hoard! Applicant Aw, ehurks! What d you think I am, a college graduate? Phila delphia Bulletin. You Can't Brush Or Wash Out Dandruff The only sure way to get rid of dand ruff is to dissolve It. then you destroy It entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. Do this tonight, and by morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone. and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign snd trace of It, no mattcj- how much dandruff you mev have. You will find, too, that all Itching snt digging of the scalp will stop at once, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. You esn get liquid arvon at any drug store. It ls tnexpcnrlve and never falls to do the work. Advertisement. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. San Francisco HOTEL SUTTER Tho leading flrst-ctase Betel , of Ran Francisco which has not raised its rates. - Rooms from file per day up, Direct car 11ns to Exposition, Send for booklet and room chart showing prioee of every t Don't put it off the money you can wisely spend today will help others pay others who pay you. Buy.It.Now i Kortliwestsrn University College of Engineering Five Tnr' of bretS. thorough tralslns; null clawa. Is whlok each Mu4nt imHth n annual amount o in4Mdua atientlns frosi Sa4 srotmora. Eellnt bulldaig. JmIsm4 lor Us Bursoas, with up-to-dnta as tv'atua. Unauraaa.d opportunities to aea gnat englnovrliig prnjerta ang to aiwt ragi scora. A raeag organlMtlon. ashamperea W agbenaaalns traditions, Wrtta tor "Bout Pranaratlaa forJEnglaotrln!" and "Booklet a VWwt." i JOanr T. BTATTOKD. XMrsotOg Ivans ton, Illinois. KHTGITOtCEy - ANTHRACITE 774? COAL THAT SATISFIES ' More Het J.e Ash No .'.moke Ask Your Dealer. 1C0 efficiency thafi what you went when you place en order for engraved plates. We put snap in onr work, we keoe work' men thet we can refy upon. i vbt worm j men thet aeiiaie' ESB3 $483. 60O. F. O. H. FACTOIIV A team of THREE METZ CARS won the GMDDEN' TOUR from Minneapolis, Minn., to Glacier National Park, Montana, in competi tion with cars costing from five to ten times as much as a METZ. ALL THREE of the METZ cars went through with perfect scores. WHAT MORE COLD BE ASKED OF ANY CAR? Get a METZ for endurance, power, speed, comfort, beauty, safety and economy. Has modern equipment including aelf-Btarter and electric lights. . IRELAND DROS.. Automobiles 2520 FARNAM STRFKT OMAHA, XF.R. Business battles e t easily won when you are prcp , erly intrenched in a GOOD LOCATION No better location can be found than the BEE BUILDING "Thm building that U alwaym nmw" For May let we offort 222 Choice ofttee finite, north light, rery desirable, for doctors or dentists; waiting room and two prtrata omeea; SSO gqnara feit....sA4500 228 8WU of Urea nice notna with orth light. ITS square ft 833.50 513 W114 two PrtvwU rooma and watttna room, aod TevuK. Ste equetre foot 818.00 ; Apply to buUdlnd 6upte Room 105 THE BEE BUILDING