THf: KEE: OMAHA, THUKSIWV, MAY 6. 11 FOR RENT Mnaeea anil (nltiri. T.ST FARNAM SPECIAL. 108 onth .Vth St.. (i room, beautifully decorated, first-class condition through out; raracc roulip, .1 for cither gas or electric our: price. $i;.V) FAYNK. & P I A T K K CO. frl. Omaha Nat. Hank Rlilit ONE RLOCK V. D4T1? LINK. East front. S rooms and hall, two-story sVjuare. .a,. 'KKKFE RKAL T.STATK TO . lull Omh National. Phone Douglas ITli. ITOR RENT 7-room house, all nodern Parker St. 1 ROOMS and bath; aJl'Tiiodrrn; m car line. H. 2(HV. Stores anil Otrlcea. OFUCES IN THE BF.BT LOCATED OFFICE BUILDING, (fear Court House and City Hall. Rates from $10 to 846. faults, Elertrb- Lights, Water Free. TUB BFK BUILDING. The Pulldtng That la Alweys New." n, u. Hancock, sup't. Room 1(B. MEW modern store, beat location; In North Omaha, 2414 Ames Ave., Webstar 138 or Web. 3149. NEW, modem, steamhoated storeroom and basement, K22 Leavenworth St. Conrad Young, 322 Brandela theater. 3loug. 1571. STORE and flat. Leavenworth. Call Douglas 363S; evening. Harney 1N06. WANTED TO BUT T" ale b-ya everything 2d hand. Tyler 141a. OFFlCli furniture bought and aold. t. C. Heed, IJ07 Famam Doug. I4. WE pay Chicago prlcea for aluminum acrap castings. Paxton-Mitchcll Co WANTED TO BORROW GOINO in business, would like to bor row tWO for 40 daya; will pay M) Inter est, diamonds as security. Addreas P-SW7, Rpe. WOULD like to borrow 12M from private party for 35 daya; will pa $40 to responsible party. Will give my dia monds for security. Addreas F-443, Bee. WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED room wanted by gentle man In private family ; no other room era; board preferred, but not essential; laundry done. In replying etate full par ticulars, E-17, Hotel Rome. o REAL ESTATE FARM A RAftCH LANDS FOR SALa Arkansas ' FARMS AT BARGAIN. A few well improved farms in the well known Grand Prairie belt, eastern Arkan sas. Rice cultivation a great success; pays large profits to farmer and Investor. Also general farming, dairy and stock raising. My farms are equipped with complete watering plant for irrigating rice; plenty rainfall to mature other crops; M per cent northern farmers live and thrive on the Grand Prairies; schools, churches, good railroads and market fa cilities; healthful climate; my farms for sale cheap to settle estate. I can use $:X.000 stock of general merchandise; will trade. Deal direct with me. For further Information and pamphlets, address GEO. KOCH, OWNER, Blair. Neb. o California. , Live Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. Smith Co., 913-14 City Nat. Bk. D. 2818, CALIFORNIA LAND. - All counties; catalogue free. Write C M. VVooster Co., Fhelan Bldg., Sen Fran cisco. Established 30 years. Colorado FOR BALK Farms, 180 and 80 acres, la Peats, Colo. Write Delstler, 1364 Ogdea . . . Mleawat-a. GOOD South Missouri land on railroad. in well settled locality, $12 per acre. Small or large farms on easy terms. Literature tree. D. MerMam, Ellis, Ben ton. Kansas City. Kansas. lOWSw HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE? Write a, good description of jur land sr. 2 eend It to the Sioux City, la., Journal, -Iowa's Moat Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Friday evening, baturday. morning aod -every (iaiurday evening and Sunday, morning for one month, giving sixteen Ada on twelve different daya for Ui or 50 words, $4; or 75 words. t. Largest circulation of any Iowa, news paper. 260.0UU readers dally la four great states. ARE YOU GOING TO BUY LANDT If so you should first get a copy of the Farm and Real Estate Journal.' ll lias lands advertised In It from nearly every state, ao that you can find Just what you are looking for in its columns. It keeps you Informed on land oppor tunities in all parte of the country, gives rou personal help la finding land, fctena .c today for a year a subscription, or luo for three months trial. It will be stopped at the end of toe time ordered. Farm and Real Estate Jourinai. Truer. Iowa. w MiaaeewUh BARGAIN 2 40-A, farm Ju ra. from Min neapolis; 1W A. under cult.; 40 a. good nieaaow: 60 A. timbered pasture; can fractlcally all be cultlvatea; ood corn and; farm la fenced; 10-room house, barn, granary, machine shed, windmill, etc.; 11 head good milk cowl, 4 good horses, har nesses, wagons, complete set of machin ery, hogs, chickens and everything on the farm goea at (4a per acre; fOuO cash, balance can stand tor 10 yeara at par cent. Schwab Bros., VUt Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. RICH Central Minnesota Park Region; Improved farm, special $35 acre to quick buyer; Improved and unimproved lands at cut prices; list free; choice pieces going fast. Hurry. Murphy-Hartwlg Land Co., oley. Minn. o 40, 60 OR 160 ACRES, good heavy soil, in well settled part of Todd county, Minn.; good roads, schools and churches; price $15 to $30 per acre; terms, $1 per acre cash, balance $1 per acre a year until land is paid for. 6 per cent interest. SCHWAB BROS., Nebraska.. COUNTRY HOME NEAR OMAHA. $11.00o buys a highly Improved farm, consisting of about 514 acres located on one of our boulevards out from the city, only a 40-mlnute's ride. Good water sys tem, small amount of fruit, some alfalfa, tame hay. nice 'large beautiful shade trees and all kinds of xhrubbery and about 10 acres of natural timber, making a beuutiful park. This k an Ideal propo sition (or handling thoroughbred stock of any kind. Living spring in pasture. C ft C O 13 1? !16 BrHndelsJTh'cater Bldg. Omaha. D. 3916 NOTICE. DAIRY.MEN-iO acres all in alfalfa; close to Dodge St. road, about 4 miles from Omaha pontofflce Rent for aeason $''"" Addresw George G. Clark, jg poarl Ht . Council Blutls. la. Tel. 174. Mlscellantrees. ONLY $325 buys a 640-acre school land lease In Keith county; over 200 aorea ot whlh can he put in cultivation. This Is a bargain. Terms. $Ki0 cash, balance note for $175 due In ono year, ',o. Write owner, L C Crandall, l4t Locust fet.. Lincoln, Neb. TO SELL LAND quickly and profitably, yiu must reach those who are at ti e present time meat imervsteill In farm land. The Iowa farmer is toii:iy the best farm land prom ..t In the Cnlte.l States. The lies Moines Capital with Jto.OJU dally readers can put your proposition anuaiely before a larger number of these live prospects than any other Iowa news paper. Our circulation Is guaranteed the largest In Iowa. We III insert a 30 word ad 10 days for only $2.30 sdd 6c for each additional wordi. Our regular price is lc per word per day. You save 60r on this offer. To sell your land tomorrow, send yUr Th'k'dES MOIN KS "A PITA L. 7i WALNUT til DES MOINES. IA. REAL ESTATB LOANS flfo TO lll.Ouu made promptly. Y. D. weaa. vveao nia.. i"tn aim m pip CITY and farm loans, t. 5. pec cant. J. H. Dumont 4k Co.. 41s State haak. WANTF-O Tlty loar.a and warranU. W. FarnaT Wmltn A Co . .'J Farnam St. a?o57KY on hand for city and farm loana H W. Hinder. Clly National Mana Bldg. WANTED C'ty luans. Petera Trust Co. SEE us first for far in loans in easlsra Neb. UnlTel ritat Tr-at Co.. Omaha. CITY LOANS. C. G. Carl berg. W-iil Brandels Theater Bldg. "KAL ESTATEMISCELLANEOUS How Far Can You See? Can you comprehend what the future growth of Omaha nieans! Can you see ton or fifteen years into the future and take advantage of that growth f lo you realize that no city in the country has any better location than Omaha for future growth? Do you know thai no city on this continent is in better financial condition than Omaha, nor is there one that is growing more conservatively and steadily? Are there not men of your acquaintance who have gotten rich, or at least acquired comfortable fortunes, by cautious in vestments in Omaha real estate! Those men had no better op portunity than you have today in Henson Gardens. The growth of Omaha is westward and Benson Gardens is in the line of progress. This Week We Are Placing on Sale The 2nd Tract of the Post Farm Which Has Been Subdivided Into Acres and Half-Acres and is without, doubt the richest tract of land offered for sale so close to car line, school and stores. Call at our office or call us up by phone and one of our salesmen will take you out in one of our automobiles any time; or take Benson car to the end of line and walk 6 blocks West on Main Street to the tract. Acres $10 cash, $10 a month. Half acres $10 cash, $7.50 a month. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 llarnev Street. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE LOT SALE THURSDAY Make arrangements today to have us send one of our automobiles to take you to see these lots. Telephone Doug. 2926 in day time Telephone Web. 682 aftdr 7 P. M. Bouleviarded streets, water, gas,, trees, cement walks . and cement curbing; carbine runs right to this addition Will sell on easy monthly payments E. P. WRIGHT , " Telephone Douglas 2926 Today. Telephone Walnut 682 After 7 0 'Clock Tonight. Mid-Week Sale We have only 10 lots left in Bungalow Section of Montclair. Right in town, Hamilton, Lafayette and Nicholas Streets, near 31st Street. We will offer these lots tomorrow (Thursday) at $750.00 each, and on special terms. . Water, sewer, gas and sidewalk all in and paid for. Building restrictions just enough to make it an ideal place for homes. If you want a close-in location you can't equal it. Call us up and let us show you. Benson & Carmichael, Telephone Doug. 1722. 642 Paxton Block. REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA homes. Kaat Nebraake farms, O K Eft r E RKAL. ESTATE CO., 101$ Omaha National, l-none lxui:laa 1711 ABSTKACT OF TITLE HJ'.KD A UriTIt ACT CO . oldeet abstract offloe In Nebraska. ?uti branilels Tli.a. Jfcsseu & Morrell 201-1 State Pk. Bids. D. 93. REAL KSTATE WANTED LIST your property with H. ti. Lander you. nt Neville felk D. $DB. LIST estate and rentals with DON BL80N H. B. CO.. ! Om. Nst I Bank. SAUNDERS CO., Selllnc homes and business properly. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Clifton Hill Snap WILL SACI1IFICE EQUITY Our client will sacrifice his equity In this new -rooni cottsce for MOO, balance of tl.tuO to be paid lis SO per month. Well worth I2..VI0. but will coat you 13.000. Must be sold lals week. Modern except heat. full cement basement, cement walks: lot .'jOiI.W, 2i blocks to car. TUB VOGKI, REALTY AGKNCT, lOlS-lii W. U. W. Hide L-oue-lea V'Jl. REAL, ESTATE MiStrELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE NIFTY NEW BUNGALOW Vestibule, living room, dlnln room and sun room, finished In oak, bed room, klu-hcn finished In yellow pine, with blrrh doors: hath room la white enamel, oak floors throughout, two front rooms have beamed ceiling, dining room has plate rail, pane) walla, window seat, bonk rases; sun room has windows, with a 8. K. exposure, house la 14 stories, but 2d floor isn't finished, could finish x rooms; hign grxdn fixtures, guaranteed furnace, floor drain, lot "kI7. paved strett. location and neighborhood la fine, near lftth an J 1-aird His., about tM cash, and rest monthly, or lot as first payment. RA8P BR08. 10C MnC'ague EMl. Douglas lttt. Investment NORTHWEST CORNER 25th & Capitol Ave. The best close In comer. Ooed for tores and apartments. Let TCxM. wltk a Ki.nn , l-rooii' nuuav r. nl . for S. side the comer la ready to build Star as ana ai'artmenis. LOOK AT THIS. IT MUST BE SOLU ANI IT W1U. BE SOLD. THKRIB 1b GOOD MONKT IN THIS DEAL. L. H. STERN R E. CO.. Phone Tyler ll. Douglas tat. a. CHEAP at .. good all modern home, large yard; fruit; 103 Evans ft. HEAL ESTATE XORTII RIIK KountzePlaceHome n elprt-ror.m hnuae at Hlnney at , all modern, new furwaoe. beautiful anuth front let, good barn with cement floor, water drain In floor, elertrie lighted . ran he ued for a garare: price, very reason all arid on easy terms Alfred Thomas Real ('state Ioana and Insurance FWtPT NATIONAL HANK KLPO. REAL ESTATE WEST BIDK $3,75(UX) A real snar. 4 feet frontage on Far Bam, between 3stli and th Ave., faring south, best location In Omaha for hotel. iarartment or two stores in the cltv. $3,000 EACH On Wth Ave., two Iota off Fsrnam. US 16S. If both lots sold together. $J.7s each; beautiful location for apartment house. . W. M. NASH & CO., Real Kstate, Rentals. Insurance 603 He Bldg. Tel. Tied M. $500 Cash Balance Monthly will buy a brand new bungalow. large living rooms, oak finish, strlctlv modern and up-to-date In every way; choice cor ner lot. SxlM; both atreets paved; loca tion, west -ado Hanscom Park; value, I4.3M; prtc-. 13.7W; terms, or lot taken aa first rayment. fei w tl once about this and other special bargains. Rasp Bros. 1M McPague PldgPouglss 1SAS. NeaT36th & Dodge $575; 43x122 Cheapest lot In West Tairiam, $10 now, $1 per week. O'Kcefo Ileal Estate Co., 101 Omaha National. Douglas S71B. REAL ESTATE SOUTH RIDE FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. ? hAiia. arilv mndern. with hot - . l. . a.m. fnnf In afreet. paving paid, near school and car line; price only xj.m". tocatea iwjw eouut ooin Ave. Must sen. C O. CAR-LBERQ, Sll Brandela Theater Pldg. HOME AND INVESTMENT. . A fine hie 11-room house In the best of condition: lot 67xJW; also a new J-room house, with sleeping porch, near Sh snd Mason. The owner will make a low prloe on these two properties In order to dis pose of them befor leaving for Chicago. PATNB INVESTMENT COMPANY. Douglas 1781. r ware Ulook. REAL KSATE INVESTMENTS Brick Block Price, $7,500 Rentals', $1,000 This la a 2-storv brick building, con taining thre stores on the first floor and tnree gona nata on tne secona. tocauMi en a good street and close to good busi ness corner. Building Is always filled and the present rents are very low and could be easllv increased. Owner will carry back 84.000 at per cent. This is the big gest snap we know anything about. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler VM. State Bank Bldg. I HAVE a contract of sale for 82.M), cov erlng Omaha residence property, pay able 82d per month, at good rate of In terest. Am offering contract for cesh at fine discount and will deed thej prop erty unencumbered to secure same. Ad dress E SH3, care Bee. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dsssn. Two Dundee , Specials .jj.i.iH CaMitieut Ifannv l-follow Circle, we have a 7-room, well built, at tractive nome, oeam ceinna, iirepiaua, built-in bookcases, sleeping porches and garage. Price, ,. n tnis. uwner has left city. This , is worth the money. Brick and Stucco We have another 8-room resldenoe lo cated In one of the prettiest blocks In Dundee. The owner has made a cut of f,0u for quick sale. This bss a large liv ing room, with den and dining room on first floor; with 4 good bedrooms on sec ond, also sleeping porch. Wi are posi tive these are two of the best buy a In Dunder. Let us show you. They are both sura to be sold this week. Glover & Spam 1-a City National. Doug. 3M2. Dundee Home Non-resldint owner wlshea to sell 34 Capitol Ave. This property Is located en a comr lot,-south front, 60x185 ft. There are 8 large rooms, 4 on the first floor, 4 on the second, and stairway to attic. House is all modern, finished In oak first floor, hard pine on second. We are offering this home at f.',300, but make ua an offer. Owner might consider tak ing a small plai-e, ubuut $2,600, In ex change. House is now vacant and we can give Immediate possession. Key at our office. If you are looking for a good Dundee home do not fail to see this be fore you buy. George & Company Phone D. ! 903 City Nat Bank Bldg. HEAX ESTATE I OR KXCT1AJICK EXCEPTIONALLY good, pew, wi ll built, brick spurtinenis in a first-class loca tion In Omaha, producing a splendid in come, may be bought at an attractive price for cash, or owner would consider part raan ana city property for balance Scott & Hill Co. Douglas low. j MK'ague Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE Improved fruit farm, also fine tract of raw land, also resi dence In Grand Junction, Colo. Trade one or all. '. R. Lough, owner. Grand Junction. CVIo. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Two New 6-Room Bungalows in Fine Location Easy Monthly Payments These houses have just been finished. They are both close lo car line. In one of the most beautiful residence additions In the tliy Principal rooms are fur nished In oak. One house has brick fire place, both have basements snd are mod ern throughout. Inspect these houses today. Terms $350.00 Cash Balance Like Rent Phone me st Walnut 863 today for com plete description. E. P. Wright $4,900 Good quality. Complete 7-room home. Very nice location, half block from car line and net far out Terms very reason able. 8AUNDERVS COMPANY, 1 JU-14 W. O. W. Bldg Douglas 34J2. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET No Can of Cnh Wheat Sold on the Omaha Market Corn is Some what Lower. OATS FOLLOW CORN DOWN OMAHA. Way . 11R. Trade In cash wheat whs verv light and there were no cars reported sold to day. The market for wheat was quoted nominally a H cent lower. The corn nurk.l .m Anil an tj'at cereal waa uncr.ans.ed to tc lower. The receipts of corn were fair and the sales amounted to about fifteen cars. OStS folloWaW PATH mnA dined Vic Receipts of this cereal were - a, r I i . . 1. a . , . . . , -j am ana me urmana aiosr. ,u " ,n" southwest have placed the crone In moil .iiwllani .. tn The onlv unfavorable crop report re ceived was from Koswortli. Mo., sriylng thst the crop there has been cut M per Srnt, by. Sh,neU mis. anl that many fields will be Dlowed tin and aiii m corn. Clearance were: Wheat and flour equal to 46S.a0 bushels; com, 1W.000 bushels: oats. 3M.O0O bushels. 1 ,1 VP riXM.!. Ht...t ,.Aw- i. wiiviiMiHvu, turn, id to vd higher t nmary wheat receipt were tn,M bushela and shipments W.floo bushels, against reclnta r.r i, u k..k.i. , hipmonla of 731.0H0 bushels last year. i nmary corn receipts were 'Ji,m bush els and shipments 01,m bushels, nsainst T'.Ji'i of bushels and shipments of KX.C bushils last year. Primary oats receipts were fcH.flno bush els and shipments lh,m bushels Ngalnxt TG'JIt bushels and shipments of IWl.aiO bushels last year CARLOT IIWKIITS. . . Wheat. Corn. Oete. Chieao Ul 12 m Minneapolis 3il Duluth ii Omaha ? "'i rvansaa city iw .to n Pt. IxitllS 5t! tl nr Winnipeg 14U The following aaleai were reported: Corn: No. 2 white: 12 rsrs, 73ic. No. 8 While- 1 rmr 71..' a ..... r- v- T white: 1 car Tjy. No. 2 yellow: 2 cars. No- s yllow: I car. 7.V; .TV cars, . .. No- ' yellow: 1 car. 72i,,i-. No. ""; are. i.-i'. I0. 3 Inlxcn, tl CHI'S, i!c. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, 7iy; I car. 7Hc. No. h mixed: 1 car. 71c; 1 car tmustv), Sp. Oats: No. 4 white: 1 car. 61V. am ple. 8 rata IW Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No 2 turkey, t1.twMrl.M4; No. It turkey, II MW J1.6f.Vi; No. 2 hard, tl.64tfjl.nM9: No. 8 hard, lt.S3lS,l.M,; No. 4 hard. l.61 Mi; No. 3 spring, f 1.4711 1.66; No. )l durum. fl.Mfffl.65; No. a durum, fl.630 l.M. Corn: No. 2 white. "Uti'iSV; No. 8 white, 7:r73-: No. I white, 7J,iJi'71'cj No. 6 white, T3B72V; Nn, while, 73V; No. 2 yellow, 78Sr78V; No. 3 yel low, 7?Vitf7.c; No. 4 yellow, T'aflf; No. 5 yellow, 72U7;.".c: No. yellow. 71-fi 72o; No. 2 mixed. 7JI.,?Ji!,c; No. 3 mixed, 71Vfr72c; No. 4 mixed, 7I',71V; Nn. J mixed. 7H971V: No a mixed. (rr71c. Oata: No. 2 white, WV,ftIV: standard, eStfiMV; No. 8 white. ,dVu!c; No. 4 white, M'iW'lV. Harlev: .Malting, 7Sfl 7ftc; No. 1 feed. Sf.WTSc. Hye: No. 1, fl.Os l.OS',4; No. 8, 81.074jl.074. .aw CHICAGO OR AIM AM) moVISlONS Fratarea of the Trading aad Closing Trices on Board of Trade'. CHICAOO, May S.-Brarlsh crop esti mates today pulled down the price of wheat. AlthoiiKh stejdv st the close, thn market waa lo to 14j under last night's level. Other leading staples, too, all showed a setback. Corn, V- to V'do net; oata, V to SOc. and provisions, 84 Wo. Wheat speculators turned readily to the selling side, knowing thst the mar ket at first had displayed a tendency to advance. Relative strength of quota tions to Liverpool, wan what chiefly helped cause the earlv upturn here, but similar change completed after the is. sus nee of a statement by a prominent export Indicting that the domestio win tar crop territory at harvest would be 4,600,000 acres larger than last year. Mattering conditions In tha wheat fields were reported as existing at such extremes as Ohio and Texas. Samples B-i'f&iiiiijr uwnnnsiraiea mat tne crop In Texas was nearly headed, almost to the Oklahnma 1 1 wtA ,, .I.J k. i . . 1 1 . In a week. On the other hand, export clearance were small, equal to oniy shout half the primary rncelpts for the day. f"Vtn uma K....M U . . l . . vvaB ... ' ' 1 1 j no, j wiin wneat. borne export selling at the seaboard had ,imii a, ivriiioorarjr iniiuence in llWIalnlna . . I i . . Knln .. r. i . . m - " , . n v.iwb i' j worn of better weather In Argontlna. Trading In oats was for the most part local. Changes In price followed the action of other oereals. Packers selling more than counter balanoed in the provision market, the ' rn.ij auvance in tne nog mark RhlnnAM tutu!,, .ik. i . . , . " - , . uvuui riua ocei, QUI pork and lard received no equal support. Trtbilel Open. I illgh. low. Close. Ves! Wheatl I May. July. Corn May. Julv. I ! 136 77 80 1 K 1 CI 1 61 1 Vi 1 344 1 34 7f.J 1 4 774 ko 65 644 18 86 18 80 10 46 10 70 10 774 11 074 774 66vJ l4' 18 40 18 tti 10 46 T4 7-j Oata May.) July. Pork July. B4V 644 18 26 18 70 64 4 1KJ74 18 86 634 1$ 20 Bept 18 874 10 324' 10 67 4 Lard July. Kept Ribs July. Rpt. 10 474 10 224 10 674 10 7241 10 724 10 824 11 10 I 10 fit 11 10 10 76 11 024 10 75 11 024 Cash Prlcea YVhent M a .. fl.01.!; No.2hard. t.2(giM. Corn! iiv. m yenow, ivuiw; iNO yellow, 71(1 774c Oata.- No. 8 whte. 56V; No. i LAiiuaru, w.TS'fCiaR:. ivye; Io. i, nominal. Rarlev. 7.Vh7i- TlniAlhv tt:. rs.,n , Clover, f8.6(ri'l3.O0. I'ork, $I7.. Iird. io,ifif) Ribs, fioaV(ii0624. HUTTKIt Steady; creamery. tyryTSc. POTAIOE.S bteady; receipts. 16 cars; Michigan and Wisconsin, red, Sulf.iic; Michigan and Wisconsin, white, 364740c. EHJ lArwer; receipts, U.1M cases; at mark, caaea included, Iiifi1)i4c.; ordinary flr-ts, lVi74c; firsts, liull'4c. IOL'LTftY-.llve, higher; fowls. 154c. Kansas City ftrala anal Provisions. KANSAS CITY. May 6.-WHEAT-N0. 2 hard, tl.6frei ix4; No. 2 red, fl.M; May. fl.634: July, t1.2fi4; '.tenjber, $1174. CORN No. 2 mixed. 7&4c; No. 2 white, 7c; No. 3 yellow, 74-; No. 3, 76c; May, 744c: July, 77774c; beptember, 774c. OATS No. 2 white. 644bic; No. 2 mlxe-l. CHittfiic. HUTTLK Creamery, 27c; firsts, 2Sc; se conns, ..: pacKing, ii'.ac KCeHS-Klrsts. 17c; aexonds. 15c. POULTRY Hens, 14c; roosters. 10c; turkeys, IV. Mlaneapolia lraln Market. MINNFAPOL1S. May 6. WHEAT May, $1.67; July, $1.68 hid: No. 1 hard. $l.4: Ni 1 northern. $1.6Bitfl.3V No. $ northern. tl.B61.iJH .). FLOrrV-Unchanged. HAIUKY-7i(i';fa:. HYE 81.1 lll. HHA N $22.60. CtjHN No. 3 yellow. 721,j734e. fATi.-i No. 3 white. 32&3'v. KLAX-$1.K.4S1.W4. t. Loale Aral a Market. BT. If'IS. Msy 3. WHEAT No. 2 red. $1 66til.6; No. 2 hard, tl.urll.K4; May. $1,664; July ,$l.2S. CORN No. 2, 77c; No. J white, 774t 78c;; May, 76c; July, 7H.C OATt-No. 2, 64644c; No. 2 white, U Gc. Liverpool (Irala Market. LIVERPOOL. May 6.-WHEAT-Hpot. steady; No. 2 hard winter. 13a lOd; No. t RKAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOIS LOOK ! SNAP! 8 rooms, up to the minute; new; S3d and Chicago, only 84.7uu; terme. btorv and half, modem, 6 rooms, Soth and Franklin. $2,900; terms. Will consider good lot on either of these. Landy lot. 2 blocks s. w. of Crelghton university, $1,0 for quick sale. Irge lot, 37th and Kowler; aewor and water; take $400, iiulck; terms. Have others. Wetialer 3H o AIWTRADT OK TITLE Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract til flee. 8uu Bo. 17la fet. Phone V. 6487. western red winter. 13" lf4l; No. 2 Msnl tols. Ms Id; No. 8. Ms lid. R Spot, steady; American, mixed, new. M d; La I'lata, mixed, 8s 14l. OMH. (.KNEUtt MARKF.T. nt'TTKTl No. t 1-lb. cartons. 81c; No. t. Hf-lb tubs. 2c. Cllr-KSK Imported Rwlss. S3c; Amer lian wtss, block Hwiss, 82c; twins, li'c, daisies. 17V; trlrlets. 174c; Young An-crlra. 18i-; blue label brick, 140; lim bura'r. 2 lb. V; New York white, lc; imported Krench koquefort, 40c. KISH Trout. !; tarae rrapplea. He; oallbut. lc; channel catfish. 14c. herring, 7c; rclfh, Mr; ma-kerel. Ifcc; salmon lc. NWKKT rOTATOKH Kansas, tl Jf, hbl , Wholesale prli-es of beef cuts effective April M are as follows: BKF.F Cl'TS Hlbs, No. 1, 17c; No. 2. 174c: No. 8. I6c. lo.ns. No. 1, JDWc; No. 2, lic; No. S, 19V. chucks. No. 1. 10c; No. 2. le'ac; No J, Kc. rounds. No. 1, ISc; No. 2. 1V; No. ?, Uv. plates. No. 1. S4c; No. 2, c; No. J, c. I'Ot'LTRY Broilers. 5c; spring chick ens, 1F hens. 14c; cOiks. 8V: roosters. 84c: stags, SV; ducks, 15c; geese, pm; turkeys,; pigtons. per dos , arte: riurks. full feathei-ed. 10c; geese, full feathered, 8c; squabs. No. 1, $1.60; No. 2, Fruit and vegetable prlcea furnished by Gllllnskt Fruit company: FRUITS Oranges: Fancy CaHfornla navels. Sos, s, li 60 per box; Ws, 8un klst, 82 76 per box: 1. Sunklst. per box; extia fancy Mediterranean K'weets, all slses. 8S.2& per box; fancy Tic Toe Mediterranean Hweete. f'i per box. Umuni: Extra fsncy Oolden Howl, as, 3s, H50 pet box; fancy Wlver frd, is, JfiOe. 84 per box. 'Irepefrull: Cele brated Chaae's, 4Ss, C per box; Ua, 82.76 per box; 44a, 8,1 per box. Apples: Kxtra fancy White Winter V'earniaiiiea, l 60 per box. ttnrapples: Extra fancy Cuban, !4a. Sua, is, 8.i.W per crate, rtananaa. 82 to 82 26 per lunch. Llmea, 8J.7 per basket. VlXllTTABLRS-Callfornla eew cab bage 86 to 100-lh. crates, 8c per lb. Cel ery: Jumbo, IXki per Oosen. Head let tuce, $1 per dnsen, leaf lettuce, 0o per doxen. Artichokes, tV.A per rioseu. Kn dlve, c per lb. Onions, yellow. Sc per lb.; Texas Bermuda, white, $1.7 per crate; Texss Hermuds, yellow, fib) per crate. Onion aeta: Yellow and red, 81 W per bushel; white. 81.76 per bushel. Pep. ners, 6o per basket. Tomatoes, fancy, 84 6i per crate; choice, 84 per crate. Spinach, NV per dosen. Parsley, BOc per doaen. Turnips, line per dosen. Straw berries : Louisiana, pints, prospective price, 22.75 to 8.1 per case. Potatoes: Colo isdo Hursla, 76o per bushel; Red River Ohlos, lV per bushel; Minnesota whites, n'c pr misnei Musnronms, c per lo. MIV-nM.LANBr Hhelled popoom, 4c per lb. Crackerjark, 88.64) per oase; 8176 per half case. Pes nuts: Itaw, To per Ih. ; roasted, sack lots, SV per lb. salted, fl.M per can. Asparagus: Home grown, half-lb. bunchea, 60o per dosen bunches. Checkers, f;vM per caae. Cocoa nuts, 6:t M sack. dot. . Nuts: No. 1 Cali fornia walnuts, lKc per lb. Hraslls, 1SV per lb. ; 60, t-os. figs, 12 per box. Sugar walnut datea, 81.40 per box. Filberts, 16o per Ih. Pecans. U4s bar lb. Almonds. I Ale per lb. New York Oeaeral Market. N EWTORK. May k.-COAR Raw, steady; centrifugal, 4.7(M4.77ri; molaaaea, S Ki-a-I.CiOc; refined steady. Bugsr futures were firmer on scattered commission house buying and covering of shorts, with prices at midday 4tf points net higher. Hl'TTER Steady : receipts, 12,302 tubs; creamery extras. 9J scoring. 81o; cream ery, higher scoring, 114(!t32c; flrsu, lasj reconna, diVkHJfe:. IvilGH rirm; receipts 26.663 cases; fresh gathered extras. ZSrirKV; storage pscked, extra firsts. 21 V; firsts. lOVQQic; regular parked, extras firsts, 8u4uUla; firsts, liVliAK). Nearby hennery whites, fine to fancy, 2.Tij2J4c; nearby hannery browns, il41ti24e. CHEKSK steady ; receipts. i.M boxea; State whole milk free specials, 1VQ 1KV; state whole milk, average fancy, ltwi'iav. POULTRY Dressed, quiet, Unchanged; live, firm; chickens, broilers, UiUc; fowls, 17C17V; turkeys. IKtfUc. " Coffee Market. NBW TORK. Msy i -CO FrKF-After a somewhat Irregular opening, due to a little scattered July liquidation with first prices, two points lower to ona point higher, coffee future steadied three or four points on covering and reports that Brasll was still clearing the bulk of Its toffee to Europe. There waa not Import ant domand, however, and prices later eaaed under realising with the v'ose at a net decline of two to foljr points. ale, 1.1,300 bags; May, 8.18c: June, .2Hc; July, 7.40c: August, 7.40c; Fepte-nber, 7.40cj October. T.4fio: November. 7.60c: Decem ber, T.Mc; January. 7.Mc: February, 7,6c; oiarrn, .dc; April,, Spot market steady; Klo No. 7, 7Vc: HhiiIos No. 4. 104c Cost and freight offers unchanged with few reported from Hentos. Milrels prices In Brail) were tin changed. Rio exchange on Ixmdon. 1-SJd lower. Col inn Market. NEW YORK, May 6.-COTTON-flpot, quiet; middling uplands, 10. too; sales, 7( halas. Cotton futures opened barely steady; May, 8.72c; July, s.fl.ic: Aua-uat. lo (!;, 0.'tober, lO.iVi; December, 10.46c; January,; jiarcn, iw.uac. The cotton market closed weak at a net decline of i to 44 points. LIVERPOOL. May 8.-OOTTON Knot. quiet: price eaalxr; good middling, 6.:d; middling, 6.4U; low middling, 6.0:il. Sales, 6.O11O bales. Metal Market. NEW YORK. May 6 M ETA LB The Metal exchaiiae ouotes spelter naiderted. Lead, $4.16ib'4.2o. Copper uulet; eUctroiyuic,; caatln. $16.6i'0'18.76. Iron quiet and unchanged. Tin quiet at $.19 60. At Lon don: (Spelter, &"; lead. totiX 6a. Copper, snot, a'78 6s; futures, 79 lhs. Tin. spot, 11 10s; futures, LU2 10s. An timony. 9.vrjl00. I I)rr liouda .Market. NEW YORK. May 6.-DRY OOODfi Iiurlsps were active and strong todsy. Worsted staple yarna were dull and fan cies were in fair demand. Ralbrlgganda underwear advsnced and summer orders wero Isrger. Cotton goods were quiet and steady. , Stawerte Apples aad Dried Krnlts. NEW YORK. May 5. EVAPORATED APPLES Market dull, but steadv. DRIED KKI'lTA-Prunes, steady; sprl cots, easy; peaches, dull; Raisins, quirt. CHICAGO 1,1 VK MTOC'K MAKKKT Cattle Mroag lloga Weak Sherp Weak. CHICAOO. May 8. "ATTLE Receipts, 13.(XI head; market strong; native beef steers, $6.50(i.lO; western steers, $5 7f 7.; cows and heifers, $3.aniB.; calves. $ti.6fai 26. HOGo Receipts, 24,000 head, market weak after an early advance: bulk of sales, $7.404j7..S; light. $T.3D87.76; mixed. 87.ahB7.7i; heavy, $U.864?.fi6; rough. M6 127 16; plgg, $oaflA. ' HHELP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8 000 head; market weak sheep, $7.4Xhti.40: lambs, $n.0ii((rl0 .60. t. Loots Lire tttotik Market. .! !r',S- VUy --fATTU-Receipts. 8,200 head; market higher; native beef steers. 37. MM) . 60; yearling ateers and heifers. 6.0ii! 30; cows, 8tl OOf7.26: Block ers and feeders. $.y0iW.7.,'; southern steers, $5.2f.4i 00; cows and heifers, $4 00 44.00. native calves, $ UcnrlOOO. HOOS Keciits. T.Sirt hsd; market higher: pigs and llahta. $H.2.Vgl75; mixed ami butchers, $761X7.75; good heavy, $7.bS 17 70 SHEEP AND LAMRri-Reielpts. 2,Hno head; market steady: lambs. 86'(i'10.76; cwaa. KUiii 25: clipped lambs. 8X.7.'1 10. yearllnga, o.60i'9.60, clipped yearlings. $7.00 t77i. Kansas City Lire Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo , May 6. C A TTLE Receipts, t.Ouo bead; market steady; prime fed ateers. $s00tf 9.0ft; dressed beef steers, $7.258.00; westero steers, t7.uoih.3; stockers and feeders. 8 Sotje.00; bulla $6.f7 00; calves, $o.(KVfi 10. 25. HOOrt Receipts, head: market strong; closed weak: bulk, $7.807.46; heavy. $7.r7.40; packers and butchers. 7.30in.4fi; light. $i-6'7.4;4; Pigs, $.76(( 7.26. BHSTBP AND I -A M BS Receipts. 4.600 head, market steady; lamha. : nrW0 ; ycarllnss. 87 26?)0.26; wethers, $7.0ijS 60; ewes, $o.764;.25. Ilarler la to Stick. It Is sMtled thst 'Germany" Bchaefcr, the "Comedian in Rase Ball." will re train with the Newark club, aa will Sec retary titeve Hartner, who came to New ark with the Iridianapolla outfit. Hartner will le assistant to business Manager Hilly Murray. OMAHA UYESTOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kinds Show Very Lit tle Price Change Sheep and Lambt Steady. SHIPPING HOGS SnOW STRENGTH ML'TH OMAHA. May J. 1915 ReeetDta were- r-attla Hnn fthees Cfflclsl Monday .0r0 .n, 4 4.C2.' onc iai l ucsiiav 6.31H IO.8.V1 7!l Estimate Wednesday.. o,M 3,j") Three davs this wk.17.lT9 Zt.W 13.M:1 Same daya last week. .31. 401 4.3, 18.SIS HHme daya 2 wks. ago.ld.feil 27. (. W.3ri fame days 3 wks. ago.14.SM I...1! fame days 4 wka. ago.13.iH4 Same days last yeer...i:,0fi 34,019 23.17n The following table shows the receipt of rattle, hogs and sheep at the hortu 'maha live stock market for the year to date, as compared with last veer: IMS. l!'14. Inc. Dee. tattle .wi.23 ww.iro si.ih "gs 1,170,672 Si.7W 30a,W sheep 82,771 m.M9 10,57 The following tafie ahows the average price for hogs at the South Omaha live sto.-k market for the last few daya with comparisons: , . Date. I 116. IW4.iia.ilMt.lU.ll9i0,llisrr April 0i 7 41 4i 6 46) April Si; 7 sl t 4 7 641 I 8.T 8 l W 7 M I 831 8 W .l 7 4W 8 SO (1 7 421 19 11 7 01 7 41i t 78! I 7 04 1 63 6 74: t 121 April 22j 7 4I 22 it 84 April 23 7 M4I 8 811 8 H Ai ril 4 7 xji-i 8 40 8 61 apni Bl -Aprtl 2 7 244 8 Ml t 68 8 60! 7 611 8 83i 221 8 82 r (ill 7 67 a r April -j,: 3041 8 87 6 8.M 9 il! S W April 2S 7 29 I 8 2! 8 81 1 J 811 08; 7 08 7 r. 5 74 12i 7 01 7 tl I f 14 W 7 61 I 81! I W 7 M. 8 74 8 0l 7 45 6 3: 4! 7 01 7 62 8 J Oni T "4 I 6 till 8 l 7 00 April l April 7 36', I 4t4! 7 2tiiJ 7 21 7 f 171 8 11 118 8 2H 17 S l May l. May I, May 3. May 4. May 8. 8 1 1 ! . I . l 8 241 8 871 11 !S 'Sunday. CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morn ing ware quite liberal, 240 cars being re ported. The total for the week to date now amounts to I7,67s head, being sinal'cr than last week by almost 4,000 head, but with that exception larger than any re cent week and larger than a year ago by over 6.000 head. Beef steers were in good demand and the market generally steady on all inrts. flood yearlings sold aa high as 14.5). r.von heavy cattle were better sellera than on a good many davs Llsht cows snd heifers were fully steady and In very good demand. Heavy rows were a lltlb' atiLky, the same as they have been all the week, and possibly easier In spots. Mockers and feeders did not show anv material change, being steadv with yes-, tcrdsy. Wuotatlona on cattle: Good to choice yearlings. $M.Hi8.46; good to choice heavy corn fed beeves, 67.7TAi8.oO; fair to good cornfed beevee, 87.5W7.76;. common to fair cornied beevee. 87.0OW7.W; good to choice heifers, 66.IM.00; good to choice cows. $.ur7.40; fair to good cows, o.iMs.i0, common to fair cows, 83.706-6.75; good to choice Blockers and feeders, f7.6tKtift.00, fair to good stockers and feeders, $7.00) 7.60; common to fair Blockers snd feed era, 86.fcKU7.00;, atock heifers, 85.7!?i7.2J; stock oows, 86 WVjJJ.7f; stock calves. 86.SM) ltd: veal calves, t7.26trlo 00; fat bulls, stags, etc., t6.004j4.T6; stock bulla. ti.2idi 7.00. Represmntatlve sales: BEEF BTEERS. Ha. t... 1.... II... l... U... It... ... 4... It... U... A. No. AT. ST7 7 II tl II 1 II ..152J T i 7 4 ..I.WS ..Ui .. M7 ..1413 T 7 I M i Of 8 14 T M T M T M .Kit .1744 7 ( 83.. .1111 8TKHR.H AN 1 1 HElKb.H.S .... W IH IS US T M .... 77 T M H 1014 T f, .... 4I T 7 7 tot 7 0 .... l T 71 II 7 7 so .... o T 71 II 1 I t 1 V4 ID II IM Til 8..... 1M0 I M 17 t T 44 it M0 4 Tl I t T 6 ii w m t. si m 11 V4 T8 II 7l T U 1 140 I 30 4 , 8)4 I M ica, 81 141 7 M 11 171 I n U 4U 1 40 1 MIIM 1 St IM 4 1 ID T I. 140 I fi 1 17 10 ii 1 1.1 IS 00 BTOl. k.fc)48 AND FEEDER?. ii wi in ii 4i 7 M I 4 M Til. 14... "0 I Ill T 40 4S 117 f IS IT ions T 44 U Ill I It Ill IM HOOS Another fair run showed up this morning, about 1H4 cars, or 10,000 liead, being received. In number ot care this is Just about the same aa on Tuesdsv. Tor the three daya supplies total 27,K head, being nearly 7.001) smaller than last week, but 3,600 Isrger than last yesr. Re ceipts for the week to date are smaller than for any recent week. Trade opened out In exactly the same condition as on Tuesdsy. STitppers started out In good aeason, buying good lights and butchera and occasionally a load of prime hogs on the weighty order at prices that were a nickel above yester- !ay. Most of these sales ranged from 7.?r,(fl7 36, the big string going at 87.30, and the top reached $7.40 Packers were bearish again this morn ing, and their early talk waa for sharply lower prlcea, first bids being all of a dime off. Representative sales: Ka. At. at trt 44 lot 8k. hi rr. Ka. At. 8k. ..J2J ... ..sol ... ..11 240 Tt. 1 114 . T Ui T T 1.1 T is 7 40 T It T 7 174 II.. 71.. 41.. S3. . 1)1. 44 Ub ... 14 Id M !! ... 17 m 140 ..S4 ..jns 1 M bll EE P Receipts were about the same as on Monday and only a little over half as largs as yesterday's, sorqe fourteen cars, or 3,300 head, being reported In. Kor the three days this week supplies total 16.043. as sislnst 18.(100 a week ago and 33.173 laat year. The aupply for the first three days of this week are among the smallest for any similar period this year. E;ilers were of the opinion that prices ought to be a little better, and for quite while refused to cut loose st steady prices, but In thn end buyers succeeded In getting the bulk of the offerints at yesterday's figures. Almost the entire offerings consisted of lambs, aad the bulk ot them sold St 89. tRo 10.20, the Ut ter figure being aa high aa was paid for any Mexicans om Tuesday. No shorn lamha showed up. but a load of shorn ewes, the only sged sheep offerings of consequence, sold at $7.80. as high aa haa been paid for any of the limited of ferings of this sort this season. Prices cn lambs are 20i(f3Ao below the close of laat week, with aged sheep values quot ablv unchanged. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lamb, light, $8,864)10.20; lainhs, heavy, .istf 8 66; lambs, shorn. I.twjt.6i; yearlings, light, 9 0Oi).a6: yearllnga. heavy. S 7tv, t.uu; wethers, good to choice, 8x2m.7t, wethers, fsir to good, ..axt(.2j; ewes, good to choice, $7.7tf8 60; ewes, fair to good. 87.3btf7.7i. St. Joeepk Live Stok Market. - ST. JOFEPH. May B.-OATTLE Re ceipts, 1.200 head) market strong; steers, $7.0ufi.M; cows and heifers, 4 WjjKu); calves, $, On-iil. 26. HOGS Receipts. 2,000 head: market slow; tops, $7.40; bulk of galea, $7.2:&7.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2,0J head; market steady; lambs, $10.00010. &. gloss City Live Stock Market. IHOCX CITY, May 8. CATTLE Re -oelpts, 1,00 head; market ateadv; native steers, $ 75i.00; butchers, 5.avJj.W: rows and heifers, 85 fti7.10; stockers snd feeders, 6.7mtt7.tO; bulls, stags, etc., $..U0 7 60. fcHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 head gee da Oot S. 4. . Harry Wolverton has telegraphed Frank Navln and Hughey Jenkins ot tha Detroit club for help. April 31 Ka. 6118 Rertse Deberolae TIMES FREE TO THE INVESTOR'S INVESTORS POCKET MANUAL egss laialuabai ka I hp ail m and aiataus flactuaOana at all wisa aae suaus. favaKaasi r kraaars UI wsehr aaaiaa. APPLICATION OR 17 E7ts, ?24 ffaat S4.t Bj.y, TMt fiwswei rrr. How yoi soar kar New Tork aMack Kxikaasa aerurltlae oo tha Partial Ptymtat flti. lia4 la TKI ODD LOT Hevitw. I'abllahag ararr SatarOar. 1101 a yrar. kaaS lor asa- it! MCftiii' ii I'roadwar, New Yarl ritf f no ' sans T.IMS m uaiaa aw sTrse