TME BKK: OMAHA, LAY 101 i ', 1 ! i WANT ADS W ant ads Wflvnl at any time, but to ir. mre proper classification must re pre aented before 12 o'clock noon f"r evening ert'tion and 7 SO p. m. for morning sni Pindar editions Want a received after such hnirs will ho under the heading, Too Late to Classify." OIAROBWTFia. even consecutive times, 1 cent a word rh InsTtlort. Three time within ne week, P cents a word earn Insertion. On time, I cents a word. CASH RATES. Seven consecutive times, 8 cents a Una ea-h Insertion. Three times within on week, 10 cents a Hn each Ineertlon. On time, t; cents a line. ''iint six eve rase words to a Una. Minimum chtrge, 20 cents. An advertisement Inserted to be rn until discontinued must be stopped by written order. All elstms for errors must he man "tthln fifteen dsvs aftr Jie last Inser tion of the advertisement Ton ran place your want ad la The Bee by telephone. TELEPHONE TTLTtR 1W. Unclaimed Answer to the " Swappers ' Column ' ' rtundveog pf other answers nave seen ' for aawf delivered during the last week, it ra reasonable to suppose that at w Iks peopee dIot have mads the surs sat resuria, ll C II C, urn im m i'i im ii in 14 r u ir Hi 1M 141 M 4 lM 14 I 4E 11 14T1 ft im I4tt n or 104 M 4,t UR4 1441 M M in M W IM 144 M seT 14 ItM ! l 1 1 I3S4 14f 1 14 14 ri ir i4 T1 Hit ! 1471 12141 144R i4R 143 IV 1M1 it;j WIT KM lf.25 16 4 11-49 M 15M info 1M7 17 171 167 DtATIIi AXD n.tF.RU NOTHTJ. BYRNE Mrs. .Jsmes. of Benson, aged 47 years. Funeral from Hoafey Sk Heafey'a ehsp0. Twenty-sixth and Far nam streets, to St. Feter'a church, Thursday morning. May , at o'clock. Interment at Holy Sepul chre cemetery. BRACKIN-MIss Ella A., died suddenly May I. The funeral will tie held from the First Presbyterian church, 17th and Dodge Bis., Wednesday, 1 p. m. Fr'onde are Invited, , M'PHERRIN-Mrs. Sarah, aired 74 years, mother of Mrs. George McHrlda. W. I. McPherrln and Walter McPherrln. Funeral Thursday, 2 p. m.. from th residence, 4ttn North Twenty-ninth street. Interment, Bennett, Neb. PAUL Mrs. Anna M., aired 81. Funeral from residence) of J. IT. Schmidt 8418 Hurt. Services Thursday at a. m. at St. John's church. Inter ment Holy Kcpulchre. r BIRTHS AND DKAT1IH. Births A. K. and Josephine Peterson, 4028 camden avenue, girl; K. K. and Jrsiila Lloyd, hospital, boy; Tony and I-ouise lirodcrlck, Oourtliuid lleach, place, girl; fernest and Lillian Oats, ttfisnital Irl ' i',Hn tnH fkR. 2Ci South TWalfth, girl; leonrd and Ieatha Alfred Hansen. 17, hospital; second; Chester Allen, 76. hospital: Baby uniiis, iwi uut; alKDie Uosney, 8X. Vlntk m mA .. . . . . hospital; Jsmea W. Kane ft, 46, ixsi r-orrn j-weniy-ihira; narah B. Crlswell. 2. S44 Arbor; Mlsa Nell Uevtlle, .w, 411J l.afayetta avenue; Albert Van liibber. 60k hospital. MARRIAUB LICKJV8KB. Permits to wad bava bee a Issued to tha following: Name and Residence. Aga James T. Dolan, Houlh Omaha st Agnea J. Varry, New Vorli City S3 Harry A. Rood, Omaha jtt Anna R. La Mire, Billings, Mont....... 2? Bl;lLDI0 PERM ITS, Edmunds company, ni oiin avenue, frame dwelling. tl.fw, CHto Orewata. 16U Pratt, frame dwelling, 11.800. TODAY'S COMrXETK MOVIE rnOUKAMS Inclusively In Tha Boo. LANTERN slides for movies. Send your copy to us. W can reproduce photo or will prcpara your copy. Wa will color dlrsctod. Boa Photo Dopt, 10 Bee Bid. ISVSSSl t DHS. FLITK NO. t. Ult FARNAM. Palsy's Klopement Lubin comedy. Tha Boeond Commandtneat, B-reel, fea turing Uuy Coombs. FA UN AM, 14U8 DOUUIAa tarnaxn Theater SyocisJ S Mutual mas terpieces a wsek. Thursday and Sunday our apaclal daya. Miff TUSATKR, UTH AND UAKNfil lioaaai ot Paramouat Pictures, PA ilk; IHk,ATs-it r'eaturs program dally, .systvua CouiwIUa sis i. UTH. PAKLOH. ltua D(UU1A8. Tha Tramp, 2-r. Essanay ram. (Chaplin). Tha Hull of J tin iiiHD. Vita, Uranus. An t'niaid Ransom, Kdison drama. PHlNCEftri, U1I-U DOLK1LA8. Cleo Madison In 'The rsJtb of Hex Father," a thrilling drama In three acta. Sydney Ay res In "liny Hands," drama. ksns. ALAMO, 4TH AND JXJRT. "'1 Us Cure," Joker comedy. "Th Five-Pound Note," 3-reel Imp. "Romance of the Hackwoods," Vict. ALUAMttUA. lmt NORTH 4TH. The 1-ho, American drama. The Mill of the Zuydcr Zee. Ambrose Flurry, Key. comedy. CLIFTON, MILITARY A BURDKTTU. "Tne Boundary Line," 3-reel drama. "MUed at the Sea Side." Key. comedy. Hu. Beturn." "Meln Lleber Katrtna" DIAMOND, S410 LAK ' Things in the Bottom Drawer," Las. Dr. "Tiio istoot Pigeon." 3-reel Vict "His Nobs, the Duke," Nest, comedy. FRANK UN'. llTH AND FRANKLIN! Tbe W riting on the Wall." 3-r. Kal. Dra. "A Life In tha Balance," Kal. drama "The Titled Trio," Mlna Comedy. FKOIJC. 24 TH BPRAUllt;. case of Poison. 3-real feature. Fatty'a Restl-as Fling. Key. corned v. The Lucky Teamster. Reliance drain a. GRAND Theater Beautiful," li-blNNKY. Edward Connelly In the Mutual masler fi". 'The Devil." In five arta. Ull lttbHOilK, t 36T1I AND CUMING, "'ei.e Reward." Reliance drama. Keystone Comedy. I'Kunaway June,1' 13th episode. In 3 parts. IVY, HTlfAND' BURl7trrTli "The Blsw k Pearl." 3-reel Imp. "In on the Farm," Nest comedy. "Hay of Seven Isles." Iemmle drama. !YAL, !44sTCArijWLLU "I'iie'8 Day Off." Joker comedy. Olive's licro." fcter. comedy. "Mysterious Contragrav." 2-r. O. Beat. LOT H ROP. "sTtJI AND LOTH HO Pi "A Fortune tlunler." Mts "The Outlaw's Awakening. ' ootnedy. Fss. W. ra. PALACL. :.!! DAVENPORT- " I t.lcf of the Chief." Kcl. coiurdy, "Ti.e p.i-coil." I-r-el Big C. v i. hlsLife," Hex. M'tirUBAN." J4T I l"ANi 'Mr. Jarr Takes a N'itfbt tff." Vita. Com. "A a nul lU'is.'' 2ieeJ Kss. drsiu. "A FooiljHi J rol.U-m." ursma. TODAT'R COMPI.KTB MOVIK riUMUIAMS EicJaslvely in Tbe l)e. fasts. ARBOR. MP AND ARMOR FTS. The leath Trsln. Kalem drsma. Mis Brother's Keeper, I-r Hlosrsph dr. Masle Ptits fine Over, t.tihln comedy. AJOt.IS. 24 I.KAVKNWOnTIIBt Hesrst-Hells: No SJ. Klsa's Brother. 2-reel Vltsgraph drama. Mr. Jsrr's Msrnetle Friend, Vita. com. (IlLl'MBIA, 1710 R 10TH 8T. The House of Secrets, libln drama. Poison, t-reel Kslem drama. Hts Phantom Hweetheart. Vltagt s ph dr. rNIMFfiRT, 24TH A.M vfVToN". The Taking of t,uke McVal. 2-rcel K-B. .loe Harklns Ward, Prlnress. Tlie Rent Jumpers, Keystone. KAVORITK, 171VINt6n BT. Hearst-Sellg No. SI. The cipher Key, a-rcel I,uhln drsma. "em. hrn ht. Hhsved In Mexico, UKO comedy, rmike Other t.lrls, J-recl Hex. jion.fKrt, Uimml drams. LYRIC, 117 VINTON AT. Changed lives, 3-reel Oold Besl. Crver the Bounding Waves, Joker comedy. OBPHKl'M. WiCTH OMAHA'. Oussle's lisy of Rest, 2-reel. Key-tone. Another good Ke; stone and a 2-reel drsma. PASTIME. ZH ANI LEAVENWORTH. The Baby's Fault, Nestor comedy. The Pinch, Ijiemmle drama. Mstty'a Iieclslon, 2-rcel Oold Besl. VBNKZIA. UU HO. UTIf ST. Por reels of Mutual 6M' West. MONROE. 3io5 KARNAM. The (treat Hllenre, 3-reel Kesanay drama. Krsncls X. Bushman. Black Art, Iuhln comedy. sasosj. BENSON. 68 MAIN BT. Jllllle KiU-hlo in "Hearts and Flsmes." -r. 1 Ko. com. His Iist Trick. I Aetn. Love and Handcuffs, powers drsma. Council Blnffs ELITE NO. 2. 54fi BROADWAY. The lilrl at tbe Trestle. Kalem drama. The Onlv Way Out. Liihln drama, t'utey Hecomea a landlord. Vlts. com. NI t 'i"lOIA 8. 547 "B KO A U W A yT Hearet-cltK No. XI. Janet of the Chorus. 2-r. Vita, comedy. A Night In Kentucky. Kesanay drams. ROPER, M7BROADWA Y. Orlm Messenger, J-r. Big 'J. Artist and the Vengeful One. Victor. Two Hearts snd a Ship. Nestor Com'dv. Boa IB 4jsra. RECSE, 24TII AND N HTH. Between the Two of Them, B-reel Vita graph dom. drama. Ham Among the Itedeklns. Kalem com. MAGIC, JtTII AND O HTh! For Cash, 2-ree Vletor. Her Friend the Milkman, Neslor com. ORPHEI M, 24TH M. The lllgliblnders, 2-reel drama. The Renegade, 2-reel drama. Wishod On Mabel, Key. comedy. ANNOUNCEMENTS READY MAY 1ST Bulla of I Rooms XN so. ft IU.00. Water and Electric Light Free. THE BKB BUILDINO, "The Building That la Always New." W. O. Babcock. Bnp't. Room 103. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE 'PHONE WEBWTER K1. General Of flea,. 13th and Manderson His. Invastlgata Y.M.C.A. out'g lark, summer. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. 1B07 Cuming. Douglas 1487. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes f sat her mattresses and down covers. TOUPEES FOR MEN Hair gooda dept J. L B-sndcls A Son. Omahs. wedding rings at Brodegaard's. WE rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. NB BRAPKA CTCLE CO., "Mlckel a." th and Harney. Douglas ItKl Wedding snnoiincsmenta. Doug. Ptg. Co, DREHHMAKINU. tallormg. alterations. Work gusranteed. 340t Csss. Red 7230, KNO.V.WKKD kilis the Dandelions. AUTOMOBILES si n Mil ouiii iiupinooue noansier. Ideal rar for city salesman or solicitor. Price 3a. Phone Douglas 721. NEW Ford auto delivery bodies of all styles, open or closed, always on hand. Our prices will aava you money. ee Johnson-Danforth Co., lKSt-Tl-Sa No. 16th. $100 REWARD for any magneto we can't repair. Coils repel. liayadorfer, 219 N. Is. o C ELflAbSKR, expert radiator and Urag repaira tv. im. auu ueavaaw-rtii, AUTO Clearing House, 2n Fsrnam. buys aad sella uaed cars. Phuns Uouglas UiO. Overton's for leaky radiator, sue, dealer a Want an auto. C. J. Canan. MoCague bldg, Industrial Garage Co.. "th A Harney Bis! Matorryeles. HARLEmDAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor Roos. "The Motorcycle Man." 2708 Leavenworth, BUSINESS CHANCES JMR MALU Cigar and confectionery In.. Mtli h If rPA.m fMln. I.lua HI.. hraeks tnwn nf 1 ASL riiisn If tsknn uab. Address. Y 487. Bee. - FOR SALTO-Nles clean stock variety goods. Well located and well selected; good business, well established. Address Mrs. Lillian Lindsay, Petersburg, Neb. IN one of our large and successful re- tall stores I am needing an office man: one who can attend to collections. Idok after discounts, systemiae work and be generally usvrui. will require an in vestment of $16,000. C. M. Eaton, Hot W. O. W. Hldg. Douglas W4. THEATER -Buy, Isase or sU your tke atar, machine and aupplios througk Thestsr Exchange Co., 1st Far nam ml Douglas inn. NICtLY LOCATED 8PACB for PRINTING OFFICE, ETC. Water, Light and Janitor Hervtca. Cheap Power Available. Any also desirable up to 1.4. sa. ft THE BKB BUILDINO, "The Building That la Always New." Superintendent's Office. Room 10B. PARTNER WANTED. New automobile product Unlimited de mand. Immediate financial returns and immense profits. Opening factories la large cities everywhere Imperial Mfg. Co, 1 N. Main. Omncll Bluffs. Is, THEATER Only one Nebraska town MO; stage, scenery, opera chairs, piano, ma chine, etc.; fine condlrfnn; long lease. Have other luteresta. l ash only. Investi gate. Address L S4, Bee. B1QN8. snow cares Clark iua. D. 117. REAL estste Business places supplied or handled; all states. F. V. Knleet C-mahs, WHY rent? Will sell laO-acre farina la Bed River valley. Minn., erect buildings, supply cows and hoga on first payment of Bwsi and 11 per acre and Interest at psr cent each year thereafter W. O. Templeton. tsM Bee Bldg , Omaha. TO OET In or out o business call on OANOE8TAD. 404 Bee Bidg. Doug. 34H. WANT partner to buy half interest In a mine and take charge; want parties to Investigate lf ore buying. For particu lars wrtle W. O. Logan. Ft. Frl tsteele. Wye. WILL sell my half iuterest la a cleaning ana ayeing nusiness wnicn is making good money. Reason, moving to my lariu. A resl opportunity to buy guod going Business ouwnimn. Aaorrss A 3!e, Use. ktl Itaasea leg Sale It ROOMS, well furnished: always rented; for quick sale, tX Call at Zlil Far nam. Bawstaaeata. mm ff Our Nebraska farm mort- agea are not affected by r) Luruuean wars or panlea Amounts 40U to B2O.00O. W sj collect all In I rest and principal free of charge: SO rms id ins neorasaa rarra loaa IK Id without a loss Is our r-rord KLJKE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 01 Omaha Nat. Bank D.Jg . Omaha. o CLAIMS PAID. WILL cask county claims. Douglas K0. i;ntc.TioAL Boyles College Dsy School. Night School, complete business course, comoMe shorthand or stenotyie course, complete telegraphy course. clv service hrsnches snd Kng llnh. fitudents admitted at any t'r.iav Wrlta, phone or rsll for 1MB rstslogu POTLK.-4 COLLEGE. H B. ROYLKB. President Tel. t. 1SK T'.oyles Bldr., Kmsha. Neb. FOR esJe the following scholarships J a first cl.ies Omaha Business CoUegs: Ons unlimited combination bususeaa and shorthand courses Ons unlimited business course. Ons vnllmlted stenographla course One three months' business or steno- (rxphlc rcurtie. Will bo sold t a d.stouot at the o fries of the Omahe He FOR HA LE At reduction, one arholar ship at Omaha's best business college. Address It. Weetavcr, Iavtd City, Neb. FOR SALE Fnraltsire, Household Uonds. Kte. FURNITURE BARGAINS. Hrfrlg?rHtor. kitchen cablncls. chin rablnets, dressers, lahl.-H, chairs, etc. 1K N. t'4th. Webster WT. DE.SKS r"1 "'d- J- C- Heed. ou 12Q7 Farnam Kt. D. CT4 Nat'l Sale aV Auction Co.. 1M7 W. O. W. Wt Ktoclc Cossmtsslosi Merekaats. MARTIN BROH, A t;o.. Kscnanse Bldg. Horaes mm Veklrles. HIP Ttva stock to Boatri Omaha. Bava mileage and shrinkage Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. REAL BARGAIN Five young, honeat, big work horses, well matched; span i,i,r aiiTi seiuins, l.P'i ins.; span 2,W-lb. bays; also 4-) ear-old hlsok horse, i.onn; two sets of farms harness snd two farm wagons. 2127 Dodge Ht, corner 24th Pi. 2'5..RUY? 'N"' blf t,!"m of Wf,rk horsea "l" couniy nne, nouin umaha. Masleal lailraM-m FIRST-CLAS cornet. Webster B31. Bllghtly used hlwh grade plsno. D. 20177 STEREOTYPE matrices) make tba bast rnespeei lining tor poultry houses. Jnay ara i7a Inches, stronger and mora 111,11 ianeu leu ana practically im nunoreq SI 1 ne Uea Orrlca. WHITE HOIJAND TURKEY eggs for mm num. e earn. a. 11. Maker. R. F, ., Benson, Neb. Telephone Benson 111 r t Mixed grain. 1J0 lbs.. BI 7i Wagnar 801 N.ll 1'raewrlters. RET an Oliver Typewriter mo. for B4. OUver Typewriter Agency. 1906 Farnam. TYPEWRl'l KRa4 sold, runted, repaired. -jmrm typewriter kmc 1HI6 Farnam. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. us 1 1 i'"wriier, n'o rarnam. v. sun BllaeallasieaBs. 0w?.r., ,f bue-Fy hsrneita, 60 eleotrlo light fixtures,- lumber, tools, plumbing V , , , 1 picks, one penny In slot weiirhlnv rti K nn 1 1 . . . . . 1 . ifi r" r',H"'. fine condition.' BM; one nu.,,c ann rriaie, s; 1 kitchen cabinets, B2 each; t carpenter! work benches, Bl each. 1 o fjir ir v fi-iT rrw-wr 70.1 R. 1st Ave. Phone Harner 24i ELECTRIC MOTORS 1-H P - 91 volt a f nh. - 2-lj; P., 220 volts.' 3 phase! new';.'.:!";. 40 fl-fl. r". . VfllTg S rkl-l rs as tisaw EA s-H. P.. 220 volts, 3 phsse. new B7 3-K. W., 110 volts. D. C, new T2 110 volts. D. c! new " 100 f-t-rv. volts, new M I H. P. gasoline engine, throtiiing gov 100 LB ERON ELECTRICAL WORKS. , 318 H. 12th Ht. FOB 8AIJ0 Baby buggy, brown wicker; HeVWOOd htllf V. in mnri nnnHHIn. " , WW MVU. U dress G m, He. OMAl'J, China Shop. White china for .......... ne ht soie si HrarMlela Bldg FOR BALK Nsw and second-hand carom and (cket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all aaay paymanta. The Brunswick- iin-Luiwiiuiir v.u., sui-ste sj. ita ot M-hand machinery. H. Gross. 21 and Paul. WB bought 66 Dea Molnea bar futures. front bars, back bars, mirrors. Nat cash registers, cigar and wall cases, eto. for sale like wu hnuvhf fLic.n lSth" FUtUr nd W1 i Bo.' FURS STORED Absolute Guarantee Against I MOTH H FIR JO. Bl.TtGLA RS. IlEFKRfcNCEB: ANY BANK. U. E. SIIUJvERT, ObH fnm CI a.. am M . r . . n . Telephone Douglsa 1647 and Wa W1U HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical east Office. HOK KEEPER AND 8TBNO.. sxeou- iih, wining q leave city 3100 8 T E N O Q R a p HER for wholesale "" uuie uiciapnone work... $ 60 8TEN'OGRAPHr-R. small Insurance w..t- g.jua os 1 1 ion I 0 BOOKKEEPER AND BTENO. some 'r"' soiary aepenos; about.. .$ (0 STA'T;",nK.AND FILING, wnuicsaio nouse 3g WE?Trl2. REPA N'D, BOND ABS N., 7U-4 Omaha National Bank Bldg. STKl.iT AMI In u . u u L-l-L. t. u """""TT! steno and cA8iuiiR"::::::::: I'wnMEKl'KII AND KTENO $46 book k e epe r $ i-, :V.A ..j.-:- 41 . AUr.Nl Y, WIO BEB BLlMl. dictaphonk opr'..!!!'.!!'.'.!!!!".'.I!!""!$!S rir.rso snd bkpr., out of city 14 WATTH R EF. CO,, k:W-4(M3 BrandeU Tha. WANTED Hxperlencrd stenographer, otie who can oiwrete either IHIver or 8ml th Premier machine; employment yesr around to right party. Address. J SW, NO FILING FfcE. " BEST COMM KRi '1A L POSITIONS. ROGERS REV. CO.. iM-l State Bank. llaaaekeepera muH Do.estlo WANTElv-A glri to assist with houae- " gaam n . iiu ci. vensier IJISl WANTED Girl for general housework" """p - .. uih ii. umiie. a YOUNG foreign girl for house work! Wsl. SHI. AYANTEIl A girl for housework; house cleaning done. H. ICsi B. Ii3 iark Ave. WANTtle A capable housemaid. Mrs K. C. Barton. .tAi Harney Bt. DISHWASHER wantod "at the Neumayer" Council Bluffs. WANTED A girl for general housework small family, good wagea 11. a04. EXPERIENCED girl for general housed work: references required. Apply 4lj0 Cass sit WANTED A competent second girl Reference required. Mrs. N. H. pels burger. If. lVTH. MAID In modern home, small family Apply Person y, bom Webster. Wai. 2wio! 1YAKTE-lloiiliuiy x - . . , ..-..lav. aiiu va- perienced Protestant woman or girl, to wu wu iirip wnn wora in private family. Regular laundry work done by extra help. References required. Good wages. Wal. SO.'l WANTE1 An expertenoed second alri. 1J7 So. SMh Kt. " G I RL for general housework. X&A H tli Kt. Phone Harney 1M& WANTEl A white glri U de general houaework: must know how to cook' two In family; no washing. ts Bo. 37 th Hi. H S2J7. WANTED E&perien.ed girl lor general housework: no washing. Mra M. B. Newman. Howard Ht. WANTEl A girl for general housework: no washing or IruninK. Mrs. K. it Pori. -, i.'i S. iMb St. 11-39! W.l N l'Kl For grncrsl I uiisework. nat. n-linble e'i!; coukliiK, pUl'i; small fam ily. 4tt" Farnaiu. Wal. 2 M. HELP WANTED FEMALE llasieekeesters and Domestics. REALLY competent girl for general houeework; smsll family; epod wr; pcrmnnenl place. HMO n. Hist St. H 7i. WANTED A comtH-tent girl with refer ences for seneral housework; smsll family; no chlblren- good pay. J023 Cass Ht. Ixmslss 4t4, WANTED V girl or woman to avalst with housework forenoons. If. H6. Jil9 Coming. G4K girl for general housework: Surd tsh or Danish: I In family. Red WA st Iscellsmeoaa. TOtJNO ' woman coming 10 Omaha as strangers srs Invited to visit the Young women's Christian nswistton building st Bt. Mary's Ave. and 17th Ft. where they will ba directed to suitable boarding flares or otherwise assisted. Look for our rav tier's guide a: Uuh.a station HELP WANTED M ILE Clerical anil Office. PCRCHAPIVG AGENT, experienced buying spices and products used In manufacture of food products.. B200 SALES MANAGER. Inrge furniture ' house; thoroughly experienced 1175 TRAVELING SALESMAN, mercan tile line; established trade; must show good record ns a producer 1K A-UTANT MANAGER, smsll whole- oonee; must re ame to do some stenographic work 1100 STENO. AND BOOKKEEPER, ex perienced In reull mercantile bust " $73 STRNOGRAPHER AND CLERK. June 1, for wholesale house f 45 WESTERN RKP. AND BOND AfWN.. i52-4 Omaha National Bank Bldg. UTENCKiRA PHER, young man who can translate Spanish. Salary Is no object to right parly. i!K.Et'i'KHf-M"y c" tor these. "ETUIS5 J '-ERK8 Several openings. WUICKFR.UK NAMK W1T US. IT'S J3USLP-MEX'S REFERENCE ASSN., "The Old Reliable." ms-20 Woodmen of World Bldg. LHA V E your name with us. It s qu Icker. BUSLNIXS-MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN., . "Th OM Rollable." 15!L2Xl,0mP,L0L.w-2r,',R'!?8'- RALF.SMAN, O Rf K ' E R I ES .7. .TlloToO KALwMAN, MEATS ... 15.00 ... W) (in ... 60.01) f-ALKMMAN, A1TO ACCLS CITY SALESMAN. COM AVn FTKN'OORAPHER 75. 00 fo.m STENOGRAPHED AND BKPR. . OFFICE MGR.. INVf--T 101 THE CANO AOBNCY. W Bee Bldg! ASSISTANT manager, wholesale houae; must be exrlenced bookkeeper and steno., able to later assume manage ment. Salary depends on ability of man. I n usual opiortunlty for man of brains and "pep. ' State salary, experience, age, references, etc. Address, K 3H7. Bee. SALESMAN, specialty .Vm .ESJ!' ?"oll" eng.. ..$100 A Jxp. LA.k,!MAN' '"nlture. installment exp. 22'LCITORJ ,1ty 8JrJ' depends STENO and clerk '..!..F7!!IH0 STENO, out of town isn WATTS REF. CO.. kTS-40-42 Brandels The. NO FILING FEE! Stenographer, $8 per woek, good future. Office bov. B. . Offloa bov. $40. ROGERS REF. CO. B24-B State Bank. HIGH-GRADF! commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE & BOND A'SSN. TIB Omsha Nat. Bank Bldg. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper; must be good penman: excellent future: good salary; age 22-28 years. experienced real estate man, who owns automobile. Stenographer; experience; 370. tiogors Her. t;o b2n-28 state Hank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, OUT OF "TOWN. SALESMAN. GROCERIES. STENOGRAPHER SOLICITOR, CITY WORK. BOOKKEEPER, BOMB INVEST MENT.. CO-OP ITRATIVK REFERENCE CO. 1016-1 CITT NATIONAL. Aareate, Baleasneat ataa Solicitors. WANTED Salesman having tha ambition to work hard for six hours dally; abil ity to work at high pressure and to sell one of tha best and cleanest propositions on the market Permanent position for tha right man. TsL Doug, SM for Inter view. WANTED AGENTS for complete line ot high grade, fast selling toilet prepara tions. Liberal commission and exclusive territory. No capital or previous ex perience necessary. Write at once for special offer to agents. The Thompson. V. St. Louis, Mo. ' o. EXCELLENT proposition for two good men in Nebraska, Call or write. Mutual Benefit. Health and Accident Association C3-28 City Nat'l "ank Bldg. Faetarr ssi Trades. Drug store snaps; job Kneist, Bee Bldg. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition 16, on account of big trade. Wages for t and 10 cent work. Electrio massage taught Hydremia chairs. Catalog; free. 1124 Douglas 8t, Omaha. WIANTEJ-A live engineer and machin ist to lane care or. itio-n. d. engino generators and motors, boilers, machine repairing and steam fitting. A good place for a competent man. No other need apply. Give ago and reference. Address a-iwi, care nee. Moler Barber College Largest barber college west of Chicago. Special summer rates now la effect. Catalogue mailed free. 110 B. 11th Bt, umana. WANTED Good automobile mechanlo; bring toola. Maxwell Motor Sales Cor poration, th arid Jones Hts. YOU MUST THINK We give you expert auto training, cam a real salary, til w money for our trained men. Come right now and get our free ootirse in Klec. Ltg. & Start's systems: free catalogue. Ainer. AUlo college, J raniam St., Omaha. at laee I la aee as. BALES MANAGER Cleveland manufac turer about to establish sales and dis tributing branch office In Omaha seeks l'lgh-claas responsible business man for their exclusive Omaha representative; patented household article of merit, re tailing at B3.60 at a profit ot over ! per cent; also 25c specialty, fast seller: neither sold In stores: Ijuo reuutred to carry Initial stock, which Investment Is not necessary to maintain after 60 or so days; office will ha established and party qualifying given control of the business n mis lemiory. " r. ji. j. Alperln, treasurer and salea manager of the com pany, will be In Omaha but two days, where he will personally lntervlow all applicants, with the exception of brokers and curiosity seekers, who need not ap ply. Address Y 03, Bee. GET WISE A thorough, practical automobile edi catiou at minimum coat Ask for cata logue "IT" and explanation of our results method. (NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 141B-17 lodge 6 tree. Omafca. Neb. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted. ITS month; pull unnecessary. Write Immedi ately for full pertclulara. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. f-'l D . Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Names of uieu. IB or over, wishing government Jobs. muntb. No pull necessary. Address Y 4au, Bee. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for man to rnanase branch office In Nebraska. Our business justifies good pay to ateady men. Address rent. I bpark Co. Des Moines, la. WANTED Competent bouse and yard man. sirs, r.rnrsi r.. riari, o-e inird St.. Council Bluff Telephone 374. PHYSICIAN licensed, Nebraska; denUst lioensed, low. German doctors. Coun cil Kiurrs WANTED l.uuO men to eat ham and 1 V. . , t . . W . . . . . . i SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCKD young man rants sieaav woim witn private Ismlly; honeal and sober: willing to work at anything. A ill liraimrt. -V.t louglas St. SITUATIONS WANTED BUSINESS men: young lady, xged H, desires position; sm capable bookkeeper, stenogrspber and office clerk: alo some selling ability: earned 3 promotions Inst Job; good references; will consider any thing above B. Answers confidential. Ad- ur.-ee r . care nep. TK t ST WORTH V young men of ability desires position as casliler or clerical work; Is college graduate and good pen man; will consider out-of-town Job; very anxious to go to work and wants pernw nerft work. Phone Douglas 6037, or ad rlrees 1.133, Bee. A MAN experienced In genersl office work and shipping, wants position; urn married, solter and Industrious: can fur nish A-l references. Call Webster 3J., or writ" to 3f North 2Sth fit. FIRST class housekeeper. In country or outskirts of Omaha Douglas !J71. THE Servant Olr' Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FRER until you get the desired results This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs Bring ad te The Bee office or tlephone Tyler HWO. LACK curtains and fanrv clothes care fully washed W ebster 42).1. AMBITIOUS nnd trustworthy man, 26 years of age. with banking, real estat", loans, . Instirsnce snd salesmanship ex perience desires clerical, office or road position. Excellent references. Address K 37. care Bee. WIIHJW lady wishes a position as housekeeper In western sfstes In a good. resDectahle home: neat and compe tent: references If necessary. Address F 17X, Ree ASSISTING In housework; colored. Ad dress B 390. Bee. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would ae well to call up the office of the Omaha st Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left it In the street car. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore U sin to the rightful owaar. Call Doug. 4S. MEDICAL Piles and Fistula Cured without SCROICAL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from BUSI NESS. PAY when CURED. A written GUARANTEE given In every case treated. Patients must come to the of fice. 4ftg--l0 Omaha National bank. 17th and Farnam Pts. DR. WILLIAM CRE1GHTON MAXWELL, Twenty-eight years In Omaha. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City. N. Y. A KMANOe-Really helps get rid of that pain In the back, touch ot rheumatism, nervousness, tired, sluggish feeling and brings bark that lost appetite, purifies the blood and builds up the entire sys tem. Just send a postcard to the Sheila barger Co., Mfg. phar.. West Liberty. Ia. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal diseases with testimonials. DR. B. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. RUPTURE Rupture treated successfully by all safe, scientific methods. The ma jority are cured without a surgical operation. We have treated many hundreds of men, women and chil dren. The cost Is determined after ex amination, and time required to cure two or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. Wray, Suite 306, Bee Bide, Omaha, Neb. MJRSKRY SEEDS AND PLANTS. ARTISTIC tree trimming: scientific sur gery ana treatment ot diseases of tree Call Douglas 802 and our Mr. John son will make a personal examination free. I. M. Johnson Co., Chatham hotel. M. P. BYRD NURSERY CO y ! -r-m wl k vur wiu location, ! i in, and Dodge. Phones: D. 44W and Web. 410L ORNAMENTAL trees, fruit hedge, plants. roses, evneura grape, sue aosen Home salea ground. Slat ft Rlggs, Benson. vinsua sues sco una, ziiii anu turn lng. nnsMiiiiiiiiiii murscry. tsenson ui BEAUTIFY your home with the finest ot nursery stock ever grown. See for your, self. Oats City Nursery. Phone D. tOou. Sales ground. 1318 Dodge St. PERSON All TOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young women's Chrtstlsn assooi -Uoa building at 1 7th BL and Bt. Mary's Ave., where they Will be directed to suitable bearding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav alers' aid at the Union station. THB Salvation Army industrial borne so licits year olo clothing, furniture, maga zine. We UecL We distribute. Phone Douglas 41 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new xtoiae. ma.iiix.iiii Dodge S4. LTVTo WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF O.MAIL4 Aeoweaiaats. fir,A.UAIV..C- A.. Address 49 AaMsmtfa-sa. frM n la Im 1 m sv FkJi fJi01 If Purchased fron - int. sis nee uiog. Uept L. Arcklteeta. arerett fl. Dodds. C2 Paxton Blk. IX yjgj. Aaetlosiswra. Dowd AucUon Co.. lllt-H W. O. W. R. 325. Blae Prlatlag. Bg,BBan.LjB,o.PRmT " 0 34ras Feaadrie. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Bt Cavaveaier aad Ceatravetsrw. hhmiot. ga m an. Douglas M3S. 4 kiss lm Ruth Letch ford, decorating, firing. R. 4fti2 l lii k- M. J. LAl Y, Ml BZE BLDQ. DOUQ. 4TH. C H A MJi KR3' Academy, classic tX. UTL Try Mackle s first. 1114 Harney. Doug. 644! ur.Haaiag. Terry DressuiaJt'g college. 20th 4k Far nam, MISS 8TURDY. 34U CA83. RED rj2a Detectives. INVESTIQATIONS carried out In any part of United Btatea. Canada or Mexico. Of Paaton Blk. D-oug. U71 Walnut l&JU. . a Daaii.u Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickae. 724 City Nat. Baak. Tsft tental Rooms. 1517 Douglas. D. SlisT Dr. Bradbury. No pain. Ml W. O. y. Bldg Dra DRUU8 at cut prices; freight paid on tit orders; catalogues free, bhermaa at Mc Oonnell Drug Co.. Omaha, aieb. at veryiaimsj tor wsas ACCORDION, aide, katle. auuburst. vog pleating; ooverwd buttons, ail alaea and styles; hemstltchuig, plool edging. Ideal PleaUng Co.. liouglas Block. D. last. NEW YORK sample sum. Must vaoataT building coining down: cloaks, suits and dresses ksxrlftoad" II N. lath BL LIVE WIRE Bl'SINKSS MEN OF OMAHA Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, til Neville Block. Evi dence secured In all rases. Tyler 11. Florists. BATH'S, florists, 1H04 Fsmsm St. T. WiOO. L. HENDERSON, 161 Fsrnsm. D. U'A Member Florist Telegrsph Del Ass n. HF.SS 8 WO ROD A, 1413 Farnam St A. DoNAGHUE. lf.23 Harney. Doug. 1001. Feathers Made Over. Fancy stlckups. Dora Kisele. 1133 City Ns LlaiitlaaT Kistares aad tvlrtss. mTT?k'lV Thomss. I3ouglas 3519. JilVl 4 r,iming St. Mask, 4 oatnaaea and budge Bpsts MFG. of lodge regalia and costume. Theo. Lleben Bon. Itl4 Howard. P. 411B. M assesses. MASSAGE. 1721 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. BATHS. 214 Balrd ldg., 17th and Doug. Clara Ie. hath and massage. Iioug. K7SI. tJATirsnd mass., alcohol rub. Iaura Wilson. 1W Fsenam. room 2 Doug. H751. Open evenings and Sunday. MASSAGE 651 Bee illdg. Douglas KSTi. M Brtigman. mass .f'ia Karbach Blk. R.2727. VISIT Miss Venlta, new massage parlors; . alchohol rubs and scalp treatment. 100 South 17th. Miss X mudlsvla mass. R. 2?4.Neville Blk. Motlna Ptrtares. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargains. Offices. . , OFFICES When making your new plans, see us for office space. The best loca tion and easiest found. THE BEE BUILDING, "The Building Tbst Is Always New." Office. Room 108. Osteopathic physictKB. Pr. Peterson. 003 Brandels Bldg.. P. 2144. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG, tlf, Bee Bldg Paletlns; anal I'aperlag. HUGH M'MA Nt?i. 417 N. 40th. H. BT2. Pateat De veiogsneat. AMERICAN Machine CO.. HO 8. 11th St Pa teats. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. Bturges, 630 Brandels Theater Bidg. Printing. WATEHS-BARNMART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. 13th 8t. CENTRAL PRINTING CO DOUG. 3754. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. Pinnies Renovated. PLUMES HATS made over, deanetl 4 dyed. Bertha Krugar. 42 Paxton. D. 83M, ate mm Ttsae ak Eissrts. C A L?L70 Opened, repaired, coma. lLCi changed. F. E. Daven W1 port ia Podge. D. mi. ho Repalriwg. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. T 8. 14. Big as mm ahowearssi E. M CLARK at BON. 113 g. 16TH ST. Steel Sellings. CARTER Sheet MeUl Company. 110 S. 10. Stare aaa Utile Fsataree. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing', etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-18-11 S. 12th. D. 3734. Temei gapgliee. . OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. D. E28. Tailor. CHAS. C. LANPrtRYOTJ. 108 N. ISth fit Trnaks aad Saltcaaee FRELINO A TEINLE. 1808 Farnam Bt Wall Paper Cleaaalug. EXPERT wan paper cleaning; work, guaranteed. Geo. Kyle. Red 7846. Wises and Llaaats ALEX JETE8, Joi-8 8. 13th St Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinners, U to 3. 10c. Globe liquor house, 434 N. ISth; California wine, tl.26 per gat Write for price list HEWIY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, ium ano v-apitoi jtv Ten-cent luncn. BUT your family liquor at Klein's Liquor House, ul M. 18 in. Douglas uc. ffWAPTKR'S COLUMN AUTOMOBILES Foi other automobile bargains sea tne "Automobile'' ciasalfv. cation. AUTOMOBILE 6-passenger. 1910 model, 4 cyL Chalmers; good condition through out What have you. . Address s. C. 787, BU SI NEKS CHANCE Well established, growing business; cleaning, dyeing, pressing; fine location; actual cleaning Is sent out; business easy, to handle; will swgp for 32,500 modern home. Address 8. C, 970, Bee. BUSINESS lot Gregory, 8. D., for small grocery, rooming house or what bava you? Harney CHILD'S CHIP and sanitary couch. What nsvi C. tti, have you, or make offer. Addresa B. !. iwe. CHICKS Will exchange winter-laying; strain of prise Buff Orpington chicks and hens, including new Incubator and brooder for Rood driving- outfit Address 8.-C. m. Bee, BIO CUPBOARD KITCHEN CABINET TABLE Good condition; will exchange for 2 days' service by woman for house cteanlng. Address 8. C. 7D8, Bee. DOG Fine white Spits, male. 6 months old. What have you for him 7 Address S. C. 9tv). Bee. . FURNITURE Gas stove. oak bed. kitchen range, good condltinn fnr chickens, or what have you? Address b. . wtv4. nee. FORD 6-pa, 1914 model, in good condi tion. What have you. Address H n 817, Bee. . HAVE bicycle, good as new; what have you r Aogress n. . . wio, tee. LOZIER 1914, -4jyl., S-pa. electric lights and starter. Wliai hav ..m, u 71. Bee . "' $100 OF meal tickets on good restaurant; holder haa no use for them and will gtve somebody a deal on same. Qffer what you have. Address B. C. Bee. ONE new player piano and severalrec orda: used only ten month: LiuO enuiiv Will trade for a good cow, horse or an automobile, or what I can use. Addresa S C. Ml, Bee. 1912, "-PASSENGER, 4-cylinder Chal mers seir-startor, nrst class shape, w hat hsv vii? Address S. C. 818, Hee. PiAlso uw upright piano. Vvanl urn Address, S. C. !4). riee. PIANOS -High grade Swlck Piano, cost $360. Want good horse and buggy. Ad dress. S. C. 9SS. Bee. PIAS.O Fine upright 4ano. Want dia mond. Address, 8. C 9K7, Bee. PIANO Lyon t Healy upright piano. virtually new, af a bargain; can use a neat driving outfit or Ford auto. Address 8. C. 969. Bee. SIGNS, sho wards. Clark aV Bon. D. 1378. $600 PLAYER pi ANO with latest muilc,' for auto or -hat have you? Bargain. Address S. C. 9 Bee. TYPEWRITER ini th premier. Perfect angaineiii; new nnoon, new piatnum rolled; worth $40 or more for eervice. Vnt illttm.n plnv rl.ll.Awi n w What have you? H. st.7, Bee. " VACUUM SWEEPERS Have several kinds; would exchange for kodak.-Address B. C. atil. Bee. WANT a neat driving outfit or runabout and harness in exchange for typewriter. Address 8. C. Bee. WANT to give the rent of two unfur nished front rooms for carpenter work. Address 8. C. 11. Hee. WISCONSIN Peerless refrigerator, al most new. 100-pound capacity, white enamel, would exchange. Address 8. C. 92. Bee. WOULD like to trat'e a large Solar hard coal stove for an Incubator. Call Red 7f64. FOB. REXT aad Flats. 1Q Splendid mod err. apartments. '"'-' up; near postofftce. p.p. stebblna BT. GEORGE i-room apartment, redeco rated throughout 113 N. 31st Ave., se lect West Farnam district. Phone Web star 1474. FOR RENT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date 3. 4 and a-room apartments In city. Building Just fln ished. Flora Apartment inal Jones 8t o TWO six-room, modern, stsatnheeted fists, fan be rented separately or to gether; $ summer. $46 winter. Conrad Young. 3.1 Brandels Theater. Doug. liTL FOR RENT apartments aad Flata. Fine Apartments Screened Porch We have a 3 and 4-ioom apartment va cant In the new Nathan Apts.. N. K. corner Sherman Ave. and Hpruce. These aipartment are cool In summer, warm In winter; hsve oak finish; beautiful, largrt living room: nhe sired front porch, screened. Thev are the best value In the city for the money. If you want on. get It quick, as vacancies In this build ing are few and fnr between. Call office for appointment or see Janitor In Apt. Scott & Hill Co. Douglas 1009. FIDELITY FREET, Phone Douglas 28 for complete list of ali vacant houses and apartmenta, also for storage, moving, packing, shipping. CENTRA le No equal n prtoe or quality; l-rooto house; 4-room flat 230 N. 23d. PT. CLAIRE. 2 and 3-roora apartments; east porch; ?th and, Harney. Harney S47. 4 ROOMS, new Flo-Lea. 10th and Cap itol Ave. Light and cool. $35. PETKRS TRUST CO. D. K. BAROAIN. Very choice a-room apartment in tha Hollywood; large living room, east bed room, large awning, plenty of clothes closets, low rent. Applv at once. FRNEST ITWEET, Office !t Harney St. Douglss 1172. V Famished Apartments. SPLENDID NF7W rURNISIIKT) APARTMENT For Rent In the New 'Traverton," Fireproof 34TH AND LANDON COURT. -Catering to people of refined tastes. Apartment completely equipped for house- keeping;, up-to-date and comfortable. Traver Bros., Phone Douglas 1163. 706 Omaha Nat Bank. Board and Room Wasted, TOUNO man, 18 years old. desires place In Jewish family for room and board at about 34 a week; walking distance pre ferred; excellent references furnished. Aaron Aronowlts, care Bee Publishing Co., City. Famished Rooms, FARNAM. 2708. Modern south front parlor. Other rooms reasonable. WOULD like to hear from refined youmf man desiring to share suite of rooms; must have good credentials. Call E 17. HoteLRome. o 1117 PARK AVE., nice cool, summer room; private ismuy. STEAM hestsd rooms, $3 week. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. ROOMS, modern, very desirable. 'Phono. Harney 8147 after 6 p. m. FURNISHED or unfurnished; 3 rooms, gas, water, cheap rent. White or col ored. 10S North 12th. Board aad Rooms. BEAUTIFUL suite of rooms, east expos ure: very large closets, large porch and yard; in a West Farnam home with splendid board. Telephone Harney 4981. ROOM and board In private family for young lady. H. 3311. IslKht Hossekeeplsg Rooms. STEAM heated rooms, with alcove, kltch enette furnished. Ogden Hotel Co., Cooncll Bluffs. Ia. 1 AND 3 light housekeeping rooms. 710 8. 18th Bt. MASON 29133 large rooms on the first ' floor, everything furnished for light housekeeping. Harney 7002. Ksralihed llousea. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. 7-room, strictly modern, nicely fur nished; lease to October 1, $35 per month. Phone D. 766 or Walnut lfm. Heaiekeeplsg Rooms. DAVENPORT. 20183 or 8 nicely fur nished front housekeeping rooms. k Halls. BEST equipped lodge hall tn Omaha, also large modern dance hall, finest floor In city. Druid Hall ,2414-16-18 Ames Ave.. Web. 2900 or Web. 783. Hoases mm Cottages. 8-ROOM house; best condition; mod. ex. beat: 883 8. 21st St; $22.60. 1L r06. SEVEN-ROOM, modern house. Inquire 2416 Caldwell. FOR RENT-$65.00 Dwelling, 414 So. 38th St. ; tilea vestibule, reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 3 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class com dition. Location A-l. Benj S. Baker. Phones D482, H317, For Rent A strictly modern seven-room flat, $22.50. 16tli and Corby Sts. Phone Douglas 4174. ALL si sea $3 per month up. 807 Paxton. MODERN rooming house, 3601 Capitol Ave. lei. narney 6M. 7 ROOMS, modern, oak finish. 601-606 Park aw. iht; s roomav inoaern. gooa shade. 2012 Elm Bt.. $23. Harney 1S10. MODERN 6-room cottage, $26 Dor mo.; Zl&i l'ratt. Omaha Realty Co., Red 682. SIX-ROOM, modern house, located at no Decatur St: will be vacant May I; $23 per month. Phone H. 6433. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; t-borse van and 3 men, tl.26 per hr.; storage $3 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4338 A Ty. 330. FOR RENT 21 21 Locust, modern 7-room house, hot water heat, newly decorated throughout, paved streets, shade tree, $25. Webster 2T.ft. DANDY 6-room modern cottage, on car, $18. 1812 N. 331. Turklntiton, Bee Bldg. HOUSES FOR RENT. 16.00-6-r.. 413 8. 27th Ave. $J5.0o 7-r.. 2219 Capitol Ave., modem ex cept heat. $37.50 6-r., li Bristol St.. modern. APARTMENTS AND FLATS. $12. Of 6-r., W14 N. Wth St., mod. ex. heat. $32. 50 6-r., Mo S. 26th Ave., modern. $32.60 -r., :i2 S. aith Ave., modern. $.S.0O--r., 5 Park Ave., modern. U6.U0 4-r. and bath. The Harold, 27th. and Jackson Sts. $J7.0O-;-r., 709 8. 10th St., modern. JanJ tor service. $40.00 7-r., ;XI68 Farnam St.. modem. $42.60 4-r. and buth, "Warren," 621 8. 28th St. $4j.O0-6-r.. 619 S. lth St.. modern, Janitor service. $4.00-7-r.. 518 8. Wth St., modern. Janitor service. $j0.0O--r., 3i)S Harney St.. modern, fine location. GF.ORGE COMPANY. Phone D. 75ii. 902 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. F0U RKNT We bave a complete list of all house, spertmenta and flata that are for rent This list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van aV Storage Co.. 808 8. 14th 8t J. C. Reed g moving. A ,1am V A Farnam. D. tut. Gordon Van Co. - lng. LU N. Vth St Tel. D. 3S4 or Web. lis Mo rrrrfA u Storage if 1U alOA U a veuuaiore cj cj umat lag. packing, shipping. 17ii tea for 3 WsusUr at. I'UUIIU list. 6tF:hTACtntl1rF'ur,atu Store. FREiU WEST FARNAM. SCi N. 3Sth Ave., modi era; with 3 bath rooms. $o0. IIOUSCS Fr,i'i.h 4" Co.. Be Biug!"" In all paru of tba liy. i V y 1 . X V m il J