THK BKK: OMAHA. WKDNKHDAY. MAY 5. 1915. BRIEF CITY NEWS .Wet -PtUt It Vow Brecon Pre , aHe fill-Bvirrrsa-aranden Co "r tempi Maria rrofntai alestr.4 soetkin today, end appear la Taa Baa EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what Ike vartoua moving picture theater offar. Twa Aetoe Btolaa Tha follow inn men report tha thefts of. automobile! C. E. Reese, 923 South Twenty-third street, and John J. Tomi, 1SK 8nn:er strest. Ta May Caraat la Army Esrt W. Kiene of Deshlrr. Neb., a cornet thiyer. has enlisted In tha army her and we fnt to Fort Losnn, Colo., for later u alimrnent to a military band. Showmen Bobftea P. J. A lard of the 101 Ranch Wild Weat Tiow waa nmnit limad by throe men at Twentieth and Oiarlea etrents Monday night and robbed of bia watch and - in caah. Blackwalt Im maoorarlaf Assistant .nr-rlntn-tnt M. II. BlacKwall of tha railway mall service la recovering from n attack of asthma, with which a touch of pneumonia waa complicated. Itnwf X-t Vp la aaalneea II your . office la properly located, readily found and easily aoceasible. For auch vfflea apply ta tha superintendent of tha Bee bulldlnr, "tha building that la always Maw," room 103. aTufcat farMoa of Xaoe C. H. Kubat, n attorney, waa appointed Justice of th. peso by the Board of O&unty Commis sioners to succeed the late A. H. Com stock. Tha place wca made vacant by Mr. Comstock'a death. CHe Colorad nay Under the auapicea of the missionary society of the St. John Methodist Episcopal Colored church, the Dubola Dramatic club will give a play at the Ktvg theater Friday evening, Beats are now on sale at the People's Drug store. tola Potatoes Elmer Jones, ar tested while In the act of extracting three bushels of potatoes from a North western car a.t Thirteenth ,and Daven port streets, was arraigned In police court Tuesday morning and sentenced to thirty days In the county Jail. To Beater Trains Burlington trains No. 1 nnd t, taken 'off several months ago, will be restored Way 3a No. 1 will arrive at T o'clock In the morning. Instead Of at o'clock, as formerly, and will depart at 7:30 o'clock. On the same date an observation car will be put onto the Billings train. - Savanna Beoatpta - Increase Internal revenue collections In Nebraska during lest month showed a handsome Increase h month of April. 1014. Acting Collector E. W. North states that tha month s business this year waa I226.S.M78, aa against 192.9.S a year ago. The gain !s 3i,M.10, or over IV per cent. Auto aa Motorcycle Comae Motor cycle Officer Steve Thrasher, wnTle tun ning his machine past Sixteenth and Douglas streetd, collided with Mrs. C. N. Nurat of the Harney apartments, who stepped from the pavement directly in the path of the cycle. She austalned a alight cut oyer the right eye, and after receiving attention at the handa of Dr. Lameraux was able to go home. MAP OF SCENE OP STRUGGLE FOR THE DARDA NELLES The allied fleet is still bombarding the Turkish forts guarding" the straits. Woman Assures the Judge No One Will Take Her Money Mrs. Rose B. Parker, whoaa husband was killed accidentally March 3 while an mploye of the Fairbanks-Morse com pany, will receive $1,400 cash damages, In stead of 5.50 a week, for 350 weeks, the amount fixed by the .workmen's roc pensatlon law, according to a settlement v., niatfift .Yurie Redlck.j The IJIV,CM " J . a case' the flrat Involving , the com pensation law which officially came to the notice of tbe district court. Mrs. Parker filed a petition setting forth that she owned a home on which there is a mortgage of $1,000. and that it the mortgage- were paid, She would be able to support herself by work. The amount paid her waa determined by her husband's earnings, which were $2 a day. Don't let anyone gat the money away from you;" Judge Redlck warned Mm Parker.- "That often occurs whan v a woman receives a considerable amount of cash." . j "Trust me judge." replied Mr Parker. "No one Is going to get that money." A Moonshine Still Right inTort Smith FORT SMITH. Ark.. May 4-Seven men were arrested by federal authorities here today, charged with running or be ing Implicated in the operation of a moon shine still In the heart of Fort Smith. One saloon, the distillery and a ware house where alleged contraband liquor was Stored, were seised by the govern ment, of tlctro. Mere than tm barrel of whisky were confiscated. HOC where aaooo BRITISH Ae FRCNCH TKOOMj HAVE ftttN LANDED. WhXRl AlUlO TRANiPOWT IS fcEPOKXtO TO HVl BtlH V res. f TROOPS MAVI IPttW LeSWDtP I muji) a jl ton wai i Board of Education in Perfunctory Session j ! Routine matter were dtpoel of at a brief meetin of the P,oH of Educa tion lust niant and the niem'.)r ad journed to dtscue Infoi malty erythln from university life In lmha to tbe propriety ef the ftstlo encounter between i'andldate McOovern n,l Hfirlver The Jsnltors' pay roll allowed. A lot nf l-ei ntnmenJatl.mA fritnl th build ing committee for small repairs and Im- provements here anff tnere In th vrl-1 mif nra pcnoois were nuapivu inu n few other detail attended to. Whether Umaha n the future l to l.ave forty-eight week cf school In the ear (till remains a matter unsettled It Cld not com 'up lt nlthl, though the teacher In tha city are watching th subject cloely and rr anxiously watt ing to learn what the board will do. Th matter Is In th )and of a committee. Superintendent flraff. believe It I th coming thing In public school wcrk. - Store Hours 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday Till 9 P. M AVI MRU roarncm tr6.Aj BPTH TWOOK 1 f. CAWTOSflO- 06.ooonirVwV T PWVin wa..a- DO (A BMtK Flr2sAHieAlR jr-$S' viciNtTV or ttlPOWTf o Ct-tARtO or ;Tis.r Jttlt tSTAMJSHCD AT THIf POtWt AU.IE.S ClOM TU5 DEFEATED-TVIHMBH BATTAUON CAfTUwEO MD ABWrtlSH kMrtmftri PAUTT rtAt TAIN fOSSt88IOT4 Of TMt COAST eVLONG THt A6ut or sovwa, 'J tO VICINITY bOM&ARDtD roR a nouns T AVWlt-O fVltT IVMERE FHHCM THOOPS WAVE LANDID AHO IHTBECHtO ATT6.WPT HADE TO n LAND 80.000 PEH BY PKINCH AMoBKkTISVt ON.THt EUROPEAN AW ASIATIC SIDES OF TMt ST GMT. GAkUPOU . tHlr19UI.K"l OtfcNOEO.Y,6CXOOO ' 1 UNION AND SOLDIERS AT OUTS Regimental Band of Mixed Char- acter Stin Up Row by Playing; at Ball Game. v ' 1 1 f. CHARGES AGAINST THE LEADER1 LINCOLN', Neb.. MV 4.(Snecli Tele. gram.) At last the rrehraska National Ouard has a war on its hands. Recently O. F. Thornburg;, a prominent band director of Lincoln, organised a band of forty pieces. Which Wan mustered Infn the National Guard as ;tne Ftfth Regi mental band. At the opening of the bam hull innn In Lincoln it played ita first eruracement. phLying at the game. At .the same game was another band composed of union I layers, which was only composed of about a dozen pieces. Of course ths military banit ahnwAit nn ths huiilnii account of iu large numbers. The union band haa erenared chaive against eighteen member of thu mili tary band for playing In opposition to the union band in a land with non union member. Thornburg la a member of the union and 1 on 'of tha men against whom the charges are preferred. In the meantime General Hall Is look. Ing up tha statutea to see If somebody has not got in bad by attempting ta interfere with the discipline of an en listed soldier 'of the Nations! Ouard. General Hall says he will stand back of his musician. EXPECTS TO MAKE ENOUGH FOR TRIP TO NEW ORLEANS Herman Fwlbaum. H.year-old Walnut Hill school gardener, living at 4831 Charles atreet, la so ambitious in tha school garden club work that he la planning to make enough money from hi big garden thla summer to pay for a trip to New Orleans. He I cultivating an entlr lot next door to hi home, and hopes to clear a anug sum from aarly vegetable, which he will . sell to hlg parents and neighbors. IT RUINS HAIR TO WASH IT WITH SOAP So a should be used vary sparingly, If at all. If you want to keep your hair looking Ita best. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. Thl dries ths soalp. makes the hair brittle, and ruins It. The beat thing for steady uas I Just ordinary mulslfled cocoanut oil (which la pure and greaselesaK I cheaper and better than soap or anything rise you can us. i One or twa tsaspoojifula will clean the hair and scalp thoroughly. Sim ply moisten the hair with water and rub It la. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, remcvlng every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. Th hair dries qulukly and evenly, and It leave the scalp soft, and the hair fin) and silky, bright, lustrous, fluff and easy to manage. You tan get mulslfled eomanut oil at any pharmacy, and a few ounces will supply every member of the fam ily for month. Advertisement. (How Savings Grow j No on need hesitate about atartlng a aavlnga account be cause tha sum in hand is small. Many of the beat SAVINGS AC COUNTS In thla bank were begun with only, a dollar. Money deposited rearularly, with Interest arowa steadily and a mall begtnntng often develop Intfl result. W pay 4 Interest on deposits SOUTH OMAHA SAVINGS BANK 24 th and M Streets K. O. BOgrWKat. atsjildwat THCMAJI . fctrCX, T. nraa. r. h. Gjcrnr, fwNWr, I I RESERVE SERVICE NOT TO INTERFERE WITH BUSINESS A navy department ruliug juat received by the looal recruiting station states that 1he newly created naval reserve will not Interfere in times of peace with the civilian positions held by Its members. This ruling put st rest the chief objec tion to enlisting In the reserve, navy-men declare, and It Is expected to result In many more enlistments than have been so far received. Heresfter. according to the Navy de partment .Instructions, recruiting officers will make thla endorsement acrosa the face of naval reserve shipping srtlcles when enlistments sre msde: "Not required to perform active serv ice on toard a ressel of the navy In time of peace except at your own request." A rls ('( Harts tbe !.. Dr. Bell's Tine-Tsr-Iloney stops the touch snd prevents your cold setting worse. It's guaranteed. Only 36c. All i druggist.--Advertisement. riDCT DnrrtJRYTFRIirJ Tfl t HOLD CHURCH AT Y. W. C. A. After Juns 1. when it muat vaat It aid rhurch property, recenty sold to the PrandeU Interest, the congregation of th Flrat Presbyterian church will hold ujiday morning aervlca at the Young Men's Christian aoeltlon building, un til Billy Bunday and hia company open their eagagement her In September. Th ihurch will dUcontlnue Its evening ser vice and Sunday school and Christian Endeavor meeting until IU new church at Thirty-fourth and Farnaxn atreeta, la lady for occupancy. La Back. Ima bar la usually du to rheumatism i.t th mucle of th back. Hard working ople ure rawt likely to suffer from It. Relief may r .ad by. massaging the ba k with. Clamberlaina Unlment two or three timt a day Try it. Obtainable everyahera-Advertlsement. If a THOUSAND Promita Were MADE, A THOUSAND Promises. Wen KEPT-The ' Myers-Dillon Drug Co. V "Wblice-to-Vacate" Sale Has Proved An Astounding Magnet to Drug Buyers Not mere hundreds,' but THOUSANDS, participated In the ' selling of the first few days enthusiasm over the radically re duced prices wns everywhere apparent etrery buyer, whether the purchaser of a "nickel's" worth or a halt hundred dollars' worth, made the as me remark: "Lowest prices I ever saw; standard Roods, too." But ONR thing was NOT thoroughly understood, and must be understood, from, now on and THAT is the fact that EVERY Item in this 175,000 stock: Is ON SALE at a SPECIAL price! Many were under the Impression that "Sale Prices" applied only to those articles advertised, but such Is NOT the esse, for there is a "SALE PRICE" on EVERYTHING In the house. The mis understanding came about simply because of the Myers-Dillon Co.'s inability to DISPLAY- and ADVERTISED everything at ONE time. Shop here safe in tbe knowledge that the article you need Is to BE HAD at a bona fide, really sensational "Notlre-to-Vacate" Sale Price. New Suggestions BUT EVERYTHING IS SPECIALIZED IAT DEPELATOaVT II alxe. at 84 XODEaTZ 1 else, now at 7o BCAtrrnriTA, Ed pm- aud'a. tl slxe, st Mo .me In buc slee, 3e 9. S. D. tl size Tee HATH l- J818, 50.! else 3Sc ' xav'i DTsrxrsiA BZktZOT, tl ize.74o DBV WOOfTEB'S COW and BVMIOaT KKM HOT, :5c size, now 17 BELIVg rOSOXVAX. -'"c kize, at So OOtl'l CAJLBOZ.X. Al.Tr. 23c size, at 14o AX.KAX.miA. tl slit", now B4e Kl'TN'OW'H POWDKR. tl size, now T4e yirii sunnnr, (Co site, si 34o CX.ATTOH'8 DOS kVkatJIUIXa (30 kind i 0o sis, now at. So aoBaoirg AIT and AOACK FASTB. '.'ft size, at IS ORUOI'I MAX.TXB MILK, 75 size, fi. : ft sis. : ft oo sW.e Hi 34 FOITD'B ' EZTaVAOT 1.(5 size, t 24; tl size. (4c: sine. 34c, and 2bc ise IT FMOSPBATE OT BODA. 't lb. for lo OBISWOXO'g .'jc size, at. BAXTB, 17s B O Xa O BT , FAI.MWB TOtL-f WATBJUS (sll odors), tl sise. 74.-; too sise. 3te; else ...... ISO COL.QATB-B IOIL1T W1TIS tl else, 74a; :c size. 60c; 60c elx. 4Ac, and lite slce.iae 4 All odors included.) BTATIOBEBT Gooi arale: t Hi S0 to !)0 sheet), now for.. 17 CJRCKXBTEB'B FXU.S tl sue. now SB sm In ta siz. IU4 Urg HAXB bTBAXiTbT I aize, now . 74 BOBurrosJVB rxos raaiE, (.0c siz at Ms rtioxiDs or arr- DaOOEST I lb. for 1!r; lb. for lie; U h. for 7s DEBTTXB MUD, II size, i.e. ttu size, 4 . and 16c siz le BTBATBaTA now st lie Sise. ..14 OUT! OTXB The pur Imported Italian, th kind you'v alwa- hourht here: It 1ft bot tle at tl 71: tl 7 bot tle, tl 4: the tl hot tls. Tr; the ito bot tle. 4le, and th l'"c else, at tmovMOJri a T WATEBV16C Size. 17 WTBTBfJ BAOS and uurawm ti aiz. 74a; 60c alz 37 OUBB VAXVTB Oool ready mixed kinds in a strictly dependanU wake. Oailons for 81c; half sallons for 60c. and quarts for...aSo Writ end , ask f..r eolor cards mrE47T TABWIBX BTAXaT A rolored var nlah in all ahadn hlshly suitable for floors, furniture or any sort of woodwork. In gallons. 12 50 value, at tl.6: half aallons. worth 1 1.35. at tic; quirt, worth 76c. at 4c; pint worth 40c. at Itu, and halt pint worth tic, at.,... IS WAXA FAPBB OX.EAB. BaV Former 10c kinds, now, t for l&c: former 7e kinds. for go M yers-Dillon Drug Co. 21 Year at 16th and Farnam-'But have received notice to vacate Phone Douglas ISO. Mail Orders Filled at Sale Prices urgess-Nasm Company. "VKR YD ODT3 STOJ1B' Ttieily. May I. IHI.V STtUlK NKWH KtlK WKUXKHHAV. I'lune U. 1S7. We Have What We Believe To Be the Most Attractive and Best Assorted Selection of Fine COAT S FOR WOMEM That We Have Ever Shown RNiHT nnw thp asKorttnoiit is lit it Iwst. Covrrls, ffaliar tliut's, Rorgps, t'hot'ks. niixturos, silk ami wool poplin., t-aftVlis, satins, Avaterlall?, hrotatlt'S, )onirfes, polfino, rliin cliillnit and various novolty materials nrp to o fouml in coats for rvery otasion and at almost my jrioo. Big Value Lot Wednesday, $1 6.75 One of th interest iiijj numbfis wliicli a;o tin. rale Wtxl nesday is a hlak silk taffeta, at $25.00. New Palm Beach. Skirts at $5.95 Await hooking Wodnesdav in m liost of new pooketed and beltt'd design. The colors are natural,' black and whit4 eheokn and colored stripes. The value are exoeptional. ' Bartaav-ltaah Gov sjcoa4 rtoi V 27 to 40'Inch Organdie Flouncing Worth to $1 in the May Sale Wednesday at 50c Yd. m 1 1 1 1 1 " FINE quality material organdie, .Swiss, voile or batiste flouncing, 27 to 40 inches wide, lfl r ffe Or nmall ttatterns. verv desirable for mmmor fiwka nr trrnrlnAtion dresses. ...' Embroidery Flouncing at 25c Swiss and batiste flounrlngs, IS, 17 and 3C Inches wld, all-overs, baby rioundngs and corwit cover embroideries, very special. 10c Fine Swiss Embroidery Edges, 5c Dainty baby pattern, Swiss embroideries, crochet edited, some edges and insertions to match, S to 4 Inches wide. BarrteaWaak Oo. aftn Fleer. 25c Embroidery Flouncino;! Wednesday at 15c. lS-lnch Embroidery flouncing! or comet rover embroideries, the usual 2 6c quality at 13c a yard. 50o to $1.00 Lace Flouncings at 25c 1 to 27 inche wide, lllk shadow, chantllty, oriental nets, tieautifut range of selection. A Wednesday Special in the BIG NEW SHOE SECTION on the Second Floor FOU one day only, four beautiful new styles in pumps. The ro'duecd prices on these new pumps are made to get you acquainted with our new Shoo Section. As. Women's $4.50 Pumps at $3.75 A mat kid cross strap pump, opera heels, light welt soles, French last; $4.50 value, $.75. Women's $5.00 Pumps at $3.95 A patent colt vamp pump with same color quartern, leather Louie heels; 15,00 values Wednesday. $3.Dil. Women'g $5.00 Pumps at $3.85 . A patent colt vamp and kid foxing, one-etrap pumps, welt soles, Loula Cuban heels; f 1.00 value Wednesday, i-l.lMt. Women's $6.00 Pumps at $185. A bench made pump of patent kid; fawn color, buck quarter, enamel covered I.ouli Cuban heels, hand turned soles; regularly If. 00, Wednesday, l.5. , . . . atgasskWash Oo... mo. Don't Grow Old With Your Old Machine--Trade It In for a New One TIIE standard Rotary is the world's finest sewing machine with ita lock and chain stitch device and a lifetime guarantee.. You must buy this, montli. Come and let us explain our offer Wednesday. Choose From Any Make MachineNo Restrictions to Selection Our prices range from $.'17.G( to $tiO.(0, according to your choice. The offer iB for tbis.morwtb orj, so you must act at once. You Don't Have to Have an Old Machine Don't Have to Pay Cash 1 We have not marked tbe prkes up on machines and will clve you a liberal allowance, on your old one. You can pay tbe balance on our special EASY TERMS of fl.OO A WEEK or $4.00 a month and there will be bo extra charge for the time payments. Six Big Bargains in Floor Samples SINGER $27.50 I WIZARD $16.50 I HOME .; $19.50 NEW HOME $27.50 WHITE $29.50 ARROW $12.75 Barr-Vaah Co-Taire n iz: Wn 'h Co. Everybody's Store -16th and 1arT"fr:; : 2 Nothing is so refreshing and satis fying after the game than rj) tMtA KRUG, a beer of quality Remember with each bottle you f?et a coupon Order a ca for your home Telephone Douglat 1889 LUXUS Mercantile Co., : Distributors Trial Quart and Leather Covered Flask LA. Finest Whiskey Lowest Price tftr nt 4Mir BtpsjAM Biuawhi I 9wH whl7y. ml f C 1 4 0 LU fm4 to 11 ra try t.t aSru Wktokr M It's pur. bnt whiahftT ol bt Ma.ibla it t uls M Mum rh m.m krll knovi w" jour araTiar v .hi Waarto af Fels 3-Star Whiskey BaiSpaSewartstfoUowInf wkohaai prim: ' QTi.rvii sr.43 leasura rj hi 8-J 4 S. $2--22 HXPRESS CHAKCHS PHttAIO lluainf frM huflma, kandr, W.lhar raaaml Aaak Sllnl with Vala t-Hur hi k.f. If not HuaHad s(tar a inak rra nial woarr, ravura ahtpmant at our ax pw. aa.l . w ill aa4 yc.d a a.aj auarf til of any obiakaT roi a Ma In uiaiari, M Mlur k wK.mii aiaua or aaM-ktit m tha taafc. raevwad Saak W ara an I1M Kal.k- fl.h. i. h'tlahla Kirm ( . m LTl' J -L -"Tl.LIIia COMSANY, BE A SWAPPER Make swaps for profit. Look into the fcfcc? - i " j swapper s column