Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Hnir Tinting
Made Easy
.Many Uimif-artiM or w.otntn hav n up
with streakeil a nl ptrny heir br-iausc thry
knew -of no absolutely safe way to over
coma this robber nf youth and attractlviv
neM. After all, one of t') chief rl'esiirr In
life In that of appealing in as attractive
a manner as possihle.
"Hrownatone" Hair Sta'n will help ycu
In Just this emeraen.'y. VS 1th It you can
touch up the gray spots ln;.antly or you
can In a few momenta' time .lve to your
hair that rich, soft brown, so much to
be admired. r, vnu can make It a aloesy
black If you prefer. All this without
the possibility of detection, failure or
harm to either hair tr aralp. ,
No pre-tous eiperience whrit-'ver. Is
necessary when you use 'Brownatone.'
Just brush or comb it Into the bair.
A sample and a booklet will be sent
you upon receipt of 10 cents.
All of the leading drug stores sell
Brownstone" Hair Stsln will help you
Two shades one for gulden or medium
brown, and the other for dark brown or
black. - . :
Insist on "Brownatone" at your hair
dresser's. ,
Prepared hr the Kenton Pharmaeal
Co.. K K. Pitta St., Covington. Ky.
Hold and guaranteed In pmeha or
Sherman McConnell Orur Co. and other
leading dealers. Advertisement.
More tlanonaa, watchet ana Jnrelrr ant sold
en credit than any otkar way. It's cur to
Biaks beautiful wadding, annlTaraary or grad
uation prasenu that you will bo proud to giro,
by opening a cbargs acoouat with u.
TRT Men's PlasmnA
King, t-prong Tooth
mounting. 14k solid gold,
Unman or pol- J ft
Utaod finish P
1114 v- La Valllore,
olid gold, black en
amel, l tine diamond,
1 real pearl, CC1K
l-ln. chain... r '
91.60 a Month.
Sttwi.Ti TiU 9:30
W IMamond Ring.,
14k solid gold Ixiftle
-Farf action" (tRf)
mounting 3W
84 a Month
Osn Dailr Till P. M.
rail or writs for lllairt rated catalog No. KM.
Phono Dong. 1444 and our salesman will call.
ai Omaha.
Your System
an occasional corrective to insur
good health and strength. Success
it almost impossible for the weak
and ailing. Enjoyment is not
for the. : sick. Impaired health
and serious sicknefiseaJisuAlljr
begin In deranged conditions of the
etomacb, liyer, kidneys or bowels.
are recognised all over the world
to be the best corrective of troubles
of the digestive organs. They tone
the stomach, stimulate the liver, reg
ulate the bowels. They cleanse the
system, purify the' blood and
act in the best and safest way
and Strength1
Larva Sale el Any Madidae in t WarU.
Sold TMrywhara. la boxes, 10c 25c
And Clears l'jjhl(litly Complexions.
Resinol Ointment, with Resinol Soap,
tops Itching instantly, quickly and eas
ily heals the most distressing cases of
ecsemo, rash, ringworm, tetter or other
tormenting skin or scalp eruptions, and
clears away pimples, blackheads, red
ness, roughness, and dandruff, when
other treatments hare been proven anly
a waste of tlmd and money. I
Physicians have prescribed Resinol Vor
twenty years, while thousands who have
been cured say. "What Iteslnol did for
tis it will do for you." Every druggist
sella Resinol 8oap (23c) and Resinol
Ointment (50c and 11 )
Many toilet soaps contain harsh, in
jurious alkali. Resinol Soap contains ab
solutely no free alkali, and to It Is added
the ' Resinol medication. This gives it
soothing, healing properties which clear
th. complexion, comfort tender . skins
and keep the hair healthy. Advertise
ment. '
r O m m
Ixuidioc la.
arlrlr araet.
tocaoaa of
lack of lacAakcal
krtwld oa laa
part of t&a eoatraa
Im H'a sollaia la
roar pockat ta amala;
iMrt ucbolcal eupwrvka-
tea auck aa I aa abia ta
raodar. Call akaua ar vrlu.
Ittmhar Aaiartcaa laitlluta
a! Ktacutcal Ka(luara.
1804 VT. O. W. Bldg.
Vbaae Sooslaa 6037.
the straits of the Dardanelles.
range has been able to pour an
r"i n 'i ii i i n i. 1 "i i iii i in in i. i i ii mmti n I i i iin ssjn i i - i 1 1 1
h-t- t"- - - ",' 'JLtiiimy.1,-.- --,Vv ,,ll(a , J
t i , . ....-a.:.. :L.JaiiiLal A . !? ' ' v asasaajswar'?-.a i iadWwwi i.Jl 9
is,-.j. MlArioibins
Minister of Justice Says China Will
Be Invited tv Reconsider Stand
Against Concessions.
TOKIO, May 4. Minister of Jus
tice Oiakl Is quoted by the newspa
pers as having announced that the
cabinet had decided to send an ultl
matum to China urging It to recon
slder the decision to make no further
concessions to Japan.
It Is expected In official circles
that Japan has no desire to resort to
force, but that China "must be made
to reallie this country is determined
upon the acceptance of Its program
tor solidifying the peace of the Or!
The press considers the ultimatum
a" proper step. The Times believes
that if China refuses to yield, Japan
should occupy provinces like Shan
tung "until China comes to its
Claims No Violation.
This, the paper says, would not con
stitute a violation of China's Integrity,
"since lt sole aim would be to -ensure
ln" 'r'"?.: 'r;7 m Friday nlirht at 8 o'clock .when their
lie uvuei. in uiuicwtj "'
that China may aend word at the laat
J minute that additional concessions are
possible and In this way avert the ulti
matum. .
The Kokumin Shlmbuo today quotes
Premier Okuma as expressing his disap
pointment with the course bf the Chinese
authorities. In the beginning. It Is re
lated, Japan asked China to keep the pro
ceedings secret, In spite of Chinas
promise to thkr effect, the proceedings
were published broadcast
' Continuing, the Kokumun Shimbun says
it Is In a position to declare with authority
that whatever action Japan takes, 1U
course wlU not disturb the friendly re
lations with the United States and Great
Britain. ,
In conclusion, this paper says that tho
appeal of China to America through the
missionaries will not move the United
Rates1 to Interfere. ,
There '.have appeared statements In
the Japanese papers that Dr. Bun Tat
Pen, who Is now In' Japan plotting to
overthrow Yuan Shl Kat, president of
the Chinese republic,- has issued a mani
festo making the charge that Yuan Shl
Kal In roallty was the originator of the
Japanese demands, his ulterior motive
being to secure the help of Japan to
make himself emperor. These allega
tions, however, are quite without con
firmation. Federal Employes
. : to Take Four Days'
Off Without Pay
The entire custodial fore, of thirty-four
men In the Omaha federal building will
be forced to take eight days' furlough
wlthout pay between now and the end of
the fiscal year, June 30. In order to keep
expenses of operation within the curtailed
appropriation made, for that purpose. by
congress. Th. same or an even longer 1
onforced furlough without pay will bo
necessary during -th. twelve months fol
lowing. The Omaha payroll Is about ll.s&o per
month for the thirty-four custodian em
ployes, including chief engineer, assistant
and helper, firemen, elevator conductors.
watchmen. Janitors, laborers and- char
women. Two-fifteenths of that sum will
be cut off the payroll during May and
June to equalise the deficiency brought
about by the desire. of congress to cut
down government expenses.
Uaay Disorder. Cent from the Liver
Constipation, headache, bilious spells
Indicate a sluggish liver. The tried rem
ery la Dr. Kind's Now Life Pills. Only
8c AU druggists. Advertisement.
British Coal Ship
is Sunk by Torpedo
Off Scilly Islands
IjONDON, May 4. -The British steamer
vfini.m. from Cardiff for th. Klver
Plate, with 4.000 tons of coal, was tor
pedoed off the Scilly Islands Monday.
Two firemen were killed and th. second
enaineer was Injured. Tho wounded
man and the remainder of the crew have
been landed at Penianoe.
The striking of the torpedo was the
first intimation that a submarine was
Ip th. neighborhood. The force of the
explosion hurled tho engineer trrough
the aperture made In tho ship's deck
and aaved his life. The crew took to their
hosts and finally were rescued by fish
ing vessels. .
Th. Mlnterne was of 1.901 tons net and
was 330. reet long, it was duiii :r iwi
and owned In London.
Restored ! I.OAd lleulth.
"I was sick for four years with
stoma h trouble," writes Mrs. (HI
Gana, Zant'SVllle, O. "I lo it weight anl
felt so weak that I almost gave up hone
of helm: cured. A "rlcnd tolJ me about
ChamlM i lain Tuolctrf. and sine, using
two bottles of them I liave been a well
woman." Obtainable everywher.-Ad-vertlaement.
The Queen Elizabeth carrie
indirect fire on the Turkish b
Poor Time for Europe to Lecture
. Asia on Political Morality
LONDON. May 4 "Unfortunately we
only have the summary of China's reply
to Japan," says the Daily News In an
editorial today, "so that It Is not quite
clear what concessions It Is making to
Japan. It seems to be far from unreason
able In' meeting the demands, reasonable
In themselves, but it rejects demands in
compatible with its own sovereignty, or
with that equality of opportunity which
it Is bound by a long succession of treat
tea with numerous powers to maintain.
The situation Is very critical and must
cause Intense anxiety to all who have the
reace of the far east at heart. The
temptation which faces the Japanese gov
ernment Is a powerful one and the mo
ment la not well chosen for Europe to
lecture Asia on political morality. Tet
the Japanese government would be wise
to Weigh very carefully any action It
might contemplate and to remember that
prudence and moderation ate very often
the bases of statesmanship.
"Japan's military resources are great
but all China has been, aroused by Its de
Fairbury Will Stay
Dry for Whole Month
FAIRBCRY, Neb., May 4. fSpeclal.)
F'alrbury Is now a "dry" town and likely
i to remain so until at least June 5. The
I Fairbury saloons seven of them closed
licenses expired and the council refused
to grant ' new ones, although Fairbury
went "wet" by 17 votes April .'
It was all due to a lengthy remon
strance filed by John C. McLucas, as ob
jector, and a bitter foe of the saloons,
charging them . with unlawfully selling
and giving away liquor to habitual
drunkard, minora, as well as violating
the S o'clock closing law, Sunday and
election laws. The city council will have
a hearing of the cases Wednesday, but it
Is said the saloon keepers will not carry
the case Into court at all, but the coun
cil will be confronted with a new list of
applicants for licenses to run saloons
the former proprietor having sold, their
saloons to the new vmen. . , -It
will take thirty days to publish the
applicants for licenses In the local papers
and secure the licenses. This Is the first
time Fairbury has been dry since 1910
and it la the outcome of th ebitter fight
engendered at 'the municipal election .
Mwste Director at Doane.
CRETE, Neb., May l-(Speclal.)
GeorKe H. A Her of University Place was
elected vdlrector of the Conservatory of
Musla of Doane follege lost night. Mr.
Aller was gra4ur;d from the Dpane
conservatory In 1893 and later studied
In Los Angeles, Chicago, Berlin and
"Tiz"A Joy to ,
Sore, Tired Feet
"TIZ" for aching burning',
puffed-up feet and corns .
or callouses
Good-bye sore feet, burning feet, swol
len feet, smelling feet, tired feet.
Oood-by. corns, callouses, bunions and
raw spots. No more shoe tightness, no
more limping with, pain or drawing up
your face la agony. "TIZ" Is magical,
acta right off. "TIZ" draws out all the
poisonous exudations which puff up the
feet I'se "TIZ" and wear smaller shoes.
Use "TIZ"' and forget your foot misery.
Ah! how comfortable your fert feel.
Get a 33 cent box of "TIZ" now at any
druggist or department store. Don't
fctiffer. Have good feet, glad feet, feet
that never swell, never hurt, never get
tired. A year's foot comfort guaranteed
or money refunded.
How TO vNa
Of fast. ' As7 "
x-Wft ' . v','?:'--
i - ' ' ' ' i ir i rh t' ii iw-i'
Uaaeral 1
Oaaaka. Bab. I
PhotogTaph taken when it was lying outside the entrance to
s 15-inch gun in its main turrets and through their enormous
atterics, at the same time keeping out of harm's way.
mands to intense bitterness and the
process of enforcing them may prove ex
tremely costly."
The question as UT how Japan can
reconcile some of its demands on China
with its professed Intention of upholding
the Independence of that country Is
raised by the Manchester Guardian Id
reviewing editorially the Chlno-Japaneae
ncg nidations.
"China does affren," says the Guardian,
to the request that it shall not cede to
a third twwer any harbors, bays or isl
ands along Ita coasts an undertaking
against whleh nothing can be said except
that It apparently leaves Japan free to
demand from China Just what China is
forbidden to grant to a third party.
"If Japan would enter into a self-deny
ing ordinance, then, Indeed, China and
thosn who wish It well would have solid
ground for satisfaction. But at present
we remain pussled to know how Japan
ran reconcile, some of Its demands, those,
for Instance, which China has rejected
with Its professed intention of upholding
the Independence of China."
Paris. Fo rten years he waa the director
of the Franklin academy conservatory,
He was director at Peru Normal school
and more recently director of the con
servatory at Nebraska Wesleyan uni
versity, He lathe leader of the Adelphlan
Feds Travel Moat.
The total nil lea are of the Federal league
teams Is 40.00U miles more than that In
either the National or American leagues.
Rear Axle
Othars ar.
nslng what they briefly describe
ae"noatln''trpeeofaale, Which
means that they ar. th. earlier 1
types of asla. whioh wars davaM
opad In the evolution of the FUtX
floating Rear Asia This Rear
' Aalethat Saudabakar a waa I a much
more costly to manufacture. But
SAFES. Forltaarrle. tha waight
of the ear eath. aal. housing. It
has TWO Timkao Bearings In
each hub to take up the aide
throats. And the shaft Itself doe.
ON B thing only turns tbewbaala
Radius Rods
Ton will not And radius rods .a
many cars excepting thoae of high
price or if you do find them, you
i will not. they ar. inslcnincaot In
alia. Soma cars driv. thro th.
springs Just bacauaait happens to
cost mora to uaa radlue rods and a
torque arm as Studebakar doaa.
But It also happens that radius
rods take th. driving thrust that
the springs have to take Ip
other cars. And a. saaka the oar
Driving thro' springs mean, that
th. serines hav. to be stiller than
usual, bacaua. the maalar leaf
that en. thin band a steal that
runs from tip to tip ef the aprings,
must transmit all therpuah" of
th. wheels. Also, on. and of th.
spring must be firmly attached to
th. frame, 8tudabaker, In addi
tion to having developed spring
steels snd design that make tham
wonorh.r.y elaatic and long-lived.
Is ablo, bacauaelt uaaradlua rods,
to make the springs springier" a.
to say, and also to u mm spring
shackle, at BOTH enda, thu. In
creaalng th. amooth-riding quat.
hies of the ear.
Ample Brakes
Minor In Import anaa, you might
say. But take the brakrajuat aa
aaampla. SAFETY ia a big con
sideration in any car. Your brake,
ar. vital aomotimas whan you
have to stop quickly. Btudabekar
not only uses a brake equallaer
such as you hnd on one of the vary
hltfhcat priced cars but uaa.
brak. drums that arc much larger
than meat cars weighing hall a
ton mora are using. Coats more
but it's Studabaaw's way of
making aura.
P See it at
StsMaktr ROADSTER . $965
StsMalar UCHT SIX . 1385
StsaUakerSIX, 7-asaafsr.l4SO
F. 0. B. Detroit
Nurse Registration
(From a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN,, May 4.-Bpeclal.)-The
Iloard of registration for nurses, under
a law passed by the last legislature,
which consists of Governor Morehead,
State Superintendent Thomas and Attor
ney General Reed, has recommended for
appointment the following nurses for the
registration board:
For the threo-year term: Gertrude II.
Smith, Omaha; Mary Swan, state hos
pital, Lincoln.
For two years. Grace Bradley, Lister
hospital. Omaha; Lillian Btuff, Wise Me
morial. Omaha,
For one year: Rlale Sandman. Harblnc.
Laborer Struck by
Locomotive May Die
When Bnglneer Carl Merchlum of a
light passenger locomotive blew his
whistle at Thirteenth and Ohio streets
Tuesday afternoon to warn Charles O.
Anderson, a railroad laborer, who waa
walking along the tracks In the same
direction, the latter Is said to have
stepped directly in front of the engine,
Instead of to one side. He waa struck
and suffered a fracture' of the skull as
a result; and Is now .reported to bo
dying at St. Joseph's hospital, whence
he was taken In the police ambulance.
Anderson Is 64 years of age, lives at
2WI North Twentieth street and has a
wife and several grown children.
Bee Want Ads produce results.
are the reasons wjiy
And youll see more many more -wnen you come to look at
the car itself. But these are enough to give you some idea of
what you'll find. And when you find other cars that cost
from $90 to $225 more than this Studebaker, omitting or de
liberately trying to make advertising capital of designs mat are
admittedly not as good you can draw your own conclusions
as to whether it is wise to pay more than $985 for another car.
And you don't want to judge this FOUR on price either. Not
for a minute. You find QUALITY in every detail of it You
find the most approved design. You find accuracy of manu
facturing that strikes the. average man as miraculous. But
you expect to get that from a plant that is recognized as gne
of the largest in the business. And Studebaker is. And just
so,-you expect a relatively low price from such a manufacturing
organization. For the simple reason that you know large scale
manufacturing results in economies, low costs that other plants
can never begin to touch.
And so it isn't price but QUALITY that we want you to look
for. And we are entirely willing even eager to have your choice
rest on just that matter of QUALITY. For we know that
when you set this Studebaker beside other cars, youll decide in
your mind, as many thousands of careful men have already done
that it is needless to pay more than $985 for a FOUR and
unwise to pay less. The car is at your convenience at any
time and for any tests, hills, roads, anything '
tecause its
Reduce expenses
Now and always
Wash clothes;
Clean house;
Do all your soap-and-water
h with
in cool or lukewarm water,
without hard rubbing or
Ftla h Co..
1502 South! Tenth Street,
Omaha, Neb.
I heard you got two of my friends yesterday. That's
all right, I have soma more that you won't get.
Let The Bee get you a job.
Situations Wanted" ads arc free.
needless to
1 more than
Omaha Factory Branch, 25502-4 Farnam St.
"Studebaker Wilson" Local Dealer, 2429 Farxiam St
it is