TI1E BKE: OMAHA, WKDXKSDAY, MAY 5, 1915. 11 REAL K8TATF XOTH SIDE REAL rsTATK XORTIt SIDE Mid-Week Sale We have only 10 lots loft in Bungalow Section .of Montclair. Right in town, Hamilton, Iafayette and Nicholas Streets, near 31st Street. We will offer these lots Wednesday and Thursday, at $750.00 each, and on special terms. Water, sewer, gas and sidewalk all in and paid for. Building restrictions just enough to make it an ideal place for homes. If you want a close-in location you can't equal it. Call us up and let us show you. Benson & Carmichael, Telephone Doug. 1722. 642 Paxton Block. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Sells Half a Cent Lower, with Corn One-Half a Cent Higher. WHITE CORN AT A mEMTUM 2569 Camden Ave. What more do you want than this? A 5-Poom, modern -cottage for 33,000.- House in perfect shape, lot large and covered with fruit and shrubs, and the location eajoellent. If It ! terms. 1 will make them. A. B. Mason. Walnut 1430. CONTKACTORS CLKAN-UP SALE. s-room house .at 1714 Fahler St., -rooro house at 1828 Sahlrr St.. Just being com pitted. Both houses finished In oak and white enamel; more than modern; close to car. Webster 4195. ON THE BOULEVARD A beautiful ft-room .house, 4 111 N. 30th Ft. This house Is modern In every sens of the word. Han C rooms and sleeping porch. Oah finish on first floor, birch and maple up. Offered for quick sale at tba low price of W. S. FRANK 301 Neville Block. CHEAP at 3.000; good alt modern horn; large yard; fruit; 140? Wvana Pt. Everybody Reads Bee Want Ada, REAL KSTATK SOUTH SIDE A New Addition to Omaha 14 lots, five blocks from car- line, close to Omaha and South Omaha. Would re tail for 15,00i) to $40.in. On account of the death of active owner we are au thorised to sell lt lots for 1S,000; one third cash, balance easy terms. Here Is a chance to make a fortune without in vesting much money. J. H. Dumont & Co. 418-13 State Bank Bid?. Phone Doug. 6P0. For a Bargain see this house, 1321 S. 26th St. Has 6 rooms, modern except heat. In good re pair. Owner needs the money and will sacrifice., This is your chance to buy a home below the real value. See the house, then make an offer. Creigh, Sons & Co. Phone Luuglas 200. 500 Bee Blug. $.W REDUCTION. Five rooms, all modern, cement base ment, choice location, one block north of Field club, on 3kth Ave. Price for QUICK 8 ALE 32.800. C. O. CARLBERO, 112 Brandeioj Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE WEST 8IDE LARGE! two-story oouse and lot ISO 249, put to exchange for smaller plaoa, walking distance, or vacant lot on Cum ing or 24th St. Place la clour. ,WU1 carry difference back on property; ho equities considered. -Address P 848. Bee. -" ' REAL ESTATE ' rARM RANCH l,AWD FOR tH Nebmsksu COUNTRY HOME! NEAR OMAHA. 111,000 buys a highly improved farm, consisting of about 6114 -cres located pn one of our boulevards out from the city, only a-40-mlnute'a ride. Good water sys tem, small amount of fruit, some alfalfa, tarn hey, nice large beautiful shad trues and all kinds of shrubbery and about 10 acres ot natural timber, making a beautiful park. This la an Ideal propo sition for handling thoroughbred stock of any kind. Living spring In pasture, C. R. COMBS, d'i Brandela Theater Bldg. Omaha. D. 391. NEW. modern, steamheated storeroom and basement, Leavenworth St Conrad Young. 324 Braodel theater. Doug. 1571. FOR HALB 1.640 acres Holt county land. til per acre. This is first class land, nearly all of It Improved and under culti vation. Iand lies all In one body. To In vestigate this Is to buv It. No better proposition anywhere than this. Must sell quick. 3,0u0 cash, balance long time, small rale of Interest. Look Into this, C. B. Brtdwell. Emmetsburg. Ia. - " Ttxas. A FLAC1J to raise meat and corn for Kuroie; a stock farm: 17.000 acres; must tail in Loly; SwA aires in cultivation; amt'lo tenant houses; artesian water; one ! reservoir; K-story hnue with fine ilowln.v well In yard; an acre. No Iradinfc. W. 11 Graham, Cureo. Texas. Mlscellant-aa. TO KF.LL LAND reach the iowa farmers. Im-b Monies Is locnted in central Iowa. The Capital 1" Lea Moines' leading dally, w th over 4&.000 circulation daily, most of which goes to Iowa farmers. The Capital will publish a 80-word ad 10 days for . The regular rate is le per word per day. You uave 41 on this offer. Mall your ad today. ONLY 3Co buys a H0-acre siliool lana lease in Keith county; over 2v ar.-s ot which can he put in cultivation. This Is a bargain. Terms, 1j0 cash, bulancu note tor $173 due in one year, ti'V Write owner. 1. C. Cranditll. 1M4 locust St., Lincoln. Neb. Residence Bargain West Part of City on 36th St. This dandy home offered for the first time. The owner, having mad a change of business, is quite anxious to dispose of this property; east front; house has large living room with a KKAL flroplace, fin ished in birch, mahogany stained, beau tifully decorated, fine eleotrto light fix tures; dining room opening off living room, with large, wide opening, beauti fully built-in buffet or china cabinet, fin ished In birch mahogany, French doors opening off dining room to sun porch on the west, could be very easily used for warm weather dining room; kitchen with large pan closet, china closets, cupboards, refrigerator room. etc. Full basement, heavy brick walls clear down;, fine vege table room under front porch,' which is of reinforced concrete, making also a good cyclone . retreat; outside cellar entrance; nice, light laundry space, with hot and cold water, floor drain, etc. Three delightful bedrooms on second floor, large linen closet and a big sleep ing porch with disappearing windows, dropping Into the walls Ilka a car win dow; complete aet of awnings for sleeping porch, which can be lowered and ad Justed without opening screen. Tiled bath with vitreous china bowl, tub flush with the floor, pedestal lavatory; Keene eement tile walla in bath and kitchen. Oak floors up and down. Houne nicely decorated throughout Thla Is a Jim-dandy. Price asked Is only H.H00. but tha owner wants an -offer. If Interested, call us up by phone and wa will coma and get you and take you out and show you tha house. Hanscom Park Bargain 33d and Poppleton, a "peach" of a io fwUonH,S00 buy" dn1y cottsga. only 100 feet from the car line, paved street, X,n." Pi: house Is not new. but better than new; has new heating plsnt. new plumbing, new electric light fix tures; nicely decorated throughout: Bant toa on kitchen and bath room. Can give immediate possession and will sell on rea sonable terms. Cheapest house In this location. D. V. Sholes Co. 315 City Natl Bank Bldg. Douglas 46. OMAHA. Mi) 4. 11&. Wheat sold a half lower, the receipts being thirty-four cars, with only a lair demand. The Corn market nne.ntiarter In nna. half up. The yellow sold a quarter, while ine wnire was a hair higher. The White corn continues to sell at a premium over the yellow. oats remained practically the same and sold unchanged to a quarter down. It would not surprise msny traders to see an acute situation develop In May wheat at Minneapolis. The bulk of the stock there Is owned by mills, and wltn the holdings bv imluth exporters and country mills. promises to make an In teresting situation. Wheat seeding In the Canadian north west is about finished. Oats seeding Is making good nrnsreoa and the a-em-rnl i outlook Is good. v it-nrsnea were: Wheat and flour equal to 38 2.OH0 bushels; corn. fcl.OUO bushels; oats. 304.000 bnushelai i-iverpooi snot market: Wheat, urv- ensngeo to id higher; corn, unchanged. Primary wheat receipts were "JH.OOO bushels, and shipments 24,000 bushels, against receipts of ro.ono bushels and shipments of 1.0T0.0O0 bushels la.t year. Primary corn receipt were 73MXU bush els and shipments 413.000 bushels, against receipts of XJO.ono bushels and shipments of MJl.mO bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were RSI ,000 bush els and shipments (W7.000 bushels, against receipts of (xK'.wo bushels and shipments of 903,000 buihels last year. CARLOT nJCEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Ml 246 m . 1 34 ...... N as 268 These es les were reported today: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 2 cars, $1 68. No. 3 hard winter: I cars (turkey), 31.68; 1 car, 1 fcft. No. 4 mixed durum: I car, $1 Kv. Corn No. 2 white: 1 car. 73Vc. No. t white: I cars. 73c. No. white: 1 oar, 72Vc. No. 3 yellow: 3 cars. ?3c; 2 cars, Ti. No. I yellow: 1 cars, 3c; 1 car. 7tfc. No. 4 yellow: 1 car. 72e. No. 6 yellow: 3-4) Car. 72V. No. yellow: 1 car, 73c; 1 car, 71Hc. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 73c, .'t. 2 mixed: 1 car, (near white), 7ii"C 2 cars, 724c; 4 cars, 73V; 1 car. TJc. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 73c. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, 7!"c; 2 cars, lie No. mlxeri: 2 cars. 73c. Sample: 1 car. (white). 72l4c; 1 car. (hot), oofcc; 1 car. (hot). 64c. Oats No. 3 white: 2 cars, Mc; 2 2-K cars. 624c No. t white: 1 car, 61V. Sample: 2 cars, foe. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. 2 tur key, 21.MVil.7; No. 3 turkey . i $1.65H81.M; No. 2 hard, 21.65V? iM; No. 3 'hard, II.M4 61.66: No. 4 hard, $1 Simffl.M; No. S spring. ll.47HitJtl.66; No. 2 durum, 21.66Q 1S: No. 2 durum, 21.64(jm.R5. Corn: No. 2 white, 73'47Wc; No. 3 white, 7J7So: No. 4 white, 72fW2c; No. 6 white. T214W West Farnam Bargain When we offer a house as a bargain TiL' TS" be'v that t ia worth mora than the money we ask for It. Someone is going to pick up a mighty rine home, for comparatively little money in this eight-room house In the h?J?rt l tha Wl Farnam District. The house Is In the beat condition, located one-half block from the Farnam car line; fine lawn; paved street, fully paid; P'ianent sidewalks. Two baths on second floor. Weeping porch. Large bed room on third floor. Hne furnace with thermostadt. All in all, a very comfortable home and one which will give satisfaction to any one who takes It. A. P. Tukey & Son 1507-2 w. O. W. Bldg. Phona Doug. tot. Chicago Minneapolis .. Imluth Omaha Kanraa City.. St. Lnuls Winnipeg 47 21 77 Oats. ISO northern, 1MMS; No. 3 northern, H.!trt.iv MINNEAPOLIS, May 4.-FLOLR I n changed. K. Rl r,r-MCIc ttVB-2l.IMil.le. IRAN-JJ.M. (MKN-.No, X vellow. 71'4r7 OAT-No. 2 white, (AfKVjc. OMAHA iRF.l.l. MlRKKTi BUTTF.R-No. 1. 1-lb cartons. 21c; No. 2. 9-1 b tubs, 2tc. rilKPSB-Imported Swiss. 2V; Amer ican wl. !ic: block falss. 22r; twins, i OMAHA. May 4. 1916. l'c. daisies. ; triplet. l.-c: Yuiiiik Receipt were: CstUe Hogs. Sheep Ameri. a, is. ; niue isne! nru K. i'.-r; urn- Mondav.... .0 A.S4 4 012 DU " . j iJl. I v . VTnl B 'T.tlmate Tursdsv ..Vi '"I'-Vm"?.? hl1-ertrrr,le. Mr- 1 h'" Week. 11 wJ.-.T '4i '7.T.vrr?r.,P"L"i.. Pme rtsys Inst week .16.762 in"; nHfuS 'lic- meckeJ; lie- l Z S' ? ' V" 5 O.I.NI OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Hfvy Beeves Steady to Eaiier and Other Kindt Steady Iambi Ten to Fifteen Lower. HOG RECEIPTS ARE MODERATE Same dy. 3 wks rko.10.ITI ll.fO 17,-4 2T?.71 11.S44 sort of hog unsold after pretty fair clesranre hsd been made. ! Representative sales K. ar lk Pr Ko. a M. Pr. e I I e 1 ? f tM ... T j:4 4 i l f r . . 7n 47 - H 1 l? IT yi 4 T m ! ... hll Tl V ) t JIH n !x i 7 it. ; id ; 'v, 44 n t Ill K lit i 6. mi in w mt ... ti NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Reactionary Tendencie of the Day Before Lacking on Exchange Yeiterday. SOME WAR SPECULT1ES DECLINE ..dot 12 (M7 ' 17.14 ! fHKKr' lnc si lece.pts w.'ie very tslr this morning, being the healest on Ihe board, and when packers snnounced their Intention of taklna another 16c off vshies It dlil not occasion any great surprKe. SF.W YORK. May 4 Reaction! y Nothing much moved during the early j lennencies su n ss maile yestenlsys re part ot the forenoon, hut when sellers versa I noteworthy were lacking in to ilnelly heRsn to cut loose It was at prVes ' ' market, bin the undertone was un that were anyway I'lhhv lower than ye. certain fnr the greater pert of the se terday. bulk of the lamb selling amund Jslon, with siib-suriacc lnllniinnH of re- I. IT 'T n. Fr A TV L LJ 1. mh 1,1. -w.r.. i . t k. . v. ,fii iv 4 whs . v.i i,r,i itXmrZ . folio wa- """"" !Sn, itntf Isst year. 7.M H.!1 14.847 KEK Ol'Tr-RbV' No. 1 17-V-; No Tnc ,0-" "h"" " rrel.ts ?. lJHe; No- 16c. loins. No. 1, 20140: I ' ' boss and heep at thrt Kvth fie. 2 lc; Nlo. 2. 1IV chncki. No l, 1 ' 'maha live stock market (or the yesr gates! '..VfN. ;'No r .$M S 210.1". as against ll 27 yesterday. 8oine shorn lambs hroimht t.3f. llulw ot the offering consisted of lambs stain today, there bring only a couple of loan of ewes, and no wethers or yesr- H'onnaratlvely light. newid selling on a rn1ned scale. Few If any of these offerings were for foreign account, however. In striking contrast to yesterday's operqtlon. Irading wa t'heep 7.iM W4.M7 6.27 The following tab- show th averae price for hogs at the South Omnha live stook market for the last few days, with comparisons: tate. I 1I6. 1I4. !ll2.lH12.lliiU.lH.il'0r 7 4H April 12 April I? April 20 April 21 April 22 April 21 Allll II April Si April 2ril April ITI T Sj April 22 7 t 2 78J 7 1. 4; t 2y 22 SC4 7 HSI 2 Jt! a V 7 .V7Vi a jiv 1 i I I Ml I 6 7 24UI I 8 Mil 7 SI I t 811 22 2 Ht '! " I 7 CT S Kf! im s wi I I SI S II I W 1 w AprU 2S j .16 17! 8 If 7 S S 74 I 121 7 01 April . 4o'(l 8 181 8 SU 7 0 I M M.v 1.. 7 2!rt. 8 17 8 41 7M1ICII 'I May 2.. IK I 7 Ml 6 74 Olj May 8.. I 7 XI l IMINIIH TV1 May 4..I 7 2nil 2 ! 7 82! 8 2I W'l 7 Ot iac; rso. a wnite. i(iiL"c; no. x yellow, 7SV73c: No. 2 yellow, 724fc73c; No. 4 yellow, 72ifi72c; No. 5 yellow, 72a724c: No. 6 yellow. 7H4ffl72;c: No. 2 mixed. 7i 71Mer72i4c; No, 6 mixed. 71W3Wc; No. mixed, 7U4!fe"2c; sample mixed, tthie. Oats: No. 2 white. . SWWtfe; standard. 62j&2V; No. 2 white, kifV-; No. 4 white, 81ViAlc. Barley: malting. 78a 76c; No. 1 feed, ffT3c. Rye: No. 2. 1.0vl 6109; No. 8, tl.Cr7H(Un.08. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feaiarea of the Tradlasjr and CImIbs Prices Bard ( Trade. CHICAGO, May 4. Canadian govern ment restrictions of exports had a bullish effect today on the wheat market here. Gains in price, however, were not all held, the close being weak, M3 to He above last night. Corn finished e to Vfco up, oats, at a shade off to a advanoe, and provisions, with a rise of 10c to 20c. Although the likelihood appeared re mote that In any possible juncture the action of the Canadian authorities would have a material influence on supplies In the United States, wheat shorts were quick to run for cover. Higher quota tions at Liverpool tended further to make the bear side of the market unpopular, and It wa not until midday that specu lators ventured on1 a selling drive. Good support was encountered on the ensuing dip In prices, and there was a quick re bound, which, however, seemed to lose energy In the last fifteen minutes of the session. Disappointment at tha apparent ab sence of urgent foreign demand had something to do with the comparative weakness of wheat during tha last trans actions. After trading hours, a report was received from the east that 109,000 barrels of flour had been sold to EJurope, but belief prevailed here that the an nouncement referred to old business. Corn developed strength largely as a result of Argentina advices telling of severe crop damare. Assertions, though, that European demand had turned to the United States were not confirmed. Phorts In oats took to cover owing to tha bulga In other grain. There was also rossle that cash demand had much Improved. - Enlarged export trwde tended to lift provisions. Besides, hog receipts today were not so plentiful as had been looked for. Futures ranged a follow: Trtl. lel Open.) Hlgh. Lw itlUITRT Brolleis. r; spring chirk- ens. l!c. hens, 14c; cocks. 'c; roosters, gic; stags, Hc; ducks. 1m-: geese, HT; turkeys, 13ftlfcc; pigeons, per dos., kX;: ducks, full feathered, 10c; geese, full feathered. 8c; squabs. No. 1. 21.M; No. 2, tw-- Frult and vegetable prices furnished by Clllinskl Fruit company: FRUITS Oranges: rnry California Pavels, HOs, 6s. Ii.60 per box; I Jus, Hun klst. 22.78 per box: Vm. Sunklst, K per box; extra fancy Mediterranean fweets, all sises. 23.38 per box; fancy Tic Too Mediterranean. Sweets, 81 per box. Lemons: fcxtra fancy tkMn Howl, Mm, 84 .80 per box; fancy Mlver Cord, is, S60s. 84 per box. Urapefrult : Cele brated ChaaeV 46s, I2.6 per box: 64a, (2.7S per box; 4s. 22 pr box. Apples: xtra fancy White Winter Pearmaines, 81 60 per box. Pineapples: Extra fancy Cuban, -24s, s. 8i.B0 per crate. Bananas. $2 to 82.28 per lunch. Umea. 21.78 per basket. - M VKXll-XrABIli3S California new rab bf 6 to lOU-ih. crates, 2c per lb. Cel. ery: Jumbo, toe per loen. Uead let ruos. 81 per doien, lest lettuce, 40c per doseo- Artichokes, 21. fl per doieti. tn dlva, e per lb. Onions, yellow, 2c per lb.; Texas Bermuda, white, 21.76 per crate; Texas 'Bermuda, yellow, 21. 50 per crate. Onion sets: Vellow and rod, $1.60 per bushel; white, $1 .74 per bushel. Pep pers, 60c per basket. Tomatoes, fancy, 4 60 pr crate; choice, 84 per crate. Spinach, SOo per dosen. Faraley, 80c per doxen. Turnips, our per dosen. Straw berries: Louisiana, pints, prospective) price, 22.75 to 22 per case. Potatoes: Colo rado Rurals, 78o per bushel; Red River Ohlos, too per bushel; Minnesota whites, V)o per husnel. Mushrooms, Wo per lb. MlV-ICELLANlOOUShelied popcorn, 4c per lb. Crackerja. k. 60 ptr rase; 21.75 per half case. Peanuts: Raw. 7n per lb.; roasted, sack lots. H lr lb. salted. Jl.CO per csn. Asparagus: 110ms Morris t Co KM grown, halt-lb, bunches, 60c per dosen lwlft A Co 14:5 bunches. Checkers, W 60 per case. Cocoa- jCudahy Tacking Co... 797 nuta, 23.60 sack. dos. )e. Nuts: No. 1 rH- Armour Co 1,301 iornia wainuis, vr-r m-, t Mumhv per lb.; 60, 8-0. figs, ti par box. Sugar Morr.n ..... walnut dates, 81.40 per box. Filberts. 16c ;iitnro,n racking Co.... per lb. Pecans, lSc per lb. Almonds, 8o 0man ja,-it. Co.. e per lb. Hwlft. from tit. Joe... , . , . I Benton, Vansant it I Liverpool mmrwm. Hill ac Son 3 601 8 7V, 7 701 oi, 2 14 lings ot conseaut-nce here. loiter In the day some fed westerns sold at $10 1.1, nd before the close a ftrlng of Mexicans reached 210.20, th dav's highest figure. Today's receipts were estimated at twenty-eight cars, or 8.600 head, and tha total for the two daya amounts to IA..V22 head. This Is the smallest of anv recent week, being 2 omi lighter than a week ago. Severe declines were reslaterefl hv some of the war spec.a.tlea at the outset, nota bly In pieaaeil steel enr, which fell more than six points, bjt soon m.ie substantial recovery. There wore rumors that the banks were Klmalng some discrimination sgalnst rnllatei-Hl of thla character. S Pstlnghnuse Klcctrlc held better than any others of that group, later ri'lng five i-oinis. .iiner inaustrlal and eauipments and la 4,( short of the supply for the of the same class gnlned two to four f 64 8 811 I Mi 8 M 7 64. S Ml 8 90) 8 ftS j 7 4T 6 W t W 7 o I t 7 01 I T 411 0 (l " I I w 7 Ml 6 14, t 11 Sundav. Receipts and disposition of llv stock at tha Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, (or twenty-frrur hours ending at 3 p. nr. RECEIPTS-CARS. Cattle. Hogs. She p.H'r's, C.. M. St. P 3 Wabash 8 8 .. .. Missouri Pacific. ... 3 Union Paeltl.; to 2ft 12 C. & N. W cast.. i 4 1 C. N. W. west.. 67 N 1.1 C. St, P.. M. & O.. 24 14 "., H. g.. east.. 3 2 1.. C, B. 4 g., west.. 45 2 13 .. C, R. 1. ft P., rsst 16 6 2.. C. R. I. P.. west 6 2 2 .. Illinois Central .... 7 3 Chkago Gt. West.. 4 1 .. Total receipts ..374 1"S 21 I L-ISIVSITION-HKAD. Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. . 2 1 20 l.iOl I.MDi 3. KM 1.0! 316 LIVERPOOL. May 4.-WHEAT-oot. F. B. Lewis firm; Ne. I hard winter, 13s lOd; No. 2 j. R. Root & Co -. red western winter. 18s 10V4d; No. 2 Manl- j. h. Bulla',. toba. 14s Id; No. 3 Manitoba, 13s lid. ' L. K. Hubs CORN Spot, quiet; American mixea, .Kellogg new, 68 6d: American, nuxea, cm, no pvcrthelmer & liegcn. stock; La Plata, mixea, sa I'to ill. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Rothschild 2 1 Mo. a. Kan. Calf Co.. St. Lonis Grata Mark. firr tniiis Mnv 1 WllKAT.Xn red. $1.6?JM.6',: : No. 2 hard. 8l.lVMrl-l; .V,""8" May, tl.!v; July, 31.38. I 11181" CORN No. 3, 77Vic; No. 2 while, 78tf Huffman 78H: May, 7H4i; July. wc. wm . UAlo IN o. 2, oanv, n. lrmw, wvra 1 .viryers .. 84")o ;oiasberg naaer. jonrs oc .imiin Tanner Bros. John llarvev 7ennls St Francis...... Kline Coffee) Market. NEW YORK. May. 4. There waa soma covering by July snorts in th market Mir futiimea bin. thla mornlna. but after opening 8 points higher to 8 point .Other buyers lower the market eased off In tha later trading under scattered realising and a Uttle trade selling. Tha close was at a net decline of 2 to 8 points. Bales, 11.2M) bags. Closing bids: May 820c; June, .20c; July, 7.42c; Aufcnat, 7.48e; Septem ber, 7.44c; October, 7.49o; November. 7.62c; December. 7.57c; January. 7.8c; February. 7.68e; March, 7.4c; April, 7.78c, Spot steady; Rio No. 7, 7c; Santos No. 4, Mo. Coat and freight offer a ere unchsngod. , REAL ESATE: INVESTMENTS ABSTKACT OF TITLE litis Guarantee and Abstract Co.. a modern abstract otfice. mk, so. litn rnone i'. w. 2ul-k Stale Pk. Bldg. I'. i2a.'. Hr.tU AU.-1IIAC1' CO.. oldest aOatraet otlloe in Nsbraska. aw uranaeia 1 nea Kerr Jt-ssen & Morrell $2,800 Investment Store and Cottage I Best little close-In Investment we fenow ,of; store building, cottage, barn, full-lot. on paved street, east ot lh St. Present ! rmitnl but $jii. which can be Increased at .expiration of present lease In August. I RtMjulr.- Il.son csh to hnndle. - Glover & Spain V heat May. July. Corn May. July. Oats Msy. July. pork July. ' f Pt. Lard July. Sept. Ribs July Sept. r 1 62 1 2 1 86 1 3Ct 7T 771, 7tl 80 ' ' 66' 64Vi 64 12 SO 18 40 18 80 12 82tt 10 86 , 10 47 10 80 10 70 10 8741 10 80 10 85 11 07 I Close.lVes'y. 1 81i 1 24 76t 644 64 12 20 18 60 i tra 10 57) 10 10 I 1 2 126 73 SO 66 64 18 88 18 10 46 10 70 WTT lr7 1 (2 1 26 78 79 84 66 13 20 18 82 10 80 10 80 10 88 10 86 !81t-20Clty National, Douglas 3M p f AL ESTATE FOB EXCHANGK HOUSUli TO KXCHANGE. vnwm house, modern, euet front on N. Soth ft., clear of inc.. pr. 33,600; want a uood n-r. cottage, balance In money. I room totlagc. not mod.; price 31.4". mtg. 2vj0, want to turn in equity as first payment 011 a u-nt-i rei'leii ur tncoina piorerly, not to ex"e-U 34,1 n. W. S. FRANK '-St Novllle Block . ft-K()R 8ALK or ex.hange bath hou se hx elslor Springs, M.i.. with fui niched flat 16 rooms, price 3a,610. Take Income property any town above 10,0(0. Jim Wry, Sloux City. Ia. FOR EXCHANGE Improved fruit farm, also fine tract of raw land, also resi dence in 0:-nd Jimctloii, Colo. Trade one or all. C. R Iough. owner. Grand Junction, CV.IO. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 2 3 4 5 Acres Acres Acres Acres REAL ESTATK LOANS tic TO 310,000 made promptly. F, O. Waad. Weed Bid., l'th and Karnsni Bta CITY and farm loan. 6. 6. 4 dot csol j J. H. Dumont to. 41 niaie uaaa. WANTED City luiu- and warrants. W, FarnaT Smith 4k Co . U-'O If'amam Bt MONET on habd for city and farm iuana H W. Tender, City National Bank Hldg. WANT E r Oil y loans. Peturs Trust Co. rKE us first for farm loans in eastera Neb. United Htte Trust Co.. Omaha. iTS! CITY LOANS. C. Q Carlberg. Rrandets Tnester Bldg Oil AH 4 l.'.MieH hul Nel.lueka faxnia CTKKKr E REAL EST AT K CO.. Mdl Omaha National, f-booe Lout: la 2718 ' in Richland Acres If you want soma of the best level and gently rolling rich land, close to a paved road and a good local ion, you should not overlook seres in this new srl.lnkjii. u la all In alfalfa and original praliie, onlv a ahort dlstanoe from Benson and ad Joining Keystone Park on the northwest Some pieces have running water. An elegant place for an Investment or a future home. This tract la only 8 blocks from the Jitney line. These acres will he sold on our usual easy terms. Price. txV to 1460 per aer. Hastings & Heyden K14 HARNEY ST. Cottea Market. NEW YORK. May 4. COTTON KpoL quiet; middling upland, 10.30c; sale, I.M bale. Cotton future opened steady; May, 60c; July. t.c; August, .9oc; October, 10.13c December, w.wci January, w.c; March. 10.67c. Cotton futures closed firm: May. t.xzo: July, lO.OSe, October, 10.38o; December, lu.nne: January, jv.uo; warcn. iu.mo. Tba aotton market closed firm at a net advance of U to 14 point. O am aha Hay Market. upland, none here, would bring 31100; No. 1. 310.Bt3U.n0: No. 2, VI.niHyaQ.oo; jyo. i, 24.004(7.00. Choice midland, none here, would bring 311.00; No. 1, 3! 00U.OO; No. 2. 37.004 lu. 00 ; Mo. 3, M.OiUTOO. Choice lowland, none here, would bring 20.60; No. 1. i.004i.00: No. 2. 3ri.0Ofi4.O0; No. 2, 84O0fl.OO. Straw, choice wheat. 3a.0tt 6.60. Alfalfa, choice. 313.60; No. 1. 311.004 13.00; No. 2. 3.0Oi10.00; No. I, T.008.00., Metal Market. NEW YORK, March 4. MJCTALB Th Metal exchange quotes spot lead at 84.13 4il.3u; spelter, unquoted. Spelter at London. I: lead. 20 7s8d. The metal exchange quote tin easy, 33 0tNO.0O; copper, steady; electrolytli , 119.00: casting. 218.60filA76. At Jondon: Spot copper, 77 6s. tin, f ISO !; futures. (182. 82 6 1R3 W) 42 13 6 82 2 47 6 70 7 13 19 11 2 2 ti M IK) 14 24 210 as4 2.044 1.420 2,t4 277 corresponding days of Isst yesr. Quotation on sheep and lambs: Lamb, light. 89 sofl 10.16; lambs, heavy, m.t .: lamb, shorn. 3.onfli8.4ft; yearlings, llsht. r.noU8 38. yearlings, beavr, 276i 2.00; aethers, good to choice. 325tl.7S; wethers, fair to good, tS.Onfl 3J; ewes, good to choice, 37. 7643. 60; ewes, fair to good. S7.2Ta7.75. Representative ssles: No. KM clipped lambs y-0 fed shorn lamb.... Mexican lambs 2"-) Mextcan lambs 26 culls 24X Mexican lambs ISO Mexican lambs .... Av. , 77 . 73 . TO , 71 . 4 . 87 . 87 Pr. 3 86 4 10 10 10 10 10 8 ; 10 10 10 10 IIIKAUO I.IVB STOCK MARKET rattle t'lras llos ' Weak 8 her a Unsettled. CHICAGO, May 4.-CTTLE-Roclpts, 2.0m head: firm; native twef steers, (U 75; western steers, 26aritf7.4fl; cows and heifers, 33 im.40; calves, IH iXifiN .'O. HtKJS Rcelpts. heaa; weak, after averaging a Shade higher; bulk of sales. 37.4nr7.e; light. 27.it7.7(; mixed. 37.2iitl7.8n; heavy, 27.0Cfl7.; rough, 7.00 7.16; pigs. 2684MX llEa;P Receipts, ,0.; unsettled; tlieep, 27.408.40; lamb, 33.00 10.69. points, and i..l..r and ferllllxer shsres rose in iiKe degree. I nppers were con sistently strong throughout. United States Steel hesitate! In the esrly dealing-., but riwo a point later, de spite Inceksant selling. Canadian Pacific, one of yesterday's weak fi-nture. recov ered more than half its decline, snd Union Pacific. St. Paul. Ihlgh Vallev. Nsm- Haven and Rock Island were up one to two points. The entire list shaded moderately at the close. Total sales of Hocks amounted to 0n shares. The financial event of the dav wss the sale to a bankera' svndlcate of Ortl.om Pennsylvania 4 general mortgage bonds, to be used in large part for re funding an Issue of 34 per cent con vertibles. Public offering of thcee bonds mill afford another test of Investment conditions. The bond murket wa Irregular on light and narrow dealings. Total ssles, psr value, asgregsted 8).470,oM. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: .le Hlah 41 Totals (.871 (.626 (,0 CATT LK Receipts were fairly liberal thla morning, 27 care being reported In. The total for the two daya ainoulj to 11. MM head, being almost 4,000 s slier than the excessive run last week, but with that exception the largest of any recent similar period, and larger than year ago by over 4,000 head. Good to cholca light beevea TXT active seller at fully steady price, uefcvy cat tle on the other hand were a little sticky as they have been on most daya of late. Buyer left the heavy cattle until tho last and they were at no time active sell er. Prices ranged anywhere from ateady to a little K-wor. Cow and heifer were in good demand and light supply. Light oows and heif ers were active seller at fully steady K rices. Heavy and medium kind were is active, but still there wa not very much difference in prioes. Th tendency, however, waa a little easier. Blocker and feeder were In moderate upply and good demand, so that price li.iwed little or no Chang compared with yoterc'ay. Quotation on cattle: Good to cholca yearling, 84.0OU3.46; good to cholca heavy comfed lieeves, I7.7fvyl.00; fair to good cornfed peeve. 27.6tnr7.76L common to fair corn fed beeves. 7.0u47.60; good to choice heifers, .'6H8.00; good to choice cows, 38.804)1.40; fair to good cows, t6.7nQ4.30; common to fair oows. 83.T63.16; good to cholca stocker and fdera. 87.fya t.or; fair to good stocker and feeders. (7.009 7.60; common to fair stocker and feed er, 2ft.ON2r7.oO: stock heifer. 36.767.28; stock cow, (6.60ft4.7F; stock calve, 2ft.S32 2.8b; veal calves, 27.3rl0.00; fat bulls, sisgs, etc., 86.00.76; stock bulla, K.-3MJ 7.00. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Km. Av. Fr. Ns. II MTU 14., Dry Good Market. NKW YORK. May 8 Ontton teodn continue iirin una ... iwuj uemaria. i Yarns are quieter, but firm. Men wear n! ror rail 1 noi oeing ornnrea ireeiy, inq m 4 Ill T tf M 114 I Spot , 1 If' J im ii. 1 ' 17, II 10 34. It.. 20. . 44.. ii.. I.. .... Ml 7 M ....ill 7 M 8TEKRH AND HEIFERS A. T . 474 T 44 .111 7 T . T 7 .1114 T M . 7(11 I 0 .14t M .14T I M REAL ESTATE WAXTED LIST your property with H it. Lander you, yn Neville Blk n Min LIST real eklate and renlaie with lON- F.I.SiiN R. K ro., '. fjm Nat I Bank. Read Th Be "Bjaine.a Chauea nd get Into your owa business. Cgah Price Wheat: No. 3 red. 31.82; No. 2 hard. 31.Sftft1.83. Corn: No. 2 yet low, vhwV; NO. yellow. 77c. Oats: No. 3 white, ttAttc; standard, 6V066c. Rye. No. i. 3123. Barley 1 7je. Timothy; 36.604OTO0. Clover: 8.i..n3 00. Pork: I17.au. Lard: 310.2S I . 1 . 1 1 .... . a V 1 . V 1 IV. av. r . 1 . s.v.wnoyiv.wn. BUTTER Steady ! creamery, 2338c. POTATOES Steady ; receipt. 32 cars;, . iTiu-nia&ii Ma Wisconsin, reu, &tV3act wii niHiui ana w isconsm, wnne, BMaiuc. tXJiiS-Lower; receipts, 39,812 cases: at mark, cases Included, 17(&'18c: ordinary firsts. lWj'fll7c; firsts. 184H8c. iuulthi-Alive, higher; fowl. 15c, New York General Market. NEW YORK. May 4.-SUOA R-Raw, easy:, centrifugal, 4.77c; molusse. 4c; refined, steady; cut loaf, 6.90c; crushed. 2Wic; mould "A," 8.4Se; cubes, 8.2&t; XXXX powdered, 8.15c; powdered, 8.10c; fine granulated, 8c; diamond "A," c; oonfeclluners' "A." (,9uc; No. 1, 876.-. Trading in sugar futures were quiet; price at midday showing practically no changn from yesterday. BUTTER Steady; receipts. 10,248 tubs; creamery extras. 82 scoring, 21c; cream ery, higher scoring 3l(tvt3o; firsts, itit 3un: second. 27428c. EGGS Irregular; receipt. 46.D08 cases; fresh gathered extras, 2Mu22c; storage packed, extra firsts. 21c; firsts. 3utflc; regular packed, extras firsts, 4i41c; firsts, linM:. Nearby hennery whites, fine to Jm.nct. 23'u.ic; nearby liunnery browns, ilial2c. l'HEEHB-Vrr strong: receipt. L180 boxes; state whole milk, froe specials, W'fM'e; state whole milk, average rancy, in-ivisvi POULTRY Live, unsettled: ithlng quoted. lresse(L quiet western i7oxn roasting chickens. r7j'4lc; fowls. HWii 1 lev; turkeys, 16'Ac. 1 1 Kaasaa t'lty Grain aaa Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Mo., May 4-WHBAT No. 2 hard. 1.W1S7. No. ! red, 31.683 l.hVf. May. 3164; July, 31-38; t-epiem-ber. fl.lk61.l6Vi, CORN No. 3 mixed. 76yr6c; No. I white. 78c; No. 3 yellow, 76U-; No. 3. 7r; May, 74c; July, titaej Tkptamaar, 7c. 0ATS-N0 3 whlta. 644jcc; No. I mixed, 6Ii3C2a. BUTTEK-t'reamery, 7c; first. 26e; seconds. :"3c; packing, 17. EGGS Firsts, 17c-; sc.nds. ISc. MJI LTRY Hens. 14c: ruters. J0c ttrkeys. lie- . Ulnar noils l.rnla MarVei. . MINNEAPOLIS. Mav 4 WH E AT Msy. 11.), No. 1 hsiJ, f I.Ct'.; No. 1 light weights are dull. Silk ribbons hava been sold for export to South America in moderate quantities. Rvaported Apple aad Dried Frail. NEW YORK, May 4 -Evaporated ap ples dull. Prunes steadier. Apricots and peaches quiet. Raisins steady. I Now York Moaey Market. NWW YORK. May 4.-PR1MK MER CANTILE PAPER J3 per cent. ST BRUNO EXCHANGE - Steady; sixty-day bills. f4 79H6; for cable. f4.7V76; for demand. 4.72S. SILVER Bar, 60c; Mexican dollar. 38c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. T1MI4 I-OANS Easv; sixty and ninety day. 2'Vil- per cent; six month, iWst 2 per cent.' CALL MOMKY-Steady; highest. 3 per cent; lowest, 1 per cent:, ruling rate, 2 per cent; last loan. 2 per cent; closing bid. 1 per rent: offered at 2 per cent. Closing Quotations on bends today were ss 'ollows: U. n. ret. 3 re ... M4V V. v. Mn. s, sji 4e onupon N. Y. (-. INI.IMU f 8. la. rf 111 H'K Y. Uts .JUW 4a euusm IMVN. V.. N. H A H , U. H. rag lnl rv Ill 4ft ooupAB llftSNnrthem Psc. 4 ... HH Psnanis s Mupos. .I'm do Is uv Am SnMlisn 4a ...in O . L rat .... It A. T. A T. c. 4.l0iHHc. T. T. ta.... 7I, Armour 8 Co. 4San4 1'aea. eon a Auhlasn ia. 4s... W Hasdis no. 4a ti Bal. Oh Is UlS'S. I a 8. r. t. immm rtittm 8 O 4S So. I'ac e. 4a (, L.., B. aT u. . a.. if so ear. 4a . II 4 8 I ISta.-UHStRs. Hallavsr (a .. ri a go. rot. m 1 nios rvific 4, , ! D. A R. O raf la 414 4s 4a j Krio fan. 4a 74 l'. H HuDbar 4a.. Oao Klartrla U .m.f g. (Slrat la ... Orul No. 1st . H VtUlk tat la '.III. Co raf 4a.... II Was. t alas 4Hi it. .-. s. rot. mm.... naoH. xio I., N. in. 4a M4.S" Par. ev. 4, I m I'Ui, -,i la. MS fia. . . .10IU ... " m .. ' - w 1.71- m r,. r r aa. I'M Mo. ro. cv ia Bouaa Oor. 4V,a....liBV London Mark Market. LONIXtfs', May 4. American securities opened Irregular. eaad off during tha session and closed dull. SILVER Rar, 2Hd per ounce. MONEY l'.Vm per cent. DISCOUNT RATES Short bills 2 per cant; three months, 2V. til 16-13 psr cent. St. Joseph Lira ttook Market. ST. JOS6UPII, March 4. CATTLK Re ceipts, l,uu head. Market strong: strsrs, 37.utso.60; cows and heifers, 34.6u4., calves, 340Uii.2t. HOGS-Receipt. 4.400 head Market strong, top. 81 46; bulk ef sales. f7.2:r 7.7'. SHEEP AND IAMBS-Recelpis. 4.fc. hi ad Market strong; lambs, f ld.boy 10 40. 14... 11... 3... t... 4... tl... 1 .. 7... JO... I... I .. IS... 24... I... .107 T 44 . 14 T aa .lilt 7 70 .114 1 U . 474 7 I... li... 4... SI... It... COWS. ..lot) ( n 11 .. 7.1 4 24 I .. t4 I 44 14 .. fi3 I SO It . .1U0 t 00 I ..U 4 II .. Ill 4 H lltlTERS, . .ItMM 4 M I . . M4 I 74 IA ..Ml 7 00 13 ,. W 1 S 14 .. 777 7 M IJULU. . . 46 6 fen I .1700 I 5 ..1740 I M . .! I 1ft . .vi;n 4 la . laal I a .711 I M . 4! t 04 . 741 I II . 4t 1 m 703 I 49 . 10 H .iilM 4 n . 4S4 .low 4 tl .1104 7 40 .44 t 04 .. 447 7 I ..ll4 T a ..141 T 40 .,404 7 4a .140 IS . .! 4 M ..ib.o las . . I4n 8 44 ..11,0 I 16 . 11M 7 I I I.. 1 . 1.. 1.. VLVEsi. I Ill I 00 3 HI 4 4 u 6 4 IT0 I n .v 1 40 I IU IH I ! 1 M I laa 4 71 1 ISO I 00 1 10 14 04 1 81V I 71 1 BT'JCKi-.ltS AND FEEDERS. U 1 04 I.,.., TI4 T 44 7 7 24 14....: 441 T M 4 411 7 30 Ml T 4 HOGS Receii.iM, u l.lle very .'sir. war not nearly so large a on last Tuesday, astlmates calling fnr something like Kttj car, or 11,000 head. The total for th two days amounts to 17, HA hesd. This Is 6.010 smaller then last week, but 3.(14) heavier than last year. Early advices from other point Indi cated a firm fneling in the trade, and, on the strength of tin shippers slsrted out in good sessnn and bought freely at prices that were strong and in the ma jority of caes as much aa a nickel higher. Bulk of tli'lr purchases mas niade around 37 ,2.'y7.;i, atid a part of a load sold as high aa f7. Jo. Packers, however, were bearish again today, and Instead of following the lead of the shippers, they made their rsrly offer at a Hat dime derhne. Seller were forced to slick It out until nearly midday to better these figures, hut in the end the lackers gsve In, and when the bulk of the killer hog finally sold It aaa on a steady to shade higher basis, the most of the sale being mad at f-i. ) .fc. Bulk of all th sale wa mads at V.Vtl . with top up to 87.J6. It might be notexl that the shipper ux-eded In buying some hogs towards the last end ef the forenoon at prices that were no more than steady, while the goners! msrket wss anywhere from nearly to a nickel higher. Sellers found rough hogs and stuff carrying any great amount of weight In l-oor request ana In this morn ing, and there more, still son. of this t. Lnnla I.tv Btark Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo. May 4.-CATTLK Reonlpta. 4,700 head; lower; native beef steers, f7.6oY) SO; yearlings, steers and helfera, UOftftt.ftn; rows 3-00!R7X; stock er and feeders, f8.VTf7.75: southern steers, 3Tt.25iuri.0J); cows and heifer. 34.aii'o.tO; nstive calves. fA.Otkg 10.00. HOGS-Reeelpu, )n head: higher; pig and lights. f6.2Mr7.70; mixed and butchers, f7.66t".TB; good hcsA-y, fT-cOtf 7.70. 8 HKEP Receipt. 1.308 hd: teady; lambs, fp st'is 18.76; awes. SAMH8.i6: clipped lambs. 3X.7ii.10; yearllnts, IVMitia.M): clipped yearling. f7.00(S;.7t. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., May 4. CATTLE) Receipts, 11.000 head; ateady; prime fed stern, 88.X09OO; dr4ed beef steers, 37. a; 8 10; western st.ers. 37.Ut(2o; ste.kers and feeders. 34.86fit.3j; bulls, o.76'(7 0i; calves, I8.(l710.00. HOGS Receipts, 17.S0O head; higher: hulk of sales. f7.SMrT.40; heavy. f7.H 7.40; packers and butchers. 27.32tj7.4i; light. 37.S6di7.4J; pigs, I7.0O&7.7.. SHEEP Receipts, J.80O head: steady; lambs. fK.SlO.'ffi: yearlings, 37.6068.28; wethers, f7.0UtS.60; awe. 34.71126. iSloas City Live- Stork Market. SIOUX CITT. U.. May 4. -CATTLE Receipt. 3.000 head: market lOo higher: native steers, f7.2Vfnt.00; butcher. t6608 7.76; cow and helfera, f6.004f7.a6: can ner. 3.16Offl.O0i stocker and feeders. $6.('V37.fi6; calves, .CftI7: bull, U.HXW 7.00. HOGS Receipt. 4.600 head: market alow: heavy. 17.70; mixed. 37 17v41.J(; light, fi.l; bulk or aie. rr.X4jl.lu. Enginemen Demand Congress Investigate Nagel Appointment CHTCAQrO, My 4). A congressional in- oqlry into tha rssson Charle K. Nagsl, former secrtary of eommirri and labor, wa Mlectnd a th neutral member of th arbitration beard which settled tha w8 dispute of th firemen and engi neer of ninety-eight western railroad wa demanded tonight In a resolution adopted by delegate representing th men' organisation. Th resolution wss adoptod after an all-day aeaaion of the man. In which th award waa dlaotisaed thoroughly. Such an Investigation la necssaary, th rtaolu- tton assertsd. If controversies between capital and labor are to be peaceably ad justed. . "We submit that Mr. Xagel waa not neutrs.!." th resolution said. "Inasmuch It was clearly established that h I co-executor ana ce-truste of th tat ( the lte Adophg Buch. which aatat haa large holding ef railroad securiUes, and that h I a director In th Union Trust company of St. Lout and 1n th Northwestern Mutual Lit Inauranc company of Milwaukee, both ef which corporation are larger holder of rail road securities than th Buach estate." 4o ju, im tn lll 74 M4i 101 7(.'i " 17V4 tt 4 124 1.114, 1 4St US T74. 1M'4 14 i Aliaka (M14 4.fMN Jt1 Amaisamaieil roneer n.aii 7iiv An erlran Ileal Husar.... 4.e0 44V, Amorlran a 12,700 4i Arr.erlran 8. A ft 7.40 7H, xminnn r. a n poi Avar. Siiirar rtennln.. mo lit l-.4s an-nnt-aa i at. Ti... Amorlran Totiarro AnsennSa Mlnlnl Alrhlana naltlmers A Ohio inreehlrn Karl T-aaalt. I..i 00 t'alirnrnls Toimlaura ... 1.1.TS II Canadian fatlfle ........ I.iao nit rentrsl Lasihsr i.rn 4s Oifeaapeslio a Ohio in) 4i Chlraso, Ores! Wsrt ... 5w llv t-hlraso. Mil. 4V St. Taul 1.M4I 1114 Chli-aso 4 N, W 400 lv rtilao rNnpr 14.100 Cnlorailn K. 1 1.S00 31 Colnrado 8 flomhern I)onr 8 R. o Ienrr A TL. O. rf4 Platlllera' rWoritlao I MA 11 Rrlo . 100 ?44t lenoral Rlactrlo pYi ijti Groat Norlhars Bt4 1.700 ijo (Ireat Knrthora Ore Hfa II loo .vol Ousanhlmr Exploratlos 4,100 11 iiimoia ooiurol Intarhomugh-afot pfd .. Inaplratlno ("oppor Ksn. ("tl y Southern lhtga Valley LeuiaTlll A KaahTllls. Meilraa Petmlaum .... Miami Copsor Ma., gas. Toa Mlaenurl Pnrlflo National Biaovlt National Loo 4.JO0 Nevada Oopper 2,(KW) Now Tor Control l.sm N. v . N. H a H I.ton Norfolk A Weaura I"0 in Northers rnrlllo 2.40 INtt Psoirts Mall HuO u Psclflo Tel. A Tsl renmrlvanla 1.400 fUr Oia. Vnpwr lt.40 Koarlln il.loo Ropnk Imn A Stool I.voo Rnch U)n4 ro Heck lilsnd Co. Bt4 )t. u a n. r t ., So.it hors Parlflo , Southorn Salloray Tonnooao' Copper Tolas (Vnoiny t'slos Paclflo fniow ra.-ifie pro t'nll4 ptatos Rtool t'nlleO U a too gtool M t'lah r op par Wahoah. ml Wootorn t'nlea 1 1,100 (at, Waal Nelrte tl.lo 10SV Moelans Prtwof Total shares for I ho dar. 434.004,. T.n. Clnae. MS Mv tua 73 471 47', r 40 ' 714 71 'o )1H4 11. 122', ill 3m-i I1S 74 0 lit l:i Ml) 1.100 10.4O0 4.700 l.l'W 11100 I 1 1.IO0 2.700, 77.' TlV S ! ns us 14. v, l4:s n Mt US 18 4H ns s 'S iftsta I4 m w us us 'iil, nw Ml, 101 l tl isiii tis U'S ts I lV 1.1 s 14 Uj lilt M. 00 ra, , jtij, n.onn 104 f.tMi aa 1.000 M0 M U.300 ! II 12 S 1S Kit 10i 4ii "i" 84 12s S It 10 IS 14 14'. im l'OU, am, ion 71 S. 31 'a 274 141 111 i'a t4 "'4 ut 111 Ml. It lH 17 14 lr l4 I0, m !4H tS I s s 31 S UN. ns U4 111, II M m f'4 4li 10ll t Loral 8epnrltle, flotations fiimlrhorl Jit Bur.' Drinker aor .imana rist. iM Ul. , Unvalia: B'4. II ..loo ,.. t ..940 v .101 HTCWKH Oir norrlra pfi. 'tt NallonaJ Monk, Omaha.... Poere '. pi ,., rp'-mont Troamory T pill Hrdrtullo roas Brlrk eomnoa tlnndrear Tire rornmo Mfillno rVnw prd Mountal Htatea Tol Omaha A Cov Rlufta Ht. Br ml Oaiaha Co. Blurta Rr. a Brdg. sf4 II 1'nlon fttock Yd.. Omaha 41 t'pdlk Oraln rnmmos 11 wlfi Co. r'O lot ' Til riir RT. a U. pld 10 HONOR Alma. Neb , Watorwnrko la, llrM 11 nrunlns. Noh., Watorworka lloa. 1W4 so 1 I. las Thresh. Mrs. 4a, !J4.... fVlumkga. Noh.. Blor. la 1124 M Duarloo Roaltr Co. aa. ij Ottheahurs. Nob.. Water ka mm. 1114 44 Mantroal Tramwar 4a t riir nt Montroal la, nil a On.aha sor iSm. 14.44 10114 ritr ef rmaha Imp. m. 1117 Omaha Wster 4 Ha, t41 tnj Omaha Co. Bluffs .. Kr. mm. 1494 rilla-Wa.hlgrn Flour Mill to. 1121.. llv. Hwlft On. la 1M4 J su StaU of Utah 4a 11,1 t'al Plaeo, Nob.. 4Ua. 1117 n Wlrhlta Union fttk. Yds. 4. 1134.... 4 Co . Aobed. C 1) It 101 . . . . ?4J 101 101 . 741, li loft 1 100 KO 100 II re 141 100 A lo ve 10r, 14. J04 Killed Making a Test Flight ofViUa Plane EL PA HO, Te May 4 -Jack Mayes of 8'an Francisco wa killed ytiterdav at Aiua Calient In making a test flight of on of th aeroplan purchased for th Villa army, according t a telegram from J. B. Berger ot Chicago, who I nanager of the Villa aerial rorp. It wa stated In tht message that May wa flying at th rat of sixty mile an hour. Th body I being sent to th border here. General V!la ha several air craft, nearly all of which ar manned by American. It ha ben announced that tli machine would pe used only for . scouting duty, and lot for bomli drop-i j ping. I KAN FRANCISCO. Msy J-Jack' Msyes, whose home wa In Ran Fran. ! I Cisco, wa years oil and a 'iu.Ics In ftvlng, having only recently completed j a course In r.n aviation school her. He ; left for Mexico about a month tu. Itank riearlna. OMAHA, May 4. Bank clearings fnr Omaha today were 23,n0,8a.24 and for the corresponding day Isst year 32,717.-723.38. "j2o IMII Mrs. John Lavelle Dies of Pneumonia Mrs. John Lavelle, wife of John La valla, of th Uyrne-Hammer Dry Qnods company, died at their home, 411! La fayette avenue, vesterday morning, after a long, hard fight with pneumonia. Mrs. lAvelle wa 11 prominent worker In Bt. Andrew's Episcopal church. Surviving are her husband and three small chil dren, her father, mother and sister. Uer parents. Mr. and Mr. Hawkins, live In Ottawa. Kan., and her sister's home 1 In Kama City. Th thre children ar' Catharine. ag4 10; John, aged 8. and Margaret, aged 3 years. Mr. Lavell wa 28 year of age, snd had been a residont of Omaha for fourteen year. 8h wa a gradual of the Kansas ritat university and a mem ber of the PI Beta Phi sorority. Th funeral will b held Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock at tb residence. Burial will be at Ottawa. Kaa, Bis Imitators But la Competitors. Safe, Epeedy and PoiiUr Cur lot Car, tplint. Sony, 0p4 Ifook, ' Stroiaoa Xoadoss, r oum lor, Wist lufla, aa4 all lamoaois frssa Vsavia, sUsgbsa ant etkor boor tasaot. Caro all ckla 4U or rsrsuias, Tkrsak, Sipbtkaria. KtaisTS att Ssasko frws Korssi CatO. M a a V . Kaoaa4r (or Bkoaamatissi, R 1 IS Ipraias, oxs Tkraa.1, ale, II la tyoa.uiu 1 I 18 T'or buttle of CauUi labsm sold la 4 ill Warranaa4 o ajtrs ai..!onuu, Prleo 81.80 ) 1 1 par '.Mti 10. 80U by Srassuto, er oonl b aa. 1 I II proal, saors-o paid, ortla full dlrooUooo tor I j Iviuaol , WdoBfiB4re euoaaVa, I g t4 Urrc-8llllsi C..CIylB4l, Q. j addroa tk. 1 .-..--ii 1 11. e . eiu.i..j m GLANDS THICK, SWOLLEN that make a horie AVheeie, Koar. hav 1 hick Wind or Choke-down, can be reduced with mmmm aim any llunch or owclling. No blister, uu hair ccna, and horie ket t work- Con rentrsted only a few dropi required 8t 83 application. $2 per bottl deliveted. lkxik 3 K frea. ABS0F.CINE, jaantisrptic liniment fornan kiud, reduce Cyati, Wens, painlul, Kaotud Vancei Vein, C'lccr. 1 and 2 a bottl at cUsaJcri or delivered. Book "Evidence" ire. IV ..YOUNG. P. D.'wtM1aaooa8arlaaBl4, M i