Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE BKK: OMA1LV, MONDAV, MAY 3, 1915.
Albert Christopher, Arretted by
Magio City Police, Suspected of
Being K&niu Desperado.
Whew. Peteetlva frfnt Will Haina of
Kumi City remored Albert Christopher,
alias Williams, alls Hog-mouth Wlm,
from South Omaha to Kansas City yes
terday, th local potle believe that a
real desperado wn place1 In Mf'kwpliii.
Christopher was returned under suspicion
of having murdered two rrwn and threat
ened hi. ramai companion. Mamie moor. ;-utnrtlva ,pp.arsnf. ,
who "squesled-' on him to Captain Hank th , . -Met, ,
Carey a few nights ago.
Opening Bay Brings Back Old
Friends to Give New Under
taking a Boost.
Orkln Brothers' "store beautiful," Oma
ha's latest shop for women, opened to
the pi i bile Saturday tn convenient and
J handsome quarter In the new hank '
building at BUteenth and Farnam street, l
with every conceivable detail of up-to- .
the-mlnute salesmanship, demonstration
and service facilities.
Friends and former patron of J. I
Orkln thronged th tore all day to con
gratulate him and Mitchell Wassermsn.
hla hrother-ln-law and partner, upon the
nd advantage of
all declared to ho
Dahlman and Cohorts Fire Last Big
Blast of Campaign Before &
Goodly Multitude.
: eminent 1v rMltl1 in OfnnSft'i rtrns.
The Moore woman at the time told the . n1 ,mprovm,,,,
local poffce that Christopher, who la eol- ..,t fu,fn- my ,,mb,t,0 the rtr,am of
red. had threatened to hill her In order j ud Mf 0rk( ..Ty.f lnr
to protect himself against the knowledge
which the woman I supposed to have of
Kama City murder In which Chris
topher and ft paJ named Olen Lee flg
tired. Before Christopher' return to Kiniu
Crty the Moore woman backed tap on her
prevloua tare merit and denied that
Chrlatopher wu In any way Involved In
the killings of which aha spoke. There I
mid to be a reward of offered for
the apprehenalofi of the Kan a City
murderer. Should It turn out that Chrla
topher la the right man Captain Hank
Carey and Officer Sen. Hyatt will prob
ably receive aome of the money.
Methodist a float.
Memhera of the Flrt MethodUt Bplsro
pal Sunday school of South Omaha will
act a host to the JS16 annual Sunday
school Institute of the Omaha dVtrlct of
the Nebraaka conference conducted hv
terlng the Omaha field nine year aTo
t have sought to serve th buv-lng public
with good merchandise and honest deal- i
Intra, upon a firm foundation and with a j
clientele Inat will recognise the beat In
quality and eervlc. Now we are lo
cated In the heart of the city, with every
thin new and of the beat, which rive
Ua the cherished opportunity aid ciiulp
ment for meetlni the most exacting re
quirement." gnwe-hf f'entrfif .erafto.
Mr. Orkin first became known to
Omaha women when he bought the O. K.
Scofleld Cloak nd Suit company at Fif
teenth and Dou1aa streets. He later wae '
the executive and managerlsl head of '
the orltnlsatlnn that look over the Ben
nett company, following the need of more
room for hla own growing business. l!o
1a at 111 a young man, and when he gold
two-reel rnme.iv im.. t 2n
Btonehou. t.erlf. .&. The.ter.
V.7e."r.r'c ,or rnt I" fe. tn
, 'rpt- Term reasonable. Well known
los(,on. Tel. South t7. , . B"(,M,wn
The Mystic Worker of the" World will
pI7lLnTs. T.uT,"y v'n, h Old
iecug.; their regular weekly
vee!i.Mtor! of ,h? r,,v "' hol their
eynlrg services at S o'clock thla evening,
in accordance, with the. uual custom -of
the tummtr month. ..."?'
The Jee branch office, ti N Ht. Hae.
r1,"' one time, mo word ea. h
;-y lor ()re day. lo a ,1
" Prompt and oourteoua
J1! r ICO.
nev. Chrle H. Fleming of th Church
of the i ovenant of Omaha will take th
piac of Kev. R. L. Wheeler of the Frt
I'rezbytirian church thla evening. .
The King Daughter and Bona of th
I'irat rrvabytrrlau cliurvb met at th
liotna pf Mr. and Mr. U. Oswald, i0 l
tret. A pleasant evening aa paaeed.
St jtlenia of the high school will enter
on th final tx week to study before
jicaj examination and graiuatlon for
tuc sjioiii senior tomorrow morning.
Mr. Jane Hotchkl of Greeley, Colo
ha returned to hsr hnma an.r a..-!,''
end ia alih the family of her dn'ign
tcr. Mr. and Mr. W, B. Horn of tht
b s
anclated with Mr. Orkl-i for a number of
yeara and was manager of Orkln
Brother' FIouk Clly etire, ha come to
Omaha with Mr. Waeaerman, ti live,
and will ahare the ownership and man
agement of the new tore here. He wa
formerly proprietor of the Washington
Hat and Shirt company, although hi
principal Interest ha alway been In
the women' cloak and ault bustnea.
Fixture and equipment of the hand
some new tore were all bought In
Omaha, and practically all were made
right In the Orkln Brother' store by the
mot expert workmen, to utt the re
quirement of the location. Tlio latter
haa floor apace of l,S0i feet extending
around thai Burlington ticket office, with
entrance at tH South Sixteenth street.
a well ma from th bank building, and
with large and attractive show window
on both the Farnam and the .Sixteenth
street aide.
Completeness and convenience of ar
rangement, as well as beauty of finish
and equipment, were generally remarked
upon by visitor at the new store dur
ing the opening day. They were Im
preaaed with the fact that no expense
nad been spared to make the store
eminently and distinctively fitted to serve
Its patrons.
ti 1 i!furlmnt itAri tut A miu rtA V. I .law
th board of Sunday schools of the -ir. .nt i..niw, of h
church. The Institute will be held during j 0mth. bllt WM Xo CUTn I
that tl at tfi r. a. .. . A ' t
. ' """ aultsble locatlnn until obtaining the beau
of the coming week. May I-4-. tfu, , th ,.n,lM ptMr) Na
( The opening .eneon will be held on ton, b,nk bll,,,ngi Ju,t compct,l.
; . . ociora. Kev. aipn Mitchell Wesserr.ian. who hna been a
iwr win rormaiiy open in pro
gram with an address on 'The Adult
Class Movement" while Rev. James V.
Thompson will deliver the final address
of tha evening at S o'clock on th sub
ject, "The Great Objective."
Wwk mi Srw Bans.
Work on a new section of the 'teel
concrete hog ham at th fnlon Stock
yard will be Urted at onoe, aorordlng
to announcfinent made yesterday at the
t'nlon Stock yards. Several sections have
already ben built, but General Manager
Buckingham says thst the need of greater
accommodation I growing dally and the
company is bent upon putting In th very
hcet In the new structure.
Corey fines n n Pnaltlna.
Kppe t'rey, fnr more than twenty-five
year In tho banking business of South
Omaha, has resigned hla position a s
alfctnnt rashlor at the Union Stock Yards
bank, to aCrept a position w:th ths Ne
braska National bank of Omaha. The
change I largely due to the friendship
which exuded for years between Corey
and F. W. rtark f tn y.braska Na
tional, fcrev has a host of friend In the
banklnif world of both cltlea and rs
reolally In fouth O.imha. hla home town.
B n-irvain.
r-eeutlful double corner on 21t fend O
Ha. Asphnlt pavenent surrounding prop
erty. East front ea fist t of eighty feet,
ISO-foot fronttgo on O St. Earth exca
vat'd for hnsemnts w;ll level lots. I
will foil on easy term for real xalu of
fn lot. if ,IU want (0 buM1 on hoUJB
or three hcupc. th'a la right. Bos U C.
Clbeon, oproslte poslofflce.
Pop Rale.
A we'l-bullt S-room home; let beating
and plumling: good location, 25th and A
ttecta. Cell Doug, iss, A. C. Pancoast.
Mule t Itr 1.I,
The Hawthorne school has ball team
K,l& " -
v.rin -J -SV w Mor of MmphU, Mo. ' Is
i-r-DS L'l hr ,ur.- Mr Btepkeo
franklin of South Omaha thla wk
Farmer Asks Help .
. To Escape from the
. Wiles of a Widow
Protection from what he termed "the
Influence" of Rev. Charles W. Havldgo
and matrimony, waa sought last night
t police headquarter by 'William Bel-
wold, wealthy Schaller, la., farmer.
Selwold told reporters that he came
to Omaha ' some ' time ' ago and Joined
Rev. Mr. Savldge's church and formed
th Acquaintance of the pastor.
When Mr. Savldg discovered he was a
bachelor of means he commenced to
preach matrimony to him, Selwold says,
and later put him In the way of meeting
the widow. Selwold say he thinks she
Is an actress, though he aaya he has
never seen her In the flesh.
"I wrote, her some letters and she
wrote me aome. and before I knew It I
was getting In deeper and deeper. I
wish 1 had those letter back."
Selwold would pot ahow any of hla
letters,' but did , show picture of a
pretty woman wlti whom he says he haa
been corresponding.
Holding pictorial campaign cards
of the opposing tlrketg In his out
stretched hand, Mayor Dahlman on
the utase of the Auditorium last
evening atked the audience whether j
they believed the aquare aeven or
"those auckeri on the antl ticket" are
better able to govern the Greater
Omaha that la to come. The mayor
aatd thing about Chairman Sutton
and the "nig Six." He also said
Simon would not be made superin
tendent of police If elected.
The motln was largely attended
Among the foetume were red fire, a band
and roetry by :xc. Tanner of .Couth
Omahn. The speakers were A R rtltchle.
Axalstant City Attorney Iamhert, J. M.
Tanner, W. K. Wapplch. F-dward Simon.
Commissioner F.utler. Arthur Mullen and
Mayor Dahlman. Congressman Loteck
presided. The meyor" wife st In a box
with s pntty of women.
Mayor Jim's Remark,
The administration people participated
In an autr.moblle parade In the afternoon
and rcgnroVd the day a practically the
close of their rpklng campaign, ' al
thi ugli it f' w meetings will be held today
tnl Monday.
"Omalm Is the greatest moral city of
the country," said tho myor, "1 ecauee of
the Influeiice of the women of this city.
I am told that cnlj three yixmm will
get out for the tintis and I'm Mad to
hear that. I wonll suggest that thene
cmen hvk un tho records of some of
the rnprMtlon and they would blush for
"I'll tell you 1 I've educated a lot of
those suckers In'the last nine years snd
I'm going to educste some more.
"Anybody who rays we will plaj-e Simon
at the head of the police department If
wo are re-elected la a liar. .ugel ha
made, good as head of the police depart
nent. Simon Is too young for that Job."
Rltrhl and Tanner Talk.
Attorney Wtchle maintained tint It be
hoovrs those opposed to prohibition to
stand by the square seven and aalnnt
the antla.
"Iet us say to the square seven, we
want them to continue, tho era of pros
perity they have atarted and give them
to undirtand that Omaha should be gov
erned along jroad. Intelligent lines,. If
we would attract oapltal and new bus
iness. What worse news could you send
out than that the white horse of prohi
bition is stalking abroad?" continued Mr.
Mr, Tanner referred to the mayor as an
exemplar of honesty and plain dealing
and aa opposed to fanaticism and radical
ism and said that In event of annexation
the people of South Omaha would look
with favor upon the rule of Dahlman,
"known as being just and fslr."
Lambert, Mullen and Simon.
Assistant City Attorney Lambert re
viewed the actlvltle of his department
aa an argument that the administration
and Its legal department have not neg
lected ' the- interests of , the people . as
against the public service corporations.
Arthur Mullen said h bellevvd the peo
ple would not vote out an experienced
and tried set of officials for sn Inex
perienced et of aspirants.
Edward rilmon said he could have re
ceived the support of a certain "yellow
paper" If hn would have sinned a state
ment to oppose Mayor Dahlman. .
Chairman Loberk urged the voters to
support the Auditorium bond issue.
Find Woman's Body
In Missouri Eiver
Th body of aa unidentified woman
waa found In the Missouri rtvel opposite
Bellevue late yesterday by Ernest Collins
and Charles Capper.
It was tha body of a woman about 36
years of age. with brown hair, dressed
In ' a blue walit and blue skirt of a
corded material. Coroner Armstrong of
fcarpy county took charge of th body.
He Is of the opinion It had been In th
water several days.
1'e last night po Identification bad
The South Omaha Hlsh s hool
ball tram will inret th Ashland
gallon on the Ashland 111.1 next Kr.dirl .. , " . ' . '
cnin. Coai-ii I'aiton will ari-jwuauy MJr McCormlek. in charge of the
tlo tem. I Omaha post of the Volunteers of Amr
Tho Keif" ri'areing lnh el l e h g 1 1 -a. went to Faplllion to vlw the body.
ZVVSiZ" tlWZ'yXtf'; ! that It might po...b,v be Mis.
Hey Wion'a er:h.tra will play for tTe Vnn Arderon. a recent convert worker,
etenlng' entrrtclnment. i who . disappeared several day ago.
The Merrymakers will rive Ihelp u, t
Wednesday evening dano at th Moos
ball. Twenty-fifth and M lrl. next
Ve1nedy evening at I o'clock. Rarsy
Rubin hand will render th music for
tbe evening. ,
Cpchureb lodge No. t Degree of Honor,
will holit it regular sneetlng nxt
Wednesday evening at t o'clock. The
hnngs of time wsa mad because the
drill team will give- a card psetv and
elbnre the aame evening.
Mrs. Amy lmb and voung lady daugh
ter, gsthel, of ka Moines, la., whohsv
been spending th winter In California
are now visiting , t (H bom t,t lier
brother. Dr. C. M. May. 1002 N'oitU
Tsentieth street, on their Journey homeward.
Swedish Singers
Give May Festival
The eighth annual May festival of the
Swedish Kinging society "Nordea" waa
held at th Swedish auditorium last night,
with tn big building completely , taxed
to ( to accommodat th' larg
kerr.bjy ef music lovers who attended
to hear th folksongs and classic of
th northind rends red by t b Swedish,
Noratgiaa and Danish alngtng societies
ot Omaha, and Joel Mobrg of Chicago,
tainted by a group of th Omaha'8yra
lihony orchestra, directed by Claude
t' le.
Jq'mi t. Helgren la director of th
.Vor l- n. and mutt b given much of th
rt'Jil fur the mo:cm of tli fctllvai.
When Miss Anderjon disappeared Major
McCurnili k believed that she might have
been mentally affected aa th result of
Mutt and Jeff, as we might name tho
Buckeyes, who have come to opi and
look after Deleo eouloped car, have
opened a daruce and electric starter
sta'.lon at ! Tamam street. White,
th taller of th two, measure six feet
two. while g.Tiltii Is but five feet four,
and easier tn step over than to walk
P H. Whl'e ha been connected with
th Dayton engineering labors lories ever
since the flnt electric starter wes In
troduced to the automobile puh'.lc. Tester
be was a traveling service representative
and for the last two yeara has been chief
technical man Id thla ervo department
R, C. Smith has also been connected
with the Delco company for aome time a
a traveling service man. Preceding this
he was trtal Inspector for the N'.rthway
Motor company. Many auttmoblle owner
know th two young men personally
and welcome them aa bua'nes. nvn in
Same Car is Sold to
Three Purchasers
On the Same Date
OVorg O VcVlcUer. manager of the
Jeffrey Omaha company, spent last week
at the Jeffrey plant In Kenosha, Wla.
During the week he also visited the Em
pire factory at Indianapolis to see that
the Omaha share of cars war headed
this way.
The enormous demand for the new light
' Tour" Jeffrey at 11.188 and also for the
new 1918 model Empire baa kept both fao
tories working overtime and dealer on
the anxious erst. One Jeffrey Chester-
neid "tflx" was sold on tha local sales
room three times last Wednesday to
three dirrerent customer. C. R Rumsey
of Red Oak, la., was the first ourchaser.
buying the car before 7 o'clock In the
morning, but later agreed to wait two
days to get ons from the next carload.
K- Wallers of .Wahoo was the next
man to buy the car and was to return
and get It later In the day. In th mean
time A. J. Jenatn of Audubon came In
and wrote out a check for tho car and
then he und Mr. McVlckera persuaded Mr.
Waltera to also wait and get one from
the next carload. AU went away happy.
Twclva Empire will arrive In Omaha
Monday or Tuesday and wilt be delivered
right from the cars, as all have been
Mr. McVlckers Is supplying his dealers
as rapidly as possible and delivers the
cars In the rotation of orders. Ha shows
hi, list of purchasers, which showed
thirty-two dealers were waiting for cara
Friday night
.... -X 'yv
I yatli'-c ;iLJl
1 K
'. .'Jt--
r. 'l.
I ' .'
Ice Machine company, Omaha; Young V
Klblor, Woodbine, la.
Goodyear to Extend
Policy of Making
. Employes Partners
For the last ten years the Goodyear
Tire and Rubber company has followed
a policy of making "young partners'' of
such of its employes aa have shown
special ability and rendered highly effi
cient service, by making them common
stockholders In the company. Goodyear
haa 236 of these young partners at tha
present time branch managers, depart
ment hea.ds, factory foremen and other
who' have distinguished themselves by
special service.
Tha result of this policy hag been so
satisfactory that the company now pro
poses to extend It.' Th organisation haa
grown mightily in the last few years,
just aa the business has grown, and
more' candidate 'for "young partner
ship" are under consideration.
To that end a stockholders' meeting
will be held June 1 to authorise an In
crease tn the company'a common atock,
aa all the present authorised common is
outstanding and none la available for th
proposed distribution.
In the past Goodyear haa disposed of
its atock to employee on the basis of
five-year contracts, simply setting th
stock guide In the beneficiary's name and
permitting dividends, cash and stock, to
accumulate to the end of the period,
when settlement is made. Tha employe
really purchases the stock at par, though
most of the paymenta automatically take
cars of themselves. .
Karel Havllcek, a young Rnhemlan of
eert work with Alice Nielsen of the Met
ropolttaa Grand Opera company, now
Omaha, Is having much success In con
touring the south. A southern paper
haa this to say of his work:
"He played a largo, a Spanish rhap
sodic' replete with passage which re
quire all of th terhniqu of th modem
virtuoso. The were brought Into tull
es effect by th young artist who readily
established himself in th favor of th
Mr. Havllcek playa on a violin of rare
make, being a Joseph Guanertua, made
In 173.
Dr. Hell's Plne-Tar-tlwwey.
Get a V bolt's today. Keep It for
yoir cough oi co'd Good for children,
adult and aged. All drucclsla Advertisement
I.e Huff la a busy man these days.
Many Rulck rare are being sold every
I day. Ist week's buyer were: Dr. M.
IE. OKeefe Council Bluff. la; John 1".
Peterson, Persls, la.; Oeirg Menklng,
;Knnrd, Neh ; F. W. Anderson, Sliver
City, la.; W. II. Brorkelshy, Manilla. la.;
Dyle Mfg. Co . Clarlnda. la.; A. F. Wood
ard. Fhtnandoih. 1 : Forest Ijiwn cem
etery. On aha: John Killers. Miuden. la;
l. M. Davi. Omnra; J. U Uaktr. Uaker
Students Oppose
The Gambling and
Love Making Idea
Cards, love-making- and gambling were
cored by the Unlvrlty of Omaha
Young Men's Christian association when
that body met Friday afternoon to dis
cuss legitimate sports. Dancing and theater-going
was criticised, though the mem
bers seemed about equally divided over
the former. Checkers, chess, baae ban.
foot ball, hlkea and fishing were among
tha sports sndorsed aa suitable for a
person having the true Christian spirit '
The meeting waa one of the regular
weekly, affairs and was presided over
by Dean Halsey.
No definite arrangements have aa yet
been made for the sending of delegates
to tha Rocky Mountain Students' con
ference at Kates Park, June U-n. but
It Is expected several will be selected
to represent tha local school
It will be
This Summer
Just as it waa
last Summer.
Mak up your mind
early to take a trip to
the Minnesota lakes
for a few weeks dur
ing the heated term.
Minnesota le nearby;
It's IS derrees cooler
among the 10,000
lakes than In Omaha
and opportunities for
recreative sport are
Free i7rafor a as in
formation on roqmmtt
750,000 Tons of Coal
A coal pile 2 miles long, 400 feet wide arrd 20 feet
high represents the coal used annually on t2e Chica
go GRBAT Western 1.000 carloads or over B0 cars dally.
If loaded on care It wcmld make a a Ingle train 1 7 miles
Jong over half th distance via the Chicago GREAT W est em.
Omaha to the Twin Citlea.
Coal used in locomotives must necessarily be of
good quality. GKKAT Western firemen are trained to fire
scientifically to prevent dense black J- "'trt catch
equipped with smoke consumer and spark arresters cinvKT
rindei. and spark. When you travel yla the "RA,t
Western you land at your destination almost aa free from dust
and grime as when you board the train.
Why not use the Chicago GREAT Western on your next trip?
Tou ll like the clean cars and careful attention given tosyour com
fort. Your Telephone U Handy
P. F. BONORDKN, C. P. A. M. E. 8IMMOS,D. P. A.
Farnam St. t
Omaha, Neb.
(Emphatixt tht "(MEAT")
Included In th remodelling of th
I.lster hospital is th Installation .of a
modern equipment for hjdro therapy and
other medicinal baths, on which the
work I nearlng completion. Tnla part of
th hospital treatment la to be conducted
aa the Ulster batha and be la charge of
a specially engaged expert.
The executive committee of the Canad
ian club Is making arrangements for th
annual Empire day dinner. May Zi. which
will probably be held, at the Paxtoa
hotel. This year no Invitations will be
Issued, but all Canadian and friend era
to be welcomed.
Meet Twtaaj fwr av Billows Attack.
"On account of my confinement la th
printing office J have for year been a
chronic sufferer from indigestion and
liver trouble. A few week ago I had an
attack that waa so severe that I wa not
able to go to the case for two days.
Failing to get any relief from any other
treatment, I took three of Chamberlain'
Tablets and the next day I felt like a
naw man." w riles II. C. Bailey. Editor
Carolina New. Chapln, 8. C. Obtainable
ery a hi. Xi virtuniucsC
When the cost of oil goes down the cost of
wear goes up. .
The big cost of lubrication is not oil but metal.
A cheap oil means heavy .wear on expensive ma
chinery. v
A good 6il means little wear on the same machinery,
A good oil costs a little more, sometimes no more,
than the other kind. , ..
i . - . .
Polarine, zero-proof, carbon free, clear running, clean
burning is such an oil. . . ' (
1 Use Red Crown Gasoline
- ississsass-awas
Look At These Ffcicea
saswisa asssaaaasisssM'..asswsasiBsMs ' '
31x30-4220 41x34-2730
4x342&33 41x36 -2EJ0
5x37 - 33J00
Fisk NionSltid tiresliave-an ad- Prodtrction has't)TTrcotneith
varitarvc7cr..plala!Jxead. They former higlv price. YauxcarrjRow
combine safety vmth depend a- pnrchase Fisk NenetSkids at; as
biKtydt eirejSKpplenieailed by Low A Price eusitoany pub in
Fist Organized Service. tread tires.
Rsk Txr&oFor ySnh By ABDeakn
PatorjBdJltvava Oli Ouooi FaUVMa.
OsnahjL'Dm&cs. 22t0 FwmamtSbteet
Get into businesj via the "Buaineaa Chincea"