Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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rtn n Now Peaenn Press
eileetrt Till Pargess-Oranrten Co.
"ys Oeaaslete Kcvtt rrogveja
laaetfled eeetloa today, and appears la
The Bm BXCLUSIVEL.T. rind out what
th various moTlnit picture theater offer.
priacnld Mm la Hospital Alfred
Van Bibber. Springfield. Nob., Is at Bt.
Joseph's hospital, whn he vu ukn by
tbe polios when he Suddenly became seri
ously ill on a train just arriving at th
Vnlon station.
We Bummer IVet Vp la Baalaesa It
yur office Is properly located, readily
found and easily accessible. Fr such
offices apply to the superintendent of the
Be auildlng. -the building that Is always
new. room 101. '
track by Automobile An automobile
driven by A. T. rviveii r-iiint.ii v
knocked down Mine May Tarman of Flor- j
enoe yesterday afternoon ' as she was j
waiaing near Eleventh and Douglas
streets with Mrs. W. A. Johnson. 4SI
South Thirty-fourth street. She was not
seriously injured.
agagement Announced At a dinner
arty Thursday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. F. Hunslkcr. the engage
ment of their daughter. Ruth, to Morris
Ortfrin was announced. Miss Nora
Glynn, who Is to be a May bride, was
inert of honor. The Hunstker-Qrlffln
weMlng win tatte rice May jj.
"The Mechanism of OoasotouneM
3fla Isabel Holhrook of Krotona. Los
Angelas. Ca!.. will give the second of
st aeries of lectures at Theosophloal hall,
ntt TO. Be building, at T: this even
ing; when the subject of "The Mech
aolsai of Consciousness" will be dls
cnsseX. Miss Holbrook comes directly
from the theosophtca! headquarters and
la one of the best oocult teachers and one
ef the most prominent of American
Special Memorial Ceremonial to Be
Observed at Cathedral Next
Sunday Afternoon.
Lynch Will Sell
Women's Suits on
Big Wager Monday
At a luncheon on day last week at
the Fontenelle hotel, Mr. Lynch with
Mis Ruth Gates of the Boyd, in com
tpany with Louis Nash and others, the
Subject of department store manage
ment was brought up.
Mr. Nash naturally proud of the splen
did success of the Burgess-Naah com
pany, was elaborating on the many lit
tle details and trials that fall to the
lot ef the manager of a big department
store, when Mr. Lynch took issue with
Mr. Lynch contended that it wss but
a comparatively easy position to fill,
when hi was considered. "Why," said
Mr. Lynch, "Just look at. the long hours
I have to spend, out of every twenty
four, for rehearsals besides those, of the
regular perforances, which number eleven
each week and then on top of that are
the hours one is locked up in his room
committing his part for the coming
"Too must remember." continued Mr.
Lynch, "I played the part of Joe Hol
brock In Maggle Pepper,' the department
tor play and you'll have to admit I
wag a big factor In making that store
a success. evenN if it was only in the
"It Just demonstrated to me that
it certainly could not be such a terribly
big Job and I'll tell you what I'll do, Mr.
..Nash, I'll Just lay you a little wager
that I can go over to your store In the.
women's suit and coat department and
prove my argument by selling more suits
or coat In a given time than any other
salesperson on your floor, for you know
that the sales the day's receipts are
after all the big end of the success of
a business."
"AH. right, you're on," was Mr. Nash's
response, and arrangements were then
triad for Mr. Lynch to be In the ready-to-wear
department of Burgeas-Nash
company, tomorrow afternoon (Monday),
whea he will display his cunning in the
Belling" of women's suits and the ilk.
"Now said Mr. Lynch, "it's op to me
and th generous Omaha publlo to show
up Mr. Nash and we're going to do It"
What! Water from ,
Omaha is Sent to
State of Kentucky
Colonel L. A. Welsh, local weather
forecaster, shipped five gallons of water
to Kentucky last Friday.
Water, dldja say?
Yes. water.
Well, haven't they any water In Ken-
tuoky? v
Yes, kuhnet, it la used somewhat foh
washln' puhpose and Its nice to have
running under bridges.
TmT f,tve gallon of water shipped from
here was Mtesourt frer water and was
sent to Joseph H. Castle at the Kentucky
State Experiment station, Lexington,
Ky. Colonel Welsh believes it is to be
used for Investigational purposes.
"But, maybe, for all I know they're
going to put it on exhibition as a curl
oslty," says the colonel, making sport
of the poor old Missouri river. "Ha, ha,"
laughs the colonel, "put it on exhibition
like this.
"Genuine Missouri River Water,
"Too thick to dip and too thin to shovel."
However, all admit that It is a rare
vent to ship water from Nebraska,
"where the corn is full of kernels" to
Kentucky, where "the colonels are full cf
corn.' "
Colonel Welsh says that by this simple
Incident he feels drawn closer than ever
to the south. And. slthough as a boy hs
was for over a year a member of the
northern army and declares himself to
be "the hero of fifty unfought battle,
he says, magnanimously:
"Sometimes, do you know, I almost
wish I had let the south win."
Masonic lodges of Omaha. South
Omaha, Florence and Benson will
unite Sunday. May 9, at 3 o'clock p.
m. at the Scottish Rite cathedral.
Twentieth and Douglas streets, In a
"lodge of sorrow," a memorial meet
ing for three past grand masters, the
first event of the kind ever held In
The lodge of sorrow Is a .ceremony
adopted by the Masonic grand lodge of
Nebraska several years ago, but Its rites
have never before been celebrated in this
state. The ceremonies, though part of
the ritual, are published and are not
private in their nature. The pat grand
naeters to be memorialised are Harry
Porter Deuel, Martin Dunham and John
Jackson Mercer.
I Charge of the Service.
The ceremony will be given through
the Joint efforts of th nine lodges of
Greater Omaha. Th masters of th sev
eral lodges are as follows:
Fdrar L. Hoag, Nebraska lodge No. L
William P. Wherry. Capitol No. .
Charles B. MrOUl. Covert lodge No. 11.
Alfred M. Long-well. St. John's lodge
No. .
William B. Tagg, Be Hive lodge No.
Samuel Rees, Jr., George W. Ltnlnger
lodge No. 28.
Abner R. Jones. Florence lodge No. K.
TT. A. S. Pinto. Benson lodge. U. D.
Charles L, Shook, Omaha lodge, U. T.
A Joint committee, representing all
these lodges. In charge of details Is' com
posed of the following:
John R. Ptlne. Covert lodge No. 11.
William MeCormlck. George W. Linln-
ger lodge No. .
Uan weatergara. Benson, u. i.
Carl E. Herring. St. John s lodge No. 25.
C. L. Talbot, Bee Hive lodge No. 184.
Rev. James B. Butter. Florence lodge
No. 2X1. ,
Clarence Rlmerman, Omaha, U. n.
Edward Wellman. Nebraska lodge No. L
John Mellen, Nebraska lodge No. 1.
William A. -De Bord, past grand mas
ter of Nebraska, is chairman and Sara W.
Scott of Nebraska lodge No. 1 Is secre
Many Invitation Beat Oat.
Invitations have been sent to every Ma
sonic lodge in Nebraska, to all past grand
masters of the grand lodge of Nebraska
and to the present grand master and all
the other officers of the grand lodge.
The Scottish Rite bodies have opened
the doors of their beautiful new cathe
dral at Twentieth arid Douglas streets
for the ceremony, which Is purely a blue
lodge affair, And to It are welcome all
Master Masons, whether members of the
Omaha or Nebraska lodgee or sojourn
ers. Not more than 600 or TOO can o
seated In the auditorium, so the attend
ance will be limited striotly to Masons
and th meeting will be In th form of a
"tiled lodge."
The ceremonies will be conducted by the
masters of the Greater Omaha lodges.
The procession wilt be composed of the
officers of the grand lodge, the past
grand masters of Nebraska, the mas
ters of the Omaha lodges and the gen
eral committee of. arrangements. Rev.
Edwin Hart Jehks. chaplain of Capitol
lodge No. t. will ct a the chaplain In
this ceremony. ' -
Speaker for the Day.
Judge Samuel B. Davidson of Tecumseh,
Neb., will give a historical sketch of the
grand .lodge and of the part these, three
deceased grand masters played In the or
der In this state. The address will be
followed by addresses by Henry K. "Wil
son of Lincoln, who will speak upon the
life of Harry P. Deuel; James R. Cain,
Jr., who will speak upon the life of Mar
tin Dunham, and William A. D Bord,
who will speak. of John J. Mercer.
The addresses' wt) be Interspersed with
vocal and Instrumental mualo and at
their close th same procession will again
form, and after rendering; th grand
honors of Masonry to th memory of the
deceased will close th meeting In full
School and College Notes
Kearaey State Normal.
President and Mrs. Dirk entertained
the faculty and their wives and husband
at a Slav llnv hrMkfllt Ktilrilav morn
ing in the dormitory.
The play. "lorothy Vernon of Haddon
Hall," given bv the Dramatic club under
IV. .1 law.... In I I . u.i.-v.i.n, ti mir-p r.ikm AUIHMl was m
derided success and tHirhly appreciated.
The band. In new uniforms and under
the dlrertion of Prof. Patterson, gave a
very entertaining and successful concert
at the opera house recently.
The young women of the different
Classes of tiie school have been giving a
series of afternoon teas at the home of
and under the direction of Miss Gardner,
dean of womm.
Prof H. H. Oibson. Ph. B , FXwinlaon
university; M. A., Columbia university,
and M. 8., Cornell university, has Just
arrived with his family to take up his
line of work as a member of tlie faculty.
Mr. and Mrs. Riunders. who have
charge of the boarding department of the
dormitory, gave a picnic in Third Ward
park to the boarders and ail members of
the faculty and their wives last Thurs
day evening.
J. C. Elliot, former county superinten
dent of Buffalo county, assumed his
duties as registrar last Monday morning,
filling the position resinned bv Mr Kins,
who Is now in charge of a bank at
Hlldreth. Neb.
At the last meeting of the board It
was decided to postpone for on year the
three-year requirement for graduation
for high school teachers, thus leaving the
course for the present as It Is, requiring
two years beyond th four years high
school graduation for next year.
The Alumni association is making spe
cial arrangements to entertain the alnmnl
who may enjoy th home-coming com
mencement week from May 2 to June 2.
The sermon occurs on Sunday, Mav art;
the class play. "King Hall," Monday,
May U; alumni day, Tuesday, June 1,
and commencement, Wednesday, June i.
at 10 o'clock.
The educational department Is doing
some field work In the way of partial
education surveys In four of the leading
Nebraska city schools. The work In In,
the hands of apeclaists. tr. R. K. Rich
ardson and Prof. C. B. Benson and It
will be completed during the month of
May, when about sono children will be
examined in reading, writing, spelling
and arithmetic according to the teste of
Courtis. Starch and Thorndyke. The ef
fort Is made on the part of the Kearney
State normal to secure first-hand ma
terial to demonstrate to students 'In edu
cation the latest methods of measuring
efficiency in school work.
Wayae State Normal.
President Conn addressed a teachers'
meeting at Ewlng Thursday afternoon.
The " Ready Mado Garment Industry"
was the subject of an address given
by Miss Beerhel at the Friday rooming
Senator G. M. Hitchcock of Omaha has
accepted the Invitation of the graduating
class to deliver the commencement ora
tion on May 2.
In the opera house last Tuesday even
ing, a large audience witnessed the pre
sentation of the play, "Esmeralda," by
the Junior class.
Leave of. absence during the summer
session has been granted Miss Lillian
M. Jewell, assistant in mathematics, and
Miss Edith Stocking, primary critic
Glen Hickman, class of 1913, and en
rolled for graduate work In the Wayne
iNoraml. has been elected director of
manual training in the Tekamah schools.
Representatives from the firm of
Fuchs, Son & Blind of Omaha began
work last Monday on the curtain and
settings for the stage and Interior decora
tion of the auditorium.
At a recent meeting of th Board of
Education, the following ape'dal Instruc
tors were elected for the summer ses
sion: Superintendent O. R. Bowen,
Wayne; Superintendent K 8. Cowan. Al
bion, and Miss Fannie Britell, Bloom
The following Is the calendar of events
Tor commencement week at the normal:
Thursday, iMay SO, commencement con
ert; Sunday, . May S3, baccalaureate
services; Monday, May 24, open session
of literary societies: Tuesday, May 26,
esnlor class play; Wednesday, May 18,
Probaoly the strongest single advocate
ci six-cylinder construction In New Or
leans, La., la M. A. Smith, secretary
treasurer ef the Order of Railroad Con
ductors of America in that city. In a re
rent letter to the Chandler Motor Car
company, Mr. Smith states that he ' has
driven his 1914 Chandler Sis Just .7M
miles without one using the low gear.
Two h'indred dollars was sent last
alght by the local Jewish War Relief as
sociation to the American Jewlh Relief
ommisslon at New York for the aid of
the European war sufferers.
A reach Mrdlelae that Helps.
Dr. King's New Discovery wfll help
your rough or cold. Keep a Wtl at
home for emergencies. Wo. All drug
gists. Advertisement
Commercial Club
. Endorses School
Bond Proposition
Cognizance of the needs of the schools
of Omaha was taken by the executive
committee of the Commercial club when
it endorsed the $1,000,000 school bond
proposition In the following resolution:
Whereas, additional school facilities
are needed In Omaha In order to give
reasonable and proper schooling to the
children of Omaha, owing to the con
gested conditions existing in many build
ings, necessitating half-day sessions only
In some instances, and In other cases
compelling the holding of two clssses un
der two teachers in the same wni, and
In other places requiring the use of store
rooms for school purposes, which places
sre not suited for such purposes; and,
Whereas, the ever Increasing school
population requires Immediate relief from
this situation; and.
Whereas, the Commercial club has
through its proper committee Investi
gated this need - and believes that the
said action of the school board of Omaha
is wlae and timely; and.
Whereas, the Commercial club be
lieves that the school board of Omaha
is composed of men of sound Judgment,
business ability and Integrity, who will
expend this money for the best interests
of Omaha; therefore, be It
Resolved, That the Commercial club
endorse the action of the school board
In submitting this bond proposal to ths
voters of Omaha and urge upon the citi
zens of Omaha to support and vote on
May 4. next, for the said bond issue. In
order that Omaha's school needs may be
pioperly met and fulfilled.
Wkoo-slaer Coagh.
"When my daughter had whooping
cough she coughed so hard at on time
that she had hemorrhage ofth lungs.
I was terribly alarmed about her condi
tion. Seeing Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy so highly recommended, I gut her a
bottle and it relieved the cough at once.
Before she had finished two bottles of
this remedy she was entirely well,"
writes Mrs. 8. F. Grimes, Crooksvtlls,
Ohio. Obtainable everywhere. Advertlne-aent.
?rcheslra recital; Thursday, May JT, at
t p. m, field day; Thurartav. May IT.
st p. m.. alumni reunion and banquet.
Friday, May 2 graduating exercise.
t'otner Valrersltr.
On Monday. May S, will occur the an
nual May festival.
The new stare Is practlcslly completed
?nd will be ready for use In the near
The Women's 1ucat1onat council are
making preparations for raising money
to huid a girls' dormitory.
The Fourth academy will present as
Its graduating proa-ram "Charleys
Aunt.' by Hradon Thomae.
The university base hall team defeated
the Wesleyan nine at I'nlversity" Place
Tuesday afternoon by a score n f to 3.
A concert will be given Wednesday
evening. May R. by the iAice I'oncert
company. This will be the concert which
has been given throughout the lest year
In the venous churches or the state.
The university library received a con
tribution of a number of volumes of valu
able books from the prlvste library of
Mrs. Colla Scott Wllllard. Mrs Wllllard
has long acted aa aecretarv of the C. W.
B M. and la now retiring from public
The church efficiency campaign rinsed
Wednesday. Misa Ferris, who presented
the Sunday school work, left Wednesday
alght for Oklahoma City, where ahe will
continue In the same line of work Rev.
R., B. Vlolette closed hla work ' Sunday
on account of Illness, Both of these peo
ple were experts In their line of work
and their presence wss of value to the
Do a e College.
Mr Wallace Wheeler, Mrs. O. R
Miller and Mrs. A. T. Evans of Fslrmont
were college visitors Thursday and Fri
day. W P. Medlar. '15, has been elected ss
teacher and director of the athletics In
the Red (loud High school for the com
ing year.
The Doane base ball team started on
Its annual three days' trip Wednesday
and played Wesleyan, Peru and Corner,
returning to Crete Friday evening.
The students of the conservatory were
the guests of Mrs. C. O. Carlson, heed
of the piano department, and Mtns Mae
Randall, teacher of voice, Wednesday
evening. The party left the coneervstory
at s o'clock and enjoyed a picnic supper
In the college grove.
The Toung Alen's Christian association
and Toung Women's Christian association
will hold meetings In celebration of
Mothers' day next Thursday. Mrs. K. (1.
Cochrane is to be the speaker at the
Toung Women's Christian association.
Prof. Bennett will add rem trie men.
The Faculty Woman's-club Is planning
a benefit performance at the Bon Ton
Electric theater in Crete, May 11. The
club has made a substantial pledge to
the Indebtedness fund of the college and
the Proceeds of the pt forma nee ar'll bo
need to pay the firat Installment of the
pledge. Messrs. Tinker and Vavra. man
agers of the Bon Ton. have offered the
free use of the theater, and Guy W.
Green of Lincoln will give the reel a
Nebraska Wesleyan TJnlverslty.
Th senior class expeots to give the
first entertainment with the new motion
picture machine on Thursday evening.
The Baker university tennis team, one
of the strongest In Kansas, will meet the
local experts here about May 15.
Russell ' Vlfqualn, IB, has accepted n
fellowship In soil physios agronomy at
the University of Missouri for next year.
Mr. Vlfqualn'a major subject at Wes
leyan Is physics
Verl Llnoh. 'IS, will teaoh physical sci
ence and manual training at Edgar next
Arthnr Hartsook, 11, has been elected
superintendent of schools at Fairmont,
lie suooeeds C. E. ColleU. 'OS, who has a
similar position at Gothenburg.
The annual Maypole festivities of the
Wlllard society took place Saturday
afternoon on the campua Miss Myra
Cramb was crowned queen of the May.
The current number of the student pa
per, The Wesleyan, was edited by Lewis
F. SaJlee of Plattsmouth In the Interests
of the Tork alumni, otherwise those
who graduated when the college was first
founded at Tork. The number Is full of
Interest, especially to the students of
twenty years ago.
The anneal birthday dinner of the
Wesleyan Woman e kMii'ational council
Hill be held this evening in the psrlors
of the Methodist Episcopal church. Cov
ers will be laid for li
An Interesting sldellstit to the present
war situation in Kurope Is contained In
letters Just received fiom agents if Her
man firms who have tieen asked to bid
on apparatus needed by the department
of physics for the coming year. These
firms will not agree to make delivery of
heavy apparalua at anv price or at any
seclfcd tune. t)ne letter stated that the
firm has lost two ahlpntcnta In the lent
ten days, one belli a raptured by the
British and the other sunk. Orders for
small ariielea, which can be sent by par
rel post, are accepted at usual rates plus
war Insurance, with promise of delivery
In from three to five month.
The Juniors won the annual field meet
on Johnson field Friday afternoon.
Heylea ollege.
Neva Allen, class of 11 Roy lea Iowa
college, has juat accepted a position as
bookkeeper for the 'Martin Bros.' Insur
ance company of Omaha,
Axel Knudsen. 1915 grsduAte of account
ing and atenotypy, has a position a
stenptvrtet for the ration-Bowman
Hardware company.
Anna Miller has Just finished the course
In Ikiyles Iowa college and secured a
place as bookkeeper and stenographer
for the Kantl-8cptlc tdalnfevting cum
company. Hannah Christiansen recently com
plete the business course and Is now In
the employ of the Singer Sewing Machine
Mdna Craig, class of ISIS. Is proving
suereful as bookkeeper and stenog
rapher for a real estate firm In the City
National bank building.
William Hehelts, who recently tookva
course In bookkeeping, has a position In
the Com Exchange bank of this city.
Thomas Mlcek. having completed the
shorthand course, has secured a position
aa stenographer for a South Omaha lum
ber firm.
Pernios Srhults, class of 1911, Is now a
Stenographer for th Commercial Saving
and Iinan association of South Omaha.
Fred Poulsom of last year's class In ao
countlng. Is now floor manager for the
Beaton A Later company.
Kenley F. Hogrefe recently completed
the special course In banking and la now
employed In the Battle Creek Valley bank
at Battle Creek, Nab.
York Collesre.
Friday morning was observed as recog
nition day for- the senior academy stu
dents. Dean and Mrs. Aahcroft entertained
the senior college class at a May break
fust Saturday morning. .
Prof, and Mrs. Blssett entertained the
senior academy class at a S o'clock din
ner Friday evening.
The college base ball team plaved
the Tork Business college Saturday. The
score was 6 to 1 In favor of the United
Brethren boys .
One of the beat ways
to get out and keep out
of a rut is to have
some fixed! object to
work for. Save money
for some definite,
worthy object and you
will find it Is compara
tively easy, while with
out such an aim It Is
hard. Try the savings
bank account method
of getting ahead In ths
Lots of hard scrubbing
and cleaning to do in your
house every week?
iUK It A ,
do it quickly, easily and
thoroughly for you.
With Fels-Naptha there's no
need to use lots of strength over
a scrubbing brush, and it works
best in cool or lukewarm water.
rls j C, PhUsdslphln.
toltl in 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner
U it like an ordinary oven
if vou wish. Or pull a dam-
, prr, and the oven of your
OIL COOKSTOVE 10 f ryr furniture 1
Oil - OCH-Vr. VE
A sizes. At hardware.
r furniture and general
l . itnrei every
Telegrrapht Tells Heavy.
fiom Indication of ths Intenselsy busy
eogditions st the big Cleveland factory of
th Chandler Motor Car company follow
ln the announcement of the new seven
passenger Chandler, Is revealed by the
vuictue of telegram received at the of
fice. Althovgh many of Cleveland's big
industrial concerns have prlvste tl
grspn wires running to their offices, the
reports of the Postal and Western Union
companies for the lest few weeks show
that more business hss beei transacted
over th private wires at th Chandler
plant, than any other organization In the
Nipped So'tih
The Bees Omaha, Thursday, April 20,
In Fairness to Simon.
Vote-huntlngr sharpshooters on the po
litical firing line are expected to use any
missile within reach, but in all fairness
to former Representative Edward Simon,
the public Is entitled to know that the as
sault to discredit his sponsorship of the
mothers' pension law is contradicted by
the official record.
While no member of the legislature of
two years ago had any monopoly on the
Introduction of mothers' pension measures
any more than on any other subject, Mr.
Simon's bill, House Roll No. 96, was the
first to be presented, and In substance the
one to be enacted. Everyone familiar with
legislative procedure knows that where
bills on the same subject are Introduced
simultaneously In both houses the speedy
achievement of the desired result Is ex
pedited by acceptance by one house of the'
framework of the measure passed by th
other, and this is what happened wtth the
mothers' pension bill. The senate file
coming across before the house bad acted
upon the house bills, was amended by In
corporating the additional features) of the
bills Introduced by Representatives Simon
and Jeary, and by an extraordinary action
recognition was given to the two mothers'
pension champions in the house by spe
cifically adding their names aa Joint In
troducers. The record Is found on page 797 of the
House Journal for 1913 In the report of
the committee of the whole, which was
unanimously adopted, and reads in part,
as follows:
Amend that part showing the Intro
ducer by adding after the words,
"Introduced by Senator J. A. Robert
son of Holt," the words, "and Repre
sentatives Edward 8imon of Douglas
and Edwin Jeary of Lancaster."
If the record is the best evidence this
should be conclusive aside from the fact
that those trying to disparage Mr. Simon's
work have waited two years to discover
that he bad no part In procuring the pas
sage of a law for which his colleagues In
the legislature themselves at the time
gave him hi full share of credit
f I yStW t v-a r- 1JI V I I
mmsssini urn
r" j
The World-neraldi Omaha, Saturday, May 1, 1015.
In Fairness to Simon.
Although this newspaper la not support
ing the candidacy of Edward Simon, for
city) commissioner, lt la compelled by a
.sens of Justice to condemn the misguided
accusations of his opponents against the
sincerity of his statement of bis own legis
lative record
Mr. Simon has claimed credit for the
enactment of the mothers' pension law
and the anti-loan Shark law. Hla op
ponents read from the official record to
prove that the mothers' pension law was
introduced by Senator Robertson of Holt
county, and that Mr. Simon did not rote
for lt on final passage. They further
charge that Mr. Simon at one time wished
to drop his anti-loan shark bill, hut was
pressed on by tear of publlo censure if be
Mr. Simon is not entitled to sole credit
for the mothers' pension law, no more
than Is any single legislator ordinarily a
Just claimant to entire credit for any
measure. Senator Robertson, Representa
tive Jeary, other legislators and a number
of aoclal settlement workers had a part la
obtaining Us passage. But Mr. Simon's
part was as important. If not more so, than
that of any of these and was recognized aa
auch by bis fellow legislators, whose word
on the subject Is probably the best evi
dence of what occurred.
At least three mothers' pension bills
were Introduced in the 1913 legislature.
Senstor Robertson's passed the senate be
fore the house acted on either the bill In
troduced by Representative Simon or that
introduced by Representative Jeary. The
house committee thereupon held a public
bearing at which all three bills were con
sidered, and at which Mr. Simon presented
his views. The committee eventually rec
ommended that the Robertson bill be
somewhat amended, to meet the Ideas of
others interested In mothers' pensions, and
be passed, a procedure acceptable to Mr.
Simon and In accordance with legislative
The house adopted this report, which
Included an amendment to add to the sec
tion naming the Introducers of the bill the
names of "Representatives Edward Simon
of Douglas and Edwin Jeary of Lan
caster." That action is recorded on page
797 of the House Journal of the 1913 leg
islature and lt constitutes the deliberate
opinion of the legislators themselves as to
who was entitled to credit for the enact
ment of thla statute.
Th house record further shows that
Mr. Simon was excused by the speaker
from attending the session of Thursday,
March 37, in order to attend to private
business. That day the mothers' pension
bill cam up for final passage. Had there
been a fight upon lt the customary house
courtesy would have caused a vote to be
postponed until Representative Simon's
return. There waa no such opposition,
however, and no particular need of Mr.
Simon's attendance. It, therefore, passed
In hla absence, by a vote of 93 to 0.
The motive for Mr. Simon's support of
th anti-loan shark bill la something on
which be alone can be an authority. The
fact known to the public, as borne out by
the testimony of men attending the legis
lature, Is that Mr. Simon made one of the
most vigorous single tighta of the legisla
tive stslon fdr the anti-loan shark bill.
It was bitterly oppossd by an active
minority, but the record vote on third
reading showed 69 in its favor to 31
against. If Mr. Simon at any time wished
the defeat of his own bill, his work on the
floor of the bous was not in accordance
with that desire.
It should not be necessary in any cam
paign to eiaggerate the merits or faults of
any candidate, but no campaign outside of
Utopia will probably ever be conducted on
tbat plane. Mr. Simon erred somewhat in
not confining his claim to the honor of
being "one of the introducers," Instead of
being "the author.". But his opponents
have erred more in attempting, by inu
endo if not directly, to cheat him out of
all credit for bla good work. Edward
Simon knew In childhood what It means
to fight the bard battle with poverty, and
sold newspapers on the streets of Omaha.
This fact affords ample explanation of his
earnest support of the measures mentioned.
The World-Herald!, Otnalia, Saturday
May ft. 1918.
In Defense of Edward Simon,
South Side Bohemian Clnb Says IT) Is
Author of the Mothers' Pension Law.
At a meeting of the South Side Cltlsens'
Bohemian club Thursday night the follow
ing preamble and resolution were adopted:
"Whereas, Certain statements have bewu
publicly made by some of the candidates
for city commissioner and their supporters
and have appeared In our public press to
the effect that Edward Simon, one of the
candidates for the office of city commis
sioner, was not the author and introducer
of the mothers' pension law as passed uy
the state legislature of 1913, and that be
was not Influential in securing the pas
sage of this bill; and,
"Whereas, The official records of the
proceedings of th 1913 legislature show
that Edward Simon, as a house member of
that legislature, introduced House Roll No.
96. bis own bill, which was the first
mothers' pension bill to be presented dur
ing that session. In In substance the on
to be enacted into law; and,
"Whereas, The Bohemian citizens and
business men of Omaha are personally ac
quainted with Edward Simon and have
known him from the time be lived In the
Bohemian district to be a roan of unques
tionable honesty and integrity; and,
"Whereas, These charges against Ed
ward Simon were called to the attention
of the Bohemian citizens of Omaha in po
litical meeting assembled at the Bohemian
Turner ball Thursday evening, April 29;
therefore, be lt
"Resolved, By the undersigned commit
tee, representing the Bohemian element of
our great city. In meeting assembled, that
we severely condemn this underhanded
and despicable attack upon the character
and honesty of Edward Simon, and brand
lt as a malicious political falsehood. '
F. A. 6EDLACEK, M. D..
A Good Reason Why You Should Vote for
EDWARD SIMON for City Xommissioiier