Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, MAY 3, 1915.
Call cn Vcters to Torn Down Crowd.
that Are Declared ia FaTor
of Corporation.
, "Avoid personalities and bit the
light ordinance waa the order is
sued br Chalnnaa A., U Sutton to
the street speakers for the "outa"
Saturday nlsnt. and accordingly every
anti-administration spellbinder bit
the light qucwtlon bard.
button. himself, at Flftf-nth and Doug
lac tried to prore, by oratory that tmlees
the "big I" "era put Into office Turs-
n nerpetual franchises for the gas com
yany and the street raUway would
horUy fasten theme! upon the peo
. 'It 'we aidn-t baTa the ballot. M be In
favor of marching- to the city hall with
n.onknU and wiping- out the admio'etra-
tlon wtth force," Button declared.
The antla held outdoor meetings at
-Ptftaenth and Douglas. Sixteenth and
Howard. Sixteenth and Case anj Blx
tcenth and Amu avenue.
Crawl Ila Few Nwiluu..
: The Fifteenth and Douglas gathering
tii 'the only large one, and at that ptaos
re were frequent call for Dahlmaa
and the "square seven" and Incipient
disputations hy lusteners over numerous
fit ta table remarks by the "out" speak,
era. Police Quelled all demonstrations
aralnst the antla.
Various speakers for the "outa" walked
from one meeting- to another, sucking
lemons to Qtunrch their thirst and relieve
their tired throats. Lesrrie J. Qulnby
ought "such refreshment ' between sen
tences at one meeting and, showing bis
lemon to the osowd. asserted: They
hended this to me at the legislature."
Iteeets Cao Bmt Plaes.
Chairmen, ftutsna denounced the "chop
. Jeway Joints," as ba called them, and
aid f&e "square sea-en" parade was
made up of city el out olaansrs In eot
poratton autos. Ba admitted that Omaha
Is one of the greatest and most beauti
ful of cttlea and aakad how ions; tha peo
ple will stand for conditions hare, lis
also said be had no personal feelings
sgalnst the administration me bat that
tha election Is tha people's fight against
the corporations.
Qulnby said! "I announoa to all tha
world that I am opposed te all political
machines. I love Omaha baoausa I have
all my Interests said make my In
Omahs although I llvs In Dundee." He
also averred that "Dahlman Is now on
the defensive, although the people have
believed be had backbone, was honest
ana the people's friend."
Frank 3. Odell made several speeches,
repeating his, former line of talk and
urging passage 01 tits scnooi sna auot
torlum bond propositions. Candidate
Metcalfe told of his record on tha char
W commission. " ' '
Pratae lor Big lis.
:' Harry Sinclair closed tha meeting at
.Sixteenth and Caaa and was greeted
with cheers for Dahlman. and tha "square
aevan.". , Henry Oerlng said the "square
seven" have done lots of good for
Omaha, but that tha "big six" are bet.
ter men. Lew Pizley told how he carw
rled a musket to the civil war and
I!ea5d for support for the "oats" - be
causa, if alerted, they wouldn't do' as
'the "irur have dona; X. O. Patterson
declared that th administration backers
are all on tha city payroll. M. O. Sio
Cleod was chairman of the Fifteenth and
Douglas meeting and other ohalrmon
re C. F. Harrison, J. C. Dreset and C,
U Davis. ' (
. II. U Mossmaa' neolared that City At
torney Rtae was "real naughty" to say
he would "sail Sutton's bide to tha barn
door." Somebody In tha crowd hollered,
"On, Agnes, how osuid your
President Plants
Tree for Grandson
; WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass., May 2.
Woodrow Wilson laid; aalde his
tares aa president of tha 'United
i States bera today and became merely
the KTandtatlter of Francis Bayre, the
small aoa ot his daughter, Jessie, and
ot Francis B. Havre, assistant to the
president ot Williams college.
The president came all the way to
WlUlamstown, despite pressing public
business, to take part In planting a
"baby" tree tor bis grandaon late
this afternoon, and to act as one of
his godfather at the christening
Vr. Wilson will leave for- Wtshtt-gtea
sgala tomorrow afternoon, arrtrtog bars
. Mondsy morning. Virtually tha entire
college population of WlUlamstown was
st the station to wetoome tha president,
who was accompanied by bis daughter.
Miss Margaret Wilson; bis cousin. Mias
i Idea Woodrow 'Bones, and his naval
side and physician. Dr. Cary T. Grayson.
ethers here for tha christening cere-
tronles are John Nevla 6erre of Pitnce-
ton, Mrs. Fay re' a brother; Mrs. Robert
SI. flay re, his mother, and Miss Agnes
Winter of f-blladelptiia, an old friend of
Mrs. Frances Bayra.
Eoon after tha arrival at WUiiamstown
tha entire family party, wtth President
Marry A Garfield of Williams college
sitd Mrs. Garfield and Rev. J. F. Carter,
gathered en the side lawn of the Perre
tome and planted a small walnut tree
rrteented to Baby Bayra by. Mr. Qnr-
field. It was a hapiy group and ths
resident J'jlnod in the Isughter raused
when the baby family grasped tha tree
with both hands and tried to take It
fiora his father. . It was the first time
the president had seen the baby since
shortly, after bis birth at the White
As soon as tha tree was planted In the
t round the president turned a spadeful
tl earth around Its roots and then all
resent, including Mr. and Mrs. Ssyre,
followed suit. Toe baby gurgled delight
edly and Mr. Wilson patted hint several
t 'tries on the cheek.
After the brlof cervmony tea was served
to the family and friends in the tayre
I ota. Tb christening tomorrow will be
field ia EL John's Protestant Episcopal
(hurch and mill be strictly private, only
members pf the Bayra and Wilson faro
f lee being present.
Apartments, ruts, bouxs ana cbttagas
tan be rentedquikly and cheaply ty e
Ee 'Tor Rant"
Farmer Lads Flash "Roll as
They Ask to
Roy Chambers snd Walter John Cham
ber enllxted In the navy at the local
recruttlng station Katurdar.
They didn't need the money. Well,
Attache of the recruiting office gasped
when Walter John exhibited a draft for
W90 and followed this up by carelessly
flourishing a roll which Chief Teoman
HlKh decUjire was big enough to wsd a
lx-lnch gun.
Roy declined to exhibit his wealth, but
gars tha Impression of having more than
his brother.
Strike up tha band.
Here cornea a sailor;
Just got to land.
Fresh off a whaler.
But there was no such sentiment voiced
among ths seven strong-armed men at
taches of the recruiting office.
Simple Method of Oyercominff Re
iitance on Wires-
Practical tjeloa of Telearrapk aa
Trleefcaae Llaes Ui(-Dli-faaee
Jtepatera Put Oat
f Baelaxeee.
Something entirely new In electricity Is
a wonderful new system of telegraphy j
by whleh messages can be transmitted
through 1,000,000 ohms of resistance with
two cells of a dry battery, one cell atj
each end of the line. The operating ap
paratus consists of a combined telegraph
key and sounder, adjusted seourely to a
telephone for telegraphing over telephone
and telegraph lines. '
As Just stated, hy thts system messages
can ba sent through 1,000,006 ohms of re
sistant,, as has been demonstrated, by
Inserting in tha main line In series thrse
glass tubes, filled wtth water.
Tha tubes used for tha espertment are
three-eighths-toch Inside diameter and
flva-eighths-rncb outline diameter and
eaoh la eighteen inches long. After filling
tha tubes with water tha ends were corked
and a piece ef No. U gauge copper wire
was Inserted through each eerk and trn
mersed about one Inch In tha water. The
tubes ware then' connected together tn
series and ths two farther ends connected
ta a '-Megger" and tha total reetstanat
tested, tha whole recording 1,000,000 ohm.
Tha glass tubes filled with water were
then connected In series in a main tele
phone Una and tried.
Two telephone sets were employed, tha
recelrers being BOO ohms each, and only
one cell of dry battery was required wtth
each telephone set, Tha sound of tha
voloa oould be hoard, but was not eleai
but tha eoend of the key was as olear
and load as tha sound beard ta the re
ceiver ot a wireless set, and without any
diminution In sending.
Another experiment was tried and that
was to tlegrmph through ths body of a
person. The main line wire was separated
and aa end bald In eaah band.' Tha votoe
could ba beard and wss understood, and
tha sound of the key was olaar and loud.
Tha resistance through tha arms and
body represented 100 ohms, while that
of only through tha body was (0,000 ohms.
The resistance of a No. I gauge wins
long enough te reach around ths earth
would be U.7TT ohms, and te ba abls to
telegraph through 1.000,000 ohms, means
that it Is possible to telegraph through
the ocean cable.
Dlspeaeoe with Repeaters.
It also means that It Is possible to tele
graph direct from New Tork to Pan
Francisco without repeaters, and likely
It will be ths wireless man who baa ths
patience to listen thai will accomplish ths
teat. Of course. It will be understood that
magnetlo lmpedenoe and laakagas along
tha line and otber obetaolas of a long
line must be taken Into eonsldansUoa.
Wbst a saving of power and copper this
means I
Ths accomplishment of the new system
Is dus to ths fact that sound, such as
tapping on the telephone, can be beard
farther and more distinctly than ths voice
and. In conjunction wtth a Closed circuit.
such ae the telephone system, baa every
ad van las over the make end-break, cir
cuit system as used by telegraph coro-
paateai the outcome being the are of tha
new telegraph system by -the perfection
f the new Instrument so Important for
the purpose.
By the new system the telegraph eons-
panics are enabled te ptacs their wires
underground wl te use then) for tele
phoning. The saving of cost of copper
and maintenance Is apparent. Therefore,
the new system has coma to stay 'and
must supplant tha old system wbsnever
an advantage Is to be gained.
With tha new system astounding re-
suits have bean achieved In telegraph
In through many mllas of underground
telephone lines, the elses of ths wires
varying from a No. U to M geug
something that cannot be done by the
inserted aleetrto telegraph system for
reasons hereinafter mentioned.
Obviously, there cannot be any objec
tion to tha use at the new Instrument
on ths telephone, after the fact of Its
usefulness and adaptability has been
ascertained. Being meohanlcaL It does
not Interfere with tha circuit, as It is
not Inserted In any circuit, neither does
it Interfere by Induction with lines run
ning parallel. It Is light and compact
and la no way can It be in tbs road of
or a bladrsnoe te the user for both
telephoning and . telegraphing.
Warhva Beth Ways. '
The question might arise: "What's
ths use of telegraphing when we can
talk over ths telephone r Tha reply
Is thst tha Uae can be used for tele
graphing whan telegraphing is required.
Symbols can ba beard farther e&d are
audible when the voloa cannot be un
darstood. tha shjDala betug definite while
the sound of the voios Is undulating.
Conversation on telephone can be as
sisted by telegraphing words not under
stood, and telegrapiUag can be assisted
by-conversation tims saving time.
When written messages are required
more buatneea can be transacted by tele
graphing, as a clean rrpy can at ones
be produced, while in taking messages
in writing over telephone much time is
lost tn rewriting and correcting words
at first hot understood.
Tha question fright s'.so arise: "Why
aa ordinary telegraph set. likewise se
cured to the telephone, would not do
the same thing?" In the first place, the
new Instrument Is small and light and
when attached te a Ulehone ta not tn
the road of and a hindrance to being
moved about Aa electric telegraph in
strument with Its hey, hatter lee and
Join the Navy
The Chambers brothers may have been
lamha, but they were not In a den of
tt wlked mm steal now and then.
It la their nature to.
But sailors of our L'nole flam
Are honet through end through, yo ho;
Tee, honest, good and true.
The Chambers brothers had each served
four years In the navy. J'erhaps they had
saved their "kale" from their wages, In
accordance with an Interesting table is
sued by Josephus Dsnlels showing how
much men In the navy can save. Men
who are In the navy put tha accent ou
the word "can" and laugh hoarsely at
the frugal -minded Josephus.
Walter John Chambers, hs who ex
hibited the roll, enlisted as a seaman.
and Boy as an oiler. They are, sons of
Miles D. Chambers, rural free delivery
No. 4, Raymond, Neb.
wires, secured to a telephone, might In
terfere with the circuit, would be too
heavy and cumbersome to be moved
about and would always be in the road.
Secondly, tha nuurnetlo Influence of
the sounder and the noises of the
springs snd loose connections of the In
strument are objectionable. In experi
menting It wss found thst the noises of
the ordinary electric sounder Interfered
with obtaining dear, sharp and Intel
ligible signal and that It was neces
sary to silence those noises. The rem-
for telegraphing, as many of the tele
phone lines are underground and are pro
tected. Before, It was not possible to do
this on account of self -Induction and con
sequent magnetic Impedcnc due to make
and break current, and also to the greet
resistance of the underground wires. But,
the new Instrument being mechenlcal.
having too eleotrloal connection with the
telephone and the Una, supplements the
voice and works over long distance with
out the objectionable features mentioned
Branoh offices having but one wire, with
several off toes In series, during the busy
hours of ths day, can telegraph their busi
ness over the telephone line, and avoid
the consequent delay ot having to wait
te "get In." Nearly every telegraph of
fice has a -telephone. This would double
the capacity of handling business with
out Incurring additional expense for
maintenance ot additional lines.
It ths eompany could have telegraph
operators on the telephones In ths main
offices they could take the business from
the branch offices. In all probability
manufacturing concerns and others would
avail themselves of ths opportunity or
telegraphing direct to the main office for
transmission. With ths advent of the
wireless mors operators are In the field
te extend this work. Philadelphia Record.
'Correspondence ot the Associated Press.)
KAVKB, April U- An Ingenious use of
the arrival of spring is being made by
gardnars In the trenches In ths chalk dis
tricts of France. It has always been vary
difficult to eoneeaJ the exact line of the
trenches In this district, because the wbtte
chalk was laid bare wherever the eotl
was disturbed. The gardeners are Bow be
ing employed to sow the chalky ridges
with mustard and other small seeds.
These aeeds, .being very small, gather tn
the surface pf ths chalk and quickly cover
thsm with vegetation.
(Correspond enoe of the Associated Press.)
FETROGRAD, April XL The Germans
have been particularly active lately with
their aeroplanes to the north of the lower
Vistula, , ,
One day recently, although tbore was a
heavy wind, fit teen German aeroplanes
made an attack upon an Isolated coun
try house, where they eupposed. appar
ently from the Information of local spiss,
that the staff of the Ituesian army was
located. In the eourse of the afternoon.
during their repeated tripe back and
forth over the property, no fewer than
10) boinbe were dropped. No serious dam
age was done, however.
DBS MOWBS, la., Msy I -A recom
mendation that ths missionaries ef ths
Msthodlst Episcopal church throughout
the 'world oo-operate with the represen
tatives of tbs Rockefeller institute in
their work, was Included In resolutions
adopted by the board of bishops at their
afternoon session, endorsing the humani
tarian work of the foundation In Europe
and America and Ita proposed work in
China and Malaysia.
Culls from the Wire
Judse John W. Anderson of Sioux City
set June 1 as the dute for pronouncing
sentence an George Pierce, fotrcer police
enter, wno was oonvictea of conspiracy
to allow resorts to operate in the city
without police molestation.
Llvs steel: freight rates tn ths south
west should be adjusted on the basis of
the Interstate rate Instead ot being ad
vanced approximately 3 cents a hun
dred poiiihia, according to testimony of
C. B. Ht.'incmann, assistant traffic man
ager or Mi'rrls to, packers, who ap
peared at Chicago as a witness In the
hearing of the wetern fmitht rate caaa
before the Interstate Commerce commis
sion. A suit to recover alimony ef tdOO a
month awarded to Mrs. Kathertn Oe
borne, divorced wlft. of Lloyd Osborne
was riled In ban Francisco asalnst Ura
Isabel Ktrong Field, ednitnttratrtx .t
the estate of Mrs- Fannie Van d Ortft
Btevenson, widow of Robert Louie Stewn
eon. It 1s alleped Mrs. btevenson guar
unteed the alimony. shn dl'd at anta
liarbsra, Pal , n July, 11 4. The alimony
waa paid until April, 1914. It is alleged.
Washington Affairs
Army officers, weary of duly on the
Mexican border, will no longer be able
to obtain transfer to I'Mlilne servloe
out of turn. Ho numerous have these
request become that the War department
announced that during the continuance ot
pr-aent conditions on the hor.lvr, no line
officer HI ba sent on foreign eervue
out of bis regular turn.
Rear Admiral Howard, commanding tha
Taiirto Heft, aa directed io send a
vvatw-l to Guadslaupe Island off the
Mexican coast miles smith of an
Il-o, Cat. to rescue five Kan Francl,-0
ciuavns am pw retried and marooned on
the Island. No details of ths Mi,.r.u
wore irlten by BrnaXor-Llect Phelan C
Calif or sis, whe made the request.
Because of the great demand for Ameri
can horses and inulre by the fiirfcung
forces In Europe, mlsi-ellaneotis exports
last March reached a total ot $.1ti3,i&) as
asalnst tn.lM la Maroh. the preceding
Ver. The tatnent of forelKB com
merre fur Maxvh Usnwd by the com
merce department shows that horwa
vsliM-d at W,Uh.K.4 and mulee worth
u,7ut went e&rwed during that ntonUi.
Chairman Shumacher of the Execu
tive Committee of Rock Island
Talkt of Rail Property.
"As to Its future, there Is no one et
this time who can make a prediction and
your Judgment Is Just sbout as good as
mine." asserted T. M. flhumacher, chair
man of the executive committee of the
Rock Island rallrosdl when asked as to
disposition of the property and the out
come of the receivership.
Mr. Phumacher was In Omaha Satur
day morning, a eoupls of hours, en route
from New Tork to Sen Francisco, on
business. Ills private car came In over
the Rock Island and going west, was at
tached to the Union Pacific fast mall.
At the Union station he wss met by
General Freight Agent Lane of the Union
Pacific, taken up town In an automobile.
He made a short trip through the Union
raclflo headquarters, meeting old friends
and then was taken on a whirl over ths
city, returning to the station In time to
take ths train west Mr. Shumacher said:
ireplagr for the Beet.
"flb fsr as the Rock Island Is con
cerned, we are hoping for the best. Ws
know, as does everybody, that It 1e a
splendid property and Its lines extend
through ths best sgricultural sections ef
the United States. We have terminals
at ' numerous Importsnt commercial
renters, besides pssslng through Innumer
able growing cities, all of whleh are giv
ing us a good Una ef business.
"If confidence Is restored throughout
the financial world, ws hope to formulate
plans that will relieve the Rock Island
and put It on its feet. Of course the crop
of the coming season will have much te
do with the future of the road. If ths
crop tributary to our lines should be
abundant, we would do an anormous
business In the transportation of grain,
hogs and cattle and In hauling mer
chandise and supplies from the trade
centers to the cities and towns more re
mote out on our Unas. In the event some
thing should happen to the crops, the re
sult might be different, but thts same
condition could be applied to many other
railroad properties.
Thyslpal Condition Good.
"Tha physical ' condition of ths Rock
Island Is far from being bad, for all the
time that the system has been pressed
for funds, the officers have kept up the
roadbed and the rolling stock, thus en
abling us to keep In line with ths handling
of all our business. '
"Under ths receivership ths system
seems to be moving along In good shape.
Atl of the old employes have been re
tained and were it not for the publicity
given the eourt proceedings, tlie public
would not know that there had been a
"The Rock Island-Is looked upon aa one
ef the beet railroad properties of the ceo
tral west, and I might say. one of the
bent In the country. It Is so good that It
la not going to be dismembered and I
hope that it will come ont from under
the receivership tn such condition that
It will be known In the future, ae In the
past, s ons of the greatest of the great
(Correspondence Of the Associated Press )
BERLIN, April . According to Infor
mation from" the army headquarters In
France, the Gorman central military tel
sphone office there now serves not less
than 8M connections. Not only Is there a
connection with the oommendsra of the
German troops all along the line, but
also the various governmental depart
ments in Berlin. Tlie little book con
taining the list of connections shows sev
eral antHee for the emperor and several
others for bis anteroom.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
BERLIN. April 10, A wealthy woman.
whose name yet has been kept secret.
has presented ths school authorities of
Raumburg, In East Prussia, with I2S.0M,
which Is to be used In giving a htgb
school education to the orphan children
whose fathers have fallen In the war.
HARTINQTQX. Neb.. Msy . (Special,)
The marriage et William Brandon, a
commercial traveler with headquarters at
Bloux City, and Miss Anna Irene Dillon,
a trained nurse and a sister of Emmet
Dillon, proprietor of the Grand hotel ot
this city, took place this morning at
o'clock at Holy Trinity church. The
bride was attended by MUa Florence
Hurley of Sibley, la., and the Broom by
M. F. Dillon ot Hartlngton. The wed
ding waa followed by a seven-course
breakfast at the Grand hotel. Mr. and
Mrs. Brandon will spend the summer at
Crystal Leke, where the groom has a
fat Mis Ayrea 0o , "Beautifml Ooaa-
ai a uoes of wxuy aa-uo.
Nov. tl, 111: "All my life my face
was covered completely with a mass of
pimples, blackheads and blotches. I
spent a lot of money en numerous rem
edies and treatments without success
and no relief at eJL X tried ae many
things that X waa afraid my ease aould
not be eured. Reelnol Ointment and Ree
inol Soap eeemed te do me good right
from the first. I used two Jars ef Ree
lnol Ointment and eome Reelnol Soap,
the total eost being only 11.00, and this
completely cured my case. My skin is
without a blemish end I am the posses
sor ef a beautiful complexion." (Sign
ed) Mabell Ayrea. Stone Mountain. Va.
Kvsry drug-gist sails Reslnol Soep and
Resinol Ointment Advertisement.
Make Teething Easy for Baby
use - '
I'rSeVfelcw's Seething Syrup
Crew of Victoria
Arrives at San Diego
BAN DinOO, Oil., May 1. Eleven mem
bers of the crew of the steamship Victoria,
which foundered off the Coronado Islands
late last night, were picked np by the
schooner Flyer late today on Its way te
j their rescue. They had taken to the life
boat shortly before the Victoria sank
in deep water.
BAN FRANC1WOO. May t The Pacific
coast storm, which sent ths stesmer Vlo
torla to the bottom, 'disabled the liner
Northern Pacific damaged ths passenger
stesmer Harvard and kept scores of
vessels, big snd little, out at sea for
many .hours, has subsided.
Two big steamers, the Pennsylvania
and the J. I Luckenbach, and a stream
of email craft have come Into port to
Ths Northern Pnclfto, with 150 pas
sengers aboard, baa snded Its helpless
drifting before the storm off Point Arena.
The Iicom
'SarsUsVsVr bU
. 1
.food 1U
for beer is Schlitz Brown
Bottle.. It 'offers abso
lute protection from
light just as a pure food
law is protection against
fraud and deception.
The light bottle is the
storm center of beer pur
ity, and world famous
scientists have con
demned the light glass
bottle as a container for
beer, for light starts de
cay even in pure beer.
The Brown
Bottle is. the
Only Tme
Defense of
eer Purity
Schlitz is the pioneer in
America in adopting the
Brown Bottle. It is not
enough to make pure ,
"beer, it must be kept
x Drink Schlitz in Brown
Bottles, and you have
protection against im-
purity. It costs no more
than beer in light bottles.
Sf? that crown is branded "SchlW
Hint node nilvouttee Eiinious.
10 miles north of here. It sent word
late today tha,t the steam steering
engine, which wss disabled, had been re
paired and It was expected to come Into
port under Its own power tonight or early
NORFOLK, Vs.. May t-Secretary Dan
iels, after a conference here today with
Rear Admiral Beatty, announced that
the Interned German raiders Prlns Eltel
Frcldrlch snd Kron Prlns Wllbelm would
be held at the Norfolk navy yard for the
remainder of the war.
The Wllhelm is still at Newport News,
but Is waa said tonight it probably
would be brought here Monday.
Tltaale Widow Weds.
WASHINGTON, May i. Mrs. Clarence
Moore, who was Mabel SMrlft of Chicago,
and one of the Tttantlc wMowe. was mar
ried here today to Axel Christian Prebtn
Wichwlt of New Tork. nephew of the
ranish minister here.
i U II f
Phone Doug. 1597
SchilU Bottled Seer Depot
723 8. 9th Et. Omaha, Neb
Phone 4X4
Hy. Gerber
101 & Mala 8L. Council Bluflfa
50c Shrubs
at 10 c.
Althea, Boston Ivy, Honeysuckle, Hr.
drangea. Hoses, field grown, 17 verl.
etips, 8plrea Wine Plllardl, Douglasel
Van Houttel. Anthony Wateren Coro
chorus, Mahonla. etc.; usual price 10c,
this week 10c. Large shrubs et a slight
advance. Nine varieties of choicest
heilglnits to select from, lc to 10c rer
foot, hade trees In complete variety,
large and medium else. Specimen ever-
greens dug with ball. Fruit trees,
i plants, etc. Choicest' Gladlolaa, Dahlias,
etc. This Is our annual closing sale in
I which we offer by far the most com
plete net to select rrom in tne minaie
west anr It well worth careful examina
tion. We nave goods suitable for the
moet pretentious estates.
Cars pass door. Bams old eddrees,
615 Broadway
Two Poors West of Vostoffloe,
Council Bluffs.
I !., it , v...
General Distributors
Omaha, Neb.
r it'
7 ! 1
' as ta gsaga , an. ' sm gcCce aavsa
More Heat
Leas Ash No'
Smoke Ask
Your Dealer. .
Devoted to Strictly Clean, Classy
Omaha's ravorlte Kabrevr Com.dlan
Beauty Chores and Brora ef
Delia-atful Bearing- Divinities
e t- tc c I a i
At JBv.ry Performaaoe
Area X-lke Know Tolas.
n- samous as fM
Both em Mario w.'
Vvrtte ana gins- TUelr Owe Bongs
aad Creek Own Jokse .
v Atna vHaiisa
Itasr Rdr :
Vou'd tblDk the Cberrr glitsrs
hwi sway longr thaa years, m
uth.MUcllr and lunultuously So th. ut.nd .loom.. It mutt
b. sit to hav. mo many triends. Evry
Sody's eomlDg t. eall oa th.m thts iMt
K. U JdUNSOM, Mxr. O.yrty.
Bveassgs, euaday ft Holiday acats
18o, a5o, 600 and 70
(" runt If roa like, but so smuklns
laDrtf 1fln A AT Will
Baby Carriage Oarane In the I.ol.t
s assv pojruLAB Tkeater
TOBlgat and Wsek
Both OaUe-dward Z,yaoh,
TomuM aoe. Slight, Oeorge rhslpe
rraaoea Xepplsr, aasistea by a danq.
era. In a singing and dancing spec
laity, between acta. Sleotioa ret. read.
Mate. Wed Thnxs., Vat, 83o;
BLghts, B5o and 6O0.
Tango atatiaee Tbnrsday,
Directed by Frof. Caambere.
Vest Week Oeo. M. Cobaa'e
Uttle JebjuOe Jones."
Omaha vs. Ot. Joseph
BOVBU FABJC May J. t, S, 4,
Monday, May 84, Idl.s Day
Uaaisa Called at 8 . M.
Boa (eats for Sander's Oanee at Me
Ttftte'e aad City national Cigar sHore.
AdTaaeed Taade-
UU. Dally Mat.
a. Bight, aas.
raeae Deng, est
Other arts: Whit
ing Burt, Hut
try A Boyle. Trev.
Id's Military Ca-
Hugh Herbert
A Co.
nn.s,, Harry Wstakina. Kigoletto
Bros., tirpheum Travel Weekly.
riiowkl.tiuM: o1lry. le. But tu (rM
g.urli aa4 buwlmrJ. Sta laaui lv b hi jke.
'A u
; r
i ,.J