Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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! 1
The Sir Walter Trick Didn't
Tom Blodjett Shuts Out In
Ttdert Hit Matei Hammer in
Fifteen Sam.
itniSYTHE is irrmjjo star
Groat pitching by Ttimnu Blodgett
aouthpaw, and tempeatuoua hitting by
th entire Rourka elan awapt Omaha to
a lop-elAed victory over 8t Joaeph yee
terday. " The acore wn 18 to ft.
r Mf. Blodgett certainly did provide tha
lab thrills by suppressing the Joales with
two dinky tilta, ona of them a fluk which
Yfuetsman loat tn the .sun. Tom also
whiffed flro Drummer rent and handed
out do walks.
. Not content with atranglltur tho In
vadera from tha bog Tom took a hand In
tha slugging, poling three htta, ona a
doobla. and maklnir two runa hlmeetf. Cy
Forsythe and Marty ' Krug 'alao did a
little, hitting. Cy walluped the pill four
tlrnea out of frva up and two of the blows
were tiiptea. Quite an auaplcloue begin
Bin for tha new "comer from' Topeka,
Manager Marty nicked three hlte.
Vaatce tKe trlctlm. .
Deis? Tanc. tho pink-eyed youth who
was decorated with . tinware, at Pitts
burgh, demonstrated to-Omaha Juat why
tho aforementioned tie-ware waa attarbed
to him. In the third round Bodgett
started a bombardment -agalnat Daacy
which aooB had Daaay dlaay. Breen
walked. Foraytha trlplod. Thomaeon
el n glad and Krueger doubled for four
runs and Pass beat it 'for tha club
bona. ' ' -...
Jen Raker took up tha tolling- and
walked Huebtmaa. Bchlleboer queesed
Krueger noma and Whilw'i double
counted jraelaman. Six runs. .
Hlta by Krug, Preen, Foraythe and
KruageV counted three mora runa In tha
fourth and epelled tha doom of Mr.'
linker. Here a gent named Turner ap
peared and' waa hammered for the other
six tallica.
Hlta by Whelen, Kruir and Foraythe,
Blodgett's aacrtflce and an error by
ODay netted three off Turner In tha
fifth and blowa bv Foraythe. Thomaann
and Blodgett marked two more In tha
eventh. The fifteenth count rama In
the eighth when aVbllebner doubled and
Blodgett singled.
. Reaeh Tkfr Bat One.
Oily onoe did a.Joctown athlete rach
third. Wl!a Patteraon t that far In
tlia ninth round, but died a natural death
thre. Oeorire Wtltua ot to eeoond
onca. but could advance' no further. -
Old Jup Ptuv attempted to balk tha
Rsurkea of their prey by eome mallcloua
Interference Juat bo (ore the combat
atarted, but he fell down on tha Job. A
fr-oncaoma young ehower. fell at five
anlnutee of three, but ceased tn time to
permit tha fray to open on tho hour.
Again toward the latter part .of tha
afternoon tha ralndrope fell, but nobody
-cared aa fire Inning had been played
and tba game waa euro anyhow. lTmpa
Tan mckle let the athletea play, however,
and tba full nine) eteaaaa were ataaed.
- x Bnej aeta -far rerrl.
Tha work pf Cy Foraythe tn left waa a
glory to behold. Cy certainly did amark
tha plU In tha noaa. lie buatad knorke
off all three JTpetown heaver He alao
made a nice catch tn left, ewlped a bag
and etherwiee cavorted around In a moat
ktttenlah manner.
Today tha Drummara and Koutkea wilt
lack horea again. It will be ladlea' day
autd all fair tenettea will be admitted
free. The ram ' will be called at 1
yeloek. Johnaon or Crabb will probably
pitch. we.
. Omaha
AH. H. H.
' a
VTVug, SH.....M.
XrM. 22
romythe. If
Thonxuoa, cf...
Kruer, c......
Xuelaioavn. rf. ..
rVhUcbner. lb..
Vliaien. aa
XHoriatU, P
Total fi H II tl 13 t
AO R. 1. O. A. E.
w. w 1 I
W Ottaraan. If 1 1
WtlNm, rf I t I
. faxtereon.: lb... 4
Vtr4lfrn Xb 4 4 I 0
WMt 1 tame. I , 1
o r..v lb 1 4 a I I 1
IVItbrow. e I v 4 1 1,4
Arnt. a 1 4 4 4 4 ' 4
(limn, aa t '0 4 J t 4
Vance, p. 1 4 4 4 1 4
Hak-r. 6V a 4 4 1 4
Turner, a...- 4 4 4 t 4
K,a ... I) 4(11411 -!(
' UiU .JL..l 4 4 4 14 11 -ll
. Rnaa ...,.......-4 444444444 Jt 4 4 1 4 4 4 1- :
Three-baa Mia: ra the t. Te-baa
hlta: Krutr, WhaJn. iUodfett. chlle-
ttr. Vataon ' rtnim naaee: Tromaeon
Foravtbe. Karnflre hlta. Bchllebner.
blodnett Trouble i.lay: lllnlfrrt to Kru
to S. hllbnrr. lrt oa : Omaha 4
1st. Joaeph. 4. Hlta: (Mf Vanca. 4 In twu
and ooe-thlrd loninga; off baker. 4 In
leo-thlrde Innina: off Turner. 4 tn five
tnntnee. Btrutk out: Br Blodrett. I: by
awe. I; by Far. I: bv Turner. 4.
rm on Dal la: urr Vance. I: off Hakar
1; e(f Turner. 1. Wt'd pitch:' Baker.
Time; 1 44. I'm pi re Yaa Pickle.
Craebr Goea la liraad lelaad.
Wllite Le Croaby. former ftourke
fuilnrt. breeaed Into Omaha Sunday on
lie ear to Orand laland, whxre Willie
! lil catch tor ( link ( lajro a nine.
( rtkxf la a U'tle late in reporting, but
t" larra be la tn good enndltlon la go la
a-a Mja u uira aiy team repeat.
toi'x pitchrAi hit hard
Dea Malnea Wine ftleaalnc Ummr on
a Miliar Field, Tea to Five.
rr-. MOlNKg. Mav t.-lVn Motnea hit
four flloux f.'ltv pllihr hard today and
won, JO to 6, on a ramify field, hcure.
ni'ji x CITY
A. E.
Cr-nnev, Jb a....
J. flarfce. If...
Kane, lh
Henollng, Jb ...
Callahan, cf. ..
Mcrormlc.k, rf.
Phlpa, c
White, p
Hkyn, p
Ilallmnn. p
C. (Clarke, p....
l(lrhardon ...
4 I
Totala n t 24 12 1
' . ' AH. H. H. O. A. K.
Hahn. rf I - i 10 0 4
"unter. i Bf 1 a 1 1 0
Jonee, lb i 4 11 n a
"y"-f ,b : '
Hllla, If J (, a a a
Tannehlll. b... ( n o 1 0 0
Hartford, ae 4 8 S 0 0 1
f1"' 1 4 5 0
Miianer, p I 0 1 0 1 a
Thomaa, p 0 1 0 t o
Totala .14 io 14 7 IS 1
Hatted for HaHm.n In aeventh.
IVa Molnea 10 4 14 11 -10
h.Tury w Jn"' MeOormlck. Two
KaSrmJi fc..H'n,il.n- Bawy"-. Hartford.
a.T. k Stn,ck ou,: X Mua-
on bi .' 7X?'L"- 1: bv a. Baai-a
in 'till ? t "Iter- Off Mmwr,
ana one-third innlngi: off 8kve nana
n'twld,hVr'.,:' ort "KmaT.
Dear, Pitch,. ttmrtB HI,r WhcJk
WlfJ?.n.7";' Wichita Crew.
four hit. o fMuV'ai, whC.lUi,,hUln,t
S Sr? -
Cochran Zl
f?ia. ef...'. A"- ?: ! - K
wr., Jb... J a ? 2 i
Henrr. lb. J I ? 0
n'app. sb.. J 2 2 2 2 ! ! t t 0
f:r.;..m. e::::::::::;s s 5 5 J s
ocbran. p..... " S a a f I ?
Kulllvan; p.... 0 a I I ! I
Southern 2 ! 5 ?
v v q a
" ToUle..,.
, . . . . .!7 4
Aft. R. H.
A. ft.
i'eii. if
Whlan, rf...
Onlloway, Sb..
a 1
ivriianer. aa,..
Ma her, lb
Metthewa. !b..
ailtchell. "p..'.".'.'
Totala J "a "a ?
Batted for Cochran In alJUk ,
17 1
nver a a a a i"."1 . - -
Won ha""" -C0 53
fH?,1 P"ver, : WlchUaT t.
- "rno'."ri. Twn-baee hit:
'area. Three.baa kn ir-n-. V.
run- afiink.n nnirmr, name
rin. Mitchell. Ktoln baaea' Wan..
Tydcman. Hlta: Off Cochin In alaht
liinlnita: nff K.,iu... v7. 1 ln 'ant
WJT l!ZLu"J KeM.r'-t'o
ball.: Off Mttrh.ll ""if JlZZVL .n
4 "h- Wlkt Hti'h: MiU
.Cochran. 'yST t'p,
Topai,. M. ., f;rF lm
.CB.-rk. rot an
W.V i i. i '"on and won
'unhNH K I at
... , r-ZL- " l"i-no Dan: By Mua
XlkTmVrifct: MO'nM-
'J . A,
1 0 4
. 1 t
a 4 i
I 4 1
II i !
1 4 0
I 4
12 r i
H. O A
1 1 1
r 1 4 4
I I 4
.14 0
4 12
T - 2
14 2
I ft a
4 4 4
1" ft "
TaJiion. "if..
I'lkion, tf.,..
wyMP. rf I
api. lb.. i
lalllmAea 4JK
Roche, aa ' J
Monn, o. 4
weldmen. p g
mnttiimn. ea...,, t 4
Mrlntvre. rf'.'.'."!"." I a
aiurria, cr a
Krua(tr. lh ,.
."CAinaicr. C. ....... 2 g
Dawaon. p f
Nerann m a .
Altman 1 a
uierbauer 1 a
i iinn in eighth.
Hrro'r. 4 1 i tl M ' M
a.VVtriXr k.;. v. urnr,.n- "nre Morn.
acrlflce hlta: Maver. lUpr... Hchrelber
ft-nL' Pk?V V!Th' ta 1-et'io.ore to
faopa Molen bsa- Cochran. Maver
Hit. Oft Dawaon 12 In m,"? linl Jrf' '
Haaea on ba'l.: Off Welneman. T; 3f
ORAKTk TSUAKn. Keb.. May 1. fitpa.
flal Telegram.) The State league team
had Ita ?1ret exhibition game today. It
waa laraely a tryout conteat. Manager
Clatr ualng fifteen men. and waa with
out particular feature Rcnre:
Ptore THumrha... 22144
Grand 1 aland A 4 4 1 4 2 4 4 4
Halterta Stnra Tri'impha.. Olaon, Mc.
fjiiire aea Haehten: Orand laland, Hof
mann, Manaer. Bee ho a. Lrck and Lac jr.
Lee Keadowi, Pitching Firit Gajne
for St. Louii, Down, the
Cinci Eedi.
HT. IOinfl. May 1-St. Lioula. playing
errorleaa ball and ita new pitcher,
ie Meadoea, tonk the tat aame of the
aerlea from Cincinnati here today, 1 to 1.
Hcore :
netted for Lear ln ninth.
Cincinnati 0 4 0 1 0 4 4 A 4-1
8t. lioula 0 4 4 0 1 4 4 1
Two-bene hit: .Miller, stolen baaca:
Clarke, Lrach. liuble piay: Ifcadow
to Huggtna to Miller. 1 ) on h&lla:
Off 1ear, 1; otf Meadowa, 4. Paaeed ball:
bnyder. Umplrea: Hlgler and Hart,
t'aba Dowa Fire tee.
CHICAGO. May X-Vauthn had tho
Ptttaburgh battera at hla mercy today,
while Mcwutllan waa hit hard, and Chi
cago won an eaay game. 7 to 1. Rain fell
through two-third of the content and
terminated It after tha vlidtora had batted
in the eighth. Hcore:
Batted for McQuillan In alxth.
Pittsburgh 0 0 0 0 0 4 14-1
Chicago 0 4 0 3 0 0 1 -7
Two-heea htta: Vaughn, Oood, Wag
ner. Three-baae hlta: I'helan, Breana
han. Stolen baae: Oood. Earned runa:
Off McQuillan, ft; off Mamaux, 1. Double
tlay: Jnhnatone (unaarlated). Hita: Off
MoQulllan, 7 In five Innlnga; off Mamaux.
1 ln two Innlnga. Htnn-k out: Bv Vauglin,
1: by Mamaua, L Umplrea: Byron and
Krajiceks Defeat
, Browning-Kings
By a aoora of to 1 tha Krajlceka de
feated tha Browning-King team of the
National league yeaterday.- , Tha gam
waa featured by the pitching of Art
Kaufman and tha playing of tha Krajl
ck. Score:
AB.It.O.A B. AB K.
Deukla.. lb. 4 114 rttar, lb... f 4 4 4 4
M'gia.. lb I I I 4 CPoiUck. ta. 4 I 4
'Dartn., M... 4 11 Klarar, a ... 4 4 11 I 4
Kaufman, . 4 4 4 I 'W.r. It... 114 4 4
Dyrk. lb,.., till lKaae47, rf. 4 4 4 a
Kr-I. if... Ill aualM. ef ... 4 1 4 4
Oali.ahr, e. 4 1 11 I tougher, lb.. 4 114
rbkMr, H. I I I 4 evaaator, p.. 4 1 1 I
iiuucka, p.. 4 4 4 xlKrvweea. Jb I 4 I 4 I
tala N "J IT 1 1 TUla. . . . .M 4 H 1 1
Krejhceke 0 o o v 4 1 - .
Brownlng-Klnga i. 00491040 0-1
Earned runa: Crallceka, t Two-baaa
hlta: Bartoa 2) Krbhaueer. Oouglaa.
Three-baae hjt: Cuater. Lft on baaea:
Xraiiceka, 4; Brownlng-Klnga, 4. Btolun
baaea: Hrhhauaer (2), Cuater. Hit by
pitched balla: DouglNa. Dyck, Rrbhauaer.
Ntruck out: By Kaufman, 11; by Voeler,
It Baaea on balla: . Off Vogeler, 1 Time:
1:S& Umpire: Mlraaky. . .
' HASTINOS. Keb.. May ..-(Special Tel
egram.) Healing defeated Kearney In a
fait exhibition game before a good-.lied
crowd thle afternoon.'' Obat mad a fa at
double play unaaatted. Score: R.H.B.
Heating ... 4 4 1 1 1 1 0 0 4 11 1
Kearney 9 010 4 0 14 0-1 4 I
Hattcrle: Jlaatlng. Oeorga. Beede,
Ellla. Wright and Kichardaoa; Kearney,
Klontg, Cravar and Schmidt.
A eaerieai m Aeawelatloa.
At Mlnneapolla floor: , R H E.
Mlnneapulla , 19 1
Kanaaa City..... 7 14 I
Liatteriee: Mlnneanolla. Tnaaraull
Ttogua and Oharrlly; Delhi and Moore.
At st i'aui-core: , R.H.E.
Milwaukee 4 9 1
8t. Paul..... til
Battertee: Milwaukee. Doughtery and
Brannon; St. Paul. Steele. Hail and
At indlanapolla Score: . '. RHJl
Columbua 4 4 1
lndlanapolla 1 7 1
Hm i rAi,,mK,i. rvMi. . m a
Coleman: Indlananolia. Hlllla, Tipple and
uoaaeit. r ive iniungai.
At lxulavllle Hcure:
Cleveland 2
Loulavllle I
Calied In fourth, rain.
Ceaet Leasee Meealta.
At San FVanrlacoMernlng game, acore:
R H E.
alt Tke City. 11
ban Ktanrtaco 14 1
Hatterlea: Salt ltke Cttv, Hall and
Rohrer. Hannah; San FVanclaco. Fanning
and Bepiilveda, rn-hmldt. Called In
twelve, rain.
Afternoon game, acore: R.H E
Pelt Ijike City 4 14 4
Sen Krancteoo Ill
Hatterlea: Malt l-ak. City. C Willlama
and Hannah: Kan Franclaco. Baum. Karr.
Couch and Pcbtnldt.
At Portland acore:- r.h.k.
la Angeiea 4 14 1
Portland 4 4 1
Hatterlea: I". Anaelee, HWhee end
Brooke; Higglnhotbam. Coveleakie.
Ueonard, Keefe and Ki.her. rtreeaea'a Toarnemeot.
BKM.E rOt'RCHE. S. D. . May 1
(Special. Arrangenente are being rotn
rl)tet here for the South Oaknta fla'a
Firemen a tournament, which will be held
tha week of June T. Word haa been re
ceived from towna both eaat and weat
of the river at thle time to aesure a auc-
ceae'ul met. and the prearnt ln-tCtlone
are that fully Hi per rent more imkii will
enter. The MX puree wnb-h haa been
hung up la large enough to lu.ury any
team in the atat to participate. . .
etaeaatere Take the f. aae.
The Snutheeat Improvement olub team
defeated the RIvereMee Sundav, IK tn 4.
Tthe feature of the game waa the hitting
of the club men Chval of tha Inipmvera
truck O'lt tea of the erionnta. Bat
tertee: Impruvera. Oval and ljina.
Hlveraldt-a. Kovlcky and lnllvka.
aperkai Beat Itare.
The Fuparhae defeeted the Thirteenth
Street Sara Sundav afternoon bv the de
rlaive acore of U te 1. How land, the
Kuperbaa' pitcher, got three hlta out of
aa many tlmea at bat a home run. a
doutile and a alngle. For gamea with the
Punerbaa. rail F. Orlahantjr at touglaa
after 4 o'clock.
erf el it Beats ('lambaa.
NORFOLK. Neb . Mav 1 (Special Tele
gram ) Tha Norfolk team waa defai1
by tha Columbua team la an eshltutlon
bv the following score:
NVrfolk ... l 0 0 0 0 1 e-
Coluinbug ....M....j 1 4) 4) 0 0 1 i
Standing of.Teanis
P. W. U Pet
OmaJia 4 7 2 .774
Topeka 14 2 .7r-
Ie Molnea 10 4 4 ."0
i.Ienver 7 4 1
H Iclilta g i 4 .fire
ft. Joaeph 9 1 4 .SB
Hnun City 10 3 7 .'Mm
l.lncnln fl 1 ? 1'
I W.UPct W.UPct
I Phlla 13 h, New York.. 4 .2
Cincinnati . 9 8 .W Uetrolt 13 4 ,M
bt. lunula... 10 .6281 "hlcago ...11 .ft7
Chicaao ...10 4 .fi'H Waahlnrton 1 4 .571
Hnatnn . T a ILia
T ' COO I' a.'.l.nri H 1 '1 IM
Cleveland .. 8 10 .6V1
Beaton 6 4 .4nA
Phlla 4 10 ,2HK
bt. liniiln.... K 12 .27S
loulavllle ..11 6 .6X8 .M7
St. Paul 10 7 .RW
J Plttabiirrh . 6 11 .312
Hrooklyn .. 4 10 ,37
New York.. 1 .2j0
Chicago ...11 6 .ami
Hrooklyn ..10 7 .&xn
Plttaburgh 10 7 .r.s!
Kan. City.
ft. Ijoute.
Buffalo ..
9 .&vl Cleveland... 8 ,M0
10 8 Kan. City... 8 8 .Mm
7 10 ,412i Mlnneapolla. 7 .7
4 12 .MM Milwaukee.. 7 .4.T7
4 12 .ttal Columbua... a 14 .174
Yeaterday'e Reaalta.
Lincoln, ft; Topeka. 4.
lenver. 4; Wichita, a
St. Joeeph. 0; Omaha, IS.
Bloux City, ft: Dea Molnea, 10.
Plttaburgh. 1; Chicago, 7.
Cincinnati, j; Ht. Louie, 8.
Detroit, 4; Chicago. 8.
Bt. Lotila, 4: Cleveland, 7.
Ft. Ioula. 1. 2; Newark, 0. L
Chicago, 4. ft; Buffalo. 0,A.
Mlnneapolla, 1; Kanaaa City, 7.
Milwaukee, 4; St. 1'aul, 1.
Columbua, 4; lndlanapolla, 2.
Cleveland. 2; Loulavllle. 1 (rain at end
of tenth inning).
Gaaare Today.
Weatern League Lincoln at Topeka,
Denver at 'Wichita, St. Joaeph at Omaha,
Sioux Cltv at Lee Molnea.
I National League New Tork at PhUa-
neipnta. tniiaourgn ai vmcago, jooavon
American league Waahlngton at Boa
ton, Philadelphia at New York.
Federal Lea sue Plttaburgh at Brook
lyn, Kanaaa City at Baltimore, Chicago
ai Duuaio.
l Take Tirtt Tlace hv T)efafrtno' Bnf.
falo Bluet Twice on Home
' ' Ground. '
CHTCAQO. May ..-Chicago took flret
plaoe In tha Federal league raoa today
by beating Buffalo twice, while Newark
waa toalng a double-header to St Louie.
The aeoond game, played tn a drizzling
rain, waa called at tha end of the fifth
inning. Soore, flrat game: R.H.E.
Buffalo A 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 00 4 1
Chicago 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 8 0
Hatterlea- Buffalo, Schtilt and Allen;
Chicago, Hendrlz uid Wllaon.
' Score, second game: R.H.E.
Ruffalo 0 1 0 0 01 4 3
Chicago 1 0 110-441
Batterlea: Ruffalo, Krapp. Woodman
and Allen:' Chicago, McDonnell, Brown
and Ftacher.
NEWARK, N. J, May 1 -Newark loat
two of tha hard eat fought Federal league
gamea of tha aeaaon here today to St
Loula. Score, flrat game: R.I1E,
St. Ixiuli b 0 0 0 0 0 11 8 l
Newark 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 00 8 0
Hatterlea: Bt loula. Plank and Chap
man; Newark, Falkenberg and Rarldea.
Score, eoeond game: R.H.EL
St. Iula 0 1 4 4 0 4 ft J ft 1
Newark 0 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 01 4 1
Batterlea: St Loula, Groom and Hart
ley; Newark. Kalserllng and Randen.
Huntley Again Takes
Everything at Meet
COLUMBUS. Neb.. May t- Special
Telegram.) The tournament held by tha
new Columbua Oun club waa well at
tended by many of the crack ahootere
from all over the atate.
Sam Huntley captured flrat trophy and
won high average, mlaelng only nine out
of forty; Ray Klngaley, aeeond. 360;
DUon and Schulta. tied for third with
ITS; Varoer, fourth, 874; Gamon. fifth,
and Rudat, alxth, 87S.
Gophers Beat Iowa
In FirsField Meet
MINNEAPOLIS. Mav 1-Mlnneaota to
day defeated Iowa In tha flrat track meet
of the year at Mlnneapolla. 716 to STH.
Tba Gophera woo eeailv ln all thair
eventa and puahed the Iowa men to the
I. rait in nearly all aventa won by the
Mlnneaota won meat point, tn the
daahea and dlatance, rung, while lowa
waa atrong In the field eventa, capturing
flrat In all of the a. except tha broad
Captain Shrauer Of lowa nllad un IKm.
flrata and tied for one eeoond place, win
ning high Individual honor. Wateon,
Martin and flitter were the heavy wln
nera for Mlnneaota.
SACRAMENTO. Cal.. May t.-Equal
euffrage In California waa pronounced a
ecea In a reaolutlon adopted today by
tha atate senate.
Tha Baa Want Ada at Beat Bastnsee
eaammax eaaaaa
Tiger. Bump White Sox in Final
Game of Series by Four to
Three Score.
CHICAGO May i-Playtng in a drix
Ellng rain, Detroit defeated Chlcaro to
day In the final game of the aertea. 4 to 1
After Dauaa' one bad Inning, the fourth,
when five hlta enabled the locala to acore
three runa, Clcotta eased up and In the
alxth two runa, enough to win, were put
across. Score :
a a. a A Alii1aa g A II A A
TUaWL, hi 1 V '"' aiuieii, a a . w
vm. ib .... tail eRotn. ... 4 4 I J ;
Cohlv cf ... 4 I I 0 OK.Colltna. Ik I 1 11 4
Crawfont, rf 4 I 1 nrournf. If-lb 4 1 4 4
Vaanh. If 4 110 0.1 I oil In., et 4 1 4
Kavanah. lb 1 1 1 Waiver. .. I I I
Wnbnn, lb 4 en Cflrtef. lb....l t 4 J
M.Km. e... 4 a 1 0OI-h. If... 0 4 a 4 4
Dauei. p.... 4 1 4 T e... J t 4 1 4
ClrolU, p... 1 1 a 1 0
ToUle tt lU 0Kh. p.... 4 MM
Dmmttt .. 1 a 0 0 a
, WoKfang, p. 4 0 4 1 4
Totala.. ...M 4 XT 4 4
-iianea iot r nurr in nnnui,
metrolt 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 04
Chicago o o u a " v w
Two-baee hit: Bueh. Stolen baee:
Felach. Double pty: Rchalk to Weaver.
T) u 1 1 rvtM r ttm 9 eff Taliaa.
OMv .'II v.i x. ...u . -
m . . . i , 1 1 . . rt9 4Hfvitm 7 In
At -oil r lurr, A. niv. ' . . .
flva Innlnga. none out In alxth; off Faber,
two in inrea inninga; on wginmn.
tn one Inning. Struck out: By Dagos, 4;
try xvxnvu, i.
Brown a Loae la Iftnth.
feated St. Loula, 7 to 4, winning in tha
ninth Inning oa a paee to Chapmart, Jack
aona alngie, a paaa to Oraney and
AgneWa wild throw to third to catch
Chapman off tho baae. Steen and Well
man, who atarted tha game, wera knocked
LafboM. ef.. 4 4 4 a lShottaa. If.. 4 1 J 0 J
. . . . -w a m m a a, Ik I a X X a
Obapaua, at 4 I 4 4 OPratt. lb-... 4 1 J 1
Ovanef. If... 4 4 0 4 ao. Walker, til I I 1
Barbara, lb 4 1 I 4 aWllllama, H 1 J 0
Wooe. la...'. 4 4 4 4 vLanal ee... 4 1 4 J 4
O'N.lll. e.. 4 1 4 0 0Ao. e ... 4 I 4 1 1
Coambe. p.. 1 4 4 1 B.umadnr, p 1 4 4 1 4
bailth 114 4 OL'dannlik. p 4 4 a 4 4
Totals UUtfHT TOU11.....14 M U 1
Hatted for Shields In fifth.
None out when winning run boo red.
Cleveland 1..4 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1-7
St. Loula 0 1 1 0 4 0 0 0 4-4
Two-hue hlta: Bteen. uraney, un.
Three-baee hit: Agnew. Stolen baaea:
Hhlelda, Rogera, Jackaon, Lavan, Agnew.
Double plava: Barbara to Shielda to
Rogers, -Auatln' to Agnew to Lavan to
Pratt Hlta: Off Steen. C In two and
one-third innings: off Cotrmbe, S In alx.
and two-thlrda innings; off Wetlman. 11
In four and one-third Innings; off BaUm
garriner, 4 ln three and two-thlrda In
nings (none out in ninth); off Louder
milk, none In no Innlnga (pitched to one
batter In ninth). Baaea on ballet Off
Steen, 1; off Ooumbe, 1; off Weilman. 1:
off Baumgardner, ; off Loudermilk, 1.
Struck out: By Steen. 1; by Coumbe, 4;
by Baumgardner, 1. Umpire: Hildebrand.
Armours Defeat
- Luxus at Opening
Of Their New Park
The Armoura defeated the Luxus at tha
opening of the new Luxua park yester
day. Gurneaa pitched great ball, atriktng
out eleven and adlowing but five hits.
Oravea hit a' home run and Corcoran a
three-bagger. Tha general play 'of tha
Armoura featured, eapecially a catch ln
center by Denny. Dyke waa hit hard,
tha Armoura earning eight run a off hla
delivery. Score:
AA. H O. A B AS H O. A K.
KerneM. rf I I 1 a ORmiih. rf ... 4 e
Oannr. ef .. 4 1 1 a lnnlo, lb. 1 1 1 a
Oravaa. If . I ISO CFIort-r. e .. 4 4 1 1
Tom. . I e 14 1 enovter. ef... 4 114 1
Kaa. lb .. 4 4 1 1 IKuahbrg. lb. 4 1 1
Oroora, Ib 4 111 .Tracy, lb .. I a 1 a
J.ftraa. M.I 1 1 OITaltmaa. If. 4 1 4 a a
PIMraar. lb. 1 T l SDrlckaua. e. I 1 I 1
(iuraaaa, a.. I a 1 Dka. p 1 1 4 t 4
Totala. .. .14 U IT 4 I TotaJe.....ll TT 14 I
Armoura 1 0 I u 1 u 4 u I a
Luxua 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1
Karned runa: Armours. 8; Luxua, Z
Horn run: Oravea. Three-baae hit: Cor
coran, dtolen baaea: Mayfield (I), Denny,
CoTooran, Ryan. 8truk out: By Uur
nesa. 11: by Dyke, 1. Baaea on balla: Off
Dyke. 1: off Gurneaa. 1., Hit by pitched
ball: By Dyke. 1; by Gurneaa. 1. Double
play: Tracy to Dennleon to Tracy. Time:
1:41 Umpire: Denny.
FORT DODGE, la.. May (Special
Telegram.) Tha Fort Dodge Baae Ball
association haa retained Ira Bldwell,
Emporia, Kan., aa manager and has hired
Bldwell'a entire team, which won the
championship of the Kanaaa State
league last aeaaon. Tha team will re
port hare May IS and will open the play
ing aeaaon at Albert Lea on 'tha day
following. Tha club haa won eighteen
of twenty gamea thla aeaaon.
NEW HAVEN. Oonn., May I Two col
lege recorda were broken tn the annual
aprlag track meet at Tale today. J. W.
Overton of Nashville ran tha two-mile
event la l:Ji. lowering tha previous rec
ord twelve aeconda. Vajlean WUkie of
New Tork City bettered the quarter-mtle
record by to-flftha of a second, going
tha distance In tSV
taalkrra Asaaelattai
New O-leana. 1: Atlanta, i.
Mobile. 0; Birmingham. 4.
Memphis, i; I.lttla Rock. 1
NaaavlUa, l. Chattanooga, &
for The Bee by .Swinnerton
Burgomaster of Vienna Detail the
Situation Relative to the Exist
. ing Food Conditions.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
VENICE, April 22. There have been ao
many contradictory rumora of the atate
of tho food aupply In Vienna that It la
interesting to find ln the latest Issue of
the Ncue Vlener Journal a verbatum re
port of a speech on thla subject by the
burgomaster of Vienna, Dr. WelFklrchner.
He says In part:
"Wo shall not starve, hut va, mtiaf an
'arrange our consumption of food that we
can lam out uu tho next harvest. I can
nay confidently that the municipality haa
done everything that lies in Ita power.
Anticipating tho coming state of afralrs,
I hecan buying tn supplies of flour aa
early as laat August In that month
alone r bought tmo.flOO worth of food
stuffs, and since then we haw expended
13,000,000 more in the same way.
"I am not to blame for tho fact that
certain contracts which wo placed have
not been fulfilled. The blame for this
rests with certain of tur neutral neigh
bors. In Rumania we placed a contract
for eoverali thousand wagrm loads of
wheat, but wo have not yet received a
single wagon- The Rumanians took our
money, but have so far kept the wheat
in their own territory. ,
ntfflcvltv In Oertlna annTl
"L't tfve .you another example' of
Anm -aim t , a
. uuuvuiun, x purer, aael ln Rumania
200 carloada of beans, but tho consign
ment could not be immediately delivered
owing to tha shorten
roads. Now Rumania haa placed an ex-
("inuonwin gold on each earloavd.
In September laat I purchased wheat
In America. Tha - ship waa fortunate
enough to reach Genoa without being
molested. But Italy now refuses to let
the wheat paaa through to nsv and It
therefore had to be acid In Genoa harbor.
"Even from Hungary we have not yet
received the wheat that wo purchaaed.
They should remember that we are was
lrt a common War, and tha tlma Is now
coma when Hungary must let us have Its
urplua supplies of food. ,ren dur!ng.
Peace tlma we hav to depend on Hun--ry
for wheat and corn. la tha price
wa pay o poor? Thaner heaven, wa were
a-ble to confiscate some larga atocka of
maise at, a hundredweight, and we have
been living on tt for a long time.. Do you
know what price Hungary demands for
malia now? Over 19 a hundredweight
It Is a question which touches most
deeply the people or Vienna, "Hungary
must let u. Us surplus, and at no
higher price than our sister state can
oecently demand. If It be true that Hun
ary la going to send us its surplus, I
think we shall be safe. But we must
make sacrifices ourselves by using in
ferior flour and by limiting our food) to
tha minimum ration which will se us
through to tha next harvest. w
Complains of Syatem.
After complaining of tha system of
bread ticketa which tha government has
been compelled to adopt, the burgomaster
'Wera It not that I have tha people of
) 'nn- ""Jr .back wa should witness a
debacle terrible to lmaglna. I am giving
you tha plain facts ao that you can en
lighten others. There are thouaanda of
people who never read the newspapera or
glance at the proclamations. Tou must
explain to them how thi... a
order to perevent any public unrest at
, im must not loaa your bread
tickets, for you will pot get new ones.
I pray every day to God that the
system of wheat distribution In war will
work out aa that I ma. is. i- ,
qtrtslta flour. Had I not prepared care
fully In advance, and had the secret flour
reserve of tho municipality not been dls-
.1? m . '!) 0rt,""Rl Vienna
ould have found Itself In a vary un
pleasant altuaflon. Now, it atanda to
uw cur reserves will tn aus
.-r oe axoausted, but I hare ac
quainted the prima minister with our nnl-
" " "'Pon-lble for
olng that we obtain fresh supplie. In
time. I am of tha
. . . - -Twwii inaL wa anau
obtain them all right"
(Correspondenca of tha Aaaoclated Pre as )
BERLIN. April l-One of the most
welcome gifts which the army of Oeneral
von Hinderburg has received during the
long campaign ln tha east la a Mg ship
ment of cigarettes from the Turkish First
army corps The aotdiera and officers of
tho Turklah corps contributed the money
for the "smokes" and aent them as an
appreciation of tha German victory In the
Maaurtau lakes district.
Phone Douglas 1889.
Nearest Rivals Are the Sophomores,
with Seniors Third and
' Freshies Last.
The remainder of the Omaha High
school track meet on Crcichton field on
Saturday afternoon brought the Juniors
out In the lead by points. Their nearest
rivals were the sophomores. The scoro
by classes was Junior. 15; seniors. 2;
Sophomores, 3. and freshmen, 23.
The J.jnlors won the meet by entering
men In every event an not by having any
particular stars. Fu Ita way made the most
points for tha Juniors, a total of 13, but
Morearty had him bested by making :o
of tha 29 points that the sophomore class
got, Morearty mada all his points In
first places, winning four of them. They
wera tho high Jump, broad Jump, 100 and
220-yard dash. Ha Is without doubt tho
fastest man In the school.
Winners of Brvents.
The reauir of tho events follow:
110-yard dash: Morearty, first. 1917;
Newton, second, J318; Neville, third. 19K
Time. 0:10.3.
,r,?,",1 b.,i;h hurdlea: Fullaway. first,
l f: IynoldJ?-o3'nd' '3ltfi Chase, third,
181R. Time, 0:80.
2L0.yard dash: Morearty, first, 1I7;
Pryans, second, 1916; Gelsler, third, 1916.
Time. 0:24.1,
Half mile: Flovd Paynter, first, 191S;
Sul(1.,fon,1 1915: Suirea. third. 191.
Time, 1:1114.
.a??",r?I?V '.ow" """lies: Novlfle, first'
thi. rme"i0:35rnd' W,6;
440-yard run: Round tree, first, 1915;
Pryana, second. 19ii; Chase, third. 1916.
Time. 0:67.4.
Mllo run: IxHran. flrat, lmS; Burgess,
second, 191SJ Underwood, third, 1818. Time,
o:lo. .
Half mile relay, team: Charlca More
arty, Marshall Jameson, Ben Porcupile,
Oeorga Turkington. first 1917: Wilbur
Fullaway, Clayton Nichols, Alvln Gelsler.
Eugene Neville, second. 1010; Thurston
Logan. Lawrence Underwood. Albert
Newton, Tom Roulette, third. 1918. Time.
Indlvtdaal Pol at a.
Tha Individual points are as follows:
Charles Morearty, 20, Wlltur Fullaway,
11; Carl Lutes. Frldolph Engstrom, Thurs
ton Logan. S; Eugene Neville, Wlluon.
Bryans. - 0; Othello Roundtree, Albert
Newton, Floyd Paynter, 6; Edwin Gould, .
4; 1'hllllp Chase, Donald .Shepard. James
Reynold. Clayton Nichols, Ray Burgess,
t: Leroy Kelley, Harry Tonge, Alvln ticls
kr, Lawrence Undei wood,vi.
; Wiaaera Thursday,
The boys who took placea Thurrday
when the first half of the meet was
held and the events they won follow:
Pole vault: Wilbur Fullaway, 1916. 10
feet, Inches; Donald Bhepard. 1917; Ed
win Gould. U1S. High Jump: Charles
Morearty, S feet. 7 Inohea, 1917; Wilbur
Fullaway, 1916, and Albert Newtorj, Ml.
t feet C inches. Broad Jump: Charlea
Morearty. 1317. 6 feet. HVi Inches; Logan.
1918; Harvey Tonga, 191S. Shot put: Carl
Lutes, 1S16, 4S feet, 7Va inches; Frldolph
Engstrom, 1915. Leroy Kelley, 19i8. Dis
cus: Frldolph Engstrom. 1916, 102 feet, 5
Inches; Carl Lutes. 1914; Philip Chase, 1915.
Referee, R. L. Carns; judges of finish,
James JO. Richardson, Harry Miller, Aus
tin O. Duvall; timers. Warren Ritchie,
Stanley Roe water. Harry Montgomery;
Inspectors. Frank H. Uarvln, 11. A. in
ters clerk of course, Lester Caldwell;
scorer, fci. H. Orchard: starter, Don Mc
Cown; announcers, Arthur Shrum. n
Phillips, marshalr, C. E. Reed, t. E.
Mil la.
Davia, a San Francisco amateur, turned
In the best score today in tha first 11
holea of the 72-hole Panama-Padfto ex
position open golf championship for medal
play. There were seventy-flva amateur
and professional players competing.
Charles Thorn, a professional of Bur
Hngame had the next best card.' with 73.
Walter Ha gen of Rochester, N. T.,
national open champion, took 74 and
Charles fChlck") Evans, Jr.". of Chi
cago, western amateur champion. 75.
Tba playing of tha 72 holes la to ba
completed tomorrow.
Forty-Three Jews Promoted.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
HAMBURG, April 10 - A Jewish news
paper In Hamburg reports that tha num
ber of Jews promoted from the ranka In
the Prussian army to poaltlona aa offi
cers waa forty-three up to . February 1.
Because only partial lists of the promo
tions have been available, it is believed
that the number Is much larger. Until
the present war Jewa were not eligible
as officers.
Tha Bea Want Ads Are Bast Bualnesa