Tilt: UKK: OMAHA. SATURDAY. MAY 1, l'M.i. r fWATERBOARDCOULD HOT SUPPLY WATER X. Bo eking ham Teili of Tnali of the Stock Yards in Getting Suffi cient to Ban Plant. FORCED TO BUILD OWN SYSTEM General Manager Buckingham of tha Union Stock Yards company, South Omaha, testifying in federal court, disclosed a condition in the yards In 1903 and 1909, on account of a lack of sufficient water, which threatened the stability of the live stock and parkin industry here. Be was testifying- In the Injunction suit of the Omaha. Water boiird against the Olty of South, Omaha, the Union Stock Yards company and the Cudahy, Swift, Armour ejvJ Omaha psA-klng- companies, by which suit the plaintiff seeks to keep the city of South Omaha from putting tnta affect an ordinance giving the de fendants the right to lay the malna of their .water plant through the city's streets from their pumping; station near th rteer to their property. I Conld Not Sepplr 'Water. The defense Is seeking to show that tha water company could not supply the requisite amount of water or the re quired pressure. An act of the leglsda utra empowers any consumer of water to construct his own water plant if tha water company cannot supply all the water required. Mr. Buckingham became manager of tho yards In 1903. "In the fall of 19CS," he said, "it be come rery evident to ma that the water company could not supply us with the water we needed and without which the Industry would te paralysed. Frequent complaints oame from the commission man located on what Is called 'the hill" that they could not g-et enough water. Hardly a forenoon from Monday to 'Thursday of each week that from five to a doaen complaints of this kind did 'not come to me. "Tha commission rnen not only com plained but threatened to file lawsuits, and did file soma." Mr. Buckingham. In response to ques tions by Attorney T. J. Mahonay, pointed out tho continual competition to which tha South Omaha, packing; Industry Is ex posed with Sioux City, St. Joseph, Man ias City, Denver and Chicago. Mast Glv Service. "The charges for handling- atook are the aame here aa in the other marketa and if wo don't give the service and pro vide tha facilities we simply must lose," he said. ( Laok of sufficient water, he said, was direct loss to the stock shippers because it is customary to feed and water stock just before weighing It and a steer will drink from forty to seventy pounds of water. The underwriters also made complaint of lack of water and water pressure In tha yards and threatened a raise In the Insuranoa rates. He testified that he made frequent com plaints to the water company, but that it was apparently unable to improve con ditions. ..." Paving Delayed by Contractors and. ) . City Getting Busy The city legal department is now con sidering what course is best to - pursue against four paving contractors who have neglected to execute their work, or even start work, for which they have con tracted with the olty. The contracts specify oertain time limits within which the work must be completed. It is ex pected that suits will' be started against the bondsmen In each case, and It Is also believed that these contractors may es cape this' litigation by showing an im mediate disposition to carry out their contracts. A list of tha districts referred to in tha resolution adopted by the city council is as follows: Thirty-fifth avenue, Spalding street to IX) feet south of Evans; Decatur, Twenty ninth to Thirty-fourth; ' Kansas avenue, Florence boulevard to Twenty-fourth street; Fifteenth, Lincoln avenue to Vin ton; William. Sixth to Park Wild avenue; Forty-first. Nicholas to Hamilton; Leav enworth. Fortieth to Forty-eighth; Eight eenth, Nicholas to Oraec; alley between Farnam and Douglas, Seventeenth to eighteenth; Douglas, Forty-fourth to Forty-ig;hth,; Twenty-first, Grant to Spencer; Lothrop, Fourteenth avenue to Sherman avenue; Cass, Thirty-seventh to Thirty -eighth; Cass, Thirteenth to Union Pscifio shops; Oregon Trail, Lincoln boulevard to Lafayette; Thirty-first La fayette to Hamilton; Jones. Thirty-eighth to Thirty-eighth avenue; alley, Fifteenth to Sixteenth between Farnam and Doug las; Fourteenth, Leavenworth to Marcy; rarnam, Twentieth to Twenty-fourth. Mr. McOovern states that In aome eases he has served second aotlces on the con ' tractors, and he now proposes to make ar. example of contractors who ignore city contracts. , COST OF FILING TRANSCRIPTS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE Deputy Clerk of the District Court Steere, acting under a recent ruling of County Attorney Maguey, has informed Acting Police Magistrate Brltt that the costs for filing appesl 'caeee from police court In the district court must be paid before the transariipts will be recorded. by tha clerk a office. Judge Brltt said: "I will go the county attorney one better in his Improvement by refusing to recognise transcripts brought to me while I am on the police bench, until the coats for filing and re ' cording art paid to- the clerk of the polica court." Brltt has occupied the position of act ; tng police magistrate aince Monday and during ths week has received four trans cripts for appeal. I'pon being Informed that tha cost rauat be paid before the transcripts would be recognised, thoaa who appealed payt-d their fines. TWO HUNDRED CHILDREN TO GIVE SOME FANCY DANCES Prof. Chambers will give a dancing re cital at his academy Saturday evening at I o'clock. Two hundred children will take part In the classic dsnces. Three couples, each 1 years of age. will dem onstrate the late society dances. A pro gram of twenty fancy dancea will be a-twB followed by general dancing. Masses Mildred Houae. Uladys Bishop and U&tea Oosria will give aoio dances, aad Miaa Bfiaft Hilar aad Prof, Chanters will gram alwn, Mkesaa Siakm AUTOMOBILES STOLEN FROM THREE OMAHANS The following men report the theft of automobiles to the police: A. M. Larson. Slxteesth and Center street, says his car ass taken from Fourteenth and Har ney streets; Dr. L. A. Dermody'a ma chine was removed from Seventeenth and Douglia streets, and Harry ' Dresser's auto stolen from Sixteenth aad Howard streets. STRAWBERRIES ARE LOWER BIG GAIN MADE IN BANK CLEARINGS DURING APRIL A gsln of over S.O,000 was made In hank rlearinas for the month of April over the corresponding month a year ago. The clearings for April this yesr were I7S.SM 3OT.IS and for April last year , X 5.172 M. Orangei Higher, Sugar Goes Up Wholesale, While Home Grown Vegetables Are Abundant. BUTTER IS DOWN TWO CENTS Strawberries may now be had at ll1 cents per pint box, although they are aot yet especially abundant. They are coming In btter than they were a week or ten days sgn. however, and It la ex pected that they wll noon .reach a lower price level, o that the i onmiiniHIon of them will be more general. . O ran tee are a nickel a dotcn huther than they were a week or two ago. They can be had for from 20 to 3a cents per doieu, according to quality. Pineapples are eiperttd to come In In good shape by next wretc and are scheduled to sell at from T1 to l.i cents apiece. Apples are high and very axarce. Flour Is hokltng out about ateady. Sugar a.Uanced centa per hundred ponta In the wholesale market. It Is still retailing sKteen pounds for a dol lar, hut the tendency is upaaid. ami how soon It will be rut down to fifteen pound remains to be seen next week Ham Ursna Weaetatles. Homo grown vegetables hold the center of the veaetsble staff" now. Asparacua sells two bunches for a nickel. Ithubarh can be had four bunches for a nickel. Onions are six bunrbe for a nickel. Tlaulslirs alone are somewhat scarce, due. It Is said, to the penullsr livee, t peat that destroyed the young plants as soon sa the..4 came out of the around Two bunchta ol raillr-hea for a nickel Is the bent one can do In the retail stores. Sweet potatoes are' about aone Vi- henna or gieen beans can be had at :0 cc.nl per pound Celery la tlnee bunrhrs for a dune. Tomatoea are U" centa a pound. Xevr retatoea (rarer, Old potatoes are still selling at 1v cent, and there Is little chame thst they will get cheaper so long as new potatoes stand aloof at tha prohibitive price of T cent pr pound. There ere two ptics on the new potatoes, lted pota toes sell st 7 cents a pound and white ones aell at a nickel a pound. Putter Is down '1 centa. selling again for 30 cents, while a week ago It waa still JZ centa. Kggs are shunriant at 3 cents a 'doaen. Heef, potk snd lambs si-e retailing at about the following prices per pound: Reef-Round steak, St cent; chuck i roaat. U't cents; Hh roast, cents, sir- loin ateak, 2S cents; pnrtarhoue steak, IS.', rents: nUte iMilllna beef v"W r ahsnk or soup bone. S cents, flank boiling beef, 10 centa. Pork -Chop. lH cents, spare rlti. o cents; shoulrlera. 1HW centa I.amh-llmd otiartorw, Kttfljn rents; forequartera or shouhtors, 14 Cents SHOWERS REPORTED OYER MOST OF STATE THURSDAY MISS VIOLA MURPHY LOSES CASH. CHECK AND JEWELRY Showers over a aftodlv portion 06 cen tral snd western Nebraska were pretty genersl Thursdsy. s'-rordlttg to report to ths railroad headquarters. Out throuttn the southwest part of the state the nr- j Hnttatlon was from one-fourth to en half Inch. Mise Viola t Murphy. Sit So-uth Twenty-fourth atrert. reports to the police the loss of II Jf In cssh. a diamond stickpin, a check for tl.flon and one Masonic Knight Templar chsrm. Miss Mtirnhy went auto ntohlllng Thursday night snd when aha returned home the above aa missing. PICKPOCKETS MAKE BIG TOUCH FROM D.M. CARR D. M. Carr. 1321 South Thlrty-f Irst street evidently rf-et with anme extremely ex pert pickpockets Thursday night as h irfornis the police that he was t'Vrhrd on a Park avenue car fov hla watrh en) chain, stickpin, wallet and snuff box. Saturday sales which demonstrate the value-getting, bargain-giving power of ready cash and oar great baying organization more clearly than ever before at this season of the year. Merchandise you want now at prices you'd expect to pay five to six weeks later. Oar satisfaction guarantee is always understood irrespective of price it. Was. sii-ajMf mmmmetsr Going to Need a Good Trunk for that Summer Vacation Trip? Hero's a rhanca to save, largely on high clans, dependable Trunks: 50 Full His Trunks, $10.00 to $30.00 values, floor samples, slightly marred, bnt otherwise In A 1 shape; gome have drawers and hangers t. . 85.05 to $17.05 Hats About Half Tour choice of any Man's Hat in stock (except .Stetson's) at greatly below retail selling prices Saturday. Hats Worth to 2JW at 81..35 Hats Worth to 2.00 at. . . .&5s Broken lots of regular $1.00 hats at, choice -500 Boy's 2-Pant Suits $2.95 Wool Suits with 2 pairs of pants. In colors to suit all. Norfolk, Patch Pocket Coats and full rut Knickers. Suits the equal of $V0 ones that are sold by exclusive stores. Sat urday In our Domestic Room. Your choice of ages 6 to 16 c0 QP years, at O Boys' $l.O0 Wash Suits, ftc Made of Rep and Galatea Clotha, all good wash able colors, slses for bovs SVi to 8 years On sale In Domestic Room, $1.00 Wash Qgfj Beautiful Cut Flowers Plants for lUtsketa and lVoi.ee. Thousands of Rosea and Carna tions, Saturday, each 2 Pot planta for baskets anil boxes; splendid assortment. Paaslesi the finest on the local market. Tomato and Gabbaire Plants; splendid, strong stock, dot.lOt Hanging Uasketsj beauties; spe cial, at 81.50 la Floral Dept. IK)MK.MT1C IIOOM. Men's $12.50 Blue Serge Salts $8.50 AM Wool and Color Guaranteed. The best blue etcrge suit offered st anywhere near such a low price. Made S-button sack style. Mohair lined, and every coat has a non breaknble front; siaea 34 to 46. Q PA Saturday, $13.(0 aarge suits... apOeOU Men's $t.5l and 9d.HO Troasera, 1.JV) Most all men need extra pants. This will bs a chance to get good trousers cheap. Th Crip- . reaa make and every pair has the label. All stylea and rotors; all alsea for men and young men. Saturday, 91. ts and I CA tJ.0 trotmera for afllOU Ingest New Tailored Suits and Coats at Half Worth 1 1 375 Handsome Suit 200 Nobby Coats Surplus stock of Bernstein, Lovine & Co., New York, secured by our Now York buyer for cash at 50o on the dollar. The styles are original productions and artistic adaptations from the latest modesall authentic. The Fabric's embrace a range of the season's choicest weaves and color ings broad enongk to satisfy the most particular purchaser including fine Silk Suits. The Tailoring you will find exceptionally high class, ev ery graceful line showing artistio workmanship. The Suits Divided for Saturday into Four Lots Prepare for Summer Pleasures and Comforts WeU : Made Hammocks; regular $1.50 values, special 0&6 Lawn Tennis Balls ; regular 80c kind, special 25 Croquet Sets; 4 halls; 75c values, on sale at 50t Tennis Rackets; big assortment of best qualities at prices from 85.08 to 85. Tailored Suits Made to sell to $33.00, at Tailored Suits Made to sell tq $27.50, at Tailored Suits Made to sell to $23.50, at $9E Tailored Suits Worth to $18, in Dota. Room, at, $(Z95 Coats, made to sell to $10.00, choice, at .......$5.00 Coats, made to sell to $15.00, choice at $7.50 v Jfoney Refunded if You 'Are . Children's and Misstt' DHtses A choice line of Whlte Dresses for gradu ation, communion and confirmation Just received, splendid values. ( 82.05, 83.05. 85.00. 87.50 tJ 815.00 Women's Silk . Underskirts, worth up -to $5.00, choice t 82.05 Coats, made to sell to $20.00, choice at $10.00 Coats, made to sell to $25.00, choice at $12.50 Not Satisfied Afer Purchase. 9 SO Dozen Beautiful Waists Made to Sell to $5.00 s Come in Georgette Crepes, Crepe do Chine, Wash Silks, Nets and Laces, plain colors and fancies, In broad assortment et newest shades, all alsea, all new design. Limit of S.t a customer. . 81.40 Children Summer Drestts A big special purchase of over 100 dosen pretty dresses, made all sices 1 to 14 yrs., newest styles and materials, even better than those shown last Saturday, $1.00 to $i.oo values, at 49 and 70 Women's Long Silk Kimonos, made to sell t $5.00 82.05 Six Saturday Snaps Men's Furnishings Men's Summer Union Suits; ath letic or regular; nainsooks, mesh or Derby rib and balbrlggan; all stylea; to $3.00 values, big spe cial purchase, choice OS 25c and' 8 Bo Wash Ties; mercer ised and atik finished, big as sortment for your selection; Sat urday, cliolca 13tt t Men's Fine Summer Shirts; $3.60 to $6.00 values. In silks and silk; finished fabrics, all new pattern! and colont 83.08. 82.08 81.03. O PaJr of Guaranteed Hose; light weight, fine quality, guaranteed to wear 0 months, Saturday, pair for 09 Men's SI .00 Union Suits; Mesh and Derby Rib; all slses, on sale In domestic, room, Saturday, at choice 40 Men'a 60c Work Shirt; all sites, on sale at 35e vomTsxvo raciAX. nr oaxtby Guaranteed Pure eugwr fjooda. We have the finest Una of Kresh Canulea la Omaha. Pure Sugar Stick Candy, Sat., lb 11a Aeaorted Nut Caramels, Sat., lb tie Maple and Vanilla Nut Penochl. lb. Its Vanilla Chocolate Drops, lb lVe Rousing Saturday Specials in Muslin and Knit Underwear Ladies' Gowns, Skirts. CSem: ese or combination suits; samples and odd lots that are slightly soiled; up to . $2.00 values, choice. .69 To $4.00. values In crepe de , chine skirts and fine mua-; liu skirts, gowns and en velope chemise, lacs and embroidery trimmed, your eholce at .81.50 Iadles' MusUa Drawers or "corset covers, to 76c val ues 25 Children's MuaUn Skirts or Drawers, to 50c values, 2 lots 13H and25 Italian Silk Vests and Knick . erborkers, to $2.60 values, white or colors 08 Italian Silk In Ion Suit, to $2.50 values; embroidered or plain. . .83.08 IjadieV Lisle t'nion Suits; values to $1.00; three special lots Saturday at 25. 35. 40 Pretty Silk Hosiery more than ever popular. Here's several Saturday specials In thoroughly dependable quality hose at crowd bringing prices. Pure Thread Silk Hose, $1.50 and $2.00 values, with extra wide, double tops, double heel and toe, at, per pair. 81.20 Wayne Knit Silk Hose; $1 qual ity; black or white only, at. per pair 75 Silk Boot Ho; all new colors to match the dress or shoe tops, at, . - per pair 40 OnyK Hone in Mercerised Lisle; 2 special bargains; black or colors, double tops, heel and toe, at, per pair 20 d 39 Children's Fibre Silk Hose; 60c qualities. In all colors. Satur day at -35 Splendid Values-New Parasols ..08 to . . 25 of fl.SO Silk Gloves, 85 Melanlee and Tricot Silks; white with black or black with r white stitching, also , In plain colors; well known make with guaranteed finger tipa; to $1.50 pair values, your choice, pair. . . .85 Melanlse 811k Gloves with double finger tips, black or white; 76c and $1.00 val , ues. at 30 8 8 is 8.50 2.25 Splendid Values In New. Parasols; as complete assortment of styles and colors as you'll find . In tha west. Ladies' Parasols at Clilldrcn's Parasol at ... . An Extraordinary Sale Ladlea Silk Glove A big special cash purchase of 16-button length silk gloves enables us to offer Saturday two splendid specials bargains. Y IP Tn Another Interesting Sale Porch and Lawn Furniture 4-l'uot Porch Swings with chains, 'finished natural hard wood 82.50 3 Vt -foot swings, complete, at ...S2.0C Heavy 4-paasenger lawn swings. Couch hammocks on sale Green folding lawa settee. . , . . , ONE MORE SALE BRASS AND IRON BEDS Wa ad viae our customers to buy beds now: the prices advance after May 1st. We have some beds on hand for this sale. Heavy, 2-lnch post Vernls Martin beds, with 1-inch fillers, on sale, at. your choice '. QO 2-lnch post beds, smaller fillers.' ' $5!50 We have seversl odd beds that are slightly scratched floor aam- Ple. 82.50. 83.50 and 84.50 Brass Beds 810.00. 812.50 and 814.50 This 1 positively the last sale on beds. . .JSS.OO SVl J If 85.0O NXXXN , . 1 . 81.00 vSNk, jhU Drugs and Toilet Goods ! Why Pay More ? 2 dosen 6-bt. Aspirin Tablets.. i5 I'Sc bottle lr. MlriKle s laecara.ioe 60c bottle Plienolax Wafers... 88 7c bottle Beef, lion andWuie.eeo 11.00 bottle Hal Henaltca So 13.60 bottle lioi lick's Malted Milk M.75 Sin 10c rolls traps Toilet -Paper for . JBe 3Rc can fianl Pluah 70 Tar Bsgs for Fure at AOo. SOa, 70o $1.2o Auto Chamois 7So Sic Auto Kponses JOo Lee s Shampoo oa aale ntre si sm He Vkoaa Orders. Ten different Rice Powders, to close out B&o $1.25 Ideal Hair Brushes 7o 11.60 Ideal Hair BriiHhes gl.le II oO le 1 re fie or Azurea Pow der SSo a Or rltlllmali Kreikle ('ream . . .35o tl.CA bottle Oi'leiilal Cream .. .SSO 'our lur bam Peroxide Sop..a5e J uc bar Jan Hon or Paliaollve Boat lac Munvqn'a VVItcli Hazel and 30 in her Itc' and 10c doaos. to cloae out at, 2 for 16 Hayden's Make the Grocery Prices 1Z People Quality rsods s a earta ef a8 to ao ea the coet of llrlBg. 1 lbs. best Granulated Hugar. $1.00 4 S-lb. sack best High Orada Jjiamond H. r'lour nothing finer for breau. pies or cakea. sack fl.s9 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn meal for 10 7 lba. beat Mixed Chick Fed....t3 7 lbs. Bulk Laundry Starch S&c ( cans Oil or Mustard rlardlnes . . 86o Four ll-os. cans Condensed Milk.aaa Klght ie cans Condenaed Milk...ab K. C. Corn Klskes, pkg 6e Urspe-Nuts, irkg loe 4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice SSO i lbs. beet Hand Picked Navy Benin for 6e Ktsht bars A-t Naphtha Boap . .So Gallon cans pluma. Pearhea, Gooae berriea and Blackberrlea for plea per gallon Ua Gallon cans Tomatoes or Pumpkin. for S6e Four caua fancy Sweet Hugar Coni.aSe Four cans Wax, String, Green "r Lima Beans t5o Advo Jell, for deaaart. the jell of quality: noihlDx like It. pkg..7He li-os. Jars Pure r'rult Preserves, gb large bottlea Worceater Haure. fure Tomato Catsup. Pickles aaaortal klnda or Prepared Muatar. .S'e Hfrahey's Breakfast Cocoa, lb. . aoo MacLaren'a Peanut Butter. lb..l3V( Lemoaa. Imoaa, Imou Ext r i fancy, large. Juicy 1-emona, special. per dosen .lis The best Tea Klftlngn, lb ia'o Golden Pan ton Coffee, lb 800 Fancy New Cabbage, lb t,c Three slalks Celery loo raacy Florida Orape rrnlt, titr fancy fruit, rwular 10c aue..S,o Kxtra fancy fruit, regular 7 He slse 6s Bllghlaad sravel Oraag-es. the pride of California ; ae finer frul grown, aeaea lSe, EOo, too, 30a Toe best Creamery Batter, eartoa or bulk, lb aoo N'o. 1 Country. Cieamery Butter. 88o No. 1 Dairy Table Butler, lb.... 980 Uood 1'alry butler, lb g3o The beat strictly flesh No 1 Essa per dozen goo Full Cream New York While. Wi conaln Cream or Young America Cheese, lb goo ncs viosixxi.1 sfaKKZT tor IS lba. brat Cooking 1'otutoea . . 17.c New i'oiatoes. per lb jc biinciiea freoli Onlnna 6C I bunches fieeii Kailiahes 6c 1 bunclie freer. Asparagus I Oo t biini hea freali J'.hubarb '. so Fresh home-grown Spinach. pe-k, l&e Freeh Beets, Carrots or Turnips, a bunch 44 Fresh Head Lettuce 7le-Sfl 2 haaUa freali leef lettuce So Fancy Kipe Tomatoea, lb la'te I Green Peppers oc You Can't Afford to Miss These All New Goods Tv Just Received $1.50 Hand Bags 89c Over '20 dif ferent styles in all leathers. Hand bags tilk and leather lined with 2 to 5-pifX'e gilt nickel or gun metal fitting; nt, choiw 89 Genuine Pin Seal Hand Bag .t. $2 Hand Bags $1 A choice line of Mack and colored bags, iu seal, morocco or India goat leathers, with fancy fittings, big assortment; your choice, at. $1.00 a Regular $.' valnen, $2.00 An exceptionallj' fine line of genuine piu seal bags with jeweled tops. See them Saturday. l.AIUKS' NfX'KWKAH SOc lace Collars, a big line in tho popular Venice laces, to 50c values, choice .....10 Other specials . ..ic and SOc FANCV VWIJNtiS A big line of fancy Veilings, In black and colors, dot or fancy mean, to 60c. yd. vals., yd. 15 Fancy Neck . Cords tot- Hayden's Special Prices for Saturday First Quality Freah Pork Roaat. per lb 7o No. 1 Hteer Pot Roast. 1b.....4e No. 1 Hteer Hlb Boll, lb Se No. 1 Hteer Hound Hteak, lb.. 171,0 No. I Hteer Shoulder Hteak, lb. HHe Flrat Quality II Indquartars Lamb, per lb 17 Ha llMine-made Hulk Hauaage, Ib. SitO 10 lbs. Best Leaf Lard for s6a mokee Meat BpeoiaU for Batnrday Armour's Htar Hams, lb 14Ve Mrst Quality Picnic Hams, lbSVo No. t Lean Bacon, lb l7He No. 1 Hack Bacon, lb It Ha 60c pal l Lard, Haturday nnlv.aso For all klnda of Cooked Mests. etc.; for Lunches,. Mas, etc.. Try Hayden's hirst It Pays. rYesh Dressed Chickens Saturday nt Wholesale Prices. Screen Doors, Screen Windows, Special Sale Saturday Specials in Corset Section Sl.OO Summer Net Corsets, dandy for housewesr GO Pretty Vet Brassiere, all sizes. front fastening, , . . 40 Cbllilreo's Koinpers, In all sixes, tight or loose knee 40c lloys' Waists, all styles, choice values at 40c Any aUe. heavy green finish Screen Door for flit Any else heavy oiled finish Screen Door for 91.8a Any site fancy oiled finish Screen Door for 1.S Adjustable Screen Windows: iixii sso I Miss . are :xS7 aso i joxir sso Black Birseu Wire, per sq. ft.. i4 Gal vaulted . Hcreen Wire, per sq. ft So and te Sireen Moulding, per foot Is Faacy Worts Wire Lawa Teaoe, up from, pee llaeal foot So raaoy Wevea Wire Tlower Trallla, per llaeal foot 4a Doubts galvanised Poultry Nsltlng, t-lnch mesh. Ha per square foot, or per IIS square feet lo full rolls to Double" galvanised Poultry Netting. 1-Inch mesh, lVke per square foot, or per 104 squsre feet In full rolls Bl.as White Mountain Refrigera tors, Special for Sat urday's Sale. Itefrlgerator ta.ss Ice Chests 99.SS White Lined Refrigerator, price 112.00 sale price, 810.80 .White Lined Refrigerators, price tli.00. sals price, 918.88 Small Small 60-lb. reg. 1Mb. rag. UO-lb. "White Mountain" Wtilte Lined Itefrlgerator, regular price, lit. CO, sale price 819.88 lll-lb. "White Mountain" White Lined Refrigerator, regular prloe :fi.OO, sale prloe 98.80 4 Water Coolers. II Si sise Water Coolers., fill alas Water Coolers 11.11 aiae Water Coolers llli alse Water Coolers.. 14.10 site Wster Coolera. . .91.89 48.98 .98.78 93 99 .93.88 TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST IT PAYS.: