tile in:iu: omaha. satukday, may i, ltns. 4 ) S SPEAKERS DEMAND WOMON BOARD Zxmmin Ii Only Candidate to Appear at T. W. C. A. Meeting, Where Sja.kwi Grow Enthusiastic. WOKEN ALSO EXPRESS VIEWS So enthusiastic did political speak ers become at a meeting bold lest evening at the Young Women's Christian association to protest agalitBt the mayor's rofuul to place one or two women on the proponed welfare board that Frank Odell em phatically stated that not only two women bnt a majority of women should make op the board. J. T. Hrtllhst went him one txrttwr snd declared thst the whole board woaid be comoneed of women' member. If h" had his My. Over 1 nen a,hd -womsa were prwn and Metened to a Irnif pro gram of npf-erttee D. C. Patterson Intro duced ths epeakere kd read pletr of fivs of ths "PI " who wero not present, promising their support towatda pitting women on the board If lactd. Zlnim Favora . Hurry H. Zlmm&n. the only "out" can didate In attendance, drnled that tha Rig" hud atreed upon who ahould be rhow-n for mayor If llila ticket was elwtd, ao that no pledge of appointment waa In order. He aald he hlmaelf woo Id not be inclined to confirm a board which would be named unirs two or mora wornea were pla-ed uiion tC "A (Trent deal urpenda on the peraonnel of tha board, as well a tha co-operation lt,U to receive front the community, not by complaining but by. sustaining. The pmmlma of tha candidate will ba of no avail, bowevwr, antes Ton do your duty on election day." ha atated. The apeaker cred the womea tosaslst In tha work by their Influence from now until election day. "Oo Into training' for political development," ba advised. Holllater Takea a Hand. Although tha aaaertlon waa made by Prank Odell that the speakers were not praeent to talk politics, the meeting- early took on that form. Tom Ilolllater de olarrd that Mayor Dahlman wag seeking only personal aggrandisement. "He has denounced Omaha women as agitators and tha people of Omaha should rise en masse and declare to him, 'Get the benoe'." 3. T. JRrlllhart obJiNnted to the vlUify lng of the mayor. "Ha la merely true to the Intnreata ha .represents. Tlio wel fare board will not solve anything. It will only alleviate conditions," he sur mised. Rev. Charles ftivldxe, when called upon, mounted the platform, appropriated a pseudo-altar and injected a great deal of humor Inta the meeting, IT asHured the audience that In the past he had never believed In petticoat government : but now the uplifting Influence of women was so greatly needed that he was fof It. He declared that present office holders had fullnd In their duties. Heaaon for Rrfai.nl. lw Ptnley asserted that the adminis tration wua doing nothing to uphold the werala of the cHy and that low enforce ment less effectlvs than ever before. "Mityor Iahlman will not appoint women mi the board because It will destroy ihs luu-mony In tha city hail, sines jWoinen will refuse to stibscrtb to the ptachlnf's mandates." Am an aaldo, Mr. Ftxtey related It had p3 Gtslity 1GH Evorj- Erio7; Utility Oas lfaufo in warranted in action and conustructiou. Krioz utility gaa ranges will stand the most rigid criticism of an txprt. Every detail of ronstrnction lias.bwn thoroughly and can-fully one ovor to eliminate any poshibihty of danger to Utility Gaa . Ranges Are i Known Wherever Gas is Used As the Host Economical of All Gas Ranges. . . ti . n-" ' An excellent high jtrad I'tllty gaa range with (our one-piere hand drilled burners, the body la made of a heavy rust-proor. polished sheet steel. The top and base of extra heavy oust iron; every range car-.-iei with K our absolute guarantee as to its baking 1 Q PA quallUea and general usefulness our price tPlatiOU t OUT Qg THE mOH RENT DISTRICT. Ollznard Rofrigoratoro nilxzard refrigerators are constructed of hard wood which' haa been thoroughly seasoned. They have an extra heavy interlining of mineral wool. Ihe provision chamber la lined with pure sine or white enamel baked on the line, either of whlrh makes a rust proof, sanitary refrigerator. Blizzard Refrigerators Are Made in Many Differ, ent Styles and Sizes. They Are Priced From $7.50 to $35.00. 'ill 1 j 't -" 'i b i A splendid Refrigerator, The Bllziard, with heavy wire shelves and a large provision rhauibr, runt-proof nnlng and inter lining of mineral wool, the ventilation and circulation iu all miliar Refrigeratora perfett tn every respect. Price. . You Make Your benn said that the mayor wouM punish the ward 1ileh returned a small num ber ff voice for him by curtailing Im provements 1n those wsrds. "Whst a beauty fnot the Third ward will become." h exclaimed. Oilier sneakers were Miss Oladys Stamp, who outlined the growth of the m el fare movement, whlrh, aha stated, bsd Its orlRin with women, and by Mlaa Frsm rr, Orsves, Mil Blanch Van fcuran. Mr. Turaper Bmlth, Mrs. Harry Goran. Mrs. Harriet MacMurphy and Mra S. II. Dumont Evolution is Not A Modern Theory, Says E. D. Martin Rverett Dean Martin of Pes Motnes delivered the flrat of a course of three lectures In Aaaemhly hall. City National bank bulMlntr. Inid evening. ' his subject being "The K volution of Evolution." He ahnwed that evolution Is not a mod ern theory, but has been advanced by the foremost minds throughout the cen turies. "Real evolutionists bold the untversste be seir-unfolrllng." he ssl1. "The ancient Creeks were the flrat evolutionists. Thole aought some reaann for the exist ence of things behind the mar stete tnnnt that 'Zeus created them,' That 'reaaon' la merely sn antecedent Incident. For, If Zeus created thlnrs, he muat have crested blmaelf, and. If he did that, part of him I ranee and pert Is effect; and. It that Is true, then that psrt of him which la csuse must have created ttaolf and therefore ba part cause and psrt effect, and ao we go baok through as Infinite number if graduations and arrtv now where. N "Aiistott was the greatest evolutlonlat among the Greeks. Its believed In a pro gressive series of animal forma. lis sctually evolved and stated tb Darwin Ian theory of selection and then discarded It because he lacked the biological data to prove H. "St Augustine was a preewunod evo lutionist, holding that the world was not created In sis literal days, but in six geological periods. ' "Ek-ssmus Darwin, grandfather of the great Psrwln, wrote a long poem, and a poor poem, which expounded the very theory that was to make his grandson fa mous. Ooeth waa another earttlutlonlet. But the greatest evolutionist befoe Dar win was ths Frenchman, Lamart." BUOY MAY TELL FATE OF A GERMAN CRUISER LERWICK, Pootland,' April S9l Trt finding today nenr the south end of this Inland of a life buoy marked "Kolberg" Is believed here to confirm ths report made at the time that the German rruleer Kolberg was sunk n .the , battle In th North Bee on January H r.deavrer ta t'oitveatloa. WAYNE. 'Neb.,' Aprir ' e.-r6pw3lal. Wednesday momlnr the First IHstrtot Christian Endeavor . invention opened with a nulet hour.Ud by v. Mr, Keith, Mlaa Grace Hooper end.IL Jt .Price gav talks on efficiency I work. Each society) gave Its report on efficiency. After ths devotional servtc In the aft ernoon the missionary roond' table waa eonducted by Miss Vlda tamr ef Wake field, Th question bos: was conducted by II. H. Price. Itelegatlon from th aurroending towns oam In autoe swelling tli veolng au Jlenc. Ths Laurel High school quartet rendered a fine program followed" by an addreaa on ''Christian EvangelkstJo Op portunities" br Kev. Mr. rye ef Tkamah. n mogeo tbi? user. . Se,e Our Complete Line of Utility Gaa Ranges Including. JVIany Beauti ful Cabinet Styles, Priced Prom $7.50 to -wsa $43.00 Blizzard Refrigerators Are Without Doubt the Most Eco , nomical Refrigerator on the Market $7.50 Own Terms at The Central 8as 1-r '" - I I I II 1 HADE 36 PER CENT ON MEAT TRAFFICS-: ! Horthweitem Profited that Much on Packing Home Products from . Bluff to Chicago. TESTIMONY OF RATE EXPERT CHICAGO, April 30. Comptla tlong of transportation costs and revenues on parking house products were Introduced in evidence yesterday before W. M. Daniels. Interstate com merce commissioner, hearing the western freight rate case, to show that 40 per cent gross profit was made on such traffic by the Chicago ft Alton railroad on Its western di vision, and that a gross profit of 86 per cent waa made by the Northwest ern railroad on similar traffic from Council Bluffs to Chicago. Tell of Methn. The testimony was given by Fred Petti- John ef Rt Paul, sn expert accountant. Who described In detail the method by which he arrived at his conrluelcms that fresh meats and packing hous products transported on a special contract at a rata of t cents below th competitive rate rrora Kansas City to the Mlaeieaipnt river, and IV. cent lower than the pro posed advaac sought by forty-one west- sn in nrnnn trr fr u Gd iilpirsi)0ll!iu Irag npi Coriniinni2riio 2 ; m,m mmm gam av a sa Etc., , at WMesale, Cost,. Notice deceived to Vacate July 2d Tlie long looked fof is at hand; the expected has come to pass; the Myers-tHlon Drug Oo. has receiv ed notice to vacate the premises at lGth and Farnam Sts. by -July 2d. It requires no stretch of imagination upon your part to realizo what quick, decisive, aggressive, un ceasing effort upon tho part of the Myers-Dillon Co. is necessary to immediately sell out, clear away and simply undermine every dollar 'h worth of this $75, 000 stock. (Myers-lKllon's' stock is not all kept at ICtU and Farnam; thousands of dollars worth are in btorago in Harney St. warehouses.) If unheard of, unprecedented low prices will sell a 6tock, then this stock is already sold; every penny's worth of it! "Notice to WINK OF CARDU $1 alie. at 1 . . . . . .3 LISTKKiNE U also at j 5Sk tIX)AX'8 LIXIMKNT-11 aUe. at .68 dliOAN g UMMKJtT 50o ale. at . -34 S1X)AN I.IMMENT 26o siie. at 14 CA8TORIA 36c alae.' t . .....21V4 rilAMRKUil.V8 Wl t.lt W.IIK 60c siie....2S CIlAMnKKLAlN'8 (XlOll CL'RK 25c aUe .14 "Notice to SENSATIONAL SPECIAL ON HUGHES' GENUINE IDEAL" HAIR ltmH K8 300 of the regular 11. $1.25. $1.50 snd $2 kinds, with single or dou ble bristles. libt or dark bai'ks, now. at, rach . 89 IMMENSE KI'EX'IAI IX TOILET PAPERS "Big Vslie" Squares, 1,000 sheets to package, 10c value 7 Per doz. pkci 70 "Notice to PETERMAN'S ROACH POWDER 15c size. 0 250 slss 14 PETERMAN'S DISCOV ERY 15c alz 11 25c aize 14 WESTS SURE KILL 25c lie, at 14 RED CEDAR MOTH tXl--OlNI ir.c size.. 10 Phone Douglas 150 Hr Mail Orders Filled I ern mllned ayntema. earned the Chicago I Alton road per cent grosa profit, j Hlmllur tabuialiorra were Introduced by the wltneneea to show that the parkin producla and fresh meat haul of Chlrngn tc Northwestern road from Council liluffa to Chicago was nearly as n"t'l -t he present rates, which th. I mill ' . ,w fr.: f , .. ,u wa. v rm i oenta per 1W pounds. Kneed na Wheel He port. On cross-examination exception was taken by C. C. Wright, general solicitor for the Northwestern, to train tonnage figures which were based on conductors' wheel reports. "The conductor In making out his ra porta." Mr. Fcttljohn said, "states what weight be thinks Is In the cars. He Is like every one else, snd does not want to do any more clerical work than he has to." "An exact statement of toe tonnage could have been obtained by you from th way bUla to which you had access, could It not?" Mr. Wright asked. "1 could hsv if t had had the time," replied the witness. "But so fax as the revenue you show Is comrned It Is an approximation t" continued Mr. Wright The witness as sented to this. Later In the cro-examlnatlon Mr. Pettijohn aaaerted that the conductors' whrl reports were used by th railroad companln In reporting their mileage to ths Interstate Commerce commlaalon, and were sufficient for all practical pur poaea. Wilts I la Solid. Ilnoke Wilts Is proving a popular lender with trwj Jersey City fans, and It Itxika aa If the Hkeetert would be raised from the nit during the coming seaaon. A Thunderbolt in the Drug I V ejg . t saav mm ol iDrugs, Vacate" Sale Prices on CHAMllrJRLAI.VS COMO . Hi JIAIiKHE. CXHE 60e site .28 25c size ......... 14 7 KISTKIW HAIR GROW Kit 11 site. at. . .52 COe size, at 2tr t SIHTKlts' 8CALI' n.HWLH 60 size, al ntllTOLA $1 slie.HJ)5 .THAXts 1 siie 1)11. IIEBRA'ts TOXIC 1 ale 10 K1 TAR 811AMIU1) HihW 25c cake 0 DR. MA ASK FACE SOAP 16c cake J) Vacate" Sale Per case of 100 psck ' 85.78 "H I.L VALUE" ROLL TOILET PAPER 10c kind 6 Per dozn rolls. .. .OM Per 100 rolls $-1.08 "OMAR" lOc ROLL TOI I:T PAPER Per ' roll 7 Pr doien rolls 81 c Per 100 rolls $0.00 "ANCHOR" ROLL TOI LET PAPER 5c kind r 4 Vacate" Sale NAY'S BEST METAL POL. ' ISH I illon, $1.75, value, at ...... -81.13 " 1 qt.. 75c value, at. 30 1 pint. 45c vajue...24 25c half pint alze. . -14 UAR FOUSU POWDER 25c size 12 STERNO STOVES COM PLETE 60c value," 30 French Capture I Five Thousand Turks 1ONDON. April V-"It Is reported from Mltylene," aays the Exchange Telegraph company. Athena correepondent snder date f Thursday, "that the French on th Asiatic side of the Dsrdanellrs, where there hsve been eangulnsry battlea at various points, have raptured 5, OHO Turks snd continue their sdvsnee suocesBfully.', The Be Want Ads At best Business Boosters. May Every Trimmed Hat la the 'Store World Omaha Has Never Knovtn an Event Like s 1 or ' Less ,1) LI A1 Pi . IS! t En I . DR. WOODBCRY'S FA CIAL SOAP 25c cake, at v .-14 MENKEN'S TALCUM POWDER All kinds. 25c aUe ; 12 COLGATE'S TALCUM POWDER All kinds. 2 5c le ...15c M ltSERV VIOLET TAU CUM 1-lb., 25c value. sooi 1 :ty "hy a i is m mAP 60e size '..29 8VNOL HOAP 26c pise, t 6 Ml'M 25c size EVER SWEET 50c size. at 34 26c sire .17 SI'IKO l-OWDEi: 25c alze -17 NON SPIoOc size. .39 BATHASWEET 50c size 34 25c slse 17 CROWN BAT UADRO A 35c siz all odora.24 ZYIiANO TOOTH PASTE (Chlorate Potash), In 60c else 19 KOLYXOS TOOTH PAIslU 25c size ...... .20" KAL1ZON TOOTH PASTE 50c size 10 Prices on riscellanebus Per doisn 48 Per 100 rolls 84.0O UREASE PAINTS ETC Complete stocka of Chas. Meyer'a, Hess 4 Stein's goods at discount of fl'RK UORAX SPECIAL 1 pound for 6 EPhOM SALTS Special, 1 pound for 5k LESLIE'S 8AFETY RA ZORS 11 kind ...49t EVER READY SAFETY RAZORS 11 kind. 69 ENDER'S SAFETY" RA ZORS 11 kind 69 GEM JR. SAFETY RA ZORS 1 1 kind 69? DURHAM DITLEX SAFE TY R.ZORS 11.25 kind 4S SAFETY RAZOR HLADEH, for Geiu Jr.. Ever Ready, etc.. blades for. . -25 FOUNTAIN SYRINGES Good II 2-it. size. .68 Same In 3-qt. size, 11.25 kind 70 Prices on Grouse Cleaning STERNO CANNED HEAT 15c atze 10 ALWAYS READY HEAT 0e value ......39 CANNED HEAT for same. 9: for ........25 PUNCH MOP AND BOT TLE OF PUNCH CEDAR POLISH FOR SAME t $1.50 NAPTH ALINE FLA KB 25c alze 10 NAPTHALINE CEDAR 25c alze .! 10c NAPTHAL1NK LAVE N DEIt 15c alze . . . .10 PROTECTO MOTH CRYS TAIiS (Camphor . Substi tute) 25e kind .-17 MOTH BALLS Lb. . 10r burial of h h . brown OLDEST MASON IN STATE KLGIN. Neb., April .-(ipee1a1 Tele-gram.)-Tbe funeral of HIriim II. Prown, the oldel Free Mason In Nebraska, was held today. Th services wer In charge of th local lodge, of which the deceseed wss a member. Vpoo the death ef Psat Grand Master Ilsyes of Norfolk, Mr. Brown became the oldest living Mason In Nebraska and the gold Gordon medal was acoordlngly be stowed upon him laat September. He waa made a Mason at St Charles, 111., In 1SS0 First Clearance' of Millinery Saturday Price YOU MILL FIND UEltK MA XT HATS VALI.K1I CP TO NO CHEAP Oil OI.I BTVI.K HTOf'K. , IlSOl-fTKLV EVERYTHING TltlH 8EASOV8 LATEST KRK.NCH PATTERNS TO SELECT FltOM. ALL COLORS BLACK, WHITE, HAND AND EVERY GOOr COLOR. $1 A Hats- $C $759 Hats $075 $C Hats $050 now. j : ' -' now. . V now.." TK NOT n.SS THIS WONDERFtL BARGAIN FEAST. EVERY WOMAN IN OMAR.V 8HOI LD BE HERE SATURDAY. . . , O'Connor & Emblen, & K 9 ries, Toilet Articles, ion Cost Not a Single Item of Stock Excepted The largest drug stock in Omalia, one of the not able ones in the entire west, is too' gigantic, compli; cated and , hard to place into position for an an nouncement of everything in one advertisement. To day's bulletin is merely, a hurried resume of only a few-of the items, but rest as;' -l that everything you are in need of will be oH'ei . .'at typical ''Notice to Vacate" prices. Newspaper advertisements from time to time will keep you fully posted in regard to the various new off citegs. If you live out of town, write' in for anything you may see' advertised. Your order will be filled immediately at the advertised price if cash accompanies the order. Patent Medicines, Etc. COLGATE'S TOOTH ' PASTE 25c size... 20 EUTHYMOL TOOTH PASTE 25c aize...lO SANITOL TOOTH PASTE 25c size! 14 SANITOL, FACE CREAM 2Sc alze . . .. . .14 SANITOL TALCUM TOW. DER 25c alie 14 SANITOL TOOTH POW- . DER 25c alze 14 SANITOL COLD CREAM 25e alze 14 SANITOL BATH TOWDhK 25c alz 14 HOT WATER BOTTLE Good 2-quart, 1100 kind 68 Same in J -quart size, in . $1.25 aiie 79 FOUNTAIN' SYRINGES r $2.00 Royal Maroon, 2 quart, at ..... 81.28 Same in S -quart $1.42 HOT WATER BOTTLES In .$1.10. style. 2 quart 84 PURE GUM CAMPHOR I-lb., 75c value... 58 S.1NATAX GARMENT CONTAINERS $1.00 alze -CO 71c alze 47 40c aize 28 PUTNAM'S DRY CLEAN- , ER 50e size 38 25c size IO snd remained a member ef the order for over sixty-five yeara. He was almost IT ' I years of sse st the time of his death and ' ' Is survived by his wife, who hss been bis he'pmste for slxty-flv yea is lacking but three days Th services were held st the Presby terian church, of which b bed been a memlter since Its orgsnlsation tn Elgin. They were largely attended by a multi tude of friends from fsr and near. Riafcap I Beteaeed. Uovd Plahop. the Kaneaa university pitch r. who was atgned by Detroit baa been given hla release. Every Trimmed Hat la the Store This to MaKe SOIXN PALMER'S COLD CREAM 60c size.. 34 RELLAlONNA A CAPSI CUM PLASTERS 25c kind 10 BELLADONNA PLASTERS 25c kind ,10 BELLADONNA CUM REX 25c ERS at CAPSI-PLAST- 10 ALLOOCK'S' PLASTERS 16c kind 10 ABSORBENT COTTON 50c roUa . , 24 Items, Etc. BATH SPRAYS The 11.50 kind $1.00 $1.00 kind ........69 75c kind 52 REVOLVING SYRINGE $1.60 Royal Maroon, for' 70 GRAPE JUICK 60c kind. full, quarts 38 GRAPE 4UICIS 50e kind, k light color, full quarts, at -.38 Above 3 rape Juice In dozen lots $3.98 Needfuls, Etc. HOUSE PAINTS 1.000 gallons mixed house paints, at," qt 25 Half gallona at ...50 Gallon lots OS PAINT BRUSHES 500 of them In 15c and 25e val ues at, e-ach 11 800 PAINT BRUSHES In 35c and 60c values, to go at, each 17 21 Years at Corner of 16th & Farnam tit', 'Vfir :?