Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 15, Image 15

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    Tim BEE: OMAHA, SATCUDAV. MAY 1, 1015.
ftlMt 1 Now PMran Pre
lootrlo raa Rurgesa-Oranden Co.
Js7 festival Saturday The eighth
annual May festival of the Norden Slng
na; society will be given Saturday even
faff at the Swedish auditorium.
Today Complete Movie rrogram'
classified auction today, and appear la
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the various moving picture theater offer
o anat Bank o Oaaafca ray 4
9r eeat on time deposits, 1 ver cent oa
saving account. All deposit In tms
hank are protected by the depositors'
Cuarante fund of the at ate (o( Nebraaka.
Voaad with Morphine-George Brown,
arreated by Special Officer I'qntag of
the Missouri Pacific, wa sentenced to
ten day in tha county Jail. When ar
rested Brown had a bottle containing a
large quantity of morphine tablets on hla
person. ' '
Tloketa for Oyn Stnat Beginning
Saturday morning at t o'clock, tickets
for tha second annual gymnastic carnival
of the Toung Men's Christian aasoclatlon,
which will be given Tuesday evening at
the Auditorium, will be on sale at the
bos offlos of the Auditorium, instead' of
at the association building. .
Mo gammer Zet TJp In Business if
your office Is properly located, readily
found and easily accessible. For such
offices apply to the superintendent of the
Bee building, "the building that is always
new," room 108. ,
Haw Chorea rape The
New Is the name of a Uttl weekly
which make Its first bow to the public
this week. It Is published by the Men'
club of the Church of the Covenant It is
issued in tha Interest , of the, Covenant
and Fatrvtew Presbyterian churches. E.
O. Carson la the editor and Mr. John
Srhl'ieter Is the business manager. It
starts with a good circulation and bright
Show Soeasry te 2ms Tha Can
adian Pacific railroad is arranging: tl
present films In the moving picture
house of Omaha of some of the beauti
ful scenery 'along its lines. The placing
of the films will be under the direction
of W. D.. Black, traveling passenger
went of the company, with headquarter
at Chicago. W. B. Book of the Mil
waukee road In Omaha, will show tha
firms at Council Bluffs next, week, and
the following week will appear In Omaha.
Trend of Sentiment
Toward Buying the
Omaha Auditorium
That there is a decided switch In the
sentiment toward the purchase of the
Auditorium was Indicated at meetings
held In different parts of the city last
E. V. Parriab, manager of the bureau
of publicity of the Commercial club, ap
peared at four meetings, urging the pur
chase of the Auditorium holdings. With
out exception. ' the straw votes taken
were favorable to' the proposition of the
city taking over the property, very few
indicating that they would not support
tne bond issue of llfiO.OOfc
Farrlsh spoke at an open air meeting
at Twenty-fourth and Vinton, at Garfield
hall. Twenty-seventh and Martha; at Tel
Jed Sokol hall on South Thirteenth street,
and. at Met hall on South Thirteenth
He urgd the purchase of .the Audi
torium on the issue of 'whether the city
could afford to be without an Auditorium.
When the question was put to the voters
squarely they came to the front by stat
ing that they would vote for the bonds,
though many declared that they had op
posed the proposition one year ago.
All , meetings were largely- attended.
Every Indication is that the4 bonds will
recelv the necessary SO per cent of the
votes cast upon the question.
Wilson Will Review
Sixty-Five Vessels
Of Atlantic Fleet
. .WASHINGTON, April .-Sity-ftvo
vessels of the AtlanUc fleet will pass In
review before President Wilson in New
York harbor on May 17. Secretary Daniels f
announced today that in the great naval
- Parade would be the following:
w.BuS?h,pL Wyoming, flagship of Ad
miral Fletcher, commander-in-chief
First division, commanded by Rear Ad
miral Mayc, SatUeehlps New Tork,
Texa Delaware and North Dakota.
fcecond division. Rear Admiral Boush.
battleships Utah, Florida, South Carolina.
Michigan and Kansas.
v',,rdv.dlvta!0.n',Ker -Admiral Coffman,
battleships Virginia. Georgia, Rhode
Island .and Nebraska. .
Fourth division, hear Admiral McLean,
battleships Louisiana and New Hamp
shire. Destrower flotilla. Captain Sims, Birm
ingham, tender Dixie, destroyers, -Wr
2D,?tP- Drayton, Penley. Mayrant. Mc-'
Call Furrows, Amnion. Patterson. Pauld
1,n', ,Tt1P tannin, Ueale, Jarvlss,
Jenkins. Jouett. Cummlngs, Cassln,- Mc
Dougal. Batch. Benham and Parker.
Submarine flotilla. Commander Stirling,
cruiser Prairie (flagship), tendera Mo
Donough, Woorden, Tonopah. Oaark and
-J! K"- K-
Auxiliary division. Commander Holme,
repair ship. Vestal, mine layer San Fran
cisco, tugs Patapsco. Sonoma . and
Patuaxent, colliers Cyclops. Prlen and
AliBIA,' Ta., April SO. Alexander Her
man, a French miner at Rocking, three
mile south of Albla, shot his wife today
and a half hour later committed suicide.
Culls from the Wire
Major General Goethals. governor of
the canal sone. will, leave Panama. Sat
urday for Washington.
Rov. lr. George 8. Vlbbert. Intimate
friend of William Lloyd tiarrlson and
Wendell Phillips and once a prominent
temperance worker, died at Chicago.
Charges of bribery which cat.aed ths
Illinois house to cite F. E. Davidson, a
Chicago attorney, to appear before it
were dismissed today w hen counsel for
Davidson appeared and quoted Mr. Dav
idaon as aaylng he had not made the
charges accredited to blm.
Professors from the principal Colleges
and universities of the I'nlted btstes to
day attended the dedication at St. Louis
of the three new building of the medical
college of Washington university, which
with the adjoining B&rnes' hospital, the
tie Louis Children's hospital and -BC
John' hospital form an Imposing- group
dedicated to memcal purposes.
After describing the workings of the
European cartel eyntem of trade organl
atlona lo members of the Industrial club
of Chicago. t a banquet at 1'hlcaso.
Joseph K. Davk-B, i li airman of the Fed
eral Trade commission, said: "It would
be a runfeSMlon uf if this coun
try should b unablo to meet conditions
ucu as these in the world trade
MevesBOats of Oeess Steamers
Pwt Sprim twltec,
rHKISTtAHTV. KnllsDlaf)ar4..
' firtANOHAI , ,Tiaau Sfess,
tKW TuK....Haaa Omi U. -
Downtown Meeting- Conducted on
Opposite Sidei of Street tnd Big
Crowd Hear Arg-unent.
Arthur Mullen, formerly attorney
general of the state of Nebraska,
leading democratic wirepuller, but
who hag always been Indifferent to
the present administration, from an
automobile at Fifteenth and Douglas
streets begged a crowd of nearly
3,000 to retain the "square seven"
In office and to rebuke the "big six."
He tempered his remarks by de
claring that the "six" are unfit to
hold the reins of city government.
"You will serve yourselves best by
holding onto these men."
The big crowd, lured by accounts of the
sensational political, duel of Wednesday
n'pht at Fifteenth and Douglas.' was on
hand to watch the rival cnndldates per
form. In the expectation that Jim rhl
man and Harry Zimman would Iocs, in a
shoulder-to-shoulder conflict of ex-
fT'Ietlves, the crowd was disappointed, but
ir. the point of political pyrotechnic the
Innermost craving of the .wildest fan was
Bach oa Own Side of Street.
The "out" made no attempt to win
away the corner upon which the ins"
mcde their stand, but they entrenched
themselves on the east side of Fifteenth
street and then battled fiercely for su
premacy. ,
If the opposing sides left anything un-
sa'd. 1,004 persons failed to notlca It.
Edward Simon pulled the records as
evidence of his authorship of the moth
ers pension and anti-loan shark acts.
Representatives Billy" Chamber and
Harry E. Foster were oa hand to cor
roborate. It wa Mullen address, however, that
created the big- sensation.
Mallea Tells of Pol lee Protx.
"It wa I who delved deep Into th po
lice department' Innermost affairs when
CMef Donahue was at the head." he de
clared. "I did all I could to Improve lax
conditions In Omaha. I have always kept
my attention riveted upon the police.
want to tell you al that we now have as
sooa a police department in Omaha ai
any city m the world. I know from e
iK-rienoe max. mis administration la an
honest one. I know that Omaha Is not
perfect from a governmental standpoint.
but it la a near to being so as la posst-
rie ror human Intelligence to achieve.
Tne men In office now are not graft
era. They are honest men and efficient
and I would be sorry Indeed If you allow
yourselves to be misled into voting for
Interest that are detrimental to Oroa.
ha's good.'
R. J. Madden, attorney, followed Mul
len, .telling .the crowd how an afternoon
paper and Its backer spent $35,000 through
a oetecuve agency only to prove that
Omaha and Douglas county are honestly
governed. Others who spoke were John
Bine, William Wapplch and Mayor Dahl.
wan, who was brief In his remark be
cause seven big meeting elsewhere left
hi throat In serious condition. .
.Front Other Pelat of View.
On the other, side of the street Judge
Sutton. L. H. Mossman, Frank Odell, At
torney. Redwood and Gerln spoke. In
turn these men told of police-protected
dives, of police court favoritism, of poor
city pavement, poor park system and of
the wrongs of Jack-Ryder.
The big crowd surged back and forth
across Fifteenth street,' now listening to
an "in" and again paying attention to
the "outs." ( - ;
A . score of police officer held ; the
crowds Tender control to permit t raffle
to move and to quell disturbances. Com
missioner Kuge) personally commanded
8ergeant Tony Vanous to see that a
quad of men protected the "outs" from
Insult, although at this task the police
had their hands full, as boisterous ohe
on every hand would Interject shouts of
derision at each speaker.
Keeplat Crowd Orrfei-ly.
While Frank Odell waa talking a dog
fancier named Jenkins got up in another
auto to speak, but he was pulled down
by the police and informed that Mayor
Dahlman would permit no supporter to
emulate the Wednesday night example of
the "outs," who tried to win the 'in' "
corner. Jenkins "went away to another
The "Ins" meeting broke up about fif
teen minutes before the "out' " and the
crowd went over, to the latter.
Doctor Calls Upon
: Patient in Plane
BIOUX CITT, la.. April 30.-T answer
an emergency call to an accident by
aeroplane . waa the experience of Dr.
Pearl EL Somen of Orinnell, la., yester
day. ,
Bomer received a telephone call from
a farm home, eleven miles southeast of
Orinnell, where a man had been terribly
Injured In a runaway accident. Aviator
W: C. Robinson of Orinnell was near the
doctor' office when the call came, and,
learning ef Somera mission, volunteered
to take the doctor to the cene of the
accident in hi aeroplane. The sart wa
made within a few minutes; and the
eleven mile were traversed in six min
utes, at the rate of 110 mile an hour.
I Corners dressed the man's injuries, wa
again seated in the aeroplano and wa
driven by Robinson to Orinnell at the
peed of aeventy-three mile an hour, or
nine minutes. The twenty-two-mile trip
was covered In fifteen minutes, or an
average of ninety mile an hour.
Get Rid of Humors
stood' arseparlUa Is the Usdlola
. Take Makes rare Blood.
Dry, moist, scaly tetter, pimples,
boll, and other eruptions come from
humor, which may be either inherited,
or acquired through defective digestion
and assimilation.
To treat these eruption with drying
medicine I dangerous.
Hood's Saraapartlla,, the old reliable
medicine, help the system lo discharge
the humors, and improve ths digestion
and assimilation.
Get Hood's Sarsaparilla from your
druggist. It may bo confidently relied
upon to do It work. It purl ft so the
blood, tone the stomach, and builds up
th whole system. It goea to tha root
of disease, and its beneficial results
are permanent It U thing to right
In tho ayatera. Remember to ask for
Hood' aafaapaiiUa. because nothln?
also acts ilk it . and nothing- slse caa
4ak It pLao. Advertisesasnt.
r. A. EDQUI8T.
E. V. Jattcheltree and It E. Bryan, dry
cleaner and baker. repectlvely. of New
Sharon, la., are here, having walked
from their home town to thla city, their
plan being to complete their hike to
San Francisco by August 1. If they
make the trip within the agreed time
they will receive $1,000 from the Booster
club of New Sharon. They averaged
twenty-four miles a day and carry twelve
pounds of baggage apiece.
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City - Attorney Declares lie Hi
"Rung Judge's Hide" Several "
Times in Supreme Court.
The administration candidates ex
pect that their mass meeting at the
Auditorium. Saturday evening, will
be a "stemwlnder." Congressman
V. O. Lobeck has agreed to preside.
The complete list of speakers has not
been announced, but on the Hat will
be Mayor Dahlman. H. B. Fleharty,
John A. Rlne and a few more of the
This n!sa meothig will practically close
the rar.iralim for the square seven' The
'Mg six" are tryln to arrange 1c a
counter mass meeting, probably for Mon-
fsy evening.
Mayor Dahlman and hla associates ad
tfrewd several meetings yesterdsy oven-
lim before going to the big open-air meet
ina at Fifteenth and Douglas streets
They started with an outdoor meeting at
Twenty-fourth and Vinton streets and
Ihtn went to the halls at Twenty sixth
and Martha streets. Thirteenth and Mar
tha and Thirteenth and William, present
'n. at these places practically a repeti
tion of the arguments' made during the
t eek.
At Gartleld hall at Twenty-sixth and
firtha street City Attorney Rlne denied
tho allegation of Chairman Sutton, who
stated that various publto servtoo cor
poration cases started by the city are
now sleeping 'the sleep of the deed be
er use of apathy on the part of the city
legal department.
"We have hung Sutton's hide several
Try a "Half-and-Half Cigar Program
J You know How easy it is to
over smokeon Sundays with
too many heavy cigars.
7 11 This Sunday, just for experi
ment, we suggest this half-and-half
smoke program:
J Reserve your heavy, rich cigars
for after your hearty meals.
J Then,- between times, soothe
your smoke palate with the mild
er fragance of "modulated"
Tom. Moore Cigar
Littze Tom 5$
When you're looking for a shorter smoe, here's Little Tom
. f J7f'&Z ?ar-
- .;. .. l'l '. i--" sv e.
time In the state supreme court, a here
we defeated the judge In casea where he
held aralnst the city In the dlxtrlt t court
hero. He la sore, that Is what be la." da
dared Mr. Rlne.
Commissioners Butler, Kugel. Hu.nmel,
MoOovern and Wlthnell distributed thorn
reive through the various meetlnr and
presented In their different manners rea
sons why the administration candidates
should h elected. T. 4. TePool of the
city leral department spoke at Met hall
on South Thirteenth atreet. At all of
the administration meetings the antls
were charged with taking up the electric
Urht and power rate proposition
a catch-penny proposition, offering a
-cent rate Just at a time when they saw
thf administration considering an ordi
nance, Mayor Grows Faeetlooa.
The mayor at these south-end meetings
mad several facetious references to the
di monstratlon Wednesday evening at Fif
teenth end Douglas streets.
The administration campaign committee
has enlisted State Representative Will
Chambers, who began his service for the
,vare seven at Fifteenth and Douglas
street yesterday evening.
Chairmen Sutton of the antls addressed
his workers during the evening at the
assembly hall on the sixteenth floor of
the City National bank building. He told
Ms men to keep their courage up and t
stay by their guns until the last.
The antls will hold a meeting this even
ing In Magnolia hall. Twenty-fourth and
Ames avenue, where the principal speak
ers will be Chairman Sutton and Tom
HolUster. The "big six" will also speak.
No Recognition of
Mexicans by Wilson
WASIIINOTON, prtl 80,-Recognltlon
of any factions In Mexico during the
present uncertain state of affair I not
contemplated by the I'nlted States gov
ernment, according to expression today
by high officials.
BEST llCMLIi CIOAJt OOm 018 So. lOih 8t
Declare that Big- Secret Organiza
tion is Ready to Get VoteT
Ont on Election Day.
Antls last night continued a cam
paign of speaking in the open air to
audiences In various parts of the city
which Is testing the voices and en
durance of even the veterans who are
engaged In furthering the cause.
For them the evening's work began at
S o'olock, when M. O. Cunningham and
A. I.. Sutton addressed the antls' com
mittee on the eleventh floor of the City
National bank building. They predicted
that they were engnsvd In a winning
campaign, former Judge Sutton declar
ing the "Ins," If they were able to aav
any of their men, would do so by reason
of republicans rallying behind some of
Seeret Oraanlsatloa at Work,
Mr. Cunningham asserted that there
wa a large secret organisation behind
the antla. "From !00 to 3M men and
women whoa name t will not give out,"
he said, "will be actively engaged on elec
tion day In getting out voters by tele
phone and In ether ways. In the aftei
noon lists of nnmcs of men who have nt
voted will be furnished by the election
commissioner' office, which will be used
by our workers."
At Forty-fifth and Military avenue, In
the Sixth ward, Hackett'a home, four
speaker addressed the voters. Frank O.
Odoll bespoke favor of the voter for tho
school and Auditorium bond Issues and
discussed electric light rates In detail,
lie ws Introduced by James Richardson.
Harkett talked briefly, urging hi neigh
Havanas Tom Moores. They
yield you the rare consolations of
fully aged Havana leaf because
of the dash of milder leaves they
contain. They leave your cigar
relish. unharmed and your
smoker taste trued up and keen.
fl Learn about smoking what
those other men have learned
who always come back for
Ouaba, DUtrtbttgor.
bor to support the antls' slate, and In
troduced Sutton, who declared the antl
should be elected because they favorco
lower public service charges.
He told of a visit made y Mm late yes -terday
to chop suey house In Omaha
In which, he said. Immoral conditions
existed, and paid hla respect t City At
torney John M. Rlne, whom he dnscrlbfd
as "sexton of a graveyard of dead oases."
"An Important crisis Is at hand," he
declared. "Two clouds loom over Omaha,
the claims of ths street railway company
and the gaa company to perpetual fran
chises such as the courts have declared
the electrlo light company possesses. TiiO
attorneys who conduct the city's cas?
should not he picked by the public erv
Ice corporation.
"Mr. Harkett, your neighbor, la a can
didate on the slate opposed to Dahlman.
While Mr. Hackett may not be so btll
llant Intellectually as some, he hs agreed
to stand with the people against the cor
porations. I would rsther have an aver
age honest man than a smart dishonest
Mnny Other Meetings.
From Forty-fifth and Military avenue
Sutton and Hackett went to Fifteenth
and Douglas, as did Odell and Richard
son, who had previously made the open
ing addresses to a gathering composed
chiefly of women at the Toung Women's
Christian association.
Candidates Jardlne and Drexel ad
dressed Sn audience at Nineteenth and
Vinton streets, attacking the proposed
electric light rate ordinance plans of th
"Ins" and declaring thst . their plant
would be more effectual.
PARIS, April 30.-An official statement
Issued by the ministry of marine tonight
"One hundred and ten survivors of tin
French armored cruiser Leon QambettM.
which waa sunk bv the Austrian sub
marine tr-S, have been taken to Sjva
puse. and twenty-five others are at
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