Omaha Daily EDITORIAL None of 'em. are in it at fun-making with the Kat zenjammers. Happy Hooli gan and little Snookuma. H PAGES 13 TO 24. VOL. XL1V NO. 272. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 1, 1915. mJSSS?J2V WNQLB COPY TWO. CENTS. nrw-rr Bee HITCHCOCK TELLS OF RECOMMENDATIONS J. C. Byrne, M. L. Corey and Thomas 7. Flynn ire Names Row Be I fore the President ALL WAITING ON MR. BETAN "Ye. I originally recommended Patterson, for this place," said Sena tor O. M. Hitchcock after reading the account of the appointment of Sam . Patterson of Arapahoe to the position of auditor of the Treasury depart- , ment. "I recommended him, and I do not know that Mr. Bryan ever definitely recommended a man for the place, but the matter hung fire vso long that Mr. Patterson eventually notified me of his withdrawal from the race, as he had taken a position in Dr. P. L. Hall's bank In Lincoln. . "Then later, when no one was appointed , to fill th. place. I wu notified by Mr. Patterson and his friends that Mr. Bryan's endorsement could- be secured for Fatterson If I would again recom- : mend htm. I 4ld so, with th. present re sult" Senator Httohoock said so far as he knows, this appointment wilt have no ef fect on the pending- appointments for federal positions In Nebraska. "My .recommendations are still pending," he said, "and I have always said that a soon as 'my men were considered and re jected by the president and proper - authorities, I would be ready to offer other recommendations." Reviews Herommeadat loan. '. Senator Hitchcock, talking to a repre sentative of The Bee. reviewed the exact succession in which he appointed certain .men for the Nebraska places, and the present status of those recommendations, as follows: "I first recommended Christ duenther for collector of Internal revenue. That hung over for a year. Then Mr. Ouen ther asked me to withdraw his name, after Mr. Iiryan had said he would not eonicnt- to his appointment, and after President Wilson had said he did not like to make the appointment without Mr. Bryan's endorsement. " ' "Then 1 recommended J. C. Bymo of Columbus fur the position. At the same 11 mo I told the secretary of the treasury that If Byrne was not satisfactory, and if Mr. Bryan wss not satisfied with him, I stood ready to make another recommeda tron. e fTho attorney general then called on inc for recommendations for r the posi tions of marshal and district attorney Tftat H still pending. J'Then 1 recommend Swain of Greeley ior Home months 'after that Hin. in view of the delayin appoint ment, asWtd me to withdraw his name. I then recommended T. J. Flyun of Omaha for marshal. That is where the patter stands, now," , ..,,,' "Lodge of Sorrow to: " i , Be Held by Masons ' ' n memory of- three past grand masters nf' the Nebraska Masonic grand, lodge, a lodge- of solrow will be held at the Boot-' tth Rite cathedral, Twentieth and Doug las street's, Sunday afternoon, May . These are the three past grand masters In whose memory the novel ceremonial will be held: Hurry Porter Deuel, died November 23, 1U. Martin Dunham, died February 18. 1915. John Jr.. Kaon Mercer,, died February 26, lflS. The Nebraska lodge adopted the cere mony of , the lodge of sorrow several years ago, but It has never before been held in this stale. It Is described as nwjcitkally beautiful and touching. TI.e nlno lodges of Greater Omaha will take pert jointly In the ceremony. In- vliationn hurt, been sent to every Ma sonic fmirfc In the state, especially to the present and puMt grand lodge officers. Judgo Pummel B. Davldeon of Tecum 5li, Hanjr H. Wilson of Lincoln and William .. DeBord of Omaha will be the speakers. Rev. Kdwin Hart Jenks will act as chsplaln. s BIG DANDELION DIGGING ' CONTEST STARTS SATURDAY If every school child in Omaha Is not digging dandelions, it is because they ran withstand the tempting siren call of easy money. The Civic league garden contest committee has placed la the hands of every schoolboy and girl a circular announcement of $40. In cash prizes for digging dandelions. - Beginning Saturday, and continuing throughout the month of May, the kid kies will compete to see who can uproot the racst market liaskaifuls of the yellow pests, ifi each of the four districts of the city, cornering at Twenty-fourth and Farnain streets, $10 In cash will be awarded to the person who turns lh the most dandelions to captains pf city fire companies. Men and women, as well as boys and girls, may compete. "Help to banish the dandelions" la the slogan, and the only rules are that each plant must be dug deep, and turned in promptly by the basketful, without ad hering earth. ' Many of the youngsters in the contest are being paid by home owners for dig ging the dandelions, as well as getting credit for the work toward the Clvlo league's cash bos. BURGESS-NASH BUYERS GUESTS AT DINNER PARTY Fuyers and floor managers of the Bur-gets-Kash company were guests of the firm Thursday night at a dinner and theater party. The dinner was served In the olive room at the Rome hotel. Im promptu cabaret acts by K. J. Berg, Will Adams. Mrs. K. P. Wright, J. II. Taylor. Henry Rjset.dale and A. G. Hoover added uffUUnt teat to the occasion and when the party went to the Boyd to the Deep Puri'le everybody was in the best of spirits. Hmrr- Throat aa Chest. Quickly rilloved by Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar- ' Honey. It easts the throat, soothes the j lungs, loosens phlegm. Only ISo. All , uggista Advertisement- J Saturday, May 1, 1915,- - BURGESS-NASH COMPANY- -STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY - -BURGESS-NASH C0MPANY- -PHOJKE DOUGLAS 137. THE FIRST DAY OF MAY IS AT HAND SOMETHING BETTER, NEWER, LOVELIER EVERY DAY NOW AT BURGESS - NASH Have You Tried Morning Shopping? WHEN you've an important de cision to make selecting your spring ault, (or instance? It's worth planning tor, to arrange things at home to have the morn ing hours for the trip down town. We know In some households this Is difficult, but you'll find your self repaid a hundred told. v When the rush begins later In the day It's impossible to serve one as we desire. In the morning hours you'll not be obliged to wait for attention, storks are In perfect arrangement and there's a freedom of mind In decision when one Isn't conscious that'everybody is In a hurry. Will you help us to be ot "greater service to a greater number" to serve you best to our satisfac tion and to yours? BURGESS-NASH COMPANY. The Newest in NECKWEAR NEW creations, including band embroidered voile and net vestees,-roll and flat collars, col lar and cuff sets and new military sets, sand, blue and white, 75c to fltt.OO. Neckwear; 25c and50c New styles in flat collars, ves . tees, collar and cuff sets. . Borg-ess-aTash Co. stain Tloor. THE NEWEST COATS ESPECIALLY PRICED AT $16.50, $19.50 and $25.00 SPECIAL values that will give an ad ditional incentive to make selections from. the extensive Burgcss-Nash stock. Serge, gabardihes, plaids, checks. covert, tweeds, taffetas and faille silks, silk Jersey and crepe de chine coats. Full lined, half lined and un lined models. STREET COATS SPORT COATS MOTOR COATS DRESS COATS TRAVEL COATS NEW SILK SUITS $25, $35 and $45 Taffeta and silk faille in a most comprehensive assortment. ' ' Dressy find comfortably cool ' ' is why ko many well dressed women choose these garments. Medium length and short are the jackets with embroidery trimming, novel buttonhole etteols and self belts. Skirts are mainly flare, sreea 3(5 to 44. , BwrM-sTMa Co.- sUoona Floor tit- Long White Silk GLOVES, $1.25 Values, only 98c GOOD newt indeed, because it tells of 16-button length wAlte silk gloves, the very soft in greatest demand now to wear with the new slfort sleeve blouses, at greatly underprice. They're Milan ese silk: with Paris point embroid ery, good $1.25 values at OHc pair. Boross-sTnsh Co. -Mala Tloor. Drugs and Toilets reroxlde, I pt. for 17c. Beef, wine and Iron, 1 pt., 4SV Syrup of Figs, 60c sine, 84c. Jad Salts, 76o site, 4 Be. Htncklei pills, 100 for lc. Hill's eaacara quinine, . 8So size, ISc. Olive oil, 35c lie, 10c. Denver mud, 25c sise, 13c. S a 1 hepatlca, 2Gc sise, 16c. Colorlte, all shades, 8Se. Rubber gloves, 60c value, 25c Combination sy- ring and water bottlss. 11.76 value sea Hot water bot tle, $1.50 value, for SUc. Hospital cotton, 1 lb., 10c. Double bristle, genuine Ideal brush. $1.50 value, 70c. Canthrox, 50c she, BO Java rice pow der, 80c site, for 83c. Manicure scis sors, 65c and 7 5c values, 40c. Theatrical cold cream, H -lb. 2l)c Isebell's face powder, 60a size, 10c. Melorose rouge 60c stie, 27c. DJ-ey-klss tal cum, 80c. Barf ess-Hash Oo. Xaia floor. Have You Ever Worn a Wirth-mor Waist? Four new styles in this famous Wirth-mor Waist- which is worth $2.00'and "5" offered at $1.00 "Wirth-mor" waists arm told her txclasivtly They mre always $t and always worth more. , The materials Lingerie, Batistes, Lawns, are finest obtainable and style and workmanship are equal to many higher-priced models. ' t Rach waist Is packed singly In diwt proof envelope, . thereby It retains its freshness and come to you always crisp, uncrninpled and dainty to wear. . Do not fai to be among those first to find profit and pleasure in these "Wirth-mor" waists at $1.09. BorgeTash Co. Main 11 oor. Women's Pure Thread SILK HOSE Remarkable Values at 69c Pair Bhnni 'a,blfCk:,White and an ""ortment of. color.: M8 spl,f 5,h1 D(1 aoubl with double garter tops. . They slight in f.c U.t0.hqrUtJr' bUt :?ra,' imperfSns-So tugnt, in fact, that they are unnoticeable. Boys' and Girls' Cotton Hose, 16c Fine ribbed black mercerised cotton hose. This Is a number of a q!lS7eV.rpecd,a!hat nued by the" a nrr s-Wh Co-Mala Floor. ' 25c All SILK RIBBONS at 15c ana Diacit. a good sash and hair bow ribbon ,-, . . L ; ' y ' ; SatIn tft Ribbon at 10c ."-V ? Aa excellent quality of satin tsffeta ribbon frota l to SVt Inches wlda in a variety of shades, values to 25c th. yard. 1 CbH Remnants of Eibbons Reduced l various shades and nuaiitu. a ....v.,. - , m wm wiw Ribbon remnants lengths, at greatly reduced prices ' nrrsss-sTasa Co.. lassnsBl. Boudoir LAMPS Were, $3.95 to $7.50 - $1.95 " 7 A RT . glass shades, conventional scenic and decorations. were $3.96 to $7.50. 98c Salad Bowls, 49c Imported china salad bowls, deco rated, 8-Inch site, usual 98c valao, Saturday 40c each. BargMsvsTMh Co. rourtn rioor. $1.00 Automobile SPONGES at 49c EXTRA large size wool sponges for, automobile use. Q The usual $1.00 value... XaC $1.25 Chamois, 79c Large sise oil tan chamois, for automobile, usually 7Q $1.25, for . y i?C Moth Bags 75e size, Saturday 59 $1.00 size, Saturday. . .80s Our line of "Wayne" moth bags Is very complete. Tooth Brushes.c Tooth brushes, several kinds and styles, usually 25c and in 35c, at 1.5C Borrsss-Ztasn Co. Maim rioor. Extra Special Values in Women's Pumps on the Second Floor Saturday The Savings Are Very Unusual TUB different groups which, by the way, are all new and up-to-the-minute in point of 6tyle, are in patent kid, mat kid, dull calf .and black satin. Women's Pumps that Are $3.50 to $4 Values.2.25 women s rumps That Are $4.00, $4.oo ana $5.00 Values, at $2,65 No trouble to find your size in these two Immense lots. Our Children '8 Shoe Section is displaying the most complete line of shoes for children, misses and growing girls. English ankle strap, one . and two-strap pumps, Mary Jane and plain pumps. The price range Is from 31.SB to $3.00 . Sarg-Ms-Xtaa Co. Baooul moor MM T 9 J This Is REFRIGERATOR TIME t SATURDAY'S REMINDERS . . - Automatic Refrigerators Come and let us show you a real refrigerator, let us show you the walls, the 'Insulation, lining, shelves, trimming and finish, the never-clog automatic trap, etc., then vcom. prices . . $25.00 to $57.50 Century Refrigerators Balding Hall Company's famous lines. The construction ot our Century refrigerator, the points of superiority in our Notaseme re frigerators are worth while knowing. Experienced-help to show you. Special reduc- d.0yn'.8r . . $5.00 to $34.50 . Lawn Mower Specials 8-inch wheel, 3-blade lawn mower, either 14 or 16-incb size, special, $2.23. Norka lawn mowers, 9-lnch drive wheel, direct drive, Quality and Efficiency mower, 14-Inch, special, 3,23; 16-Inch size, special, H.SO. Norka patented ball bearing adjustment, set screw and easy running, either 14 or 16-lnch size, $4.23. 16-lnch Junior ball bearing mower, 4 blades, 10 lncb wheel, splendid value, at 97.00. CARNATIONS at 2c Jo) LONG stem, fresh cut, home grown carnations, assorted colors. Sped;) I for Saturday at the cut flower se' tion at 2 each. Cov Mala Floor. Garden Hose, Etc. 14 -inch (-ply white garden hose", In 60-foot lengths, at as.oo. H-Ineh molded garden hose, guaranteed quality, per foot, 14c -lncb moulded garden hose, guaranteed quality, per foot. 16c. Brass fountain sprays at 30c. Brass nozles, up from 80c Hammocks, complete line, 08c to $IO.OO. Co. The LAST DAY of the Sale of ZEISS STOCKS, Saturday SATl'ltDAV we will place on sale the remaining portion of the Zciis stock of men's furnishings at ridiculously low prices, it's our determination to clear out this stock in the one day, and if values have anything to do with it,.wo will accomplish the result. Zeiss Stock of Meh't Shirts in One Lot, Choice, Each The "pickln"' Is still good, but the "plums" will be gathered In first so early morning picking is advisable. You'll find all sites and the range of selection Is very good. At this price you will want to buy them In lots of nix or a dosen, and It wtll be to your ad vantage to do so. BarrMs-Haah Co. Mala Tloor. Zeiss men's hose, and 15o, sale price 98c feles 60o - neckwear, price . . ..25c , Zeiss Silk Pajamas and night shirts, were 15 to $15, sale prices, $2.aand $4.00. Zeiss $1.00 and $1.60 neckwear,, "JC sale price, . ... OC Bnftw-aTaah Oo Hi la Tloor. Zeiss. $2.00 and $3.50 neckwear, QQ sale price...: uOC Zeiss Full Dress Vests Also Tuxedo vests, were $3 to $10, sale prices, $1.50 and $:i.3. OIL 8 MyJatSS" St 61 knickerbocker pants, lined throughout, for ages S to 17 years; regularly $7.60 values; Saturday Mash CYERYDODYb OTOFIE" Zeiss Stock of Men's Hosiery in Two Big Groups Saturday regularly 26c, Zeiss men's hose, regularly 60c, 15c .p7AVn:::.l.r.... 29c Zeiss Stock of Men's Union Suits All kinds In summer weights, medium weights and "heavies" Two . big groups: Zeiss union, suits, regularly to $4.00 and $5.J0, sale price $1.15 50c Zeiss union suits, regularly to $3.00 values, sule T price OC Zeiss Stock of 2-Pioce Underwear Big variety of kinds and qualities, regardless ot the former price, offered for 8aturdsy at, garment Zeiss Stock of Men's Night Robes Excepting silks. Including outing flannels, cambrics, mercerised ox fords and Bolsette; Zeiss price, $1.00 to $3.60, Q nO sale price Oi7C and 70C . . Zeiss Stock of Men's Pajamas Excepting silk, including outing flannel, solaette, cambrics, etc., Zeiss price to ' $3.00; sale price. Zeiss price 18.60-to 14.60; sale, price $1.40 - -. . geiss Stock of Neckwear Score of pretty styles and patterns, divided into three groups for eaey.taelectloii: 1 r ' ?U : ' . ' -r-- Can a Mah Really Get a Good SPRING SUIT for $16.50? ABSOLUTELY yes; if he comes to Burgcss-Nash for it. We've never seen suit" at $16.50 in any sense equal to those we are showing this season. Why don't we sell them for the higher prices we could get for themf Because we mean to give the greatest clothing service that has ever been known to the man who pays $16.60 tor his suits and who must have the kind with the high-priced look and a foundaUon of good, reliable quality. Men' and Young Men's SUITS Strictly hand-tailored throughout and built to conform with our strict specifications, and we commend them for their correctness their splendid fitting qualities their beauty of finish, their staunchness of materials and the high standard of tailoring. Suits absolutely supreme at this price. Glen Urquhart plaids, tartans and shepherd checks, worsted, flannel, silk mixed worsteds, plain colors and hair lines and stripes. Every six M or M silk Uned, athletic cut vests, wide and medium rolling lapels. Every wanted shade and style. Other suit, $13.65 to $40.00. Men's Golf Clothing; Qolf suits, coat and pants, $1T.OO and $20.00. Golf coats. $5.00 to $10.00. B lexer coats, $5.00. Sport coats, $5.00. Knickerbocker golf trousers, $7.60. Borresa-BTaah Cw Tonlth Flee. Boys Suits, With Two Pair of Pants, $7.50 Values, Saturday for $4.95 GOOD, sturdy materials, including blue serges, cheviots, fancy mixtures, eta, In the most wanted shades; coat Norfolk style, with two pairs ta m mm Boys' $12.50 and $18 Suits at $9.95 Made of the very finest materials, strictly hand-tailored throughout, blue serges and fancy mixtures, for agea 6 to 18 years; values to tQ QC $18.00; sale price $V,VD Boys' Hats, &3o Every shape, style and color for the little fellows, a splendid line rn. for selection; Saturday, at.... OUC Children's $2.00 Wash Suits, $1.25 Our display of children's wash suits at this price Is very attractive and exten sive. Made up In a variety of pretty styles, In the most wanted fabrics, , for ages 1 to I years. The season s very newest etrects, regular $2.00 values, for . . . . , Burgsss-sTssh Co-rourtk Tloor Boys' $1 Shirts and Blouses, 50c Made of a good quality of percales, some slightly soiled from display, slxea 13 to 14 and 4 to 14, with and pa without collars, were to $1, for OUC Boys' $1.50 Pants, 98c Knickerbocker style for ages S to 18 years, Including blue serge and fancy, were, $1.60, sale nn price HOC $1.25 Saturday Is Chocolate Day XVhli.pad Cream Chocolates, 40c qualify, SSa Fresh Cream Caraiurla. nut and plain, tlx Ss Our Bpeclal Block Walnut J'enodil. lb.. SOo liom.-inad. I'eaJ.ut Brittle, lb... Is. galt.4 Peanuts, lb So tuffss-irash Co. Bas.nuat. 7