Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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but nnw ot flout Falls. The wedding
will take piece some time the first week
In June.
Mm Habn la the daughter of the late
Mr. A. O. lUlin. well known In Omaha
real aetata etrclee.
Thursday, April 20, 1915.
; In and Out of the Be Hire.
Mr. Frank Fill of Norfolk hse been In
,the city several days looking after his
hielnes Interests.
X-Xjnn May time Jus, two d.y. off. .he fragrance of blossoms on ..I J intX. ..n Js
1W aides, and gardening at tla height, the knell of Indoor geyety for brr hom, ,n IjOI Angr,ra.
Y f "oondAd. t
The sods! iark has been kept sllve for the last two or j Celebrate! Tenth Birthday,
three weeks with lecture and musical eventi. There have been Interested ! LlMI M1" Arnold entertained In
m. , . ,i. j.,..v vi. 'nonor of her tenth bfrthdsy Wednesday
and Urge assemblies at Mrs. Merrill's, lectures and the Mendelssohn choir h,r nom.. ,,,,,. were:
is always the looked for event of the first spring days, truly ushering in j
Misses Misers
lb. anrlnrMH ' "mlth, Hartette Rosewster,
IDS sprmguae. "Merjort.. nittell. Mery Updike.
The card clubs are ell forming plans for the summer. (Kiesnor ficott.
The Debutante Bridge club will continue Its meetings all through the : m . . .:ZI71
... .t . . . ... . ; weaainp; Anniversary.
aummer. but change the time until the mornings, when they will play at Mf Mri v B "V.d). wiM entrr-
the Country club and lunch together after the game. 'tain st dinner this evening at their home
' The Tuesday Bridge club has always been one of the most faithful at I In honor of their twenty-fifth wedding
the game. The meeting dar has been changed to Monday and during the nn,v'""'7 The room, win be deraied
" " ... ... throughout with spring flowers and blos-
aummer months they will play In the mornings In plac e of the afternoons, ' goi(li 0ne hundreJ ,uti , en,er.
and at the home of one of the members as usual. Iast year, so loyal was i tsied.
tbia club that the regular meetings often resulted in a foursome.
The Original Monday Bridge club picnics" every Monday at "Kirk-
..... - m w tn B tl1..Hl.l - L aH. ...IV
wood' Ihe aummer norae 01 mrs. r. i . nuuun, .... nr ruiiu uu, m i U1)W tn mmber, of ortglnsi look
of florence. The "Wednesday Bridge club members are less enthusiastic, j, cinb today st her home. Covers were
ma they have decided to discontinue their meetings until the fall and give placed for eight.
the time to golfing and outdoor sports.
Fourteen Clubs
Have Now Endorsed
Auditorium Bonds
The endorsement of th Audtnrlum
bond proposition Wednesday night by
the Lo)sl dub at Twenty-fourth and
Hamilton streets, end ty the Rotary club
at the Menehaw hotel, brought the num
ber of endorsements from clubs and or
ganisations up to fourteen. Not a single
I nrni.tlfn that hm considered the Is
sue hsa voted agslnstj It Ordinarily the
! Original Cooking Clnb.
I Mrs. William Rear TVppUton rnter-
Clio Club Birthday.
The Clio club, oris of the oldest study
dab in the city, celebrates Its sisteentb
birthday today by giving a luncheon at
at Hotel loyal. A handsome birthday
rake, with elsleen randies, will b the
renter ot decorations for tlis Irnchson
table and lavender anl white, the club
colore, will bs used la the floral decora
tion The olub was organised at the home of
Mrs. D. W. Marrow for the purpose of
studying literature and history. Moat of
the members reside In the north part of
town, aU la the same neighborhood.
Among the charter members who still
retain active membership In the club are
me Brestleot, Mrs. O. A. Hoott. Mrs.
Bryce Crawford, Mrs. John T. Csthers
and Mrs. Bdwsjrd McEaebron. Mrs. W.
T. Fsrctxal. iMrs. D. W Metro e, Mre.
Robert MoRachron, Mrs. F. C. Bhepard
and Mrs. W, p. Crawford are charter
members who still belong to the club,
although their memberships were not
continuous since the organisation.
Mrs. O. A.' Pcott Is president of the
Clio elub; Mrs. M. B. Lesse, first vice
president: Mrs.' F, C. Shspard, seoond vise
president; Mrs. Y. C Newcomb, secre
tary, and Mre. C. . Bhepard? trsiisurer.
II rs. M. V. ILUrbne aad Mrs. W. D.
Crawford are honorary members.
Cover at the luncheon were placed for
the following:
Meadamee' Mesdefrte
W. H. Anderson, W. t. f'l rival, ,
J. T. Othera, Albert Kitfls,
, F. M. Uark. Ralph HuasalL
IBryee Crawford, A. O. Brott. '
A. N. rJeton. T. I Travis,.
Kdwsrd McKnohfva. M. T, Khepsrd,
K. V-. Newoojub, M. V. Hlgbee,
RobArt MoUacbren, W. l. Crawford.
li. W. Merrow. , W. It. Mcrarlsnd,
C. '. Morrison,
Miss Jtdlth Waas.
Honor Outo(-Town Guest.
Mrs. Jerome A, L4lle. Jr., entertained
at luncheon Tuesday In honor ot Mrs.
v Howard Flshsr Of Leavenworth, Kan.,
and Miss Elisabeth Chapln og reattln,
I'A'aah. A backet, of yellow jonuuita
decorated tbe luncheon table nd the
' afternoon was spent In nesdlswork. On
Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Or.-igen Wll
Cams entsrtatnsd the ssme guests at an
Orpheum Useatir party. The gvwsts weret
Mesdsmes Mesdsnies
Muward Klshsr, E. W, iieemsn.
Oritsen WUIIams, lu, U. tltiligcrtuld,
wiiiism HUney; W. H. Cbaptn,
Jerome A. t4i'l, Jr.; ,
Mwtf Misses-
tllsabwitt Chapin. Lots Williams.
At tha Brandeis Theater.
The following have msde reservations
for the engagement of William 11. Crans
and ' all-star cast in "The New Hen
rietta" at the llmndols theater Friday
and Saturday of this week:
W. D. Hosford. W. H. Mif'oird,
Vloren A. Moore, Wank Moyd.
The administration campaign x-ommlttee
secured the Auditorium Tor Hstuidsy
Weddinf Announcement.
The meddlng of Mire Helen Ruth Ad
klraon, dsughter of Mr. end Mrs. ft. W.
AdkUaon. and Mr. Edmund Wynn of
Hrhuyler w.s celehrsted lsst evening t I Venlng when a mass meeting will be
held, with Major Dshlms.n, II. B. Fl
harty and others on the speeklng list.
The city hall people are planning to
mske this the nig meeting of their campaign.
the home of the bride. Rev. H. B. ftneer
erfuiint-d the ceremony.
The bride wore a gown of whits satin
with overdress of white net trimmed with
lace. Hhe cerried a shower bouquet of
bride's roses snd lilies of the valley.
MI1 Dorothy Adklsson, sister of the
bride, was the brldesmsld and wore a
gown of pink with white net overdress
nd carried spring flower.
Hsrry Chronieter of Schuyler, Neb., was
best man.
The young couple will he at home at
Bohuyler after May It.
Newi of the Wayfarer..
Registering at the Hotel MoAlpin, New
Tork City, from Omaha during tbe last
week have been: . ...
Mr. and Mrs. J. ". Lyons. .
Mm iisrriet Copley.
endorsements are practically unsnlmoiis
The trend of srntiment Is slrsdily shift
ing In favor cf the bond which Is be
lieved ft) be due largely to the fsct that
this time the Auditorium Is offered 10
the city so cheaply and for so much lss
thsn the property Is artuaMy worth that
business men feel It cannot logically he
rejected now. Lodges, flubs and organi
sations thst have endorsed It thus far
are: The Commercial club. Real Estate
exchange, Ixjyal club, municipal affairs
committee and trade extension commit
tee of the Commercial club, Rotary club.
Ad elub, United Improvement clubs. Fed
erated Improvement clubs. Central Labor
anion, central committee of the Ancient
Order of Vnlted Workmen, Associated
Retailers. Omaha Msnnufacturers s
soclatlon, besides a great msny f the
Individual Improvement clubs In all parts
of the city.
All of the fourteen candidates foe city
commissioner hsve come out openly end
favored the propoeed bond toaue.
Cost Net Walk with Rkearaatlsas.
A satisfied patient writes: "Sloan's
Liniment cured my rheumstlsm. Am
grateful. I can now wslk without pain."
Only 25c. A!l druggists. Advertisement.
' I
The Bee Went Ads sr Best Business
The Store Beautiful'
.tames M. Ksllay, Jr.;
J. K. Fltigerald.
General Manager Sweet of the Rock
Islsnd, accompanied by a number of the
operating officials of the system and all
of tha superintendents of the lines west
of the Missouri river will arrive in
Omaha Monday afternoon next and re
main in the city over night ' 4
M. 'Itrmslolri,
t'harles Mett, Jr.;
W. 11. Squires,
t It. Field,
V. r. Mesuath,
II. H. Clark, jr.;
K. W. Dixon.
K. D. M. Turner, '
U. W. Johnston,
iir. Klrkpstrlrk,
J. VV. ReUluk,
M. Lvy,
Wood Allen.
. A. Hsiio.
Oscar Keellne,
C. . 8leWln.
X. H. Caldwell.
F. H. Ha vis.
K. M. F. lflang,
J. T. Msthewe,
'aul Hoasland,
lr. HchaJeck,
lr. Crowley,
H. U lH-gsn.
W. J. I'hnlan. i
A. M. Jerrro.
C. li. Kin k,
J. K. HiiniiiiM-s,
M M. Kottertson.
Mr. Illllei,
F. H. bailey,
W. F.. Hrure.
C. Cope.
A. Hereeliein.
W. M. McKay,
Io Morrvll.
lr. Klrkiwtrlvk,
T. U IisAl.
A. C. Tdrowa.
C. Kopaid.
J. W. Itedick,
. T. Hums.
lmtir U. Hvyn,
it. U. Howell.
.1 W. Msddn.
w. a. muuwsii.
A. !. 1 UllO,
A. Flck,
H. I'. Whit more.
A. V. Klneler,
H. W. Aiideiaon,
trould 1)ILS.
1 J. Millard.
K. CI M.JtlUon.
F. F. KlrkendaJI,
W. U. Lirake.
Hsrturi Millard,
C D. Ulurlevant,
I-r. Bushman,
W. B. Roberts.
O. O. Wait.
V. C. tleorge, .
A. U Heed.
J. V. ItiwelL
George Redkrk,
Harry Tukt-y.
. C. Twemiry.
J. V lelierty.
R. r. nath.
XI. . olpetser.
A. B. Wsrren,
H. Williisky,
H. M. Hrnwnlng.
R. I . eely. -A.
(i Reesun,
tr. Follsrd.
O. C. V httrtna.
rred Hainiltom.
ClNwnt Ctiase,
A. K Reed, box;
it. O. Udward.
At Fontenella Park.
Mrs. B. F. Deller entertainsd at Fon
teneUa) park Wednesday afternoon In
boner of tbe birthday anniversary of hsr
aoo. Burtea. Bhe was assisted by MUs
VUi'la Meyers. Those- present were;
Veola Rlnsler.
Iiomthy I-aJtb.
Max Orkln.
Julius Orkln.
A. I.. Veters,
Mrs. M. JR. Murphy snd dsughter. Vise
Helen, who have been visiting In F.I Tsso
and San Diego, are now In fan Francisco
visiting the exposition.
Eatertaini at Bridge.
.Miss Mtry Ixjulns Itenser snter-
talned the members of the Thursday
IMdga club thla afternoon at the La ten
ser country place. The rooms were dec
crated with sweet Williams and wild
violets. The members are:
Messrs. Misses-
Dorothy Hmlth, Kstherlne Krug
Klanone tieuei, or ron rook,
Irene Certer, Allre Coad,
Mildred Todd. Msbel AUen.
Helen Van L'eusen,
Will QWe Tea, ' ."'.
The board of directors of ths Visiting
Nurse aeociatlon will give a tea
Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock In their
rooms tn the city hall.. An Invitation Is
extended to all who have lit any way In
terested themselves In the work of the
association. . ....
Garden Club.
The regular meeting of the Garden
club was held Wednesdsy afternoon at
ths home of Mrs, C. B. Huston. About
ten member were present- '
Sinner and Cards.
Mr. 'and Mrs. C. B. Coon will entertain
at dinner this evening, followed by bridge
at the their home In the Angetu apart
ment. .The table will be decorated with
red and while carnations and red-shaded
candlss. Covers will be placed for:
tr. and Mrs. Frederick Hacon.
Mesors. snd Meedsmee
H. A. Klher. C. H. Marley,
R, H. 01 muled. C. H. iVmn.
Mies lone t'hsppell Ir. Hansllne.
Mrs. H, T. IVvlemsJ
Theater Party and Dinner.
Mr. Rotiert Franklin Smith will enter
tain at dinner at the Fonteneile, followed
by a theater party at the Brandeis Fri
day evening. The guests will Include:
Messrs. Mews.
B. It. Hinder. ID, H. Mlrriam.
K. W. Hart.
Out of Town Engagement.
Mrs.- Franess Ti. Halm of Ploug Farts,
S. D., hss announred the engagement of
her dsughter. Miss Hssel LcclUe to Leo
Franuls McDsrmott, formerly of Omaha,
Oil your sun
with 3 -in -One
break Joint, magazine every
nan in Al order. Prevents
leading and pitting. Baniehea
rust and tarnish. Polishes stock
and fore-end,
A Dictionary of t handled other
uses witn every pot
tle. 10c, 23c, 30c all
Oil Co.
N. Broadway
fw i org
Musical Program
iaiiy fl:00 to 8:00 v
Announce the opening of their
new store for women, at Six
teenth and Famam streets, in
the new U. S. Bank Building on
Saturday, May 1st
m . - "
Please consider this a personal invitation toview
the superb opening display of the newest and most
authentic styles from the fashion centers of the
This store embodies the ideas of a lifetime and
:; it is with a feeling of pride this invitation is ex
tended you.
Owing to the lateness of the season, it has Been found
necessary to abandon our plans for the customary
"Grand Opening," with its accompanying attractions
, of flowers, music, souvenirs, etc.
However, we believe we have made plans that will;
make our Opening Day still more attractive to you
still more inviting than we had previously planned.
Friday evenings Papers will have the details in full.
1508 Howard Street
Phone Douglas 1113
hh, Omaha's Finest HH
Popular Priced
QC Daily Lunch
OOC 12:00 to 2:00
r Daily Dinner
OUC 5:00 to 8:00
Tables Reserved
Irene KltteH.
Vslhenne HUeher.
lK.roitiy Dunn.
lxu4l Berry.
Ktirtoa Ieller.
Marion Mi suser,
lonsrd Ktilllnser.
tivurse Nltrhur.
Albert P. Hi her.
VMet fcdeo.
K.lvmrd Rlitgler,
Arlhjr Duns,
IxmiIs Eien
S lllleiu Kden.
t:iU(ord Itairbor.
Aeolian -Player .Piano
We tan now offer you Oennlne: Aeolian built, Aeollaa
Guarantetd Dayer Piano, with sll ths Aeollaa charm of design
sod tons, with Bench, Scarf and 110.00 worth or Music Uolls,
sll included only $4.10.
Corns st Once You will bs delighted. . N
$430 Only lt-4.50 Week. Very Small lsynient Down.
Latest Dayer Holls, 8.V; or 3 for' 91.00.
tltll-IS l-nrnaiii Htreet
Haniist Misiioa Womea Meet
The S'omtn'i Baptist Missionary
Quarterly of Omshs, (tontli Omila,
rounrll Bluffs snd Benson wilt mwt Frt
Aay at the First Baptist churclt of Oinaha.
pevottotials lll be st II o'clock snd will
fee followed by a luncheon eervsd by the
women ef the cfaurrh. In the afternoon,
the annual meeting aud election of offl
care will tsks place. Miss Aaiia V.
Sturmer of Bruokiyni ' N. T.. will Wll
about bar work aniong tus Italian lr
ilgrsnU. The business meeting Is rallsd
for I e' clock and ttie lecture ii 1 m.
lUXea Faraeer Hit by Trala.
STANTON'. Nb April a- ilel
WlllUra F. Wltle. retired fanner, who
Mnimtlr inoteS to Klantun from bis farm
lit Ounilng county, was run Sows by
penatrg-rr trslri No. 1 at IJ K o rli k
gesterdsy as bs wss walking alung on th
nlimsl track tn sst Vtaeten. Ha wss
tt.Mara vlcleollr from the track, sus
iatutbS toff rra'Muras tn his left srni I
aAattwel fcad suU abeot the fsos. J
The. Woman's Exchan
Needle-Craft: Shop
The following la an Itftnised list of whs-,
we have lu ufrr suss'silon tu the June
hrldr: Hraullful hand mads Table Hunneie,
Hlsnu H.arfs. l.uiul.eon tiets, Uneets and Pil
low i 'f a, Towels. IioIUts, tenter llei es an J
Hsnd fstbted fhlna.
OIK1, tilUUl'ATK .
Dainty Itanuksrchlefs, t'ullara, Toksa aul
Dslnlleat of Ms ml Msde Outfits.
Frssh F.ggs. Bacon. Oaltes and Caaned Fruit.
Mrs. C. S. Marshall
Step Fkems. Bong. SSTS.
SVesLAeaee raeas. slant S4S.
sUrwi AU MLaU Lobky Bee 14g.
i i u in it -jr
is making pages of
pleasant household
And a lot of Omaha housewives
have got. into the "Joy Ranks" this
week by installing a Gas Range.
"Gas Range Week"
ends Saturday night. Have you lifted
your home out of the rut? This is a
good time to make the stroke that
counts for better living, better cook
ing. -
Close up your kitchen early to
day or tomorrow. See the Gas
Ranges displayed at our store. You
will learn how to close up early ev
ery day. ,
Biggest display of
ranges we have ever
A 10 per cent reduc'
tion of our STANDARD
bought this week.
Usual Easy Terms,
Omaha Gas Co.,
Why Pay Mors for Your Crugs
Toilet Goods and Drug Sundries?
Itig Special Hale for Friday and
(On Java Rice Face I'owder. all
shades, the box ....830
16c tswanertown Face Powder, all
'shades, for loo
La Trefle or Azurea Face Powder or
Toilet Waters for 690
10c el i Palm Olive or Jsp Rove
Toilet Soap, per bar Ss
Kirk's Juvenile or Maymon's S'Kir.
per bar t . . . .THe
JMilte Ivory Soap at t bars for 190
$1.60 bottis of Oriental Cream, Goiir.
ard's. for 8e
2Gr sise Panftol or De Mend or Pnow
White Face Cream, for lSVto
SOc and 7fc Toilet Waters, all olor.
In one bis- lot,ro at 39s
60o sire Pfhecco Tooth Paste. Frlrtiv
and Saturday, for S9o
60c quality Tooth Brushes; big snun
each i9o
Sic size Sal Hepatlca for 15o
11.00 aire for 69o
iir size Sloan's Llnament for rheu
matism, for 16
100 Dr. 1 (Inkles' Cascara Tablets.
sealed bottle, for 19o
60n bottle of Ptire Peroxide of Hv-
droiren, about 14 ounces, for . .190
2Bc else Pant Flush cut to 17o
all manner Goods at Jnst One-Half
B.rolar Price.
14.00 Wearever Fountain Syringe
and Bnttla Comhtned, guaranteed to
you for 6 years, for S3. 00
Si.00 Whirling Spray Douche cut
to $1.80
Don't forget we only sell that fam
ous Doabl. WhtTtped cream before
freezing ICB CBEAaC
"Oettea It at Oettsn's laves You
16th aad Howard. ona Song. t9.
Prompt Service. Ft.. Delivery.
1509 Howard St. Doug. 605.
Best Known Drug House in
Nebraska Spend3 21 Years
at the Same Corner.
Clearance Sale of $75,000
Stock to Commence on
Saturday, May 1.
Here. Indeed. Is the most start
ling; drug store news of a genera
Ths Meyers-Dillon Drug; Co., at
16th and Farnam streets, has re
ceived notice to vacate the building-
July 2d.
And, without the "Myers-Dillon"
Drue Store to meet at, trade
at and see sigbts from, an army
of Omahans will feel lonesome
almost lost. .
For twenty-one years all that is
srnnri In rl ruffe and tha like has
Kenn dlsnonsAd from "Mvera-Dil-
lon's" It has proved a standby-
a source of, reliability. If ever a
"Myers-Dillon" customer became
dissatisfied the "Myers-Dillon"
people, were Just as anxious to
right matters as was the customer
to have matters rectified.
Few drug stores In ths entire
United States hava made s6 last
ing and favors Die an impression
upon we pu duo as ims concern,
and much genuine regret will be
heard now mat a vacate nonce
has been served.
But enough of reminiscences
now to business.
Tbe Myers-Dillon Drug Com
pany on Saturday. May 1st, drops
Yhiinriorhnir inrn tn nrtiz
world. It must rid itself of every
grain, ounce, pound, narret or
package of bulk drugs, all patent
morlicines tntlet roods, drug sun
dries, stationery, candies, foun
tain pens, cutlery, paints, toys,
novelties and tne oiuer tens oi
thousands of items usually ear-
by a drug house of Myers-miion s
sice and prestige.
'Ph Mvers-milon Drug Com
pany has a $75,000 stock within
the walls or us lutn ana r arnara
rot all and in Its Harney
street warehouses. Enough stock
is on hand right at this moment to
stock a half a dozen good sized
drui? stores. But this very large
quantity of goods makes the clear
n anlA evon more urgent.
Every dollar's worth of goods in
ho Mvors-Diiion Drug Company
stock must be sola ana soia u a
knrrr t the "outckest law Drice"
It will bring, mere isn i an ar
ticle but that will be sold at
n-hniaa.ta mst manv thousands
of Items are offered at less than
wholesale" cost; there are thou
sands upon thousands of items
thst win ro for ions tnan cost to
manufacture. The stock is far
cleaner than that of the usual
Hmr bouse and Myers-Dillon
prices, even In the regular way,
are far lower than those of usual
trneritrte because this concern is
rint t. known In the trade as
"large handlers and own tne
nniii in thA first oiace lor far
less money than the little drug
stores scattered nere ana mere
i7t. An mn. think, then, of hftV
in thla mercnanaiBA orierea you
at prices that are reduced to even
rreatlv less tnan me usuat juyers
ntllnn fle-ures?
Watch Friday s papers for large
announcements containing specl
man instances of undernriced
Items to be offered Saturday, dur
ing the first day or tne "Notice
Tn Vint fiale." But ston to re
alise that tbe stock here Is too
collossal to be listed in us en
iir.o in a alnsie. announcement.
The stock will have to be taker
up tn sections and advertised from
day to day In a series of sales. If
t me, a what vou want in
the "tore SatiAday anyway, for
the article yon nave in mina win
iirAl v he here at a typical sale
nri . Then keeD watching the
papers by all means; tbey will
w..n mu noated in regard to the
dally happenings of the greatest
drug store event ever offered to
Omahans or Nebraskans.
Mind you, U U i genuine sale,
brought about by unforeseen cir
cumstances. With a. "Notice to
Vacate" staring It la the face, no
drag store on earth wants to be
possessed, of a dollar's worth of
stock. It's a case of must sell and
sell quickly. Turning goods Into
money In this instance will be far
more gratifying than carrying the
stock anticipating the future. .
Remember, read Friday evening
papers! : The Myers-Dillon Drug
Company's "Notice to Vacate
Sale" starts Saturday. May 1.