Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    T1IH BKK: OMAHA, KK1PAY, APIilL 30, 1915.
ere Boot Frl I Now Btaeon Pro
EUell&a Faiia Rurgesa-aranden CVv
kuuun J The Woman' aunll
,lry of All Paints' church will hold a
tumtnage sale at, IS Vinton stret on
rrMay. April M.
"Totfaya Complete Mori reTa'
rlaaalfled swtlon tnday, and appear! In
Tba Bee KXCLt'SIVKLT. rind out what
the various moving nlclure theater of far.
rak Into Saloon Right quarts of
lld-'or fend $10 In nrt wer taken by
thtevfa who bfok Into Jo Csntonl's sa
loon at 1US Komh Sixth stroct Wednesday
ffaka Brlaoasra to Grand lalaaa-i-
Peputy fritted Flutes Marshals Ssmmona
pf Kearney and MrCallum of Omaha
took five fr,rsl prisoners to the Grand
Island Jail Wednesday.
Loses Jawalry aad Caah Phil Blotcy
of the 1'artton hotel r.pi.ts to the po
ller that Jev-elry r.f p.Mrr.-iMe value,
end $.'1 In rh aas stolen from hie ro:Ti
Oa of th Prattltat Spots Iti Omaha
1 tr.e court house lawn, directly op
JOslte tha Bee Building, '"the bulldlnj
that I alwaya new." For offlcei Inquire
of superintendent. Room 10$. v
a Itata Bask ol Omasa tays
par- eeat on time deposits, 2 r cent on
savings accounts. All deroslts In cats
Mnk ero protected by the depositors'
, guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska.
Calendars and Maps Tabooed All
calendars and maps were removed from
all the offices and rooms In the post
offlO In accordant with orders from
' Washington, following an Inspection by
Inspector of Bulldinga Putnam.
' WTr. McXiang-lUln Wants Divorce-
Mfr Hazel q. McLaughlin has brought
' suit for divorce sgxinst J. F. MclAiiglv
I'n.'f.Wner of a large amount ot real cs'
tate In western Nebraska and in Colo-
, r4o. She charged thnt lie treated her
I'Melly and hae habitually found fa'ilt
ith her. tbe asks custody of a child.
rays EJe 71fa Scolds Elm Joseph
; Vsndcrrord, who flaa lived e'nee 1887 with
, JUs wife, Mra. Kose VanTerford. at 2521
t Fpencer . street, charges her with neglect
' of the' home and cruelty. In an answer
' to her dlvorc?" suit. Mrs. Vonderford
ervftl poor meals, allowed rubbish to
Collect In the house and scolded him, he
a 'leges
Sees Many Changes J. A: McNaugh
ton, fa-affle manager of the Cudahy Park
ing company and for years a resident of
tfii city before the company general of
frees were moved to ChK-sgo,' Is In town
for a couple of days. Mr. McNaughton
fietea many changes In Omaha since he
was here and is amazed at the growth
of the city. , -
' To Teres Estate to Par Op County
Commlsloner Harte, at a meeting of the
county board, declared he had been In
formed that a number of . large estates
had been evading . payment of sdoquata
inheritance taxes srtid asked that an In
vestigation be mad. The, revenue from
this tax goes Into the county road fund.
On motion of 'Mr. Harte a resolution was
pasted asking two lawyers 'who had been
commissioned to make an Investigation
of one large estate to report th result
of their work to the board.
Government Finds
Leak Which Helps
PileUp Deficit
What doea 1'nile Sam rare If the coffee
Is co'd?
'Snone of his busiifess.
Iet the postoffice clerks carry thermos
bottles or go out to a boanery at noon.
The rules and regulation make no
rrovtsion for the government to supply
gas for the operation of one gas burner
In a little room set apart In the federal
building, where some of the clerks heat
their coffee at noon.
Custodian Cadet Taylor says he al
lowed the clerks to do this "out of the
goodness of hla heart."
But, my land, sometimes the gss bills
ran up to 11.30 a month!
And the gov'ment had to pay It:
And a deficit Is piled up against tha
democratic administration at Washington
of some JlOti.flOO.Ono already.
It was time- thesa leaks were stopped
So. when Inspector ef Buildings Put
nam was here two weeks ago. he dis
covered this leak.
And now tha gov'ment 1ms stopped It.
Ordora came to Cadet Taylor. Cadet
Taylor gav orders to the gas company
and the gas company gave orders to Its
men, who came with wrenches and things
ard cut off the precious gas.
The men clerk are taking the situation
philosophically and their meals cold.
But the girls oh, gov'ment we'd hata
to tell you what the girls are Saying
about you. It's lucky for you that words
cant kill.
Circulars Are Out
Boosting for the
Bonds for Schools
J F.vtry school chilo of the 'city will he
j given a circular to take home, with lnfor-
matlon relative to the $1,000.00) school
bond proposition to be submitted to the
voters next Tuesday.
Tho Boapd'Of Education la not making
any special campaign for the bonds, but
the members believe that these clrculara
will be timely information and will serve
as reminders to the voters next week.
Th scl ool board proposes to build n
new High School of Commerce, new build
ings for Clifton Hill. Druid llill, Park
and Field club dsltrlcts, two new build
ings In districts to be created west of
the Farnam school and upon a site north
of I,ake school and east of Lothrop
school. Additions are proposed foY Ban
croft. Franklin; Uneoln and Train
Mrs. Bnrkett of Herman Scores In
efficiency as Cause of Much
t'onahed for Three Years.
A grateful sufferer . 'writes: . "Tour
medicine, Dr. King's New Discovery,
cured my cough of three years' standing."
60c All druggist Advertisement.
Inefficient mothers, teachers,
housekeepers', wage earners and clM
sens were Heavily scored by Mra. W.
H. nurkett of the Herman Woman's
club at the meeting of the Second
district, Nebraska Federation of
Women's clubs,-which was held In
Benson yesterday. Over 100 club
women from Greater Omaha, Spring
field, Valley, rapltllon, Waterloo and
from state officers of Nebraska and
"Efficiency should be our watchword."
declared Mrs. Burkett. "So many of our
educators are Inefficient. Bo many of our
households are ruined by Inefficient
housekeepers. Poor food, poor clothing.
poor management baa wrecked many
homes. The public schools take a great
deal of time teaching subjects which do
not fit the child for wag earning. They
should be taught trades. The Bible should
be read In the public schools because so
many children do not hear It read any
place .else.
Men aa4 Wo me a F.ajaal.
Mrs. N. H. Nelson, president of tha
Omaha Woman'a club, waa one of tha
principal speakers at v the morning ses
sion. "Mny the day soon 'come when the
woman's club column will be abolished
from the newspapers. Men and women
participate enusllv In the day's affairs.
j Why should the notices be distinguished?
j tie etty is debating the question or placing-
women on the welfare board. There)
should be no question of sex It should be
a question of efficiency," said Mrs. Nel
son. Among the special guents at this meet
ing are Mrs. A. G. Peterson of Aurora,
and Mrs. J. N. Paul of rt. Paul, president
shd vice president of the state federation;
Mrs. F. A. Long of Madison, state cor
responding secretary; Mrs. J. T. Ieee
of Lincoln, chairman state art commit
tee, and an Iowa delegation Including the
state committee on civil service reform.
Mrs. Charles Q. Walnir of Atlantic, Mra.
A. 1. Sondrol of Clear Lake and. Mrs. C.
O. Saunders of Council Bluffs made up
this committee.
Among the Omaha women, on the pro
gram were Mesdames -ff. H. Cola. M. H.
Blackwell, W. P. Kast, K. B. 3. F.dholm,
'F. J. Burnett, O. W. Hayes, J. T.
Johnston, E. A. Beardsley, J. F. Fergu
son. Helen Morton and J. T. Johnston.
Mrs. II. E. Weekly ot Valley, president
ot the ' second dlgtrlcf, presided at the
meeting. . ,
Young Woman Kills
Self After Quarrel
With Her Husband
Mrs. Marie llnrrls. il vonri old Ihlrtv-
eighth and Miami streets, committed
suicide yesterday morning, following a
quarrel with her husband, Frank Harris,
a Isborer
This Is the storv tho l.usbnnd told, fol
lowing the beautiful y.mng wife's death.
He telephoned tlie police at 7 o clock and
officers and surgeons hurried M ths
hClise. But It was too isle to save her.
Tha husband stated Ihey had n mmrrel
Wedncadny night. In the morning, he
said, he missed his wife when he awoke.
He went to the basement and found her
seated on a box and already beginning
to lose consciousness. Me found the
empty bottle, which had contained car
bo'lo acid.
' Coroner Crosby has the body and will
hold an Inquest.
Store Hours: 8:33 to 6 p.m. Saturday Till 9 p. m. -
A. H. Walsh of the firm of Armstrong
! & Walah. rejHirts to the police that his
automobile wn stolen Wednesday night
from In front of the state bshk building.
The number of the Automobile Is Neb.
H30 and this is the third lime It bss been
Apartments, flats, houses and cottages
can be rentedqulckly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Bent"
$25, $30, $35 and up
THERE'S a world of
comfort in clothes that
really fit you.
You'll wear Nicoll made
garments' just about twice
as long as the ordinary
kind and enjoy the com- ,
fdrtable fit and good style
to the end.
four forty years of ex
perience, means careful
hand tailoring just the
right proportioning be
tween style and comfort.
A$k to tee our $25 line.
NICOLL Hie Tailor
. Jer reins' Sons
200-211 So. 16th St.
. 1
Jl . t ' ' I
I- a.-M'WIvV.-
. V
10 cents
in he
Tomorrow morning's breakfast is
not a bit too soon to give the family
their first taste of KRUMBLES !
Your grocer has KRUMBLES the new
Wheat food, produced by W. K. Kellogg, the
manufacturer of the original Toasted Corn Flakes
.you and the folks like so much.
KRUMBLES is made of Wheat all wheat
the whole of the wheat ,
New all the way through. New idea. New
method' of preparing . the wheat "A flavor and
.a natural sweetness that are new in your ex
perience with cereals.
At your grocer's KRUMBLES!
'At X ym w uuon& (CL
. 7
urgess-Nasm Gompamy.
""everybody's store
rHUy, April HO, tftl.V
rhone I). 137
Pretty Trimmed HATS That Were
it .
to S5.00. Friday. Your Choice For
IK soltH'tion inolmlos a bia: vmioty of pretty stylos lriiiino with flowors, ribbons,
otc, in nuW brooming tnsto. lints that wnv priced at $.".0UJ in a oloaraway Fri-
ftt Ai UnfrJmrrrl Hnt in $2.98 at 25c
r-i Vj jl f 'I'lii'.ui'i trw 'vnneiy in siyis una "imii" '
JLjss. 1 whl-h to rl.ons.'. Inrludlnj! hs-mpn and.Mtlun hmps.
Tt Plsrk nnrt every favored new ahvle.
,trwkj -.h v.. ......... .....n ...... , ' :i
oflered at thin very low prlc of 2.1c mch. . ,
' A'4atVv Then Theri Are tho Flowers
i M'VfT I J LJ . Klowcrs of all klndsi anJ colors, lust what you IP.
vl S f nA for trlmirlnn your hats, very peMnl at. . X
rS 'V
Women's $3 to
For $1.65 Pair
WK transferred from our
main shoe section a lim
ited number of pairs of
women' oxford In white nu
buck, white calf, tan and Run
nietal, button and lace tyles,
sold for $3.00. $3.60, $4.00
and $5.00; choice ?C
Friday at. pair... P 1 aOO
B arfas-sTaah Co. Bjmt.
Corsets, the Usual
$100 Kind, 69c
GOOD quality cloth, medium
length in bust line, also
skirt, four good hose support
era, regular $1.00 CQ
kind for 07C
Bnryass-lfash Co. aaamsnt.
Notion Bargains
Kxtra heavy 12 yard bolt
pln-on hose sup- bias seam
porters, pr. ltx- bindlnjr . . ,Ro
Needles. 20 Cotton ma
to .paper ; chine thread,
package .. 1c spool ....lie
Fancy trimming
buttons, ail col
ors, dosen. ,.5c
Wire hair pins,
package .. . . lc
Hooks and eyes,
card lc
Chinese Ironing
Bteel thimbles,
each ....... 1 c.
Large bottle
machine oil.. So
Safety pins, S
cards 5c
Common pins
paper .. . . lo
Darning cot
ton, 4 spla., 5c
Large hair
nets, with
elastic, special
at 5 for.. 10c
Scissors . .loo
Baby bibs
(wit erproof )
each lOo
Silk finish
crochet cotton,
spool .....He
Burvaa-Haai Oo.-
50c Fancy SILKS at 25c Yd
AIUG range of selootion, including plain. and fancy silks,
such as stripe nu-ssalinos; strii tnffetas, fancy fou
lanls, plain taffetas, plaiu messalinesicliecktHl taffetaf, etc.,
light or dark shades.
Also for waists and dresses in white grounds, with neat
colored ptripes, in pink, blue, lavender and black.
Bnrraas-sTssli C Baarut. , y ;
Sale of Combs and Brushes
WJ ll.VVK purchased h quantity of conibs and brushes
used as palesnun's samples that we will place on salo
in our rsasenient I'rvlav.
One lot coruba.
worth to 60c,
at lie
One lot hair
brushes, worth
to $1.00, at 40c
One lot combs,
worth to $Bc,
at 7c
One lot brushes
worth to 75c,
at ,.2lc
One lot tooth
brushes, retail
to 35c, at . .Or
Cupid toilet
aoap, 6c ' site,
at Sic
Fels n a p t h a.
aoap, 10 cakes
for aoe
Bnrfas-traah Co. Basasnant,
Rani flush, 2fie
slse for . . . 17c.
1 quart house
hold ammonia
for 13c
Williams' shav
ing snap. .32)
100 - yard
m a chine
thread, a
spool . . . , 4o
Burgasa-Bask O. Baaamaat.
Women's 25c
Cotton Hose, 15c
BLACK, tan, pink or blue
cotton hose, seam- 1
less foot, 25c quality.. IOC
Ft lack or colored cotton, seam
less, regular 10c quality,
at, a pair OC
I Bnrt;-Baali Oe BasamsBk.
Women's 10c Cotton Vests, 6c
WOMEN'S cotton vesta, made low neck and sleeveless, taped,
regular 10c and 12 He kind, at OC
Ix)w neck and sleeveless vests, also women's pants, with cuff C
or, lace knes, 26c kind , , XOC
Hoys' and 'girls' white knitted waists, full taped and buttoned, gar
ter, fasteners,
Brrsa-Wasll Co. Basamsat.
Boys' Norfolk Suits . With 2
Pair Pants 54 Values, 2.95
'RK Just, the sort of suits for school wear, good quality tan
gray mixtures, for ages 6 to It years. Norfolk coat, with
two pairs or knickeroooker pants, usual $4 values, ya.on.
BOYS' $10.00 LONG PANT SUITS, $4.95
Norfolk style or pis In sack coat, with long pants, for"
aces 16 to 20 years. The $10.00 C A OC
kind ,
Roy's Knickerbocker pants of blue and fancy mix- iQ '
lures, for ages 5 to 18 years, usual 76c kind, for liC
Boys' blouses of good quality percale, assorted styles
and patterns, sites 10, 11, 11 and 13 years, . ri
50c kind ,.. a J.C
Men's overalls made of a good quality of denim, Cf
the usual 75c kind, for.... OUC
Bnrgaes-sTaeh Oo. Basement.
Any Man's HAT in Our Base
ment Friday at Your Choice
SOFT or stiff hats, all sizes, in a great
variety of styles, left over from the
Zeiss stock. Tha values are simply ex
traordinary. . '
Neck band, coat style, with cuffs attached
good patterns, frenh and new, very Q
special OC
Men's athletic two-ilce underwer, prepare now for the hot nr
veather; Friday, garment a&OC
' Baryaas-VMh Co-Bamnt.
Friday is Na
tional Raisin Day
"Sun-Maid" Rauin.
RAISINa are merely sun
cured grapes, but Sun-Maid
are made from the sweetest,
tendereat, most luscious grapes
that California's sunshine pro
duces. For Friday we offer In the
basement salesroom;
Bun-Maid Thompson ' in.
ad!ra ralatna a-t, lb..,.''
Huu-Muld sanded niuacatel
rTt'tt.25c Ub-.;.i5c
Hun-Maid clustar f
ralalna. 1-lb. pk tKJ
BorgMS-Basta Co. Bsaamaot.
In tho Big Wash Goods (Si Domestic Sections
124c Zephyrs at 7la0
Waist and dress lengths of Red
Beat sephyrs. new, neat styles
and colorings, 11 He ,7jL,
i;rade, yard I C
Dress Percales, sy2o
Light, medium and dark col
ored yard wide dress percales,
fancy figured stripes, Ql
checks, dots, etc., yard. . OJC
25c Ratine Skirting, 6Ytc
Heavy ratine skirting, 25c grade,
white, blue, lavender 1
and tan shades, yard.. OJC
Ginghams at 6 Vic
Kverett Classic, one of the most
reliable and best known ging
hams, stripes, checks, plaid
and plain colors, 1
yard 0$C
Nainsooks at 6c
Checked ' and striped nainsooks,
10c to 12'ii'; values, mill
lengths, at, yard OC
Bleached Muslin, 4VaC
Various grades and lengths of
bleached muslin, nain- A
sook and cambric, yard . . 1 2 C
BorfMS-Bash Co. Baaamaat.
15c-25c Windsor Plisse, 11c
Silk striped voiles, corded mad
ras shirting, 40 inches wide; re
ception, voiles, mill lengths ot
16c to 2fc quality, 11
yard .. 1 IC
I2V2C Pillow Oafles, la
Sizes 43x3$ and 45x36, made
from good heavy cas- ay
ing, 12 4c value, each.. . 2"C
25c Tissues at lie ' x
Fancy embroidered and pretty
striped and checked tissues,
mill remnants of the f
25c kind, yard 1 1 C
Home, Lawn and Garden Needs Underpriced
Gray Enamelware First Quality N
10 -quart galvanized
Iron water pails. .10c
Garden combination
rake and cultivator,
$1.25 value 73c
.-Folding wooden bat
ind coat racks. 10c
value, special see
Wooden towel rollers at.... 3c
Handkerchief wash boards.. 10c
Covered garbage palls 4o
Wooden salt boxes at So
Alumioum baking dishes, with
white enamel Inset, f 1.00 value,
for 4c
6-qusrt covered
Herlln kettles
for 15c
8-qoert covered
Berlin kettles
for BSc
6-quart covered ' sV
Berlin sauce
pans 13c
No. 7 tea kettles st
10-quart dUh pans at 15c
10-quart water palls Itfo
- 1 a
Bargess-Wasa Ce. Baaamant.
50-foot well made cot
ton clothes lines. 89c
values, 25c
Aluminum cake turners.
only 10c
Good grass hooks.. lOo
Good, grass shears. .lOc
Rubber bath room mats
t lo
Uwn mowers, 14-lnch
wheel, a fcJ.BO
Lawn sprinklers .M ....... SOc
Screen wjre, per square foot, Zo
GslvanUed poultry netting, la
full rolls, per 100 eq. feet. OOo