Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    tiik rr:r:: omaiia. fkidav. a run. no.
Tell How She Wai Saved
by Taking LydiaE. Pink-
LouiBvill, Ky. " I think If moresuf.
ferlnpr women would take Lydia E.
IPinkham's Vjreta-
ble Compound they
would enjoy better
health. I suffered
from a female trou
ble, and the doctors
decided I had a
tumorous growth
and wnulfi riavA-ti
ybe operated upon.
but I refused as I do
not believe in opera-
lions. I had fain tin ir spells, bloated.
and could hardly stand the pain in my
left side. My husband insisted that 1
try Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable
Compound, and I am so thankful I did,
for I am now a well woman. I sleep
better, do all my housework and take
long walks. I never fail to praise Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for
my good health." Mrs. J. M. Resch,
1900 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky.
Since we guarantee that all testimo
nials which we publish ire genuine, is it
rot fair to suppose that if Lydia E.
Finkham's Vegetable Compound has the
virtue to help these women it will help
ny other woman who is suffering in a
like manner T
If you are ill do not drag along until
en operation is necessary, but at once
take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
, Write to Lydia E. Plnkham
' Medicine Co., (confidential) Lynn,
Mass. Your letter wil be opened,
read and answered by a woman
and held in strict confidence.
No ned to dtlar buying your weddum ani
graduation piMtntt, for yo ran buy of ua
on eharg account Jtlst at eaally and plena
antly aa though yon paid all eah down.
18 Genuine Klein
Walthain or
wntrh, lm
ti iMr
tils (tra
il told
659 ea
Hint. lk mII4 fol
fronts ' 'Perfection"
mountln. brll- tLfl
803 MfrivTin Din'
mrwd Rlnp, ' 6-prong
TorMb mounting, CQk
Hint diamond WU Ilk aalld sold
, V v V
5.00 a Month. - 69.60 a Month
Opt Daily Till 8 T. M. ttD-iajri Tul 9 30.
Call or writ tor catalog No. M3. Phoao
bouglaa ll and atleiman will call.
8. iet,n
to stop dandruff
and loss of hair
with Resinol
Here it a timple, inexpensive
treatment that will almost always
top dandruff and scalp itching, and
keep the hairthiclc.Iive and lustrous:
At nifiht.spread the hair apart and
rub a little Kesinol Ointment into
the scalp gently, with the tip of the
finger. Repeat this until the whole
calphas been treated. Next morn
ing, shampoo thonij,'hly v ith Res
inol Soap and hot water. Work the
creamy Resinol lather well into the
the scalp. Rinse withgraduallycool
er water, the last water being cold.
Kaainol Soap and Reainol Ointment aaaiW
kaal Ktfnu aad ainiUr akin-ertipuoiia. Sold
by all druR-gista. for aample truo, Mrhta te
Dept. J7-S, Kcaiool, filtimora, Md.
sw m m i si i i in
lv WsaBo
't 1 HMir
Oeaeral Dlstrlbatsrs
Omaha, Msbw
: jc mi) ' '.r
Legislature Bid Not Save Money by
Its Long Controreriy Oyer
(From Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Arll S.-tSpevlsD-Th
cost of srttlna; out the senate snd house
Journals, whlih was a source of much
discussion florin Ihe session of the les
Islature hctweon the two bodies. In now
prnctlraliy settled, showing that the sen
ate was not far wrong when It contended
that the old system was the cheaper.
The contract has just been let to the
York Blank Hook company for prlnttn
the senate Journal at Jl.os per pas;o. At
the tlmo of t:e controversy when a com
mittee) was appointed to Investlnn'e the
contract r.iiide with a local printing com
pany lor printing the Journal. Senator
Quinby, ho is a printer, was put on that
committee. Mr. Qninhy fqrierdd that
no printer v.otiM take the contract fof
loss than the price paid two year f
of ll.JO per psse. However, the contract
l lot for II cent less.
a t nnipnrlniin of ('net.
A comparison of the coat of fretting
out the Journal of the two houaea shows
an follow a:
Senate: Per pane, $1.1. Preparing the
cony. ll.Jfti.
House: Per ene, MM or dully copies
piloted each rtiy, tl.10 for the completed
Journal and for preparlnc the Jour
nal, making total ot per page for
the completed Journal for the house,
In addition to this tb houe had a
proofreader which it paid V. per day
for the session, Which at seventy days'
session would make $?lft additional, which
should b added to the fr paid the chief
clerk for (retting out the Journal.
What Totals Make.
On thexe Cltrurea and taking the house
and senate Journal of th 1913 session
for It, the house Journal will cost I4.W
per pae, $7,272, not counttnr the (o$0
paid the clerk nor th $210 paid the proof
reader. The senate Journal, taking the number
of pages In the 191 Journal, will cost
$1.08 per pae. I1.410.4S, to which should
be added the $1,200 paid the secretary of
the senate for prep&iing the same.
Conference of Drys
Begins Work on
Next Campaign
LINCOLN, Neb., April . RrclM.
A conference of temperance leaders rep
resenting ten organizations was held at
the Young- Men's Christian association
hero yesterday, to outline plans for the
state campaign next year. Charles
Strader was elected chairman and Mrs.
Heald secretary.
A discussion of the conditions in the
state led up to a resolution which pro
vided for the appointment of a commit
tee of five, which should be empowered
to appoint a federation committee of 100
persons, prominent In business, civic,
social and moral organisations of the
state. This committee will be named In
a few dayarand WlllJbe. ssked to call a
convention of 2.O0O deltgMes some time
In September. , '
A committee fas appointed, consisting
of A. Q. Wolfenbarger, ex-Chief Justice
Reese, ex Attorney General Grant Mar
tin, H. II. Wilson and Elmer K. Thomas,
to prepare a draft of the petition to h-
I submitted to the voters of tho state. This
petition w be ready for Circulation within
the noxt two weeks.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
unlrfn was placed in charge of the pe
tition. A. O. Wolf enhar Ten. II. F. Carson and
Mrs. Mamie Clafflin were named as three
members of the committee of five. They
i will select the other 40 members Sat
urday. -
COLUMBUS. Neb.. April Special.)
The Columbus Commercial club met
last night In a get-together smoker and
banquet in .the , city , council chamber.
Carl. Kramer acted as toastmaater. stat
ing that a committee has been appointed
on good roads, weights and measures and
also on publishing, ' to keep out fake
publications. ' Secretary Dicky reported
262 active members, and also made a few
remarks on road draglng.. Howard Clarke
spoke on the subject of good roads,
stating that $5,000 has been spent In tbe
last two years on the reads leading Into
the cljy. Uottlieb Frlshola read an. ad
dress on the building up and keeping In
repair the principal roads. E. A. Nauman
made a few remarks on the hitching poet
'.uestdon, now In conectiou .with the
paving and curbing of the street.
ORD, Neb., April W. Ppecial.) A spe
cial meeting of the offitcrs and directors
of the Central NebrasUa and Long River
and Black Hills, Loup Itlrer and Omaha
routes has been ralieU-to meet at R
I Paul Monday, May 0, at 11 a. rn. Kpe
jcliil reports will be asked froi) the
dlrec-ors regarding the work of develop-
lug these routes, and will be gueets snd
enteitslned by the St. Psul Commercial
clih. I
IndlaestlOM t Can't Katf p.
petit f
Dr King New IJfe Pills stir up your
liver; aid dlgettlcn. You feci fine the
next day. Only 25o. All druggists.
New Poitnusttr for Kseter.
( EXETER. Nb., April 2. -( Special. M
A'ter the long and hotly con tent el strug
gle for the Exeter postmsstershlp, be
lt ween Thomss Kelly, C. P. Ct-slc and D.
iZ. Kochendorfer. threo p.-oMiuent cindl
vlstes, the battl, bis been decided In
: favor of Kochendorfer. wha i: take
possession of the effl-e Mav '.. Mr.
I Kochendorfer acted in that co purity a!
gixd many years ago, and gave excellent
service. Ills daughter, MUs Lottie, will
.be his ssslstsnt.
MleitfH lav nneasnaiiam.
, "I think C-.amberlaln's Liniment Is
, just splendid for rt.ei matlsm," m rites
Mrs, lunburgh, Eldrldcs, N. T. "It hat!
been used by myself snd other member
of my family Ume and time aguln during
the last sx years and has always given
: ths best or satisfaction." The quick re
lief from pain which Chamberlain's Lini
ment affords is alone worth many timeg
tbe coat Obtalnabls everywhere. -Adver
Attorney General
Rules on Methods of
Assessing Banks
tFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April . tfrectaU In
response to a Mier written hy (toorgn
l0ey, county attorney of Franklin
county, asking for Instruction as to the
manner of Hssessing ti e proper! v of
banka Attorney tTenera Reed has re-pll-d
that all the property of th hank
of every kind and nature should he listed
and then the amount of real estate should
be deducted. In making th ruling the
attorney general says that he took
cognisance of the fact that the legislature
passed a law correcting the Smith mort
gage tax law prohibiting banks ami tru.t
companies to deduct real estate inoitgnKes
from the capital stock. The opinion sent
to Mr. Ixu-ey in full la as follows:
Pectlon t revised statute of 1!U ws
consliier.-! by Mr. Aycis In his letter.
What he sought to convey a. and Is.
tht It Is th- ilutv of the nssa or to
m the i-eal rr'nt of tile lank ac
conllna to Us val'ie. Uo't as the nropcrtv
of Individuals Is aas.-sscd. In arriving
at the value of the capitnl tok of a
bank for the purposes of taxi.tlon. It la
thi duty of the aaaepwoi to delect from
the lotnl value of such stock the value
of the reel estate iH-tongt'ig to the bank
ant otherwise assessed.
In dctcrmlnlnn what Is the real vhIuo
of the capital stock ef n hank one Is not
limited, however, to the hood or paid up
value plus tho surplus mid undivided
profits, If any such there he. hut should
take It-to consideration even thing which
may affect the value of such stock. Its
franchise, that is Its right to do business,
has a value, and, unler the constitution,
st ould be taken into mnsiderat'on to
gether with all Its tangible proportv, lit
arriving at the value of Its cai ltnl s'oek,
and from such total value, then and then
only, deductions should he made of any
such real estate of which It Imppuis to be
the owner at the time provided for mak
ing the assessment.
The state only can question the amount
of real estate which .t bank happens to
acipilre In excess of the amount per
mitted by law, and that quvat'on could
not enter Into consideration In determin
ing the amount of Its nam-ssed value.
First Trust company of Lincoln against
Lancaster county (1SJ N. V M2) makes
It quite clear what the duty of the asses
sor Is Insofar as the taxing, of hanks is
concerned, holding that "all pfopertv and
assets and everything of value Is included
In this true value of nto;'k and If sny of
that property has been assessed sepa
rately from the capital stock It must not
agsln be assessed, but must he deducted
and the remainder assessed as
This would necessarily imply and in
clude, in determining the value of Us
capital stock, Its franchise, or right to Jo
bus'ness, and also all tf Its fungible
property of every kind and churacter.
STELLA, Neb., April I?. (Special. W.
IT. Keister. aged about 7.i yesrs'wsi
badly Injured yesterday In a runaway ac
cident sustaining a broken hip and a
broken arm. Mr. Kolster lives at Tong-
enoplo, Kan. His wife died Saturday and
he brought the body here for burial In
Prairie Union cemetery. After the ob
sequies he remained for a visit with rela
tives. He and his son. Esa Keister. were
driving a fractious team when the acci
dent happened. The son. was quite badly
Injured, but sustained no broken bones.
oe from Pilwer.
PILOER, Neb.. April . (Special )-Ex-Postmaster
I.- B. 'Jeffries and wife
went to Omaha . Monday evening and on
Wednesday Mrs. Jeffries underwent an
operation at the Methodist ' hospital.
Word received here Wednesday evening
stated she stood the oponntlun well.
WIMIatn O'Brien on Wednesday of this
week received by express a black hear
from Nyssa, Ore. The bear was captured
when -but a small rub by Wlllard Dav
ison, formerly of I'llger. It Is now one
year old and quite tame.
a. fWl XWT
i&&CMt V s -v-t x.c- ? jrVa. 4 'v rh r- t "JC ,,vU4 CvV
"TSTHEN King or Emperor- wants a
road bridge, he says:
"Call up Uncle
Then the husky
SI AR and turn out the job.
Wherever bi, hearty men work, a lot of STAR tobacco is chewed.
There's work time cheer and play time comfort in STAR r-v.r-.- ,
tne tnielc plug; with tightly -
And rlon't fircpt thit ST A
.... - - - - -'
mi lil in tastv. liai-h ruz
clean tobacco, kept clean
1 m
Hastings Authorities Discover Like
ness Between Those of John
O'Connor and John Brady.
Neb.. April ?! i Special
Telegram V-In an effort to solve the mys
tery of the late John O Connor, whose
SliVi.AM esttte is being fousht over by
more than loft alleged heirs the searchllKht
today was turned on James Brady of
Omaha. I'n'on Pacific shopman, who died
Intestate at Kxcelslor (Springs, Mo.. April
II. leaving an estate of $JS.0Oe, but no
knon n heirs.
One of the claimants has alleged that
O'Connor's real name was John Brady.
The name James flrady has been dis
covered in the register of the Victor!
hotel of Omaha and the handwriting is
said to bear a striking resemblance to
that of John Prady in the O'Connor
cryptogram. The register also contains the
name John O'Connor.
John T. Culavln. Omaha, who says
O'Connor's name was Prady, has been
sojourning In Excelsior Springs. A photo
graph of the Prady signatures was taken
today and forwarded to the state attor
ney general for comparison.
Matters in connection wtlh the O'Connor
case will be probed by the grand Jury on
May i. Deputy Attorney (kmeral Barrett,
w ho has been looking up evidence for the
jury, will also aid In the Jury's Investiga
tion of Ineal conditions.
FREMONT. Neb., April . (Special. 1
Mrs. O. A. Callahan, who was formerly
Miss lasts lie Cnmpliell of Council Bluffs,
died at her home here Tuesday even
ing, following the birth of a son. The
baby is healthy and is d o In g wnil.
Mrs. Callahan was 87 years of ago and betel-
coming to Fremont, following her
marriage to 'Mr. Callahan over a year
ago, resided at Council Bluffs with her
parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Alexander Camp
bell. Mr. Callahan la freight agent for
the I'nlon Pacific at Fremont. The fu
neral was held this afternoon.
(From a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN. April (Special.) Rev.
Charles E. Cobbey of the First Christian
church of Omaha called at th executive
offices at the state house this morning
to Intercede with the governor for the
appointment of ojseph HI Berger of
Omaha public defender for Douglas
county tinder the new law passed by the
last sestdon of the legislature. Governor
Morohead has not returned from a visit
to his mother in Iowa and so he could
not reach the executive ear.
Teneblnsr t'orpe mt Exeter.
EXETER. Neb.. April . -(Special.)
The Board of Education has completed
Its corps of teachers for the Exeter Hlgt
achool for the year 1916-16. The following
are on tho list? Superintendent, W. E.
Atkins;' principal. Bertha Enysart; first
assistant prlnclpali Ina. Moffltt; second
assistant principal, E. E. Britt; eighth
grade,' Bula Cook: seventh grade,. Cora
Owens; flftl) and sixth, Marie Saunders;
third and fourth. Opal Walters; first and
eeeond, Nellie I'flug; music, Claire Owens,
All were re-elected nnd accepted for an
other year at Increased salaries. The
seventh grade Is an extra teacher added
(or next year.
. wnatia -m. bf-s,. i ,i ?
-VJi-'' .IOUMHMJ.LL1JSII .. . "
"STARGooJ For One, Better For Two
Men Who Chew Are Men
fellows in the steel mills
packed, mellow long chewing' leaf.
1? a V.,,-1,... ..,n;t,4. t-
4..01 V 111 wvlliL aa il is
contains 16 full rhpwahln
by nvxiern manufacturing: methods.
Hogs Die of Cholera
in Car; Owner Gets
Verdict Against "Q"
BROKEN BOW, Arrtl lO.-tSpeciaU-An
Interesting verdict was rendered In
district court this week before Judge
Hostetler, the base being that of B. J.
Tlemey agwtnst the Burlington railroad.
The plaintiff brought action to reoovor
damages from the railroad company for
loss on a shipment of boga from Anate?
to Pllllngs, Mont., along In February,
inu. The petition stated that the car
contained eighty-nine hogs at the time of
leaving and when It arrived at Sheridan,
Wyo., seven dead animals were fcund In
the ear, which was unloaded and the re
maining hons quarantined for cholera.
Transportation being refused through
Wyoming and Montana, the hogs were
ahtppert back and sent to South Innaha,
where the car waa iurantlned by the
federal authorities. Tho plaintiff alleged
that the hogs were a'l sound when
shipped and that the disease was com
municated to them by an Infected oar
furnished by the company and asked
damages In the sum of $1.T.S4. The rail
road company donleil any liability for the
loss of the hogs and sieged that It was
through no fault of the company that the
loss occurred. The case was given to the
Jury and after being out two hours re
turned a verdict for the plaintiff, awarded
him damages In tho sum of $9Ti.xr, the
value of the hogs lost at the maximum
liability of $10 each, contained In 11. e con
tract of shipment, snd Interest fro.n date
of loss.
The South Omaha Ilve Stock exchange
is restrained from enforcing a penalty for
vlolatton of two of Its rules against O.
Ihnen. Jr., a member. In a temporary
order signed by Wstrlet Judge Hedlek.
Suit was brought under the anti-trust
laws of the state by Mr. Ihnen, who el
leges that the rules are unreasonable and
contrary to public Interest.
According to Attorneys Hhotwell and
Shotwell, who represent Mr. Ihnen, the
price rules of the exchange regulating
market quotations may fall If the court
holds that the two rules complained of
are Invalid. These are the regulations
forbidding employment by a member of
a man , discharged by another member
and forbidding employment of solicitors
by members.
Mr. Ihnen has been notified by Presi
dent O. J. lngwersen of the exchange
that on Friday the board of directors
will take action toward Imposing a pen
alty because Mr. Ihnen has in his em
ploy James O'Brien, a solicitor, pre
viously discharged by another member.
ht Is this threatened action which the
temporary restraining ordor forbids.
LOOAN. la.. April J8.-(Bpeelal.)-Mrs.
Kate Hansen, aged 78, died of apoplexy
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O. S.
Kennedy, here yesterday.
The body will be taken over the Illinois
Central to Dunlap and to the church at
Qalland's drove, where the services will
be held, with Interment In the family
burying ground at Gallan's Orave.
Survivors are three sons and five daugh
ters. The sons are James, George, Wil
liam of Punlap: the daughters, Mrs. T.
F. Jones, Mrs. C. B. Kennedy of togan;
Mrs. I. a. Wilson of Peru, Neb.; Mrs.
Carrie lies of Woodbine and Mrs Laura
Kealrnes of Dunlap.
Who DO
big gun or
take a ch
AC'it sv:
t- I
7 :;w
a rail-
:w of V U
Y,l 9 II
7 1(lr.
V rs . II
. - .7 - w.mrrzi ' " 1'.. w mm
j vf r - r ....r- j- " wm awn..1 r ;.. m
. Vjtff'AW ..7-s-T V.1-.T, 'i ft-- j M
sV .'L - ' I
No Coupons!
No Presents I
V No schemes necessary
Ssto sell .ffl
.Because the wise house-
No schemes necessary
keeper wants to do her work
the easy, quick, economical, no-hot-water
way, without hard
rubbing or scrubbing.
Fate Co.,
Positively Cures...
Alcoholic Inebriety, Opium, Mor
phine and Other Drug Addictions
TMrty-ftT years ef continuous success provss
rirst That tbe Keeley Treatment cures addiction.
Lon4 That general health of the patient Is always Improved.
Taire All patients leave us satisfied and enthusiastic -they are our
beat advertisements.
Printed matter and particulars by mall In sealed, plain envelope. All
correspondence striolly confidential.
Coras IBh and Oass treets, Omns.
Take Harnsy car from slther depot.
$3.50 ft MOUTH
Fre Stool, Scarf and Insur
ance. Npeelsl Induremenls If
yon wish to purchase later.
iait-18 Farnam Mrret.
AUK you going to be one. of the happy
throng to visit California and her won
derful exjroeitions? If bo, let us remind yoa
that the trip there and back will be even more
interesting than these great Expositions
themselves. Here are a few of the scenes of
interest to be enjoyed enroute '
Missouri Pacific
Denver & Rio Grande and Western Pacific
Ksjiss Wheat ami Al
falfa Fields.
Kastern Colorado Irri
sated Sections.
Koyal Gorae.
Tennessee Vase, t
Essie River Canon.
Canon of ths Orand.
Glenwooil tiprtnea.
Orand River I-ult Bslt.
Olant Castle Oats.
Telephone Dong. 104.
. .
smHos as Is ss4
I J im v.sisas ,
Daiaa and Crvig KaanssJy Mrs tKera. Are
tnay ihers sew, with osm sWa-huajisa
rows cuttiztg bate then ? Read and as -
,,Tmk .
ZZZ TZZ? u w "
Philadelphia. .
Good Nights
art enjoyed by those In good health.
The perfect digestion, clear system,
and pare blood upon which sound
health depends, will be given you by
LarsMl Sale el As Meslcks U Ike WesU
M ulisse. la hsaee, lOe .
Soldier's Summit.
Provo Valley.
Melt I-ake City.
Hide Trio to Yellow
stone Park.
Great Salt Lae.
".terra Nevada.
Feather River Canon,
flaoramento Valley.
Ban Francisco Bay.
Through standard Observation
and lullman Tourist Siixtftng
Car, Kansas Oltjr to Ban Fvan.
Cisco daily.
1423 Farnam St.
Union Htatinn
1 Tbos. F. Godfrey
Oeaaral Agent Passenger Dept.
u 0
BeWta AssW
sUil, assess
hit (rest part
't -y
woMiesssI start el
- ssM mi 6as is