Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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THE BFX: OMAHA, F7?l!AY. APRIL 30, 1915.
Equipment and Industrial Shard
Score Marked Ad
NEW YORK. April ClmimteJitlal
reporta to the effect that additional con
Uact for war supplies hart ben awarded
to American manufacturers contributed
In considerable degree to today's active)
stock market Th equipment and Indua
trlnl aharea. hich rwently figured Im
portantlv In this conncrtlon. mthI ? ad
vance ranging from J to point, Weet
InKhourw Wrctrlr making a tilKh record.
In point f actual pertorman-e. I'nlted
Ptate Steel ai the pivot around which
the IM revolved. That stock, on dnlinK
agsrepstins about 2 l"r cent of tne
whole, edxanied VI points to within the
emallBet fraction of the year a heat price,
hut fell back toward the cloee. to the ac
companiment of adver trade minora.
Although the volume of biiln wee
below that of recent active rwaalon. to
dure movement waa very broad, taklns.
In aJmoet every division of the llet. Siand
erd railway sharps were not especially
prominent at anv tlma. only a fw u.-s
In thla claaa makln appreclahla gain,
on the other hand. Mlasoiul. kanaa &
Texas and Wabash laaue were Itolh ac
tive and atrona. ,
Copper more tlan retained tlelr
steadv advance of the laat month, allwlt.
Amalaamated reflected ateady pressure,
tiaa atorka roae 2 to i point th"
creaae of h Conaoildated (la dlv blend
Local trartlona barely held their sslns or
the prelm's day. Decllnoa of a folnt or
more In rUeel and some other favorltea
provoked Irregulsrttv at the Hose
Total sln of atocka amounted to r..
anii share. .
Katea for time loana showed an ' t- r
tendency. natural result of the laxse
ca"h suVpliee now available at moat re-
TArT'reflected moderste Inou.ry in
Tnd.m. tranacontlnentala belli most In
JaTor there. The Hank of KnKland state
ment reported another email loae of gold
reuc..m.f liability rervea
The lop bond marari i - - -
ve.leHay'. strensth but trad In w
inuch lighter. New Tork le ntral
bent .ire were blither and VJ, ,' "''
fundlnir 4a roae over b polnta Total aalea.
wChsnged on
"Number cf enlee end leading quotation
Mock. w.ra as -'n.H.V.-
AlMki ooH ...
an alsamafe Cep ...
Avmlran Beat Sulrax...
Amarli-an raa
An.erloaa H.
AVW i .
Am. Suaar lUfirilns."
A men ran Tal. 1J...
Awrlrai Toeco
AraroTKla Mlalng
Unlllmnra OliKV ...
Hrnnarra Hai Traeall.
4llfrnla "Vrtmlauai ...
Canadian rriflo
onlral Ialbor
I'hnapMM O1"
t.lri rat Waalera.
CMcaan, M. HU T...
'blwtn N. V
c lilno tlnppa
Intnrmio rl Iroa...
IMirtf 4 Rle Oranaa...
ixnrer it. ' I4....
Iiiailllara Bacarltl ...
inral Klartrte
trat KorUiara f
(ireat No. Ora Mia
tiuaaanbaiai Itplaratlim.
Illinnla OirtrnI .........
lulerlreairh Mat. pfa...
Ir.lrallnnl Harraalaf .
Kanaaa Cll Bouthara.. .
Iluah Vallay
ulTllle Naatirllla.
Mrslraa ratrolaum ....
Miami VPW
Mlaamirt, K. T
M lav nil Parlllo
Salloaal Ularolt
Nalli'nal l-aa
Kttaita Cepaar
Ne York l trl
N. V.. N. " H
Norfolk Waatara
Nan han I'acltla '.
Iai!ric Mall
tannaylTania -
Ray Coa. Oppar
Hapubiifl Ini ataal..
llorb llac Co
Rauk llal4 Ct. pfa.....
Ht. I.. F. M ata.
Koatharn I'a'lfte
Houtoera Knl'way
Tannaaaae t 'wppap I'ftwpany a.
t'riloa Pallle
Vnliril Tarlfla pM
ftll Hlaloa tUetl
I . H. lal ptl
t'.ab Coppar
Waoab pM
Wararn t uloa
WeMna.hoee Clertrlo ,
lt.HIU H !1
1.n H'
p 4I 41 H
7 imn 1"! - lis
ten hit HI 1'
j.ino nt' i-H
ann "
U,) W' X4 'H
7vi KXH
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to H'a
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J V 1 IMX ',
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1WO 17 47 4'4
am It US
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1H 1" lint 121 izts
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l.KM 74H TM 1H
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l.?no 14a 1 K'1
jno 1V.H IJ l;4
V" t ? sv,
7:w n ii.
M'in is!' i'i ii.
u.ine 7
. i,un mh, art, 7
I SS Ii'. I! u
us tt ii1
?5 ir.'i 'tii
!!. ws i'S uis'fur support on electloit day. Ha drove
', 'rios 'ii"
, 4. I'S
, l.fc-n US
ten 14
4' 1IX,
s s
M H4
1S lS
IS ai
,J!(I,K S
t int lifts IMS l"'S
, 1S. VIS
. I as
. 1 i 70s
.11K.7MI W
aw M
S i
Montana roarer
Total aalaa tor tha ear. M. aharaa.
Sevr York Money Market.
PAl'ltR lVti'J" per rent.
day bill. W for cable, M TtW; for de
mand. H 7. ...
MllaVfcBr-Bar, KeV;; Mexican Uollsra,
HoNDS Government, steady; railroad,
Ti'mB IjOANS Ev; K nnd ft) days,
"i per rent; months, , per oent.
CAUi MONEY Firm; high. 7S per
oent; low, IV Pr oent; ruling rate, I
per rent; laat loan, S per cent; cloning
bid, IV per oent; offered at 3 per cnt.
t'loaing quotation on bonds today wero
ss follows:
I). rat. U. rag.... ttSMe. r. W S
ao'eouaoa S,N. T. O. f. IS.... S
V. g a. rag I9ISN. T. 4'Hr 4Sa 1(S
i, eeuaoa KiSN. Y. Rial 4S luS
V. 4a. r.g lOaSN. Y . N. H. a H.
o eetir 11,v ". 4a 11"4
lSnama w eaupaa..liS No. rVwItla 4a MS
Al. Biaeltara .. o a '
a T AT. . 4S.l'ISO. . U rat. 4a tlw
Arrm.ur A (. 4Sa.. "S Pao. Tal. Ta. la. 7S
Ai.illaa W .... MS'faoa. Ht. 4a
hal. Ohio a MS eo oaa. 4S MHS
'baa OM 4S -- S Reading ta. 4a Ms
a M- I- 4a ... n. u a e. r. r. 4a aa
ac it a H a 4S.lasSa. faa. ar
da w. aa do rat. 4a
a . . g. rt 4S.. 4 a er. Sa
t V K. O. rat. ia.. 44 do. IRallaar ia.
Rrw g-n. 4a Slnloa tSrilla 4a
iaa. glartn 4a )S 9u ct 4a
-HI Na. lat 4S ... S V. S). Rubbar a
111. (Sa rat. 4 .... I' a. a.aal ta ..
K Sa. ra ta.. a Wabaab Lat aa. .
. S
. l
I M. aal. a..... MH'Umi, I alaa 4Sa... W
M K a T. lat .. Hat. tna. c. la., n
t,4cal 1erttlea.
4)na4ailoa ftiralabaS by Sam. Mrlakar 4 CS,
4 Ontaaa Notion but aulldlag.
Sum !. Aakaa.
Bui tar Rraa.
I llr Trua '4 , Omaha IT M
Hr Kallecal Baak, Una 10
Kalrmiml I rmrr T par raat ld ... tts luS
ralrsioul Craaotair 1 Sar eaat asm., 1W 1U
Haraulle -iaa grtok cost !)
I,iqhi Ill HSU ptt 4114 4JS
j...cla Tal. A Tal. cwa
Wollaa t'io fit MS 11
Mowitalaa aula Tal Tal 10 IH
.,. a a r. a si Hr via i it
c ia a a a r a a pi st
... Varda Nat atajik. gout Oaiaba XSI
tp4iaa viiaio tarn M
4ieaaMatth K4laaa C. la, 14,... S f
l iluaibua. Nab., Eiertxta ta. ISM st
lvi.daa tlaallr Ce. Sa. na
Ki fa C . Tax., CSurt Ueaaa ta. 1M4 lt
1-a. kr t o., Nak.. ta IM
oIh G a B aa. 1M1
Naar York llr 4a. lkT KS
tnaak aaarar 4Sa. IW 114 I I
I II, o( iaak ln. 4S. 1411 M la
I -nulia Waiar 4s. 11 13 lwis a c. a. m. ar. t. 1M s in,
-will 4 S. ta. 144 4 M
Ktata at tlah 4Sa IM 1"4
icaaaa 4 laUa Eoapir ta tiu
I utaraur Plaaa. Nak . 4S Itll M N
Wuklia laloa stock TanU a. llM... M ta
Larndaa Itark Market.
IONDON. April Br Only a moderat
mount of.buainra waa tran4utad la
the Amerlcaa aw.-ttoa oi the tuck mar
ket. v,iiere the cloalna; was undaclded and
Ii r-sul&r
hll.N r H Bar. tT'id per ounoa.
MOSKT-lVi 'W. Ir cent.
Dibl'ol'NT RATF.H Short bllla IS Pr
tect, tines month. ttil li-14 per cent.
Bank C Icarlaa;,
Oil UIA. April 9-Kank rlearlnsa for
Omaha lry ere 8.4hi,4j &v and for tha
rotitHHi.tiia" Cy last yvavr t;'.aal.7.7!.
Shanl4 9it Fori Dlaraarata.
So many peopla troub.ed with lodlgea-
Uon and constipation hav teen benefited
tr taking Cbamtwirlalu's Tablet that ne
on ahould favl discouraged who haa not
Klveo thera a trtaL They contain no pep
sin or other digestive fermenta, but
alreiigUtea tbe stomach and enable it to
lrform its function naturally. Obtain
able evsrywhare. A4rvartisakeol
Mayor CaUi Sutton Fonr-Fluiher,
latter Rrpliei Dahlman Winki
at Corporation Bobbery.
The excitement of a ninth-inning
rally, the thrills of a battle royal,
the enthualasrn of a tug-of-war all
were rolled into the compoalte last
night .on Douglas afreet near Fif
teenth, when the "Ina" and "Outa"
locked horna in a sensational spell
binders' duel, at twenty pces.
The "Ins" had the rorner and the
crowd first and were exhorting mer
rily, when an auto containing former
Judge A. L. Sutton, Harry B. 7.1m
man, I.. II. Mosaman and Frank
Odell drove up.
Mayor Pahlman waa talktnic from an
other machine leaa than twenty feet
away, when Judge. Huttnn opened fire.
.1ve aail Take.
The next hour and n half meniberi of
a crowd exceeding- l.&of) taught anatchea
of aomthlna; Ike thla:
"J net take a took at that lily, aurker
atandlna there In the auto. Jle Ult hi r
Job a judge to run for the mayoralty,
but he got cold feet and now 1 1' try
ing to get back Into aomething by shoot
ing the bull for that wn h of y i'pa they
call the "Klg Hlx!"
Then in reply:
"I tell you cltlxrns of timalill that you
have) kept the stoolplgeotia of the corpor
atlona In office too long. Von hve atood
by In alienee and allowed the Iron hwl
of money to grind our necka the
dual: you"
"U. bunk! Uateji to that windjammer
there! fn't that the Old Stuff Its
what they hand out every year at elec
tion time. Voters of Omaha, cen t you
over get tired of hearing them rav
like "
'Rah for F. very body.
" 'Ray for Jim Dahlman! 'Rav f'r Jim
Dahlman! "Ray f'r th Kquars Hevcn!
Hoo-ray) Hoo-ray!
"7.1 in man! Zlmman! The Big Hlx."
It was Ilka a prise fight In that the
opposing speakers were ever on guard
to send In a smashing blow or parry a
dangerous thrust. It waa Ilka a bill game
in that the crowd, like bleacherltcs, were
ahoutlng worda of advico or enccurage
mnnt or derlalon.
It waa a riot of mingled enthualaam,
rage, joy, dlaguat. Irritation, shouts, cat
calla-all ens pualiing. pulling, milling
Maay Klarhta Start.
Kaoh side had its partisans. Or man
would lift hla voice to shout, "You're
all right Jim Dahlman, you're always
j right!" when his nolghbor would utter
i a growl and shout, "Tell It to 'em, Ilsrry!
j Atta boyl Atta boo-oy! ' . -
a dosen fist fights wero averted by In-
terfvrrnca of police or cool headed speo-
tatore. ,
Th crowd was first attracted by Can-
jdldate Bdward Simon, tkho aftar review-
hla record in the legislature, pleaded
away to another meeting, when' Mayor
lahlman ilrova up. He waa shaking
iibout the proposed light-rate ordinance.
hen the auto bearing opposition candi
dates camu up to within twenty foet.
In a moment the two charmers were
at work upon the emotion of the crowd.
Uahlman mould clinch a gripping argu
ment and the fickle crowd would burst !
Into a wild cheer. Aa he launched Into
another, Judge Mutton would ha clinching
a statement and a cheer for tha "anti"
leader would Interrupt the mayor.
It was while Hutlon was speaktn-. and
the crowd was comparatively quiet that
Dahlman suddenly stopped. Turning
slowly towards tha former district Judge,
".Mayor Jim" pointed an accusing finger.
"There in that automobile standa tha big
gest four-flusher in Omaha "today."
What Sutton was saying waa loat In
tha roar of applauae, shouts ot appro
bation and cat-call that followed the
maypr'a unexpected exclamation.
(ton AnMrrra.
'When tha crowd again became silent.
Button turned to the mayor and yelled,
"And there atands Mayor Jim. ' He's tha
man that haa been letting tha corpora
tlona rob you all." The same wild roar
of mixed amotion followed tha atatement
r'or an" hour and mora tha two aldee
kept it up. Mayor Dahlman finally fin-
lhed all he had to aay. and by that time,
Harry Zlmman waa speaking from tha
other auto.
Mayor Strata n Mnrek.
Now, citlsens of Omaha, I have aald
ail I have to say. These fellows tried
to break up the meeting, but we'll pass
that. It'a a frea street and speech Is
free). I'm going to leave you now, and
I hop that you will llaten respectfully
to what Mr. Zlmman haa to say, even
though what ha saya Is all wrong."
Zlmman aaluted the mayor and tha
crowd cheered.
"Talk to us some more, Jim!" they
shouted. But tha mayor left the scene.
Zlminan's opening retnarka were greeted
by a atorm of "boo-boo'a," but ha
finally obtained quiet and finished Ills
address, winning generous applauae.
Although tha mayor left th stormy
scene, ins corner waa not rellnqulahed by
tha "Ina." William Wappich Jumped
Into aa auto and for half an hour kept
tha crowd divided. When he finished,
Frank Qulgley made a stirring speech
for tha administration. Then a salesman
named Jenkins talked.
From tha other auto I- H. Mnaaman,
Frank Odell and Judge Button spoke.
Tell 4f Lax tMlllint,
Mr. Mossman bitterly assailed police
court condition; Mr. Odell told the crowd
that the polio knowingly permit gamb
llub in tha city and that many polio
raids are mere sop to tha people who
demand better moral for the city. II
also told ot robber elactrio light ratea
and followed tha career of tha present
oommlsslonera during tha laat three
yeara. Judge Sutton's remark were
mainly on the electric light proposition.
Monday night when tha "Outa'' had the
street corner that waa ao bitterly ton
tested last night, Mayor Dahlman drove
up la a machine and listened while ths
various enndidatea delivered their talka.
Aa automobile tire was rescued at
Eleventh and Kama in streets Wednes
day night by a pollc officer, who had
sighted a thief carrying ths tub down
an alley. With cunsldersbla eaotlou th
officer made a sneak or the gent, but
Just as he waa about grab h'm. tha
thief threw th tlr over th poilienuui's
shoulder and beat It to safety. Manager
ciilla of the Auditorium waa tit awnr
ot tha tire.
City Will Force the
raving uontractors '
to Start at Oncei
ted its legal
The city Council hss dire)'
department to proceed at once agaltiat
Hugh Murphy, Pamuel fried man, It. J.
Csthroe Co. and the Offerman Con
struction company and their bondsmen,
for failure to rarry out varloiia paving
and curbing contracts within the agreed
time. Conimiaslnner McOovem of the
public Improvement department explained
that moat of this work ahould have been
completed lant aeaarm and practically all
of the districts In question have not even
been commenced, although the present
paving season was started several weeks
Old Iron Tail is .
Problem fOr Managerjtbe -Hied lines around Ypres a
! along the Yser canal, which broug
When iron Tail, the old nioux chief , "bout one of the most sanguinary
whose profile is on the new "butfs'o" battles of the war.
nickel, joined the oi Ranch wild wsf This, however, only brings to an
show, which exhibits on Monduy, ha,'nri the first nhaae of the battle, for
Irought a problem to the management
that has rreated more or leas trouble ever iJespite the fact that the old chief
to.ight as a young man In the Custer bat- German sweep. .
lie and his subsequent career prior to j Hellvrr Counter Attack..
Incoming reconciled to the white man i t-or this purpose they ate now de!lver
emhraced many sanguinary encounters jli.g counter attacks sgalnst the Oct man
with the settlers and soldiers of the' linen. Only at one place. Steenstraate,
northwest, he Is singularly childlike, and 'have the Uermsns managed to keep their
the fact that his profile was select' d to
i.dorn the new B-cent piece wss particu
larly gratifying to him.
One of Iron Tail's conditions In con
senting to travel with the show waa that
n portion of his weekly stipend should b
paid In the new nickels.
The fact In Itnelf Is Interesting, because
pntll very recently the Indiana were very
much opposed to being photographed. The
Wild West show and the "movies" have
I token down this prejudice, and many
Indiana have become positive "bugs" on
the subject of motion picture photogra
phy. Chief Iron Tall has absorbed this
film mania and not only enjoys watching
moving pictures, but hss slso become
obaeaaed with the Idea of becoming a
movie alar. In the meantime he al
ways keeps a few of the "buffalo" nickels
on hand, and the best evidence that ha
has taken a fancy to a new acquaintance
U the presentation of his picture on one
ol the coins to his new frienJ.
Alumni of Creighton
Dental College Meet
At the aecond annual meeting of the
Alurunl Aaaoclatlon of Creighton dental
college here yesterday, there was a large
representation of the alumni from till
parts of the country. A banquet wa
spread at the Hotel Kontenelle at noon.
Officers of the association are:
President, Dr. a. M. Boehler, Alma;
vice preaident. Dr. J. E. Wallace, Oak
land; secretary and treasurer.. Dr. Charles
Wonder, Omaha.
Among the clinicians were Dr. W. la.
Shearer of Omaha, who preaented two
cleft palate cases, showing results of one
operated at the age of 44 years having
worn a dental device twenty yeara. Thera
were papera and demonstrations by Dr.
fltoft, Omaha; Dr. Regan, Bloomfleld; Dr.
Hoehler, Alma; Drs. J. P. Blater, J. A.
Oraham, W. II. Hherraden and Charles
Wonder. Omaha, and Dr. CI. M. Boehler.
Alma. The following officers for the
coming year w era electee".;
President. Dr. J. K. Wallace. Oakland;
vice president. Dr. P. J. Ktibltscliek,
niaha; secretary and' treasurer. Dr.
Charles Wonder. Omaha.
Felix f-cajko of SI1' Tierce street waa
hurled by the Omaha Italian club of
which he waa a charter member. He waa
7 yensa of age, lived hero twenty-five
yeara anj waa a city employe. Wednes
day morning Mrs. 8calso called Ter hus
band to breakfast and upon going to his
room the wife found her hufcband dead.
Mr. Scalso served five years In tha
Italian army under King Francisco II.
Ha waa wounded In the battle of Santa
Maria dt Capua, near Naples. In 1S0O.
Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads.
The Philadelphia- Automobile club has
notified the Omaha Automobile club that
all trana-contlnental tours suggested by
the club had been mapped through
Omaha. Tha Phllly organisation aeiecta
routes for those wishing to motor to tha
coast and Omaha la the central station
on each route.
Movement of Ocean rWeamera.
amraa. aSIW4
. .Hblnra Mart!
.. Mtaoehak
I HO V 1 U K N (.1 . . .Maxaall la. . . .
...Nlppoa Mam.
Can't Beat "Tiz"
When Feet Hurt
'TIZ" for sore, tired, puf fed
up, aching, calloused feet
or corns.
"Sum! I us TIZ
err ttaae) for an
fool trtMtbl.1
Tou can be happy-footed Juat like me.
L'se "TIZ" and never Buffer with tender,
raw, burning, blistered, swollen, tired,
smelly feet. "TIZ" and only "TIZ" takea
tha pain and aorener-a out of corn, cal-
louaea and bunions.
As soon as you put your feet in a
"TIZ" bath, you Jut feel tha happlne
aoaklng In. How good your poor, old
feet feel. They went to dance for Joy.
"TIZ" Is grand. "TIZ" tnatanUy drana
out all ths poisonous exudation whloh
puff up your fet and cauae aore. In
flamed, aching, Sraty, smelly foet.
Oet a 9 cant box of "TIZ" at any
drug store or department atom. Qet lrt
tant foot relief. Laugh at foot aufferera
who complain. Because your feet ar
never, never going to bother or make
ou limp any mora.
Sir ,'ohn French Sayi Attack Halted,
but Loit Ground ii Tet to Be
LONDON, April 19. "Our oper
ations, in conjunction with the
French, have definitely stopped the
German attack."
In these words Field Marshal Sir
John French, commander-in-chief of
the British forces on the continent,
announces the conclusion of another
l ... , , . v k,..l,
urnniin aiiempb iw uicaa wnvue."
the allies have yet to win back the
ground which they lost in the great
footing on the western bsnk of the canal,
while to the north of Tpres tha positions
remain much as they were, the allies
making no claim to an advance there.
and the Herman reporting thst al". the
l.'ltlah attacks have been repulaed.
To hold these lines the Germans have
b'ought tip further reinforcement and
l.rl4tliim, behind them, haa been denuded
of troops. The towns and vlllsges in Bel-
glum are being guarded by only a hand
ful of sentries.
Fighting also continues in Champagne,
t here the Germans make claim to tha
rapture of a strong French position, in
Many Case of
Rheumatism Now
Says We Must Keep Feet Dry,
Avoid Exposure and
Eat Less Meat.
fltsy off the damp ground, avoid ex
posure, keep feet dry, eat less meat,
drink lots of water and above all take
spoonful of salts ocesstonally to keep
down urio acid.
RlieumatlHin is csuscd by poisonous
toxin, called uric acid, which Is gene
rated In the bowels and absorbed Into
the blood. It Is the function of the kid
neys to filter this acid from the blood
and caat it out in th urine. ' The pore
of tha skin are also a means of freeing
the blood of this Impurity. In damp and
chilly, cold weather the skin pores are
closed, thus forcing tha kldneya to do
doublo work, they become weak and alug
glsli and fait to eliminate thla urio acid
which keeps accumulating and circulating
through tha aystem, eventually settling In
tha Joint and muaclea cauaing stiffness,
soreness and pain called rheumatism.
At the flrat twinge of rheumatism get
from any pharmacy ubout four ounoea of
Jad Salts; put a tabtVspoonful In a glaaa
of wster and drink before breakfast each
morning for a week. Thta Is said to elim
inate uric acid by stimulating the kidneys
to normal action, thus ridding the blood
of these Impurities.
Jad Salt la inexpensive, harmless and
la made from the acid of grapes and
lemon Juice, combined with Uthla and
la used with excellent results by thou
sands of folks who are aybject to rheu
matism. Here you have a pleasant, ef
fervescent llthla-water drink which over
comes uric acid and Is beneficial to your
kidney aa well. Advertisement
Rub Musterole on forehead
and Temples.
A headache remedy without the dangera
of "headache medicine." Relieve head
ache and that miserable feeling from cold
or congestion. And it acta at once! MUS
TKROLE la a clean, white ointment made
with oil of mustard. Better than a mus
tard plaster and doea not blister. Used
only externally, and In no way can affect
stomach and heart, as some Internal med
icine do.
Beat for Sore Throat. BVonchitla, Croup,'
Stiff Nck, Asthma. Neuralgia. Conges
tion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism. Lumbago, alt
Pslns and Aches of th Back or Joints.
Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruises, Chtlblatna,
Froated Feet, Colda of th Chest (it often
prevents Pneumonia).
At your druggist's. In Ko and 00c Jara,
and a special large hospital aise for li.60.
Ba sure you get the genuine MUSTER-
OLE. Refuse Imitations get what you
ask for. The Musterole Company, Cleve
land, Ohio. .
Dandruff Surely
Destroys The Hair
Ulrla if you want plenty of thick,
beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all
means get rid of dandruff, for It will
starve your hair and ruin It It you don't.
It doesn't do much good to try to
brush or wssh It out. The only uYe
way to get rid of dandruff la to dissolve
it, then you destroy It entirely. To do
this, get abput four ounces ot ordinary
liquid arvon: apply tt at night when re
tiring: uae enough to moisten the eralp
and rub It in gently with the finger tips.
By morning, moat If not all of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or four I
tuore applications will completely dis
solve nod entire? destroy every single
aign and traos of It.
You will find, too, that all Itching and
digging of the acalp will stop, and your j
hair will look and feel a hundred times
better. Tou can get liquid arvon at any
drug store. It is Inexpensive tuid four
outicea is all you il need, no matter
how much dandruff you have. This
atrupla remedy never fail. Advertisement.
tha Argonne and the Woevre, where the
French aay they are progressing, and in
ti e Vosgea. where both sides claim to be
lr possession of IlsrtmansWcllerknpf,
It Is probable that thla mountain, which
command the plsins of Alsace, has
cl anged hands seversl times. This would
account for the contradictory reports.
Rett tah Statement.
The following British official atatement
v. ss Issued tonight:
Fighting to tha north and northeast
or ypres continued all yesterday. Our
operations, in conjunction with the
F rench, definitely stopped the German at
tack and It haa not since been renewed.
rinoe yesterday morning thera have
teen no Germana west of the canal e
eept at Bteenatraate, where they have es
tabllshed a small bridge-head.
"The readjustment of t!ie aituatlon has
necessitated the delivery of counter at
tack both by the French and our troops
on the nosth of the Tprea salient. In re
sisting these counter attacka the Ger
mans again made use of asphyxiating
sane ann or iieils manufactured In con
travention of The Hague convention.
"On tli remainder of the front there
Is nothing to report"
Italian ftltaatlon.
Th reports as to the intentions of Italy
are as varied aa they are numerous, but
the Italian embassy at London has au
thorised the statement that nothing is
known ithere of any Impending change In
the Italian policy.
Nothing further has' been heard of the
German fleet in tjie North Sea and it Is
contended In official quarters here that It
never left the mm fields off Helgoland.
In the Baltic, however, Oerman war
hlpe are busy and have stopped a num
ber of Swedish steamers carrying coal
from English ports to Sweden.
Tha Russians and Austro-Germsns are
heavily engaged In the region or t'saok
pass. In the Carpathians and in the di
Children's Parasols
To 25c values, big special lot
In pinks, white or red, on sale
Friday at. choice 10c
The Most Wanted Weaves in Dress Silks Are
Silk Remnants of All Kinds
elty weaves, in waist and dress lengths, to
o'Jc yard values; MesFalines, Foul
ards, etc.; at, yard
$1.00 and $1.25 Crvpe de Chine,
40-ins. wide, also Poplins and 36
in. Chiffon Taffetas, full line of
colors, yard . . , 88c
New Gabardine Coverts, 64-lns.
wide, In popular sand and putty
""des. t S1.48
Wash Dress Goods Section
Inspect ths nswsst of th Ban
eon' Popular Fabrioa. All ahown
here la tha natural daylight.
Galatea Cloth for ' children's
wash suits, 16c grade,
Renfrew Crinkle Seersucker
Gingham, 16c grade, Q
Friday, yard a7
Percales for dresses, shirtings,
etc., best 36-inch, 12Vsc Q
grade, Friday, yard .... il
Tokyo Rough Weave Silks,
Canton, plain color silks, silk
and cotton crepes, figured silk
novelties, all on sale n q
Friday, yard 1 U
Silk and Cotton Suitings, 38
lns. wide, printed designs on
blue, pink, brown and hello
grounds, 85c fabrics, QQt
Friday, yard OaJr
Snappy Bargains
Tailored SuitsMade to sell
and $12.50; good colors, new
lined coats .'.
Genuine Klosfit Petticoat, that
$1.60, good line of colors, on sale,
Children's Npring Coat, good assortment of values.
to $4.00, at
Men's Underwear Specials
Domestic Room Friday.
HOe quality Shirts or Drawers,
Mesh, Balbrlggan or Derby
ribbed, per gar
ment 29'
Union Suits worth to 81.60,
Derby ribbed, short or long
sleeved, two special lota, at
A Great Bargain
Coats' Thread, per dozen, . -45
500-yd. Basting Thread ..3V
6c Pearl Buttons, S dos....5t
26c Dress Buttons, 2 doi..,10f
5c Best Needles, 2 pkgs 5
Coats' Darning Cotton, for Fri
day. 3 balls 5a
Brass Pins, 2 pkgs 54
Semi'' Porcelain
Dinner Sets
Beautiful conventional de
signs, a complete service
for 12 people, big special
purchase, regular $14.00
values; on sale Friday in
Crockery Dept., 40 Q"
4th floor, choice yOei0
Hay den's Make
Qnality good and a aarlna of M
ta AO aa tha eo of Urlng.
1 lbs. best (irnnulated Sugar SUM
l-lb. a. a beat High Orad Dlamon.1
Ht Flour nothing finer for bread.
. plea or cake, aaok Sl.SS
S-lbn. beat whit or yellow cormneal
for lse
T lbs. best Mlsd Chirk Fd Boa
T lb, bulk Laundry Starch SA
cans Oil or Muatajd hurdlns ne
4 It-os cans Condenaed Vlllk....86e
5 so cans Condenaed Milk aaa
E. Corn Flak, pkg 6
liraoa-Nuta, pkg lOc
4 lbs. fancy Jaian Rice S&a
4 lbs. beat Hand Picked Nary Bean
for SAO
5 bars Al Naphtha Soap Soo
Oallon cana Pluma. Paarhe. tiooaa-
berrtes and Blackbeme for pia;
per aallon See
Gallon tana Tomato or Pumpkin
for 5
4 can fancy Sweet Suear Corn..
rection of Ftrv. where an attempt is be
ing made to strike at the Russian com
munications. Berlin correspondents give the Aus
trlans credit for the capture cf a number
of Important heights near t'aaok pnax,
and alrao asaert that they have driven
the Ruaalans completely out of Bnko
wlna. But thla Is not backed up by the
Auitrian official report, which says that
In Bukowlna no important event h
occurred and ntmply speaks of Rusatnn
attacks being repulaed in the Carpathian".
There has slso been a renewal of ac
tivity on the esst Prussian front, where
the Germans report minor successes for
their troops.
t'nlon Pacific officials In from Grand
Mlond assert that the horc market there
Is doing a good business gathering up
horses for the Aiuntiies Involved in the
war In Europ
Within the last few days horses on the
Peevish, Constipated Children
Love "California Syrup of Figs.',
Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, I have a well, playful child again.
it Is a sure sign that your little one's
stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle.
thorough cleansing at once. .
When peevish, cross, llstleas. pale,
doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or la
feverish, stomach sour, breath bad, haa
stomsch ache, sore throat, diarrhoea,
full-of cold, give a teaspoonful of "Cali
fornia Syrup of Figs," and In Just a few
hours all the foul, constipated waste,
undigested food and aour bile gently
moves out of Its little bowels and you
Plain and nov
a yard values;
at, yard
Elegant New Silk Suitings, Gros
de Londres, Faille Francalse, etc..
In the new colors, 36-ins. wide,
r"i $1.25 and 81.48
Black and White Checked Wool
Suitings, 54-lns. wide, different
sifes, at, yd. .-OS and $1.48
These Special Sale Prices
Are for Friday Only
From 8:30 TU1 Noon.
Best quality Amoskeag Apron
Check Gingham, 10-yd. limit (")
to each customer, yard ... 3
Hope Brand 4-4 Bleached Muslin.
This standard household cotton,
10-yds. limit to each cus- n6
tomer. yard O
From Noon Till 5:80 P. M.
Embroidered Dot Curtain Swiss.
This Is 40-ins. wide, cut from the
bolt, the best 26c value we ever
offered, 20-yd. limit, 1 C2
yard . . . TOr
Fine Percale, 36-ln. 10c and
12 He quality, slight Imperfec
tions' In printing, 20-yd. 3t
limit, yard
in Women9 s Ready-to-Wear Section
Domestic Room Friday
at $8.95, $10.00
styles, full silk
sell regularly at
choice . . . .7fl
Ladies' and Children's
Summer Underwear in the
Domestic Room
Ladles' Lisle Vests, values to 16c,
best atyles, at 7H
Children's Union Suit, Balbrlg
gan or mesh, 60c values, all sizes,
choice 25
Children's Muslin Pants, to 25c
values, on sale at 12 M
Sale of Notions
In Dom$tic Room Friday
Cotton Tapes, 6 rolls 5
25c Needle Books, each... 3 ft
Mercerised Crochet Cottons 3ttg
6c Children's Handkfs., 2 for 5
17-ln. Embroidered Flounclngs
and Corset Cover Embds., yd. Ot
Embroidered Flounclngs in 45-iu.
widths, fine patterns, yd...25?
Big Special Bala TTiday at Bargain
lrtca. lor Oae Day Only.
"Perfection" or "Pagorm," high
flame oil stove; I-burner fg.M
(-burner , 1.78
Small l-burnr oven ..890
Large 1-burnar, worth $1.75 . . . .fl.4
Laxae 2-burner, worth I2.2S . . . tl-8
Lnrg t-burnr oven with glass
oven doors, worth 43.00 $Jtt
OAA riVATBaV A Bal Bar rain Is
JUaxs a-barnr and 3-bnraar raa
CUM Whlla They Lat.
t-burper plate with top 12x13. worth
2.4.'at 1.8
1-burner plat with top ltztt. worth
the Grocery Prices for the People
4 cana Wax. String, Green or Lima
B4US a&o
A(tvu Jell, for deaaert, the Jell of
uuality; nothing like It: pkg...THe
i:-o. Jar Pure Fruit Preaervea S6o
Lr botllea Worcester r-a ilea. Pure
Tomato Catsup. Pickles aasorte I
kinda or Prepared Mustard . ,81,
Hirshey's Breakfaat Cocoa, lb...S0o
Mtrlar.n'i Peanut Butter, lb. lSVaO
The beat Tn Hiftlnra, lb. 1SHS
Golden Santoa Cuffee. lb SO
tVainona. Laiaons, Zinoan Kxtru
fgucy largo Juicy lemon; apeclal,
per dosen 13o
PViicy New Cabbag. lb ....
t stalks Celery 10
Taaoy Florida Orape lrnli, exir.t
fancy fruit, rasular 10c aiae..Slae
Pxira fancy fruit, rrxular IWr a
nUgbland Masai Oraajr, the prld
of CaUfornlas ae ftnar ran rtown,
dosan 1 5c. SOc SBo, 30e
Th heart Crainry Buttas, carton or
btUk. lb. 30a
.It Pays - Try HAYDEN'S First -
Orsnd tuland market hsve mede s big S't
vsnre In price. rpecMly draft animals
At thla time heavy horsea off the fnrma
are selling at $." to $."5. with some sales
being msdn ss high as tCVO. Even st
these price fanners ere not selling
freely, but it la expected that after the
rr.ip Is In, there will be a heavy run of
lignter hore and at a good advance over
the price of fl now being paid.
Hustling Committee
is Making Progress
The Ak-Par-Ben hustling cbmmlttee re
ports that 7r0 Omahsns have become ac
cepted subjects of Samson so far. Two
teams are tied for first place In getting
members. Whitney. Banford and Boys
and Potter, Mahaffey and Hog an have
both pledged thirty -eiRht members. Rbjv
dall Hrown. st the noon meeting of tha
committee at the Henshaw, declared some
ln.fmO more persons should be entertained
at the den this year than last on account
cf thu stop-off -at-Omaha campaign.
You needn't coax sick children to
take this harmless fruit laxative; they
love its delicious taste and It alwaya
makes them feel splendid.
Ask your druggist for a W cent bottle
of "California Pyrup of Figs," which hss
directions for babies, children of all ages,
and for grown-ups plainly on each bottle.
Beware of counterfeits sold here. Get tha
genuine, made by "California Fig Pyrup
Company." Refuse any other kind with
contempt. Advertisement.
Cut Glass Bowls
Choice of entire stock, up to $7
vals., big assortment in crock
ery dept., 4th floor. .T$3.08
Greatly Underpriced
Yard Wide Dress Messalines, Poplins, Tub
Silks, Brocade French Crepes, etc.; to $1.25
all new colorings;
Black Chiffon Dress Taffeta, 36
ins. wide, beautiful, soft finish
and light weight, two specials, at,
yard 78 and 98
Popular Wool Dress Fabrics, 36
to 54-lns wide, Panamas, Serges,
Diagonals, Crepes, tc, yard
38t. 68 and 98
linen and White Goods Sec'n
Oar rrlJkJ gala Offer Important
Natural color (tan) Blouse Linen,
ideal summer dress fabrlos for
ladies' and chlldren'a wear. Wa
have 600 yards of an as
extra fine 8-ln. 40a ZjC
grade for Friday, yd aatww
Fnre White XXrs and Wnlatlng
Unto 2 7 -in. wide, g
6y value: tfViday, 17C
Buitlag Orwbrie, medium shear,
pure white. Ss-ln. wide or
novelty "seed effect" In Sf
weave; 8o value, yard v
White rig a H8-ln. wide, popu
lar suiting and aklrt- e
lug fabric, rlns Qual- I f
Ity, yard AUa,
White Madras Cloth Walstlng
and shirting material, excellent
weight for porch
dresses. ! J-ln. wide; I Tif
per yard aaV
white Long Cloth, excellent
quaiuy. greauy unaer
prlced for underwear,
10-yd. bolts, for
New Spring Dress Styles in Silk Poplins,
Wool Serges, etc.; $5.00, $8.50 and $7.50 val
ues, all colors $2,08
Women's Fine Dreaa Skirts, In popular Taffetas, to
$6.00 values $2.69
Children's Ilompers, In ginghams, chambrays and
Gaiateas, 39c values 21
Ladies' and Children's
Hosiery Specials in
the Domestic Room
Women's 2 60 Mercerised Lisle
Hose, black and colors. . ID
Women's 15c Lisle or Cotton
Hose, black with white feet,
at 12
Chlldren'a 12 Ho Hose, black,
white or tan, special . .8H
and Embroideries
Embroidered Flounclngs In 27-in.
widths, on sale 15
A beautiful lot of new Organdie
Flounclngs In 18-ln., 27-ln. and
46-ln. widths, beautiful for grad
uation gowns and summer
dresses, at about half actual re
tail worth, yard. 29. 39.
494. 59 and . .$1.1(J
3-blade. patent
tempered blades
and cuttlnc bar
full warrant
ed: apecial for
1-Ylriay at aa 4
1-ularte, hlKh wheel bail - bearing
Lawn Mower S4.H8
4-blade. high wheel bail haartt-g
Lawn Mower (41.00
Uraas C'atrhers 3 So
srBiii Kosa
-Ply H-ln. huf, fully warranted,
reduced for Friday only, per foot, 8c
-I!y. -ia. hoae, fully warranted,
reduced for Friday only, per foot. So
We Ball "Whits Mountain'' Befrtgec
ators and "Oarland" etna Bang,
No, 1 Oountry Creamery Butter, gSj
No. X Ixlry Table Butter, lb.... ago
Good Dairy Butter, lb a30
The best strictly freah No. 1 KgKN
per dosen goo
full Cream New York White, V1h
consin Cream or Young Amerli k
Cheeae, lb gOe
TIB Borz,s
IS lbs. best Cooking Potatoes. .lTUe
New .Fot&toea, per lb J.
bulicli- freah Onions. iaa
4 bum-lies freali Kadialies ! ! fco
t buiv-'t! fresh Aspuragus ioo
4 bunches freah Khuharo (0
JYeali home groan Spinach, peck 16c
eah Beet. Carrot or Turnip.
bunch 40
I'reah Hfad lettuce TSS-Ao
t heads freah laf lettuce j
Fancv Klne Tomatoes, lb 13U
3 Ureen Peppra 5e
It Pays.