Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1915, Page 7, Image 8

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    THE HKE: OMAHA. . THUBSIUY, APKITj 2f, 1013.
Fourteen Nominees.
T wasKjsasvww mm v -w - -
elaaslfW section foday, and apt 1
bm racwTBtTKLT. nnd out wh.t KnighU of Luther Put Out Cards
o.. . rrM tot. m omahal 0tuS the Rehg-ion of the
If th court nous, lawn, directly op
posite th Be Building, "the building
that U always now." For offices Inquire
of superintendent. Room MS.
Tk Vtkte Baak ot Oatab rays
rer cent on time deposits, I per cent OS,
aYtnf a accounts. All deposits In ihl
beak are protected by the depoaltora'
guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska.
Qaa Baa. ! mom suction TM e week
a special demonstration ot A. B. t"as
ranges la being held at Milton Rogers
Sons. On of the A. B. factory repre
sentative Is here telling the women of
Omaha of the many adrantagea and uses
of A. B. gas ranges.
Muaio for library Three volumes of
vocal and Instrumental music have been
donated to the public library. Mies Edith
Tohttt, the librarian, reports that Interest
In the mUBlo department of the library
la quite keen and has been greatly stimu
lated recently by such contributions aa
the present one.
Barling-ton Officials do West Qen
eral Manager Holdrege- and Assistant
General Manager Oreer of the Burlington
have gone west on a tour of Inspection
of the company lines In Nebraska.' On
the trip, besides looking Into the matter
of Improvements needed this season, they
will Investigate the live stock and crop
situation In the state.
Berasttla Addresses Bftnorah Society
Prof. Nathan Bernstein delivered an
address on "The Jew as an American
Citizen," to "the members of the
'Menorah" aoclcty Tuesday evening. Fol
lowing a violin solo given by Mlea Ia-
belle Rodman, accompanied by Miss Nora
Pred, Dr. lsldor Dansky gave the blog
raphles of Lord Nathaniel M. Rothschild,
the great Jewish leader, and of Isaac L&
Perets, the noted Hebrew poet, both of
whom died recently.
U. S. District Attorney Must Be in
Chicago Friday Morning It a
NoTice at the Wheel.
Man Thought to Be
Dying Would Give
Evidence for Suit
Believing that he Is dj ing In Clarkson
hospital of a chronic disease, Carl F
Storx, 20 years old, son of Charlts Stors,
has filed an application In district court,
asking that his testimony be taken im
mediately In his suit asatnst the Trav
elers' Insurance company. '
Toung Stora Is suing the Insurance!
company for $15 a week benefit, which It
has refused to pay on the alleged ground
that he failed to reveal In his application
for policy a surgical operation which he
had undergone.
In order that his heirs may have use
of his testimony in the event of his
desth before trial of the suit, Btors re
cites In hla petition that he desires to
place his statement on record at once.
The slateroakers are getting spring
feverish In the concoction of all sorts
ot combinations. The Knlgbta of
Luther cards bear the names of the
fourteen candidates, with reference
to the religion of these candidates or
their families. These cards are
headed, "Information to voters." The
league Is distributing 10,000 cards.
C. J. Andersen and E. E. Zimmerman
of the league called upon Chairman
Sutton of the antls.
Only a friendly call," declared
Judge SMtton.
Another card Is headed, "German-
American Nonpartisan League," and
carries the names of Dahlman, Hum
mel, Kugel, Wlthnell, Butler, Jarfllne
and Drexel.
Cards with the names of the seven
republicans running are being mailed to
registered ' republicans and tacked up
around the city. The committee declare
they will land not less than five repub
licans at the least and some sajr they will
elect seven.
aon wilt Blanks,
Many other tickets are out, ome hav
ing blank apacea for those who wish to
fill In two or three names.
Harry B. Zlmman takes exceptions to
an, attack made by an administration
speaker, who declared at a meeting that
Zlmman atarted not many years as
grocery clerk, worked for the city nlno
yeara at $150 a month, and after he v
tired from office was rated at t7.(XX) 1'.
commercial agency.
"The fact is that when I left the null c
service I was a poor man and I am
poor man today. The statement mud
by thia city hall man Is a lie and I stand
ready to prove that it is a lie," says Mr.
The Nonpareil Athletic club, which an
nounced an administration meeting for
Thursday 'evening on Vinton street, haa
postponed that event.
A. U Sutton. Thomas Hollister, I L.
Mcllvalne and the anti-candidates will
speak Friday evening at Magnolia hall.
Twenty-fourth and Ames avenue. The
antls have arranged another schedule of
street meetings for this evening.
Yesterday morning a Mg automobile
waa seen gliding rapidly across the I ou tr
ies street brldue eastbound. At the wheel
was a man with stern set feature i and
a faraway look In his eyes.
Who wss this man and about how far
away was the look In his eves?
The man was Frank S. Howell, Vrited
states attorney.
The look In his eyes was about M.i
n.l'iea away, that is to say, Chicago.
Government business demands the pres
ence of Mr. Howell In Chicago Friday.
True, gentle reader, there are several
fairly reliable railroads running tralna
(ally from here thither, but Mr. Howell
scorned their rapid, smooth, luxurious
ttalns. For Mr. .Howell became an auto
bug about two montha ago, and now Is
never quite happy unless he Is driving
his car.
But .102.4 miles in two dsys!
"Some speed, Frank,' his friends are
Certain suspicious persons there are
who suggest that It will be easy enough
fcr the I'nlted States attorney to leave
hlc ca.r at som obscure garage In, say
Clinton, take the train from there to
Chicago and back, and then drive tri
umphantly Into" Omaha In the car and
look wise when friends gase upon him as
the demon motorist.
Jealousy and envy probably Instigate
such remarks.
They are really not worth listening to.
Make your own bets.
Suit of Water Board
Against Packers is
in Federal Couft
.ludtie,T. C. Munger has begun the hear
ing In federal court of the suit of ' the
Omaha Water board and the rtty of
Omaha aKalnst the City of South Omaha,
the Vnlon Ptock Yards company and the
Armour. .Swift. Cudahy and Omaha pack
Imr companies.
Plaintiffs seek to enjoin the city of
South Omaha from putting Into effect a
certain ordinance which was passed
granting to the Vnlon Stock Tarda com
pany the right to lay water mains In
the streets and alleys of ftntith Omaha.
Several years ago Just after the City
of ftniaha took over the water works, the
Water hoard pioceeded to boost the price
of water supplied to the packing houses
and stork yarria to a figure which was
prohibitive. The packing houses and the
Lincoln Demos Trip
"Into Omaha, Then
Fly Back to Capital
Governor J. H. Mjnrehead and a num
ber of prominent democrats of the state
wvre registered at the Pa ton hotel
Tues.lsy night. They left the ssme night
or early Wednesdsy morning, and the
purpose of their gathering here was not
disclose. Among them were Colonel
Maher of Lincoln, Judge Alberts of Co
lumbus. "Little Olant" Thompson of
Grand Island, ex-8cnator Ollls of Ord.
senator Allen of Madison and legislators
rh.l Kohl and E. H. Tlacek. x
-. a.-
The Omaha council of the Knights Of
Columbus at tbe regular meettnV
Union Stock Yards company thereupon Tuesday night, voted lino to assist In de-
built a wato plant of their own with I ""aying the expenses Incident to th
mains, reservoir, pipes, etc., thus getting p "1""' Harden Club. The order, which Is
their water supply at a lower rate than
that which the Water board sought to
collect and at the same time depriving the
Water board of tills business.
The suit was filed January 20, lMl,
Catholic, desires ro give this sum to help
In this work because of the Isrge number
of Csthollc school children who mlaht le
benefited. The check was senti Thonms
Fry who Is a member of the st hoot board
and of the Usrdcn club.
Sophia F. Neble. Jr.. fomicr deputy
emintv attorney. Is now enersctlcslly
operating In Omaha as Plate Food in
spector. Mr. Neble is making the rounds
of the butcher shops and groceries of the
city and those who are not keeping a
clean establishment had best beware, ss
Sophias will hand them into court. He
fore Justice of the Peace K.d Ieedcr the
following men were fined ll and costs
each as the results of his recent sctlvl
tics. F. J. Carvel, butcher, IrtW South
Twentieth street; F, Frlsch, grocer. IM
South Twentieth street; M. Oavldson,
grover, 23MO South Twentieth street, and
K. Karseh. butcher, 1M0 Vinton street.
All plesded guilty with the exception of
the latter, according to Mr. Nehle.
Special Federal
Grand Jury is to Be
Called Here Soon
Such a larae number of federal r-i-'snn-i
rr have been bound, over to the gtand
Jury and in now In Jnll that It hns been
liaollcnlly decided to rail a special grand
Jury to consider their riis". In view of
the'f.irt that the next regular grand Jury
is III not sit Pnlil next Fept'vmher.
The new "dope" law and the law mak
'tig It n federal offense to roh oox cars
lontalnltiK Interstate, shipments havo
I rov.ght , and are continually rtrirtging
soeh an extraordinary mass of htulness
Into the criminal branch of the federal
court that, the usual grand Jury sittings
are. not sicfflclent.
Kdward King, aernsed of having mors
than a grain of morphine In hla posses
sion, was liound over to the grand Jury
Wednesday after a hearing before ITnltetl
flutes Cmnilisloiier Pnnlel, and was
taKen to thn Hall county Jail at Grand
Saunders Not to
Go Back Jo Water
Board Position
All Kansas City is
Watching the Omaha
Auditorium Deal
Private Autos May
Even the Kansas City Commercial club
la WaatriMnsF ffhsa MAWarMan la sk.U.
xour Yellowstone th purcna f ne Auditorium. the
lection May i. "Public spirit should
Healixlng the Importance of - Omaha as prompt almost a unanimous response to
a point from which tourists start, tns Uch a movement as that of a cltv-owned
Wylle Way company that makf a ape- auditorium, especially when your citizens
clalty of handling parties through) Tel
lowstone park, is opening an office, in
this city. It will probably be In the
Vnlon tPaclflc building and will give em
Dloymcnt to three to four men and a
stenographer. 1 -
General Tourist Agent Hays of th
Wylle Way company Is In the dty and Is
enthusiastic over the outlook for busi
ness during the coming season. Said Mr.
"Already we have more business booked
for the part for thta year than the total
bandied in any former year and the
booking Is only Just, under way.t From
June 1 until the close of the season, from
can aoqulre one worth 1300,000 for 1150,000,'
wrote O. H. Forsee, Industrial com mis-
sloner of the Kansas City Commercial
'club, in an interesting letter to E. V.
Parrtsh of Omaha.
Commissioner Forsee has the following
to say in hla letter.
"My attention has been called to the
fact that Omaha Is facing the question of
losing Its Auditorium.' An article In one
of the Omaha papers yesterday stated
you wsro .very much Interested In this
proposition and that you were attempting
to get the people of Omaha to purchase
th Auditorium as -city property.
'To us In Kansas City, who look upon
I Unless his present determination Is
changed. State Senator Charles L. Baun
' dei-s will not go back to his position as
I office manager for the Water board,
I which he had held since the city's ac
quisition of the plant. The senator re
linquished the place January 1 to go to
Lincoln for the legislative session, as he
had done two years before, but he haa
now told friends that', he waa going to
devote himself to his own private busi
ness. He expects to leave In a few days
to bring his mother home from Washing
ton, where she has been spending the
winter wtlh her daughter,' Mrs. Russell
Harrison. ,
Old Con Game of Wire
Tapping is Nipped
That a band of expert con men have
been successfully operating the old wtre
tapping game In OmahA hotels la the be
lief of County Attorney Magney, who is
preparing an Information which will be
filed against J. W. Williams, alias Fow
ler, for obtaining money under false pre
Williams Is charged with conducting a
wtre tapping game for the purpose of
tricking Charles J. Carlson, a farmer
from Oakland, Neb,, out ot a considerable
sum of money. It Is alleged that Wil
liams last 'January Informed Carlson he
had a sure way to win bets on a horse
race by tapping ' a wire running Into a
pool room. Carlson was permitted to
win a few small bets to assure him that
the method was successful. Upon his sat
isfaction he waa sent home to Oakland
to get f 1,000 to. make the big killing.
Carlson did so and dropped the wad. '
A hint of the operation waa dropped
a few days ago 'by another Intended vic
tim and Magney got on his trail. Wil
liams was arrested this morning by De
tectives Donohue and Havey.
Cast Selected for
High School Play
After a, good deal of hard work on the
nart of Oiach Mills and Miss Jennie
Towne the majority of the leading char
acters' In the play J'Ttlchard Carvel" to
be given by the senior olass of the high
school have been choscr and a rehearsal
of the first act waa hold Tuesday evening.
Harriet Sherman haa been selected to
take the lea ling part of the girls which
1s "Dorothy Manners of Msrylsnd" and
Faul FlothcW la to take the part ot
Richard Carvel. Both of the characters
are exceptionally good for. the parts that
the coaoh haa chosen for them snd the
first rehearsal went off In grand style.
The remainder of. the characters that
have been picked are as follows:
Paddy Sawln Margaret Hoffman, ths
second lead among the girls.
Betty Ovrsldlne Johnson.
Mrs. Manners tana Llnsey.
Jane Quito Eddy.
Lionel Carvel rhlllp Phase. '
Lord Comyn Porter Allan
Captain Lewis Arthur Shrum. i .
Mr. Manners Philip Gllmore. I
The play Is to be given on May M so
the cast has Just four weeks In which to
work It up, but Mills says that with the
mateNal he has on hand It will be an
eaay matter to be ready on time.
th3 railroad terminals we already bavsiQujh with as much pride as we do upon
an excursion booked for every day of our own cUy n hardly ,m8 rf ht th
ft MatsksiAg mA ri aruna Am ftavrt Ia I ..... ...
"iyou snouid be called upon to put forth
touV . ' . such efforts. Public spirit should prompt
After August 1. according to orders alm0.t a uanlmous response to such a
lsi.ea ny .no loyrnra, ?mm movement as that of a city owned Audi
...a wu. torluR especially when your cltlaens can
be allowed In the park, but Botany that ftc,ulra one worth oa, for tl50000 If
Paul W. Tlrown, editor of the St. Louis
Republic, author and traveler, will speak
before the Omaha Knife and Fork club
at . the Rome hotel this evening on
"How ITncle Sam Regulates His Own
Business." The occasion, will be the
third annual dinner of the dob.
roaches for this purpose will have the
right of way. the same as In the past
regulations that will govern the running
of automobiles have not been entirely
worked out, but they are going to be
stringent. For Instance, they will be re
quired to leave stations thirty minutes
ahead of coaches, must stop at all regu
lar stations and must fpllow the . beaten
routes of travel.
Omaha permits Its Auditorium to go by
His boards it will givV your city unfavor
able publicity throughout the country,
which It will take many years and the
expenditure of much money to overcome.
"Knowing Omaha and Its cltiaens as
well as I do, I hardly feel that your bond
tseus will not carry, and for that reason
I am going to congratulate Omaha oa
having a public Auditorium.
"Please pardon my seeming Interference,
but in Kansas City ws have the interests
of Omaha so much st heart thai I can
not refrain from saying a word with re
gard to this proposition."
Warden W. T. Fenton of the Nebraska
atate penitentiary was a visitor at the
city Jail Wednesday morning. Warden
Fenton declared that a base ball league
had been formed in the little city of
which he ia the head. : The prisoners play
a number of games a week. In which a
greet deal of Interest Is taken by their
fellows. A careful compilation of the
standing and averages of the teams and
players is being kept' by ths "fans."
CQmb Sage .Tea
Into Gray Hair
Ladles! Try this! Darkens beaut 1
fully and nobody can tell Bring
back, Jt ' gloas and thlckuess, '
Common garden sage brewed Into 'a
heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol add
ed, will turn gray, streaked arid fiM
hair beautifully dark snd luxuriant; re
move every bit of dandruff, stop soalp
Itching and falling hair. Mixing the (Sago
Tea spd Sulphur recipe st home, though,
is troublesome. An easier way Is to get
ths ready-to-use tonic, costing sbout M
cents a large bottle, at drug stores, known
as "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound," -thus avoiding a lot of muss.'
While wispy, gray, faded hair Is not
sinful, we sll desire to retain our youth
ful appearance and attractiveness. By
darkening your hair with Wyeth's Saga
and Sulphur, no one can tell, because It
does It so naturally, so evenly. .You Just
dampen a sponge 'or soft, brush with It
and drsw this through you hair,, taking
one small strand st a time; by rooming
all gray hairs have disappeared. After
another application or two your hair be
comes beautifully dark, flossy, soft 'end
luxuriant and-you appear yeara younger.
Advertisement. ' ' ? ' . ' .
Although Caruso hss been obliged to
leave America earlier than usual this sear-
son oe-eue of a long deferred ensage-m-nt
at Monte Carlo. It ia a consolation
to" many that he has left his voice be
hind him in the shape of soms new Vic
tor records and that two of these new
numbers have Just been Issued. And be
sides these records by the famous tenor
there are'in the;May list of new Victor
records numbers by other noted singers
and Instrumentalists, giving everybody
sn opportunity to hear these great art
ists whose fame extends to every part of
the world.'
Btreagiaeas Isre Bark, Helps Kld
' -were.
Take six drops of Sloan's Liniment
four times a day and apply to small of
back. It kills the pain. All druagists.-Advertlsement.
Decatur Men Here to
Talk on Navigation
Five business men from Decatur, Neb.,
conferred with the navigation committee
of the Commercial club Tuesday evening
with regard to the establishment of a
river barge line between Decatur and this
city. The Decatur men reported that
they were already In negotiation with
four steamboat companies and believed
one of the firms would surely establish
a barge line. The Orrtaha men assured
the Decatur representatives that proper
dockage would be accorded such a Una
at thtrnd and that the Commercial club
would co-operate in every way possible
with the men upstream. Ths Decatur
smen here are W. B. Stevens, John Elliott, Busse, T. It. Ashley and William
Reports of fairly good rains over a
greater portion of the wheat and com
belt resulted In' all grains declining on
the Omaha Oraln exchange, wheat sell
ing off H cents; corn, 4CH cents, and
oats H cent.
Omaha prices were: Wheat. ll.4$5l.V,;
corn, TWai cents, and oats, B0$fi3 cents
per bushel.
Receipts for the day were: Whejt, 0
cars; corn. 71. and oats, 14 carloads.
w mm-:
Makes 1 " 14k 1.
"I suffered wio- Sidney 1 ailment for two
years." writes lira H. A. Bridges, Robin
son, MUa, 'and commenced taking Foley
Kidney Jills sbout ten months ago. I
am now able to do all my work without
fatigue. I am now a years of age aad
feel like s, lt-year-oid gUL" Foley Kid
ney Pills strengthen and invigorate weak,
tired and deranged kidneys; relieve back
ache, weak back, rheumatism and blad
der trouble. They are tonic la action.
Ho'jI every where. Advertisement
This Home Mad Mixture Darkens
Graf Hair nnd Makes It Soft
and Glossy.
To a half pint of water add:
Bay Rum 1 oi.
Barbo Compouqd a small box
Glycerine : .-."a ox.
These are all simple Ingredients that
you can buy from any druggist at very
little cost, and mix them yourself. Apply
to ths scalp once a day for two weeka,
then once every other week until all the
mixture Is used. A half pint should be
enough to rid the head of dandruff and
kill the dandruff germs. It stops the
hair from falling out, relieves Itching and
scalp diseases. -
Although It is not a dye It acts upon
the hair roots and will darken streaked,
faded, gray hair in n or fifteen days.
It promotes the growth of the hair and
makes harsh hair soft and glossy. Advertisement.
m net
','.. asm r.
fWoan St hat a taat and individuality that cannot be equaled.
llecaun it U always th tame always food,
fiecaat it b browed o carefully and under auch sanitary con
cLtiona that it it absolutely pure.
BecavM it is so BowUhln&go appetizing and to uniformly good
that it It enjoyed by every member of the family.
ilecaut every user it constantly singing its praitet and
will use no other.
Always the same Good, OldBLATZ
These arguments cannot be gaintckl
Try m Cose end b
PUae DeosUs
802-810 DOUGLAS SX
1 li Store Hours-8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M.; Saturdays Till 9 P. M."j.r
urgess-Nash Gompamy
Tlnirailaj, April 2, JI5.
'everybody's storeh
"sitUlk XKWN l'OH THL'llSDAY
riuine iHxig. 187.
The 1915 Summer Maid Sallies Forth in
Frocks of Fluffy Net
In Lieu of the Lingerie Frocks of Former Seasons
$15, $19.50, $25, $35 and $50.00
TTte Rose Bud Frock Trimmpd with faintest tints of pink, blue
nnd ffreen, delicately embroidered on filmiest net, while soft satin
ribbon is shirred petal-wise on skirt. The price, $19.50.
Two Color Net Frocks with creamy net, blending perfectly with
a delicate flesh; tinted net, appearing in scallops and lower portion
of bodice. A fetching mode at $20.50.
Indescribably Dainty many of the other net frocks are lavishly
combined with filet and other exquisite laces, dainty buds and rib
bons plav quite an important part. Trice range $25.00, $29.50,
$35.00 to $50.00.
Not Only The Frocks But the
Blouses Too of Billowy Net, $5.95
DELIGHTFULLY frilly, but fully aware of their tubable features tjBS7
these charming new blouses confine themselves to a ribbon and .A j-AK3" ,
lace, camisole; or a dainty frill for adornment, quaint array in whito
and flesh that promises to be much sought after.
BoTysss-lTash Co. Bseond Yloor " .
Women's Pumps
Special for Thursday Second Floor
'"pifESE new 'styles featured!
X for the one day only.
Patent colt pumps, light weight
solas, new Opert heels.
Patent colt pumps with clnlh
quarters, patent heel foxing
over gaiter effect.
Dull kid pumps, colonial
tongue, two bar strap ef
fect, llsrht weight' soles,
opera heels.
Bara-sss-sTash Co.,
Bsosad floor.
VICTOR Records for May OutToday
The Molt Complete Talking Machine Record Collection in Omaha
You can find the" full May list, of Victor records on
sale in our completely equipped Burgess-Nash Talking
Machine Rooms.
Experts to play the records for you, and help you to
choose your favorites.
The list is unusually interesting, including:
NKW DANCH KvWKEfW"! Didn't Raise My Boy to Be a Soldier,"
Medley 1-step. "The Little House Upon the Hill." Medley 1-ntep.
Both on Record Hit. lJ-lnrb. at 1.25. "Tonight's the Night."
Medley Waltz Hesitation. "Maid In America," Medley Fox Trot.
Both on Record 36419, lt-lnch, at 11.25.
NKW MONO HITS, lucludlng "1 Want to Go to Toklo," "I'm Look
Ing for Rome One's Heart," "The Little Ford Rambled Right Along"
and others.
NEW RED SEAL RECXRD8"01d Folks at Home" by Gluck and
Zlmballst. "Lee Deui Serenades" by Caruso and Elman. "Mavis"
and "Avourneen," two Irish ballads by McConnlck,
Most Complete Stock of Victrolas, from $15 to $250
Bars' a-ST ash cfc JTaarta Floor.
mnrnm ttihtt company
Flat Fancy Novel
ty Braids at 19c
WHITE and ecru, ti-yard
pieces, regular 25c per
bolt, special 19c bolt.
' Novelty Braids 12c
Turtle and feather edge designs.
6-yard ploces, regular 15c per
bolt, special 12c bolt.
25c Pillow Cords 10c
Cotton pillow' cords, slightly soil
ed, 3 yards long, tassel ends, reg
ular 2 60 values, speclnl 10c each.
- Burgsss-irash Co. Third Tleosw -
For thcXittle Fel
lows 50c to $2.50
A REMARKABLY well selected
line, Including straws, cloth
and wash fabrics, all sicca and
combinations of colors.
Hoy's fl.UO Mouaes ROc '
Also shirts of percales. In light
colors, some slightly soiled from
handling, all sizes.
Bnra"as-Bfh Oo. Tonrtn, Floor.
A Display Wliite
Goods Thursday
at 35c the Yard
BEAUTIFUL novelty voiles, 38
Inches wide, an exquisite
sheer material with a fancy
woen stripe, copied from French
novelties which, if Imported,
would command a retail price of
more than doublo the price Thursday. Co. Main CToor. ,
I. J- m, i. ,, , i
St. Paul "
lllllllll Twin City Limited
I I.. Oaiska
1st. Co. Bluffs ..l:M.
Ar. St. ruul....T .10 s. .
lllllllll Ar. MinDMpolli I Si a. m.
111 I u . t .mu aji. i n. J
Steel sleepers,
cbilr cars and
coaches. Buffet
club car for the
evening and morn
Day train leaves
Omaha, at :30 a.m.
with cafe parlor car
and standard steel
Strong, Fast Engines
THIE Chicago GREAT Western owns
I 'and keeps in active service IKK) locomotives oi
which nesrly one-third are new. These include big
Mallet freight enpine which cun pull 3000 tons of loaded
cars at rate of 20 to 30 miles per hour and monster pasnenger
locomotives which can speed you to your destination at D0 to
80 miles per hour and even faster.
Great Western modern motive power, firm smooth
track and general alertness of employes insure your punctual
arrival at destination and on time delivery of freight.
Why not use the Chicago GRKAT Western the next
time you travel or' have anything to ship.
Your Telephone is Handy
P. F. UONOItnEM, C. P. A. 1 M. E. SIMMONS, U. P, A.
ttmm in - ., ; ' !Zr 'mlm Phone
Kama in
Omaha, Neb
(tmphau tti "UKEAT")