THK BKE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, APRIL 2H. 1015. MISSOURI PACIFIC OFFICIALS COMING Nearly All the Operating Headi to B in Omaha Thursday to Look Orer Belt Line. TO CONSIDER DODGE STREET Practically all of the bead ornctau 1 of the operating department of the J Missouri Pacific will be In Omaha f v this morning, coming from Knii City during the forenoon on ar special tram, i ruittiiwug io vj . " and returning in the evening. In ' the party there win be: Alexander Robinson, first vice . . . .4I- . V president, in cnarse 01 ovw W. Hlgglns, general manager; J. R. Steohens. chief engineer; C. A. How, general purchasing agent; W. P. Hopkins, supply agent. St. Louis; A. DeBernardl. general superintendent, Kansas City; J. F. Russ, superin tendent, and J. R. Lelghty, mainte nance engineer, Falls City, Neb. Arriving here, the MUwourt Faclflo party will SO to tne r m" - after which, piloted by A. R. Malcolm, assistant general frelaht aaent. to auto mobile, the member, will to out to the company'! Podge street croMlnr, and thence to to the Thirteenth and locust tract viaducts, under conructlon. Look Ov Dodae Street. White It is not known Just why Ml aourl Pacific operattna; offlclala and en gineers arc visiting the ,clty at this time. It Is taksn that it la for the purpoaa of ' looking the ground over and determining inat what la to be done In tne way 01 Improvements on Dodge street. At the crossing there two plans have been under (s consideration, but neither hae been de l cided 'upon. One contemplates building viaduct over the tracks, wide enough 'for street railway and wagon trafflo, and the other contemplates the elevation of the railroad tracks, leaving the road way undlsturted underneath.' . It is asserted that while the matter has not been gone into thoroughly, the Mlaeeurl Taclflc officials favor the eleva tion of the tracks, though they are a lit tle loth about putting as much money into the project a would be required. It ! asserted that the elevation of the tracks would necessitate an elevation of ail tracks from pretty nearly as far south as Leavenworth to Cass street on the north, with steel and concrete crossings provided for at all of the Intersecting streets. No close estimates have been made on the expense of the elevated tracks, but a rough estimate places the expenditure at at least 11,000,000 and perhaps considerable mors. HEW PROBATE RATE IS HADEjjv pRIZES p0R THE BEST GARDENS Law Fasted by Legislature for Charges for Probating Estates Goes Into Effect. INCREASES . EXCESS OF FEES A law ysmed by the IsM legislature and effective now, establishing a flat rate for charges fo probating estates In Nebraska will cost heirs to. estates of more than 12,000 in Douglas county at least fio.ono a rear, according to Clyde Rundhlad. clerk of the county court, who has Jut re ceived a copy of the act 'fnder this measure the charge for probating an estate worth tt.OOl wilt be ti-e same as one valued at tl.OOO.noo or any sum. said Mr. HundMad. "Tor Instance. under the old law the county received M.000 fees for probate of a wealthy man's cstste and about $30 from the average str.sll estate In excess of tt.OOO. But under the new law each will pay the same, ebout $, Including the flat rate rharges ard additional fees. Where In the past this office baa rhown a net excess of fees of fron 14.000 to 16,000 a year, the new law will double or treble tdls amount. The additional revenue will be paid by Increased lost to heirs of men snd women In moderste clr cumstances." v " The rate as now established places all estates in three classes, which with the charges to be paid btf them follow: S1.000 or lees tin SI .Of to I2.W0 ill More than M.W) S5 These charges spply to gross rstuatlons of estates, no reduction being mae for debts which are paid. Fees In addition' to the flat rate charge are also provided. Each smnll -state of more than 12,000 must pay about S25 more under the new law than under the old. In the event th deceased owned only a homestead, eliminating necessity of pro bate proceedings, the new law provides far a fee of $10, which Is three times the charge formerly paid. Other Increases follow: Guardianship and trustee mat ters, $.2S to $8, with Increase of annual fee from 0 cents to $1.60. Adoption eases. W to $8. Bickers of Garden Club to Give a Grand Trophy Shield and Three Hundred Cash Prises. DIVIDE CHILDREN INTO GROUPS Over 300 cash prties of from 60 rents to $2.50 each, a grand prlte of a handsome trophy shield and cer tificates of proficiency to all contes tants will be awarded to the boys and girls enrolled In the School Garden club contests. . The prises were decided Tuesday night at a conference between Prof. C. W. Pugsley, head of the agricul tural extension work of the Vnlvei- slty of Nebraska, and the local work ers and backers of. the movement. Total enrollment In the clubs now exceeds 400, of whom about one-third are girls. For purposes of competition. It was de rided to divide the children Into groups, according to residence, there being thirty two districts already organised. In each district the best child gardener will re ceive a prise of $150 cash, with second, third and fourth prises of $2, $1 60 and SI, and six other prises of 50 cents each. Money for the prises and expenses Is sub scribed by the Rotary club, members of the Board of Education and other promi nent cltlsene. 1 At Tuesday's conference with Trot. Pugsley were 8uperlntendent of Schools B. tr. Graff, Thomas A. Pry. N. It. Up dike, Secretaries E. F. Denison and R. B. Flower of the Toung Men's Christian association, -and ' Ernest E. Dale, garden club supervisor. Every child who completes the sum mer's work in a school garden club will fecelve a certificate authorised by the garden club organisation, which Is con ducted under the auspices of the city schools, the State College of Agriculture and the t'nlted Ptktea repartment of Ag riculture. Rvery entrant will get a mem bership button. Seattle Editor Stops in Omaha Editor Scott C. Kone of the Brattle Post-Intelllgencer stopped off m Omaha yesterday, while returning from New York and Washington, where he has been attending the Associated Press meeting, to visit wtlh relatives her. Mr. Bone is a veteran newspaper .man. and before locating In Seattle one of the leaders of the corps of Washington correspondents. Ryder Opens Up a Publicity Bureau in His Own Behalf Commissioner Ryder has opened his own publicity bureau with a statement taking exceptions to some of his fellow commissioners on the electric light rate ordinance. Mr. Ryder contends that the matter should be gone Into thor oughly, rather than rushed Just to make political capital. In conclusion he sys: "I presume at this time my best bet eould be wild ballyhoo that I am 'agin1 the corporations and all moneyed Inter ests, since they all appear to be against me. But as I view my duty In the coun cil It ls to endeavor to hold the balance even without fear or favor, elnoe the council Is both Judge snd Jsry In Its own sphere. Certainty of defeat or election would not swerve me from that belief. Every wind that blows may turn weather vanes, but men who have seen storms of sentiment come and go could not be mere straws In the wind. Evn though for a second time made a 'political orphan.' I can yet stand where a councilman can stand for fair treatment of every ques tion, casting a vote based upon knowledge." P. J. BARR NOW WITH THE BURLINGTON LAND DEPT. P. J. Parr, for a time eonneoted with the colonisation department of the Union Pacific, has signed with the Immigration department of the Burlington and will enter upon the discharge of his new du ties May 1. Mr. Bare will first go to the Big Horn basin country, where he will become familiar with conditions there, sfter which he will go to Chicago, where he will have charge of the Burlington's sgrlcultural exhibit room. Mr. Parr has been a resident of Omaha for many years and during a large por tion of the time has been In the real estate business. He resides In Dundee. POLITICAL BOSSES ISSDEJULLETINS Flynn Says it is ' Real Pleasure to Be in Campaign Associated with Such Hig-h Class Men. SUTTON ISSUES A STATEMENT sawaMSM a Favorable weather conditions must be stimulating Interest In the cam paign, both aides showing more unc tion In their respective camps. Judg ing by the dally output of publicity fodder. The latest from 'Chairman Flynn of the administration forces Is: "This time It ta a real pleasure to have a part In the campaign, as It brings m In contact dally with some of the best and most public-spirited cltlxen?, whose Interests are In Omaha andj (who have done much to make Omaha what It Is today." Mr. Tlynn an nounced a list of men serving on his advisory committee. An excerpt from Chairman Sutton's lust-frem-the-typewrlter bulletin resila: "One ef the present city commissioners admits the violations of law In Omaha and the granting of special privileges to soma that are denied to other. Does he know where the violations are? His ex cuse for his lax administration la that his hands are tied. How did be allow I. Is hands to be tied? !M1 he hold them out for the handcuffs? Old he resist when they sought to place the manacles on hla hands?" Chairman Sutton alan gives nut a copy of a letter from U J. Quinhy ottering support for the people's ticket. Another statement la an attack upon the mayor and hla electric light and power rate or dinance 'In Imaginative dialogue form. In all Weathers and in e m P an leraperaiures l Patter Better Than Johnson. John Collins of the White 8ox considers Feber a better plti her than Walter Johnson. 3 IHMhS IN I fcIlr.Llv lit NU I UP TO THE NAVY STANDARD James Montgomery presented himself at the local navy recruiting office and made the fact known that he desired to qualify to wear a blue Jacket and a pair of them there Inverted-funnel pants. rFom the .physical standpoint James was found to be all right.. But his Intel lock, as Mr. Dingbat would say ah, hla . Intellect I Chief Yeoman High read' him the fol lowing. sentence: - ..... , - . ,' "A man Was walking through the park, when he looked up in a big tree and saw something hanging from a limb. His hair ' stood on end. he uttered a shriek of terror and rushed to the nearest police station. What was It that he saw hang ing from the limb?" James Montgomery thought deeply for a moment and then replied r ; "A squirrel. . The navy will struggle along without , the services of James Monigomeiy. TO CONSIDER BRINGING G. A. R. CONVENTION HERE A committee of five members of the Omaha ResJ Estate .Exchange Is to re port in two weeks as to the aavisaptiuy of making a campaign to oDlain ror Omaha the 1W6 encampment of she Na tional Grand Army of . the Republic. President Thomas Is to appoint the com mittee. , A the meetlns of the Real Estate ex change Wednesday noon, W. H. Green, former president of the exchange and veteran of the civil war presided. ' Cap- Epauldlng, Jonathan Edwards and others spoke in favor of the encampment for . Omaha. It was pointed out that the ' Grand Army of the Itepubllo men them selves all over the country would like to have the encampment held at a location so central as Is Omaha, as they ere get- ' ting to an age when they do not like to travel clear acroas the continent t at- . tend the encampment. ' BUND TENOR TO GIVE SACRED CONCERT TONIGHT David W. Reed of Chicago, the blind tenor singer, will give a sacred concert this evening st 8:30 o'clock at St. John's African Methodist Episcopal church. Eighteenth and Webster streets. Mr. Reed was formerly organist and , choirmaster at St. John's church and comes under the auspices of the choir of the church. The following local ertlsts will assist Mr. Reed In rendering the program: Mrs. Cecelia W. Jewell, con tralto; Mrs. Stella Douglas-McCoy, plan- . 1st; Miss Ruth Seay, violinist, and St. John's chorus choir of twenty-five voices. , April the Month of Colds. Harden your system with Bell s Plnc-Tar-Honey; It kills the cold germ. Cures the cough. Only 2Cc. All druggists. Advertisement. REAL ESTATE DEALER IS BITTEN BY CHAINED DOG John Rowley, 190 Douglas street, real estate dealer, was bitten on the right ankle by a dog chained to the poroh of a house at 1116 Davenport street. Tueeday a'ternoon. A considerable swelling re sulted from tho wound and the dog may be shot. Dr. C. B. Folts, who attended the man. asserts that he thinks nothing serious will regUlt from the bite, although he thinks the animal looked after by the authorities. Make the money you spend for rent pay , for a home of your own s We'll build you a house , especially planned to suit your taste. We furnish the money and perform the building operation. You Repay Us on the Easy Payment Plan. Senid for our booklet "Bettor Homes," which explains ottr way of financing and building on the Easy Payment Plan. I ..... 1 No matter how quickly the temperature rises, no matter what the weather, fresh, rich cream and milk are always waiting for you if you have Cottaqc KfBTLYtfr Sterilised Ua en your pantry klf Cottairs Milk means milk economy snd milk efficiency. It meant uniformity. In fresh milk the food valus Is nearly all In the cream at the top and nearly all out of the blue milk below. Cottage Milk it rich and creamy condensed undef the most sanitary conditions rlfht where the cows produce It. II kaa asors Uvu Mm ta fo vain W bottl anllit. JU AfuA Without th CeeW Taf InTwo Sixes 5 and 1 0 ctt. At An Good Dealers AMERICAN MILK CO, CUeat 3 f Call e Write. EVERETT DEAN MARTIN TO TALK THURSDAY EVENING The first lecture of a course on "The Meaning of Evolution" will be given this, evening In the City National bank assembly room by Everett J Van . Martin, author and lecturer of the miu dle west. His theme, Thursday evening will be. "The Evolution ef Evolution; from Rationalism to the New Idealism." Other lectures will be given on Thursday. evening of next week aod the week fol lowing at the same place. Bfakta a mo WurK HaaalbU. As long as one Is on hla feet, be ean work after a fsshlon, no matter how badly be feels. But you cannot do good work have ambition and energy, fell that life Is worth living with sluggish bowels or torpid Uvea. Foley Cthartlo Tablets do away with that drowsy, dull, tired feeling. They never gripe or cause nausea. They're wholesome, cleansing and healthful. Moat satisfactory for sUMit persons. Sold everywhere Adver tisement Time: 8:30 A. M. - Place: Kilpatrick's Events: A Series of Important Sales Reasons: Goods Bought Under Price Odd Lots Which We are Anxious to Close Now then without Circumlocution (how's this?) let us get to the Sales Story FIRST SALE OF IMPORTANCE ' 300 PAIRS of low shoes, Satin Pumps and Colonials, Patent Leather Oxfords with fawn or gray quarters, Patent and Dull Leather Colonial Pumps, Patent and Dull Leather Strap Pumps, I'atent Leather Paris Pumps, Tan Calf and Black Suede English Oxfords Shoes worth $4.50, $5.01) and $6.00 per pair One price Thursday when the clock in the tower stiikeseiRht-thirty and the doors swing open, $3.35 a pairi There is a decided pick. White Goods Specials for White N Goods Weather 15c Plisses and Crepes for underwear,' yard ....... .llVa $1.20 Longcloth for 08. This is for 12 yards. $1.50 Embroidered Voile. Marquisettes and Organdies, at, yard $1.29 $1.75 Embroidered Voiles, Organdies, etc., at, yard $1.39 And the $2 grades will be sold nt, yard $1.69 Plain Organdies. 371 instead of 50c. 42V6 instead of 60 events. Scores of items not adver tised at equally low prices. 59 instead of 75 cents. 79 instead of $1.00. 8 instead of $1.25. At 10 A. M. Very attractive lot of China to be sold in basement. Hundreds bave seen the samples In window Imported novelties large sin gle piece and fine glass ware: priced so low as to occasion keen rivalry. NOTE HOUK OF 8AIJC. Hosiery 50c Women's lisle fasliLoned Hose at 30 a pair. KilW-lMx.t Mocking best w,e know of for the money. 50. No. 787 is a very demrable and dependable silk storking at 75t DKKIAMK Is a stocking of pure silk, wear warranted, at 81.00 Pir. There are many odd sli parts of seta. Tou are to get your pick at 81,00 EACH. Sold before at i and 4 tlmea this sum. Near at Hand A big lot of Wash Fabrics, ging hams, mulls, lawns. dlmltUta, crepes, etc., sold up to 2 6c; Thnrs 7 12V. Main Moor Wash Goods Sta tion. Tub Fabrics, made - from 811k and Cotton, neat effects for Dresses and Waists, yd., Real Irish Dimities, flowered or striped; many exquisite volloa and crepessj mainly white ground e, few sand shades. Soma gray many Imported. Worth to J. 40 to SO inches wide, at 81.00 A YARD. Cold, bare, bald facts. Tou must aae to get any real con ception) of beauty and value. If you haven't time! If you are going away! If you cannot be bothered either making or fitting dresses! READ WHAT FOLLOWS. Sale of Silk Dresses Thursday Newest ideas Taffetas, Poplins, newest colors. Sand, Belgian, Navy,-modish styles, high, low and other neck styles, Jumper effects, just right for hot weather, either at home or elsewhere, $16.75, many were $27.50. And one fpecial rack of Silk, Chiffon and (J" f Net Dreeses. If worth interests you look HfcM Mr at these-the price is ! UKJ New Suits Of Silk, New Blouses, New Top Ooats, New Silk Coats. An elegant lot of Silks, GREAT STUFF-that is the ma terials are splendid, $5.00 the price. Junior Section Kimonos of Cotton Crepe for Girls and Young Women, all ready to slip into, at $1.98 Mch. Children's Kimonos, all ages 89 each. Little wee ones, 2, '.I and 4 years, real cutey, 50S Waists for ajl ages, 35 instead pf 50c. HERE ENDETH THE STORY. Weight 2,865 PRICE $1495 123-in. Wheel Bomb Hero is a very net appearing 0-rootn htinjralow with every modern convenience. We'll be pleased to show the plan and give full particulars about this home to any interested portion. Office Ground Floor Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. j Telephone Doug. 2926. IWBiR 1 Uf 1 " t " iniiiiiiLd ii 11. iiaCr A Truly Wonderful Motor Car at a Remarkable Price Judge tho.Enger Six from any angle and you will be forced to udmit that it is a truly wonderful motor car at a remarkable price. ' It combines all the high-grade appointments and equipment of oars that cost twice the money. , i Durability Sturdlnes of construction la the strong . feature of the Enger 8tx. It la built to give you years of aervice under all conditions. It standi supreme in motor car construction. It la built down to the smallest detail, with the 'utmost ' care In the selection of materials and in the assembling and finishing. Luxury - Economy You cannot often combine luxury and economy, as is possible in this great oar. Compare the Eager with any other Six on the market, compare its ap pointments and equipment, then look again at tho priced $1,495, complete and you will realize that here is an exceptional automobile value. A ride in this car will convince you that nothing has been left undone to give you the maximum of motor car worth and the utmost in comfort and ease of opera tion. There's power aplenty, too. There never was a better car built at such a price. The Enger Sli is built by one of th sound est companies In the United States, the Enger i ; Motor Car company of Cincinnati, O. If you hear the question ralaed as to the responsibility of this concern, Just investigate and you will find it haa the highest credit rating that caa be . given. It is one of the oldest manufacturing concerns in the country and haa built up its reputation on its policy of giving the utmost In , , value. Foshier-Enger Company GENERAL WESTERN DISTRIBUTORS Omaha. Neb. 4H CLARK'S RYE- OOr R S years old, full quartNor only W Vsf W H Oreen River Whiskey, full qt, $1.28 value, only Old Crow Whiskey, 8 years old, full quart Spring Hill Whiskey, 8 years old. full qt., $1.U value . ' Mail Order Filled We Give Shoppers' Mileage. Cackloy Qroo., 121.123 North 16th St. "The Quality House- - feaat room quick wun a s ,Vut Ad.