TITK' JlKE: OMAJIA, lliLKMJAV, AKKlIY 'J!!. 1913.' 4 Girls! Lots of .Beautiful Hair i " ... -i 5 cent bottle of "Danderine" makes hair thick, glossy : . and wavy. Removes all dandruff, stops itching scalp and fall inghair. V "V km "BIG SIX" MARE FLYINGCAMPAIGH "OnU" Candidates Deliver Many Speechei from Automobile! at Street Corners. ZIJfMAN LANDS UPON SIMON Several thousand persons In the north part of the city and downtown heard Tar loin sections of the "bin six" candidate, familiarly known as the "outs," when the office-seekers, or ganized as a flying squadron, made talks from automobiles at street cor ners. Marry B. Zlmman attacked chop suey nsrlnrs. He alio attacked the veracity of Edward Pimon of the "square sevsn" for claiming authorship of the loan shark law, the mothera' rnln Dl" tlw aA for declaring himself a friend of the honeat electlone" law. Zlmman quoted from the minutes of the legla'atur of two years ago to prove, his statementa. Walter Jardlne took occaalon to slam City Attorney nine, who has been grill ing him for alleaed dodging of the "wheel tax." Mr. Jardlne said that the supreme court upheld hla stand tn refualng to pay the tax. which waa held unreasonable. Be Ma Harry Hackett, A. A. Lame- reaux, James Metoeire ana Jonn Lrrexei. nob" Pruesedow and .Vtrn Plxley urged the votera to oust the present admlnls- ration. Tonight the "outa" will make street poaches from autos In the south part of the city and downtown. ROOSEVELT OFTEN CONSULTED PLATT (Continued from Page One.) To be poseeaaod 'of a head of heavy, beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy, wavy and free from dandruff Is merely a mat ter of using a little Danderine. It Is eaer and Inexpensive to have nice. soft beJf- and Iota of It. Juet get a oant bottle ef Knowitoo's Dandarlne now ail drug stores, reoommend It apply a little as directed and within ten minuteo there will be an appearance of abundance, freshness, flufflncas and an Incomparable gloas and luatre. and try aa you wjll you can not fmd a traoe of dandruff or fall ing hair; but your real surprise will be after about two weeks' ue, when you will ae new hair fine and downy at flrat raa but really new hair sprouting out a!l over your scalp Panderlne la, we be. Have, the only sure hair grower, deatroyer of dandruff and cure for Itchy eralp and it never falls te stop falling hale at once. , If you want to prove how pretty and sort your hair really la, moisten a cloth With a little Dandarlne and carefully draw It through your hair taking one small strand at a time Tour hair will be soft gloaay and beautiful In Just a few mo-ment-l delightful surprlae awalte every. on who tries thla. Advertisement. Barnes and Mr. Murphy ware In colluelon i regard to elections. An objection to a question on this paaaage was alao auetalned. air. Ivlns argued In vain that he be allowed to reed the speeches to show that Colonel Rooeevelt repeated bis accusations against Mr. Barnes many time. Do you. remember Speaking, at Olov- ersvllle?'' "Yea." Mr. Ivlna read a apeech. In It Colonel Rooaevett was represented as saying that he wouldn t say Mr. Murphy's and Mr. Barnes' principles were the same becauae e waa not sure they hsd any princi ples. 'Don't answer that." said Mr. Bowers. I object." QUICK RELIEF FROM - CONSTIPATION Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. That Is the Joyful cry of thnuaands since Dr. Edwards produced Olive Tablets, the substitute fur rlomal. Dr. Edaarda, a practicing phyalctan for If years and calomel's old-time enemy 1 eoovered the formula for Qllva Tablata while treating patlenta lor chronic conatl petion and tnrpld liver. Dr. Edward olive Tablets do not con tain calomel, but a healing, aonthlng vege table laxative. No griping la the "keynote" of th Itttle auger-coated, olive-colored tablata They chum th bowels and liver to ac normally. They never forte them to un natural action. If you have a "dark-brown mouth ' now end then a bad breath a dull, tired feel ing elck headache torpid liver and are constipated, ' you'll find quick, sure and only pleeeint reaulta from one or I little Dr. Kdwerda' Olive Tablete at led time. Thoueands take one or twe every nlaht Juet to keep risht Trv them. too and I5c rer box All dnirirlete. The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, O matter that le beyond friendship." Mr. Ivlna then aald ha made no attempt to total the subscriptions, but that Colo nel Knoaevelt hlmerlf had aald that Mr. Corteiyou had told him the fund was about half the size of Prealdent MrKln ley'a, or about U.nno.Oi. Mr. Mowers replied: "TVad the record In this cane Here Colonel Rooaevelt (ays, 'I asaume you are reading from the oflclal report," and Mr. lvlns replied, I sm.' " Oar "Jltaey- ofrvr Tale ba. Don't mlae this. Cut out this slip, en ctoee with 6u to Foley Co., Chicago. III., writing your name and addreaS clearly. Tou will receive In return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for cougha, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain In sides and back, rheumatlam, baokacha, kidney and bladder ailments, and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thor oughly cleansing cathartic, especially comforting to stout persons. Sold every where Advertleement. UNION LEADERS AND BUILDERS INDICTED iContlnued from Page One.) Khauhney. Peter 8., president .of Frliklavere" union. Stretch, John J., bualneee agent Brlck laycra union. Tlmmona. '"hrMoptier. former bualness agrnt Hod Carriers union. FRENCH CRUISER IS SUNK BY AUSTRIAN SUBMARINE CRAFT (Continued from Page One.) submerged. Its maximum cruising rsdius on the eurface Is -.000 knots. Its normal complement Is sixteen men. The LT-8 wss completed In 1910 and Is of C.e Holland type. Keep Bowela Besjalar. Nothing better than Dr. King's New Life PUla for constipation, Indlgeetlon and sour stomach. Get a bottle, only 2Bc. All druggists. Advertlaemernt. A Remedy For All Pain "The efficiency of any drag" saya Dr. O. Kobbtne, "la known to ua by the reaulta we el.uuofronsttei.se. II we era able to con ircJ cain and dlscat e by means of any r re paration, we certainly are warranted la IU use. oni oi ine pnnriper lynipHiiiii oi au diseases la pain, aud tbla la what the patient anoet often evuliee to u lor. I. e. aoruetbina to relieve hie pain. If we can arrest this rirompily, tbe patient la moat liable to trust a ua lor the other rain edlaa which will effect m permanent cure. Oae remedy which I I here used tersely In my practice la Anil kamnla 1 ablets. Many and varied are Uiakl Bees. 1 have put them lo the teat on many eccaalona. and have never been disappoint ed. I found theta especially valuable lot Beadarbee of malarial orlalu. where autnlne waa being taken. They appear to prevent tba bad erter-elteete of Uia quinine. Anll aamnia Tablets are alao eicellenl for the beaoacbee from Improper diseaiioni alao lor beadaobea of a neuralule origio, and ae per uuly lo r women tu li)c I lo pel ii l certain tinea. Two Aoli-kaiiinia Tahleta give irnmpt relief, and In a ehort time the patient able to so about ae unuel." Iheae wiilcta oiay bo obtained at all drusguta. Aik tor A-a Tablata. Tbey are alao uuexeellad lot beadacoes. aeuxalaia aud all palua. . . vhhm. , If you have a good sited surplus la sav ings account tba Inter est It earns will ma terially . help you to meet your expanses. If your account la small there is all the mora - reason for you to make It grow. Till OJAHA UKC Tllh HOME PAPER The objections except aa to the flrat part of the speech waa sustained. Mr. lvlns referred to speeches made In several places. Including flyraruse, In which Colonel Rooeevelt was said In the newspapers to have repeated hie state' ments about Mr. Hemes. Colonel Rooee velt said he remembered the sreerhee he made laat year and that be mentioned Mr. Hamas. Aekea A boat Salary, ' "What waa your salary aa preetdentf Fifty thousand dollars." "Did congress appropriate I2f,tl for your traveling expenaee?" Mr. Bowers objected and was sustained Sir. Ivlna argued that he wanted to teat the good faith of the wltneas and show that although tno.000 waa ths president's salary, he approved the bill which gave him ta,000 for traveling expenses. Attorneys foaaalt Jaaare. "TRACT7BE. N. T., April SS.-The cross- examination of Theodore Roosevelt waa concluded today after he had been aaked queations about speeches and ths salary and traveling exponaes he received while prealdent of the United tates. Pefore court opened attorneys for both Colonel Rooeevelt and Mr. Barnes wenl to the chambers of Justice Andrews for conference. It wss said that this hsd to do with the admlaaiojt of certain evi dence. Because of this conference the proeeedlnge were a little late In starting 1 "This witness," the attorney said, "has charged the, exlatenon of Invlalble gr.v ernment. I want te test his good faith." Mr. Ivlns then read from a magailnv rticle bearing the colonel's nam. In this ths colonel deplored pe rennet sttacka on men In publlo life from the stump. Mr. Ivlna then announced he wss through with the witness. Redirect Raamlaattoa Beat n a, Mr. Bowers Immediately prepare J to begin redirect examination of the wlt- nsse. i nera was soma ae a While '.antra end documents were being located, and then Mr. Bowere began: -loionei Kooeevelt. do you remember Mr. Ivlns" queettona about the report of the Clapp committee?" "I do." 'You remember ho aaked that !f the; report showed Mr. Carnegie contributed tri.uM end Mr. Perkins 110,000.' you would not doubt It." "I remember that." "You remember you said Have no aouoi or It If you are reeding from the official report.' and he anawered ! . reading from the offlclel report f " "I remember that." "All right. I'll now read from ths tea timony of Umer Dover, aecretsry of the cpubllcaa national committee, before the Clapp committee." In hla teeUmony, aa read. Mr. over who gave to the Investigating rommltte a uei or contributor, eald he wes not by any nwana certain of Its correctors or stcuracy. Colonel Roosevelt smiled broadly while the Dover testimony waa being read. "Now, Colonel Rooaevelt." Mr. Boaeia aant on, "do you know whether Mr Cor teiyou waa a witness before the Clapp committee which Investigated campaign contrlbutloneT" for Mr. Barnes objected. "Why." said Mr. Bowere, "I want te show, thst the Clapp committee never made any such report as Mr. Ivlns rep teaented bad bee'u mad. Mr. Ulna' fig. rrea were taken from testimony a alt bees said be was not sure was correct. As a matter of fart I Intend te prove that Thomas Taggart teatiflrd that the democratic books wars lost" Lawyers la Taasle. There was some discussion, among tha liwyera and Justice Andrews read the leetlmony of Mr. Cortalyou. Mr. Bowers aifurd bs considered ths testimony of Mr. Corteiyou of the utmost Importance. He alao said ha wanted to shew that t.itre were- various estimates about the total amount of the contributions made to C olonel Roosevelt's campaign fund. ' In reply Mr. Ivlna aald: "My good faith hae been queatloned by ntv dear and Oavotea friend, Mr. Bow era." "Tliis." Interrupted Mr. Bowere. "Is a made outslds Chicago from being uaed on construction In this city. Mat of Defeadaata. A complete list of the Individual de fendants follows: Contractors: Berthold. Oustave VV.. Electric Appar- tna company. Berthold. Kdward K EJeetrlo Appar t') company. Cuthliert. John, president Cuthbert Elec tric Manufacturing comracy. Ibincan. Otis B.. I nil Electric com pany. . reeney, winiam J aecreiary cnicago Lighting Fixture company. Kohler, fjeorge A. K . Kohler protnere. Kfhler, Oanklln, Jiohler Brothera. Nleleen Julian J., official of Bute's Eleotrlc company. tfoei miller, jamea, rormer onunai nm e Blectric oompany. Peterson, Charles J., t-Titnnert raectno companv. freider, diaries, employe or ivomer Brothors. Pearl. Allen H., official of ueita ntar Qectrlc company. Klpplc, v arren, or Lna ciecino com pany. Other employers wboae firm names wsre not mentioned In the Indictments against them Individually were: Jnmes E. Baggolt. David J. BraUn, F Weechker, Nathan Cohen, M-. J. Core- wandt, John Cook. Andrew C. Dallas. Edward Dunno, Carl O. Everson. John Fnrmer. H A. Frsnburg. T. W. Oil- more. Leo J. Oeorsen. Alfred R. llSnson. Frsnk Norton. H. Bernsrd Jones. V. Jl Naughton. Walter Xacnalr, Kdaar C Moran, lunula McDonald. Henry Newgfcrd, Martin Newsard. Arthur R- Nordlle, Charlea O. Hlcklea. Abraham ' Sleven. Hitr M. Sclonvn end Cherlea E. I m- mech. I'nlon men: 4 ' ' , Artery. Michael, buaineaa agent Ma chinery Movers' and Rlssera' union. Hnyle, Mlchae), International executive bisrrt Klcrtrlial Workers' union. , Christlanaen. Jnmes. bualneag ' agent Junior Hteamftttarsr union. ... Clnuas. WniUm F., buslnees agent Fix lure Hangers' union. Condon, Frank, business agent Boiler manors' union. ..' C'U-arv. Raymond, hualneea agent and orgenlser Klectrlcal Workera' union. Dnhney John, buaineaa agent of Boiler makers' Helpers' union r'ry, Charlne W bualneee agent Ma chlnlats' union. . . Osslisrdn. Joaeph. business agent Hod Carrlcra' union. Hamrtnn, r'uaier t, former, business ig.int Klectrlcnl Workers' union. Lundmark, Frank A., business sgent Electrical Workera' union. Million. Charles J., prealdent Fixture Mensera' union. Mailer. Fred, assistant buaineaa ageit Pirtiire Hanger" union No. HSI. O'Donnell, 8lmon. prealdent Building Trades Council. - - . - tau. CnerN'a M.r business ssrnt ttram fltters' union. the eurvlvors say, thlr first thought wss not for their own safety, but rather to detect and attack their asaailants. They scanned the sea for a periscope, but In vein. As the cruiser was. listing rapidly the commander gave orders thst signals for help be sent and that the boats be low- j ered. It proved to be most difficult to lower the boats, owing to the poettlon of the ship in. the water. Soma of. tha men leaped overboard In tha bare hope of saving themselves. Others svere washed off the deck. The commander, although urged to abandon bis ship, refused to do so. Aaslrlaa Reaort. - VIENNA (Via London), April a. The following official communication has been Issued here: "Submarine No. I, commanded by Lieutenant George Bitter von Trapp, tor pedoed and sank th French cruiser Leon Gambetta In tha Ionian Sea. The Austrian submarine U- Is a veawel of 771 tons displacement and capacity of I A-horse-power when oh the surfs oe of ths water. Its speed Is eleven and a half knots above, tha surface and ten knots Farther Saapenelnw wf Rate. WAflHINOTON. April .-!eclal Tel epTrm. The Interatate Commerce com lriUelon further euepended from May t until November R. ldli, the operat'on of the tariff containing increased chargea for the awitnhlng of rarloed freight at Fouth Omaha, Neb., the operation of Alil.-h was suspended from January un til May. Shekel IfcWctf! a gave) Ye Oat HORLBCEa'S the omemAi ALT ED MILK Thsj FoosJ-dHnk for all Ac) For Infanti, Invalidi and Growing duldrcn. Piffenutrilk)a,upbu3dingthewWeboclV InTigcgetflheDurting mother sod the aged. Ricri rnillc, mailed gram in powdet form. A quick hnch preparer In minste. Take a Packac Home UnlBmm you mmy THOnitOX'S" you mmy got a stubs Smile With Me! Take "Cascarets" Fcelbully! Don't etay bilious Kick, headachy, constipated. Spend 10 cents! Remove win. ter's poison from your liver and bowels. Enjoy life! Hprlng la here and your system Is filled with the winter's accu mulation of bile and bowel poison which keeps you bllloua, headachy, dlssy. tongue coated, breath bad and stomach som Why don't you get a la-cent bos of Cas caret a at the drug atore and feel fine Take faacoreta tonight and enjoy the nlceat. gentlest liver and bowel cleanatng you ever experienced Oive Cascarets to children now. ".r"ai m THE 'ten Records Hated' below include the sort you'll . -hum' ftiid, whistle. After subjecting the Victor list to a vote1 of our house committee, we find these are Ths f.lcst Popular Vistor Records in the s:' r 'IVI A Y. L-iESTr' ON SALE TODAY "Pick a Chicken", On-Step, and "Baysids Pox Trot" .victor Military Band ... ...... "I Didn't Raise My Boy to Ba a Soldier", One-Step, and . "The Little House Upon the Hill", One-Stop . . . - -' Tn A agi, sm' victor jmui&rj cana 'Sohala March" and "Honolulu March", Hawaii&ii Guitar Duet. ....... v.Irene West Royal, Hawaiian a teas auj swuua aavrcbj . auu a mm wu mt ' 'j Way to Dublin Bayy;, .Peerlees jQuarUtte ' 1 Over the Hills to Mary", James Reed James 7. Harrison, and "In the Garden of Gods". . .Harry Maodonouffh "The Little' Old Ford Rambled Right Alon$", .Billy Murry, and "Auntie Skinner's Chicken Dinner".. Collins and Harlin "At the Mountain Inn", Neapolitan Trio, a.nd "Melody of Love" Florentine Quartette "Dreamy Eyes", Ballad, Anita Owen , .. a- ilAvournen,.a.. a .Wilton King "Old Folks at Home", Alma Gluck, Soprano, and Efrem . Zimbalist, Violinist. Pianoforte by Chotzinoff. r.HOKEL'S NebraskaCycle Co., ' Corner 15th and Harney Streets, Omaha . 338 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. I Xjg""'"""" - - 'ii'-swisMssaV,- iis.jaMsjailMaasllPeyl'iirlJIIi.l m issssasssssssssssss . i biii. mi sis i.i iieiseaasaaasaaai i 11 aawaaMsaaaaaaaaahJ Iron Worker Praises Duffy's in. . .Here'g a case of a atnuHurtvl Iron taorker who suffered , servere atomacb trouble, bnt thanks to Iuf f jrs , Pure ' Mult Whiskey be la almost realy to resume his haz? ardtma calling: "For many weeks I was laid up sick In bed In the hospital with stomach trouble which gradually wore me away to a mere skeleton. The hospital treatment Jl1d not seem to Improve me, so my doctor said I would not get well and told my people to take me home, as there was nothing any one on this earth could do for me. When 1 Beached home my doctor ordered me to be fed on a tablespoonful of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey every two hours. After taking Duffy's for over one week, without another morsel of "food entering my system,' I began to have a longing for something to eat, and to my surprise found I could keep a ltftle oatmeal gruel on my stomach, and gradually I regained my former appetite and felt bet ter. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey fa the cause for my present good state of -health, and my doctor says T will soon be able to go back to my trade of structural iron worker. I am not afraid of the truth and hope others -will benefit from the use of Duffy's the same aa myself." .Thomas Satcbell, 275 Tillary St., Brooklyn. N. T. may bs relied upon In extreme eaaws where other foode are rejected. . Vhen taken aa directed luat before meala. It aaatata In keaDiner heaJthv the eamnttal function of digestion becauae It tn duces activity In the flow of waetrlc Juice so the foo4 you eat .will dlsTaat naturally.' Thla action en the digestive process Is of srreat Importaooa ae H tortnas e all the tlaauns and organs of the pody the nutriment 1 neoeaaary to tlielr austenance and indirectly to the whole system strength ami 'vigor. It's a medicine for all mankind, and you, too, can '' ' "Get Duffyo and Keep Well" ' ln8tSlt:fcrV.BOTTt ONtiri eware of Imiitions. j4 m -n w mm . ,.. . K)1TF IMsffyk from "year local dnurtlti rrocar ev nwlb aaaler fl pa bottle. .If ha eanaot aapply you, write as, we will tall yo waere to rt It. Mdiosl tMMklet fraw. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co... Rochester, N.' Y. Yellowstone Park ifOAClfACHEl1 I This Horning, Eh? f SgOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Jf j V (Capsules) from Holland will I make you get up, on the right B side of the bed tomorrow. D lTlce iiv. 60c 4 (l.Ou. All Drugglets Meaty refaaSeS If tby a sot kels yea. H Oeaulne Kasrleaa CHI kits. Ce. H American ORire. It Walar St M I New lark City. J i f Q p 'CP '-? -l 1 1 - t - . T TT j J I -11 1 i I -rikt ( ...... 3 3 i . X - - ara?7 lT. ' Los aJM- ' Moat M(lern and Sanitary Brewery in the' West. FamUy trade supplied byi South Omaha) WM. JETTER, 2502 N Street; Telephone South 863. Omaha HUGO P. IU1.Z, 1324 Douglas Street; Phono Douglas 3040. Council Bluffs OLD AGE BAR, 1512 South Sixth Street; Phono 8623.' II 1 11 1 IS Kl .11' El Paso ' lego- Destination San Francisco. From Omaha and Return .... $50.00 From Lincoln and Return . - , $50.00 From Council Bluffs and Return $50.00 aa Diego nay to Included wtthemt extra aaasge. Going trip trla ."QOtJEN STATE! ROUTE through Kansas. Oklahoma and Tssaa .1 jrucunicen. r. ja., one vagina vu . uit r mi luunanuns wuv.awwt. M.. ths hi i heat slevatlon le reached I.IH feat abeve aca level. panhandlea At Tucumcart. At Corona, N Among the numerous tntereetlna ecenea en route are Cloudc trip from Alamogordo. Kl Paso and tha old Mexican City of J river: Doualaa and the gTaat erne) tare; Tucson and San Xavlei velt Dam; Laauna Dam at Yuma: Imperial Valley e&4 baiton Bea; La Mt, Le: Del Monte: Banta Barbara, the Big Treaa and Yosamlte V Return trip Is tEHIGH'VAttEY AilTHRACITE THE COAL THAT SATISFIES More Heat -V r Let. Ah-No Smoke Ak Your Dealer. scenea en route are Cloudcroft. oti free side the old Mexican City of Juarea. acroaa tna ...I.. n ih. vtmi ,m.iiir. iucmii kna B&n . avi.r mia.lun: now ham; Laauna Dam at Yuma: Imperial Valley and Saiion Sea: Loe Xngalee: a: tsanta narvara. ins oig .rns aknu ivMm.ve vauej. via the raarhar Rlvar Caa yon that xnlehty rift of tha dreamy silerra Nevada, whloh ru oa for ninety apactacular ml lea. It rollowe the saiiioue Olu trait os lua overianu m.s.u.a. .vuai u. nuiiivviuf The route from faas over tha blerr nm ruuhlni Be.lt miles the road Wed le laid upon white solid aalt. At Salt Lake City aa opportunity le given one to vtalt the Martnoa Temple, canyon, iesvisi Bai lwi . the Parlflo alope of California la via ths historic Beck with a N avail tnrouga wmca uierta xne roriy-uinera J uei Da Lake the road enters the great Salt Bed. Hare for thirty tilenwood Springe, Canyo 8alt Atr Bwih Oaie, cf the Aikanaaa. von. prices, ianyon K uie unna AiTpr. noyu uvrii ehna mtvm Colorado Hpiings and the f'ke'e raak Kegloa. lam route la via caetie ral Tickets carry ninety day return limit, and top oven at pleasure are given on both going and return trips! For furthrr information, and descriptive literature, inquire of . J. S. McNALLY Div.' Pass. Agent, W. 0. W. Building. $2,000,000 worth of confidence- Mr. C. Markham, President of the Illinois Central Railroad Company, is preaching the "Buy-It-Now" gospel and practicing what he preaches. He writes: As an illustration of my co-operation, we have closed contracts for 50 loco motives, representing nearly $1,000,000 and are consider ing additional equipment ag gregating about as much more. What arc you doing to help? Buv-It-Now asf . Thla la the tlrat ef all zer aae O. S. A, to auake east Stitdea. aVet'a all gst hosy i