THK HKK: OMAHA, THUKKPAY, A PHIL '29, 1915. A Fashion Hint By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, April 28, 1915. THE motor cycle "rop" It not always to be avoided, or must he al ways be met with fear and shivery legs. Sometimes It happens that be Is proved to be versatile and possessed of a dual personality, a real fairy godmother to ait. Can you Imagine the netamorphoxis? On the boulevard, near Turner park, a few days ago a charming llt'lo maiden and her electric car were moving blithely along. The car was a very good looking one, Copenhagen blue, large and roomy, upholstered In dove grey, red spokes in the wheels. The occupant, just as good looking, becomingly gowned In Copen hagen blue suit to match car. The romantic ensemble enough to attrart all gate. All goea beautifully along, when "Blng'o!" something happens! The car makes a sudden Jerk and stands dead still. to do, when up comes Mr. Motor Cycle Cop. springs from his seat and deftly fixes the offending machine. The little .lady showers tha officer with smiles of pleased surprise- and he, blushing gayly, goes on bis way, i the true hero. , Lecture This Evening. lr. Anthony Mrrrlll ave her lecture en "Modem Dramatic Theorlae" this morntnt at trie horn of Mrs. Welter F'aa. After her lecture she reml tirik," a piny by lwls N. I'Vrker. This evenlnit at s.M o'clock Mrs. Merrill will deliver her lecture on the "Id-el-1st,' at tha home ol Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Hammers and red the play "Across the Unrdsr," by Hulah Marie Dlx. An In vitation to thin nenlfig lrttire la ex 1endt to all who are Interred. The next lecture will lie glvrn Frhlay mornlna at tha horns of Mrs. Iouls C. Nash. Littratnre Department Meets. One of the ler,n affairs of today was tha krnsingion lve by- tha lltaiature department of the Omaha Woman's club at the horns of Mrs. XV. 8. Heller.. An attractive muslral program was given by Mra. Porter Garrett, Mlsa Iluth Thomp son sod Mrs. Bradnrr. Tha spei-lal guests of honor were tha executive committee of tha Woman's club.' Mr. A. U. Peteraon of Aurora, atate president of the Federation of Wo men's ch.ha, and Mr. Taul of Ht. Taul. the vice prasident, both of whom are here to attend tha Hecond district meet ing at Benson Thursday. Mrs. Anthony French Merrill of Chicago and Mrs. C. R. Martin were also aiimnK tha Inlvted guests. Mrs. C II. Mullen la leader of the department. Forty guests were present. Hofmann-Hitch Wedding". The wedding or Mies r.isie niun, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hitch of Bensonhurst, and Mr. Alphonse Mof mann took place. Wednesday, April I, at o'clock a. m. at St. Marr Magdalene rhurch. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Finney In tha presence of ISO guests. Tha bride wore a gown of white satin ntrssallne, trimmed with laco and pearl. The skirt was boa pleated. Inset with orange Moaeoms. Tha tulle veil was held In place with orange blossoms- Khe car ried a shower bouquet of orange blos soms artd seraneonla sent from relatives In Los Angeles. Tha brids'a only orna ment waa a cameo lavaller, an heirloom or the family. Mies t'lara Hofmann, niece of tho g tonm. and Mr. Ed Morlarty,. were tha attendants. Tha bridesmaid waa gowned In wbita embroidered voile made over yellow silk.. She wore a picture hat, gloves and slippers to match, and carried a bouquet of Mrs. Ward's roses. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served to thirty guests ax the borne of the bride's parents. Tha house waa decorated In pink and white rosea and pink-shaded candles. Mr. and Mrs. liotraann will be at home at 04 North Twenty-ninth street At Prairie Park The Prairie Park club gave Its last werk-end Assembly llanclng party of tha lilt-mi seaaon at their club house Bat urady evening. Tha club rooms were tastefully decorated In tha club's colors, green end white.' and tha favora were white roses. A short talk was mads by the president. Mr. B. O. King About ' seventy-five coupleg were present. This liosri the soclst act Kit let of tha club for tli' araaon with the exception of tha Whlsl i lob, which will continue ror at leaal . thirty daya mora. The Isli-lila aeaaon will open with a dancing party on Saturday evening. September Is. Tha j ann-al election of off Iters will take place at the business meeting in Augunst. The officers for the last aeaaon ware B. U. King, president; K. C. Couley. vice pres ident; l.ouls Nelson, secretary and treas urer; 'C t. Haynes, Oeorge W. Gardner and IX K. Smith, directors Surprise Party. Mr. M.v J. julser was the gucat of honoi at a surprise party given Friday eninx at her home. The evening was Pent lit games. Those present were: Mrr. and Meedaniwa read a paper on "Xaphlra" and Mrs. P. A. Themanson one on Husan B. Anthony. The guests of the rlub were Meedames . A. Old.fUld. Ftogers of F.Ik Creek and Mlas Fred Kolllng of York. Neb. Mrs. O. T. I,lndley will ba the hosteas at the next meeting of the club, which will he held at farter lKe on May IS. The memliers were: Mesdsmea- , Meadsmea J. P. Barnhsrt. u T. I.tndley. H. Humes. p a i .. ' T'lsaterer, f. r. itoincr U. (. Urrhsrt. Pflsatere R. H. Ilnwley. J. J. H-ss. MI'S M'llsn Owlnn. To Honor Club Memben. To XV. H. Meller gave a kenslngton this sfterroon at her home In honor of the literature ilepartment of the Omaha Woman's cluh. The rooms were decorated throughout with quantities of sprlnj blos soms snd forty guests were entertained. Sorority Luncheon. Mrs. Kugenn Coffeen and Mrs. Uoyd Thompson gave a luncheon today at tha noma of Mrs. Coffern In honor of tha llla Delta Delta sorority. Covers were placed for: m mm yv-"i- 1 '- 't V I Hi ' . a WOMEN TO TAKE THE STUMP Many Speakers Thursday Wight to rUrge Women for the Board of Public Welfare. JUDGE SUTTON WILL SPEAK Tt.e greatest array of forensic tslent ' ever displayed st one and th same meet-I Ins promises t he set forth Thursday eenlng at o'clock In the Toung Wo rm n a Christian association auditorium, when the 'outs' will tell where they stand with regard to placing women on ilh proposed board of public welfare The meeting Is b1ng launched by Mrs. R. A. ( apen, president of the Omaha Suffrage association, end la In the nature of a rrotest against the mayor's refusal to r.ame women on the hoard. HeidB th six candidates for mmmli sinnrrshlps Judge A. U button, Tom Hol llsler, John Kuhn.'t. Conner, I I, Mc llvalne. Jamea fllchardson and James Kapineky will give tslke. tine Mlnate Upeerhrs. One-minute speerhes wilt be mUe by the following women: Miss Illanrhe Van Kursn. Mlsa Frances Graven, Miss Bea M. O. Cunnlnghsm. Drapr fmltti. i V Holly. Kred CTo , TT.or Jorcrinn. Howard P.ltter. T. o. H K K Pradv. B. Ackerty. H. (Verrlty, P. Hoe. Myrtle K el ley. Ornithologists to Meet Here Friday When the Nebraska Society of Omith oloamis holds Its annual meeting In j ffnisha Friday and .Raturday the mem I hers will include a woodland trip In ; their ptngram. They have Invited boya of th Young Mens Christian associa tion, who are Interested In birds, to ac company thm and receive Instruction on the native bird that abound in the woof, a near the city. Secretary R. 8. Flower of the boyn' derartmont says that mot of the forty boys enrolled In the association's "efficiency test" club are planning to take advantage of the Invitntlon. Tiandall, Mesdame: Oeorge W. Covell. F. .1. Hires. KKIe Tucker. Phlhf Potter. Mallerk Kooe. F. t). Wead, J E. Butler, Dr. Olga Stsainy, rarrle I). oott Pr. Jennie Callfass f.. A. Pteere. K U. McOtltnn. Mlsa Msrlc lioness. and Harriet MseMurphy, E f. Hood. .1. T. Frlllhart, H. tt. (ienau. C P. Hartwlck. D. P). Gross. Ida tlnlaliiiry, H. I. Morrow. 4'harlea Bauer, C. R. Roberta, F. A. Kollansbee. .. C. Anderson,' BODY OF MARGARET O'BRIEN BROUGHT HERE'FOR BURIAL The hcxly of Mlsa Marga'ret O'Brien, the well known Omaha woman who died auddenly of appendicitis at Seattle Feb ruary 21, has been brought to Omaha and will be burled Saturday morning.. A brother. Moses P. O'Brien, accompanied the body, and he will make his home here. Interment will be private mix! will be conducted by Father McCarthy at Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Frlenls who desire to view the body may do so at the Hesfey undertaking parlors between new and Saturday, the brother states. , Date Set by Women for Launching State Prohibition Move The campaign for state-wide prohibi tion will be launched In Omaha Sunday, May IS, with special eetrlces and prayers In many of the churches. Over 5W local members of the Woman's Christian Tem "prranco union Vill circulate petitions slne it is planned to submit the ques tion to voters by the Initiative snd refer endum method. Tiie Omaha Woman's Christian Temper ance union met Wednesday afternoon to arrang'1 for the circulation of petitions. The campaign committee of ; Douglaa county is headed by Mrs. W. G. Whltmore of Valley and a committee composed of the prsldents of each temperance society In the county. Mrs. N. J. MrKlttrlck. president of the Omaha union says the women have many mere signatures thj are required to make the petition work effective. Mrs. ' W. T. Graham anticipate that the Hilly Sv.nday meetings In the fail will give a powerful impetus to the prohibi tion csn'PnJgn. r DENIS0N OMAHA DELEGATE ' TO Y. M. C A. CONFERENCE General Secretary E. F. Denlson rf the Yot ng Men's Christian association will have for the Pacific coast May IS to at' tend the annual conference of employed olfliers, to be held at Pacific Grove, Cel., May lt-20. lie Is chairman of the Impor tant committee having general charge of the program at the conference sessions. CoIIt!bs, Gift Wares Gift giving should ade quately express the donor'i sincerity that depth of re gard can be manifested both impressively and endurlng ly by selection from tha ft)MIW stocks of leaat costly articles. The varieties In the quit InexpenslTe wares are uf flclently extenstva to serve almost nny glvera' desire for uniqueness and appro priateness compliment one's taste and evidence purchasing discretion to your satisfaction. Gift tbinga for all occa sions in precious metals and gema. lel MM SOU LA ST OSSASM I . , , , ' . ' r r, - .,,.,.,,, n. ,,. . r MexlAnieR !., '. Pryor, Council uiuff: It. A. Van (iredcll; O. M. Tunnh llffe, Mlffffeer Ann Hermensnn, Mesdamea K. Connolly. Re Fiiltr. Wallace Porter,' Mlasea Nsn Franklsh. On the Calendar. The Omaha Woman's Treas By I. A RCOXTKtJE. The qualntneas of our grandmothers Is espresned In the frock of white net. with Its skirt of many ruffles suggesting tha old-time crinoline Tho hodlce, however, ' is built on the lines of a bolero, the bot-i I torn finlsheil with a band of fine em- j I broidery, but Is given a touch of quaint- I nesa by the ruffled elbow-length aleevea j j and low, round neck. Narrow black vel- Club Will! vet A.,m the m.nv r.,rr1 . ne luncneon at tho Hotel Loyal Thura- iknottrH streamer of velv.i it.nniii fMm the wide brimmed hat. The orncers of the Columbian Cln la will entertain at their hall. Twenty-sec- orxj ana Locust l recta, Thursday after- ' noon. i I Penonal Mention. . Mrs. ;eorge Palmer Is spending the week In New York City, Miss ScherT la the guest of Mrs. C. F. CLARK SHELLEY RESIGNS FROM BUILDERS' EXCHANGE The resignation of Clark Shelley, sec retary of the Omaha Builders" exchange, has been tendered to the board of direc tors of that body. The directors are to consider the resignation at a meeting In California and attending the exposl tlorv. Mlsa Henrietta Harrison. Hhe has been visiting frlrnrli I soma time within a week or two. This Is not th first time BnerMary Shelley haa tendered a resignation, but former resignation were not accepted. What will happen to this one remains to be seen when the board meets. Bergman returned this j morning from a three months' stay . In Chicago. She was accompanied home by her sister, Mrs .Myer Frldstcln. who will be tha guest of her. parennts, Mr. and Mre. Hoi r.crginan. for several oks. Mrs. H. I). WlUon and Mlsa Mary Wil son of Nebraska City spent Tuesday, In Omaha. Mrs. Wilson motored home with friends Tuesday evening, but Miss Wil son will remslu until , this evening, the g-uest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. . Doud. WATTLES HURRIES HOME FOR RECEPTION AT BANK Vlca president Wattle of th t'nlted Mtatea National bank as harrying home from California In order that he may be present at two receptions that are to be given by tha bank official prior to open ing the new bank building for business nfxt Monday morning. The first reception will be Friday even ing, when thosa who have Invitations will attend. Saturday evening there will be a reception for the depositors of the I bank. At both receptions there will be mualo. ' . , ' , ' ' - Mondsy Mr. Wattle will leave for Chi cago, whart, Tuesday, there will be held a meeting of the directors of the Chicago. Great Western road. Ha la a number of the board. WANTS RAILROAD FARE TO SERVE ON THE JURY Fred Boney of Psllsla. Moavt, former resident of Omaha, summoned on the next Jury panel, haa written a letter to the clerk of the district court advising htm that he will come here to serve If Doug las county will pay the expenses of his trip, amounting to about 14 The county will not pay. G. .1. Jataal, 3. Heeier. U. J. Jaii. M Uses Myrtle ellenta h. Heda lg liasllan. . I Jin'e Dyck l.ytiia tfc hitildt. I. dt tv hsum. (;rtriid Has) tan. Margaret Msrli sll, Paul II. He k. tleroeit fcaJUnbaiii, Oacar tlaiii'tinauii, Mtiw II. Hchmidt, M. Petes. tlcorge Fahren- brui h. Mle Tda lliabe. Clirlsilrta Jaiser. Alaikarct I 'a Ire, l-atira I'alea, I lna Ulock, Aiteiia " vndell, i:mnia Hoi uitc . Meaaas .(dolph Meaning, x t its Mer, , Mesdamea- John Dyck. William tUalfold. Kby cf Fufcro is CcnSsdcred May I Be sttre yoa know the character of the concern that SUPPLIES YOU WITH MILK WHEN MOVING. GOOD SCHOOLS and GOOD MILK are prime re quisites for the CHILDREN. Milk . ' delivered from our NEW SUNUGHT DAIRY in all parts of Greater Omaha. , . Alamito Dairy Doug. 409 Euramy Club Party. j Mrs. Frank (. Browne entertained the menihers of the Rummy lub at her home Tuesday afternoon. Threo tables J 7 Much thought baa been given In ware placed for tha game sod tha prists i years to tha subject of maternity were awardrd to Mesdamea E. II. Oaks. Waiter Mutkamer snd Alts Jetes. The guests of the club were Mrs. J. B Zipfel and Mrs. G. C. Wlnterson. The next regular meeting of the dub wui be hrld In two weeks at the home of Mrs. P. Mehrena. Friday evening of this werk, the club will give an tvening party In honor of the busbanaa of tha members. The members Include. Mesoamee Mesdamea P llirena. N. A. ISiiilth, '. F. I .ores Alex Jet-, Frank H. Hsan. M M. Kline. I. F.. lAloy. Frank ( rlrowne, H. K. New tun. Walter Morkaiurr. J. . H'xud. V. H. Oaks. Srrmo Club Entertatni. Ttie Kenno I.ttererv flub wis enter tained at o' lo k luncheon Tuenday at the home of Mrs. J. J Heaa. The table -enteipisr waa of yellow tulips. The reems re deeoratei throughout with Airertan Beauty rose and led tulips the luncheon Mrs. f i ti rwnardt Ute In the cities there are maternitv kn.nii.i- ! equipped with modern methods. But 'most women prefer own homes end a iu towne ana villagse must prefer them. And elnoe this la true we know from the great many splendid letters written on tha subject that our "Mother's Friena" is a great help to expectant fL?,,h.'T,V Tb,7 wrlu ot ,h w..adtrful reUaf. how it Memed to allow tha muscles te expand without undue strain and what a Splendid Influence H was on the nervous systsm. Such helps aa 'Mothers FrWnd" and the broader knowledge of them should wave a helpful Influence upon tables of the future. Bclance says that an Infant dartres its senas and builds Its cnaraotar from cutaneous Impressions. And a tranquil mother certainly wilt transmit a more healthful Influence than If alts Is ex tremely nervous from undue pain. This la what a host of nraen bellsvs who ased "Mother's Friend." Thes points are mora thoroughly ex plained In a little boon mailed free. "Mother's Friend ' la a"ld It all drug store. Write for bwk. BradSi-l Regular WT ail Uumtf iiUaa.. Altai, a. tis. . r Musical Program Daily 12 (H) to U:00 :0() to :00 at Ganson's Cafe 1S08 Howard Street - Phone Douglas 1113 seaea Omaha's Finest ...M Popular Priced RESTAURANT QC Daily. Lunch 12:00 to 2:00 50c Table Reserved Daily Dinner 5:00 to 8:00 San Francisco HOTEL SUTTER of The leading flrst-claas lan sranclseo Retal which haa sot raised its rues. Rooms from tit Per day . Inrect ear line ts Kxpoaltloa. Kend for booklet an (1 room chart showing prices of every room Our Annual May Sale of White Starts On Saturday Next. May 1st. ...e-eeawuaasmiui 1. eai j lauiau BfSJSlu.l..nssxajMgMBga!Sjail IIIIIMIllhJI Women's 16-Butto Gloves, black and white Trico and Milanese' weave, Thura- QC day, special OOC A MOST EXTRAORDINARY SALE Of a New York Manufacturer's SAMPLE TAILORED SUITS 375 EXCLUSIVE MODELS AS a result of a special purchase we offer 375 Beautiful Sample Gar "ments made for the show room and salesman. Exclusive models, cloths and colors. This maker was noted among the trade as one of the highest class manufacturers of tailor-made garments in New York. His garment a are all of the very highest class feature and foreign style ideas shown Sample Suits worth to $ 149 00 Sample Suits worth to $98 00 We hare marked thetri at tha extraordinary reduction wa bought tbemt apsaassssasaaaaaiaei n aei aa sa a Sample Suits worth to $30 75 SI 4 ' We have also Included our own entire stock of suits in this wonderful offering, and have divided them into lots with the samples. Sample Suits worth to $65 00 $35 Sample Suits worth to $49 00 Sloan's Sanitary Water Coolers Place anywhere In the ice chamber and contents become ice coU in a few minutes; saves in ice ten times its cost each season, One Quart Sue 35c Three Quart Size 63c Two Quart x Sixe 50c 200 Fancy Glased Jearduueree regularly worth 69c; Special 23- ...45c Reeves' Sanitary MUk Cabinets .Regular 50c values, 1 A each 1 vIC Brass Towel Bars Fully nickel plated. IS inches long. Regular price, joe; saie price, each i mi urn. 25c -Main ri. Fine Footwear for Women Hne Dress Pumps for Women Patent and "dull leathers, strap or plain styles; light weight soles; French or Cuoan heels. Extremely handsome lasts and pat terns. All widths and sizes. Special, a pair -. . . Jla anu St" $3.48 Odds and Ends in Fine Dress Slippers Satin and leather. Worth to $4.00. Thursday, a pair , $1 98 Tennis Pumps for Women with ankle strap. -White canvas with white rubber soles. All sizes. A pair $49 sUi 'Trot Moc" Shoes and Oxfords for smart out-door wear, golf, clubhouse dances, tennis, high school, etc They come in tan calf, white calf, v tan trimmed or all white; white ivory soles. Low heels, English flat lasts. All sizes. Special a pair, $2.98 to. $4.50 New Lots of Spring Wall Papers We are showing the most complete stock of wall paper, in Omaha. We furnish paper, hangers on short notice, at rea sonable prices. New Bedroom and Summer Cottage Papers Neat color ings, sold with borders. Reg ular 6c kind, ' o a roll OC Light Weight Gold Papers A splendid assortment, with 9 and, 18-inch borders to match. Worth to J5c. Very special W:... 7V2C Bathroom end Kitchen Papers The washable kind. Sold elsewhere at 25c Our price for Thursday, . I roll IDC New White Blank Papers A well selected line to. choose from, with 0 an! - . . ...... , . ' u s tlW sua. crs to match. Worth to 15c m Special, CIV' II a roll sJVC 11 a-a n