Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1915, Image 8

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s K lul . VA ; rT,. r. I'M t...i
Tuesday, April 27, 1915.
'ELL known Omaha women wer entertained last week in Wash
ington, D. C. by Secretary of State William Jennings Bryau
and Mr a. Bryan at their borne.
These women, were attending the Continental Congress of
the Daughters of the American Revolution and were honor guests at nu
merous affairs during, their stay.
On Thursday evening a theater party was given by the Nebraska dele
gation in honor of Mrs. Warren Perry, retiring atate regent, and Mrs. C.
U. Aull, new state rtgent. ,
Oa Friday afternoon the Secretary and Mrs. Bryan gave a large re
ception in honor of the Nebraska delegation. Among those attending wero
Mrs. Warren Perry of Falrbury, Mesdames C. H. Aull, A. K. Gault, F. II.
Straight -nd William Archibald fimlth of Omaha; Mrs. C. S. Paine and Mist
Mabel IJndley of Lincoln, Mrs. D. S. Palby of Beatrice . Mrs. Roe, Mc
Gfvertn of F emont, Mrs. Anderson of Reward, Mrs Hamm of Fullerton.
Mrs. D. B. Cropsy of Falrbury. Mrs. W. Hi Xandera and Miss Xanders of
Columbus and Mrs. Knapp of Beatrice.
If I mi Xanders was a page during the session of the congress. .
.' .' Mrs. Bryan, it is said, la the only club .woman in the official cabinet,
asd not only finds time for the work, but Is very active in Its interests. Bite
was one of the most frequent attendants at this congress.
Today Mrs. Byan is giving a tea for Mrs. Percy Tennypacker, president
of the Oeneral Federation. of Woman's Clubs, who la visiting in Wash
lngtoa. -
Striking Toque in Purple
Hrndelssohn Choir Parties.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward M. Bursts wit)
entertain at a bo party thin evening at
the Mendelssohn choir concert at the
Auditorium. There guest will be:
Meeers and Meadaima
Samuel Burn. W. T. Burns.
Mr. and Mr a D. C. Bradford will en
tertain :
Meear. and Madamee
T. K. Kennedy.
Mrs. Charlee Marsh.
Mr. John A. t 'a vera.
With Mr. and Mr L. C. Nash will he:
Mearr. and Mesdamee
K. a. Weatbroo. w. H. Wheeler.
Mies Frenrea Nash.
Mr a. A. C. Smith's box will be occupied
this afternoon by a rhllrlren'e party,
chaperoned by Mill De Berla and Miaa
Ralhbon. Those present wCI Oe:
Orer Smith. Mary Moroman,
Eji' her Smlih. Kllaabeth Barker. .
Ivleanof Burkley.
Mr: D..C. Bradford will lv a bet
party, this afternoon at the Mendelssohn
Choir matinee concert. Har guests wilt
Hoard Baldrlg. '
T. J. Marker.
A. C, Bmith'a box
T. F. Kennedy.
Tfcomaa Manton of
W aahlngton. L. C;
In Mr. end Mrs.
will b: .
Meanr. anil Meedame
Lre ChiKia. 'Ihnma Kimball,
Fev. and Mr. Holrepple.
Mr. A. c Mmun.
Mr. and Mra. John W. Towla will have
a their guests In thetr box this evening:
Messrs. and' Mesdam
W. 11. Buchols. K. Lefferta. (
Carter Lake Club,
The Carter 1-ak Swimming and Bowl-'
Ing club entertained at luncheon Monday
at the Ceetle hotel. The gueata ot the
club ware l Meadamea R. V. Ce'lson, A.
J. niepen. J. A. Adam After the lunch
eon the guests bowled at the Farnam
alleys. The high erhoiV waa ntada by
Mra. L. A. Permody'e team, which was
1,500. The' member present ' Iniu44? .
3. A. l-'reeland.
It. J. t'ndcrwood.
Alex Jetea,
H. i. blerman,
W. H. Uould, jr.:
W. 1. Cattln.
J. F. Itmmics, .
h-. V. HraUy.
Jienry Heating.
. U. GolJelroiu,
L. A. Itermody f
V. P. Ixvrlng,
Charles Myers,
A. J. Hereon.
Frank erpenter,
J. A. P.OKcra.
H B. V liltehouaa.
M. M. iiaeett,
H. 1. He. Men.
L U. Johnson, -
Hill Ilottettler EaterUini.
Miaa Franrea Hochttetler, reigning Ak-
Bar-Bes queen, entVHalned her aperlal
maids and the eeasoti'e debutantea at the
opening of the baae ball aeaeon Tdesday
Mailer Charles Beaton, Jr., wa the
youngest tan preeent and the queen a
grandmother, Mra. i. J. Hochetetler ot
Kebr&aka City, who tarn up especially
t attend the game, was the oldeat base
ball anthuataat Mlaa tlochetetler a gueata
were I
Meeera. and Meademee '
Charle D. bealon, . B. lioohaUtler,
I ' - ,
IbindcJ Bocks hll
i ' TV 'V"' S
.- pe .' ' : :- fc;,'..i'-V
' 'tV'v V. i ll
Omaha Member! of 0. A. R. Bear
Confederate Soldier to Last
Resting Place.
Omaha Grand Army of the Repub
lic tnembere carried to the grave yes
terday the body of George W.
Webb, '2507 Bristol street, a former
confederate soldier. The organiza
tion officially participated for the
first time In Omaha in the funeral of
a soldier who wore the gray, by re
quest of Mr. Webb made'before hie
D. M. Haverly. ledger clerk In tba Of
fice of the county clerk, who when taken
prlaoner with other union soldier
at Shlloh April , 1S63. waa guarded on
his way to Mobile by Mr. Webb and bla
companions In Company O, Nineteenth
Confederate infantry, waa one of the
pall bearer. The others were the fol
lowing membera of the local Orand Army
of the Republic: W. C. Mctan. J. It.
Berger, Jonathan Edwarda. J. Matllson
and Thomas Richie.
Funeral aervices were held at 1 o'clock
at the home of Mr. Webb'a daughter,
Mra. Tim Dlnan. 5M7 Brlntol etreet Rev.
M. V. Hlgby nf the North Presbyterian
church presided. Mr. Webb la survived
by Ma wife and daughter and relatives
in Tennessee, who were unable to attend
the funersll Interment waa in, Forest
Lawn cemetery. ,
Mr. Webb came to Nebraska In
He formed rloae friendships with a num
ber of membera of the Orand Army of
the Republic. For many years be waa a
staunch republican.
. Six damage eulte against R. B. Held'
as a reault of an automobile collision on
Weat Center street Saturday night have
bean brought In district court by the
following plaintlffe: John Cavanugh,
South. Omaha councilman; Edward and
Albert Hoo and Misaea Alice. Fearl and
Kate Hetkes. They ask 11,000 damages
few days are Mr. and Mra. Hubert H,
Manley. Ororge H. Xrll)', J. Clarke Colt,
Mra It. K. Newbrau:li, Mr. and Mra.
T. Colpetaer and John W. Oambia.-
To (tve beich( to the maid who lacks just a bit of the tallnesa she may
desire, a tremendously wide bow of purple satin, placed sldewise, flares
upward above a sloping; hat crown of purple lacquered straw.. The top of I
the crown, made of softly gathered SAtln, fits snugly into the lower portion
of straw, which Is severely straight across the front, sloping upward In on
odd fashion toward the back.
Uui tleta.
Meedame a
F. V. iMikendall,
n. n. iiaiu
-Fleanor Mackay.
Jkrt Kail.
Alio Jaqulth.
Hlla Thnmmel,
H.anhe Detiel,
Harriet Mela,
K4na Ntiea.
txs Angeles, '
J. J. ilx lia(e'ler,
, Nebraska City.
txiruthy Black,
Ida Joirlow. '
Ann ijlffurd.'
H'len ''Inrke.
t'harlotte Callahan,
Iak-iU ftecon,
liorothy Hull.
Halcyon Cotton, .
Golden Hill Society Party.
The ladle of the Golden Hill society
will give their annual ball Thursday
evening at Metropolitan halt Mra P.
tosburg la In charge wltk the following
eeentamee assisting:
Olan )r,
H Hanllna.
h. Harding.
A. Kstleman,
Sch letter.
F. Pearlmau,
r. Mildee,
F. T. K-ndls.
Horrls MllUrn,
H M. Kerer.
ai K. rK(key,
V. aieoberg.
Surprise Party.
A survrlae arty waa given In honor
of Mlaa Mjuy Scanlan at her home Pstiir.
day, April 14, in calibration of her nine
teenth birthday anniversary. .Music,
dancing and games were enjoyed during
the avtnlng. Thoae present were:
Two Are Given Long
Terms in the Pen on
: White Slave Charge
Walter Oumm waa sentenced to three
years In the federal prison ej Leaven
worth, Kan., and Ool.tle Uumm to fif
teen months In the Kansas state' peni
tentiary at Inlng, Kan., by Judge
Kobrrt E. Lewis In federal court, aiter
a Jury had found ttieni guilty of bring
ing Mary Sh'.eMs, a voung gtrl, from
Kansas city te this tlly. !
All the parties are mtilattoes. Oumm.
it waa testified In the trial, wib being
supported by uoidie uuntm. rn xnieina
girl declared she rebelled when iht found
she was expected to outer an Immoral
life here. Krlenda In tle tenderloin dla
trlrt finally contributed enough money
so thai ah wa cnaliled to return to her
hum in Kanssa City, .
The Jury not only found Gumms guilty
but recommended that no leniency b
shown Walter Oumm. The statute pro
vides a maximum aenleiu of ten yeara.
Only men y r a.uiers nr kept at Leav
enworth, bul the Kansaa atato enlten
Mary la dtsrignatod by the federal gov
ernment for women convicts In thla dis
trict, because l.s treatment of women
prisoners Is especially k'nd and reform
aloiy la it a character.
Walter Ttgh. r.: Hatel street. Is In
St. Jos-Ph hospital with a broken cellar
bone and a broken shoulder as the result
of a fall from his bicycle on Leavenworth
street. He was r Oing east near Twenty
fourth street and ftnrtrd to pass a one
horse rig diivvn by Hay, Cooper for O.
Wise, a tinner. The hoiie rhled aa the
M'-yrle startvd to pas and TIU was
thrown to the pavement.
Louise Fl'lmnre,
ltiaurh V aidrilr-h,
Anne Hneffxd.
Varasirt Huarnrd,
Katherlnu H airid,
Vary Krl.aeter.
Irene herney, '
FYedeiirk Nielsen,
Franri Hesley.
Rolrt peisiautt,
Oail .Murphy,
P. J. Bctnlan.
Lawrence tcanlaa.
JestJe M. Henley.
Marvaret Euerer,
Helen U wd.
Heira U rtcanlan,
Juanita f a.tlaii,
t'atncia Heanlan,
alary inks,
lillsm 'Jo.d.
.arold fnil(h.
WIIHam Crinkling,
Chs'ineey IIblii,
Fdrtle fx anlan.
S lilie Uood,
Tor the Future.
The worn of the 4oith "id Procrea
ae Card club will entertain Vtedneaday
e-eenlftg at their ball on Caste Us r street.
Plcusrei Pait.
Mra. J. A. brut entertalnee te mem
ber of the Pleasant Hour club Monday
nturaoon at tb Orpheum.
lirtliday Party. -
Mr, i. i. KajDltin entertained thla
afternoon In honor of the sevath blnh-
mmw ui new eon, Beraara. I as rooms were
4eeo-aU4 throughout w lib garSen flowers
a4 asnh-ahaded llgiita. About tnty
ireesta wore (traaent.
rcrscsai Mention. t
kfr. A I vl a P. Johaeoa returned Friday
tVera Kwwielor Bprlnga
ivi tether Pricks will return from
fees CaU Wadneeday.,
AxmAxt the Omaha pet pi wh are i
lralw at xaiMor aprtng la the Last
Students at School ;
! ior Deaf Extinguish.;
Threatening Blaze
Older boys of the Nebraska School for
the Drat got out the Institution' fir
fighting apparatus at T.tS a. m. and
quickly put out the bias In the schenw
building attic, which threatened to de
stroy that structure. They had the blase
welt under control before the city fire de
partment arrived.' Damage was not over
1KX), mostly from water, as the result of
the lade prompt and affective work."
Th twenty boya who responded to th.
larm had beeu trained to handle the
school fir apparatus, and they - went
about the tak systematically and aa If
they enjoyed It, rather than with any
fright. ' Superintendent T. W. Booth of
th school wgg st their head, assisted by
W. 11. Chapman, P. E. Beeley, J. W.
r around all . you
'like, you'll find
r nothing to good
to keep fruit jar
'ubbern from
cracking, and jar lid a
from sticking, as
3-in-One. Put a littl
on when sealing jar.
A Dictionary of 100
other uses with
every bottle. 10c, 25c,
50c all stores.
Thriee-in-One OH Co.,
42 N. Broadway, New York
U Illl. ft
- l ra
Jackson and E. Archambault, teachers I
and supervisors of the Institute.
The fir Is supposed to have originated
from Sold defevtlv wiring. It waa re
ported by a man passing the school on
his way to. work.
Rent room Quick with ' Bee "Want Ad.
I -
ice Cream of QtuAtf tl
Creem Steprwnw affaecU i
for rvr? Ja in the seven
ftirute a wwelu Ligriten your
adoptjfuj Ice Creem m a ragaeV
dessert, food mni tonic. TKe wKolt
fomirp wiK be pUaaad. But, fot
every lxiy's sake, be) sure it's
i it g m f m i
i4 eea-kJr.b.
Buy Your CORSETS During
ll r 1 Fl 1 Willi II XLi.
V f
Beginning MONDAY, MAY 3
In Good Stores Evtrywhtrt
During Nemo Week you can select from FULL
LINES of Nemo Corset Specialties and secure
Tk Km Hrsiewes-Feeluaai Ussiest, New Test
Musical Program
12 OO to 8:00
0:00 to 8:00
Ganson's Cafe
kdNis.. sTe..ta eft s Jkefc !., s , A, M e AM- s.eKe sSw fa SsaA sf A It ate A HS,
1508 Howard Street
Phone Douglas 1113
Omaha's Finest M.
Popular Priced
QC Daily Lunch
OC 12:00 to 2:00
C f Daily Dinner
OUC 5;00 to 8:00
Tables Reserved
A ast eitravr
eiaarr HMrLK
Tfcairwelar. Aprtl
STB nisrh-Orad
TwUered geiMa
at aewet V prlee.
e'e-i-' I y e'p7' ''Ll1 '
Art Needlework
Ask to a the
New Une ef Chll
dren'e Stamped
Dresses and Boya'
Suits, ready made
te he embroidered.
TUt Flesr
Crepe de Chine Day
the Brandeis Blouse
Shop D
As crepe de chine is one of the most popular materials this season for its durabil- W
lty and laundering qualities, we have decided to devote one day to its selling,
and named it as above.
"We have a complete stock of this excellent material in
all new models
Scoe floo
The Smocking Blouse
Two-in-One Collars
Three-in-One Collars
The. Lacing Blouse
Peter Pan Models
Semi-Tailored and
Embroidered Models
The colors are white, flesh, maize, rose.
Belgian blue.
The Prices
Values to ' v l qq
$2.50, for .jieO.7
Values to O f,Q
$4.50, for ... 5 O
Values to o rxo
$6.00, for. . , Pv.a70
Values to j, e
$8.50, for. . ,eJ
. ' Chine
nvjCZJ tit
Women's Trimmed
apanese Panamas
ri . f . .I...
Mw r I 1 'W
Only sp'ace
to Illustrate a
ji Few Hundreds
B to Select From,
y Suitable for
Dyess or
h Street Wear
Big Purchase of
Bodies U
Rugs for Wednesday's Selling
1 9Wiinah wl
Fringed Axmlneter Rugs 27x60 inches. rugs, specially priced
Teery Braeaels Raga Sis Salt, aeamleas.
iiwt viuaiiiy. nmaii aii-over an
medallion pattern. Special Wednesday
U High Grade Wilton Rugs
HlgK-Grade Wilton Rugs Seamed or seamless.
Some are fringed. Beautiful designs and colorings-
Six 9x12 feet..
Six) t.SxlO.t feet..
a 10.00
Linoleum 8 and 12 feet wide. Splendid line of
patterns blue and white, tllea. Inlaid and wood
effects ' . . .
6 feet wide, a square yard 55c
12 feet wide, a eijuare yard -70c
Special Showing of Lace Curtains
in Our April Sale Tomorrow
41 Patterns of fine Filet Net,
Cable Net and Quaker Curtains
White. Ivory and ecm. r
a pair pl.OD
'Marquisette Curtains All new
spring patterns, a big assortment.
Special, a pair 11 18
Lace . Edge Curtains Made of
bungalow nets. These very new.
Special Wednesday, a ea.
Duchesse Curtains 8peclal show
ing of the new edge patterns;
Ivory and ecru. A pair,
13.88 and :
Duo Curtains We are showing a big assortment,
tains and sunfs-st over-curtains la on. A set for
2.8. $3.88 and
Muslin Curtain with buttonhole
edges or hems; plain and fancy
centers. A pair, ISo i or
Muslin Curtains With colored
borders, 2H yards long. n
Ovsr It patterns, each.. . . . eJiC
Theee are lace cur-
Wall Paper Bargains for Wednesday
For Wednesday we offer four exceptionally food values in new spring wall pipers
w Beareem and Sprt i Plain DemaaUe and Du- I Parlor. Dlnlag Room. Bter ' Nw Bsdrsm. x
Hooea Papeia 1 pa
teiaa to select from, in
light a a 4 medium
shades, with eoreers to
match. Regular j
a roll
pies Paers Taa. green,
brown aod red shades;
1 Inches wide; sold
with borders. Keg- f
ulsr lac values Mr
A roll :....'
and Hall F apex a With S and
ll-lncb borders te matrh. A
bla; Hoe to select from, fa all
shade and oattaraa.
ular arte ljo, aaie
prio. a
ou-ipea, noraj and alt
over rrc), with em-
owt border to mate..
grade, a
roll ;
rsnr r;