Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Ope Bin j Concert by Mendelitohn
Choristert and Chicago Symphony
Orchestra Notable Function.
That little shiver of delight which
swept over the audlsnce at the
Auditorium . Monday has always
greeted , the Mendelssohn Chojr of
Omaha and the Chicago Symphony
orchestra when they appear for their
annual Joint concerta here. It i
otloed on the flnt night four yean
ago, and it was in evidence each time
since, as the musicians take their
places and the director makes his
how before beginning the program.
Four yeara ago the rame of Frederick
Slock and the Chicago Symphony or
chestra was already blown far and
wide on the winds of the musical
world; since . then the name of
Thomas 3. Kelly and his Mendelssohn
Choir has also been sounded anions
the elect. What was anticipated on
' that eight four years ago has more
than developed in reality.
. Blcateat Ses rmit.
last night was In liibch a repetition
ef the ether first nlM that have none
befere. The multitude was there. en1
the music, and the ilshts and flowers,
and all that appeal te tha deeper eansea,
th better qualities of tne mind, and the
response waa notable from both musl
riane end listener The famlllarttr that
haa come with better acquaintance has
developed 'aa understanding that dispels
not a UtUe ef the formality of theae
concert and give to them an Indefinable
tnuah ef hBttmaey that sprly enhances
the Joy. . ' .4 . .
A eeul obeerver. who h had the
food fortune te be present each year,
Sivee It a hts' Unpresslon that the mu
tual recmrd between the two rreat or
ffentsaUons has ripened, entll their har
mony ef ooaoerted effort la practically
perfect and the artlatia reault te Imneo
cable. It eaame So make no dlfarenee U
Mr. Stock ee Mr. Xelly wields tlie baton,
the effect la aa eure, the raapenae as
penteaeoos, and the camaraderie. If the
word Is permissible, between sinter and
play Is efrVfenred 'a : uc-h mnslclanly
preclstoa u4 suob charm of intrpria
tlv expreeeloa as leavee nothing to be
aaked la the way of taproved perform
ance. rresrenaa nertew. '
Mr. Kelly seme time ace announced
that Ms offering for the current series
would be In the neteve of a review, te
jaome extent, ot former eehUvemeet of
the Choir. Thla is a departure for him.
as he hitherto baa wn hla greateet
concern to the produoticn. not of novel,
tties, but of essentially goed things with
evhleh the mubtto Is not familiar. How
vr. as his "reviser? program la made
to from genuine game of other pro
grams, the numbers being thoee that are
well worthy ef repetition, the attraction
Itt not the lee potent ,
i It was a splendidly responsive audience
that 'listened t the eorcert leet nisht.
!snd the applause thet fellowed each nimV
;ber we of the genuine eraer. wnceres
.ere aeked and given,- and thd evening
if must was enjoyable to the utmost
. Procravte foe Moila ' Evi.
Thle art moon tne Orchestra will be
;).eard In a program which Includes the
overture te "The Bartered Bride," tr
Fmetana; the Tsctoalaoweky Fourth
;ffmphmy tF minor, opus S); a 'oelle
jsoio by Bruno Steiadal and a welts,
grand pea da flaneea and rinale from the
Ulasunow ballet. "Rueas d' Amour."
V Tor this evening the aolouuwill be Mies
-bllve Kline and Mr. Herbert Wltherepoon.
Soprano and baeeo; tha Choir will sing
several . uneooompailed numbers, end
etfcers with the Orchestra, and the Or
chestra wUl play the wedding march and
variation from "A Country Wedding.
symphony by Ootdmarck. The concert
will eioee with the great ohoruees from
"The MeaeiaJi," by the Chair aad Or
theatre. ' ; ." t ;
' Xtr, Chair, Orchestra sued
tste Shere In Kvenlnc
tertnlpeaent. '
- Another year, another openmg night ef
the great choral festival of the MenAela
eohn Choir of Omaha and the Chloago
Dymphony Orchestra, aad another night
tilled wttn euch a veet number ef wonder
ful musical treat aa these concerts only
bring forth In our city at one time. And
as the years progress It seeroe that each
- concert eurpeaeee all othere In point ef
musical excellence, and last night's was
without -doubt the erownlng achievement
of Choir end Orcheatra and soloist.
. The Mendelssohn Choir seemed more at
ease than at any ef Ha previous perform
ance, and eang with greater abandon
' and finer f Inleh than ever before. That
-Is aayng -a great -deal for the conoerts
la the pest have been remarkable for
these very particular The men's choir
especially deserves mention, tor there
wae a reepoeee. and vitality about their
singing which gave It a positive delight
Ae aeuei Mr. Kelly te te be congratulated
upea the attack, pttraatng and balance ef
' the entire Choir. Thle year It eeem
almost superfluous te revserk .upon tt
excellence. Another point waa the
variety ef tone color with which the Choir
Imbued the various numbers. In the flret
group "Six no More Ledlee," brought
furth euch different quality ef tone from
the old Irish Lament and Choral Ballad
which followed .successively, that, one
could almost Imagine a different number
ef sinsers taking part -
The, Choir opened the program with a
Choral Prologue 'Bleep-. Awake, s
Vole. I Celllag" with "orchestral beck
ground" and from the first splendid at
tack te the close of the evening, one euo
csee followed another.
The choral ballad. -The Sands ef Dee."
was one ef the finest numbers ef the en
tire evening. The accompaniment la ex
repUonally beautiful, end the descriptive
'poser ef the music was wonderfully por
trayed by both singers and orcheatra.
.It la a strong test ef a chtrtr to be able
te alng a tune portion unaccompanied
and with eontraala of light end shade aad
then to com In with the orcheatra ex
'actly true to th pitch, yet thle kt exactly
what Mr. Kelly end his singers accom
plished with absolute surety.
The two Grieg, numbers were excellent
"Ave Maria Stella" for the translucent
ethereel quality of the wonder fuj soft f
fn u. the soprano section her showing
Ha mS'lfi lnt qualities, and the choral
aong ;fod a Pears is Peers Eternal."
e a ntd for Its repose end tnejoaty.
1 Le eexond verse of thle we repeated.
This was Mr. Kelly's own -arrangement
end was hlshlr successful.
"Th Challenge of Thor" from '"King
Olaf." made a deep Impression at a
previous concert but In this number the
Choir curpessed Itself In It dramatic
Interpretation. Thla yeah with all Furop
at war, It wSe ell too epproprlate, end
the Immensity of the presentation. Its
bmad sweep and tremendous climaxes
were overwhelming.
Mr. Ftoek and his orchestra were cor
dially welcomed In their first number,
"Uebesfruellng." by George flrhumenn.
This was given a spirited presentation.
"The Carnival," by fllngaglla, was played
with greet Charm and many graceful ef-fe.-t.
on novel and esperislly delightful
one' being achieved In the string choir
with solo viola and platlrsto accompani
ment. This won an encore, "Moment
Musical, ' by Behubert, m which the
woodwind choir waa starred.
The program clone. ?:h excerpt from
"Th Meletcrilngers" arranged by Theo
dore Thorns. g,r4 conducted by Mr.
Stock. In which the choir, orchestra and
Mr. Murphy united In presenting this
powerful Wagnerian muatc In a brilliant
majestic and Impressively dramatic man
ner. The ar.lotst were Mist Margaret Keyee
and Mr. Lambert Murphy. Both have
been heard In connection with thee eon
cert before end maintained and even
advanced their former high place In our
estimation. Miss Margaret Keyee' voice
I even fuller and richer then before,
and In both her Cavatlna from tha
"Queen of Sheba," by Oounod, and In
her enocre from "Mlgnon," by Ambrolee
Thome, her interpretation were a de
light Mr. Murphy's rarely beautiful
tenor was heard to advantage In "Celeete
Aid," which he presented vividly. He
responded te an enoore with "Songs of
Araby," by Fred Clay. Ke was at hla
beat In "Walthre Prise Bong" from
"Th Meieterslngere," In which he ur
psseed himself ard did the finest work
of his three appearance In our city.
The concerts have opened auspiciously,
and thoee ef today will be eegerly an
ticipated. Mr. Kelly and his choir hare
eauee te regard the opening night with
City Commissioners Decide Dahl
man's Ordinance Would Hot Re
due Bills in All Cases.
Lahners Eeturns
After Northern Trip
(lTcm a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April T7. (Bpeclat.)-Senator
Lahners ef Thayer county passed through
Lincoln tola afternoon en his way home
from Minnesota and "Wisconsin, where he
visited the fish hetohsrles la thoee states.
senator Laftnsr I much Interested In
fish culture and baa a laks ef his own
of his farm near Belvldere, which fur
nishes both hi moo! f and neighbors with
tlenty ef food ef that nature. While the
fleh hatcheries which he saw In the other
istss were, well supplied with fish, there
te no effort to raise any kind save trout
perch and pike. The Nebraska fisheries
are much more extensive than the fish
eriea or Minnesota end . Wisconsin , and
appear to be doing a more effective part
In stocking the streams.
(from a fKaff Cprrcypondont.)
LINCOLN. April 17. ( Special rA , for
mal complaint was filed this' morning
with the Stat Insurance board by John
W, Mrlteynotds, Jr of Fairfield protest,
Ing against the releeoanoe ef ttconse te
the, Protective league : Life ' Insuraaee
company. " '-"'".'. ' .
The charges ere based ten a refuse! af
th company te continue a policy of In
surance for 11 409 the complainant's
father. , . ,. . v
The City commissioners Intend to amend
the Dehlman. electric light and power
rate ordinance f th extent that In all
oases there will be S positive reduction
of I cents per kilowatt hour on the pri
mary rate and of a cent per kilowatt
hour on tha secondary, retaining the elec-
trlo light company's prseent system of
determining whst the Initial quality ahall
be. It la also proposed to eliminate the
minimum charge ot W cents per month.
General Manager Reldrege of the
Omaha Electric Light and Power com
pany aay he wants time to consider this
amendment before making any positive
statement, but his offhand opinion 1 that
hi company would not agree to grant
auch a concession- ' ' '
Th Dehlman ordinance, which ha
areuaed erUldsm, and several amend
ments, have been referred to trie com
mittee of the whole for general discus
sion next Monday morning in th council
chamber, at which, ttm all persons In
terested win be given an opportunity to
speak on this subject .
Aa Imagtaarr Bill. I
Ths new rates which are proposed by
Commissioner Butler would , operate In
this manner: A light bUl of ten kilo
watt hour at th primary rate of 11
cents and ten hour at tho secondary
rate, ef cents would, under the proposed
amendment be ten hours at cents aad
tea hours ei l4 cents, or a reduction of
M cents on thla Imaginary bllL
Commissioner Butler and City Attorney
RJne stats that ths new amendment
would be a reduction of JTS-ll par cent
of all primary charges and 12H per cent
of all secondary charge. Under the
Dehlman ordinance It was proposed to
apply aa s-oent primary rate to the first
V kilowatt hours used and then apply a
secondary rate of cents, both re tea
being subjsct to sn addition of V cent
per kilowatt hour for nonpayment ' of
bill within ten day. Th last amendment
retains the present discount of I per cent
for payment within ten days.
Other proposed ohangea In the schedule
are: Commercial lighting, primary rate of
t cents and secondary of 6H cents per
kilowatt hour; retail power, first MO
hours, cents; next 4D0 hour. 4H cent:
next. tn0 hours, t cents; excess of
above, t cents per hour.
Wesll Not Cat Mills.
- The commissioner seem convinced that
th operation of the Dehlman ordinance
would not reduce bills in all cases and In
some Instances only a slight reduction
would be received.
There is some objection te the lest
amendment on account of retaining tha
preaent system of figuring ths Initial
quantity, which la the amount ef current
to which the primary er high rate may
be applied. There are many who believe
the bills should be based upon actual cur
rent uaed, a indlcatd by tha meters,
without any cryptic method of determin
ing primary and second hours.
H. ft Ell worth. J H. Perl, C. K.
Brook and C. C. Cote.
Division Bnperlntendent W. O. Mteehaa
left for Council Bluffe yesterday to Jot a
the Inspection special convoying H. U.
Charges of Qraft
Against Aldermeii
In Detroit Dropped
DETROIT, Mich., April rf. MoMon that
the rases against eleven member and
former members of the Detroit city coun
cil. Indicted on charges of bribery, be
dismissed was made in the circuit court
todey by Cherle H. Jasnowskl, prose
outing attorney of .Wayne county.
Judge Phelen said he would grant the
prosecuting attorney's motion.
It Is my opinion that the great length
ef time which haa elapeed since the ar
rest ef the aldermen has made It Im
possible to obtain a conviction on the
testimony." eald the prosecuting attorney.
The members of the council were ar
rested in July, lfii. It was alleged they
had accepted er agreed to accept money
from th Wabash' railroad in return for
money favors.-
(Specie!) Julius Hansen, aged years,
was Instantly killed last evening In an
automobtte acldent. He and two other
were out driving, when th front tire en
plodod. causing th auto to upset. Han
eea was thrown out and hla nsck broken.
The twe who were with him auf fared
severe bruises and fracture) but they
will recover.
Falrfcary News ftoies, i
PAIRBURT. Nh.. April 17.-Ppeclal V-
Orand Custodian Robert French I hold
Ing a echoal of Instruction for Mason in
th lodge room ef Falrbury lodge No. M,
Ancient Free and Accepted it aeons.
Road Foreman D. W. Hlgglns and
Trainmaster W. W. Cameron held a phys
ical examination for Nebraska ' division
trainmen and enginemen. '
Carl Miller haa returned from a trip to
St Joseph, Mich., where he was called
by the death of hsl stepomther. He has
resumed work, on the Nebrssks division
ss a firemen.
Messrs. W. Ceetello and Charles Mo
Kean have returned from Oramdon, Wis.,
and resumed work for the Rock Island.
Thay have been owrklng on a construc
tion tnaia for the Northern Pacific at
Owing to Impaired buslneaa on the oRck
Island, Tardmaater 8. A. Smart mad a
reduction of five extra obard brakemen.
The men Involved Include A. O. Fletcher,
Kn. A. C. Smith Offer $40 in Prizes
to Children Dipping: the
Host Dandeliom.
The dandelion must go..
Tha children of Omaha are to be
the means of ita extermination.
Mrg. Artnur Crittend'en Smith Us
sponsor for tha task and haa offered
140 in prises, $10 for each garden
district to the children who dig the
most of the pests. The four dis
tricts are divided '. four ways by
Twenty-fourth' and Farnam streets
under the garden campaign.
The contest la to start Msy 1 snd to
end May tl. and Mrs.' Smith announces
t:win give this prise each yea until
' t'ie dandelions of Omaha are a th i,g 'of
the pest.
Children are to take their dandelions to
the fire engine houses of the city, where
I he rsptala In charge of the houss will
keep n accurate record of all danlllon
brought In. They are to be meas.ircd by
ordinary market basket and the baikct
must be free from dirt. The dandrllon
re to be dug deep and havs plenty of
loots, but no soil.
Garden experts who are now In Omaha
working in the Interests - of the Harden
riucs say that the way to exterminate
dandelion 1 to dig them up, anl the
dandelion committee of the garden con
test club Is most enthusiastic over thla
offer by Mr. Cmith. for they, sea a real
Incentive for the children to work.
Only Omaha is Included In this offer.
Ames Girl is Hit
by Intemrban Car
eeeasesssnesses ,
AMES. Ia.. April t7.-SpeclaJ Telegram)
Nettle Catlln, an employ of the col
lege cafeteria, was struck in the 4ark
last night cn the Fort Dodge traction
trestle on College line by an Intemrban
ear and probably fatally Injured. The
cer crew Is blamed for Instructing pea-
cngere to walk down the track when
the college ear wag stalled by a storm.
GRAND I PLAN D. NsK, April 17.
( Special ) Henry Hammaeher mat James
McBlhaney, two young men who as
sisted Ed Lai d wig in making hla way al
most to Aurora before the polio overtook
him for attempting to stab Alex Oelll-
peaux at tha sales stables here, w
fined fM and costs for abetting la the at
tempted eecepe, but the fine waa i
mitted on condition that the young men
pay the polloe department's automobila
bill and remain good thereafter. - f
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. April IT fpo-
clal. On the complaint of J. C. MoAuley,
assistant water end light commissioner,
th city attorney filed a compUtnt In
the police court charging Ouetav C,
Kruegar with tampering with a light
meter In euch a manner aa to reduce hie
lighting bills. The complaint haa been
hanging fire for about a week. The evt
dence was secured by the city utility
plant'a agente. Trial has been postponed
until April SO.
Hirer mm Co. sell Clash.
HASTING, Neb., April XT. (Special
Telegram.) Although Mayor Msdgett an
nounced that he would not sign licenses
for more than thirteen saloon tha city
council haa repealed the ordinance mak
ing thirteen the limit, and Is threatening
to Issue a license to a fourteenth appli
cant a ihts measure and one permitting
barber shops to . operate Sunday. '. The
council has cleaned wlthths mayors only
one member . supporting his objection.
Kani'wvr Light Coaaaaieeteae.
HASTINGS. Nek. Apr 11 IT. (Spade!
Telegram.) W., S. "NVataon of Hamilton,
Ont.. who hes hsd extensive experlenos Is
Scotland, Wale and Canada, baa been
appointed water and light commissioner
of Hastings. 1 .
I r
Hoed for lick HeaSaekea,
Constipation causae, sick headache and
Dr. King's New Life Pills will cure It.
Take a dose tonight- Joe. All druggists.
Omaha Conple Gets Lleeas.
LINCOLN. April r.-(8peclal.) Martin
Kirk ef Omaha, aged IT, and IUjm Caro
line M. Janeen of Omaha, aged XK w
j given a license to marry today In Lincoln.
WISNER, Neb., April XI. (Special Tele-
pram.) The proposition " to . bond the
school, district In th eom of MO.OOO dol
lar to build an addition to the Wiener
schools waa detested by t votes at a spe
cial election held today. '
Mrs. Pratt's Former
Chauffeur Testifies
In Los Angeles Case
LOB ANGELES. Cal. April 7.-Cer1l
Lewi, a wltnes for the .prosecution
against Cherle Ev Sebastian, suspended
chief of police, and Mrs. I.lllle Pratt, un
der examination today said that he hd
made false etatement in, hi applicant
lor a position a patrolman. H said M
fid so because Mrs. Pratt advised him to
do it. He said no one had asked him to
teetlrv. falsely in the case where the de
fendants are cherge with contributing to
the delinquency of Fdlth Serkin. Mrs
Pratt half-lster and ward.
In winding up hi direct tetimony
Lewi, who used to be Mr. Pratt chauf
feur and house servant, said he had seen
letter written to her by Sebastian when
Hhe chief was attending a convention in
the east last summer, and aleo had seen
a lavalliere, a silk bath robe and a little
blue watch which. It has been testified,
Sebastian gave to Mrs. Pratt. Edith Per
Kln. however, teatlfled. that Sebastian
gave the watch to her.
uy the Goods
Not the Package"
Advises Hon. Geo. W. Perkins, Chairman of New
)York's Food Committee.
And it's Rood advice! Select tho food that con
tains tho greatest nutrition for the least money,
whether in ornately colored packages or in a plain .
carton. 1
Tho Grape-Nuts package isn't pretty no money
is wasted upon ornamentbut it's air-tight and germ
proof, to protect the food and keep it in perfect con
dition. . 1
. made of selected wheat and malted barley, is deli-,
cious, concentrated, easily digested, and contains,
pound for pound, more nutrition than beef and costs
less. 1 . . .......
i . Grape-Nuts food has a delicious, nut-like flavour
that is relished by old and young. It contains no
sugar added, but its delicate sweetness is due to nat- '
. ural conversion of tho starch of the grain into grape
' sugar by long, skilful baking.
It comes all ready to eat with cream or good milk
and is mighty good! "
"There's a Reason" for , Grape-Nuts
sold by Grocers everywhere
.. Vllill ;
Light Six
7-PaMengftr Phaeton
3-Pasaenger Roadster
'Hiair .tiui 1 in emiJIK..' i"T If
The High Grade Gar
Is the Light Car
Remember that. Lightness requires ' the highest
v skill in designing. It requires much aluminum, special
steels. To get strength without bulk is the acme in car
building. Therefore the Hudson the lightest 7-Paasen-ger
Six is a matchless example of fine engineering.
Not all Light Sins are really light.
Not one is aa light as Hudson in this
class. 'Our rivals, of course, say their
extra weigh tr 'perhaps hundreds ot
pounds is essential.
Why Go Half Way?
But It Isn't. No more than 4,500
pounds which Sizes used to weigh.
And to carry extra weight daily is a
heavy tax, both on tires and fuel. . v
Thla Is the day of Light Sixes. Men
hare definitely decided never again to
carry vast, crude, needless weight.
All leading cars are built lighter.
Overwhelming demand baa compelled
It. Bat many cars, in another year, '
will be lighter stfll. Cars of Hudson
size must come In Hudson weight. In
tha meantime, la It wise to get a car .
which has only gone hart way, '.
Hudson Strencth
The strength of -tbeHodson Hm be- '.J HUDSON MOTOR CAR CO., Detroit, Mich
yond any question. - Remember ; that" :; - ; Hudonervice adds another Joy to.
12,000 of these Light Hudabns ara ruu- ,1 motoring. It means constant ' aatisfac
nlng. Many have run for two seasons. tlon. Wa ll explain It when you come.
.2563-67 Farnam St, Guy Lw Smith. .
All ot that driving, covering 80 million
of miles, has failed to bring out a sin
gle weaknesa.
There never was a sturdier car. Any
extra pound would be useless a weak.
nees, not a strength.
But It Took Four Years
Hudson Is the original Light Six.
It took us four years to attain. Hun
t dreds of, parts were re-deslgned by
, Howard K. Coffin, a genius In deslgn
' ins-. , '.
" That Is . why Hudson weighs but
2.870 pounds. That Is why It shows
It will be your first choice in the
Light Six class.) But. bear. In mind that,
Hudsons are In tremendous demand in
' the spring. Decide on your can while
we can '-make prompt delivery.
- 7-Paaaen;er Phaeton or 8-Passener
, Roadstr7 $1550, f. o. b. Detroit.
. w
rsl ....John K. Peterson.
Clsrlaa I-tele Mfff. Co.
Conaoil Staffs. Wllllsm Roper.
n.i.i. . . . .
W. A. Chsuncey.
. Th Fsrrssut Automobile Cu.
. Booth Implement Co.
. Chs. F. Putnam.
. Salyers tt Ksyton.
.Petty Automobila -Co.
.Cher) Monson.
.J. R. Stickler. '
, Foot Senn.
Able Meshek Uros.
Arllasrtoa ...... Fred Echtenksmp.
UlOreek... I). U Best. ,
Be trio. ...... V. D. Andrew Auto Co.
ell wood Peter Powers Powers Garaf.
Herltm D. H. Bohsll.
Klstr O. A. Rsthmsnn. .
B renins' Iks Tlsden.
rerreset. . . ,
sTsrlsB ,
Malvern. . . .
e Oek....
OeatrelOtty... P. F. Hall.
Creisbton... . ..P. O. Eandos.
fell City Kenton Bros. 1
Osao V. Ij. llai rls Ron.
Ontsd Island. . .Mr. E. A. Brandea.
Xilaooln Lord Auto Co. ' .
Wew Oatl. . . . i'urry Bros.
If win an Orove. Newman Urove Auto Ca
Osallale Jay Hnlllnssworth.
Pawnee Olty. .. Wherry Bros,
i Platte Canter. . Piatt Center Auto Ca, Ine
Plattsmoath ... P. T. Becker. .
Bt. Paul . V. K. Bly.
Behsyler Doufrlss Orotelucschen.
Boott' Bluff . . . A. T. Crawford.
Bpaldln F. J. O'Haxa.
A wanton Mr. W. K. Iairtensrhlaser.
Tsonmash The Fletcher Auto Co.
erdoa W. F. Veaoh.
Waltoa ........ Alex F. Francke.
Callaway Deo. Borouse.
oath Omaha. . Holme A Adklne
You can't get
greater safety.
You can't buy
longer mileage.
Money won't secure
. you greater dependability.
Compare With '
Plain Tread Prices
Of. Many Other .
Standard Makes
31x30 - 1230
4x34 - 2035
41x34 2730
41x36 - 28.70
5x37 - 33.90
S.V.. rat.eS.
Tbm te Re-af
immt rei
I O r D H r l mw i mJ
t I J j II i i v
V 1 r- AH
So why not save money by
'. equipping all tour wheels
with the Fisk Non-Skid
Fuk Tba For Sale By All Dealers
Fisic Rubber Company
of N.Y.
Faxtory euul Horn Office, CLkopee Falls, Mass.
Omaha Branch .2210 Farnam Street