HIE HEK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 2S. 1013. 13 FOR RENT ' ' Hea ad lttae. FOR RENT $65.00 Dwelling, 414 So. 38th St; tiled vestibule, reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class con trillion. .Location A-l. lionl & Baker. Phones D432, U317, For Rent A strictly modern seven-room flat, $22.50. 16th and Corby Sts. Phone Douglas 4174. DONEWON RENTAL. SERVICE. Thl week we will take our prospective renter to and from th houses listed below : "1 Par Ave 4 and -r. mod. flat. .828 00 Jul I IkA. 8-r. mod. cottage M Ml N. mth St., 4-r., mod. ex. heat.. 20.00 13 Cumin, T-r. houae JO-00 1128 8. Slat St., 8-r.. mod. flat JO.OO SW Park Ave, 8-r., mod., large yard 80 00 Bill N. 0th St.. r.. mod MOO 3m Cap. Av., 10-r. mod. flat 4000 814 S. S6th St.. 7-r., mod J JS 818 Pacific, t-r., mod jS.60 8MG Capitol Av., 4-r. mod.... SOW lltt N. 21et St.. 6-r.. part rood 14.00 341S Parker, 8-r.. mod. ex. heat 1 00 10S7 . 2Sd St., 6-r rart mod.... 16.60 2219 8herman Ave . n-r.. all mod -6.00 Fl'RNIf HED HOU8EC. W . th St.. T-r.. all mod ." TQI Marrv. 6-r.. mod . rant summer. 46.00 DONELSON REALTY CO., Wl Omaha Nat Bank. Poug. 1476. FOR RENT. One of the nicest 6-room house to be had for the money. Walking- dlstancex All modern. Nevr occupied. Rent tor AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, nmiKi-. 6013. Walnut soar. i'lifiO 4-r.. alectrlo light, well, cement -"'beaement 316.00. 6-r.. modern execp. ni. 217.00 6-r., upstairs, with heat, all mod ern. . IHOOO 7-r., modern, except neac S28.00 T-r.. all modern. M OO-lO-r., flat, modern. .,.. AMERICAN 8JHJCURITT COM PANT, Douglas 6018. Walnut 8087. SIX-ROOM, modern houae, located at t?W Decatur St.: will be vacant May 1; iza per montn. r-none n. MODERN 10-room brick houae, 2601 Capi tol Ave. rnon mmr act. GlobeVan&Storage Storea, moves, pack, ihlpa; 8-horse. van and 2 men. 11-25 per hr. : torage 22 per mo. Satisfaction cuar. P- 4338 Ty. 220. T-room modem heua. 110 S- 3bth St. 1810 PARK AVB., aaven-room. modern. COOLEST and. moat desirable 6-room apartment In Hanaoom Park dlatrict will rant May let to Oct. let. Phona H. Mil or m. lew. SK.VEN room. 2487 Charl, 120. Phone walnut -w. jx win $18 ai-.ii.. u4rn artartmn(d. 0UIBUUIU l"V'T l l a ay- -'--- up: near poatofftce. O. P. Stebbln. A bargain, 818, 6 large mod. rim., upaUIra, O. Qruh at 8411 So. 84th St. s FOR RENT W bare a complete lurt of all heaaea, apart mnU and flat that ere tor rent Thla liat can ba acen free of oharge at Omah Vw Storage Co.. 808 S. 14th St ALL, . 68 per month up. 607 Paxton, SRB the Central rumltura 6 tore. FKEH RENTAL 1IT, WEST FARNAM. S-3.N. 3th Ave., mod- ern; with 8 bath room. 360. t" ROOMS, all modern, on car line. H. 804. Bxp. ' on- moving, packing 4 . torag. J a Ve XV4-VA yrn.m. IX met. Gordon Van Co. S tl N. 11th 8t Tel. D. 894 or Web. lttJL Maggtard's; Van and Storage Co. Call ua for ea- t i ma trm foe nftf log, pauiiiig, ahlpplng.' 1113 Wabater St Douglaa 14. TTmiana Crvigh Son A Co.. Bm Bld. JJ.UU3UB n ftU jMfcru ol th city. ttra avnd OfHaM. f rjw raniMrn nura. iv iuvmiw iu 1 VT W A...ka Ul A imaal a Waft. VhlaTt.Mt tI 1,41 VIIteVAiea.. tiM avwy avwwvwai im or Wab. 8148. . OFFICES IN THflJ BEST IjOCATKD OFF1CK 3UILDINO. Near Court Houae and City HalL Rate from $10 to 846. Vault. Electric LJghta, Water Free. THE) BEE BUIUDINO. The Building That la Alwey New. R. O. Babcock, Sup'L Room 101 TWO atorea near poetof flea. - Sixteenth tret; Sow rent O. P. Stebblna. Read The Bee "Bualnaea Cbancea" and get Into your own buatnaaa. UTANTlCIt TO BTTT "Vale buy everything i hand. Tyler 1418, Ofr'ICW turnltur bought and "old. J. ry . Jl l.t U-HHBH T.A . . Mint DOME good computing acale and other fixture for our new atorea. Phona Basket oXfloe, 611 Braudeta Theater Bldg. p. SiWO. WANT TO BUT flrl'i aecond hand bloycl. Addreaa Vl. Bee. WANTED TO RENT WANT1CD A amall ncaliy furnUhed apartment or aulta of housekeeping room of two rooma, at a reaaonabla rata In a good neighborhood. Main floor preferred. Ulva full detail. Addreaa C-364. i REAL ESTATE FARM HANC11 LANDS FOR IALB tUtfaralav. Llv Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. Smith Co., tti-14 City Nat. Bk. D. 281. Ave, Chicago. I1L ' C4oraw. rOB SALE Farm, iao and SO acres, la Peeta. Colo. Writ LteialUr. 8164 Ogdea HAVB TOU a'JaKM FOR (AUt Write a good deacrtyUon of your ' tad and aend It to tb blou Ctty, la.. JoW.jaL "Iowa Moat Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twecty-flv word every Friday availing, SUurdajr morning and aveiy Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving alileen ada oa twelve dlfreient dye tor Ui or 10 word. Hi or 78 word 8o. lArgeat circulation or any Iowa Bwa pair. IbO.Ouo readara dally la four great at tea. Meameewta). SAROAIN-MA. farm M m. from Mln beapoliai lev A. under cult.; 4 A. good meaduw: M A. timbered pasture: can tiractlcaJly all b culllvateu; good oorn land; farm La fenced; 10-room houae, barn, granary, machine ahed, windmill, etc; u head good milk oowa, 4 good boraea, bar liii i. wagon, complete est of machin ery, hogs, chicken and everything on tb farm gue at 84 per acre; S&.utA oaah, baianc can atand for 1 yeare at per wnL Schwab Brua., iuJi Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolla, Minn. OOOD South Missouri land on railroad. in wall aattled locality. 111 par aor. Small or large farms on eaay term. Literature free. D. Merrtam, KUls, Ben ton. Kan City. Kanaaa. 160-ACRE FAJiM AT $14. Is acres, H mils anuare, excellent soli, only 4 miles wet of Marsland, good well, small barn, potato cellar, acre under cultivation, every acre lay nice for cul tivation. Thla is a bargain you don't get every day. at only 114 per acre and on easy terme aearch tne country over, you can t beat It. ARAM L. HrNGERFORD. Crawford, Dawes County, Nebraaka. REAL ESTATE WEST 81PE Eight New Houses To Be Started Soon in Two Blocks in Happy Hollow Costing From $7,000 to $15,000 Why not select a lot in Omaha's best and beautiful new residence district? REMEMBER that only ONE-TENTH CASH and 1 OF PURCHASE PRICE a month secures a lot or a discount will be allowed for all cash. HAPPY HOLLOW lies NORTH of DODGE ST. between 52d ST. and HAPPY HOLLOW RVD. West Farnam-Dundee cars all run through HAPPY HOLLOW. Get off car at Boule vard and walk north or south. A good place to live, a safe place to invest. May we send plats with prices .and show you HAPPY HOLLOW! GEORGE & COMPANY Phone Douglas 756. 902 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATES FARM at RANCH LANDS FOR AtE. Nebraska. FARMS NEAR OMAHA Five quarter sections, one mile from Millard. Low price, reasonable terms. SEE Payne Investment Company Omaha. 15th and Farnam. Tel. D. 1781. . . WlMsula. 40 ACRES gently rolling, ( cleared and cultivated, 8-room frame houae, log barn, border on Lake, price 8900. 800 cash, term to ut. Tom O. Mason, Shell Lake, Wla. MUaoellaaeowa. TO SELL LAND reach the Iowa farmer. Dea Molnea la located In central Iowa. with over 48.000 circulation dally,, moat of which go to Iowa farmer. The Capital win pubiian a jo-wora ad 10 day (or 82. The regular rate la lc per word par day. Tou save 81 on thla offer. Mall your ad today. ABSTRACT OP TITLE Ken Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office, 806 So. 17th St. Phone D. 8487. Jeesen & Morrell, Bk.g6!?. SKtD ABSTRACT CO., eldest abstraot etfloa In Nebraska. Iu8 Brandela The. REAL ESTATE LOAX8 810 TO liO.Ouo mad promptly. - F. IX we, weaa via., isth and f arnam Bta CITY and farm loans, 6, IS. per sent, J. H. pumont Co., 418 Btate Bank. WAN Til City loans and warrant. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1120 Farnam St MONET on hand for city and farm loans, H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. WANTED City luau. Peter Truet Co. 61B ua flrat for farm loan in eaatara Neb. United State Trust Co.. Omaha, 6 CITY IXXANS. C. O.Carlbera, 310-818 Brandala Theater Bldg. OMAHA home. East Nebraaka farm. O-KEEB K REAL. ESTATK CO., 1018 Omaha National. Phono Douglas frit. REAL ESTATE WANTED LIST your property with K. H. Lender you, 80t Neville Blk. D. 3600. LIST real eatate and rental with tQN KLSON R. K. CO.. M Om. Nat l Bank. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE I OWN 80 aorea, under Rlveralde lniga tlon ditch. All eould be Irrigated, about 4 mile N. K. of Fort Morgan, Colo. Price 878 per acre. Incumbered for about 11.200. and all due. Will trade equity for cheap clear land or grocery or hotel In Omaha. Addre 3408 Burt St Omaha, 81.0U0 TO 8&.UG0 capital atock In prosper ous company to exchange for good, clear Omaha city property or might con sider farm land. Addreaa Y t, Bee. I Income Property. Write for my new list. W. B, Townsend, W hite Lake, 8. D. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Must Be Sold Owner say to get the best offer pos sible for these house, either rash or on Kyment. This Is your chance to get a rgaln In a house. Be ur you see the ho us, then let us have your offer. You will make money by buying any one of three place : im Decatur St.. a (-room house, with city water; one-half block to car Una. Lot SuslW. 4631 Parker St.. a 4-room houae; one block to car. Lot 60x110. HM Franklin St, a 4 -room house; two block to car. Lot lOJxl&O. Creigh, Sons & Co Pougla 800 808 Bee Bldg. DON'T PAY ANOTHliK MONTH'S BENT. Here la a home all ready to move Into which can be bought for a smalt payment down and baianc. Including Interest, payable sum as rent Bis room cottage, modern, except fur nace; oak floors, oak finish In parlor and dining room. Kvry room newly decor ated; combination Ighting fixtures; east front lot on Boulevard; no special taxes, beautiful shade trees. Price I2.8.i. W. H. A Hi! ANSON, OWNtB, -lt N. ma St REAL ESTATF WEST RIlK SEE THIS Owner, leaving city offer modern up-to-date ten-room houae, on one of the finest street on West Farnam hill, at a big aarrtfice If sold thla week. Tel Har ney 1368. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE $1,800.00 4 rojm, stairway to large floored attlo, amplo apace for bath and two more rooms, olty water, electrlo !!hta, cement basement, nice lot, cement walka, located 4416 Spalding. 401ft N. 44th St.: brand new; )j0 cash, balance 120 a month. Kays al 1.734 N. 44th Ave. C. G. CARLBERG, 812 Brandel Theater Bldg. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. MODERN. Hot water heat, full cemented cel lar, full attic, good porch for Ice box, beautiful view; good neighbor hood; all own their own homes: close to school and churches. 50 will give you posiieasi.on, balance like rent. 4bl7 N. 39th St Key next door north. C. M. EATON. 1108 W. p. W. Bldg. Ooug. 1884. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SJDB Field Club District Brand new, two-atory dwelling, built by day labor. Fine, large living room, entire width of houae, good o'sed dining room; butler's pantry and nu kitchen. Upatalrs, three dandy bedroom and sleeping poroh; fin bath room with til floor. Oak floors throughout upstair room. Thla ta a first t'laaa home. Nloa lot, splendid surroundings.. Ak to aee It. Can be bought on easy termst Scott & Hill Co. 807 McCague Bldg. Phone Douglas lOHO. Good Home Field Club District 84.760 buy 819 8. S8th St. Thla U a good 5-story, t-room modern square house with steering porch, having oak finish first floor, built only 8 years, located on high, sightly lot, with many beautiful shad trees, block south of car line. Cement garage on premises. Reasonable terms. Must be sld at once. lJon t fall to a this property If you desire a home In this dlatrict. George & Company Tel. D. 768. 808 City Nat. Bank Bldg. LARUS two-story nous and lot lttht 840. out to exchange for smaller place. walking distance, or vaoant lot on Cum ing or 84th St. Place I clear. Will carry difference back on propeny; no equities considered. Addreaa P 848. Bee. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS The Owner of These 3 Properties is Leav ing the City and De sires to Sell at Once 618-680 N. 'SSd M. A double brick, 10 rooma each, all modern, renting for 8M0. 688-40-42 S. 14th St. Three brick flat of 8 room each, all modern; eaat front on 24th St Your opportunity to purchase a fine piece of Income property that ha a great future to it. On 28th St., between Dewey Ave. and Jackaon St, facing west. A large three- story brick building with an Income of something over (2,000 per year. Large lot: easy walking distance. Don't fall to Investigate theee three properties. Hastings & Heyden 1614 HARNEY ST. Beautiful Stucco House, $4,750 uv van nrs.no new t-room nouss. Owner has cut the pric to move It quickly. There la k large living room w.u wntfi ceiung ana fliieplaoe, pleasant dining room, with south exposure, compleb kitchen, with a but ler pantry, thre large bedroom, with plenty of window and good closet; uak flftnr t h rtirwhnnt T-fc. I i . . - . ...... , num. is jocaieu ?n V1 ront lot. h'gh aund HKhtly. w a. viii vM uii-v, m int xMrniai part district. tuOn wlu hanJlav Lot u" at fk i mt vrtu t Kla hnna Glover & Spain 81-8 Olty National. Phone Dotglaa 8W3. BUY A HOME ON KA8Y PAYMENT W have two very floe 8-room cottsfe. modern In every detail. Including furnace, alectrlo light, (as, sewer and water, either on of which can be sold on payments of I WO oaah, balance the same a rent. One of those properties ta prlc4 at 6 300 and the other at 8i.aU); both ar worth more money. Don't you think you bad better make a start now and cut out this rent proposition? PAYNE INVKdTMKNT K. Ware Block. lkmgla Pm. FOR SALK-Modern and attractive T-room bouse; exiellent condition and location. Addrei. A 3M. Bee- GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cash Wheat Drops from Cent to a Cent and. a Half in Spite of Higher at Liverpool. BIO DEMAND FOR ALL CORN OMAHA, April 31, lilt. Cash wheat was from lUfiiup lower. although th TJverpool rabies on wriest were lc higher, hut th poor export de mend caused a break In the market. There were .not many , sales reported In ny cereal; the demand a fair, but th seller were holding not for higher price. STrn w ""changed to le loiter and oat "ac lower. Th export situation while m11 likely to Imomve en eertitnt ee th. . favorable rendition surrounding the essh situation In the Argentine, where they have had long drawn out rains and where the quality of th crop he h3n lowered. Corn specialists say th disposition of country holder to sell around the present level Is against buying on bulgea. Thr sre many bulls who believe that the for eign demand will take th surplu in the next few month. Locally most of the crowd are bearish and hsve been for weeks. Visible supply, however, haa de rreaeed 17,000,000 bu. in the laat five week. t-iearanoee of wheat and flour were JA"M 4M.00O bu.; corn, JJli.000 bu.; oat. , At Liverpool wheat closed unchanged to Id higher, corn, unchanged to Id higher. Primary wheat receipt were 6M,ono bu. and shipments 448.00 bu., against re ceipt of 344.0no bu. and shipment, of in. 000 bu. laat year. Primary corn receipts were 708,000 bu. and shipment 44.000 W, against receipt of 814.000 bu. and shipments of BS&.000 bu. last' year. Primary oat rwelpt were 14 (To bu. and shipment 8M,0nO W, against receipt of 41. (mil bu and shipments of 823,000 bu. Iat year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. w heat Corn. Oat a. Chicago 187 188 138 Minneapolla 1K3 DulutH 110 Omahn 43 68 18 Kansas City. - 74 41 8 St. Louie. ....... 31 7 0 Wlnnlnea 212 These sale were reported today: Wheat No. 3 hard winter: 3 cars. 8I.W4: 1 car, 31 66W; 1 oar. 81.66. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car. 31.MH; 1 car, 81. al. Ry No. 8: 8 care. 810. Corn No. 8 white: 3 cam, 7lc, No, 4 white: 1 car, 7o; 1 ear. TlVio. No. 8 yellow. 1 oar, 724o; 3 oara, 7Vo: 1 car, Tc. Vo, 4 yellow. I car. C80; 1 oar. 7lV4o: 1 ear. Tic. No. 6 yellow: 1 ear. 77Uc. No. 8 mixed: 1 oar. 72V4A, No. i mixed: 1 oar. 72r; I oara, 73o; I nare, 71o, No. 4 mixed: 8 cars, 71o; I cars, 70io: 1 oara. TOSko; 8 oara, TOo. No, ft mixed: 1 car, 7ie; 1 car. .Hio; 1 car, 70c No. mixed: 1 car. 7M.O. Sample: 1 ear, 70c. Oats No. 8 wnite: 4 cam, MHc. No. 4 white: 1 oar, tir. 'No. 8 mixed: 1 car, 63c Sample: 1 car, 61c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. I Tur key, 8l.67Hffl.88H; No. 8 Turkey. $1 MH 1674: No. 3 hard, 21.8641H1.67; No. J hard. 21 64H1.6V4c; No. 4 hard, 81 61Hl 164H: No. 3 spring. 31.6901.6t: No. 3 durum, 31 44flH.46; No. I durum, 1.48'iri.46. Cbrs: No. 8 whit. T2Hft'78'4; No. t white. 7arff7?VL No- 4 white. 71nHc: No. S white, 7rwnV; No- white. 70 70Hc; No 2 yellow, 724073Uc; No '8 yel low, 72Hr724e: No. 4 yellow. TKT72V; No. S yellow, TO72He: No. yellow, XL fmHc; No. 2 mixed, 72WTJHC; No. 8 mixed, 7mmr4c: No. 4 mixed, 7r9714c: No. 5 mixed. 70iTTlHc; No. 6 mixed, t' 70c. Oats: No. 2 white t,ikir,;Ar: standard. KW&MV: No. 8 white. bS1t KV; No 4 white, 6aO3Uc. Barley: No. 2, ll.08&fjl 0; No. 8, 31.07Hg'1.08. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION! Peat area ' of Trndlagr Cloalnar Prices on the Board of Trade. CHICAGO, April n. Excellent eron prospects for th United StateaC poaalbly Hie best ever known, led to heavy selling today In th wheat market here. The out come was h nervous close at lH4j2Vo net decline. Oorn finished lc to IHOISo down, oat off 14o to 2Vfr2c. ana pro vision Ue same as last nlgnt to TSaO higher. frloes for wheat began to break almost aa soon a trading began. Strength - In quotation at Liverpool had only a Pass ing effect here Just at the start Attention quickly centered on flattartng advices re garding th outlook for a big domtlo yield, especially In the more important western tatea, th reault of fine growing weather coming after reasonably good rln. . Notable lessening of. urgency In' th ex port demand whether for old or for new crop deliveries of wheat tended much to emphasise bearish sentiment Country of fering of old wheat Increased and addi tional quantities were bought to come hare from Kansas. Message from the southwest hinted at the likelihood of an unusually early movement of th new crop. Com gradually weakened with wheat Besides, cash demand relatively alow, the weather Ideal for planting and predic tion were current that deliveries on May contract would be large. Bear had thoelr own way In the cats crowd. Field report were moat promising and terminal stock ig. Higher value for hngg made provision flrm: The bulk of the trad consisted of change from nearby option to those more deferred. Future ranged a follow: Artlcl Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Clos. Tra y. Wheatl T May. 1 84HI July. uiij Corn J May., 77 i July. 711 Oata I 1 May.l 66T4 July. I 614 Pork I July I 18 10 July. 10 86 Sept 10 82H Rib July. 10 60 ' Sept. 10 80 1 1H . 7SHI UHI 1 i I 86HI 1 81 1 tvi ss , H 18 07H 18 60 10 88 10 47H 10 47H 10 76 I 78HI I 84 I 83Tif I 18 07HI 18 63H! 10 40 10 86 i 18 OtHj 18 47 HI 10 36 10 62M 10 BO' 10 62HI 10 2HI 10 77HI Chicago Caah Prions-VW.eat: No. 3 red, H.62Vij1.48V.; No. I hard. l .3il,av.. rnrn Vn I vIIax TTV.t7T . u. a low, 76H8c, Oata: No. 8 whit. 64S Mr: lt.ni1aMl HU.MUU- t v k 81 17H- Barley, 740lo. Seeds: Timothy! fj.wut.w, I'tuver, n.WQ-it.w. 1'rovislons: Pork. 317.60; lard. 310; ribs, 3.2Hm0.O3H. BUTTER Higher; receipts. 12.1S tub; creamery, 82'34c. EUKIS Uwr; receipt, 61,19 cases: at mark, cases Included, ITWISc; ordinary firsts, HHISo; flrsUWHe-Uo. POTATOrJH Lower; receipts. T cam Michigan and WUoonaln, red, vac; Mlchlxsn and Wisconsin, whits, 2343 .lie POULTRY-AUv. lower; fowl7l4H,o; springs, 18c. New York General Market. NEW YORK. April r.-eUOAR-aOi-ture were quiet, but the undertone wa steadier In the abenee of offerings and in ivmDtlhv with h. .1 ...... . , l'rlces at midday were 2 to 8 polnu higher. Haw sugar wa firm; centrifugal. 4.4o: molaes. 8.87c; raflnad. itoady - . vs. imjfl: creamery extras, 89 scoring, 30c; cream- w, .wi.i.s, tu.c, iirsis, xiiya F HI Weak; receipts. 46,012 rases fresh gathered extras, 13c, storage packedl Minc; riraia, kl'atno: regular parked extra firsts, 2U4fciio' firsts, aoWyaio; nearby hennery whites! fin to fancy, 24c; nearby hennery brown. CHEESE Firm; receipts, 2.U1 boxes: 4t Whnl. mill, e, Mr, ,r-.t. j . ... k m. iiPMfivu; tat whole milk, average fancy, 169 16c. POULTRY Live, nominal: no price established; dressed poultry, quiet; western fro sen roasting chickens, 17a tlHc, fowls, 14VW7Hc; turkey, l&jjaic. Mlaeieapolla Grain Market. FLOU R Une hanged. BA HVV.TtiQlc. RYE II 14'U4, BRAN ra!M. CORN No. 2 yellow. Tli1r7V4c OATS No. 8 white. 8l'.Wo. SEED Flax. 81.iUVk0..ii8-. "WINNEAPOLIrl. VllnB , April 17. WHEAT May, I1.67H; July. fl.rtlH: No. 1 hard. I1.8SS; No. 1 northe.-n. l.6Hl 6JH. No. 2 northern. 31 jb&l.Oi. . LU Grain Market. ST. I1TJIS. April r7 WHEAT No. I red. 81 6(vun.6A: No. I hard. 1.H: May. II 6tVjl 6v4; July. ll.ann.ttH. CORN-No. 2. 77W; No. 3 whit. 78o; Way 76V; July. 7V- OATS-No. 1 65c; No. t white, 6&8MHC. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. April 77. W H EAT Spot, firm; No. 2 hard winter, 13 H1: No. 2 1 84H) 1 88 I 77Hj ' W 66HI 1 Mr U 80 I 10 40 10 66 I 10 62l 10 83VU ted western winter, is d, Su. If Mani toba, 14a 3td; No. 3 Manitoba. Ia l'vt. tVH.N Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 8s 4Wd, old, 8 vd, La 1'iala mixed, as ivd. OMAHA I.K91KHAL HtRHtT, BfTTKR-.No. L Mb. carton. Sic; No. 3, Mb. tub. c. l liKKSK imported Swiss, 38c; Amer ican wlae. bloi k Mlli. twin, l.'iei'; dalmes, I.Hc; triplet. 17"c; Soung An erli-a, ISr; blue label brli-k. tHc; llm btinrRer. Ill' W New York while, 18c; imported KYenrh Rouuefort. 40o. MNH Trout. Ho; isise crspplea. 14c; halibut, IV; ciiannel cstMsh, He. herrlna, ic, colfpli, 14f; mackerel, 16c. salmon lic. SWI.U POTATt'lKS Kanas. 32 76 bhl., W holesale prlie of beef cuts ctlective Airl 2 are aa follows: HKKK tU'TS Ribs: No. 1. l?ie; No. X l-wf ; No. 3, isic. Chucks. No. I, IOS40; No. 8. V; No. 3, lH". Ilns: No. L lAf; No. 3. lWc; No. 3. litVc. Rounds: No. 1. ISV.C; No, , IV; No 8, lic. Plate: No. 1. ,c; No i, 8Hc; No. 8. K,c. Ifll LI RY Broiler. 20c; spring chick ens, lie: hens. 14c: cocka. Hc; rooatera, SV; stage, 84j-; ducks, 16c. gee, 10c; turkey. ISftl.ic; pigeons, per do.. Me: ducks, full feathered, lOc; geeae, full feathered, 8c; uab. No. L 8l.au; No. 8, Krult gnd vegetahl prloc furnished by Gllllnskl Prult company: . rRVlTS-Oranes: California xtra fancy navels, all alaea, 1.136 per box; 6 box lota. 8.1 16 per box; fancy California pa vela, all aisra, 88 per box; 8-box lots, 8? per box. Imons: fwncy Sunklst nns, .Va, 84 to 34.su per box; choice Red Pall. 33 Ml per box. Grapefruit: 86. 82; 4fta. ti.lt. 64a, $160; 84a. 3176 per box. Ap ple: lOvtra fancy white winter Pear malnea. fl per box; extra fsnry Oanos, 31 60 per box. rinapplea: Taney Cuban 3V 8. 33 76 per crat; t-erat lota. 3S per crate for shipment Wednesday E Thursday, April '& and 38. Bananaa: to 8J.26 per bunch; 4n per lb. Straw, rrles: Louisiana pints, market price on date of shipment, prospective price, per case. VEOFTArtl.KS California new rah bage, lo to K Ihe., 8c pr lb. Celery: Jumbo, 0o per do. Head lettuce, 31 per del. Leaf lettuce: 400 per do. Arti choke: 21.60 per do. Kndlve: 36c per lb. Onion: Yellow, 80 per lb.; Texa Ber muda, white, 81.25 per crate; Texas Ber muda, yellow, 3: per crate. Onion set: Yellow and red. 31.60 per bu.; whits, 11.78 per bu. Peppers: 60e per basket. To matoes: Faney, 34 per crate. Radishes: f-c per dm.. Spinach: 600 per do. Psr elejr: 5Cc per d'. Turnips: 600 per do. Potatoes: ,"Yiloraflo Rural, 76o per hu.; Re. River Ohl.w, 80c per-bu.; Minnesota whites, ttto per hu. Mushroom: 60c lb. Asparsgu' Home-grown, 81.26 per do. MlSv'fcLLANKOrff-Shelled popcorn, 4C per lb. Crackerjnrk: 8T.60 per eaee; one-half caae. 31.76. I4mea: 81.78 per basket. ClieeVers: 3Seo per rase- one halt ease, tl.Tt. Peanut: Raw, 70 per lb.; sack lota raw Jumbo, 80 par lb.; rold. RHo per lb.; salted, $1.60 per can. Cocoanuts: 88.M per sack; 6O0 per do. Nuts: No. 1 California wslnuts. Ho per lb. Ursula. U'.c pr lb. 80 8 o. figs, 3: r dot. f 11 gar walnut aatee: 1.40 per ox. Filberts: 16c ner lb. Pecans: lfwc per lb. Almonds: 20c per lb. Corm aad Wheat Region Balletla. .At Omaha, for the twenty-four hour ending at 6 a. m., 76th meridian time Tuesday, April 27, 1916: STATIONS OF OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain- Dlatrict High. Low. fall. Sky. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Aahland. Neb,. 78 86 .00 Auburn, Nob... 74 64 .11 Broken Bow.... M 41 .06 Columbu, Neb. e 62 .09 OulberUon.Nb.c3 40 .00 Fairbury. Nt.. 73 4 .08 Fairmont. Neb. 70 47 .10 Or. Island, Nb. 70 83 .00 Hartlngton, Nb 64 OT Hasting, Neb. 71 48 .04 Holdrege, Neb.. 71 47 .08 Lincoln. Neb... 72 64 .00 KIa IH.lt. KTfc. a. AM , A Oakdale, Neb.. 67 63 .10 Omaha. Neb.... 72 M .X) Tekamah, . eh. 76 64 .00 Valentine, Nob. 68 42 .14 Alia, la. 70 62 .13 Carroll. Ia 72 64 .80 Clarinda, la.... 77 60 . 30 Mlbley, la. 71 63 .36 Sloua City. la. 70 88 .00 Cloudy Cloudy AVERAGES OF CENTRAL STATIONS. Central No. of - Temp. Rainfall Station. Station. High. .Low. No. Ave. Columbu ...18 62 1 .10 .. .00 ,. .00 t .10 Louisville ...23 Indlanap'll .12 80 88 86 . . M 78 m 76 70 62 60 0 60 68 4 64 60 C'hloago 24 St. Loul ...38 De Molnea. .84 Minneapolla .61 Kan. City ...84 .00 M 84 a 6 .60 .40 .20 Omaha 17 .10 Th weather continue very warm In the eastern portion of the com and wheat region. Shower were renaral In the weetern portion. Rain of en tnnh or more occurred aa follow: Chariaa City. Ia., 1 00; Mllhenk. S. D., 1.04, and i-arnpDeii, Minn., i.a. Lj. A. WFTH. Local Forecaster, weather Bureau. Kanaaa City Grain and Provision. . n .nu . - . , ,-,', 1 , M I . T, 1 1 (JAM 1 May, 11.6V ; July, l.7MjX274; Septom- urr, li.lo-nttU'l.lBtt. tDRN No. 2 miged. TMPmWe: No. wnite, rw: ro. I yellow. 7be: hfo. a 75c; May, 7rl1(8!734o; July, 7Ho; Septem ber, 7Hc. OA I H No. 8 white. MWfffifo: No. a 61H4l12o. Coffee Market, NEW YORK, April 27. COFFEHV-Tha Markat for futures waa much Ices active today and scattering account appeared to have been pretty well evened up, while may noucea were circulating yesterday. After opening quiet at unchanged nrloea. the market eased off under amall offar- inga in the absence of prompt support, but steamed at a' net mss or from 8 to 10 points and later rallied on near month covering. Th close wa net I point higher to I point lower. Sale. 8.000 bags; April, 68t5c; Mav 6.rSc; June. .06c; July, 7 ic; August, 1.81c : September, 7.30c; Oo- tober, T.c; November, 7 c; December, t.mc: January, T.aic; renruary, i.vie; March. 7.74c. Snot quiet: Rio. No. T. TVo: Santo No. 4. 10c. Coat and freight offers were reported unchanged. Rio xoheng l-i(Kl lower. Miine prices uncnangea. Metal Market. KFJW YORK. April 27. M BTAIJt Lead steady, at 34.lfrti4.20; Indon. 30 17a id titll (m. Spelter, firm; spot. 118.76; May. gin: ionaon, u. TlN-nrni, K1.60 bid. Iron: quiet and unchanged. Copper: Strong; electrolytic, 6lft.7b; casting, l.i. At London: Copper: Spot. 81 I futures, ta 10. Tin. Spot, 164 10; fu ture, tit M. Antimony msaavi. I Cotton Market. new york. April n.-orrro Nnnot. quiet; middling uplands, 1060c; no aalea Cotton futures closed steady: May, 1A1W., Till- in Mm A-.aa. l aAa. I v.v., wu.y, . . w j , w . i , i J. , .v- comber, 10.64c; January, 10 86c; March, U 06c The market closed steady at a nst de cline nf KA11 points. LIVERPOOL. April 27. COTTON Soot. In fair demand: nrioes ataady; good mid dling, .loa; mlining. 6.74d; low middling. 6.Md; aalea, io,wo bale. Iry Good Market, KIW YORK. April 27. DRY QOODS Cotton good were firm and quiet today. Yarn were antlva. Silk for fall were quiet. Men' wear In sheer construction wa active for Immediate delivery. Fall trade wa quiet. An order for 26,000 wool blankela for Belgium was filled. Evaporated Apple mm Dried Frwlt NEW YORK, April 27. EVAPORATED APPLES Iu II and nominal. DHiiui) FRUITS Prunea. quiet- Apri cot and peachea neglected. Halalns in active. Blewx rttr Live Stk Markat. SIOUX CITY, April 27 CATTLE Re ceipts. 1,0 head; market lOo lower: native steer. 8a 8r8.00; butcher. So.804f7.60; oow and heifer, 86 67 60; canner. 33 60 06.00; stocker and feeder. 87.0007 70; calves, 88. 0000. bulls, ataga, eta, 44 7? SO. HOOS Receipt. 6.800 head market 6o lower; heavy, 17 tl.V, mixed, 7.1tiy 7.20; light, a7.0Xt7.lfi. SHEEP AND LAM A43 Receipt , l.frO head; market steady; ewea, 64.ToO7.00; lamb, 87 sufjn OQ. Kaaaaa City Llv Stock Markat. KANSAS CITY. Mo., April r.-CATTLE Hacelpta. 88.000 head: market hlghar; prim fed steers. IN ArfK OO., dretsexl beef tear. 87.80l 10. weatern ters, 87.36f) 8.10; stocker and feeder. 86luS.40; bulls 6Vfr36; calvea, .M10.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 8.700 head: market lower; lamb. M'oUVTl; vearlmaa. 17 wtj.. jo, weather, 7 J.76, ewea, HTjt.SO. OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Cattle Attire Sellers at Good, Steady Prices Sheep Slow, Bayer Very Bearish. H0OS AROUND TEN CENTS OFT BOI'TII OMAHA. April 27. 1915. Receipt were: Cattve. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday 8,106 .'4 4'14 Estimate Tuesday , 16.600 l.tW Two days' tntsla 16.301 23.6A4 1 1.314 fme day last week. .1041 1S,(4 10, Sam 3 weak ago 10 474 M.7 tn.3'2 Sam 3 weeks so ft. 30.4.17 17.8A6 Psme 4 weeks sgo Il.ttl 30.M8 2.61t Ssme days Isst year.... 8.081 11. Wl 13.434 Th following table show th receipt of rattle, hose and sneep at tb South Omaha live .lock -narket for the year to data, a compared with last year: 116. 1314. Inc. C(tl 3.W.M7 3.23 63,M6 Hon U"3. P,T47 lM.H Shep M8.130 0,ITi4 1.144 The following table show th average price for hogs at the South Omaha live tock market for th last few day, with comparison: Data. 1916. li4.lll3.llMl.lfll.lV9.l. Anrll I 8 3w iH I Mw ? 07H 3 7 I 46 e H I 01 6 80 f M IN 102 M IN M t 01 T 06 April 18 Anrll 14 ADrll la April 16 Anrll 17 April III Anrll 191 14 3 April 301 8 Vk a sot April 31 April 33 April 3a 1 Arm 84 I ' 1 68 3 78! e April 2i A Di ll W 84 I 6 Ml 6 74 13( I 8 601 7 611 8 all 23 I 32 I 3T T 87 6 86 3 04 1 6 rl April r Sunday. . . .. . . . 1 i.t Hu. a. An re-ipia ana aipomun ... " " r " at the I'nlon Stock Yard. South Omaha. tor twecty-rour noun enuin a& y Cattle. clog. Bnp.n see. C M. st. r.. Ws bash I t 68 11 7 30 6 S3 4 1 2 Missouri Paelflo .... is i 16 Union Pacific C. N. w., at.., C eV N. W., wst... C. St. P.. M. A O.. C. B. Q., east... C, B. q., west.., C. R. I. 4 P east r n 1 a, p.. msi Illinois Central 6 Chicago O. W 8 Total receipt Morri 4 CO Swift at Co Crdahy Parking Co.... Armour Co Uneoln Packing Co.... So. Omaha Packing Co Mcrrwll W. B. Vansant Co Hill A Son F B. Lewi Huston Co B. Root Co H. Bulla L. F. Hub tloeenstock Bros Kellogg Werthelmer Degen.. H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Broa Rothschild Mo. Kan. Calf Co... Christie Hlggln Huffman Roth ... Mayer Tanner Broa. John Harvey time -,. Dennis ft Francis., Other buyer Total...;.... 8.&ST 8,6M T.780 CATTLE Heeelnt wer rery liberal thla morning and th total for the two diivl mnunla tn 16 108 head, being the largest for any similar period for a long time back and larger than a year ago by over 7,000 head. In rtta of the large re ceipt th trad wa In vry sausiaciory condition, th movement on most kind being active. The big bulk of all the cattle ohangvd hand In very good season In th forenoon. Handv liahtwela-ht beeve of good quality wer th moit nought after and they wer free seller at prloe that were fully ateady to poaalbly a little stronger In apot. On th other hand heavy rattle, though steady, were not so active a th lighter weight. Cow and heirera were tree aeuor ana It did not take pubere vary long to clean ud th desirable offerings, although r prices lust as high a ever, but with more cattle In alaht buyer wore able to dis criminate more cliwely an to quality, with in result tnot tne ia oeairaoie xinas wore slow and oluty n little lower In spots. quotation on eattle: Oood to choice yearling. I6.fl0rr8.40- good to choice heavy corn fed heaven, 377Mf 00; fair to good oomfed beeves, 8T60rr7.76; common to fair oomfed beeves, 7."iP7.60; good to choice heifer, 84. 766, 00, good to chole cow, M.Cr7.26; fair to good rows, 86.76C4l.0O; common to fair cow, 23.7ftuX.78; good to c holes stocker and feeder, 7.25u7.80; common to fair atockor and feeders. S8.2IVU7.36: etock hlfr. 86.Tbtr7 28; stork oow. 6.60a.76; Stock calve. 84.264)8.36; veal calve. 87.2E4.76; fat bull, stag, etc., S6.00ti4.60; stock bulla, S6.3iaH.60. Rapreserttstlve sale: BKEF STEERS. Ha 4... II... U... 4f... 11... St... U... t... II... M... Av. Ne. Av. Tt. 1 34 ;3 T 41 1 6ft 1 H T 1 at II., r.. 34., .. 34.. II., ..111 It ..IMI 7 at .. HI T M . io .1100 . HI T M !" 1 F0 1 SI 1 H I It .1400 . 117 .K0 . 1 . 81 .117 It II 1411 13 Til BTKKRH ANi. Ha,tla;iri ... sn T M M Hi T M ..... 3 3 16 1 N ... lot 1 M il ... MT IN II ... rw 14 1'... M EIFe.rto, ...Ml 4 4 ... M IN f ... M IN 14 ... 67 T 10 4 .1144 T T . 144 T M . M 6 36 . l T II . 441 7 10 . 114 1 44 . 413 t 4 1 17 T 1 . . BULLS. 140 4 0 I Ml 4 II 1 110 6 M 1 UUO 1440 I II 1 1IU I 44 I loio i 4 l :h iu 1 114 I Tl 1 446 7 6 HALVES. M m I Tt 1 II 8 31 I III T 1 I 4 M 1 44 7 M t lit I 1 II 41T T 40 J Ik It SO 7 44 3 88 . 1 116 14 C 1 STOf K K I'M AND FEEDERS. 13 M 14 II ITI T I 3 a 4 71 4 TS 7 40 10 'Ill t 16 It 116 1 71 8 M IN 14 I.t I ... 41 R It 61 ut 33 mi t M HOOS A heavy run. the heaviest for ome time, showed up thla morning, about iM ears, or 14.W) head being received. The U-tal for the two days Is ZJ.sM head, a gain of S.Ooo over laat week, and twice as large aa for th same period of laat year. Trade opened bearish, but seller ex pec ted to tsk off om on so large a run, and hlppr had little trouble In filling their order at figure that were a big nickel and In om Instances a much a 410e lower. Moat of their pur chase were mad at 87 307.26, with sev eral loads aa high a 87 ku. Paoker mada their early bids a big 10c below yesterday' prion, and a salesmen wer not expecting to make ao lar a conceaalon, n thing wa don until well aln toward noun. About 10:80 packer began raising their offer clowly and starting at their early bid or 7.1H price gradually worked upward until when first sales wer made they were no more than a big nickel be low yeateraay. t,vtn at this time mo ve rm nt waa rather dull, and when the big bulk of the supply finally moved It waa at price that war hardly 6 lower. To ward th extreme cioa not oorapatltlon brought prio on a few of the last sales up to almost a ataady basis. A clearance was made before noon. Hulk of the killer moved at 37.17HA T.8.H. with the big string at 17 20 and a numoer or (nippers ren it. lb, with tops at 17.30. Th average markat was hardly tc lower, althougn chipper wer pretty close to 6310o off. Kt. at. 8k. ft. . Av. . v. at w ... 1 ii r tn t i nw. U tet ... IU 11. U 16 , u m ... 1 M II ... 7 K 14 It ... 1 3 TT 3o ... 1 (0 SHEEP Arrival totaled omethlnc lika M car, or I.OU0 head, thla morning, run ning aa usual er iai largely U lamb. Thl waa a fairly liberal run aa com pared with most day of the last fw 8 84 T 66 6 86 8 83 T4b IM 3 8 80 e o 36l8 7 TK IK 6 4l 6 (A t 6i fir 3 n i Imi 8 7 t TO 4 OA I 78, f 80 I M 4ft! I f 64 83 8 46 I f 64 I 83 3 3. 841 f 46 I 80 El 3 4l T 43) 277 213 84 I DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hog. Sheep. , 6.18 1.638 404 .1.640 1.674 tm ,1.141 3.064 S.TM ,1,08 I.3N 2,1M , 48 .10 . 21 . 74 , 61 i 1 , 39 . 103 . 81 . 43 . 84 . 88 . 13 . 18 . 113 274 , . TO v 20 14 Ill :. w 261 IM 1H2 364 41 134 werka. Talker who made a big fight sralnat paying higher prices yeaterdav welcomed the heavier receipts tcdny a good chance to work value toward lower levels, and they mrte tlielr offers all of quarter lower, and some trader thought aa much aa wnc rielnw yester day a fig'irea. Salesmen could aee no reaaon for the prnioacd decline and aa they were pricing; their offerlnga on Mon day basis thin. remained at pretty much of a standstill until a late hour. In the end aellera wer forced to glv In, th lambs selling shout 26c lower tnsn yraterday's extreme high prices. There were tin sheep In sight to make a test of the market. Quotation- on sheep and lambs: Lambs, light, 310 Jf.U10 66: lambs, heavy. 810 00 10.86; lambs, shorn. H.W1; yenrlln. light, 8."i.Si; yearlinga, heavy. 3.lCf 8 00; wther. good to choice, Is.OOJiSO; wethcra, fair to good. 21.7&tr8.0u; ewes, good to choir. 8.0iiI8.60; ewes, fair to ood, 37.6C8 00. No. Av. Price 16 cult lamb 64 8 60 116 fed lambs M 10 4 271 Wyoming shorn ewe to 1 on JJ6 Wyoming horn ewe 80 7 AO ir.,1 Wyoming shorn ewe 8 161 368 Wyoming shorn ewe 2 7 0) i70 fed lambs 77 10 .S CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET CHICAGO, April 27. CATTLE Re ceipts. 8.0m head: market steady; na tive beef ter. 86. IOflS.66; western steers, IM.nf7.40; row and h4fera, l8.in9s.iO; calves. HlVtieco. IKKIS-Reeelpta. 12.000 head: market weak at a shad advance; bulk of sales. 27.407 Si; ght. 7.3Sw.gn; mixed. 87 01 T.60; heavy. 8H.80ni7.5O; rough, ti.90;.0i; plga, ft yyu,76. SltRHP ANT) lJtMBS-Rcelpt. 18.000 head; market alow; hp, 37.tuQ4.60; lamb, 3H.9'10.80. . t. I.nwla Live Stoek Market. ST. LOl lS. April 27 -CATTLW Re ceipt, 24.6.T6 head; market 10c higher; native beef inra. 87 6(U 60; yearllngM. leer and heifers. SS.orvuo.30: rows. 86.00a 7.26; stocker and feeders, 0Ofl'J.76; ouinem steer, xn anfe vu; row and befT. er. 840r4.00: calve. 3.OHi60. HOtlS Rc.pt , head; market lower; plga and light, S60B7.7O; mixed ' and butcher, 87.4aT7.t,; good heavy, 87.40 Q7.00 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, l.OM head; market strong; lambs, 80 6tvffio.T8; ewea. SatntW; clipped lamha. 67M,10- M.HInn a-riVAUA,t. aIImma u.-pII - T.tfjul7.;6;. St Joaeph LI Stnck Market ST. JOSEPH. April IT-CATTLE Re ceipt. 3,300 head; market weak; eteara. r.0rja60: cow and heifer, 34.e0O4.tt; clve. Sd.OntjAoO. HOOSRtKelpt. .!O0 head: market lower; top, 17.); bulk of aalea, 27.304 T.87H. SHETOP AND LAMBS Receipt. 4,0011 head; markat alow, 4lO.26JilO.76. Local gtneks nad Roads. Quntatlona rarnlh4 by Burn Brtaser Cm., 441 Cm-be Mai lest I bank eulldlos . tn- Bid. Atkt4. Avery a O ttu ;i liutltr Bros. .x) t llr gtrvlo Md M 1 Cltr Tnie pri., Oraaht in Cltr Natlenai Hank. Omaka loe Deer a, Oa , M.,., 7 A rairmonl CrMnwry I r eaat f4.... )m Ut A H-4rulle Prtas Prick, com 1 . Llaroin Tel. Tel., rem 84 01 Mnlln Plow, fti H 101 Omtna P. n. M, Kr. M.,.. 14, 7"4 Omtha m V. BR.. B.. r tt t'nUed H. L lit pt4 71 7iifc I'nloe TanUOataha M t'1l. Ortla. com'. tt ..... Bwltt Od yW 304 lot Bon at Athlna Apt. I. HIT J OH OrmmnnWMlth Edtmn Co. la. 141.... 9 100 Olumhui. N.b , kClw. 6a. UJ4. ....... l s Ianlee Hltr Co. , 11.3 lo Hooker Co., Ntb., I lee lot Ui.nln O K. Ii. ilti ... M New Tork City 4t. 161 msk ssva tlraah Steer 4t, 11WI , lot , .10j i'lt o Omtha Imp. 4 St. 1117 M in Omtha Wtur 4vt. 1HI Iti jnjit Oir.ha c. H. m. Itf. ta. 1M tt m t eritt m Co. to, 44 Hu "tat of I tah m in iiu 6-ttae Inltad empire le tiu. loivtrelir Plaue. Neb., 4H. 1H7 M tw Wlckll baioa Stark Vtnli 4t, UI4... at joo New York May Market. NKW YORK, April 27, MERCANTILHl PAPER 3Ht34 per cent. STlf RLl.Nti KXCHANUB Fay; tO-dny till. 84.T6-6; for cable, Him; tor da- i.nH, r..-K ' SILVER Bar. StlUe; Me.lran MntleM SHe. ' . " BONDS Government ataaitv! Hllra4 firm. MONEY Time toon. aler: 10 and M oaya, S4f per cent; six month, 3tya 'e per cam. vati money, eaay; high, 1 rr cent; low. 14 per cent; ruling rate. ' per cent; laat loan. 3 per cent; cloalng bid, 1 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Londow Stork Market. tie on the etock market failed to hold ' .i,TiiuvvmenL ana ctoewo: ey. A modereto amount of bualnean til flnlM wllh AK t.klu,. t'. -I. - a . o ...t, v. duiuii a-i;i.iu tn nioL acuve share. HILVKR-Br. 1VIM per ounn. . MrVvKY-IHTTlH par cnt. cent; 8 month. I jrMicjS per cont. . Bank Clearing. OMAHA. April i7.-Bnk clearing rite Om.ha, . . w - ., ... m T ,?r. J oorrwaponding day last year. MILLER UNDER SUSPICION FOR NUMBER OF THEFTS Tha police will take th aheea away from Ed J. MUer. itinerant. nm 41m thl morning and carry them to the horn Of W. H. Thomag Of th Brandela atorea In order to compare tha cole with foot print mada In tha Thoma garden by a man who tried to get In Sunday night. Mr. Thoma aew th man trying te get In and h acreamed, frlghtanlng him away. She wa unablo to Identify Mil ler laat night Detective Eddie Morgan arreated Miller yesterday when th latter tried to pawn a watch toln from th horn of C. R. Archer, California flat. On Miller' head wa Mr. Archer1 hat, and In hi pocket wa a pair of Archer1 spectacles. Washington Affairs Continued flocking of foreign labor to Panama In the completion of a canal hag mad restrictive measures necessary. Ac cording to advices to the State depart ment immigrants arriving In Panama an third class or deck paaaanger now are) rxiulrd to depoait 830 with tha govern ment pending presentation of proof that they have secured permanent employe ment Electric propelling machinery of tha new battleship California, first battleship) of any nation to be equipped with the electric drive, will be built by th Gen eral Electric company of New York for St-l.OOO. Award of the contract wa .an nounced by Secretary Daniel. Assistant Secretary Rooaevalt of tha Navy deiMtrtment and Assistant Secre tary Phlllpp of th Stat department, who, with Vice President Marshall, rep resented the government at the formal dedication of the Panama-Pacific axpoaia tlon at San Francisco, reported to Pres ident Wilaon that the exposition wa a luoceee In every way. Senator Henry 'F. Llppltt of Rhode Is land and Mr. Thoma K. Laughlln of Pittsburgh were married at Mi. Laugh lln' s home by Rev. Cotton Smith. Mr. Laughlln I a sister of Mn. William Howard Taft. Will reduc Inflamed. Strained! Swollen Tendon. Ligament; Musclea or Brule. Stop th i j lamenee and pata from a Splint, " Side Bone or Bone Spavin. No bliiter. no hair eon. Horse caa be tiled. 2 a bottl delivered. Describe your rase for pcil int true lion and Book 2 K Free ABJQRBINE, JR., th antiseptic liniment fot mankind. Reduce Strained, Torn Liga ment. Enlarssd Glanaa. Vein r f-iis Ti . Heel Cute, ora, tUei. Auer Mia. rtu WIMlltlltMiilmM4. BtANt . 1 1 , IrM. . 10.80, f.lf- 1 04 T cajst ttrad, etYUit', ttsk